'v i As we mnentinda i n ils cksclin h Item was suppose d t be s d th , bu as e we n fl f%» 'h .oui ai space, tUiou h o e dr o l i].gta c u k Out ai this even awe ae.BtenUcUn bsw W O KCAN BE have aJq -p erba lyini i eas w ud ci i a g e i s ne o ew people really r ali e what a busy Ilte us sports- htYOU , 'd L~I < Ui < ieat e , £ Uct ha nilt. lead. You know they a r always talking t you ab out Uiey awys th eu h i o cn e t a u c t c m bo W nicé it must be t bc abe t ge i to m ev arous dians aw ay w ho g î r me M nue L ser vetwitout havi t op they ,..L.IJ 5!u awhigwe reallydo appreciate,_ but fimust aiso ea nC o s e o l u e "Mldta eare wrklng - nMt merely sitting there M S RECREATIO uee edfrm QebCada itrGu~.1 ertua m Q e b c I t y w e r teh el c a tesaotw . p elmea enoln i so.Somautmes alter vryone has gone home, ~the res t hnga n hprs ceuefr mm i6 wré'might aSM]]. Wbuay trylg ta beat Uic ad deadline. Mr.MaPearson a weèk ly paper, af course this isn t as «tugh as for th oe j r L g .R' E w . cIon: ithe e et c o ndt in . h r m iite u i d t a bot-s'lot wrter u n those big Cty dalles. But on the other M a o In le W At g ine:l y d >~~ni de a e p l ca s s c band, if we ici h Pile up, next UiIng you know, yours trulyIntegr padonFifureamsnc Ilu reàly gweating ta get Uic sp rts ready on timie.- AI Osbrne -was the. only ftr ans Icu e e et o Howcver, Our Job can b. very pleasant! Take last Wed- bwe u ekt rs h .dy soeb. iTh Buic Bwrina dasktignthncdohjlfibtrsu rong 800 bannier. Osborne had y score. hBnsn r edt IlesdY for exanipe, When we first atended a mighty fn games of 280-302-282 for aoalsMaxdoneon wlth hrlee goasea dao e sit, wh le H C E Y B N CU I c-t g e th e r a i U ic R o y a l Y o rk H o te l, w h e n th e n w ly f r e i 6 r p e i l l s W n a R o e t T -T e T u s a y n g t o n H c k y L g er l . b h ld North American S ccer League released sôme of ther plans Bud Bater had is best sne, Dae n c e rto d K oxing their annual ban uts d d ne a te Lo s ete o $ r the c aning sm ason. Fr ein there ih w as on ot heUi C ng nigh î w ith a big 797. B arter n y, Ka ellyance d o n o x, A nl i t , i ri g a : 0 . . A t o g i a u!] s m i Ed àr or a re e ti n i Ui an dan C ur, t ge y c aia h d high single, 311.!n Brad Runde and Bruce ln the future, th e KkWr o eeto nteCnda orsae yteari Bickell had 746 (288), * Obre ahcolcedoeCxeuîe u eancptismuiko National Sportsien's Show. T a round ut the day, we to k Ernie Perfect 721 (306), M ur- adlt. T e gs w ne l d W e r n t y u pa a at n s s o s p sil, s lni the New York- Toronto N.H.L. gaine thai nhght ai the nay Tighe 714 (289), Russ 4O"'L bB ~adn.Hailman 701 (275) and Mike L:M bBob Jones with two goals final arrangementsa enae h os sfv uk o M u r p h y 7 0 0 ( 2 9 4 ). ..~ ' * a n d a n a s sis i, aw h ilew B ila s R e id p la y e rs s ud $ 6 .0 0 f o r t oe<k b s r p r e , w o a e m r l S**u., . hd7a00gol(ad9t).asiss, content ta watcb. ing a dazen teains- Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, a big single gaine.NomHn .. . . . . .. This soocr lague ioak lie a rem ndou Ide, h volv St n Mc unte ha 291 forFred Ryan one goal, and M ie .. t i New ank Derohi Clvelnd, ost n, ashi gto , C icag, nng 81, ran Bl nt a d *~. ~*Leblanc one goal, w ile Doug AN New ork Deroi Cl vela d, ost n, ash ngto , C ica o, ing 281, Fra k B unt anSmitb picked up an e assis t. N THER 900 Dallas, Houston and L s Angeles. For the firsi year ai east, ani Piper bth had 267, Ed .. In the irai gaie played on Were always cam llig a ot Uc luy cnhbn a eatlre prafesalonal clubs willl be lmported, during iheir owf liTewin6, Brusac e nd 6,tealesa ie SiTeiRs k n h cstheiAtoist aded Uof ailce s ai minty al-wne fau w os blt .seasson ta repremeni Uic North Arercan ciles. Toronto George Sephen 262. the season by a 3 to 1 score. Btwu e~ ~ naae , il].actua fly bc Uie Ed nburg H ibernions, w h le Stke City Selby G rant's H eating tea rem.. h t r e e l d b e n s A.h v .O f~ u e t .. r c n e , a e ' rwfl W anther ai the English League clubs seeing action. had hgh triple 3522 with the 1 A Livngstone nc goal sd an bowlers, as we a ,A lthough com plet . details w eren' î snoun ed a i the m eeting, h yts ne Bras. e ai 1321d.a Re z e n w t e f i Wht Bo. em inigassiat, Tim Jazkoski anc goal, been having any prbeswhtevr high singe gane, 321 ~. . . . Bh Le man nd c yThjLa test t c ane 1al Jt la deinite that top teans will be cming rm South Fred Cle set the schedule's Bl L a anadRicky UP a mctheont Gary er, A r c a ns d E u r o p e . lo w t r ip le . T h e t r e a s u r e r a d - : ~. '.nssaT e A e s t e s m e g yo l e h a y i h B r u a T o r a e t h g ves ans ln Canada sd Uic United States a fine 3 4 a i Cak a h o ol w s s ae y B th G r a k d U 0 rpe h r al an apponiunhty~~~~oa ws coedb aiBeintsih a Garya sccr laer h Uc 07 FedCaea09an9Jh s i n g l e s c o r e a i 1 0 5 , D o n O k e S t p e n s s s e b n c u i n i Stepensassste byPaul of 385. wold. Somethng lie taking Montres]. Canadiens ta repre- Carter 112. Ini the second game the t t t t ,sent Paris, France; Leafs ta London, Englsd; Chicago ta The Pepi Cola team now HakSpeAteRneaTheD R a m e, etc. a s a 4 -p in t lead ln th e tea in a 2 t o 0 sco re. T h e H aw k s f c a] a p n g ai e c st e s n r t lc a Ic sta din w i b 6 p int R e sg o a ls w e e co r d b yv W alter a re n a w ill b e S aturda1 ~(ay 3ia, a Wedn sda ni hu w en ashngto pn vid s t andin are tied6 forns ecn d The Toronto Hzbs wil] have six home gaines, atarting on Men's Wear and Lander Hard- ~.i Taylor and tv Sylvester, between BawmanvlleadN cstegîîg rcedig oppsiton Th oter Wedesdy nconte scs etrliplace, baving 12 whns ecd. On Sunday afternoon ai Liberty Bowl, l7-year-old Connie Bradley was Tigbe and Ken Vivian eacb edtihihagrshce an opoiin h thrWdedyecune esDtotAI Osborne leads in the chosen as Centennial BolingQueen for Zone J. She is a daughter of Mr. andcyorle thoe Hawss go aytn-emonnies iitellacpirt i xiiintl ,,V l sl tl n o n J u n e 8 t h . O t h e g a m e s al o nc o lie c tedr e o neaa seag et.iW a y ne6. B on L ad-a uilgy:f a lla w inge ,ih e H aa iseoal tx ,.o ffic iaies wole ntn g -olows - June 11Ui (Boston); June 8tb (Chicago); June ton, last weeks leader, is no Mrs. Donald H. Bradleyr, Kng St. East and will now appear in the Provincial der, played an excellent gaie ai 8:30 between Newcsî r De adBwsvl r 25th (Vancouver) ad July 9th (Ls Angeles). Local enthusi- second ai 244. Hward Broi- contesi to be held in Toronto on March 5th. She is a student at Bowmanviîe ta earn the shutout. Town League Ai-Stars itecnlso acsi ac l la holding down iird High School and is shown here, shortly afer being chosen Queen. At lefi is Har- In the final Pee Wee gam e î ,uts mighi b. weil advised to save this schedule for future place, hitiing 241. the Bears defeated the Laswill e eld - an ieatîcilhctcor! ,nference.Bill Westlake and Bob Kent aid Bennett, Zone J. Representative and Supervisor af Youth Bowling in Bow- by a 2 tao 0caunt. The Beanst Yau inight weil realize thai this Io an expensîve propa- are bath oui of action with nianville. Liberty Bowl Manager AI Osborne, right, preseuied the winner with goals were scored by Ken JUVENILE HOCIKEYT NMN siuion - but we jusi niht letyau i on a few ot the Steven Oke are replacing the Nick Wind and Air Bowen owners. Firai ai ail Steve Stavro la in charge ef the Toronto injured boys. eahclece n ass.Te etawekIo teani, sd as he zentioned ta us, la actually a "neighbor" Averages (~ h c s Ç rrI~ Bears goal tender Paul Sar- speed action taking ]lc iteMeoilAea et ours, wih a farm ln Hope Township. ow about one af Name- Gares Ave.L one ginson aso pIayed an ou- Play statsatainineocoki h onnru otne tlhc Fond tamfly - bis naine escapes aur memory, but he AI Osborne___ 21 246 C ho se onn e B a d e yJ standing gaine. nithcoslin1 didn't know un either. Judge Roy Hofheinz, wbose Ides îî Bob Lawton 21 244 5 aAI;,a I Hockey: si ots t83 Howard Bromel 21 241 g . In the isgaetePr was ta buld Uic Houstn Astrodonei l also a promineni Dr. H. B. Rundle - 21 235 _ _ > ~ 7aes dgd oui the Panthers tram ron Lindsy Wh b, Ajx OilaPr owner, sd I think thai Lamar Hunt, a Texan so, wealthy Maurice Annart - 21 233 Z o e J-Bw i g Credhlt coe Teprae al n Mlo, In h. doesn'i have timie ta counti h al, was sia tendance. Enie Perfect 21 233 goals wre sered by Murray been entered. Éo hr' eagyt oc o on-btufruaeyLryPiper 21 232 The bîghlights ai the "Zone ai Liberty Bowl, Mr. AI].Os- 1Bantam Girls' Doubles OnistonRegtB tall nd ganc Adace tickets arenwo aea ergrDuaa Now Uiere' b. a guyta toucb fr a iond obut Lamr un tuaelyd. Leslie____ 21 231 J"' Tournament was the chos- borne. iae Bath, Patricia assients foeg Bail ancga w e d i d n t g e t n t r o d u c e d . W . h a d a . c h a n c e t a t a l k w i U i D a o ke_ _ _ 2 2Dn i h e t n i i B w i g Z n 1 i a sA i e i , A j a x1 0 7 9an ca n s i s I.T en i e r tu Westhn Adams, who la also w flknown as wner o h Z n I ial A hil, a .------- 09 n sit h tu rray Tigu 21 28 Q cen.yoa u c a or Boston Briuns. T d B g el21 25 M sBant rde f ige n ou lsa iam Boys' Doubles ghilsiil c ast a buckRc Tèd B gnei 21 2 5 Mis Con ie B adle ai Sngle and oubls ai Pete r ning ai, Steve Johnson w ilc Randy Allen ne s, while Elroy T i be G n ras y a ta 2 au t It was very nice ai Uic Sportsmcn's Show ta hold their Bill Westlake 17 222 Bawmanvilie wilî represent Bowmanviîîe, Pcb. 19th IRawland, Ajax -------- 1111 picked up iwo assiats. picked up anc assist h h tr ol eesoe reception Uic saine nigbt, and s0 it waa an ta the King George Glanvile 21 222 ioeJ ntePoica atm ilSnlsJ.Grs obe J a c k P a r k e r - 2 1 2 1 9 " Z n J ' i n t e P o i c aB a t n G i l ' S g e sJ . i r s D u b e I n t h c s e c o n d g a n e th e . B r a v e s g o a l w a s s ec o d b y y D o g P r e t w , R n y Edr twas ather easy ta notice an attractive Young lady Si Trewin 21 2 19 Turnaent tobeb. eld in Mauren Asfield, Ajax 504 Irene Roznk, Cynthia Lions won, Steve Reynolds Boyd Jewell.Roesncgasuaca- a eétered - Miss Quideoms, a mademoiselle tramn Mont- Rusa Hailman- 21 219 Toronto an March Sth. Othier Bantani Boys' Singles Mitchell, Oshawa ------- 1310 witb two goals and anc assist, IMldget Hockey:ssiTmSipo.acga BnJ h prse' hwlaa oda eetn h ianMatyo2 24nik, Oshawa; Pat Hall, Peter- Jr. Girls' Singles Gerald Brown, Billsit eoeBleiacgol eetdtcOpasb aghetaassa ury Mtiracons as th yare ai chosing top emnunne pu,_ I i- b a Marn _ _ _ 21 214 borough; Phylis Frost, Ajax; Francine Burns, Bow'ville 588 Acorn, Pot Hoe 1167 asi as anro eB t n goa , hi e f t 4 cothe O he o es C wkrna e Om itn a c h r t u e i h a l d b . q u t e a n a f ~ I . o b - a g n e i - 2 1 2 -1 4 p s b , t o n De r B y * S n i sS . G i l ' D u l sa s s i s t a w e n t o e g oar b T i a n d o l s 4 e e c o r e y R n a y P e t n a c a s s a i Aiud t h u li e sn i eangad l of gafi a l o r s ati Hon a rrison21 21 3 H eather G raham , L ake i ld; B ian C raw ford, A jax -_ 712 C nnie B radley, Sha leneRi k S a c t n, f r a o al ib ck w h t o su a c a - T e G e e a s g a s e e s an w. w erê glad nt c i as g ooy U i w h a te u d t a so ia .Hu a riok n21 2131 e b A k ns n h t y SmRil ' S n l sC i , B w a v l e . . 1 2 icktiv e o n fo a ttals. T i e W . siat, GaryW i lsotw o , aradny Ha vydilimia t we er. iGeorgee aguyBebe.omweus21t a212at The Bowling Quecu was Susan MchIcvain, Ajax - 611 Sr. Boys' Doubles Ail Stars goal was scared by Baker and Ray Randei: lbWyeMRoetwheRc case you have only been reading tuis columu itue pasi Day. McRnigbi - 21 211 rd carnations by the Manager Ron Sllck, Bawmavill 824 Allen, Osawa _ 1260 blyn sud David Tabb eacb Michaljka and Taiom smnec hdXc sii aight years, Deug wassaur predecessor as sports editar oi Rani Piper 21 210 cletdoeass.oeass ah h ibis- tèwspaper. Bud Barter. 21 209 r aIn Uic third gaie te Hu- goals wre scoed Jan bu h ia a e ve h' i o St r st ff is l te iBob K en i - ___ 18 208 0 t ir kies defeatd the Cub a by a ram p tw o, John H i î n ayR al an r. Glynn la now on Uic Taronto Dsily r saf i *1s usRaey1 0 t l y f agsT e olswecuecorTdebHysBieson Valoand' e n ol nua ti aon o Mt onene r.Imoh LaywomDugds RibdMuaiceRichrs 15 208 Egoals5 4 ta 2 co. e HuskielsJan ga sudenhoe ~8S ihga edr o ak as a real characten. W. would have llked ta bave talked Eiton Brock --- 21 208111ii , rl1 Ewwes with thrce, an d Tony John Mco aonc ai~s atrfrteM.Ryi 2nrbu ehdt ev.t' o a htteepaon Monley Tbompson.. 18 27I 'I c c Balsaîi one, while assista weutnt heu cnd ai Z é * r a u i t e e J a c k L a n d e r - - 2 1 2 0 7 l n Cm me r c ils e c o n d g a i ne. t u e b a thw t wp l a yite r a u t s i a n d i n g i nth e da4ly scrlbblérs have t fIle their atonies, wben us wcekly Fred Thomnson 21 204 Wereazczynski two, Rick Mon- by s 5 ta 1 score. The Cinek 94,» a cm enjoy ourselves so much. Harry Aky 21 204 TOP TEN SCORERS rison and Ken Rowe nc eac. goals wre aored by unBy'Bsebl 'Géneral manager Harold Sheld pointed oui that tue Bob W illiams - 21 203Th u s g as w r sc ed N b e t o D v S c BbRcad 21 23Item considerably. Bfe 5au- b er Snowdenon ansd one, and Dave Willouhy l h anepac nF1 Cêxiennial Goid. Cup being awarded ta tue best hi show. John Carter 21 202 S. Burns 24 19 43 0 be feasble lu the future fer gaancds a Dennis yonea s- anc one goal and acaas, m dy cbh7b he So pn -li e also stated that they had acqu red for the fir ai tim e i L u W isem an 21 200 L . e ra 31 4 3t ie le bou ta b c d a c s.a d , Ro h c l t n n s a 6 c r . T e St m e s w r th sý country, top nature sud sports films, many ai whlcb, Harold Michelson_ 21 200 Pri 3 1 2 1 h ii tdu.In the final Bantam gaine risi. The B.T.S. goal wsldb an imokwt have won international film awards. The admission la free Team Standing AI Guernsey ~ 12 21 33 10 In the niantine, the Lions the Flyra d ces t ed the scored by Frank assistcdb ons bl ai asn ta si e h s ch Ite s s our a a r n ti na pa ka bTeam W L Pts. R . W est _ ___ _ _ 15 16 31 6 have an excellent card l m d B raves by a 2 to 1 count. The M atthew s sd M cC ar h y.c l c t d 3 p i t . Hni t autn n tig h prseI hwwPpi Cola 16 5 16 B. Hughes 16 15 31 O u and wauld wclcomc your Flycra goals were seored by Iu tue third ýgaine tueBnhuérsoedal6pit o bwihn su fshl g. The Sp nts ens S ow w!]].b . eld rom en's M en's W ear 12 9 12 T. Fairey. . 8 21 29 o presence. D av id O m iston a d B o b H a - ta n A il S a r df e ae-u i a e s XMrdi th ta 18Ui. Lander Hardware-. 12 9 12 BHlai1 4 2 At Uic Gardens, h wassdifRrll aiaiethiUcBae ume- 0]] nrai perio a an ua oy a couple of seats away. Very handý1y11 II c1b ~ Y in for interviewing Indeed. "RiP" who 1had been travelling al.F r t fftost 24 hours frzom Nairobi vaRomean London to Torontofia ni a e i n waan'f too impressed by aur cold, wet, lousy weatherle Much preferred the 70 ta 75 degree range in Africa. Hia Eastern Finals ophons on hockey - fast, rough and dangerous, but excit. Jn«.. We aiea spoke with meet director Ken Twigg who has Sunday afternoon, Feýruary promedto, endus o a res relase whih wll 9th, the I.D.A. Midgets trav- prl ae o s n s o r sa r l a e h c v1 appear elle ci to T renton and cam e elehere on the sports pages il it. arrives in time. home with a 2-0 victory. This Xtino, foflowlng a meet lni Vancouver over the weekend, game Was flot up to the same wiU be one cf the many top athietes, competlng at the standard as the games in the ?eleram Male est entnnil Tack nd bidMee, pevious Lindsay Series, but IMés ray at Uic GLadCtes. iTak n Fed e tf was ut!].!a hard-faught tblsffldy atthe ardes.gaie. The Trenton team are As w. said it's a busy lite - but It sure can be pleasant! bg and rugged. Bowmanville broke in front at the 7:00 minute mark af Ithe tinst period on a nice pass- Ing play started by Kim Rog- kFEuaJust past the hall way mark ARENA i thé second period Gregg BO WMAN VILLE ls olo h aewt Tolephone 623-5728 and Harvey Williamis. Both teanis mlssed nunierous scoring chances but Doug "ayez li goal for Bowman- mU B ville wus unbeatable. PUBLIC Bowmanville won- Uic s S K AT IN G deyve1ruary i1st at 7 pri ]FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24th th thrd anv il e par edn 8 to é rxSaturday, February 25th i 8 tiOJL owmàanvMe Areni ai 7 mn. Thé iourth a gaeos arfta - AND - l'enton, Sunday, February 28th ai 4 p.r. and ia Mtt - UNDAYo FEBRUADRY 26h Boale enTuy byFeb Corne ouit £un aad support «p8BAING-. MON., Fm Zith P--4ord hot Just carne 3hEyu.hUp ail9 i.Mon satumav 1 urawng asiLstsan every battlcd ta a-j3-13 sadf with jtally. Bob Fairey, Ray Croin- Brooks' Supertest and Bryson's biceu Ted Fairey scorcd for Sioke Shop held league-lad- Supertest. ing Mutton & Gould SheIl ta In th. second gaine Mutton a 5-5 daw. and Gould outscared Bryson's In the opener, Frank led 2-1 in cach ai the tirai two 2-1 after the tiraI, but needed periods, but the Sinoke Shop a goal by Steve Burnsata 14:40 came baek with three iu the à ihird ta earn the aplit ou points. Bryan Hughes was th. big gun tor SheIl witb a bai-trick, the athema going ta "Archie" Crosscy sud Brion Rowe. - Larry Permis led Brycou's witb :is pair af third pcniod mark- ers, witb John Mason, Bill Crasscy and Bob McManus noiching cingles. Rau Blurgess contnlbuted thnere assJsts for M. & G. BANNER PASSANT 623-3258 120 Duke St., Bowrnanvle " Lif. Inm rance " Icorne Disabllty " Pensin Plans "Group Insurance *Business Insrance *Estat planning Sun Life Assurance Conipany O.f Cana Big Fight Card Will HeIp Lions Assist Blnd Nexi Wed., Mareh lot, the Lions Cubs of Oshawa and Whllby are jaintly sponsor- ing au nusual affair ai the Clyle Auditorium in Osha- was a tive-bout professlonal flght card. The teatured bout will be between "Pretty Boy" Felotehi sad Bob Slaughbter fer le rouads. The Lions shape ef the »rOceeds will go toward the. work st the Camp Lake 10uePb wherc ulhtless PeoPle arc able to enjoy someO ethiie Joyble ujn MIer souiies. SPirts Editor'Frank .Mdc, ublted sàlegU,7 saM M ar of iis itersting dovelqent lî a tMe arcs tho.i, I Mar con. tisa. at= 144 eof qPée oem làregte o0" the Pre,,ýsident Wilfred McMechan and Staff of ROBSON MOTORS LTD. cordially invite you to corne in and see the most sophisticated sports car Pontiac. te 967 Poin flac Fîorebir Thursdaour showroom SThudy FbM2r 's g e s t i j MAN L 10 WG ,66 Enz"