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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1967, p. 7

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Mrs. Mable Junkin of Bob- caygeon spent iast week witl -Mrs. T. Buttcny, Second Street. nr. Chnis McTavish of the v0 Grave Scbool, Lakefield, was skiing in the Launentians last _yeekend with a school chuin. 'Mr. and Mns. Ralpb Ames, Carlisle Ave., retunned home last wcekend from a most en- joyable two-week winter bh.i day in Flanida. Guests of Miss Mildred Willmott, Church St., last week were Helen Warden of Rochester, N.Y., and Mrs. Kený Buckley of Madoc. Mn. T. K. Stewart, Cbunchi Street, is attending the Good Roads Convention beinig held at the Royal York Hotel,ý Toronto, this week. Miss Pattie Aider returned ta Belleville on Tuesday atten spending a few days with hen parents, Mn. and Mns. Bon Aider, Centre Street. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Coppen- tbwaite of Peterborough spent Sunday with hem mother and uncle, Mns. W. Marsden and Mn. Geo. Kemptborn. O.P.P. Staff Sergeant A. Barken, Ottawa, spent the weekend at home with Mrs. Banken and sons Bian and Gerry, King St. East. Mrs. Ray Yang of Waterlo University spent a few days Iast week witb ber husband at the home of Mrs. Edna Ander- qS, Wellington Street. .Mn. Jimmy Hall, Qucen's University, Kingston, spent a few days witb bis grand- fp rents, Mn. and Mrs. James Hall, Liberty St. North. Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar werc Sunday dinner guests of thein son and daughter-in-law, Mn. and Mns. Charles V. Hoar, )Barbara and Tom, Willowdale. Mn. and Mns. Wally Breck of Kingston, and Mr. and Mns. Ivan Cochrane of Nestleton, wvere visitons during last week Wvith Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams, Elgin Street. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. D. Mortimert Kilgannon, Liberty St. South, wbo celebrates bis 9lst binth- day today, Wednesday, Febru- ary 22nd. Mns. W. W. Bagnell, Scugog 1 St., neturned home last week1 after spendîng a few days int Oakville with hem daughter and son-ln-law, Mn. and Mrs.t R. Robson and Duncan. a Mrs. E. Holdstock and Mrs.I 0. Plummen have returnedf fromn Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,t whene they visited their sons and daughter, Mn. and Mrs. O. t Holdstock, and granddaughterc Heather.n Mn. and Mrs. Rance Dilling, town, and their. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Byers of Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mr. Byers' parents, Mn. and Mns. Andrew Byers of Owen Sound. - . Mrs. Edna Anderson, P.G.M., attended the reception Satur- day evening held in St. James' Church Hall, Peterborough, for Mrs. Muriel Hewitt, Grand Esther of the Grand Chapten of Ontario, Order of the Eastern Star. Recently Miss Y vo nn e Anonichuck, member of the Ice P'ollies cast, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anoni- chuck, Horsey St., partîcipat- ed along with a couple of other girls from the ice show in a taping of the TV pnogram "Password". The tape is ex- pe cted to be shown an Sunday, March 5, at 5 p.m.1 Bowmanville Pentecostal (hurch 175 Liberty St. 8. Phono 623f-5100 Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.Th. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY COUNCIL DAY guest speaker: Mrs. M. Gordon (veteran W.M.C. leader) Sunday School at 9:55 an. 7 p.m. Music Night! - gospel, instrumentais, solos, duets and quartet, and choir Wednesday, 7:30 pitn. 'Family Night Service Al Are Welcorne! "Where the Word of la Net Round", God 1ý > Mn. and -Mlru. Boss Clark, à High St., attended the presen- !tation and dance of the Osha- k1 wa Flying Club beld at the Is Oshawa Legion Hall on Satur- sday evening when their son Ralph received his commercial licence and wings. Ralph's icousin, Dennis Clarke, receiv- ed his pnivate licence and Iwings at the presentation. Mrs. A. Fletcher and ber d daughter and son-in-law, Mn. ,and Mrs. J. Tremble, Todd and ,Tyler are on a month's vaca- rtion, during wbicb they wil be staying for two weeks in Anaheim, Calif., with Mrs. Fletcber's sisten, Mns. Roland McDonald. It is 13 years since Mrs. Fletcher and Mns. Mc- Donald have seen each othen. Mn. and Mns. R. McDonald and family, Belleville, wene rdinnen guests on Sunday of rMrs. McDonald's parents, Mn. 1and Mns. Charles Johns, Lib- erty St. North. Mn. and Mns. A aroc and Erlyne, Hamnp- tton, were Monday evening din- 1ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1Johns. On Tuesday of this week, Mn. and Mrs. Johns visited Mn. Johns' sîster, Mns. C. Wood of Orono. Mns. Beatnice Mattbews ne-j turned recently ta Montreal atter spending several montbs with hem daughtem and son-mn- law, Mn. and Mns. Robent Agnew, Ontario Street. She was accompanied te Montreal by Mrs. Agnew. Last Satur- day evening, Mn. and Mrs. t Robent Barton and family and Mn. and Mrs. George Davies and family, ail of Toronto, were guests of their parentsC Mn. and Mrs. Agnew. t BLACKSTOCK The O.N.O. Club met at the home of Pat Fletcher, Feb. SE 9th, with 23 membens and two tI visitons attending. Minutes D~ and treasurer's report were a read. The club was asked teaa onganize the Father anmd Son fi banquet since there is no Mo- ri ther's Auxiiiary this year. 1I Rall cali was 'My Favourite v Dessert'. Each member wrote t] a Valentine poemn which was o passed around and read aloud by another member. Deliciaus L lunch was served by the bas- v tess and ber group. L The Blackstock girls held di thein flrst 4-H Club meeting ti at the home of Mrs. Ralph L Larmier on Saturday. Leaders for this yean are Mrs. H. Wot- f( ten and Mrs. R. Larmer; pre- G sident is Canal Wotten; and «Vl the secretany is naving, in- cluding ail the girls. The D naine of the club is "CaLtons le Mtay Be Smart". a The annual Vestry meeting of St. John's Churcb was held ai Mionday, Feb. l3tb. Bey. B. C. Si Rose opened the meeting with M prayen and cbaired the meet- ing. Reports fnom al depant- M ments were given sbowing al ne in bealtby condition. Mn. Jack ar Hlamilton reported that the or renovation and new addition di oe Parish Hall is practically ' completed and financially 0. cared for. The officiers for Li 1967 are the saine as in 1966. In St. John's Cburch Sun- bc day mamning, due te Bey. Ti Rose having laryngitis, Rev. gt Miansfield of Part Penny, Pro- Ri bation officer fan Ontario M county, took charge of the Bi service and delivened a spien- ia Iid sermon on Faith. th In the United Chunch Sun- day morning Rev. Romeril at deiivered a most impressive te: ermon on "Jesus Last Will 01 and Testimony", stressing My Peace I leave witb you." wm The choir sang an anthem en- an itled "Lord I have shut the th, Door." an The Anglican organized a Pc Tunion A.C.W. at the home of ' Ks. Boy Corden, Feb. 2nd, Pi with the following officiers: Fa President, Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Mi oaugblin; Vice President, Mrs. Fa Don Green; Secretary-Treas- rer, Mns. Neil Bailey. On rhursday, Feb. 16th, a meet- îg was beld at Mrs. Bailey's 'bhen Bey. Rose attended and idministered communion. Fn Cartwright Pee Wees won. tal c c d sý a: 92 ti D L D ul T: in ac Ci REHOBOTH Chiristian Reformed Church Seutot Street Minuter: Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D.. M.TII. Worship Services 10 a.m. 7:30 pi. 11:15 arn. Sunday School Back To God four CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. "Everyone Welcome" Miq jand - mi SUiP SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1967 11:00 a.n. ani 'OTHE "I AM'S' 0F JOHN'S GOSPEL" a (5) ""The Way, The Truth, The Life'* of SUNDAY SCHOOL a11 th 9:30 a.m. - Junior, lutermediate an mi eir sol 11:00 a.m. - Bbginnersà 11:20 a.m. - Prlmar and Kindergarten e Jon ISociaI &Ekersonal. .1 Phîone 623-3303 Mir. and Mrs. Robert Bur- ' ss and family, Port Perry, re Sunday suppen guests of .and Mrs. S. Gobie. Ir. and Mrs. Cecil AIl- Lad and Randy, Bowman- e, were guests of Mn. and ,George Alldnead on Sun- [r. and Mns. E. A. Virtue ted Mr. and Mns. Earl iters, Bowmanville. 4r. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk Jcbildnen were Sunday mer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton. r. and Mrs. Chas. Murney 1f a m il1 Y, Peterborough, re Sunday dinnen guests of .and Mrs. Walter Park. unday dinner guests of Mn. 1Mrs. W. Rýahm wene Mr. iMrs. ]Roy Graham and Iily. Mr. Tom Potts, Mn. 1Mrs. Ronald Rahm and lly, Haydon. 'rs. Leonard Wilson, Sel-I nwas an overnight guest Mir. and Mrs. W. Rahm. r. F. M. Novotny, who is gUel s 8peaker t Tyrone ghool peaherogit wil e~ ne and Schoo,, eb. 22d. Lthe SundY morning vice Bey. D. Nonthey de- Ire averyfnemessge *0e 2rd wPalm. The Canadian Stateunan, Eowmanvfle, Feb. 22, IUT q, l -mw1 > p arý>y* d vjtoi il u 1u» PAe o UWt1 II~ .i 99pi n ALEýX MCGREGORDRUGS, ý.ING STREET WEST. Prescriptions - I.D.A. Remedies PHONE 63U57 Tournament at Millbrook. In the firnt gaine the boys lost to a strong Cannlngton teamn by the score of 12-2. Cart- wrigt dessd 15plaersand gave ail the boys ice Urne. Cannington kept McLIsh and Nicholson on tue ice continu- ously. These two Cmnnington ~ boys are fine il and 12 year old hockey players. In the second gaine the boys hadi no ,J trouble with Little Britian, ~' rapping in seven unanswered goals. The third lime of Mil--' 1er, B. Tornchishin and Walk - er 'was used extensively. This line outplayed the Little Bn- . tain boys with B. Tomehishin sconing Six of the other boys sregarnering one goal '-,':ý apiece. The third game against Oakwood was a tre-' mendously tough gaine, but the boys came out on top 4-3 with our fine left-winger get- ting a hat-trick. With two minutes left, two Oakwood forwards broke in ail alone, but Huntington out-guessed them, and came up with the score ta save the game. The boys now meet the Consola. tion winners fromn the. north< at Keene on Mar. 4th. Sorry to hear Mr. H. Buma had the misfortune of break- ing a wrist during the week while helping neighbors get- ting cars rolling. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher, Bowmanville, were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and M:rs. W. Archer, after calling on Mrs. Tennyson Samelis who> is in Uxbridge Hospital with abroken hip. Mrs. John Hamilton and Mrs. Fred Hamilton visiteci Mr. Harry Hall in Golden Plow Lodge, Cobourg, Sun- day. Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nes- tleton, Mrs. Neil Werry, Carol and Larry, Mrs. Neil Bailey and Howard attended a party * for Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Tor- onto, (Mrs. Thompson's mo- ther), on her goth birthday, Sunday. Mr. Keith Johnston and M'rs. G. V. A. Scott, Belleville, 'isited Mrs. J. A. Johnston on Wednesday. Mr. Gordon Kelly and Miss Sue Hopping, Brantford, spent the weekend with Mr. and #Irs. Gerald Kelly and girls nd Sunday guests were Mr. nd Mrs. Wilmot Phair and fmily and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family. The Kellys got moved last week into the new kitchen riey have erected at the west )t the bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me- Laughlin, Janis and Kelly îisited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mc- Laughlin, Fenelon Falls, Sun- ay. Janice Crawýord spent Ie weekend with Linda Mc- Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craw- .. 'rd, Port Perry, visited Mrs. U Crawford and Mr. and Mns. Tes Pearce, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, )oreen and Donald, Enniskil- en-, visited the Fred Trewins id Mrs. A. Wright, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson kd Bruce, Yelverton, were ~ .inday guests of Mr. and Mrs . .. arwood McKee. Mrs. Stanford Van Camp, nrs. Richard Van Camp, Law- , ence and Brian visited Mr. id Mrs. Roy Morrow, Hilton, in Tuesday, their 50th wed- ng annivensary. MIr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, )shawa, visited the Roy Mc- ,ughlins, Saturday evening. Messrs. Paul Rahm, Peter-.~ irough, and Tony Arambulo, oronto, were Friday night . mests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lhm. Saturday Mr. and ~s rs. Rahm took Paul to Iockville where he will affil- ie in the mental hospital for iree months. Tweve ladies of the U.C.W. ttended the Annual Presby- ýrial in Northminster Church, L shawa, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers rre Sunday guests of Mr. d Mrs. Herb Swain, and in ie aftennoon aUl visited Mr. id Mrs. Harold Hocken, Port erry. MVr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer, ikering, and Mrs. Aima ~ N. ~ TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George &. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. r

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