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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 2

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TeCandim uatenman, EOWMMmlagi., r. M1 o o K w ns P s rei e i a :op a O ust Legio ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___aclf s bookkeepi«nduma- N t g I Cor oller Speaks on Brotherhood calculabor and ta the comecil oies are klect E. G. Witherspoon ie ih41WnSna New Pesidet ofnotar a slghtly frregular siant. On 1.11 EÇarphonca attachied ta eachv iN wMe tK n N e P es d e t ot rdesk ailow studets to tyet Wtthoeapoc wlU ho th next Brat erhoad In da i. dem- ai Ouhane a ofa four speeds whih arc by Joh n O oreiRc Lu a, f r rd a G.A n at. Bl rriPee aul nrogulae ya $40,000 beach. Nichois M(tr lniae ilirai tra hoO= aaI r-OPerated machine. A pre- Legian from th1 uirMnsgv nottnlgct ~otryClb. Vlce-Presidcnt Canadian fl n whlch the dit- Don Morris rccclved a Six hbbc uis n fo useeda for uyn igh 4 t eigwsspebo lsel it W1~i nwau elected by terences i epie of varlous year Perfect Attendance Pn dial. years in a rwte aeeo n o roegv amuluoS% et Uie luncheon ethnie backgr:unda are bind- and Tom Cowan rocelved meenting of the club heid on ed. Two Year Perfect Attendance hi. eletion an rapush-btoon athe af.isae or Frte ein o a ThursdaT at thc Fiying Dutch- This la anation ciindMd- Pin. The presentations were emccy ha S tuetiingbstc znan Motor Hotl. uZthnt.etStrdentf brorobu tadrew aitteennce Chair-ThechandisenilapenaltiesWear Dr . îulthBilett, a paat la sset al ta unlty, Mm. man Jacklner. The wlnner rpngcassefcthi Ldbte hoad ckLa d and mi ea- Wear.the contst, Nichas dfpJon pr f e t nr d c d Uc g ct M rs o lntd out. Sh o nid o i th c Hockey draw was Bill s il e id a so e c u tr a c s u u , C on troll or June that se n d ler husband Th lcubtrg r. Te t chnca i bran h co siEngles b beD c Ni ch l a h e e =lsk, Toronto. RHc pke ai bought property idowntown Tetcpingrac on alCobei *ber interet lnt he ic e ai Toronto no that th y could tains twoV drafting roorni and a vast zajorly o! he pa fr is un y et 7 0 ti e= and her achevometa ibrng Up their chldren tîo g r i blue-print roon, an auto thrce periods.bgn ewenKl 1fýwkta Improve housing know, understand, and reupect ig t s 8110p, a machine shap, an The Motors eecmnadihs .~ d social conditions for low copie ofa n i kinds by min g- eetia n apnr -iti or inhrA err m " ha at vage. The Trenton 2-O shoaýrn nSterling, tecinicai f QlV l n r , Ir 'At the lest Toronto Munild- two qualities I cherlsh mnt ro fte iganc o . ~aléection Mrs. Marks wus wcre given me by my parents authorai"nrdcont the Board ai Con- We liadt a Christian home andT a eCedu trol for a thrce year terni, Dr. lnstead ai ,prejudlce, a aÏrong Bowmanvlile Mldgcts con- didenasst ntha- M8111ett, nid. Ro told thc club lve for other people was in« tinued ta whi as they downed a ioth addition, sssedi bc Ac- a îéhît ohé ln a Peut President stailed ius. My parents camne Trenton Mldgets- 5-1 last Ytua odesg ite adiio 'of Uic Ward 2 South Ratcpay. from a littie vilage i Eng. Tuesday evenlng at the arena. i qup ~,rs Association, a member of land. My father came IoC> <- iBawmanvllle opencd Uic acor- ayent n rdrdeqi.A trul0O1 -.the Zxecutive qf Uic Salvation ada as an engneer. img at Uic 9:29 mark when tcoclst $0,entainkeep a 7uesclays ~ryHarbor Llght Haven, $'On a visit back ta nladBob Howes scored from Kim tc7hic00 tudon in cholThea sa largte adec ete orh atngi UntvoaltyCredi Unin, e n ofice wrker Âfte toeneon he pwerdpyawhithDo-Durhams ;tmtr and Treasurer of Uic he met my mother wuwaRoes This goal wes scored Immediete Pest President Fred T'a honored at the'Bowmanvilîe acae mc student un50mc a kignetFnl edN~yWleNrhHp .DUirt r f the Uno n- aanofige wthe came t Canada bic .we îtuploay inar b'Kiwanis Club's Charter Ladies Nghtbiinner and Dance held et the Lions Comi- of! thae monest pent t on me- inOrona UnitedCuc nCnrlSho UprCn -»h%%ý of the oronto Geancmryeareandey$cme tofornaeacleetab sctDurhoutCoumityrPublic, Central.SSteroing.MyesHen tageir -«lHosital, and la activelY and settled I e ar epaer penalty for butt ending. There mntyCnreo StrayeennOreien ocCruhesprsneda inr, isi M.Serig.Teda vnCgoMsuerrdaVlag"'eeysVÈe omrganlztlCentrAsaoTorant Seskatchwan Riverrbi h OcupBtibnalCourses Jhnson prsideda anJiotro-nNrth Cava l 7iae thseveral other shack on the benka of Uic werc oniy Uirec other penal- plaque ta Mr. Tippins on behaif of the club as an expression of appreiton Toycracupat on ad Rcosds M rs ae Vstt uoi" n eo Comntor AMn. Mar oS asatheanRvc..ie anded out, anc ta Bow- for his work and achievements durîng rbis Centraise, frSbys nd irl Cnrle r. M roa Mns..Marks said that lier manville and bwo ta Trenton. rgt. . vt as rsiet inLer a presien fb ronch ef qcursae fo boysade iBarran, Publoict, adRnRcadoLchr c -lebroCiyCuclMtomother started a uchoal for Uic Trenton came on hi the sec- aaadmmet iatrsdn iuean-oenrBo rnh staninae taiabGratc t ram Oshawa a 1>4- - 11, d toh snClty arkachlldren of ail bhc workcrs on ond perlod ta tic the score, ee n rsdetCruhr.staonding, Tthe wn d Cborgscem 1 4toml andr. Bhe Ctyt nid Uiceproject. She told UiceRot- after Price scorcd from Wcesc rsch a n.hnisnýb M.Mfa rothorod We a ariens that she wes 13 Years and Hamel at 11:54. Leus than C ae usig1 MotI Car M if slnlicne hi ya bceoead before she knew what bbc five minutes laber Kim Rg-commerGirl seng eadsîng, bY . , ot b ugsporn wspeetdb h of Cnda'. Centennil, Mr. wo rd prejudice meant. rs gave Uic Bowmanvlifle 5an a(1 iI(C lblp e ke sicme ri a awigrestu:FwcNrhHp eta odce yDrco c home nuCasadgIcaam1 wîog C ntrasllos .NnyKna ulcSbo hi naio w th e om artve y and i is fearful -to realze that and Larry Devlt were credit- etff.boysrîght Cpo e n t"Uro, w y Mr. C n w l ht T emIli population, and la dwarf- chlldren lcarn prejudice and cd wli bc sssa.Atbc ESI; :, ,Sho bb n«lcally by bbc Unilted hatefrom pduits. If lb were not 20:00 mark Bob Hadley of Mw NeEE tdisfr b oy'ac- pkooiUpen t nadapin ccompanomnn she decared. on this wars w auid flot ho Trenton was begged with a ' , i ww IV I W5 J aMO ti fo orste i n c lde ilag "; 3. Maiyn Kn x, M. pl ye y rs R n uno "T athens, of Confedera- foughb, and there wouid be 10 minute misconduct. Pling, weld- tl ad acin T 6y gspeaker dnresasserted. eUic ngdue t alarge nXJ AIIGuidaiinii ~ sce meraice aemahinte . .Dcrhoanmeaî b Years Workpoleiofbr fpeatisan os fF e ueraiIçrn i uutio na i mincreasecl at Crce T wîac o! th pes Dura lu !Tt- e ee WO prostitution, Mrs. Marks baid ail Bowmanville collcctcd a adiioa ousoln ntinr a nc oi a vice probe hcld lame total of bhree goals. The tirsb An informative eddress an territory and population were to stay and be part o! Canada, ro soffice be nd ali. repia1do!H bbCDuamCnygrpailds hhba addietoficandn g r lin. terNny Di r ihaFute lde noe B rings Vuctory years ega hi Toronto when lb goal was scared from Sandy "Federalism, Nationalism and nat decided by thc people but "This meens -saie sacrifice.: eahe.haethcî e b BowmianvilleLinClbtceMLna ScoSt -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a disclosed that many O! Brown with Bob Howeuern- Reason" was given by Pierre by their rulers" Mr. Trudeau If you Wanb ta cnvince nc nw lounge, dining roo, presented bbchecn pacChcbOse.Teywr these women were drug ad- ing the assist. At 17:15, Webb E. Trudeau, M.P. et the meet- stated. He said that*land was third o! bbc population thet its staff work roomn and 140 ad- wînner, JanetTuerwtbelcosnicrsfrmV- Tmx Exemption dicts wbo needed $60 ta $70 a ai Trenton was given a five ing of bbc Canadien Club ai trensferred tram anecocuntry interests are in remeining part ditional parking speces on bbc bbc local LionsClbshid.treaNwfuînena day ta pey for their dope, minute major for but nding. West Durham beld in Trinity ta anather as the result o! ai Canada you must give themn nrth and east side o! tbc These two winncr ilrp odsatfrarsuya Ottawa - ebruary2st, 1967 - She told af bbc founding of Bob Howcs ok advantage ai United Sundey Scool lst wars, or in excbange for sane reasons. No daubt there are schoo. Administrative ara resent Durhami Cout tbcCnd.Ms osHwcr 3lurham M.P. Russell C. Hon- Street Haven in Toronto and this as bie netted bis second Wednesdey evening. President benefit, and aiten as part af sanie unreasanable people, bas also been cnlargcd. Belleville DistrictZoe3Fnlbccmenay oyalane oa h theUi assistance given there ta goal o! bbc gaine. Larry Dcv- Russell Best presided ate th bcdawry ofa! princess an same wild men in bath parts obhedi yal sno w been given bap- elp unfortunate wamen lead itt and Charlie Cattran re- meeting. h rm rig .o a aa e h p h r T m s audy ac -Tims. tMarksldiInHvalokeolMrs Eriheortic gav au eov1 a saî now beepîasi Z t rbeeea rther-Devtt etbng Kssmt, o-Mr;s:::inthe arigins af bbe "The fates o! terita' swere will be a compromise and batrlvs r. ak sacledbcasss imRg is eI. Ctbnsna ebh as.W wr eiddta Cbl sbas trees. pl~atienït- irhoof a this project. crs scored et 19:00 with Larry idea o! nationbood generally decided et bbc top by treaty. reasonable agreement. Mr.. tbowaver ionspe I::loGdnors. Chtm se n bbc i action, Mrs. Marks canclude bbc scaring ai bbc hisbory o! Canada. He refer- drcemed a! asking bbecocn- French dawn anyone's throat. Acciduen t sented cach aibcWofDr-bcvriutah nwbc a -', Thé developer afilbbc plastic said, w es tbc assistance given gane. There was a total ai red ta bbc Treaty f Paris in sent af bbc people involvd. Tere is na idea in Quebec Ihem contestants wt n e-sck a pol, ad ta wn pp!n procea, Mn. t a hier by others interested in 23 minutes in penalties hand - 16 et bc nd a b c S v n M aâne ta o i Pontypool, as s c a e ia e e.b r e o d au n b c t ird p id, Y ears W ar. In this T heatbe ory a! sP o al c d ontr a nda Pe o u p e ~ " ' ak rnchve.u t1e p, e d Ed ods g idn9is f n ai h worked with M. Honey for bbc Hausing Inquiry. She said with Bowmanvilllc rcceiving French Canada was gv n revaihed bPeapghe orKings ouhd acoptlyu-fRgin1,n1 Uic pat twa yeers ta obtain that Herbent Bruce, widow o! 10 min. and Trenton 13 miin. England, ic recelled. X. When tennitonies werc necessary for a postman on e Thene was a collision on Port Hope Lions Clbp(et n naucdbcqîtn o mbpt plnclngbbthplastic n- aGoernariLe enan t. htwr a en o tswitcbed tram anc nation ta rural route near Medicine Hat Monday et 1:28 p.nî. et the cdtbb East Durbancnt c mt:hg ng he a tne t_ GoJaes Cab he Dan sud ts.- trvil n Europe sud bbc French kcpt another people went witb their ta, pass an cxam in French as corner ai Church and Temper.. ants witb engraved u inr iheptl positin as winc ad otbr hel a meeing ed chi cd hen bcs broos for bc baties ands.This bad happened ai it would be for onc in Trois ance Street. The drivers aibcofadto a b hc the position atwien e ue helin metigh nc hux'e * but bbc British showed thnough history. Pistoles ta speak Englisb. cars invalved were Charles winners bbc contesatwc:Onni Hyr' 3mî as tee mrke ing. euh clwika eyt eg JO BolifaLed e t statcsmansbip by scnd- "Whcn France under Louis "The people wbo want ta Austin Larmer, 668 cuo Ramona WildmanOtraS xr ot rn ona g erialsc d bc mat- ycr, ta represen r oranc Bo lng îge ng bbc best aofits enmY ta XV boak Alsace Lorraine bbc break up the countyar an-Sret dbc rvr Scugo , . Hib g sm a remreig et ersnlirfroeCnda, bbc speaker explain- people there wcne German atics or have vested intcrcsts pick-up truck invalvcd wstnte" Cindy AÀc .J ae t5OO~vlsmi e *uin be udetDeab ~Sdgwickfnthedrial. ervieMr.a rg Da, ebd. 1423nos se mîs ispcaking. Fraie did fot even in disorder. The msiiyo na tren u 62, p csln notenO Tune 7thBud66,et wbicb boe free ai charg.e ion bbc resb o1 Doris Tompkins 178 b b lbbbi t etpT.rrch achool bhe people ini Qebec take a Devon Steet, O Mdda Da abbae esolr be"4eritNt lieè-7h 1r966,b Miter hi Uic nqiyseg tbe. Edna Elliot _____ 176 for generations. reasanable point a! view. Tbey thbbctwo Oshawa. Da ge Grae PubershonNOw4 tIetna amjrla ete ance Ui Honural i-thell Captin ret asetMreSeîig 07 L g"Sbortly after tbe conquest realize that persans who have ta more ta 10.Cntedblieha," x~-'7;tes ub Shaurp dthe M tischng. ovd a teai HeberksFtasMrMaryene Stacey 173 *fl a!ofCanada by the Britisb greet investcd their lives in tbceDon Aderson was the investi- anc, heHo ourbl Mtcel moeda ot o th nk t M s.Marie n ini ________ 162 changes werc caused by bbc Civil Service cannot suddcnly gating officer. Iteplying ta Mn. Honey duning Marks for ber claquent eddress. S p in a Th e nhrdbeanta u be opet speak French, There was a two car collision DjitHsms&Su th ncestebcdthaiterwold sdbier o tnslppecinatiown1620 e ute 4s tos h wdbgntorccd oe h ntheyasonN.2 Pla r eot e ndr Drotbe rk t16i0bcy t nNo Hgwa bVancoe's Irinncestaed hat ie oul sehispersnalappecitio Lc ra fi16.0eobean o! nationalsm as tbc ta came more andmoei htRaonTsdyt4:0p. t tek. Uic mtter under consid- tabbcguct seaerandpre B159moeithtodonusaya4:0pmwoi reow ere eraton.The ubsque t o cthed ber tbie aserandp ett Bena FROM PAGE ONE) solTreigniby ai bbc people. service will become bilingual. The drivers a! these bwa cars Uiczo Miit ! aio a R -cl b W i b e echer, and iiss group o people decided t ey Boniface, a FBowmanville, sua d D o ro thy 7 tieine, i Honraurp an.dJ.ousenirofevsteto uch1. kBong25-7 PbicScolecbr M.hM c D ona d 292-2o3 NNatiioVam euRenclC entralw anted t a live ogether. T is com m unity on bh c R ed R iver, C astle, R .R . '4 , sh w ahC n M.Skldn 25-7 PbleScoo eahe.The idea spreed tbraugbaut Europe wîlhl ave French Scboohs. stable Gary Bruntan, OPP, in-ChredAcunas Behson, have resuled ln thc on meeting were Councilor L. Miles - 240-200 Senior Elemenbry j u d g e s and the Americs during bbc French Schools wee banis- vstigatd. MontrealOswaTrteamto exmption being graned, Mr. Annie Oke, Mrs. Forbes Hey. D. Tompkina 232-258 were Mm. Marguerite Fraser, 9th century and tbougb d in Ontario in 1912, and in1 Johni Lambert Soot, RR.4, WnsrWnnp1RgnaCla~ Ilny stted bday. land, Mrs. Al Witherspon, J. Rypstra ý 200-204 Slina, John Schevink, an Afice and Asie in bbc 2tb New Brunswick in 1880. BaWniiesae n ntarioGoreVncue The device uscd in thc Mrs. Allen B. Sylvester, -Mns. E. Elliobb 285 Ajax teacher, sud Mrs. Diana century. Nations came into "If you get it acrass ta wben bbc car bie was drlving EtIII wrapping a! Cbristmas treesIH. B. Rundlc, Robent L. Byron, H. Henderson_____ 268 Robertson, another teecher being not by conquesb but by French Canadiens bbet tbey went off bbc road on thec Dan- wihUic plastic neting was Carence Oke, Colin Cooke, I. Brown -- -___ 217 froin Ajax. bbc people s0 dclaring." cn only be t home in Canada lingon-Clarke Line neer bbc Gordon W. Rueblh .. ...Br .WtrCA develaped by Mn. Manette Robent Dykstra, and Neele Gae. Won: The tirst place winncrs o! Mn. Trudeau explaincd that in bbc Province ai Quebcc, and Taunton Road on Friday e t and la in extensive use iniMcLean, ail ai Bawmanville; Oaks - 52; Asb - 37;CaaasdbcUlc tae.IGog bntn Ji lik ln-2.ir 25; eacb section ai this contcst bbc new concept ai bbc people's if yau bell this ta people for 4:40 p.m. Constable Brunton Oshawa 0saaS1pigCnre7872 Canaa ad te Uite SttesjGerge harton Ji, Eric,'Em -24.will campebe in the Legion rigbt ta decide was et tirst 100 ycans bbcrc is bound ta b c investigeted. Zone Public Spcaking Conbesb belicved ta bring lasbing sanie feeling. Language is bbc ta o be hd in thc Legion Hall peece. Ib was bbougbt that only grievance, and basicelly bere on Sunday atternoon, this tbeory eliminabed many bbc only difference" J I R ' 1 O V E 1....L D. Mai-ch lothi, et twao'cîock. 'a! bbc old causes tai, war sucb Mr,. Trudeau said that there JEftJE H U r ftA utIE B &n'SaM u J UYL OE L Î D Tewinners in Junior Ele- as a ruler's ambitions tan more arc no separetists among bbthe~~I JunimetaEl-c-lryhihs ton icl rgumenit. Coun- ony egbtprcn bcvt 1965 M ETEOR 4-DR. ~ugg. Lpsr 1.0tISofsthervots gg. Listc Sp c2/3383 CGraen 4pbary l ar y Jco so n, r.tries ave become independent " e aaisI M n. Trudeau V-8, automatie. $ 0 51 6 A B E S p ei a lra e , ai ni Sc ao; r-w h n tey are s rong noug b stated L c 3 4 9 S 1 8 3 c S p cialC8 3 ec al 2f o r2 7 Grade 6, Shaw s the ritih gave India its_ _ _ _ _ _ _ rOnaio Street Shool; jan. indepene by allowing it ta 2 9 1 IleWIdad rd ,N eoeasclt-governung corn-.U~ S U P E R P L E N M I N SC O M E I ClccW odla d, G a .5 N wn 1961 poinb d aut p e n H A R D TO P Li . X 0 8 -$ 5 V itam in and M inera Tablets L L U T e oaDn ny CGarGadee6, o sen . T risudeau it bc oudtianp e n V I l, o ur Cho iem . i j 9 3 H V. ½ T O IC U ~ ~ E A R WSchotte n Gr ae 6,G a e a that the b sis ai bbc t bc ry: N.o .Lie. 281211 - 365 . i E b lLi. 1 63 EVERY DAY LOW PRICE -bFcSchol. en6a1contyis bbc wiel a! t 72'. $ 9 8 î« s $ 7 9 8 1~ g. ~ to ~lorin c-en s : pe ape.He added that this m as ar eve tn ch i. 1 6 ScCA L 3 C 9 h Ho A veo Mry People ave n o choice , T19bot 1 66GF 20RS T Y E SI D _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ __ S PECI L 3 <t 7 M. J HOb s Scool, Mar Basques have no choice. They ie eac b day. $ a 1 8 bÉcGrac e 89 must belong ta Spain or Gymnasium tacilities et spocaew5FOD T I N T L L A T E Sugg.List Special qe cate Publ c Sh o o; ane," le sad. Cunic-bve t1pl9 5Tw M r Yn G ibson, G rade 8, Cen - Fo g.e.pon b c ople s e oub le d a sngie PERM ANENT HAIR ÇQ OU 175 8 KO x Chand i ianc oc encter. Wen eyheSpe opl s a uleandtiingmna, ÇQOU 175 $1-41 bradeSc8, K nd oxnCof Quebec did flot have a bave been added ta bbc d eli cia ai fe a go Cher people laug bcd, but a seaing cpacity of 90, four M Edoughnuts, hot c ocolateand Uy do not do s0 oday. This change r aos, n c teain r om , 0 ~~ q g * ~ ~ c o n t e n t w a a t h e r v c i i b a s c m e a b o u t n o b a s t h c e - t w o a h l c b l c s t o a r g e o m s A D IE>peclai cmneatvby 1.39odiesvMe sit af a ew bombsnet off sd four Instructrs' offices D I E L I U I DA u a v u a s1.3$'g 1 7 Im a Bée 0 -t o m r the y l i guided, but because ar c included in the physica i Roua Bahgate as Uicconrmature are becoming education departinent.EK- fflte te cu' ore mauread so are Que- The school now bas e chem. - W A T C H Y O U RiMA L F O RlYO U R OW hY. bybecerLdo w n e a rlus r e7, a n tola g eneryca n Contact one of Our courteous sales staff: Thu de bProsidc tent W e can nI i-science a rtois anH u tp cehrey. daTho e Rs ue nc h in ter mis ai Co n eriai W ng Bud Fogg, Rap ph ip, R ay .L thaii u , V nu G a y ves lu ie Pentose dyreason," Mr. Trudeau decar- The commercial wing ao Ucfod n rtheD n But Venais. Present o . bc la y d. ie aidthat members a! new sch oli ncludes n c busi- e d n B o n o o i we ltM d oel bouquets lia mient sd af Provincial ien m achines roo n, a tan - ., o m ' 2 ~ ., . . M A R C III S O . ~S A LI SH IE T ue gt a te aux- e lturme vi cas fo se-c m rca drct '.otc.P no 7 35 4 sud e il sets t éa c ule. ehe or ail Candianàansd room a praction fce 52(daPh n 23 2 3 ail Ill ent lu te iur-year business

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