"0 atmnan, Bowmanvife. Tub. 2% I1on Wny Visîtors Attend B& P Club International Lunche&iý ri t' h( 4On Sunday affernoon, at the Flying Dut chman 1Motor Restaurant, Bowmanville's Business & Profes- 4onmal Women's Club held an International Luncheon 'With representatives from neighbaring B & P clubs ~àguests. At thie head table, top photo, were from 3tot right, Mrs. Evelyn Bellamy, Lindsay Club geoident; Mrs. Margaret Evans, Cobourg President; Bgow-man ville'B&P At Internat on al Li 'On undy, FPebruary 1Bth chosen. As it was Internation- ~ cBamaville Business and ai Week we were cciebrating, esialWonicn's Club Mr. Strike said he would have cdhast ta fthc ather Clubs ta use a vemy broad brush fa È Reglon 5 at an International caver fhe whole scene, haw- Iimdiean held at fthc Flying ever, he did make if very plain kutcMan. thaf fthe past 20 years havei ý.ffead table gueste lacludcd seen many mare changes ina lePresidents ai the Clubs in the international iront than1 Egon 5. aur Reglonal Advis- many centuries in the pasf,g ~,Miss Betty Smith, Lindsay* namely flirougli the dissolu-J Mr Rss Srike guet s ee tion ai Empires, the forming RossStrke, ues sp ai o NATO fo belp the econonic the flcaternoon and Mrs.siuto hnbefyntei Strike and Mrs. Marion Jef- stainte rel nfi bryPreiden ofthe ow-Viet Nam front the situationj tryPidentu ficbo.-was reviewed as if stands ta-j ýLumcbcan started with aur dy Ifi blem grace iallowed by In conclusion Mm. Strike g 0 Canada. - Whlc said that the only way ta Cl s were being clearcd off kcep the Communisf cauntries ~e tables thc Men's Quartet, in check must be donc by de- 0sistlng ai Dr. Keith Sien- tcmmined, dedicated people en, Mr. Doug Rackhamn, Mr. who wil apply Christian prin- Kein Hockln and Mr. Keifl i cpals and ecd individuai 4Ackson entertained flic as- must face fhis situation and do oembled guests. samcthing about if. ,The head table guests wcre Mr.Fonc Toisn introduced by Miss Veina fhanked Mm. Strike for bis ln- Gay. Mrm Jean Devitt infra- teresting and informative talk. Oucsd Mr. Ross Strike who Mrs. Evelyn Bellamy fran th ladies it was 40 ycars Lindsay lssucd an invitationa 'ldspoken to, ladies rin flic Lindsay Club ta bold3 cély but that le would do his the International Luncheon két wth thc subject be lad there la 1968. Thank You Bowman ville! THE BOWMANVILLE CHAPTER 0F THE CANADIAN HEART FOUNDATION WISHES TO THANK THE CITIZENS of BOWMANVILLE FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT 0F The Heart Fund Canvass HELD ON FEBRUARY 13, LIBERAL Miss Beth Thomson, Devitt, lst Vice, Bownr Speaker; lower pictur, manvihle President; Miç of Lindsay, Mms. Str Peterborough 1Presider Port Hope President. Elub Ho! uncheon A candie lighfing ccrem was conducted by aur Regit Advisor and assisted by Presidents ai the Clubs Region 5 which include Bi manville, Lindsay, Peter] ough, Port Hope, Cobourgi Oshawa. There are 35 cc tries in aur International E erafion of Business and F fessional Women and a cari was lighted for cach cour and one exfra for the r members we hope wil in fthe comîng yeam. The nE ing closed with fhe Embl Benediction. HAYDON Mm. and Mrs. Milton Pat, son, Maple Grave, were Si day evening guesfs of Mr. a Mrs. Roy Paterson and fmi Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Dt ley, Bowmanville, weme Si day supper guests of Mr.a Mrs. A. Rend and Lynne. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur i win, William and Paul, ] and Mrs. L. Christensen a Mary Ellea were Sunday. su per guesfs ai Mm. and Mms. Patfs and family, the accasi of Mr. J. Potfs' birthday. Mr. and M.rs. Earl Thon son, Cynthia, Miss Pafmic rhompson, Mr. Doug Hoali Mr. Larry ThoImpson, Mi Sandra Crawley, Bowna: ville, Mm. Roy Thompso Leskard, werc Sunday dini guests ai Mrs. A. Thampso Mr. and Mms. J. Abbotf ar Stepheni, Burketan, wére Sui day cahiers at Mrs. Thomr sons. Mrs. K. Cowling visitE Virs. Thompson on Tuesda Lfemnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtci Ronald and Ray, wcrc Sunda dinner guesfs ai Mm. and Mr Milton Tamblyn, Orono. Mr. and Mns. Roy Paferso and iamily called on Mr. an tIrs. Bruce Gaflaglier, PicP ring Beach, on Sunday. Master Michael Paferso 5pent fhe wcekend with Mae Lr.Gary Paterson, Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. MalcolmnEl tord, Port Perry, were Su: fay cahiers at Mr. and Mrs. 'W Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grahar ind family and Mm. Ton Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Rona.i îahm and family wcre Sun lay dinner guesfs ai Mr. an( Vrs. Walter Rain, thcocca " 91 s v L 9 s i fc di m ar m eR lv ne=M of the late John Ou oa n Our maythanka to the ceaders o liacolumn af the 109 k fwemeks and 'ta Jack k>. for Placl ies confidence in me to, write Pbntypaal's newa report In lis absence. Jack will be back again behlnd bis desk next week umieus he happens to elape in the meantime. I hop no ane bas been affended by anything in the calumn recently. As 1or Alex Jancas, he ayal the reasan we didn't get a fish waa because he Jidn't catch euieugl ta go1 Rround ail thase whom he had rised, 80 he thought it ttet reniam silent. He did4 !atel same hawever - 17 ta ýe exact. As fur Curtis McKay, rha backed into tlic car acrs he street, he stili flrmly biames is isàbap an the exhaust. /D NEWS' Despite. this week being much shorter than usuai (one day) it was certainly a week with lots.ai action. If you happened ta be deeply involved yau found yourself in about 10 different places at the saine time and Oshawa President; Mrs. Jean fane af those places was in nanville; W. Ross Strike, Guest class. This week there were 'e: Mrs. Marion Jeffery, Bow- nine, yes, that's right, nine ss Ruth Smith, Regional Advîser games and ail but two of ~ike Mr. Hlen Rosoroghthose were played away. On rike Mrs Heln Roboroghtop of ail that there were also rt and Miss Ruby Reddick, games at noon hour. It was truly a busy week for ail the players but there is one happy sion of Mrs. Roy Grahamr. consolation; there's anly one S4and Mr. Ronald. Rahm's birth- let. >1days. Congratulations. There was a general student Mrs. G. Tabb and famiîv cauncîl meeting calied at 4:00 called on Mrs. M. Cowllng ana o'ciock Wednesday. This was Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling, the meeting that had been Salemn, on Sunday. 'pastponed and rescheduied for Miss Lily Tabb is holiday- this week. In it sucli things ing with Mr. and Mrs. Stan as the constitution, the next ofy Cowling, Salem. dance, centennial project and .onal Miss Lily Tabb entertained many other interesting points the some of her relatives on Sat- were braught up. in urday evenîng the occasion B.H.S.'s first schooi news- 0Ow- Lily's birthday. paper came aut. Mrs. Pease bor- Sunday school session at and many interested students and 1:45 p.m. and church service worked hard to produce the qufl- at 3 P.m. on Sunday. biggest piece of news ever pro- Fed- The roads and sidewalks duced. It met with very good Pro- have been covered with ice success. If you didn't get ta ndie for several days, making it see this anc don't worry. There ntry very dangerous for pedes- are stili some ieft and they new trians getting around. are just a dime. This is the join first af several newspapers ta ýeet- be produced this year. Each flTerurI1 succeeding ane wiil be better, BLU.LL.iLLU1 if that's possible, so don't miss The sympathy of theca them. munity is extended ta o the y mrnn hl Ashton family and friends in speciai surprise for the stu- te-the passing ai Mr. Cyrus Ash- dents af Grade 11. Starting ter- ton who has lived in the at 9:30 and ending at 12:00 the an vicinity for many years. Those English Department presented Of us who knew Mr. Ashton a special film on Romea and ily. found him to be a man af Juliet. Every romantic heart ;un quiet disposition and strict was beating hours ater at a honesty at ail fines. If was faster pae afuraliy. The bd is wish his family shouid fi e ih goad response foilow the same path In life. and I'm sure thaf every stu- rre- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper, dent is hoping that it was Mr. Orono, were recent guests ai'flot the last one ta be presenl- and Mrs. W. Bryan.f d * 'Sr~y4e -epot M.- -e .9~eite ail the other actîv- J. Hubbard is !m. Memorial Ras îym h dhb Iîtt n 112rd2 donlpital, Bowmanvilie. ta make the biggest headlimes. » The sYmpathy ai the cam- If met with terrific response; np munify is extended ta the in iact the best response lever. icia relatives and friends in the Many, too niany people were er, passing af Mrs. Albert Hughes furiied away at the door be- iSS of Toronto. Mrs. Hughes for.. cause there was no more an- merly lived here In the village room, leif. To those people we ;n, at the corner af Scugog and say we're sorry and we hope jer Pine Streets for severai years. that next year we might put on. Mr. Leslie Taylor attended ontwohows so as toalalow ind the Tamworfh Swine Breeders everyonest seif ete ini- meeting in Tarant o and was luck next year. ID- elected a Director ta represent As you may know already the several different breeds af the show this year wias made ted the province. up ai nets chosen from inside lay Mr. Humphrey Hewitt af the school., Large skifs and Toront o visifed at the home of pînys were steared away from n « Mr. and Mrs. John Archer s0 as toalalow as much talent [ay over the weekend. on stage as possible.X rs. Mrs. Beatrice Taylor is sfiil Here is a smail rundown an- in Port Perry Community Hos- the shows presented. The first on pifai with her condition re- play which met greaf success id ported as much the same. We was "Litfle Red Riding Hood", ,k- are pleased she has known us produced by Mr. Sheridan.- on aur daily visifs and hope The play was simple enough on for better weather which but the whoie catch, that is- couid bring an improvement if was all in LATIN, tbaf's to her health. right, Latin. Especially in- ' ,,I- The community card party teresting was the scene from m- af the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hamiet. Mrs. Pease this year's W. Harold Larmer on Friday producer, was unfortunately- evening was reporfed as being Ouf Of tawn oni Frîday night [mj successful. These parties have but ta give her cast a lift she» U been held every two weeks as sent them a felegram wishing Idisomeone has offered fthc use fhem luck. A greaf idea, n-jof their home. wasn't it? Another intercsf- id Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey ing side oi the play was Han-- a- have mOved ta Bowmanville, let himself, portrayed by -and Mm. and Mrs. Charles Charles Ewert. Charles,a Green and their fhmee chuldmen couple ai days befome the play, home. moved into the Ribcy broke his foot. Very unfortun-- hoe ate but like a trooper he stuck Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant and wifh if and acted his part, and fami]y were Friday visitors ai very wcll. The only thing was Mrs. Raymond Davey. that he neyer staod up! There were very nany ofli- cm interesting acts in the play PONT POOL but I must mention the M.C rui~truu ~ Albert Kerekes. Albemt did At thie regular card partyterrific job despite ail the held in Ballyduif Sehool o trouble with equipmenttand Friday night, there were Illlate acts, but he did i 1 Ia j ta.bles of players. The prize personally saw him immedi - winners were ladies' higli and ately affer the iast curtain and :È second fo Mrs. Lila Kerm andjhe was doing more than falk Mrs. Eaml Wright wif h Mrs 1 ta himsclf. You did a great Gordon Kirk winning the con-!job, Albert. alti ii so-l2tin. The etwn a There is justa iteim ! have retuÎncdbn. promises te be the week that FAt the regular Inl %.m. scr- lendsalal weeks. îa dce in Pontypo-'t Untedi lpt e2e Churh, n Suday Feb ash,' and Barry Krawchuk. -WbM 1V"IrYfogE J Wtt.. ~Bànn I. Baads a Setection of "qtjasy food products art the prnces you want ta puy! Advertised heoe me the brands which thousands N mLipon thousands af regular Dominion Shoppefs erjoy week iN 1 after week. These happy peope have discoveçed that for O P ~quality end everyday Iow prices, Dominons-ownbed arnme ndeed a sen"Ile biqi We know you'Il enjoy "hml 't Jet the fnw Pricfûûfnl vuu I Don't let the 1 fnit i Onlyat Dominion! An enriched loaf that slice for slice is your best buy! lt's always fresh! %pno qu S24,oz. Loaf 3i65ci Don't let the L10w Price foot you... DotJeth1wPrcfotou. Lo w Price foot you... 'DOMINO GINGER ALE If's got everything ... Iow price, faste and a flavour that's great. Stock up this week. 30-0z. Baffle 8199c Plus Deposit *7'~ " 'Richmello A choice blend of the world's finest . coffees, selected for flavour quai- ities. You grind if i l-1hPackage 87C ~ ' ' '2-lil. Package $173-- Don't let the LowâPrîce foot you... Don ZYOMINO FRUIT COCKTAIL A delightfut cam- - M~ binafian af pea- 0N -- ches, pears, pine- apple, and Mara- ' sohino Cherriesfoa 19-oz. Tin c ~Don't let the Low Price foui you.. R Cheese Spread .~Try this fine ""M Canadian Pas- teurizéd Process Cheese for quick cheese sauces Richmello COFFEE 100%'pure coffee -with a new rich aroma that really measures up ta the best. Why pay morel lO-oz. Jar sl.19 Ê t Jet the 10 w Price foot you... 00OMINO Tomatoeés A wonderfut go- fogether with al- Most any meat lJii dish. YoulIl lave the quality and low pricel 08o. i '5u' 't Jet the Low Price foot you... 'ICIMELLO Dressing sandwich mixer, this is the praduct that really docs the * ~ ~ job. 16-oz. Jar 3ea MAT O JICEo n Don't Jet the Low, *om Frozen Con An etat arai 1Don't Jet the 10w>P Siender slice- cooked in pure vegetable ail. Our superior quality Frozen French Don't Jet the Low Pr, RICHMI p favc wCrq Frics. Try 'cm! aDon't Jet the 10w Price fot you... 0017't let the 1ow Price f001lyou... Symphony Fp 7a issues Z 'OMINO BLUE Z 'OMINO Detergent i" LIQUID Çj, " A great product thatdoesthejob Detergent s' ' next Wednesday eý A favourite for dishes ': - aand put it ta the and fine fabrics that test!J saves you money in The one-at-a- 2-1b.Packae tc long run. Try iti time favouriteiMn PackageContainer the attractiv flral Pkgs. of 40018 2-lb j ' box! A quality F- ...49..... Tissueatamroney. 0 9 4 ea saving price. 2R 65 - SIt's Mainly Because of the Meat Fresh Produce Features ~Tenderloin End - i33./ lb. Avg. Swect and Juicy Size 200's c SPork Loin Roast 5 7 Florida Orainges*3 7d Park Loin Centre CutC Arizona Gmown- Roast or Chops 7,5' BROCCOLI bnch.19c*. XPresswood's Conîpass Brand Vac Pack Sweet Picked d Fresh Mexican Grovn PorIc Shoulder. 9,b Green Pias2Ibs.3l9c~ g« Only At Dominion iri~aîR~ Maple LeaferSweet Ploki *« DOMIO 'SHOPWIT COFIDENCEI CooIked Meats Beef lnu SWIENERS i âgjsumtkmii5 Varieties Va 1b. 59 I GOERMENT-INSPECTDI 6.z. _________ Pkg. Pkg. Ca 4 Ai! Merchandise Is- Guaranteed To Give 100% S&tisfaction Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Feb. 25, '67, in BownianvWll WE- RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMlIT QuANIIirES. Open Tliurs. and Fri. Nights .'tii 9,p.M, KingSt.andSimpson Avenue (Highway No. 2 East) '~~~~ A' A AA1 NOM INATI ON CON VENTI ON TO.'CHOOSE. PROVINCIAL CANDI DATE TýHUýRS, MARCU 2 TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO am ALL WILCOME- DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATION a 1 1 1 1 lu 1 1 Don,, ýn't lpt thR law ý wma Prîce foui pou... 0> Tmato Juice Lightly salted for a satisfying ap- qcç petizer. Serve it 1 regularly at this uâ Iow pricel Stock ~~ up nowl 48-oz. Tin Price fool you... UNION icentrated iexcellent di- irysourceofVita- 'II nC. Made from h tree-ripened inges. 'RD89C~ Price foui you.. ench Fuiesà 32-0z. ice fOot Yeu... ELLO leanut lutter .ng Canada's m ounite forsand- hes and treats. eamy and iooth! 3 Lb. Jar 89,eà 'l 00MINOFri