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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1967, p. 6

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n Te Cuzidian Statesman, Bowmane, !eb. 22, 1967 Trinity'sCon gregation RPeceives Annual .-Reports fN lmnal meeting aI Th vity Unfted Cburch wau ho 49.theChurch Hall on Tue Sevlng, January 311 A Mrcimiing those ini a tendance Rèv. G. K. Wai eonducted a short devotioin ogrvice. Rev. Ward ansi Mn. Ale Lebb were appointesi chai: man ansi secretary respeétiv 17 for the business meetir that followed. A nflnute of silence w obsrvd in memory of thx 34 .niembens and adiieren Who have passed away durn the year. This year the oral repor 'Wee cut to a minimum sinc à printesi report of chunc pupehasi been corupilesi b Q.jStuart Crago, chure suertary, and Mr. L. J. 1'2s church treasurer. *M.Robent Hcndry, dler cf 'Iýe session, reportesi th spSetal services which too plSduning the past yea men inm n particular th Làay' Servie in Apil in whic 17, mnembea-g oI the chunc todk part.- Dr. Keith Billei Presented the. message at the ue'viCe. On July 10th a deai nattoi service for Bey. F.ç CoIwell ansi Mn. Colwefl wa helsi pion te hein dep>rtur as mlssionaries to Braz . Reiý Celwel la the son of Mri Bert- Calweil, the financia aecretany aI the church. Sino that service Mn. andi Mn. Col well have been asioptesi b, ?Inlty Church as their oUfi ciel missionarica in Brazil. Mr. L. C. Mason spok briefly un behaif of the Coni mfttee cf Stewards, notini thht the Installation of thi Pews ansi carpeting had bei eMpletesi during the nag k~l.r.ery.. chive, IIatfrdServie is alwatys neoeby IAtound the corner et ccust- *,-oa... yoîzu nwaYs 3'oly on JTRtford's netwt of ý$,OOO agents and mm225 ~svie flce t _v you quick !'*liddepdabl. insranoS =y. fi*e whesiever you mced it. To %2woeu!onam aic.ow STUAET a* JAMES à r ENERAL INSURANCE u Ki1ng st. B. Bowmanvlh.e 14111e. Reuice 0.3-631 21-5493, 65 STYLESm I COLORS -TO CHi eFOR MEN e*FOR WOM a EUT DIRECT PROAK THE L 0 bNTS $MUFOR LEUS l * COKEN FMAMES RIAIREDOlOR W. fMl!al P.S.,, culý prescrptions at saie low j I 7eM ,a 2nd Floor n- year. Ho commended the com- chased a Canadian Flag which fd mittee in charge of tus pr-aiste be presented to the~ s- ject paying particular tribute Church. i t- te, the two chairmen, Mr. Don Mr. Ward gave a brief a- McGregor and Mr. Jack minusterial report in which trd Brough. Mr. Mason voioed a' he thanked ail those takingi ai warning that ane cannot rest part in church activities. In « on one's laurels and in view particular 'he voiced hiF ap-> ani of impending large capital ex- preciatian te Mr. Arthur Col- r- penditures suggested starting lison, organist and choir mas re- a fund for future building ter, for the fine mnusic pre- ngand renavation projects. Mr. sented each Sunday by the " 1 Langs, treasurer, reviewed senior and junior choirs. the printed statenient for 1986 T h e foilowing members apd he poposd bugetfor were elected for a five year 197.Fud e period; Messrs. Ross Strike, iceipts for the past year James Hayman, Ian Hovey, amounted to $32,084.00, this is Ken Hoekin, Duane Beers, rt apart from the carpet and Lawrence :Godidard, Rex Wal-, cpew fund which stili shows a ters, Alan Witherspoon, Merle eh ii I$,2.O Slute, Bill Rudell, and Wal- The report from the Sunday lace Braden. Prom a motion h SChoo a presented by Mr. by Mr. Robert Hendry, Rev. C. Ken Hockin. There are 407 A. W. Harding was elected a a n the rail with an average 111e member of the Session. k attendance of 278. Ahl avail- Those elected to the Board he able facilitiez are being used of Stewards for a three year k with the Junior, Intermediate term were Mrs. Lawrence ar and Senior departments meet- Goddard and Messrs. Don àe ing in the Church Hall, the Austin, Lloyd Ayre, Jack 'h Beginners, Kindergarten and Brough, Harry Cooke, Tom h Primary departments in the Gatchell, Glen Hadgson, Nealeý tt church annex, and the baby- Maclean, AIf Sameils; Tom at sitting service in the cottage. Turner. Mrs. D. Waters was The above Officers of Palestine Chapter, R.A.M. No. 249 G.R.C.,( 9- Ail those working with the elected for anc year as the were insta]Ied at the Convocation held January 16th at the Masonic ( S. Sunday School and midd-week representative fromn the UCW. Hall. Front row, left ta right, I.P.Z., Ex. Comp. F. A. Boyd; Prin.( as groupa look forward ta a day Mr. Robert Stevens and Mr. Soj., Coinp. A. P. F. LeGresley; 2nd Principal, Ex. Comp. Lloyd W.4 e when ail departments can be Robert Sheridan were elected' .Aye lst Principal, Ex. on.JRaAbreh;3dPicEx 1 Vaccommodated u ni d e r the as Trustees for a five year A.1 op .ReAereh;3dPîc x 1same roof. period, andi Mr. Ray Diiling Comp. Garnet B. Rîckard; Treas. V. Ex. Cornp. N. A. Wilkins; Back ,e Mn. Alan Strike, the Sunday elected as auditors. 1. School Supenintendent, for Mr. Russell Osborne pre- I f5 staff roomn at ea] )y the hours of service he lia sentesi a necomme n da tio n i i - n I o lowing schools:î 1devoted ta the Church School, from the Session that duning ftke S c oo B ar arnd also to buy r and aiso ta the 60 teachers the summer union services for exemption tc ,e and Department Supeinten- with St. Paul's Church, the H~ti ae a idents who are generously con- hour af service be 9:30 a.m. H (1 5 Firt M eti Sales Tax, two ho ýg tributlng their time and tal- This motion was unanimausly 9school 4 and 91, ie ents in order that the youth carried. Rv ai ogwstemn namto yM.Sut ,, o col ri af the church may be made Mr. Ward reportesi on plans Rv BaLogas the mn namtonb r tt , and 6or co it aware of their religious heni- for a Centennial Project which special speaker at the inaug- seconded by Mr. Lowery. Mr.tead6 O -tage. had been discussesi by the ural meeting af the 1967 Clarke Stutt recommendesi that the texts for OronoS Mns. Michael Puk gv Officiai Board. There bas Township Public School Board board review ail insurance He was alsoa very comprehiensive report of been a Centennial Historical held nOoo Public School caverage at an early date, andi distribute school the activities of the U.C.W. Committee appointed to0cam- recently. Wise decisians andp lace ail its insurance through lows: master keys pieteCuc itr neffective action are the resuit rokers. caretaker, mainte Thrhe Pairs, Tes ndhae bookiet Ionm. Mr. Wansi ap- af considerations with the ight Mr. Lowery, secanded by, and secretary, ai thogh neais e aarvnue a eaidt tecngeaio aprospective, he saîd. Mrs. Barlow, moved that the ta al staff membE $4,6453 Ate pyig heassiat *in any way possible ta The special speaker took as board pay a membership fee It was notedî budge commtment theymake this pnoject a success. bis text Isaiah, Chapter 40,a 5.5frtePbi coltemnhyrp bude abt a prestents$5.0BO ealo theOfcai res 26-31. He spoke af pubý Trustees' Association, and $62 School Principals to te crpe an pe fud. oard, Mn. Walton Pascae lic duty and the importance for affiiate membershp in the gregate attendancd Aitouh ony aiin po-paid tnibute ta Mr. Ward, ex- af community affairs, and urg- Ontario School Trustees Coun-lemer 2d19 jetssee mesit y a lrepesing prhoa-rec oti f es that officiais lit up their cil. This wvas carniesi. Clarke Union bac part in the worko tea il for bis inspirîng serinons, eyes ta God sa that they wiîî The secretary was instructed1percentage of atte: ath is visitations ta the sick and1 be able ta sec 111e and their ta buy clathes naçks Ion the' 99.6 -per- cent._ Uneans, theywhree story The hut-ins, andi bis generaus as- responsibilities In proper pres- Purpseathe U.C.W. la .Taesistance ta al arganizations pective. unte o the wamen aI the in -the church. A standing Lawrence Greenwood was curch fo the otal mission ovation was accordesi Mr. andi elected by Board Chairman, ofechurcor t o thissthe Mrs. Wand. and ' Mrg. J. Barlow Vice- ogrames presete do hw eri "The Human Heart, a very Chiairman. Mrs. Barlow andi cellent studies in Steward- imely film on Christian William Turansky were ap- *~ shi, Ctiznshp, ibl dStewand9hip, was shown at pointed memnbers af the Man- shi, Ctiensip Bileand the close aI the meeting. This agement andl Transportation Mission study. Joint meetings wa olwdb nejybe omteJmsLwr n wth the women of sister a alwdb nejybeCmite ae oeyas churhes wer meorale ocial hour at wbich the James Stutt were appointesi ta churhes wen nimorbleladies of the U.C.W. servesi the Property and Finance highlights. rfehet.Cmite The witten renont from rTfeshmnrsCncitp. oaIthe Orono the Jack andi Jili Couples Tche Principe al do h Club showed a membership Business Sehool Ce tnalsiPnoject Committee aI 61 couples. Under the able "" 4te a flreTwsi presidency af Mn. and Mns. n ecmpos.e alke onshpip A1S or.tec c 0r fcht egr.H'a e fran1pn Dm> Mri.t#club raised ap ifrf a total of $1,946.95. The RAY J. DIJLG keepîng an unerurÜral sehgol grèater part of this amaunt Chartered Accountant as an educational museum. was the revenue Ironi their 93 Church Street Chairman Greenwood in- annual variety xhow, Cornz a 623-3861 farmesi the Principal that a Poppin. At thein banquet In W...H OGN study should be made by the January the members enjoy- Charteresi Accauntant bada rbei oncc 5 Rv .K Ltmrtewîth maintenance andi protec- cds se.eJ. K.dLatoe the e 1 Libenty St. S., Bowmanvil]e tion, before caming ta a de- gestspeerind the Ch es- Phone 623-3612 cision regarding finaticial as- mas devotional was presentesi WILLIAM C. HALL sistance for such a permanent In prose and lynics by the B.Comm. museuni. chilsinen aI the members un- Chartenesi Accountant Mr, Stutt, seconded by Mns. der the direcVion of Mrs. A. 36%- King St. E., Oshawa Barlow, movesi that the board A. Merkley. Telephane 725-6539 re-imbunse any teacher aI the About 75 boys ansi girls at- BURROWS, SELBY & Co.Cak tf p a$ aht tend the mid-week Explorer Chanteresi Accauntants those who attend the Ontario ansi Messenger groups. The 323 King Street West ScetfoEdatoTbug weekly meetings af the C.G. Oshawa, Ontario Art Regional Conference in I T. bave an average attend. 725-6451 - 728-7554 Peterborough, in February. ance oI 34. These girls bave, William A. D. Selby, C.A. Ti a crid as a Centennial projeet, pur- G. Edmondi Burrws, CA. The foilowing punchases -- were listesi: a TV for Onone Schaol, an outside assembly chiropracfic bell for that schooi, a set of9~< G. EDWIN MNDC keys for vaniaus schools, ansi MANND.C. one 10 pound lire extinguishen Ofc:Chiropracton for Enterprise School. Offins:Thuesi arite i rey a 15 Elgin St., cor, of Horsey St h ntre bor sncrery twas.ý Phone 623-5509 a etr fram John Lewis ne- Office Hours: By appitm tgadn sale of one roonij schoals. and tell him that he D en Ia i wiil be infermesi when n such propenty is offeresi for .. 5 ~ DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. sale. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Word was receivesi from the . <'i ~ Offic Haurs:Department af Education that " - 9 a.m. t 6 p.m. daily a letter o emsint ec IGA CREAM STTLL0 a Closesi Satuirdqmay q ansi Jaur 3rd ta June 29th ' ~ fists and Optometrists Bus. and Res. Telephon. --st-i-keès, u- n i-inlbi 623-7251 the itcaner pinawigghesi IINNER 0F THE LUCJ but refusdd ta tapple ansi he JUMBO PIG Col Mo rga ge S had to settle for astiilvery gg speciai 448 total. SADlE HAMILTON - OIRONO Haroldi is leasing ahi bowl- R C Y J .Phone 983-5115 ers with 'a, sensational 264 U King St. W. Firet Mortgage Funsis avera ge, andi Berrqice Buday, Residences - Farms aise af Bawianville, is a way Weight: 74 lbs. 8 os. Busin r operties out ini front af the ladies witb 236, foilowed by Isabele MOURSY King 222, af Oshawa. 0 t0m e frY Congratulations ta Doris 9 a.m. t. 5 p.m. Daaiy - J .LTI, o..JU of Bawmanviile who __ iL «»A.BMET, M.qualifled in the sIngleaandiUI CIoed AU DRY Wed. Optemetrist ladies' team who wlU bowl -Un 143 Kin~g St. E. - Bowmanvlle la Ottawa on Zasten week- I MME MI261 Otim li=: ByappoIndmiet end on, March 23.25, in tm BaMN igoi623-325=310! EAgei Canadlian Champion. .hur,. - ?ri. hp; also ta bher sister Bs«. 0 aim to 5p:M. luia.Buday who qualifiosi on Wed. and Sat - 9-12 themlxd team .Best 01luck .&Vurmmw e U *m0 1I3UUfl 00W. I~~~~~~eà 'pcin hr e la eringtan. HAMPTON W. L February meetinq wau held ln the C.; E. building~ and opened as usual, wt.the President in the chair. Two minutes' silence was observed ln memory of one of our 1fe members, and for many a a valuable ordinary ebr, for the late Mrs. Roy Knoxi Roll cali was 'Wayne a cari - adian Prime Minister uince. Corfederation," and was "l answered. Minutes were read and appraved. 19 present. Several thank-you cards were read and other literature. District Annual wilI b. held at Maple Grove, May llth. Usual collections were taken up. Centennial banquet will be held in Maple Grove ln May. Mrs. Berniece Renton tock the c hair for the followlng pragram, for the East group. The motto, "We have every reason tohbe praud of Canada. what we might do Io ta make her proud Of us," was pre- pared by Mrs. Carrick of Tor- onto and read by Mrs. George Yeo, and also a nice letter fromn Mrs. Cariick. Mr. Roy Knox made a nice donation for our work in memnory of his wife, aisoi a I fice donation from Mrs. Pres. Cornp. D. R. Alldread; 3rd Veil, Comp. Duane Beers: Senior Soj..Icott. Comp. Kenneth Sumersford; 2nd Veil, Comp. Gordon Dudley; D. ofý The topic was taken by Mm,: Allin on Centennial, and Mns. C. Ex. Comp. W. M. Stacey; Scribe N. Ex. Comp. J. H. Abernethy; Arthur Blanchard read a pro. 4th Veil, Comp. J. McFarlane; lst Veil. Comp. R. Dow; Scribe E.' ject on farms which had been Rt. Ex. Comp. H. G. Freeman. Absent: Jun. Soj., Comp. J. Oudshoorn; in the samne families. There Asst. Organist Comp. Ross Metcalf. ýare 5,000 farms. th af the foi- ary were: Direct weifare ' 4, 9 ansi 13 B idig$5,110.95, nuns i ng homes!' dingrstmp $2,315.23, supplementary aid o Ontario Re- 11,adecs n eiie andi Pederal T k s Jurrp $40ni85. s ni idcie iokykits for iaK s $4085. ecipients inclusies .si itha Il'c an a2 heas soaIfamnihies with 86 dsthtneîlfln a Uarv dependents, 15 single persans,ý )pies af music, n ine desertesi or separatesi School. There were 175 welfare ne- cases with 19 dependents, 18 Va$W .. v authorizesi to cipients hast month the report patients ini nursing homes ansi TUE8/CE keys as fol- for January submitted by Wei- 23 pecopie who receivesi O.A.A. ri.TiÙE /dR ,to Principal, lare Administraton R. J. Wehsh and O.A.S. supplementary aid. tenance man, ta Town Counil on Monday Building Inspector R. Heth- WU / DE id pass keys evening, Peb. 3rd, showed. enington's report for January T//E Mui... bers. The total cast af wehfare for showed that 14 building per- in reviewing the month was $7,927.'03, but mits ansi two plumbing per- orts made by as the expectesi recoveries mits were isuesi. The total D.ARLINGTON ethat the ag- Irom provincial ansi lederal cest aI construction in January ce as af De- grants ansi charge - backs was $138,940. This was tJPHOLSTERY )66, was 788. amaunt ta $7,010.81, the actual $136,095 more than during i the highest cast ta the town wiil be only the previaus manth. 102 Ring st. W. flowmanvllle ndance with $916.22. In January, Inspectar Heth-lPhono 623-7341 Free Estimates iThe expenditures for Janu- erington made 33 building in -______________ MILS CURES SWEET PICKLES SCOTTAGE suppW *W frpr.groeý id pond.nt R OW W r" WM »«M S~ S 51E BACON 750.. SAL E!T<AUSAGES 49~ lc BAKRY FETURESTHE IGA LBEL IS VOUR IGA OVEN FRL5N KEV TO EXTRA SAVINOS' 14oz. AP.PE R3 P , . roduis b.aiag thé ICA labei somare DUÀSTR'S- c OF3 2 ."-in quality lo natioalir advertlsed bra.ds. ,# Of$ moASR RLI ~ i weer, Ihey are Mué botter value la ---à hodglmsusons shoppers, aset. high k, CAN. No. 1 GRADE P.E.I. leofeu tienal advenising i. passud ** p' TA10iS~ l pu ofom ofaàwrref. U * R.U MhI', n i lie jeu 51i0p, l'y lu. SUI.P O T A O E ..,.priata label -* il sa jour oej, ju h VILLE IGA FOODLINER 10 WMAN VILLE Instali New Off icers of Palestine 'Chapter . 1

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