bmmmilltIb.2% 190? l'iIs __________ I Memoriamn Articles for Salef Help Wanted f For Rent f Moom andBoard Real saefrSlfRc Estate for SaleReal Esaefota 3OGK en.. and Narda f(CALIGL I.n oving me- STRW for sale 623-7088. 8-1 EýIýXPERIENCE hairdresser. TWO bedroom semi-detached RO M nd brd vai lable. vith 'o anmc e thS e birth ni m ary f a dear moter and -T AWfor sale. TjelephoelApply Huyck's Hairstyling Telepone 263-2690. 8-1* Phone 623-5512. 8-1 P lr K~u1 J.G orê B uê a tbefr ion, Rober Ber ardon sister, Florence C aughill, w ho 723-130 8_ _ 7 2 St d ,2 4 D v s o S . 7- M O D ER N four-bedrom ho e'AT L I Fbruary 13, 1967, at Me '. 1bse away Feb. 24, 1966. manre. or-sle. tuEio,'24Digsoodt.ages near Bowmanvile; possession ca ia , B ow m anville. A ,M i depths of sorrow we can- SAlahesio k W n e R A T RR A T RR a t r* oril AWmad______________gnd Guy LEBLANCile;posesin! Wok EATO R broter for Brian and Jimmny.1 fot tell, Curtis, Orono. 81* and benefits. For appointment immediately. Phone 786-247 2-33,Fyn uth _!HOUEWOa by a ceapale and GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 2-3 6376 _1 O t h l o s o o n w e l o v d F R E Z E , 3 e u f t , 1 k e e a l l 6 2 3 - 3 3 7 3 ,o n e 6 2 3 -3 05g D u t5 2 K i ngt ._W .__ _ _ _ _ _ _l maa well; Phone,623-7474.18.1 __Sî_ _ - _ -_ 8-1 f tell ofanPhonoe REZE,3-7cu474., 8ike l. otr8tlBwa- ONE, two and three-bedroom CSTM hain sawing. HOur- 623-2453 ethsi (nee Blackburn) are happy ta peaceful sleep, aWTRfrBl n eiee. SESfull or part furnished, in Oshawa. Phone ý o b hejo.98-45 unetruyt n iLeilvntiwng!ean Ae Phani_623-3205.h-1 52263-2131 . Bowman llî Sec th si yar id pv- Ifinounce the arrivai af a son Her memory wc shall aîways _ __Cl_ etik26-1 1 time, shift work. Apply in 723-.2347. _____ 6-4! - - Closzto schosadso-bsmet Brent Allen an Friday, Febru- kep QUANTITY gond horse hay. persan ta Mrs. Harness, STIO aprtmnlsoanâï -c [PickN, radyoulr om 0 nal I ary 17, 1967, t Mem ral H s- -L vingly rernembered and LeRoy Short, 623-2479. c- a e ur Return, 8e- and two bedroani apartments, P o e N wcsl -4353. b doo u gaow withz ull ng $18,900. Ml t . 3 B do n tal, Bowmanvie, a brother sal; m ssed by her son John RAWLEIGH Products Dealer. cate8- no children under 12. P o Phone Naem ntwcafsed aitaleor edoobrc or Elaine and David. Special Sinclair and family, and broth- Phone 983-5570. 6-tf ELDERLY couple have three 623-5044 . 7-2 i3"t furnace. Terrifiecau ou er t amks ta Dr. S emon and ia- er, Chester A. Hoskins. 8-1 el ee r o i h y il s p ly r ntete ey d an ietee o. A k 38-tf valuel s pplaten un centre of ni bik h m 'b gao o ly 2 ers id at CARPENTER. work, renova- $12,900. Hurry and mnovefotrelt. odbufrthinony$47.Tris GAY-ln loving, triysaf8- WTRfr servieanCcli 3-556frere to someone or a 'couple MODERN 2-bedroom e iions, recreation roonis, etc. Spring.had mn.Aigprc 1 Aesih4bdro GAY-Inlovingmemor of a 24 hcameerace. Ca]ok23iteri.apartment for rent i rno re siats .Meeks, Coc hnymn Gcedear father and grandfather, COB corn for sale, $35 a to hei Phone a623-5466. 81 Mville hone -6n R $1ý00 PLAYER - Len and G __5ao te__Pon_2354688--1hne62-79._orhndLcai- Tr Player (nec Kersey) wish tiRusseli Robert, who passed et the cribPhn18622. 6-38-l7 _____ ib. Phone 786-22236-3 aMillerrh83n9Location 1 1,900.Toerns rc ugloanotnw to NIGHT ~~~~cleaning man or wo- OE -- BÉDROOM 3berombugao f r ho _ - 1O E B D ap crtm en- -T W O -bedroom apartm ent, gar- Lo e y 3 b d o n bu g l w 1 s r y 6 ro n br c ho e ,4 0 q. t. iv g a e . S i - DtannycMichael, 10 Ibs. 141/2Hismemary is as dear today, ta March 15. Bill Hamilton, lbenefits. For appointment eaCal te adowntown ad $6pr r pre nt, 8 $1,O0. Aout $3,00 dn. ourt00- ie elbittre l0dw o hs2bd , . oiededas in the hour he passedRaglan. ' 7-5 123333,Fyiged month- 0 Ac 3,00don ois.,_on___ scaping done.15,ealing8for 9,00 ie u n fer 1750 1967, at MemoriatHwnpital: away - periroomed'63-3373, Flying utchnian'e Phon 19wmnvtlîe A riaoptaor- rreeerdb HrBLACK & Decker valve re- 'Motor Hotel, Bowmanville. month. Phone 623-3434. 8-1' hone 23-0452. -1Act at 'once! hdon rm ugiwwt on uglwwt aae ____________A__ro ____ artmenty ary- . - ,___ _bdrothr Tomy ad arrl.and faniily, VeIna, ,Bernice fceeIIJnCLASS Amechanies or 4ailocon-' ____________for_ eaLda MACHINE sharpened saws are Close ta Everythlng ~ extra shower andsoli ae o 8 0' sigoi and Jean. 88-I _____aprntie.G. . tl omaccuateLWerage 20 ALO altak ~ ai eaeshpFiat rate shop veniences, frig, stove. App:v E e machines. F. Crowe, 1021 We have 4 brand new homes, V.LA skn __________________1200_GALLONc983-5784.30 8-1 Ela p r ntc. G M enrl u is gin St., Bowm n il. 8.1*1close to shopping, %aiting for' A s*n*rc $*6 0 S a k b r ih lvi g q at Engagement PORTER-In loving menia lonhot wcter tank, bath corni Full company benefits. CalilStatesnian Office, King St. W . wavii. th -dicriinatv ue.W1Tnacel 23-502d0. 8.HaroldtJames o8 andsbanp.mnForah'r7ptfPAIN23-N02a.d8Decoratweng 8 a.. tane 5uyer.FoWe TenfPacreIlotawith chicken ers]l onubusye eighwayiarexcellenn XCipatrick are' pleased ta an- Pictan Porter who passcd SUDBAERSevieii appointment, E. A. Nagy, 'lte okasi n a nou c he ort co m n g cm a w y F bru ry 8, 960 c d e d aK R r. cG ,ah e m'w__ _ _and__ - s v rapose , bo a st a n d-' lt ria s, g u ran teed . F or freec1con ven ien ce. L et us d iscu ss b roilers. G oin g o c r . A k T r i workmanshiheand nia- wîllmahow you these at v8ur1hem0and623-tract for 4,000 turnover. bsxinr $20,000 623 fterduhe i, hl elvsi ecflan sdprs rhmsIÀ-396. îIn t.lso avdrod arelestimates teiephone Lenderithe ternis in strict confidence.! îng price $15,900 ens ie or laeCî !Ma e,~ 0 Leo ar K end r- Whles?~ lve in pe ceulGarage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf AN 7w man ta suppy Hardware, 623-5774. 3tflyOu wili be m st pleased. a pt aee T rn . n r ma. hewedngtataeHis memory we shaîl always CHEST ai drcwers, bedside RareghPrdutst IR ____________________um- 8. 1 WLL cere for schooi or - 2 Stores - 3 Apartmnents npo ra e ceI Jre!n - 9749 lac Mach 2, 967 in the keep. table, painted blue; $15 for crs'm Ro w i vi e Go dnd r star50 hoot Critin eirmd-Ever remembered by wi'fe bath. Phone 623-3832. 8-1 tet1tr.N critlr-FURros tv cholers orwokn othoer t lainon ein town Pro- ýViolet and daughtcrs Donna KEYS et umticl -,,ý-ïB-i4o-923, 4005 Richelieu St., AaiabeMarch lst. ow_ý Vn Ln arge yardcol s ccany -. etthoe .FakRa saePE Chuch Vrd Md taneM8-asseyit e Schoo Had-St.Hnresttea.n-1entileiseepoabso-8761u.teli asou theLI antree . 8-1 C ali 623-7607. ___8-1 bes t. C m e in for details.LI T E M.adMrs. EarI R. SOT I lvngmmaya ile. 3KigS. . Bwa-f'ue7ead-n sn2ce *.12339 SCOT --I Invng emor o warle, 6 Ki g S. . B w -f MALE or Female - full or pAt ED, cpartmenadt 4 rnsns! 21 in S. T onpson, Bow ninville, an- a dear I dt rao TRuth Soreott 4WAoatmcnt founce the engagement ai passed moth ebr uScot h BUYING or seiling furniture preparation, steani table and ýand bath. Iarmmedjate passes- i Ab-soluteîy first cless con. their dcughter Patricia Ann, 1952. awoFbru ryappliinces, Ccli Miner, generai cafeteria work: dish sion. Apply Sani's Ret ua ,di on x let tenants.M m r O h w *0 Mr. Douglas Sidney Hooper, We miss you now, ur hearts Hampton: business 2632294 - machine operators, generalI14 Division Street, Bowman-' Puibn& etigCoce location. Remarkable Real Et oa erf Br. an iîî. They AsSt are sore, residence 263-2695. 6-tfcleaners. Standard wages. ville. 3-6* '35 Nelson St. Bowmanviiîc return an investment. miaer tan Te Asme goes by we miss you DeLAVAL four unit, pipe-line Uniforms and meals provided,,TWO bedroom heated 1-paeStr E;mikm uoai ehr Fyn ucmn Mtl mnPseso mc atîy.BNewastldnahoewh ar-wi oom sey îkonePE-CNFDRT eay,,Mmrct 25,s1967,ninmTminity __I t 9Bcr s o ar Vtda huMach ,1e7 t 3 o'lock Your Ioving smIe, yaur gentle1 used two yeers. Gardo 623-7242. 8-1 1 Children weicome. $90 eRI EFC age, 3 hedroanis. den, livaing- lmt.Eclen net okbeblnebs n UniedChuchet81 clok. face lStrong, Burketon, 9864209.0NedEtr ,ny~ nth. Phone Newtonville' cîmn iey or utue fîeplace aon 'rtsni $4 Noane cen fuIlyaur aat---- edEtaM ny PUBN&HATG 8 -11 76va c a n t !R Y Ee t t nl $ iREstrew, 35c bale; mixed6-411-fPUMIG&EANG____ crnni, kitch uen, 4-piece"mn o -Trs.ptuel-trybghue -I v ~ ~ ~ r m ni e ed~ spring grain, 85e bushel; 100, S at a li g A O r d caFIV I±-roonilcr - o rn b n Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright bales or bushels deiive ind. u w . eommunîty -csinwapartment in New-1 Poe 2-54ilcienet. How'a thet fox:rooibnao nI1 n en.Ilrnho wish ta nnau ce he ngag - Jssie Br ce nd f muhes. A. e r se sde Pho e 983-769.Open territries now ava l-i v e ew y dec rated; p s-' P.O. Box 1599 $19,000 ? Cali Tod y. acres, 0.Liberty St N. ny re e t pap tyS cif e w ish to an oun ce th e engage- J ssieM erru e i.AW rite A d-en78honetari-5 6St., ses ionnvllle1.*W*i*e$15.000On t rio2St.,.owTernis. n i e n t a i t h e r d a u g h t e r B e - 8 - I a b le l n P r t H o p e , C a v a n ,7 9 , i , T e C n d eG O A F A M O E L4 - o i b u g l wnM R K T G R E N G erl y ura t M . Rch rd 65 0 n vers and Darlingtoit Staesnan - .Bo Bow- I-tf 1M eadowview. L o 60 x 12' FA M Jam es Kouhi, son af M :. S EL ED dried corn, $ 5.0 Townships. Don't dela v - Cali rStatiem . O8-. Caox 190,js 1îowre ire R -M § È L .O B r w i w o r w i e t R . . H L , 1 0W e h a v e f a n e r a , c it y $ 1 3 5 0 0 - T e r n i . 1 c e , n w b n Rouhi, Vermillon By, Ontario. Frm, Newcastle. TelephoneINONQUON ROAD, OSHAWA, THREE-bedraaOm house and i people and specultors with~ The marriaegc wiiI take place 14E NORIALS 987-4474 ta arrange pick-up ONT. 7259696, for a per- garage, central, Bowmanvie Âv±r1±'ING ah akng fr sall and Vr eta en Fridcy, Mamch 31. 1967, et or deîivery. 6-tf sonaï interview. No experience Aveilabie mmmedietely. Write WIEASIGSTBE 7:00 p.m. in St. Peui'a United Dignifieti undiDistinctive - eryIEAHN -TBE ag roete.J3. NIcenta.3IN ibhurch, Bwmanvilîe. 8 Wnnns-Fa akr INSULATION, blowing meth- neceaaary. We train >'ou. 8-4 Advertiser 769, c/o Canadien - ln designs for any need o, wt rc ai. W r-W ANTED: Mae or Fem lei 'l_ m.Pho emec. roon78625 2iI . andde 152 Simca. St. S., Oshawa mni.,hip guarantced. Free -oyu have ten or mare _ __ ~ -fPoeNwovie7625 .L oe--risfr$5O inh F orthc o m ngestimates, H rry L. W ade, hous. wek that y u ce" "N otse - IDA. ' GregEAST M arriage 723-1002 - 728-6627 Phoiie ewtonvile 786-2256. ta make extra money repre- NPtt C e io sCîl¶!let 4- . A. MaGreo Mr ad rs ar AensOffice Eveings -_______ 38-tf senting aur firm in your are? ~FAKBIKP oal Jr. co ting m rriage ai their ppliinces, n tioanly dver- have a car. N o invest ent. In t e Etate ai M IN N IE I SEP -' L~etra i P ark B lv . 4 Y a - d Q e n S r e s daughter Patricia Gal, ta WEEKLT tie line ai furniture. Pddy's Contact Don Hill, giving sales MARION WISEMAN. J.~ohnfl i. o n r itcbr itns ugnî eurd M aa ren M antel, son ai M M rket, H em pton, 263-2241. lexperience, et 337 Colem n St., A l pers ns h ving dlaim s R AL E T T L D.G d de n h m .,o es an o r. and M :. Matthys MInII .Th TTIV STO CK SA LES34-tf IBelleville, m king an ppoint- against the esttes af G. orA70 $22900 - F th d thn Ii m arriage w ill take place 011' at D urham C o nty Sales A ren SE D Ë -- - aesP.E.I. e nn ho H tel r i lOtsh e o ssr onW isem an , and '14"'F hn tee 6t-, 5 B vd- -rwn at ie a in - 98 -4 Saturday, March 2 t300 Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Ontario foundation stck: M cnt a s M. Hi 8-t1he RaahWsnenan 2-tf3-3r950o S C o rt c U it d S e li g H o se , C attle , S w in e, C o b b ler, K en n e b ec, S eb ag o , c h d. - _ _ _ _t e T o w n ai B ' ran ch b u n g alo w , l t 1 6 ~ F a k H c c t - M n î a 1 2 Cuh.8-1 ¶alves, .Sheop, etc.J, A. Reid ens. For quotations Phone A TEXAS OIL CO. the County '. A' 20 ACRES with brick home 213'. Double attacdgage OUG-BOMNLL Det ~ , aa~.5-f467366.Write Box 12, WANTS ýMAN OVER 40 dîed an the2banslitrm.Ak' Deathl .39 Bowmenvllle, Ontario. FOR BOWMANVILLE AREA itembebath 1266 t e b i , 1 6 a n e s$ 1 8 ,5 0 0 . T e r n s .s a n b a h $ 2 , O T e n s 3 7 - 4 76 - 3 1 6-3~ e ned e gnd nen avr aiDecemb"hepetvc.n Decoraators anovr 5 ACRES, north ai Part Taunton Road Eana ]yyarîf1ied ta send y with strea. abuld rono. Brick S u d d e n ly t l ,ma i&£-. o.~ C ~ ~ h rt i i x 7U P o n e 6 2 3 3 0 7 yI 7 5 o d o w . C Nl o m bS Ku iC N S RU-.ja0. C ork, Ireland ,' o ations, centrepieces, be ls, trips for about a w eeic et ca Îrke & ~ r k S îc i 27 Elgin St. B ew m i ng.n c u e $ 0 7 0 l- Tî r . L r e7 x 2 0.T 1 Pey, dar siterai .967,' stvefi.g.'Wrieorcae oousttc etc.- tp eeing ilngtaylBowmenville, Ontario, o ho ne62-375 neily 985-7264. These hnies mutesee o Ri bcds, tables, dressers, 2-pce. lau.Mnt t.75Wl ORTH $12,000 before the lSth day aiMrc,________ TON OSwt ib Prced rcdIa 8-*chcsterfield, ml radio, TV, îigon Street West, Torontaour tP men in other partssofterFcn,190 P table and four chairs, n ai. 8. *1 ai cou tr ydr w exception l i fl atJA C K B-437.SNewcastle - 7-mon 1 1,ohighwB o'w'ali:nGeore tbonsadquniy---enngs upta $12,000 in a lmmedieteîy aiter the saidany 623-747Necsl 7 RALLOWELL - At Oshawa of dishes, pts and pans, other FIRTH BRO S. yer Ti pning in the 1th day aoMf c, 96, t OI BU N R -FU AC S V flkCî: Gog General Hospital on Saturday, articles. Sale et 7 o'clock. 47 Kîig E. Phone 23-5081BowmenilîIe emea il woth essets ai the testetor and testa- CLEANED 1minutE fARn h. Brick Frit trees.omMny xtrsOny6320 IoeÏa , 1967cgg , owHa- T8rl* BRIh.G YOUR BEEF k,1*st as nuch ta the right nman. trix wiiibe distrîbuted PUBGRPIS 1ý 10W,10_____t,__-acioer 81 BIG ORBEF li Mail R. B. Diekerson aniongst the parties entitled PHONE HAMPTON home, good baem. Streami. Prie- $15,000 - Ternis. Pres., coe hsadofO OKTOU hreo Rin ead nyt d fo sell. 10 Acre buildinglosKnd ZE m ie W hite, dear father aiofr e , A ri . Ce m n W e Specialize ln . . . Ca p 34 N. Man t. p laim s af whih the said solici- 1 263-2151 OSHAW A. GUELPH{ ST. ai H is, with strea m $55 0 -ou wa Drv on os Sevc wa hedauction ai modemn arm Ma- C ST M UTI NGL ýý~Worth, Txs 76101. 8-l' tos for the Esttes shal then1Mal Address:'lotnw oo e rc $ ro iii ithe Morris Funeral Chapel, hCvSTntice.TungalowwTd'4Hllywoodexas._ o w a v e, o T u da at hi e y a d E u p i n , i -W A P N A ND A E etBow m an ville, o ue d y e this n q ip e t i -W A P I G A DP -0 . B o x 543 B ow m anvile k itch en .L c t d cl s a C h i e l c t o . O y $6 00 - d dr v .17 0 . T rn s 2 o'c l c k . I t e r n e n P a rt c lu d in g tw o t a c to r s , ( M -F 5 0 P H Y S T O - ' b u n gaBw m n v l e , t h sl o d owe i t h H o il y wocaon . 0 a r o s e . m n a a e a d p v 2 oeUo nCemet or8-1 bine b0'whliey BBuerseM-Fete lb HondUnoM-Hmte44),d M-H4) M SS..Porn Con-FROEQUICKayof FROZEN 167 3or BedmGergorvcestoreyg b oanddni heBU ineH10 MF yBleMFTHERAPY AID Srk trike, i ACKERMAN dor aîlGog aDksr ulig 17 -ý lw r - edD ilSolicitors for the Estates ai 623-7437. 150 Acre stock fa n,2 mls wt îig m n aa e HnILL Henry-Suddenly et hi: 'n rubber. Hay Conditioner, TVO ER (Female) George Ross Wiseman and EXCAVATING 248 ACRE FARM, with 3 Lindsay. Excellent -tay$1.0 Tens lhmon Wednesday, February gond Wagons, New Holland$5 (FULL TIME> eesdSn rae1o .$500 vnecsTig aitdbn eT O ESMinnie Merion Wiseman, ,LOADING - TRENCIIING roomed home, 2 berna and 3Orrik rdvlewit In is 84 h ea , el ve h s- M e er W ed S p re der, 2 'O H W G rad e X or E q u iv alen t B ox 7, B o w an v il e, O n ta rio. F il I D el v ered T er s . 2 pon d s ; rod u ctive d y b n Z B d o n b i k b n a o band i the late Mary Ellen boom, 3-tn Truck with Hoist, vBusy Department, work ln- 6- 2IZ-Hour WATER SERVICE 1 PR OSE T S R E. rc O. Ecellent Calladine, dear father ai Mary 35 cn C mt Bulk ilk Tank, TV SU PPLY LTD . vlves considerable physcal -1 esnbe Rtswt u nae ad bt.S B O ens R a o a l R a e h om e, wdrive. $16.900.h T ernis.- er m s M ien and Hary. Resting t! Miking Machine, u niture, Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa actvity. Experience prefrred. Notice to C reditors Ii2,-7,, - B OW M ANVILL! orn * PVand to63-43, 1sA re stck fa CaaCdlip:n,3 ed ooé,o the Northcutt and Smith Fun-(etc. Conipîcte line af ImpIe- Juat Eat ai Ritson Road APPLY GENERAL OFFICE &BANNOATLTîosIeCNe 7ile xclet310n. ce erSergt.Acs ecal H m e. Notice a fune alni ent. The property af F. G. Dm 7 381 1 OT C TIlEIT R >Lak&SnLo34Co.61 aorngt-Bl esPp.tvemoriaî ÂHospal !WILSON A NS& A very weli kept, 5 rornied brick 6-nooni home withaico-tLke ice.$90 ROE, Alice Mary A. (.neenorth-east ai0h) a 11 f, anik 1o ornw n 'All pensons having ]in1 Natrsa RcA..CM. h-Iils forh Ondhailwat s4ofto. Seiy pastor e-pedic l e the estate of Elizabeth: SALES & SERVICE len. Wall ta waîi floor caver-Ifan with 21/2 milesa rn loved wife ai Mr. J. Wesey'of Taunton).Note--This nia- nattresses, reg. $9.9,50 for ____ 8i'Womn lteain the Tontvof 24-HOUR Sr ing. Cean s a in. al"geîanta sho$45000 TrisMnvrRd Roc, pnssed awey at her Inte chinm is in excellent con- $7950; anc onîy, dinette suiteDuram, idcw whodie d2z...iB owumvie in th otîtyOu Bunr eric NLY $3.000 DOWN. New i elso lcitra iln.Tw ee.Go residence, 94 Evelyn Crescent, iin It has 'lways been table, four chairs, -ouffet, wa- - ---!oan or about the 2th day af SEPTIC TANKS AND 5-roomed brick bungalow. Al tionally famous for isso L Osblte. $690 Tor nt, n Fid y, Fe rua y ep i go d ep ir nd stmc nu fnih, $l3.5~ rchairs WTER So itener. Telephone J nuary, 1967, are he eby TILE EDS mode mn c nveniences. Large cti. 1/ ie i H y D e a n m o t h e n nf J o h n a m e s g o n d f a n m a c h i n e y s a l e s o a i t r p , K n t . o m c s a n r c o ~ S n k .S U Os l s t e n w e a t 1 8 . x 1 5 o a o e c Saictosfo t efsat, AM T N 6322 8G AKfB A H. ho e lrg pifelam s 2 Moem ktc-n---h-ti g (E *t" Levllg 11Alwor'c aone b.y licenseti BUI GALWnoat new, 3 bedrooniug , È ) , rK a y e n r i m 1 . ' i m c i m a e b la c k a n ti ta n N w c a s t e , in t h e C u n t y a i, m echa n.c ou G l O W ,g wr iteh. a oiK u e 2 - 9 0 b i k b n a o i h c m a t Tunrandi Porte<rkeAnhny(E., ack nTH aId, purebredi iDa.aehnugconveniencea, on twin El' us b ll; lan uantty a' uni, sar a er e Du harn, Retireti F rmer, whoarsln be g r g. P v d B b J h st n * 7 50 8 crc etn . M rg g «orueinthaay x) ok aeAgsblas un ityo"iamrmemîv residcd in the Tow1î-' R oy Fau1ter - oron 8-81arn .$890 Chapel, 2357 Bloor St. W. Fun. President (V.G.), Wis Achiv bld alialfa hay. Telcph g eahe coliar, no tag. aship of Derlington, in the diveway. Priced fa sedI.CoteLt ral service w s helti t ten 'nent (V.G.), Seiling Rocknan 621 S A A 62.1-2646. 8-I1 TELEPHONE 263-2651 iCounty ai Durham and diedi SAA omdo apelrf tem ent Prospect Cemeteny. T1productiant monhshete 8-Inequeat. Lunch available.nd $7.5 ench; alan 40 weanîing 'r Br96ohoeak3i13la 055-3853 OAnlyi ng owrdFode Roet Flett on pedigrees. pigsannd chunka. Clarence Wanted r$THERU0.E ACTR.S.O VICE, Everett (Deb)--Sud- Termas cash. No eserve. Sale Allin Fan, North St. New- - _ _ 11960, Chaptet 408, Section 52. lye i oeo ens t1Pm lY isn x Bte - CEDITORS and others hav- 4 BEDROOM brick bunga- George Beaton -Baer he ~~S»Iy 1utthis96homerdgnWeaenanaetri. 8-Uo d6ilo--U- csl. ee i a - 2- C ash on the Spot ig cli s againt the bove FR ED R . BEST ow on 4 acres. Ou heatd, 4- Port Perry 98-97T1ec arfly e up ei Ft V e r u f y S t , h, 1 6 bi d gSa l a a e .8 6 O E eo s e n b l , f e r D e a t i o r C r i p p i e t i F a r m e s t a t e a r e r e q u i r e d t t a s e n d p c e b nt l i v i n g r ol so n . N i e l yR-' st SVe f iserviceable a ehhsas Stock. Pi ke ti Up Prom ptly particula s and full pro f a n d S O N S pl B h atuin lvi g reao n ine - e r O haay45 0 et year, dean brother ai mm. Tu ton two 305-day records'wit 697 Telephe Collcet 263-2721 thereof ta the undensigneti on ' Pitn located. Asking $22,500. .1-"'15 Ace ai 0 . G ibion (Elva), M mi H I G S C O L !n, Orono. si M a rg w ill F u r F r r fo a tem hîc da teof the f a n d anitiPhExc Mlsv .L a n o d f n e b7 Le t), s acl. - nH O MEG12S CHEA D Far m 1967, D e c o r tin g W Lfst Photo theS.R e frig e ra ti o nG oi b i k o s . L r bL (ea) n .Tink lHensfor; TYRONE nah stt 'ndDra oîng tr ouandxl:ensi.v20ace a2n5 atiRDurhamni muets o h s ewill wokaand at the Northeutt andi nt Holstein y ar-old stocker Li e c oI0- - 7 distibuteti having regard onlyl - AAaking $53,000. Funenal Home, Bo t n SSa r f steers anti helfers. Sale, Tues- W. Hnor Any Bonus Card Ita the clains which have theni ALSO GENERAL REPAIRS Donald Mountjoy - 623-314 A-plîance Se p r m - - e- ' de y . F éb ru a.r 28. G o. A . 8-tf been eceived.25 T rs E x e en eP y l s M o bl 62 - 1 9 C m e c l i i D e e u H w t W g t . 6 3 52 âville. ftneral service wum i0prefer Ontare llsaMcoanW« ric Dtd t2B5enile u-S eang n Pperhien at I o"clak Saturday er beaueJob 771.13 ac lck. uone tf4 ,Da, ilted h BwanileOn ecaingIPprhtn hylsMRbe-62719Ciera ndD 8-1 Ail beeksand § .-"74223R ook -1 e d ctaric , rioe thday ofFbuary, 3 Generations ai Trademen Thomas Donelly - 95-724 Kefrgeraton - 111h el eroeh iin - 2323 ."'q q *098" T" ----- Rghemt CashPrim . Ew ~1967:'P1-.Ly 1mn- 9-94 hn 1T YE GretRcri- 3-31 88 meak 7 "=î to R.nt sMd cripped Parae hock Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., LlRaosDain -B ta326413.5Phonree BeckRTRaeSTE '14= 0 g D8 Ca- ess S= . Y ý 1 T by l ase o l P R O PH OH RD E Gereu aIdso k 623-7437 orDar$9423-97' ýq A eri c is wit BUB4ni er a d S lici or,72R 13 P o n ty p o o l 1 M m é& 8.1 f0t àSal1.w. s eo n fan Uic9 8 5 2 0 7H arold C utte 25-2649 DEADLINE FOR CLÀIÇÇIFIIFn