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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1967, p. 3

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JacobU frm Troy, New Yoe* mniemorel0fa member ofaimi 4a))II.l who were emrly detterg inWelcome. itook thse contributions ai Tie THOEU"SON ANDELT Sbotis of Bnwmanville, andlalpope ta thse hospîtal tee Gary McMackin. Oshsawa. last Wednesday iPos-t Hane Et. Gertrude's Roman Catha-i The reception was held in and the regular meeting of th- lie Chus-ch, Oshawa, was the tise Lions Centre, Bowman- UCW was held on Thursday setting for tht mas-nage afI ville, following wisich tht 'nstead af tht usual second Angela Maureen, daugister Of, couple lcft for a hontymoon Wcednesday because of these Ms-. and Ms-s. Lawrýence An- lin Florida. For travelling the other events. dely, Oshawa, ta Lamne Ed-lbride chose an emerald green Twenty ladies were present ýjadThampsan, son ai Mr.1 suit af pure vis-gin wooi, an Febs-uary 9th witi tise b 1&dMs-s. Francis Thampsal,1 matching baby chrysanthe- president Mrs. J. Graeneveld pMwnxanville. imums on veivet fos-ming a in charge. During the business Tise Reves-end G. P. Mung-, floral ws-eatis hat, and black1 plans wcre made ta remember lhjKp off iciated. Tht soloist! accessories. i rrinds with valentine greet- waw Mns. Albert Lonsdale,ý On their setus-n, Ms-. andiings and a card was signed by Whitby, accompanied by Miss!Ms-s. Thompsan wili reside at ail ta send congratulations ta Connie Lucas, Oshawa. 1330 Gibb Street, ApastmentiRev. Mac Fs-eeman and family Given in mas-nage by her'110. for their new chosen son. A father, thse bride was weasing! Prias- ta hem mas-nage sev- concise and compsehensive se- e formai gown ai silk peau de' eral showes-s honored tisePas-t o! tise Presbyterialiun1 sole cmbroidered witis lacel bride. Her bridesmaids, Miss Brighton an thse previaus day lace motifs. Tht Aiencanj Terest Szyszka, Miss Josephs- was given by Mrs. T. Wilson.! odice had a scallaped sabrina 1mie Gangemi, Miss L.orraine Ms-s. Das-ke, leader o! tht gs-oupi n e ckliln e and lily-paint iParrisis and Ms-s. Dave Wad- for tise montis conducted thtý sîteves. The skis-t was design-, deli gave a shower, assisted devotions, Ms-s. K. Ashby read1 cd wth boxpletedfs-ot: y tse b-id's otiss-,andthese cripture fs-arn Pisillips ed itha bx-peatd font bythebrie'smoterandtranslation ai Mattisew and accented with a amali baw at held at tise bride's home. Ms-s. I. Walter led in prayer. thse waistline. A matcising Ms-s. Tony Mollay, Bowman- Ms-s. Reeve led in study andý pleated train fel fsrnm tht ville, held a showes- at bier discussion ai Jesus Christ and waist. Hem headds-ess ai dou-J home. Ms-s. Victor Hope ai tht world and tht cffertos-y ble blusis veiling and lace Peter-bos-oughs, aunt ai the prayes- was given by Ms-s. poinsettia petals edged witis groom, held a showes- whicis Das-ke. Poves-ty in Ontario was seed pearîs iseld ber Alencon was attended by aunts and tise theme for tise afternaon 's lace veil. She cas-sied a bau-, cousins ai tise groom. Ms-s. iprogramme and its presenta-1 quet af red soses and ste- Lenny Shay, fsiend ai thse tian showed a great deal ai phanotis. ýride, apened bier home for alrpato.I sindlgu Miss Teresa Szyszka was miscellaneous showe-. Ms-s. fprepa-in tu wabsin ilu the maid aofisonor and thelFs-ank Wright, assisted by her son as se talked an the phone.ý athes- attendants wes-e Miss1 daugister Miss Beves-ly Wrighst,1 As athes- ladies came for thse Lorraine Pas-risis, Miss Jase- Bowmanville, gave a misce!-dSUSOOec1rsetdts phine Gangemi and Ms-s. Da-, laneous sisower attended 1byslsaiterets-hM-. vid Waddell, al ai Oshawa. :cousins ai tise groom. Tht j Waults-ofpaeiserce.fre Benjamin Thompson attend-loffice staff ai General-Motors0j'Wtis n pe ole;eMs-s. K.i ed his brother as best man ai Canada, Customs Depart- Ashby repos-ted on tise need' and tisose ushesing wes-e Mur-'ment, presented the bride for îiousing and man's right taý raxy Locke and Tony Malloy,!with an appropriate gift. own bis own home, q i Ms-s. Das-ke sisowed tise dtfi- - i nite rtl'atianship ai education WESLEY VILLE and paverty; Ms-s. Wilson spake New for of unemployrnent and poverty,i Spring 67 (Intended for last wetk) aggs-avated by surrounding ai- Ted usti ai art ope fluence, Ms-s. Reeve toid ai TedAusin f Prt opewa%1nothts- kind ai povesty whes-e P gutat speaker at tise meeting theeisee n t ula O GOOD UY ailtishe Welcome charge AOTS lence wl-ere a rock and ral Uv D.,~ Y ~ here onj ,.isay evening. Hisîartit receives adulation and' FROMlected y ofIsisefand htifcs col1,extsavagant financiai seturns iletdb is n i elwhile a persan wha isas spent G OODBRAND wiformedais always wos-tis- much ai bis lie in training and using it uncacrrsrh ee On Wednesday mos-ning ceives a smaîî salas-y and na SPRING WOOLLENS: ýMesdames Clar-ence Nichols, J. adulation;tises-t is a paverty for coats, pants, sults, etc. 'Groeneveid, T. Wilson and E. of tise spir-it and sametirnes tise Plains, Plaids and Ba--wluhf-r eI-TV s so loud we do not hear Cas-naby Checks ville UCW and Ms-s. Newtortise knack at tise doar. Tise is-om Weicomne UCW attended'pidetishanked tise gs-aup LINENS: !,the Cobour-g Presbyterial i o te study and presenta- Rattan 44"~ nual meeting at Brigiston.Tisien,0 and thse refs-essments 12 colors --- ------- --$1.79 s ai al day meeting anda hefolwd urn wih Sereda 440feeia ature this yeas- was'items wes-e purcisased fsrn tise asplendid dîsplay in thse make, bake and take it table. Ps- ---t $1.98 mnsl ea sdb is ii- This sealized abaut $15. PRINTED: tes-, Rev. MacLas-en. Several Crib quilts wes-e again com-. Hopgaeklng 4411 $2.98 raoms ai tise manse wes-e fus-- leted at Miss Das-ke's this' nished as neasly as passible week ta be sent ta tise Srnitiss PLAIN: as it was inb 1867.* Modes-n fur-ls--ide'* optl Hopsaeklng 44"3-_ $225 niture had been removed and Fals. crnild ustsintai. a lady in appropriate costume PMs-s.oArnod Atin ontrd POLYNOSTIC: explained tise many items aifastrHop ee sta ilF-da Catons 44"P $ 1.19 itr wt ahloalod ta he-ngtreated for an injured ankie. PRNE:Presisyteriai a sedt rn Gas-field Payne was taken ta PITD an item fsrn its chus-ch. isospital that sarne 'aiternoon g11ks 44" - ---- $1.79 A ts-ustee book fsrn Wesley- for an appendectomy, fsrn ville beginning in 1859 was wisicis ie is already an tise way shown and fsrn Welcome. a ta recavery. Wm. Tufford is G O ODB R AND lovely sives us-n recently dis- stli in hospital and Mss C. wierthe naeI ts e chus-chBeigiston is mucis improved at (ARI S and tise nane ofa amember ofaroe. Hs mny -end ha âere tise Jacoba famuly. Tisis was a as-oe a to nwfht a BOWMANVILLE pa-aiacmuinsriesssnei Welcamc is prag- given a Wecmmuibl eCri-esessing favas-abiy foliawîng hiss -U-an- clc in1880bye a Ms-. seriaus accident about twal Il. tim huchin 88 b -aMr weeks a go. 1,i Ms-. and Ms-s. Har-old Bas- sowlough were in Petes-bor- I - .1 i ougis on Sunday afternoon ta sec Mrs. W. Bars-owlough who also suffered an attack ai appendicitis wiie in Tor-onto witis ber husband for tise teachers' convention and bad ta remain overnight in Oshawa isospitai, but is well again. Ms-. and Ms-s. Harald Austin ~~ wes-e in Toronto an Sunday. ,.s- Ms-. and Ms-s. Howard Payne Ne liks ~ ~entertained members ai tise HO li.e famly at dinnes- on Sunday. I. They were: Ms-. and Ms-s. A. Shirs toPeters, Masrish; Ms-s. M. Ratis- ' bun and. ciildren, Trenton; SparkIer ? Ms-s. A. Montgomrsy, Ms-s. E. Chute, Ms-s. M. Langdon and Catisesine and Miss B. Lang- Depend on lus I don, ali fPas-t Hope. Chus-ch service was at Wei- orn n Sunday mamning and shir Iaudry or yur pr- supesintendent George Tuffard ReaiIy expert hr unr fo yu p -1 in charge of Sunday scisool ticular man is no problem ta us! We specialize bts-re. Mas-go'and Patti Payne SEE THESE FANTASTIC BARGAINS CLEARANCE 0F WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WINTER BOOTS > (LEARING AT (051 AND LOWER! MEN'S GIRLS' WOMEN'S INSULATED BOOTS BOYS'- MEN'S Leather and Rubher Soles SKATES CLEARING ALL SKI BOOTS Se. Them on Display at #5#5 KINGMfa S TeW. (ON£ DOOR WEST 0F OUR PRESENT LOCATION) LLOYD ELLIS SHOES COME TO 55 KING ST. W. AND SAVE 1 Recently Married ThO Canadien StRatemnowmanvlfle, IFeb. 22, 1981 MAPLE GROVE' Sympathy of this communi- tions of music, rendered by, of Mrs. L. C. Snow.fMI ty la extended ta Ms-s. ROSS Miss Elva. Kinnear, Bawman- Bob Snowden and Mâ.jobf Hailoweil and son Jack i the sudden pasng of husband ville, entited "No one everi Pritchard. and father, also to Mr-. and cared for me Uike Jesus" and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos rt Ms-s. Lawrence White in the "Haw Great Thou Art." Mr. dermnan and daughter Susmu. Iasa of a brother-in-law, and Rameril'a topic next Sunday Guelph, were Saturday U ail other relatives. wjîî t>c"On being a Crs per guests with their gre- Congatultion to Mi s s tian - thse gttt of Cai hries,, mother, Mrs. H. R. Foley. . ; Gwyneth Lee an being thejMi G H Mr. and AIrs. Ray Dubeaié luckY winner in the Centçn- Te aple rove Hi- and two sons spent thse week-,: niai Contest last week. She meeting last Sunday evening end witb her parents, Mr. and', la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. was held in thse C. E. Hall. Mrs. A. Rice, Hawkestone. G ahm Le, R.. 3,Bow-Minutes of the last meeting Gaha LeeRR.,Bw were read by Judy Carr. A Mr.and Mrs. Harry Snowl-,j manile.discussion was then held on den and two daughters, Omis.' Thse congregation on Sun- their next meeting, Mas-ch 5, awa, were Sunday afternooi&ý day was favored by two selec- when Rev. Catto. Hampton callers an his sister and hum-t. circuit, wiii be shawing his, band, Mr, and Mss Ron Rat .: was decided ta subscribe ta oveo OeatnBaer ers and iamiiy. Mr. and NMs,.. the F'ederatcd News. Tom Van Len Goodmrphy and dughb- Ms-s. F. Stevens seportcd for in charge Cfamep grup wns ters, Oshawa, wereSda thse "Good Neighbous-s" COM- titled "Contrai of your Emo. supper gtiests with ber sWser' mittee. Several Valentine tions". The Hi-C of Maple Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers alie boxes and cards had been sent Grave have startcd a Serap family. and thanks for same were ex- Book af pictures af the activi- Ms-. and Ms-s. Ivison Mun-î prese ewc r g. ties which have taken place day, Bowmanville, were Sun. Mlastr Fepinokslair.agin in the past year. Tise meeting day supper guests of Mr. anie Tee tofian s olos.n closed with prayer by Tom Mrs. Fred R. Stevens. Tulh, Off iesstcnfernce at Van Camp. Mr. and Ms-s. Bert Snowdea 3urCelp, a Ditr.annuhal, . etn il ehl ttne h inmnLde urH Cent eialine nte nTu..W meeingillb helditnde to inmnille la f-H Cle utwreal etind nThursday enin ebC .H. NgSatrin Bowanviili The March meeting will be Due ta, weather conditions ai Mr. and Ms-s. Bob Good.w' atour ai McLaughlin Library last week It was pastpaned ta murphy were Sunday supper4 in Oshawa. Cars ta leave the this week. guests witis ber mother, Ms-g.» hurcis at 7 p.m. Acrla forlde Allan Snowden. Mrs. L. C. Snowden read a ateddts thP-syeil Mr. and Mrs. Carias Crya ummary a u .I okaite U.C.Wtheid in Nobytrthl'derman and daugister Susan,? that she had prepas-ed for aur minster Chus-ch, Oshaw,îs uliMs aoy at1. Weistrict History. . Brooklin, were Sunday atter.' The meeting closed with the Wens1,Fb 5h noon visitors with the for.' repeating of the Collect inl Mr. Sam Snawden, Colum- mer's parents, Ms-. and Mrs.", inison. A social hali houri bus, and bis twa sans were H. Crydes-man, brothers an&- ioes...eninved aterwards. Sunday evening dinner guests rister. ___________ i jin Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Edward Thompson are shown in the above photo follow- ing their recent marriage in St. Gertrude's Roman Cathalie Church, Oshawa. The bride is the former Miss Angela Maureen Andely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Andely, Oshawa, and the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson of Bowmanville. Photo by Lloyd McRobbie I Happy Brothers Little George Edward Thomas Kennett, who wiil celebrate his fis-st birthday on Sunday, February 26th, s shown in the above. photo with his big brother Robert, three years. Sons of Mr. and Ms-s. George 'Jae" Kennett, Town, they are grandsons of Mrs. Vlarjorie Kennett, and the late Mr. Robert Kennett, T'own, and Mr. and Ms-s. George Jacobson, Cobourg. Reports from Women's Institutes SOLINA -W.I. Queen, after whicis deliciaus i Valentine refs-esisments were Thse meeting opened with enjoyed. tise Institute Ode, fallowed by ___ the Mary Stewart Collect. Aiter the s-eading ai the min- MAPLE GROVE WLI utes, treasu-es's report and correspondence, Mrs. Fraser The February meeting o! read a lette- fs-rn Miss Vera tise Womnen's Institute was held Ciayton, ai Bilton Institute, in in thse C.E. Building at 8:15 England. Ms-s. His reminded p.m. on Feb. 13th. tise members ai aur Casserole The Rail Caîl, "Name a Lunciseon and Spode demon- Weed that Adds ta tise Farm-. stration ta be held in Mas-ch es-s' Cost" shawed a few un- in thse hall. Aiter commit- usual weeds. tee reports, the rail cail "wear Ms-s. W. Bs-awn, canvenor of something aid fashioncd", was Agriculture, presented the fol- answered by many intes-esting lawing pragram. Tise Motta, articles, inciuding aid fashion- "'Serving is Sawing" was read ed gowns, modeied by mem- by Ms-s. S. Doyle. She said bers. tisat "ta serve or ta b. served Mrs. R. Vice took charge af us one's decision". The mean- thse progs-am for tise Education est mos-tal known is ane who group. Mrs. H. Knax comment- lives for himseii alane. Every cd on tise motta "Thse aniy old day we have appartunities ta, persan, i.s he who no langer bette- the lives ai athers and desires ta learn." Pearl Leachs so imprave aur own lives. If then led a most cnjoyabie slng aur Master came tai serve and sang, witi Ms-s. E. Cryderrman flot ta be served, it la aur duty at tise piano. Ms-s. F. Watson ta follow bis exampie." read a story s-ecailing thse days Master Fenwick Laird ai when the Saturday nlght bath Bawmanville played'two piano was taken in thse privacy of solos, anc ai which Was cam- tise kitchen! Mrs. C. Hamner poaed by an uncie. Ms-s. W. favas-ed with a gs-oup ai solos, Brown introduced the guest Sata Lucia, and Somethlng ta speaker, Ms-s. John Paye-, af Sing About, This Land afiProvidence, who spoke an Ours. "Farming i Haland". She Te president 'brought tiselsaxd that in the 13 years that. meeting to a close with tisese had been in Canada, farm- J uiùnnofaiGod Save the ing in Mofland ha, change ver-y mucis. Farmîng is tise No. 1 industs-y and tisey gs-ow enougis food for tiseis- awn population plus exports. Thse fars-m aver-age about 30 acres but an industriaus fas-mes- can get a gaad living fs-cm tis much land. Tise gaves-nment has more contrai naw tisan bahf a. century ago Very few fas as-e for sale. Many ai tise bettes- yaung fas-mers as-e leaving for otises cauntries ini os-dem ta buy tiseis- own fas-ma. Foilowing ber talk Ms-s. Fayer answered several questions asked hes- by tise ladies. Ms-s. John Petrosky moveda vote o! tisanks ta those belp-J ing on tise ps-ogs-am. M-s. S. Doyle was in charg ON DELIVERE.D The cost of living goos UP . but the price of .nilk Cornes D@WN! Ask your milkman about our discount on Home Delivered Milk if you haven't already done so. If you are'a large user of milk products, we will now deliver them to your door for less than any other place in Ontario. 1887 1987 GLEN RAE PHONE 623-5444 HOME MILK (9ur Cen tennial £Piroject DAI7RY "We Guarantee Our Products for îfe" IOWMANVILLU 1 lqr IV, lqv IV IV__ 1 1

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