Terry Black in on Ail 8 Goals I Il J '4 Commercial Hockey League M.&G. Tie Bryson's A gain Frank's Beat Brook's 7»4 Mutton & Gould Sheil cauldn't settie anytlxlng with Bryson's Smoke Shop, for the second week ln a row, whlle Walter Frank Real Estate started and finished strongly ta defeat Brooks' Supertest in Commercial League playoff action, Sunday morning. Mutton & Gauld battled te a 5-5 deadlock with Bryson's, leaving their best cf three semi-final ahl even at a pair of tics. Frank's defeatedî Brooks' 7-4 te move on top with one win and a draw. In the opener, Mutton & Gould scorcd the Ione goal cf the flrst period and led 4-3 after two. Bryson's moved in front for the firut time on a pair of markers early In the final, and It stayed that way FSportsmoews Spoctacula Pack yourbags. Here's the big- gest Sportsmen's Show ever presented. Somethingforevery sportsman, evcry member of the family. Corne and have the time et your lite! 5-64 until Alex Wisenman potted the equalizer at the 16:15 mark. Bill Crousey led the way for Bryson's, flring three goals, wlth Paul McCullough and Larry Perris addlng the others. Grant Flintoif and Joe Balson each cantributed three assista. Ron Burgess scored twlce for the Supertest crew, ing- les going to Bryan Hughes, along witlx two assiste, "Ar- chie" Crosscy anxd Wseman. Frank ]Real lèstate junxped 4nta a 3-0 ffrst perlad bulge, but Brooks lxad narrowed thei gap ta 4-3 early hi the third before the Real Estate rappe< ln three in a row ta again take central. Raye West paced Frank's ln the second tilt wlth three geais and an asuit, while Steve Burns scored twlce and set up two others and Larry Piper notched thxe other two. "Mort" Richards picked up three assists. Ray Crombie was thxe lasers' best wlth a goal and two as- sists, Don Prout, Bob Falrey and Bill Lyle bagglng the oChers. Ladies Major Bowling League No leus than three teame L. Mrtyn231 wound up tied for first place K. Oke ________233 in the Ladies' Major League, M. Cole ________266 last Monday night. Pace-set- S. Stainton -______253 tlng Brooks were handed a B. Buttonshaw _____235 stunning upset, bowing 3-0 te J. Tennant _____268-28 Bowers. N. Gould _____ 267-281 In the battie cf second- B. Cowan _______229 placers Etcher becamnie os f TOP 12 AVERAGES the league-leaders, e d g i n g D. Joli _________234 Joli 2-1. Patfield waloped S. Biekel ________211 Prestan 3-0, creatlng a three- 0. Patfild _______206 way deadlock, while Tennant M. King -_______204 miade nsws at the opposite B. Buttonshaw _____202 end of the standings, defeat- 0. Etcher _______201 lng Buttonshaw 2-1. Maybe J. Baker ______200 the tail-enders are starting S. Davis ________197 to niake their move! In an- J. Tennant _______193 other upset Hazelden defeat- H. Donaghxue 193 ed Martyn 2-1 and Bickell M. Perris ________192 downed Baker aisa by a 2-1 K. Stephena - - 191 score un the final attraction. __________ Ia a close race for hi h single Ixonour Doris Jol roîl- 0 cd a 311 game, oe better Y U h 8 W i§ than . Onie..Etcher at. . u onth1o-v 1Iau1 Elsanor Dadson was close Bantam Girls bchind. with 305, other top games golng to Ceeule Bow- Bromeil 5, Tice 0; Bryson ers 286, N. Gould 281 and 5, MeMullen 0; 'Muntjoy 3, Marg King 275. Daduon 2. Cecile Bowers racked up a Team Standing 724 total to pick off the Dadac __________26 night's high triple ia another Bromell ________19 close battis. Onie Etcher was MountJOy _______17 again second with 721, fol- McMullen _______17 lowed by N. Gould 708, Doris Tics ____15____ Joli 706, Joyce Tennant 672 BI!15fl-__________il and Shirley Bickeli 658. Hligh Single - T. Tlghe 160, Team Standings D.T Bronell 144. Patficld __________ 1 Etcher _________ 14 Brooks ________ 14 Joli __________ 13 Martyn ________ il Blckel 101/2 Buttonshaw _____10 Hazelden _______ 10 Preston ________ 9 Bowers __8_____ Baker ________ 8 Tennant ___4 220 GAMES AND OVER C. Bowers_____ 286-256 D. Park -________ 221 H. Depew 232-244 S. Blekel_____ 260-268 M. Perris _ _ _ _ _ 221 D. Joli - _ __ _ _ 311 O. Etcher_____ 236-310 J. Mountjey 233 M. Ring - ______ 275 E. Dadson ____305r I -~ SPECIAL NEWS Clubs and Organizations W. have receatly recelved a special selection of TROPHIES sultable for .very sportlng evnt. 259/o OFF FOIR IOUIR CLUB NEEDS CONTACT US AS EAELY AS POSSIBLE HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP PHONE 1§=-5747 BO WMAN VMLL igh Double - . B llU 279, L. Bryson 243, T. TighÏe1 241. Bantarn Boys J en so n 3, Donoghue 2; Combes 3, Shred 2; VanDriel 3, Jackinan 2. Team Standing Shred _________24 VanDriel ________23 Jenson ________19 Coombes ________18 Donoghue _______13 Jackman -- 8 MHigh Single - K. Shred 174, M. Roberts 170. High Double - K. Shred 294, M. Roberts 274. Junior Girls McMurter 3, Macklin 2; Henning 3, Piper 2; Patfield 2, Ayre 3. Teani Standing Macklin -_____23 Ayre 23 Piper 22 Patfield 17 Henning 15 McMurter ______ 5 High Single - D. Bradley 240, J. Wright 242, M. Mack- lin 212, P. Henning 208, B. Cowan 200. Hlgh Double - D. Bradley 389, M. Macklin 368, B. Cowan $62. Junior Bors Preece 3, Rulter 2; Preston 3, Wilson 12; Bouwmeester 3, Holroyd 2. Teain Standing. Preston -________27 Bouwmeester 23 Holroyd 17 Wilson ________17 Preece _________15 Ruiter ________ 5 High Single - J. Carter 208, T. Brock 196. High Double . T. Brock 349, J. Carter 348. Senior Mixol Leage Bray , Cain 3; Selleck 5, tchr 2 Colville 5, Good- wln 2. Teani Standing Goodwln ________ 4 Cala ..34 Selleck 27i Colvife ______ 241 Bradley 191 tceher ___1 Htgh Single PLR Sefleck1 288-222, J. Tueker 281-210-209,1 C. Evans 279, S. Mitchell 228-1 221, B. WeIsh 241-220, N. GoodwIn 229. S. Martyn 235,1 IL Leal 225, W. Lewis .283-245,1 T. Bauckley 235, S. Cain 238-1 233.211 C. Bradley 2%.=22 à- Erock 255, J. Danoghue 237, B. Moore 240, R. Beau-1 prie 250.-1 High Triple - W. Lewis 707,1 S. Cain 687, J. Tueker' 700,à IL Selleckr 638, M. Bradley1 os6, C. Evans 015, S. Mitchell( 614, B. Colville 6034 i 1 - M cN uit y's Down Oympia Robson's Defeat Crystal W»in Opening Semi Finals qCNulty's Sports, regular; ta stop "Slip" Rowe's shutout' ta!,, singles going ta Larry schedule pnnant-w 1inn e r a,I bld wlt less than three min- Perris and "HaWk'Lane. and third place Robson Matera ut«a remnalnlng. The lasers broke lnx front pasted victaries in the open- Dave Werry fired a pair for .4-2. after anonerld but Rab- ing games cf Town Hockey McNulty's, Grant Flintof andsoscre z Lnwm League semi-finals, Thursday Irv GU picking up the others îon's sr neidler unnre nlht, at the Memorial Arena. Terry Black turned ln arkd e Inotherlddl esin Mcuty's defeated runner-up great performance ln the dade nthrerl i Olmi Restaurant 4-1, whlle nightcap, belng lnx on aIl eight the third ta lead 7-2. Cr3ystal Robsenpie won aver tail-end Robson goals. Terry scaredkpteclga y dhd Crystal Dairy by an 8-6 score. three tinies and assiste nclased the gap ta a single goal In the flrst game, the win- three more by Gary McCuI- with thiree minutes bit. nlng Sports picked up single lough and a pair off the stick With their goal-keeper out geais in the first and second, cf BIu Crossey. McCullough i faveur of a sixth attacker, and added two in the third aiso had two assista. Black put It on ces, scoring periad, before Terry Baker Don Prout and Raye West fito the empty net at the collected Olyxnpia's lene tally, notched two apiece for Crys- 19:10 mark. i. t i. i. JUVENILE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Just a reminder that BawmanviJ.le wiU hast an elght teara juvenile tournament tis Saturday, Mardi 4th at the Memerial Arena. The thrllllng action starts at eight o'clock ln the morn-ý ing and continues until the consolation final at seven o'clock and thc championship contest at 8:45 p.m. Teanis from Lindsay, Markham, Ajax, Orilfia, Port Credit, Gait and Milton, along with thxe Bowmanvllle Juveniles have Se been entered. Sounda like quite a lime-up, so'let's get eut d and-glve the tourney a big boostl ri Advance sale at McGregor Druga and Frank'& Varléty - 7.e cents. Cast Iu $1.00 at the door. s t t t t t1 ýPETERBOROUGH CLEANS UP d The host Peterborough club cleaned up in Uic Central y Ontario Badminton championshlps held there Saturday, wln- )nlng all five events. The best Bowmanvllle players could P manage wsrs victories in the consolation round. Mel Burgesss 9and John Mason took the men's doubles, whlle John part- nered Pat Marjerrison for the consolation mlxed title. y Bll and Wayne Burgess turned i the top performance, eamong the local racqust-wielders, reaching the finals ln the men's doubles. Other players from the Bowmanvllle Club who participatcd were Jeanne and Dr. Keith Siemon, their daughter Virginia and Dorothy Kelly. t t t t. 1 YOU NEVER CAN TELL The old scribe made two expeditions ta Maple Leaf Gardens last week, taklng ln Friday's Centennial Games along with the Leafs-Canadiens, Wedzxesday night N.H.L. encounter. Know something? You neyer can tell what is going te happen Si Uic sports warld. 1 For example - how about those Montreal Canadiens, defendlng Stanley Cup champions? This corner figured it was only a nmatter of time before the Habs started te roll, but lnstead they aren't even sure yet af a playofi berth. And look how thxe Leafs are rolling under the Casey Stengel cf hockey - venerable "King" Clancy. After the Toronto collapse and Detroit's great comeback, in the upace ai five days the Leafs arc lix command. But it's net aver yet -and you just neyer can tel this season. What about Bobby Hull tee? lRe was off ta a bad start this season, aithough injury gave hlm a pretty good excuse. Now it lsn't eut cf the Golden Jet's range te break the goal scering record he set laut year. 0f course the biggest surprise of ail has ta be New York Rangers' apparent second place finish. However, while the Cgn&4jiens siill cauli2n't fid that key ta their speedy, slick-passing plays, they are noted for, the Centennial Track Meet also had a fcw surprises. Toranto's Dave Ellis, a good runner lnx hls own right wasn't the favorite, but stil he won the three mile event. Althougix Ellis' win wasn't that much of a shocker - who would have bet on lenya's Klpchoge Keino ending up ninth in a field cf ten? Keino, we should point out, was battling thc flu-bug, and just ta complicate matters, had a couple cf huge blisters on his let foot. You would have to cal Dave Bailcy's mile victory aver Grelle an upset. Grelle has more sub four minute miles te li credit than any other miler, whiie Bailcy has turned the trick only once - the only Canadian te do so. One favorite who did corne through was pole vaulter Bob Seagren. The Les Angeles star won the event with a jump cf 16 feet, elght and three-quarter inches. You could have heard the proverbial pin drop in the Gardens when he tried te break his own unofficial world indoor mark cf 17 feet, three inches. With Uic bar at 17'", Scagren actually clcared it on is firat and third attempts. The flrst time lie clipped it with an elbow on the way dawn. That wvas sometinme around mid- night. t j 1 t CAN GENERALS MARE IT? Oshawa Generals will be iaclng an almost de-or-dis game Thursday night when they play the Peterborough Petes i the liftlock city. A win would tic Oshawa wlth the Petes for the final playofi berth, while defeat wculd leave Uic Gencrais four peints back, wlth each club having three gaines remain- Ing. Saturday's 3-2 vlctory over St. Catharines was a big ane, meving Oshawa within range, but each game is important from here on, partlcularly the Thursday encounter. Generals have shown great lIxprovement over the past couple cf weeks, losing only once lin the last six cutings. They have won twice and tied the other three for seven of a passible 12 points. t t t t it EXHIBITON DMGET GAME Bowmanvlle IDA Mdgeta, awaiting word on their next playoff apponent, have lined up an exhibition gaine against Taronto Butter Beets at the Memorlal Ai-ena, Sunday nlght at 9 o'clock. The Butter Beets won the provincial centennial piayoff ta earn the right ta represent Ontario In the Canadian Cen- tennIal Mldget fnals at Easter. The tournament, comprising one teain fromin cd province, and Uic Narthwest terrîtorles, wll b. held InlixRngston. The Toronto team. should be well worth seelng whlle at Uic saine time glving Bowmanville Uic kind of test Uiey ixeed In preparation for thxe next playoff round. Goodye Braiders ____ ___ Ross ________ MdachinoShap Banbury Crackers____ ___ Reclain _ _ _ _ Office __ _ _ _ _ Millwrights Combines______ Fan Belts _____ Power lieuse ____ Averages B. Martyn D. BagneU D. Oke _ _ _ _ _ IJ. Bond B. Brouleil_ _ _ _ D. Perfect IL Maynard F. Wright A. Lobb ___ ___ R. Hately G. Brewster____ &. wWht .r Bowling 112 Millwrights 7- Combines 0 104 Houe 7- - - Fan Belts 0 100 Braiders 5 - Crackers 2 94 Office 5 - . Power lieuse 2 94 Belts 4 - - Banbury 3 90 Reclaix 4 Machine Shop 3 87 D. Ferguson, a newcomer 88 ta Uic league, had hlgh single 76 last week with a 354 game. 74 Other 300 gaines went ta J. 09 Luxton 312, T. HaUmnan 309, 64 M. Thonipson 306 and F. Blackburn 305. 229 W. Holrayd had high triple 226 witlx 788, followed by M. 225 Thompson 759, J. Piper 758 218 adR Wright 752. W. Rate- 216 ly just rnlaaed 750 with a fine 216 749. 214 The Boita managed ta hold 213 their lead and It look# .1k. 210 It wlU b. bard for eliher the 209 Bralders or the, Rase ta catch 208 them for fi-ut place honora 305 before the achedule àa over. à The Big Wonderful Panelling Selection IS AT BEAVER LUMBER 1to$ ABITIBI Woedgralned Hardbaard Panels with the Mar-Gard Finish E eautifufly tr-o woodgralns ln avery seiscîlve variety et HERITA E 11natural and aqadV.colours of 114 CI*' ceun ihBUOn MR. FARMER The pressure treated wooden silo is back to stay. Its resistance ta silage acids, rugged construction and galvanized hardware as well as low maintenance and high insulating prop- erties make it the best buy on the market. MORE THAN 50 VACATION HOMES Net too acon to plan for yeur vacation hom. this yeur. Se. the big s.Je.ti.. et Sauver - Nalda, Righlander, ChaIet and Cedarlog. Thoy're aUl diflerent and excltlng. WINNER !! 1967 CIIRYSLER BARRACUDA M5r. 1. . .Beaver lumber DosonMngr ana 5Mr. W. 1. n.wick. Czleýr Ontarlo sles monqe av Jsi&an the wmlng eatry for the Bouver OthiAnvrayCnet...Ms fmlo 7cms of Orangevlfle. Mn. Ferns mas tae rand p rise minner of ac 1987 Chryuier Barracuda drawn tram entries acrois Ontariolo hm ail 8 Beaver stores. SATI NCOTE PHONE WHITE' -CEILING TILE Cash & Carry 84 sq. Il. per carton. rive retardent, two. Aceoustiecaland pteued U sri.= toa EJm PaintsuColo.rful Q.Ility ARMSTRONG Vinyl-Asbestos FLOOR TILE Cash & Carry Spaclalporchae ef r' mz9 omboaaed Armocq Mn le la bond colonie ansIpalern.. Comeraco- b »Wm mmd aeM. S»s unltha e»MV aI U e pattr.. md oboms LUMBER STORES 96 King Street EBut Bowuaa'Ili Phono 623-3388 Opea &N - 5181 TOWN LGE., COMMECIAL and M 10KE McNulty'a Sports defeated Olympia iResuant 4-1, while Robian Mators downed Crystal Dalr, 8-8 to, take the opening gaines in the Town Hockey Leqtue playofs lait week. This Thursday, Robson'a meet Crystal, la the opener wlth, Olympia playlng McNulty's in the nightcap ai tlxî boit of three semi-finals continue. After bath Commercial League games ended in tis a week ago, Muttan & Gould and Bryson'a took right Up where they leit off, battling to another deadlock Sunday, the score 5-5. In the oth.r best of three seini-final Walter Frank Real Estate mov'ed In front by deleatlng Brooka' Superteat 7-4. : This Sunday it wlll be Frank's vo. Brooks In the fIrst gaine at 9 a.m., with Mutton & Gould trylng to break the status quo currently existlng wlth Bryson's. In Junior Town League play, Sunday nlght, Nichais' Motors downed Legiannaires 4-1 to capture their semid-final seriez, two games ta anc. Nichols will now m~eet Ken'a Men's Wear for the championship in the best cf flve finals, starting this Sunday night, 7:30 at the Memorlal Arena. Cet ac Good 5lepI xomaote led boards that cn't sertch or i?.inter tu baidlinon. Pie-cutt b ed mies. 2 for $6.001 -2%c Lin. -3%~c Lin. THIS 15 THE YEAR!1 TO REMODELTH Factory Bulît KITCHEN SINK and, CUPBOARD UNITS IMtchen heom 4211 to e-I" iftha. Factory Finished Kitcbe Custom Fitted To Plari,' Yu Saa latanlte ereio e mi ao'to iot Prefll.dhd1dceu~ utmpaadt g ~ail kltchen Pl= .Wlde seokcton of uya4 4Ul~e FIee stumates. COUNTER TOPS Custom nmode caunter taps in au the patterns and calours of Arborite, made to fit your kitai,. Bargains Gi.«,! VISIT OUR BARGAIN CENTRE AND SAVE DO IT NOW 1 KITCHEN RANGE HOODS eiat - ba 27J8- I LUMBER. STORESý,. "Time To See Beaver'. Sprhv b fust apronching - aow l testimre te 1.1mboff imidoor rernodelling ad Improvemnts areuni thé home.ýý th Aunw uae aiu latimal Sportsmon's Show, Exhibition Park, Toronto Il A.M.- Il P.M. MarchIo-la (Except Sunday) for. s 0 R ING ST. K A HOME YOU (AN AFFORI Whoun Sae .Time, l<on.y Andmi atesIe A Bauler Manufactured Nom* ht Islactebry bmUt md umy t.eeeut. is the nswer te to-days housng probleme. ee the homes «d MW plans ut Bouler . ..w . cou helP yTm have a hem of.1 yeus M that FOU «M afiszd. BEAVER MANUFACTURED HOMES Mahogany Panelhg, PREFINISHED PACIFIC MISMATCH PANELS Soit. mlatch toued panels. prefiniashod lth ci3 479 , lastinq 2-coat finish, random V.greeved magheg.rue any plywood panais. ieady te apply mmd admire. 4'zUa" PREFINISHED TOASTED MAHOGANY Thie-coet furniture flnlshed panels of toatei ;7 mahogany, random V.gmoved t e gV* a pleaslng. *7w warm mail to any oom la Tour home. À$ 4.. l uN SPECIAL PURCHASE 1 MAHOGANY9 PLYWOOD PANELS49 san dessi moothi, m" hegany panels are easyte pur appliy. radi tu finish.bit r nst te ou43 ar lED BOARDSi *imo à 9 0 10 Ft . ................ 49.1ý ATTENTION . 4. ýom CONTOU'