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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 6

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.ne Brawnies ecd received :a favur, a pipe-cleaner'dal thapacce a! gum stapled ta e skiat. Uftder the xgçthpys' âjtes were yellow plq.re a"gi#s kadc by the Brownie 4't rlier meetings. Each an l the shape of t4l ene- li synibol with fl.o*fer mnanc o! the provinces edon it. -Gace was said by Mrs. H. X Thé February apeetingc Aadmius U.C.W.: npt at th Mfe 1aclMns. Jian GryW sdyevening, L;eluangy W he president, Mrs.Nora ohrer opened the meetini âih a reading on Ceptep Yrmn "Blest be thé tietii do" was sung, toPpwçs th the Lord's Prayer. -Mrs. Norman Rolirer gavi 1e devotional from the b,9c .tesus Christ and the Chi an Lige." Mgrs. Milt,>n Gr9! àve t14e missio1 ry taik. Treasurer's' repart was givý A any ladiesas pos. ýfb1e pre ta atten d the Worlr ay ot Frayer at 01ackstacI nited Churcli Feb. lôth, anÈ osathe Oshawa Presbyteria. Wnted Churcli meeting. Coigr ~spondence read, a thank. ~u card was received frair rs. enniàoii$paùells. The ladies have 'decideq te Sake a Centenniai quilt. Mii,' es o! thc iast meeting were ad and ppFoved. Roll cali aas answeredt with the ex- [~inge of vaJentines. Meeting aSed with hymn "What'- ~end we have in Jesus,$ ~fowed with the Mizpel 'nediction. A lovely lunch was served *Y thé group in charge and 3social Urne spenL. THEF IIL4SY To Buy Insuranco 1*4ed mare insurance? Who dacsn't? Thc question is, how jdo you make that large, once- .ts-Ycar pay'çn? %i We s.cthe spswçr for Yeu. ~tIt's Tb@ Jsrtord'q &gonvs4p4i juaonthly prcnium paynaent 'plan. ~Call or *top in fodar and find out haw amaîl monthly -Payanents wiIi help you afford ii.jbg protection al throl# )Wear-. r ENERAL M 4»V 5Kngst. E. Bowmamvllle of ffie tl- mg 4j. eat tueB ZSeuaïg - él 4Céaâe ballad- by Marion Heni The ballad wai written by gaughter Brenda wha w, ,#r.9wI4je af the 3rd Pack !m yega-s ega. Oh Canada the beautiful *ProÎ the Arctic ta the G Laktes lies, T4 ft4ckies high, tie Pra wi!de Anation ne'er to die, Oh Canada, ah Canada Wýhose stre44pa arma WàlA4 4U peac and brai hod Frarnieast ta -western ses P rw ip red salmon. o! Il WPto! the prairi UtaraOP& rich farming lai Quebec's minerai regime; orhada s P.E.I.'Mpatataca we sec, New Brunswick'. abund fisheries New!aundlpeepa per ia4us mia. as g sey- aret Eiri4s I. BC1 res, tpple ýstry. 4 , ju W rerepowned Th'irough every country on thhi Eah arth d Eahcity agde ech Awn k This year is* aur Cç&Mppial d Queliun*gra4ygaris Q«progress, al From the woadlands ta th.e T-tu s4yscrapers k-Orcountry God has biest. mAiter the regular Brownla ppenrnjg 9GQ514e» -Bar Cerg- to mony wap depiAo strated by j5 nB. oGwnies wfâ'had just coan- e pieted the requirements for In their Gçlden ar 1#ge., Each X_ rownf e hedpbaaiaon rg- 9 g -.sntMag ont part o!f te a Cet. Afèr tfli rownie read " ler part, sic placed the bal- ýh ioop in the hand a!f.g life size woaden 'doildressed up as a ýd Brownie. idWhpp th* cerçMony w.>s ~.>~p~~t4 -! ey Owl'present- ea4:gp=tqn Bar badges tç Sandâ-a'Bond, Carol Juiýe Carlsonç, PaWja FewTil, Dianne Harness, Marilyn Harive-y, Bar- bjarg Renning, Virginia HO$- ca-vorst, Çusan Junkin, Kerri Luxton, Lee Ann Milner, Kar'en Fiper, FJig#eth R id, Theresa Venasse, D e b b i e White and Bona;W Wodwgçrg. The ,prg4if 4 Sai ;rpa tic most pointe çlùrinij -the previaus five montjis for attendance lgpd neatacas. Ea.ch 4rownîe oft t4t six pcied -1,9 w~l »ýAÇ 4wold jp. Tlwy wera XcWrIghWt a1rpr, Vix-' ginia }togervorstSe aa ac- Barbara Hmnni g egpp4r." Thrlift badges were present- ed ta Paula Feirwil, Susan Junkin, Starr Ferriji,' Barbara Hennin«, and -Linda Ferrili. Debbio White * rgceived.lier Ne*d1aWPrkp. idgie and Okgpter badges were p>,esentèd to Wendy Marvgy, Mari1lyn Harvey, zonnie Loau Carlson and Carol June Carlson. Yolowing tlie priapgntation f thRa .t ( #J*rs o! tic' 3rd Pacëk anci District Commissioner Mrs. M. Stout acted out a very amusing skit entitl , , "brown Qwl Tgkçg a xi etl' Miss Gall Walter, a Cadet froni Courtice, then enter- tgined thppe pre enpt with ejides ah. lied taken wiile attending a Herîtage Camp liat year in British Cohsmbia. The siides iiiusfrated daily life at Cam~p as weIl as scenes tgken o! ber trip by train bath aut and back. They were en- oyveç by 411 antighei B5rowpiea an idia of what Guide Camping je like. A Trjlçing JDay Coremony concludéd thé program. Tawny Owl read a story about the Founder, Lord Baden Pawell. Four yellw candes were lit Consider this carefully..i. Stiff Succession dUtis Cm toke a big bite eut of the poorly arrangod estt. ...draining away assets built up ovur many yeari, as well as crating noeciless problerm. for the femily you leave behid. ESTATE PLANNING ... by competent Sterling Truite pro- fessionll counsel can quickly put your effaimIk 99W ortder. Advkce without obligation. Invstîgate this valuabi, service todlay. Prompt Confidentiel Service ýýTEL1N6TRUMT 73 &1IefoIuaL. orilMa I. Word was received recently that the Orono Public Library was the recipient o! a Lîterary Award presented by the Worner's Canadian Club af Toronto. The award was in the amnount of $200. The letter containing the announcement o! the award stated that it had been the policy o! the Women's Can- adien Club of Toronto for the past thrce years ta giv this award ta a Public Llbra:ry in rural Ontario which had shown special interest in improving libary service to children. It was the hope Of the club that thas amouait of money wouid enable the Board ta purchase more books for the chiidren's section so0 that their interest and creative ability may be atimulated. The award pays compliment ta the wark by the former Orono Library Board mena. bers and those who waork with- in the Library. It had been the policy of the Orono Public Library ta encourage use af the Library by otudenta of the area. This ws accomplished ,through visits ta thée chool with lmsplays of books as well as explaining the pracedures and polies of the library. In- terest was also established by having chiidren write book re- views and for the better ones. ta be publlshed in the local PreSu.This widerjed the scape o! intereat ta a greater luai- ber of cWIldren. Im %U5t Qtr . Thie presentation of] imi~ghgt reP"tiy we ~framÈ CIherlee lEwert .es iimmet- ,cangd o kbe c9xiJd sit a The Statesman photograpl ture, Harniet flot onlyhad mumips and was unable tc been returned to rightfjji Iby the Brownies. Thes.e re. resented Brawnies in thE ~lrUth, fb4ij#a, Et ad 'W.esl er parts pt the worid. Po£kiE 6Fw C. Etcher descrih.ed thE WQrld Yiag, a yellow trefoil a. 9 blue background. TýwxNpt 3rqwnies tien placec 2c mipiatuTe wprld flggeon egndies. Èae - lk.>wpje re. >etd a verse abou4t th ~ries of th ecountry ahe placed the flag for. -The clos ng prayer wgs regd by Miss 0. lRgadtr. The evening ended with Brownies 'f!orming- tl Eliownie rlng, repeatîng tV B-ownie lew, Promise, Pra nd siniging o! Tapa. Sauina Road, Hampton, Ontario, February 25, .1007 he ayer Dear Mr. Jms We are delighted ta sec that at least anc a! aur governinent dcpartments is finally deveioping a sense o! humour. One need only travel in a northerly !ash- ion alo)ng Scugog Road, ta the his of Burketon, ta witncss this unusuai plie- nomenon first hand. There, planted neatiy on either aide o! an axle- cracking uprising in the road, are two signs pro- claiming - quite truth!ully - But o! course, there are two ides ta évery story. And if by chance some flçrtb-baun.d t.Quist's eye ights on the backside a! tic BUMP intended for uis felipw traveller f!1ee in g souti, lie is înformed, "ROAD CLOSED - DE- TOUR". And lest lie ques- tipra this infçrMi#ý.o, g brçad arrow . undietneth poi4ts him tujgéntly into a prominent snoWeinft, over the bank, firough the fence, and up a free. But that's not ail. Our jolly Higiwaymen, quick ta spot the humour in tie situation, add a furthler twch. Ta ctcka 'eM caming back, th~e other ÏUMP sigh carnies an its back the start- ling news, "BRIDGE OUT"I ..an hiaxious piece o!fii- formation ta encaunter atap flie Burketan ridges! One thing sure -noboby can park a sign besîde aur road erews, saying 'S$LQW MEN AT WOR!"' Sincerely, Marguerite Fraser. )rono Library Receives Awards Thé Orano Pubic Library, et the béginnlng of 1967 became thé. Clarle Public Llbïary and la now under thé juriodiction ai thé Townehlp rather than thé Village ci Prms~Qroiio7498N. If I. I 'I E E a 1»i CanainS taaB"Imanvme,Mg.,16 bidPck*Brownies if ertain Mothers amuaiP lçnt* "a !j4- ý4t4 494te th c 7, 0 Il 8î. to 6p.m. aaily Ciosed Saturday and Sunday Telephane : Office 623-545.4 Dit. E.W.SSN L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bawmanvilie Phone 623-5604 Office Hours : lot med Wednesday - Saturday Insurance CI DONALD A. MaeGIEGOlL Lite, Auto, Home Insurance 52 Klng St. W., Bowmanvlle Phone 623-5962 I.. Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.B. 121 Queen St. - Bownianville Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 Nortg a 0'@s 9ADJE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 983-5115 First Martgage Funds Residences - Farmes Busines Praeicii op tmsiry Z - Ii WIPA. ELETT, o0». Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvll Office Hours: By appointnicnt 9 a.m. ta 5 pr. Wed. and Bat. - 9 - 12 T#-yod« MWP - 60 Sr. Citizens Enjoy Meeting Despite the cold weather 60 Senior Citizens were in at- tendance February 14 at the Lions Centre. Mrs. L. Macauley, Club 15 naember, rrgistered the guests and welcomed thc !oiiowing new nienbers to Senior Citiz- ens: Mrs. P. Needham, Mr. and Mfrs. W. Woallcy, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Thateli and Mrs. W. Park. Mrs. M. Marsden acted as Mf.C. and tic meeting opened w.ith tic Qucen. Mrs. Marsden then intro- duced Mrs. L. Ayre who sang wo solos, "Lave Sendsaa L.ittle Gift a! Roses" and "I L.ove Yau Truly"l. Mrs. Ayre was accampanied on tic piano by Mrs. Rabb. M.Morgan, Secretary o! 'enior Citizens, ield a short business meeting. Thé remainder of fie even- ig waosapent piaylng carda and crakinol,, and a readlng group, in tic Green Roomn con- ucfed by Mrs. M. Lucas. The evening camne ta a close ;lth a delicibus lunch served y tic Club'15 anerbcrs. Tic winner of the iucky prize was Mrs. Woblley. I Club 15 mdémbers qre sellIig ickets for the Eateir Dlnner Draw ta he held i~n March.' The next* Senior Citizpns neet.in wiIll hé held on Tués- I my, Marcki 14th jat the IcaI 11u6 RANGE PILYI1 iLS 2u9C SPAGHETTI SAUCE ' 9 BIEF STEw 2 ,-99C HONEY 79b. 59c RED PO'E ORANGE 1moi~ 19 METBLLSTEW r.39C SPAGHETTI 2 Pw 39C c ý4 ~59c « 8811E v 2 '59c "J*THEI SEIEDLESS EATING ORANGE" - 1SWEET and JUICY CALIFORNIA SSunkist Oranges SIZE 113'S 4 SPraduce o! U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Gradé Ijceberg LETTRCE2for35C PRICES EffiCTIVMICHl1,2,3 & r%ý,WiIESE1TtRMGHT TO LT QUArN1rnES. B3OWMANVI LLE IGA FOODLINER MACARONI 2 39 .TOOTHPASTE ?538 MOKIES 3m CANDIES 42 F-49c SALTINES m. 29c "%FROZEN F000DfA fluES" APPLE PIE :39C AUI VARJETRS - SHOF$YTS A BR11 lN SA O 3 F« $1.m >THE 111.1 TH"IE4 M.oMMIID. M 04. N ORANGE JUICE 5 89C 3 1 -sl. lOO NJifls Mmj ReKassembles for Pseudo Rebearsai Ie iproaispr.WeGo v.v>.Ldesuon and hug i fP1 thngs i n a te Ia1 eP Take Service ing wen w do things for Ai. O~~jMrs. L. 9uackenbueh cJos- At PreflecOStii e4 this pat ofte service The armual "Women's Mis- wt ryr sionary Councîl, Service of iEOILUOPA. the Peutecostal Church was 1WEJLY REPORT held on SundaY nwor.nin, Feb. F~ heweco 'bi 6twith the W.M.C. ladies 2()-26 inclusive: - in chaxg.e. Admissions- (r.M. MacDonald, the'Births, 7 male, 3fepl )President, very capablv con-; Discharges ducted the service, calling on: Major operat-i -ons 16 QUiers of the ladies in turn Minor operations 28 i to: read the scriptureMsC.E rgictrtens 4 ~. ~ Aibn: ead in prayver-Mr s.1 Visitîng hours ý3-8 p.m. djy the Ricard; give a report of 1-______________ teyear's work of the W.M. I..Ladies-Mrs. B. Adams. S Usheriq were: Mrs. B SAdamis, rs.D. Meeks, Mrs. ~J. Tomlinson and Mrs. R. KAnshoir of W.M.C. Ladiesi sng, "AJI For Jesus". iED a The speaker for this servicel OawaMs Marshall Gordon of î Ha lt searching an c all vn es- W part of Hamiet during the B.H.S. Hot show undress rehearsal was the best that could be arranged. Excelt! sage from Exodus 35 ad 36, 4 Fos0% [gt it1i pXberrs. At th~e Iast minute, or Hme and two other absentees, Paul Parker and Dennis stressing the facts that: we broJce hi& foet, and the action had to be Lemon, the cast from Ieft to right included Jili Nichols, Elizabeth' are ail] workers together in aff wod play his part. Early this week, when Braden, John Ilooper, Rand.y Sallows a emn ae rpr.GoGI's vineyard; we have to mer# wsDa Leon, aveDrpe, b rd f life's encumbrances F4.. ber tried to reassemble the cast for a pîc- Larry Anderson (foreground), Don Blake, Jim Groen, How ard so that we can be ourselves; d1 a broken foot, he also had acquired th.e Mutton, Mary Jane Walters, John McGuirk, Laurelyn Welsh. Kathv and let God work through appear. In addition, ail the costumes had Twist and Georg~e Saulnders. Play directors were Mrs. Elizabeth us: we cannot work for the A T1G n * w~rs or store4 aWay po ap fe-h-PaeadA~Mceze Lord without a vision; we1 - miust get the mind of Godi UPIiOLSTEflY Ah iI Cnadap ed ros 1 .i as Moses did, and be willing, CanadienerRed Cross ocie-ýtowork. wil10ngKtoggiv. W. Kmg St. W. -i VP CleI td -Beginr:Hrci Ham-! We must bewlit ve Phone 623-7841 Free Egstimodeu V a m n B l, en G i s , C a r ol ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Betty Gibson,1Carol to* Qod's work that it May HLIA' mulis McR.obbie, Carol Ptird,, .. NEW HOME TH-IS YEAR? H LIAf S p a s o U ufetyDmonnpuingVraWiens BJY A "FAMILYJAILORED" -)YTILJE 'y an, Susan Smith, Dorothy HO inf Ann Hamilton; Junior: Marg AND GET THIS BIG BONUS! your key to greater vaiej m e flijamilton, J u di t h Vinish, o f Donna king, Wanda Bail, Ann Leig of rono s C 0fMcGue, Ken Elljott, Johnlf r a lo o Le ~~~~~~Forbes; Intermediate: Ma ry 1Te rulo o MWr. je. R. Lovekin, a muember outlined the early growth o! the Township. This considera- Blake Purdy; Seniors: gv ; of th.e Clarke Township Com- 4ond H-ead, at the lake port,'tion, lie said, would have '0 Morrison, Terry Russell, Bll 1 I M 0 mittee of Adjustment, spoke ta Newcastle), where grain ele- be given to 9ther areas that Eeuwes, Michael C a rmn1 îuV y o uNi r 1 the mnembers of t.he Orono vgtors and hotels were in lare bujît up. Hete or, Debbie Saiter. I Min r r Cliamber of Commerce on existance. Later lie said thel ete o r bon4ay, Feb.. l3ti, quthung population drifted north t o theh lninle ad J1 oo .. .. lxriu HARDING or CELANESE! .. . professionally installed by ewe are trying to level the costs Tyke Hockey, Played Mondayl Stradwiîcks. C(ontact your Halliday Dealer today for funl information t a mu.nicipality. The speaker hundred years littie growth bnft feerie February 2Oth eaytaqa if f you aot now! What's more, youlIl save up to Sl&Oo.oo fei tat f oe udertans as nrotd. nth as ene to e n. Th Baejdfaed tewhen you build the 1alhiday way. This is really the year té go HaWldayl the reasons behind planning yegrs the population o! New-1 T H . Eake Wa ltroducdl pyais in the first encounter TPhere are.. they can then think their wgy cestle has increased fifty per- bY bMrI.1scrH.Th E.E WaikeyRE and LAS!BEATIULNE thfo,. lesi, tikcent, lhe saîd. "We now face aithanked b'r.H Prne, aclo 1s e o 2score heMR TLS OEFLO LN!BATFI E diay i ad tikdifferent situation." redent o! the Carn er of Brian Martin wilh two, TiniKTHNCBNT NDBTRO AIIS planning cornes from somieone- He referred to the delay in,'Commerce. --Orono Times Cornell one, and Peter Wil- - '--- -- -- -- -- -- - -- in' an Ivory Tower te get U$ passing the sub-division con- i oughby pickred Up one assist. PLU; , .AJO I to A utopia tomorrow. Plan- trgl by-law in Clarke for a The Rayais goals wer scoredPLSALMJO I . nigis d2alin wit prid frem oe l erab- n Reviews by ere ANCES FOR0LIA OMSLMTC g ,hreilp prîd !soe nehndred byBrian Tink one goal, Ger-1 APP KTCHR 551HALDAV ES LIMIE lesdue to tjie lact tjiat man's days. During this perioçi, hei Results of the Bowmanville aid Brunt one goal and ac YUR,,HE 5 APEAE. ULNGTON, ONT. g envirgrnment iaÇ .hanging.' laere said, a number o! lots totalling Rceto earmn wmasst n oyTyoriOel INSTALLED UNDER NAM the speaker referreçi ta chan- more than th9se in the Village; Tests at Pine Ridge School alsslst. ONE M OR TGAGEI STREET.......................... 8 es in the West fromn catt e'of Orono were registcre<j in, Pool, January 30th, 1967. In the second game the 1 ITY.............. and range land to farming îand the Towniship. "These factors" Isrco ncagW Wimrcasdfae h o-PU.FE fening hesai, "e ae fcin no."B a g n e il; Instructors, Mrs. bers by a 5 to 1 score. The BROADLOOM 1 OWN A LOT:.N'ES ... NO... PHONE:........... Mr. Lovekin stated that hie We have rural sprawl or. Lorna Caverly, Mrs. Miriain Americans were led by Ian 1 RiffIS NEW HOMES C4TALQGUEI It i:eit it was more practicai to ribbon development of om '-Harrison; Registrar, Mrs. j. Wiicox with three, Bob Cowle haepanighade IclY i omswic r ot part Bagnel one and Larry Reid. Jirn Don't miss the Halliday Display at the Sportsmua rather than by those fa ther of the agricuitural background.1 RoylL Saving Society: Conboy and Gary Nenîisz Show (C.N.E. G.rounds) fro m Mareh .lOth te> 1Bth. away. "The dloser you can People are coming to rural'I oaiLf keep the legisiativ.e functians areas to get away fr.a the Senior Artificial Respirati.on each had one assist. The to the pe9ple the better it high cost o! lnd "heac Award - Beverly Wiggans, Bombers iane goal was scored A .M G L shoulç4 be," he saiçi. cumulative effect of ac -o John Sturrock, Tom Barton, by Glenn MVartin.A "The change in environmnent development wilI put the mu rn hnLiig Shawn e-Ithfiagm hen- R .2 NEWCASTLIK has been so drastic tliat It 15 nicipaiity in debt. dy, David Wiggans; lst Bar - dians shutout the Hornets by PHONE 987-4288 liard ta encompass." In this ie In outlining costs ta the'Dianne Harrison, Lamna Cav- a 1-0 count. The lane goal TFE HALLIDAY HOME DEALER IN OUR COMMUNTV uy nicipality M r. L ovekin stat- I - Y. __ w as sco r ed b y M a rk o w . _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DSB1ROSSDirec ~ ed that a rural lot in the .. .4 Tor" wnship could amount to 9. ~ z ~~~~$4400.00 which includca pi-.*. ~"' ~ . i~CCOI f tal school costs, sewers, water, S~" RAY J DILLN~ e'oads -,tc,,4YoU ttan tben add ~/ RA .DLIG 5% on this for carrylng charg--- Chartered Accountant es, he stated. Two hundred ."' ," 93 Churcli Street homes could break a munii 623-3861 pality lie said. He asked why -- W M. . H.COG INS xýs.ing p ro p r y o ne. Chartered Accountant should pey ta create services 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville for the new development' f.%' Ph.çne ffl3612 In Ciake Township, he1.',x" - WJJ.~JAEf C. H LL id, they were in the elem en- >"" B . C o m m . ta r y s ta g e o f p la n n in g . W e S W A W l L S L II TE 21 t ' Clar.ra Acupan re fot prohibîting creation o!f< ~ lQ -p lT pog p,ofyA n \p\',' 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa plto!lndo!1aceorTeleph ne 72 -6539 m ore and less if it m eets the $ 2 ~ *, T R . i g approval o! the Commnittee o!f. wwhuu BURROWS, SELBY & Cu. PAdjustment. The purposelie......-. . ..' ....."I"--ai- Charterd Accontants said, is ta cre8te definite areas .. pOrga, i,, 323 King Street West o! developni.ent. These areas.................... S8 SiuT~I@a yM Oshawa, Ontario can be served mucli more reas- 725-6451 - 728-7554 anably, hie said. It was pomnted J*:à William A. D. Selby. C.A. out that people are asking for &a h 1fat ad Jean omtent. lb. G. Fjnond Burcws, C.A. more services and will con- uW$ceonMP f tixueto o obus at doorR A Taueflft .hm a C h îr o p r a c t i c sewers and water, etc. al eou ff md bu G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý ED I A N iiinpurpose of the sub i' a.qqKmU qi G.EDIropMANNtor C pel developers ta carry the cst 11 Office a!of utilities so that they ar t Mswa". E S~I.pst., 't-.'- KE TCHUP', 2 oz- 2 !IY 'Il L TiSS'UýE- WHITE, PINK. YELLOW, AQUA rwift FAKS 4 =M i . % Pl] -1 ti -Il 1 ; 1 c **'- _JL - f LA - -IL L R. y t m 1 1 . V% 9 a ' dp a

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