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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 10

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~r Seat Sales Help il Nursing Service ~4nursing uer. b>'thie Octario teCrf#pled Chlldren In » the field cf m4e Seulnurses ane 'hIh o1oedc;are "ed ab1c e th W ând bave al had IniIatnalnng in -*th crippled chiîd- om the 20 district L&ftIcesof Uic Society, U ý ake more than :e vWs in a year. ~&completely ba- nbwhr they wark c.Odiation with net, publie health of- tors, parents and Uic fl service clubs. . These travelling nurses are gencrous support to the an-1 D a great source of comfonh for nual Eater Seal campaign by i the parents cf crippled child-th pepeoOta.Sne rn as well as the child. Trhev tepol fOtro ic wiîl demonstrate the correct tbe nursing service of thc Use of crutches and whcel- Ontario Society for Crippled chairs, adjust braces to ne- Children began in 1935, there 1lease an prevent preseure have been thousanda cf crip- 1zones. They make sure ther pied. chiltiren diseovered by 1children attend clinics or these nurses acd many have, treatment centres when nec- as a resuit cf tneatment, over- essary andj for those who need came thein physicai disability. a summer vacation, that they Right naw these nurses are attend anc o! the Society's1 visiting a home an attending fîve camps. clicic, or àdjusting a brace, There is no ather Easter; or travelling with a y9ung Seal organization in thelpatient to la hospitai. Thein world that bias a nursing pro-days are ful1 - their s9fisfac- gram for crippled childrenItion la great. They are a truc such as in Ontario - mnd it example o! an Easten Seai has become possible throughiservice. NESTLETON r. y 'w er ee d guets et M i andM. HarryVan Camp. ,n d Mns. Roy McLaugh lin md DPebby were Sundaý velgdinner guesta of Mr and Mn.. Harold Wright, Osh. awa. Mn. Sudlash Gupta and M&s Nedra Cameron, Tillsonburg wceI Satunday and Sunday momning gucats of Rev. anc Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer who cele. hrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Sturday with a family dinner. Congratulations ho Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Van Camp (nee Connie Carnegie cf Port Pen. rY) Who wcre marnied in Pari Penny Preshytenlan Church, Satunday ievening. Those from Cartwright who attended the Van Camp -Car- negie wedding were Mr. and Mns. Harry Van Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Neil BaileY, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Mn. Jack Van Camp, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp, Misses Mahie and Helen and Aileen Van Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Mcmriii Van Camp.uolrop Wny r an i ergusons, Sund8y. o aphPetn!ntet.MerJ hititak -4btended fr last week) Sunday evening dinner guestsi Rodman and family on the irnlrs e. e"upil at nearby ~te Eeee .. . frt and Traci, Toronto, visiteàischool, alse took Jis lc nd]cosma evd ~Sce t vaitos wth M s. ith his parents, Mr. and; occasion of their granddaugh- ~te o Mrlow were Mrs. Mrs. Malcolmi Emerson. iter Karen's fifth birthdateKnynmos Sna.hl te Iasstgoup *41*1 Symon, Bow xanville, Mr. Orland Rohrer, Mitchell, celebration. Sympathy is extended the contsant receivd a srl âk netd te t o c the Kenades'fai Dun MsmoeorSndTay- he cas grupVch fmsinrMsto dMr. and Mrs. Gilbert visited last week with his The Preshyterian Lad...es'....lor who passed awYStur Counci] and a sEr Owfamilin.fOMrSun-eStos aad-tdonatedmbyiVictoriaACoumet detthfrhomthis area pGailnWal M.Marlow celebrated and Mrs. Norman Robrer, Mr. Grant Thompson. In the ab- Many crippled children require special pesnlzed attention such as this day in Port Perry Hospital. donated by VictoraCutorieC. n agr 1M r. nd M rs. H ector Short- Teachers' Institute. Te(il G y e s r e ih t e S c n mm~uvnty.nînth- birthday at and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer and sence of the president, Mrs. child receives from the occupational therapist. Programs such as these are com- rdeatnddheFc-u-owcmtenfilsMrhCricC.Ms.akeI Aehôrne of er son and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roher. Verne Hudson, the first vice- mon throughout the province wherestwenty-two treatment centres exist to care ley wedding in Harmony 2nd at Leslie FrostSho ~s rsne arn ist M~.n M.AviMa-Mr. and Mrs. ohAIca president Mns. Richard Davi- for the needs of 16,000 crippled girls ad boys. A complete rehabilitation prog- United Church, Friday even- Lindsay. iatrWiso Rdnan o ere Snd asirs sontl he iuthe eeretding andram is costly and for this reason the Ontario Society for Crippled Children has 11ng. 4-H CliubdMsJmCste Mr CarolynadDugls, idsay sontheiethe ee tingan itie rit. Ra, et abr aensan uto r. and secretary-treasurer, Miss Ruth had to increase the 1967 Easter Seal Carnpaign objective to a record high $1,400,- Th---ay-e-oa-e'WilamJme-aspesne Mn. andparents ~Proutt. Several items of 000. This amount will only be met if everyone donates. Your local Easter Seal 4-Y HisCelubt he hoeoMr. rsHakchetisim Wilhi radarns 'Mrs. Ivan Proutt and Miss buines wre iscsse fo srvie kawats etunealh nd y h Ceil sornsn ess967 aed usdfrsric lbaat h rtr falp envelopes mailed out with Easter Seals. ___________ ~~~~John Neals with 1 e b r o pe e t C pan E ey OnuiteMr. ndh Mpn.ser-.itl ain, wsere Rhodayies, conto hert p les rto _____cmunt ffr y nlsigageeos i useU.adMs e-Ltl rtiwr udy Mrs. H. Visser gave a de- Plaersodt hscm uiyefr yecoigagnru i .Members of the Bethany present. Miss Pa&ii ny ihpwt e is ls = m fl odihan and Karen, evening dinner guests with their native Holland last sum- erM s f l Ri n r heg et s ek r * ï I it . her brother and s ster-in-law , I ~ a l M Q a d t e d de t n o m n st i o s o h h d s s e t o c xmn-mer. Mr. and Mrs. Visser MCf er, Mrs alyRid, andMsrv ste guest saewtinr- GîWleradbnase exmn-Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. an teirtw sns le fnm Iice inserv- Oftunit her 01 lMalcolm passed Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Johns an herto new o min t. Paul's Anglican "otn eadTon 'XPiano and Grade IIIand family, Markhamn, were Mlo ebddok M hrc nSndy uin hc a at" n oCm ony wth honours. Bar Saturday visitors with bis oa>re, another plane to Hol- Approxlmately 90 pensonslon SI-Denials and Commit-,ahly in Oshawa Hospital, also Mrs. Jean Argue, principal make a dress. Mr1 Hryts ouba albssm yMlompassed Grade Iparents, Mr. and Mrs. George land. This delightful three attended the meeting of Cart- mens was given by Mrs Me-Mns. Tennyson Sameiîs in of Pontypool school and Mrs. Ryley demonstratdpoe euiulsîe ohl e t'Ybeoy with ffrst class hion- Johns. Othen visitors during ek'vcation was a pleas- wrigt No. 1 Browne Pack Arthur, followed by prayers Uxridge. Bella Smith, principal of Beth- stay stitching for netrftignebnawdrflepr. 5 MÈS. S. Brôoks, BOw- the wýeek were Mn. and Mrs. ant interlude from their huai- Monday evening, Febnuary 20, and two minutes Of silence inl Mn. Frank H-antness anysofec o f teedeeiannagrmtsen.Ms.WlimM he IiLit m e, is spending a few Hary McLaughlin. ness respnsbilities and they w en 14 Brownies received memory of a form r vle M s Ia Se ey Ca n, ii- of W en T ch s' A oi- Ysnd thanked G ail forMr.and M rs.shotw ingti n bern T h o r n _ h a v m a n y h a p p y m e m o r e s t h i r G o d e nC o n f e r e n ceo e mo fr thes F e d e r a tio n e d MEs . irbe r ae ry a n difd esr ea nde ca ls o Ap rei ae n tedt G a iln thbe auher rs r.an rs ratTbm- !the*ir r-nion with rela- others their Golden Ladders, son. The Dorcas Secnetanylcalled on Mr. Werry, Sunday. lastTorntoLaeekendne.L ce Melcolmn and fam- son wene Wednesday guests ftiv d lends nfire pinoGie.Ms .MLuhlnhdo!Y atweed e M . M alctolm la tak- of M n . and M rs. R ussel Fran- ti es i i .3r la e c M r o 'îends.r . L vi M G ll p o re s v e c r grop tur o t. isBevenonan Mn. Js.A de icious Valentine lunch The Golden Hand girls wrote display several articles for!Gl and aIl flewtoup tntotGuides. Mrs. H.nMcaaughrs. Jad. !lsnlnoe n e ranlow i-laMr. adaMs.LviMcsiveuht re atin16,th eodCutc ~~L~ fa n n N i and M n Robt. John- w as s rved by M rs. 'rîom p- and presented a play depict- the Indian school, ncud pn dî g o m Pn er h li _a fam ily m oved !it o their shigayw nght. ie frhi hj G de C pa y re a i g a ~ M r.' a n d M .. E d g r E m e - sto n P eff rla w .son , M rs. H arry M cL a u gh lin in g a l th ey h ad lea n ed in sev eral p airs of w oo l ock si dayn s in V ae co er an d aoth e n e w of th eu il laom at h e w e t rs o res a n t toMe r .Ver n c h rca a et E e e e " d ln a m ily , T o r o n to , w e r e O n S u n d a y M r s . T h o m p s o n . a d M s i h r a i o . t e r G l d n H n r i i g n t b r . F S îlan d p o in t s in W e s t ne C a n a.da n o h v l a g nsa t r cS o n g d i e M v n P t o u ;n i eC h c hn d a sa r Mrn. Neil Bailey and Howard Mrs. Kenneth Gilbank voiced Dianne Taylor was presented Also on dîsplay was a quiltj nzewnnWaltheW I ay enriestr. adMs hRn(herCndinFa andMrs Nel Wrry Caolthe appreciation to Mrs. with bier Ahl Round Cord by top of thaeMs hm euchne Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. PalmerWatreeLwianWo]Fagdlcedt 2~~'de nd Price and ILarry attended tthh e lnh cpomms iser n oilsorKt re!sngvnt teAC MsRWoddM.Crlghan soSndAan, PthoMs rouh ~illwnteluk ortistm.Rv.J oei tehbrha atofMs adeLgtThinkîng DayIMrs. D. Thompson, plus other WrPhtlsetr. a ihMs n rze ilcnuttesrie ~i us pp a ~ Tompson's rnotheir lMrs. W. In the Presbyterian Church cerernony was held, after1quilt tops donated by MrsJ iMr. andd %s.Haol1dHam- M~rand Mrs. George Evans, FrdSwann delivered hslemonade a served. Cm.TeMnhPo alug r Mrs. ~John Watson, Toronto. third sermon on Jeus evening closed with Brownîel 7th in the Panish Hall wasi.LadgHalCatbolSaden Vincent Racicot, of GrandACn i ~ Vgrn cilrn Yet the people - the environment Company and parents o thel Sunshine Secretary reported ton and Mrs. Fred Hamiton et g et ih M.a d Ms stn's fil y sosrd ug trs W randH po e ofth an , n G id ap.1h G i eH.cd d nAo.aqulin . Th a d Su da ns J h H mi- ran ,M rt..hve b en rend_ _ ~ X~Wlt anlnceasmly eav grndcildrn) erepreentis an important factor in un- Brownies were invited to this baving sent sevenal cards. visited Mr. Hall, Mns. JH. A . case.Mr n Wih nonreasouly o hefranthi happy occarsion derstanding His m e s sa g emeeting. IPresident announced the Pak. Johnston visited Mr. and M~rs'î Mrs. Racicot are moving to On o olr ntefrti ap cain Palestine was the crossroadsi stnan cled0G anby Que., where hie will i of consumners, Hon. Wm. MFadMr.Oa or 'bruary 23rd, Cartwrightî Ebroder Dsplye oh Rolan IF A M1 .wtwrMinister of Agni- and David were. M 01 thSord n Jduaid No Brownie Pack held a and sale in* Oshawa, Mar. 16,,Mr. Hall. Coumn gr o ! th Touban 1ledrew at- guests with bier sister andl Most of His teaching there. ktn party at the arena, toi she reminded the mernber.i Mr nd i Cou.Tu n r tle olfClb.has ne- Dalwites f&)a!ýth act that husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gl Caaaisclbrtn brwic hy niedPc N.2t bigmoencie oror adJhny inhsen iit und rmspnig h as ae ontoipov or amn prnier..hE. Turer MsboMyt;eoBownpartu equirthe' recnty ntodce reu-bet vey ndfamly Ltte nebudredth hirtbday - she Caesarea. In orden to obtain cobokoupatinteed M r. and Mrs. Roy Turner month with her brotherratanda zeceIntl ma rdeundreg e F r t An. an aml, ý is indeed privileged. Canada thein Hostess badges, three fashion show in Manch: and1 and girls ,Saturday night andsse-n-aM. and s nepie odcaGrades and Sales Mn. and Mns. Wilford Vine is a password to aIl nations. Guides, namely Heather Don- also gave the plans ofteSunday. Lonne Bowins, Onono. C,'et onypoiefradfml eeSna If Jesus came to Canada to- rell, Janet Turner and Susan Township Centennial Commit-! Mr. Elgin Taylor, Salina, M.adMs e ad tadards, but are also tors with is sister and fam - day would He be accptdi n y c al, paneind cnne ee fruetrain ti um-1called on M . and Mrs. Ernest and family of Belleville have Suchlo ans riv ia l o b n d t ensure that de- ily, M. and Mrs. Reg. Mid-:etrta ewsi i u this paty and elped mer. Some of the members Larmer, Sunday. been ecent guests with Mrs. farmers whsvrnialocpto mlu)eaing ader- deton, ixie."' The choir sang "Tbe serve the lunch of bot dogs offened to check the articles Mn. and Mns. Glenn Lar- iddBitw 've or Mikain . 4 ri enDirxi esd t dRgedCros". edBitw th renow ta rseorgeeas- Ine the Uited C urchRe-and bot chocolate. Twelve and dean the kitchen cuP-; mer, Mns. Harold McLaugh- Hsmany fniends will be rrotiee eceied tein kat-boars.GAshorepronarnwas in, Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, pleased ta know that Ronaldisfrig erend Philip Romenil pneach-enbags given,, consisting;' cf iftfbnma- Ms Ross lffatedd«h Jcso snow neported asOuofesopnoritvew 1111mutmeet Ihp is pnogressing favourably ed bis second sermon on"The toHease'auabdges.nî 1s uif attnde the J aksn alsooOuecovery iw anada Agri- IHospital. tst m nt Jsuorrell and Janet Turner who bl C n da e tn il S m ut nl S ceis C n e to lowing sugery in Civice Hos- Iý n etmn eu'l o by Miss 1. Dempsey and, in the King Edward Htelpachl Thteroroayh W' 1 roucts Standards Welcome borne ta Mn. Doug- wend Torontoe thunsdaycoT-he CenteAnial Beard Gano w te or phone or napiteto te ýe L Suhpoultny offered for las Meteal! from Bowmanville oe man. Ne spoke of th Leg- testants in th e Public J. A. McAoronton, 0e, pî.Tah e etebaou ardgh. W -Mu so st o lal d- p e y rc vey is ws- cavf e aWit Y- "MyTheachoiring c nestn o m ree humoous eadings byl Messs. Merriii Van Camp, ing Contest for Manvers inform ation t h o a r dt A vs r pist be pnoperly Memoial Hospital. LeaeWthTu"Th hir cnet nBwanville Mns. W. W. Vn Camp, .lJohn Hamilton, Ernest Swain Township begins this week. In t#'the grade of each bird. ed for Mrs. Ewart Blight in sang te anthem "His Pres- wilesdapete nigt hý es r-fV. Bailey and Ms. J. Rahm. !and Merlin Suggitt attended the Bethany area, contestantM.LsM eth .g udandressed Oshawa General Hospital. ence Blest". wîllt competto in the , scial time was spent ven1 the Good Roads convention are asked ta register with Fr rdtCroain Frewdaw On Friday, February lOth Cut aptto mn, a deliciaus lunch senved MYa the Royal York, Moda- Mns. Earl McQuaid hy Marcn Bx 98 -yo vseaed poultry Mr. and Mrs. Don Fe 1967, the finst meeting o! the Februany 28th. the bastesses, Mns. H. Mc-lWednesday. Ail thein wv3dayota ood a e ~ Yetnidtio talethe - anetredayFloida pacatin. Cub ws hed atthe omeseroas beng sihilockd Su- lad W ~""q1srent, 4 aditindi h n e-dyFoiavcation Nestîton 4-H Homemnaking As the result of severalj Laughlin and Mrs. F. Stani- oie them fon Tuesday and head start (or should we 5ayPotOfcBulig te . funt mie , U In ic m ba e e t u n t e ed rm a p p eleas-h l t t e h m t o d e n Û l c e S n a d e n s a .f ce s a t . T e c n e t r e.,iionike ue s:tswith the Bruce Heas- Mn:. Lawrence McLaughlin. day rnorning (Saturday thei Glad to report Mn. Wilbent! Me nd ~Mrs. Rud Heasîip face stant.le y tesusPotPry W be M n. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson sistant Mrs. Lawrence Mal- tbey could be plowed) the We yisp g e s ngf v ra n M s.re b o ,T ro o, n.n dM .E n Mah h n :98 - 41 ne $the n ice eeSna iioswt colm superviscd the meeting. attendance in the United ý nt é '.Of he ric, wre undy vsitrs ithThis unit la called "Cottons Church was down considen- Oflticheuallty lfot 4le bird their daughter and son-n- May Be Smart". and there are ahly. The choir's anthem was wel aw, Mn. and Mrs. Herman mine girls attending. "The Lord Is My Strength." The meeting commenced Rev. Romeril chose as the text with the 4-H Pldeater for bis impressive sermon, "If -N ir swhich the offîcers were elect- the warld bates you, you c ~ ~ ~ ~~~ * 5 ~~ed as follows: President, J an- know that it ated me first."IM. . .. 41. IU I L U EU UAl mu ~ ~~~ic Huntington; Treasurer, In St. John's Church the U mb s.,EI I E.J W1 1- I ElieMetcalf; Press Report- Wadens and Parish Council R~~ ~ ~W ~ J er, Susan McCll. A different were installed. Rev. Rose de- ~E ~VU I I -~~ ~ ' - secretary is chosen every liveed a fine sermon fom ~WWW~ week ta read the minutes a! "The Reality of God and His ciethat tmeetingswas de-Loe. g ch onet Il A ~ E > N u W ee idatin cam Te offveryw nonerta Chevrolet has always set th~e standards of value, style, craftsmnanship, sound engineering and luxury appaintmet hr r afweepe) Mr.McLaughlin was in stonmy the second presenta- BOWMA VILLETOWN ALL Chargean "Planning the tien was Postponed until this BO M NVLE O N ALDress" was discussed. week. The three one-act, E a u The second meeting of Nes-1pisys are ta be judged at this( tleton 4-H Homemnaking Club time. More atclrneti .g!Jurmkma I as held on Friday, Februarv week.patc as net FIEI~~V gvm~rrn * IJLD 17, at the home of Mrs. Law-. h adc ntmta r . w1 'U ence McLaughin. The pre- the hm fMs ar a - ident was in charge an dth C hpom eofs. arry:3ani 8:00 P.M. 4-H Pledgc was nepeated. Theamp enong esand9:0 ati treasurer, Elaine M e t c~Alte njyn cfe do "VRYOYW-CM gave the report. Karen Cap cross buns. alI repeated the - E R Y O Y W L O Ebell was chosen the secretary Lord's Prayer. M s. Ken Lee FRONT SC BRAKES POWERFU V8 ENGINES SXW YPW RSA COKIFORTILT STEIGWHEEL WT OSL and she read the minutes of gave the wanship fsom the the last meeting. B v theme, The Christian Home.'1I a h velth sb e h a ol n ,i o a y w y e s rei e og tt e to t B oting, Mr,. GardonPase vï "Nestleton Nifty Needlework . Panteesi h s ogav es eaethe name o!fth amnily Life. Mrs. W. Mahaf- 190 C mile 0F oeLuln P ening losd with benediction.o ya r,'amil O F disc ssion o nPrira car.h B E E F B U L L ~ ~ Fabric or Ctitting" andi hose Lorne T ompson w asî arnyo tepwrias -B EF BU LSMrs. Lawrence Malcolm dis- on Tuesday afternoon. Mns. i' Une h usie fcussed "Posture" with the Skelding was in charge of5Y-i Udrteasieofgroup. the program and had each S yar,'5,0 ile THE1 ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE mebe present read veny in-an h trsigitems from the Out- ma COMPLET OMAlO.a OSCSSLTDA IMPRÔVEMENT ASSOCIATION O IU R reach in connection with the 60EtSES AEPEYR ALIwSSRUErPE OTO Ifays Sales Arena, Trafalgar OIU R work in Canada. Mrs. Ken- VIY OFCVRsPEOTP PAE L-NWISRMrPM &MIa£CmJlsE 5 miles north of Oakville HUGR A. MaCDONAL» Inor and Mrs. L. Tbompsan Unbeatable quality is served at least six constructionanocureChvot' neh Samelîs, Mn. Roy Tay- no ore hme' M A R C H 14 n d 1 5Ç 1 9 6 Anc or jc fotb P gave a fine wonship n "T eW C o e F r t r rdto al ,hrsl au.Ff Dedicate New Flags At Annual Parade fSunday, Fehnuary 19, 1967 ship at Courtice. d was the annumi Chunch Par- The First Caurtice Guide.. -adc for a&l Cuba, Scouts, Company had hoth the cn 9 Browniesa and Girl Guides dian Flag and World Flag à aiong with hhefr leaders in dedicated at this servic.Bn Caurtice. The United Church nie Bishop and Vicky Rey- with R.cverend Dermott An- colds received their Religiçri s cott was the place cf wor- and Life Emhlem. Rev. Anscott dellvered 'a tand Neil McMahan o! Kînsley, sermon on "The Guide Pro- Sask., have been guesta with mise", a wonderfui message Mn. and Mns. Wesley Mc. for such a memorahle occa- Mahon. sion. Two winners o! the Public Mother. Daughter Banquet 1Sp'eaking Contest in Bethany On Tuescaay, Februar> 21, .School0 again taok top places 1967 the Caurtice Girl Guides in the Opa Township Contest and Bnownies heid Uiein Mo- held on Thursday night. Grace ther and Daughter Banquet Smuith, daughter of Ms. and at Ebenezer United Church Mrs. Carl Smith was first in Hall. Mrs. Charles Elliott act- Grade sevec-eight gnaup; Mar- ed as MC for the banquet. lene Smith, daughter af Mn. Guide Vicky Reynolds pro- and Mrvviiu Gro rt, agh-o ehaîftofailo eotrsr ed e st et id S. t 1 m E

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