Winners at Annual Public School Award Night s At the annual Award Night held at Newcastle Public School on Tuesday, Feb. l4th, the above stu- dents received special awards. They are, from left to right, Joe Bezubiak, Alan Milhench, Mike White, Ernie Wilcock, Heather Hoard, Angela Chard, Arlene May Munro and Susan Walton. Their awards were as follows: Storks Award, Grade 7, Arlene May Munro, Joe Bezubiak, presented by Kim Storks; Public Speak- ing 1966, Susan Walton, presented by Mrs. M. Brereton; Science Prize (Lions), Angela Chard, Alan Milhench, presented by Murray Walton; Music Prize, Alan Mil- hench, presented by George Chard; English Prize, Heather Hoar, presented by Murray Walton; History Prize, Ernest Wilcock, presented by John Riekard; McMahon Sports Award, Mike White, presented by Lyle McMahon; Munro Prize, Alan Milhench, Heather Hoar, presented by Ronald Munro; Wilmot Gold Medal, Angela Chard, preeented by Irv McCullough. During the evening, public speaking contestants included Mary Grace Paterson, Cathy Rivers, Randy Parkin, Joe Bezubiak,' Susan Walton, Reg Freethy, Carolyn Woodland, Charlotte Brereton, Ruth Paterson, Tim Blaker and Janice Woodland. Mary Grace Pater- son was the winner speaking on Expo and Janice Woodland, the Junior winner on Canada's Ernblem, the Beaver. Members of the graduating class were Keith Call, Jim Darrach, Mark Alldread, Ernie Wilcock, Roger Peel, Mike White, Peter Swier, Alan Milhench, Peggy Darrach, Margaret White, Heather Hoar, Angela Chard, Bonnie Cunningham and Cathy Jukes. Photo by Lloyd McRobbie: Join the Moccasin Dance Sports and At. Officiai Arena Openîng, Personals Newcstl-Noit sn't suni- burn or roses on the faces of This Saturday Night at7 members, its just plain red Somehingtheyneyer intend- Newcastle-An idea which{atelyi,$24,000 bas been raised. Ta mark the officiai opening ed ta do, but with ail the work became areality, that is what 'f ever a project deserved the a special prograrn is planned and worry of trying to nun artificlal ice in Newcastle 's title of a community effort, for Saturday evening. At things srnoothly, something today. Something that onceawasgewrn.atwek was taiked about, finally got this is one, since it seems a ee ..1 ecsl ils'aologies wroLet ee t fts start and las been going though every citizen las lent hockey teani will Play Bow- Jamie Wright for laving been alead ever since. a land or donated at least a manville girls. Aften the left off the list of tlanks that On Apnil 26t1, 1965, a groupdolr There is no doubt that opening ceremionies the New- were extended to the many cf Newcastle citizens heid a 'on Saturday evening. the castle Woodlands play an Ahl- who contributed pnizes for thé meeting and a cornmittee was proudest, and et the saine time Star Junior teamn from Bow- recent dance. This week, stili appointed ta meet witl Council lumblest citizens of tle village manville. At 10 p.rn. a rnoc- another namne las corne ta seeking permission to install will be the members of the casin dance on tle new ice light, that of Gordon Garrod an artificiai ice plant in the Artificiai Ice Committee. Proud surface will be staged. Ail Jr. of Ganrod's Vaiety and local arena, At the council that tle plant is now in opera- proceeds will be directed ta- Grill. There was no excuse. meeting of April 28t1, this tion and humble in the wards finishîng the project other than a luman mistake group was given the go-ahead knowledge that witlout the with tle new cernent floor ta tIat the committee lapes will and the permanent Artificial support of everyane in the be instailed this summer be- be forgiven by these men. Ice Committee was formed. village, t I i s achievement ing the largest itemn on tIc The 50-50 draw was again Since that tume, approxim- would not have been possible. list. Ield at Garrod's 'Store, wilh, the proceeds of hlf of the winnîngs going to thc Midget ScutF thrsa d Sos Hockey Ta.Tewne Scou Faters nd S ns lis week was Mrs. Helen Nesbitt. Congratulations. The Midgets met on their orneice on Fniday evening Join for Annual Banquet gainst the e~ami gfr Mll Newcastle:- On Saturday blue and yellow, witl yellowv Scout Assistant Les Bur- ended with Miilbrook tle win- evening, the Community Hall candles and il large pot of roughs. liens, with a final score of 4-3. was the scene of the annuel yellow mnims was centred at In B Troop, Scoutmaster During the second period, latler and Son banquet held the head table. Place cards Bob Shearer was introduced, the goalie for Millbrook stop- eacl year by the Newcastle were made up of Scouts in witl assistant, Ronald ped a puck whidh lit extreme- Group Comnlttee o! tIe canoes or teepees wilh nap- Lowry; absent that evening ly hard on tIc ide of the Scout and Cub Movement, andi kins set inside. was Robent Niclolîs of Ken- head. He passed out almout catened by the members o!ù The Iead table guests were dal. Otler introduced includ- at once and .ladd ta be remov- the Scout Mothena' Auxiliary. Charles Megit, rcpresenting ed Cubmaster Mns. Florence cd fromn the ice on a door On thc stage of the upstairsi the Lions Club wîo support Tilîson of A Pack will lier whicl served as a stretcher. auditorium, Scouts of lsûthte Scout movernent in New- new assistants, Mrs. Marlon He lay on the floor of the ne- Newcastle A Troop lad put castle. He is also Clairman Glanville and Miss Linda Je!- fresîment booth until thc up displays of thc work donc of Finance. William Stonks, fery, and froni B Pack, Cub- Bowmanville Anea Ambulance in tle past year. Something Clairman of Public Relations,1 master Mrs. Doreen Nesbitt came to take him ta the hos- of a different variety for and lis son, Scout KÏm Storks. and lier assistants, Mrs. Con- pital. The last word heard was Newcastle was tle map of William Caîl, Clairman of nie De Jong and Mrs. Pat was On Saturday afternoon Camp Gonton, near Corning, the Gnoup Commîttee, and lis Parker. wlen we learned le was to ne- New York, wlere some of thec son, Cul Corey Caîl; guest Mn. Cahi stressed that witî- main in Memorial Hospital, local Scouts spent a week tîts speaker, E. R. Lovekin; and out leaders there could le no Bowmanville, for a few days past summen. The map, dnawnj Pat Biaker, secretany of the Scouts or Cubs. Leadership longer. The Newcastle teani by George Gray, slowed Group Committce, and lis means putting in a lot of tume left Monday evening for their wlerc ail the camp sites wene, two sons, lotI Cuba, Timotly and wonk ta îelp in tle de- second gaine will Milibrook the dhurcI, lospital, dining and Gordon. veloping of young boys, and at Milbrook. Newcastle were hall, hobby slop, and boat Foilowing Grace, said by le hped thèt the leadersthloes and swirnming ares. He also Mr. Shaker, and a toast ta tle were as appneciated by every- The Pee Wees played th1cm displayed several souvenirs o! Queen, the boys and fallers one as hie was that lley laed tournamTent in Milibrook on his trip. A camp site, comn- and tle leaders o! thc two t1cm. Saturday, w i t Newcastle plete wilh bonfine with a Cub Packs and two Scout The lead table was lIen meeting Keene in their final realistic fire made of ned col- Troops sat down ta a lovely introduccd and Mr. Lovekin gaine, losing 7 to 1. Tîcir ored cardboard also, was set dinner senved by the ladies called on to say a few words. second game was lost to Oak- up. Many hobbies and toys o! tle Newcastle Scout Mo- He was introduced as being Wood by a score of 8 ta 1. muade by the boys o! tle troop , thens Auxiliany. a past president of tIc spon- Games and exam studies wene seen by the fathers lak-1 Foliowi ng tle dinnen, Mn.. soring gnoup, the Lions Club. are conflicting these days, but ialg in tle display. Shaker called on tle ladies His topic was "Acres of Dia- lel's keep in mmnd, that those In the Lions Room down- and offened deserving apprný- monda." He pointed out that parents who signed thecm boys stairs, boys of both A and B ciation for anothen wondenful youtî taiks a different lan- up knew o! this before hockey Cul Packs lad tacked up1 meal. Speaking on behaîf of guage than adults. They caxi slarted. The coaches, too, their progness clants, flags the malIens, President Mrs. talk ta each aller, they can nealize the importance of and masks. Several bean Jean Wager affered once do things xvtl cacl other and sclool but lhey dan'l set tle bags, woggles, and toys were :again to lelp in an y way if thley can work together, tîey dates for these big games, they displaycd, scnap books and the committee askcd. are a part of anc another. play %vlcn the higher-ups say. puzzles lIat were made carlier Mr. Cail proceeded ta in- This, le pointed out, was good It's not easy on tle coaches to be taken in ta tle children troduce the leaders, explaîn- and*stressed that '"thene is lit- or managers ciller as tley et tle hospitals. ing that due ta lis fatlen's île room left for honers". lave no cloice, sa in passing in thc banquet hall, the deatl, Scoutmaster Win Col-, There is somnething for cvery- Out any blame, lake some head table and tîrce long ier was absent. Assisting hi one, big nmen or smaîl, but yourself, thc boys can't play tables set in front of it werei in A Troop and presen]t atte oniy by working together is witlouîtIch signatures o! their deconated in the calons of dinner were Roy Hopkins and! thene a place for cacl o! US. parents. __________________________________________ As a iawyer, le named sev-. Folhow tle scledule set up erai important names o! those in hast week's paper for tle I horn le feels are bigger than three Pee Wee and Atom AUl * 'l~~~~~~~e is and wlat lhey arnountedStraespadevyFn * Ato since scîool days, Phi, day. And how about attend- Givens, Toby Robins o! TV ing these games? Several faces Iro f ie clieci pLà lien fmeMagistrates and County of mollens and fatlers haven't Court Judges, ail people he yet been seen at cithen pnac- was a part of during scloolitice, game on tournament. Cerem o)nies 'the Massey family gave to'Canadiens -- NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL ARENA Hall, the veny building wlere Leefs 2 1 O 1 3 the boys now meet, tIe bowl- Bruina ---------2 0 2 0 O ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANT ing ahîcys since added ta tle Friday night gaies ended in __hall just a few short yeans ago scores as followa, Atom All- a nd now in 11cmr very own Stars over Canadiens 1 ta0O atr a F b ime, the Centennial Room in with Leafs winning aven i ldy, F b 2 t te process of being buiht Bruina 2 la 0. 7:00 pan. whene tIc old kitchen once Fniends and neiglibors in was. An the Antificial Ice ne- Memonial Hospital, Bowman- 7:0 p.n.- Nwcaîl Gils s.cently installed in the local ville, this week are: Mns. Lii- 7:00p.m.- Nwcasle irlsvs.arena, where evenyone waa haen Aiken, Mn. George Collins, Bowmanville Girls able ta hend a hand, litle Mn. John Davis, Mns. Elsie people working togetîen rais- Sisk, Mn. Clarence Hale, Mis. 8:15 p.m. - Official Opeuing Ceremonies ing money, togetherness was Jean Langley, Mn. Tom Len- a must. nard, Master Allen McCarthy, 8:30 p.m. - Newcastle Woodlands vs, "Take youn place boys, Mns. Doris Robinson, Mn,. Dora Bownianvil Junior Ail-Stars make youn way. big or âanal" Smith, Mns. Margaret Smith, le concluded. 'IRermemben ta Mr. Joseph Stellar and Mr. 10:00 pa. - Moccasin Dance work together, you can flnd Henry Tebble. Recenitly ne- an acre o! diamonds -in your tunned from hospital ane Mrs. own back yard or fan away Elva Voutt and Mrs. Jean ADMISSION froni home." Brownlee. ............ tJ si lai ai mi Pt th r. Ladies - 200 and over - Bev- erley Lake 290, Vicki Blightf 1. 257, Betty Major 256, BettY, Thompson 242, Mabel Goodel 240, Munnie Taylor 234, Doro- tby Robinson. 231, Donothy Mereer 228, Joane Hutton 219, Nancy Williams 217, Kathy Armstrong 216, Frances Lunn 215. Dorothy Neal 206, Carol V Bailey 203, Jean Allen 202, Grace Couch 201. Thursday Mixed - 200 and ovgr - Marilyn Couch 342,1 Maureen Powell 287, Horace Pitt 248, Florence MeLean 225 May cGrgorî5 On Saturday evening at the Comniunity Hall the A22ceKury 211, egorge 5annual Scout Father and Son banquet was held. Those Glanville 208, Marge Ibbotson'at the head table were, fromn lef t to right, Chas. Megit, 205, Mabel Lewis 205,- June Kim Storks, Bill Storks, Corey Cail, Bill Call, E. R. Pitt 203. Men - 225 and over - Ross years on lis farm propertyl 1Montgomery 273, John jFor-1 BT A Ynrho lcsok eiig rester 259, George Kimball! Atho 1aktok etrn 257, Gord Watson 257, Lloyd, FREDERICK F. WILLAN 123 yeans ago. He attended Sun- Taylor 244, Larry Pearce 238, Frederick Francis Willan, day School and was a choir Gary Forget 236, Jim Burton Liberty St. North, passed mnember of St. Albin's Angli- 234. peacefully away in Menioria] can Clurch, later St. John's, Friday Mixed - 200 and Hospital, Bowmanville, on Blackstock, serving as warden over - Larry Pearce 275, Ruth Sunday, February 5, 1967, just for Il years. Following his Couch 268, George Zwier 265,î eight hours after suffering a retirement he was a faithful Ted Hoar 257, Albert Pearce Istroke. He was in his 90th member of St. John's Anglican 250, Ruth Bonathan 253, Stan year. Church, Bowmanville. Powell 232, Ron Good 220,1 Son of the late 'Edward He was a member of Dev- Frances Wright 218, Stan AI- Willan and Mary Spinks, lie itt's Royal Black Preceptory, lin 216, Ellen Dean 214, Ben1 was born on February 15, 1877, a Past Master and honorary Madill 214, Gord Gray 214, at the family home on Crown member of Loyal Orangé~ Wallace Couch 212, Marilyn land north of Nestieton. HelLodge 133, Cartwright. Dur- Couch 210, Ben% Hoogkamp attended Cederdale and Black- ing the years Mr. Willan farm- 209, Laura Hazelden 208, stock Public Schools. On De- ed, the surrounding commun- Herb Gibson 207, Tracy Emb- cember 13, 1911, he married ity found him always wiiling ley 207, Jean Holmes 206, the former Annie May Eng- and ready to give assistance, Nina Madili 204, Alice Ku- lish who survives. when needed, te friends, neigh- peny 200. Mr. Wilian farmed for 32 bours and th e cmmunit. The Canadian %ttesmun, 3,ffl., Febff. 22, IN? Head Table Guests at Scout Father and Son Banquet 4 Lovekin, the guest speaker who almost missed theq banquet after being kicked in the face by a horn' that afternoon. Note the patches. Tim Blaker, Pat iAft er his retirement lie en- Mr. Willan rested at the joyed the company of friends Northcutt and Smith F'uneral - f every age, and spent many Home with service in St John's Anglican Church Bo*. 7enjoyable hours in his garden, manville, on Tuesday, ý'ebru: workshop, wood carving,. and ary 7th, conducted by Rpv. K. following sports via radio. j. Frampton. Temporary en.- When at home on Sunday ev- tombmnent was in the Laxig enings lie found great pleasure Vault, rn.Bra ilb playing hymns of his youth onl in Blackstock Anglican Cerne. i is violin. tery. An Orange Lodge serv. Besides lis wife, Annie May, ice was held Monday evenhig he is survived by a nephew, at the Funeral Home. Lloyd Nesbjtt of Port Arthur, Mn euiu lrltkn Ont, and several grand and Mn euiu lrltkn great-grand nieces and ne- and donations to the Siet phew. Hewaspredeceased Children's Hospital were a phes. e ws JmesE. silent tribute to his memnory.' by a half-brother,Jae Willan and five half-sisters, Palibearers were 'four nt% Mary (Mrs. Bryams), Emma phews, Messrs. Robert W1114.k (Mrs. Casernent), Grace (Mrs. John Willan, Arnold Stinsoz&i Nesbitt), Annie (Mrs. Smellie) Fred Stinson, and Messrs. and Elizabeth (Mrs. Graharn).ïHoward Bickle and Claren Sale A& 1 f THIS WEEK TRY A&P BRAND COwfiS AND SAVE UP TO 30C P0u POU OVER OTHER BRANDO Satisfaction guerante.d or double your mony back. VIGOROUS AND WINEV BOKAR COFFEE 1-POUND BAG $-POUND SAG 79c 219I MILD AND MELLOW 1*POUMPD $~ -POUND BAS 6$9 $09 Jane Parker APPLE PUÉ Jane Parker - Daiiy Dated Choose B uprREt"QAiyMas SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Reg. Prics eaeh 49o - SAVE 18. 2 fiAi 8- 24-oz pie8 c Reg. Prie. icaf 24o -SBAVE 7e 3 24-oz loaves 6 5 C 4 i PORK I 7 RIB fID PORTION SLICED - LB. 49* SLICED - LB. 59* RIB LOIN (HOPS LOIlN TENDERLOIN PORTION PUD lb b65c LOIN (HORS SALE TENDERLOIN HALF LOIN lb RIB HAL.F LOIN - LIL 530 CENTRE CIJTro75 A&MBrnFay Qualiy TD A&P Brand or BEANS unTHPORK 2 14-fi-oz tins35Sc A&P WHOLE LOIN 10 to 12 LB. AVER. lb WELL TRIMMED A&P Fancy Quality SALMON RED SOCKYE 7',zn55 Oc Off Reg. Siz. Bar SAVE AN EXTRA 4o LIFEBUOY SOAP 2IiarI9C 27o Off Oeal 10W DETERGENTkingzi» ox*49 À, What Miii Flavour? WO fresh ground flavour you qet in A&P's whole-bean Eight O'Clock and Bakar Coffees. W. buy the lfinefit coffeas w. can fivd, we bring them te you stili in the bean.. And we custom-grind thm exactly right for your coffee-mnaker... right in your A&P. Takes a littie extra worlc, but we're happy ta do it. That way w. can be sure you'Il enioy thé full, fresh taste of A&Ps Coffe. Mill Flaveur. Are A&P Coffees a goed reason for shopping A&P? They're' one of many. 1 - --- ---z , e »Harold Sherm an. ln the Jnited Church, Downsview. iandra is the daughter of the @te Mr. Donald and Mns. Don- Id Coulter of Toronto. Our social news is taking nore the foim of sports with he long li$t of hockey gamnes. >eople ure travelling here and here. We knoW the Storks id Goulds have reoently -ne- urned to the village following ilovely trip in warrn sun- une. Please dial 9874213 id give us youn social news hat others might ahane. - --- 1: il] OLICED - LB. 490 SLICED - LB. 390 1