fi Learn a Trade while Being Paid Through Canadion Forces NAVY, ARMY, AIR FORCE t.' I s IF TOU ARE - 17 - 24 years - avy 17 - 23 yeara Amy 17 -2t years - Air Fore Rave Grade 8 or better Physically nit and singe A Canadian Citizen or British Subject WE OFFER - $207.00 a momih whilu training ln electronlos mechanlcal, communica- tIons, administration or many other flelda. Free medical aud dental care Free uniforins Free sports faeilitle, A very generous Pension Plan 4 wees annual holiday wlth pay Why not visit us ta discuss your possible future as a technician in the Canadian Forces; contact 1he Mobile Recruiting Teain at BOWMANVLLE LEGION 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY. - MARCH 15th, 1967 Mail Coupon below to: Canadian Forces Reerulting Centre Post Office Building Peterborough, Ont. NAME ADDRESS' CITY EDUCATION ___________ I request information for: NAVY 13 AJMY EO AIR FORCE El 83. LIBERTY ST. S. Open Daily Until 10 p.m. - Inclui - featuring Ideal Daiïry Pri ""QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT IJUG Ml GUIRNSEY GOLD YOU CAN SAVE MOR EUXEI C@nie ln and sft our new sIh WEEKLY SPECIALS WBR UEMIETUHERGTTO M flIQI iMix.d League Bowlit DikPerféct was hot on AI Osbiorne 674 (221 P'idvniitahe en d~ anos655 (260). *a 752 trmle tuerj on 1 =tr Welah won o agC e gazne ai 321. Perfect' s with 684 (282>, c egmes were 103-268. Davs Md62 (247>. AI Lob w'as nez= wlth 739 Haxel Donoghue had (311-203-225), Harold Ben- single gaine for tue1 àett 704 (2u)>, Elton D-rock 293, Fern Bradley 268, 699 (267>, Joe Nowlan 698 Wiseman 243, Ruth Gr (292), Morley Eicher 687toMoley Etcher's tear <2")>, ob Glanv1Ile 692Î (240>, ttla 50 points ta league. Second place ville has 43. AI Osborne and Etcher are flghtig 1 average. Osborne ha whlle Etcher la hilting Hazel Donoghue leads women's division, hai nice 223 for 27 gamea. -T rno Standing NnhW Averages y~ffl~om a~aa NameGain.. 'IE ASII8M~ AI Osborne - 27 : orley Etcher 27 Dick Perfect- 27 Hazel Donoghue- 27 Elton Bnock -- 27 Howard Bromell 27 --Vince Prout- 27 * .Gond Wilcax 27 Matt Harrison -27 --Alan Lobb - 27 Joe Nowlan- 24 Jim Bedford 27 Hilda Brock 27 Onie Etcher- 27 Pack your bags. Here's the big. Hap Palmer - 27 Audrey Osmond- 27 .£est Sportsmen's Show ever Bob Glanville - 27 ,,P9esented.Somethingforev.y Bob Leaman 21 sportsman, every member of Joan Brunt. 27 'th fall. Crn an hve heHarold Bennett- 27 *th fmiy.Cone ndhae heAlex Wiseman - 27 ;time of your lite! S474Fenn Bradley 27 AI Blanchard 27 Murray Grant- 27 Den Nichais 24 DnBradley 27 ___________________Mary Wilcox 27 Ernie Dickens 27 Teazu Standing Teazu W L Etcher -____ 21 6 Glanville - 19 8 aborne 15 12 Perfect____ 14 13 Lobb -___14 'h121 E. Brock - 14 13 - .Brock - 13 14 Sportsmen': ___7 2 Hgh Single - Lady Exhibition Park, Toronto DIck Perfect Il A.M-li P.M. March 10-18 Hlgh Triple - Lady (Ex~~t s<,,ù»Mmng Welsh ______ (Excu sur41111ih Triple - Mtan Dick Perfect wui oe able ta take ln tue finals, also ta be -heéld -tuis yearu o U Ct ~~~~The atains handed Cobourg a 4-O aetback, ol hi hr los ai tue entire seasan and trounced Port Hope 6-1. Aller FIYMRH1 turee penlada aif overtime itue pee wee division, Bowman- rON"" ville and Part Hope ended up tied 1-1. Cobourg defeated Port 1967 Hope and thon tue locila uhut out Cobourg 2-0 ta take tue titi.. Bwanill~ e eded orte frîIntheant monle te one M ayor Ivan Hobbs wiII officiallv open the new IhoteI over Cobourg 5-2 ta complets the sweep. FMTFGt S tC tF by cutting ribbon at .5 p.m. A crwd o 270 to hil the Whitby-Oshawa Lions joitly a0o ponaored fight card at lhe Civic Auditorium, DI INeL U GE LI E SI U D R IQ O night - enough ta make tue pramoters look towarda anotherl I I L U G I EN E N E I U I date, probably April 10th. Judglng by tue turn-out, and alsoPLU A U talng huao considenation thaitue General Maton factoryP CONTROL BOARD. -NT RI cworkers were ln tue midat of a lay-off, Il would appea that boxlng couId go aven big hi lits area. 1__; The card was agoodonan d athogh It migt b. ofa r yoMS weco corne andi look over the n w secondary importance ta figt fans, tue Lions Clubs' ahane ywl ai tue profits had tueir membens smlllng broadly. liai only UANTITIES se~e ail clubs ln the district taking an active artE IG T.laSEIA. AthéU W ver the 'Goodyear Bowlg: Shirley Ma~X reh 2, 19 7 il r ht hirley Three shutouts wer ral Combnes __ ____ Connie claim~~e.atorstokteprr rom Pwr oa an 22. the Crackerjacks, the faits Top Glan.a -rm r g p on firtMII Mat nGamEu8 tope the Commercal Hockyplate by vlcpngtoher li B arya7 ~~~~~or~~~~~~ top ywh a g m a k h ~ ~ e O hl top thel wrtueBrMeaand the Mahome D. bben712 Gln hio tii.ere Fhe an BynasD.7 ail Pin7-0 scores. GG _ _ _ SM j HiC'O___ 22t3op dwelCI.IITsmStninsioil owrouse by Me Boel7 23. H the8½ 2688, w udeJ.Sherarndthe___H5o7R,.B 27 227 th Enlsile m. 249 I . oocthe____ 8Bacburn lth oln *isa _______aK. Ristonns_____ 14 a5Bri2nsMoresn.7 THa 7 223 l Grlghvinl-To2nt3Fi alsM.40 n ok te ighiG. reer 7 22 L ornbe ____18 340 iia vt'gB oo s 4mnrWye yrsld l teA.pwe3 221 16 2460MTrip1l198 v owlrswit___bi_80_trple Hi C'astoad2Up3unD.l RIgh Si27gRoyHet.pjos woerp" 1 218 Ae37sOe 80 42m M to& GoldSherml tedaaite& oudrappd n reu-I rih -swieWyeBes 2345iv eno-lds 28468 ne8ran' mk ho hr. oadQine etJ.wrdseod idtilsheAverages B6ckeBlîl ckkburn e i er o8 234 H MLghSi-g24 225 8-4, Sun13y niornnngLatytue ka an top Headplns 2 L2 CMl ____2 21Mmra rn t dac otomints neotscrdM.on 3- *Shedar.1_____ 06 hpe ned t helnd t n No 2 23d4o 15Aaseondslter utSmhitFinalsto1paî tue wi. M.tHoeson -_______ 86 scor. Striers o. 5 30l 22T P ane24221 fnal. WtTrhiepgols nd wa iTripledlclc.p.______ 177Th eazu tan33.dingsea Srkes 197o DRyoalds 21 7208 WalkterFak ther b ae la htR lEat aiamark. sistea, wit Aie " 2 Ctrotse . Wrpeight _____ 16Beits __________________ 11 Go-Gettes, o. 4 .the.. Q 18 R. Lcair d -____ 7 76205 te ro'suemlfnl y wnnn e ed Ing anly E til to cap w e ra A0 inGuesey xM . Sedma Sng_____ 12Hs _____ 0 scoinitwceddtethneupthWrght _____ 16 raMerark, 6 n derdog. 6 .. Bothwveil 24 r18 2h adt tn& o gîes, att rotie- tsies, S825ftev hun emGul anmd Bryn Hhresn- . Mrirsht____32__671MahteSWayne LadesHghSniIoa 16 DaRyls_-_25 20 g hepned r. nmte heothrd. wrap d itu inue te an added heohpridtil ves. C Adms _________170 B lackbrny 96 Pl rvi 23>pointei 14 D MCyeaugln - 21 2254 r, Sthe fîmr twogîeBos ontop ieforeuee andd ih Jim Coed Bl r ossey,-2D. Shalos ____20_ 6 Rpeaim tos nd thi aig, JiNoFar2 8> 12 c MBreunt 22deeor a dl acks, ean 5 eodsl ,b tiai lnthefinl___potte___. ._______16_sore__t riple, 3 202 K laac 24 2153finael h e. ar e Mort"eihrdsegantae 2:.1 La rPerrgas nd o ias- F. Land _________ 1657 ffi e 91 ddins ies' i h IsNo. 2a L02B.McGinll 24 2028Mutank'& Gauld pa st ohe mptynet. mier roo s ha cane td f rchrys os j K. Campbell__ 176 Caes 9 vio(63>; er's 4 g2 197 rnR._Laird 27 201 laneeis ia in ice aaxt ttckr ptîn ira tw g a nd in t inal P 1 Coombeh 176________ 1036Jlm Fro(735>. 6 190 B. Bowlln4-27 0199the uayst t tgames, alt r i- titheyodreh. e urseisetn ndeBrway Sunhes B. Maie ______ 163 H c keSo 0 ais ihSnl,»bI D.0 Tayor -__ 25_ 2 04 198 geer I te oh a n t eco da m enute m ra n a t te 'loth . K. Ada s _____ 17(62 b r - 6G rvn (3) e' 190 D. Crseli - 212 04 9 r ies hefirst te r ne d StilI theyd, Trophy l, il Cosey 14 ige, Cuh Pai 261a 183 CBru Co mb _s 27 103 ed d ln d alck , bfoea g a n o e Heaa 'c K. a mel 2487, 200; 391dis.H gl Tile I ecr "Mot" i"" by 224, BrondoobmFLan219; Offce MsigFrOdApia Çea, 19 . W a n27 212 M ursi 229;ed sxth aC. Adamutan Ila226; F (75. L9 . DComes .2427010 i rs tgalnefncd al ~. oesW gt163tro C9 . Rseli _____ 27 199 Atoudays frstgam La- eon echJ. S e udrayS nayB Xhre1203 on .Masel 2419ryPpr frtrch2d adl Inth seon Vvimn he o nc getnoaladc lst. 27;KRaiston 21 .Wod 1 py6ou2tepronwa BTAT fA 360 F. BWcoett___27 18 ntefî aV.h ioswthoega dae sitMi obo dBbyCw e o20;L. ur16 20 Hsthrokey T pleae rCg.1 GL S IF EDa 13BueCoombes -24 1873sut att e Gat yat v yletone oa wievec ike pon ssst ire 2300C. Gams 22n;ta h erainofc rt hn 33 32 D Che----- - 27 1892 Rcunt.2Te4Bisos',gols Tery Rase2a9;toTassita.aHonets' oalewa scard by rwrugh 30 stoer ils 27 1806 were ce b y erri ash e eaf'galscored by nJiymSagnon n ass i. by 328,610 1 Wigtue Arna Sth rda3*. M 29 Mossell- 27 189 n m aewis. Kenraerrwis ît ed b ete r a rry Bun t.oladoeass.27 .Raso 1;J od rpy oldtepro h P.hcketon 27 187 In the isecond cote s th onam alat o n. si the i nyandm eBob- w e c*20- . res20 hst £rpglaebig Jo8 A Wil s 27 1857Rsh deiou tdtheG arn s by 2 To tv ylveoe goPl yed ers ea ieaed uthoe BadssTes30 y at teRcrao ffc r oPoe 2- R.lDey-- -- 26 184 3to coe. The Risn' goals Ton M onedMas is5-2 oreThegol BsorbgoalWrBigh 36 heArnaonSarUy Ch3sA. Mar ille____27 183 were scored by Donal Jaes, i nts he efrîtga aeth e d ian Sweesare G leno n a t in . Wstle - 27 183 nJilsm d oieSwis.K e e îc red a t e :2mr fte it th re n e asirt Ke . -_ 29G. WSthakeo-271816wIntheneegond cnsîtefainltoeriIn tahia10Wf aGegoial ae mdthe s ' O EIMOTN F. Wotn____2 81 whilete ast enaov er Hey.ThPl a s yronane golthe assista 32A. Wioomb-s---_27 11Sa1 emBoFOrR scrdbyMrkConOBthwnTtAobrGayeEn o GeRlhDvy 26 8 osorge. en andDvMa-goalteo ndsayed an au6t -2 oye. The Bders' goals r ELTTAEVAU S S 24 A Marin - 27 13 GresoredithDanc ldach mes td ig ame te ndascore cd by len artinmd O E ANSKINDEP.. 684 83e ajr I he nlyamRoe iwek ericans:d2ieark fthe war. md ean onsist. goal Pes WetlakHo -enya thesec gatehe Bian arti wlt BEY OU ETA L O 'R AY 72, R.laybs ede owanday, d Mac- 3rd ndes ay61soe heanou- on.TeBas'glswr#FAL -Doris Joil took top honors the Hawks defeated the Leafs cans' goals were scared by Tyke Hockey Standings on Monday night with a nice by a 4 to 1 niargin. The Hawks' John Conboy with four, Ralph Ineludlng gaines played Mar. 6 FOR! COMPAR EE YOSU 1 j 849 triple (314-334), LeonF IRY O U B Y I Connars had 802 (305-257- Team W L T Pts. gow eau yoTeazu W L TuPis. gotting i vle Il ettict urd 240), B. Buday 764 (253-257- Americans - 1l 0 1 23 baZ ottage?. vaaIckbuuicà-W m mm Y" M.etOn tIo'tsHwat i 254), E. Perfect 762 (237-236- -Rayais - 5 5 2 12 t mhero Oftcharge sapiug ludmtc m MI . oethe. yo du ly t ..m d md Weu«Ipe4 289> R. Halinian 759 (255- P_1 Indians 6 6O 2 hundreds of dallait. the els of yaur vacation bidealwsyt wond aebt l ..btirLe 268-236), P. Dobbins 740 (272- Sfl I t C es-_4 6 2 10 aOntye jtha.cachmda fooe pa thamusut.lm ou dt 9=19p0=14n mEcMu. oe im mo 309), F. Hill 717 (286-268), IcWMI Blades 5 7 0 10*cotag l e ccs our oe top mataity .unetalt oe nu hi& TMyo*on dym msr*Rhlvu oe. H. Ballantine 705 (263-245). res11 cotae l b. coinstuca!Dmtp qu pice atils.det. yms uwm&l ui nyo aU. en Jean Holroyd had a nice 314 By Frank Mohun 423-7234 Hres11 cetdbidn tnad!Dm h utdpi nld eeqetos single. Hockey Scisedule for ...JUST ONE MORE INING...ANY MODEL Et.EC»E ON YOMR LOI IN A NWIM Over 200 Average. Saturday, March il11--------- THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A #cHf AF"COItA<sat B. Buday _____248 BERMUDA FINALS SUNDAY IN PETERBOROUGH BANTAM 1:1 $ £ * B E OUON YOR AD# ELRIMSil TI 0 E. Perfect______ 243 The finals ta decide the lucky bowler wha will wi a trip 7:00 a.m. Pee Wees vs. Huskies I OU HALUDAVHOMESER INITES INWNI POUC CN S TG OAIeMD D. Reynolds-___ 241 ta Bermuda wiil be heid Sunday at Peterboroughs Lakeview 7:4 a.m. Pirates vs. yens15H ALDAV ES LIMINTEDI COW HSPRONT.A TAD OGHC22USN B . Il. _____________233 Bowltdarting at four'llmk. Twallya.elght, I.iWnmnvâ>~ area 8:35 arn. Panthers vs. Braves Dw i h F._Hill_ -2_Intrap. Lions va. Cube AM the Sportsman'. Show (CX.N.or D. Joli_______ 225 bowlens will be doing their best ta earn the cavetedtrp We 5 ..EE WEE 'asSTREET*I frai. Malc 10th te l8th rA. Saman ______ 221 wlsh them weil. 10:10 arn. Rangers va. DenBee*eees**** M. Annient_____ 220 t t t t t 10:0. a.m. Red Wgs va. Atam. 'CITY ...........** ......* J. Carter 21_1:4_______ a.Ac A i.MC<GIL R. Haîlman 2161:5amlria s cs___ 1 LOCALYOUTIIBOWLERS DO WELL NMGET 1IOMN ALOT .........,.... Aai L. Cobnas_____ 2110 jam-packed Plantation Bowi ln Toranto was the acene 12:25 p.m. Canucks vs. Bantama iVUS NO TELEPMONE IRR ECSL F. Thon s201:20 p.m. B.T.S. va. Generals LA RUSH COTTAGE CATALOGUKII ofteYuhCuelOtai oln hminLPRONE 987-4288 S . B ick e l _ _ _ _ _ _ 209 ai t e Y u h C u c l O ta i o l n h m i nh ips la it 2 00 pm . C o rnets v s. M t. R ayals,- - - - - F. homon207 weekend, as thausands ai apectators, Including many fram 255pM. Orphans va. Maroons BE SUREI CONTACT THE HALLIDAY COTTAGE DEAILER IN YOUR COMMUN"YI:- R. MaWright ____ 207 this district, witched the yaungaters in action. L. Warigt______ 204 Bowmanviile's Connie Bradley and Shanlene Cain cap- R. Wright 203____ tured the Ontario senior girls doubles, by railing up a 1260 G. Bebee_______ 202 score, averaglng 210 per game. These two fine young bowiers M. Murphy 201 wili also each receive, along with weil-deserved trapuies, L. Annacrt__ ____ 201 $200.00 educational acholanîhlps. Connie waa runner-up toaa J. Paiild______ 200 Scarboraugh girl i the Youth Bowling Queen Contest. B. Buttonshaw 200 This corner congratulates Cannie and Sharlene an their Teazu Standing_ excellent performance, as weil as tipping the hat ta ail the Ë Buday 18 Bowmanviile bawlens who earned the night ta represent thus Colll 16 zone i the provincial playoffs. Buonhwel Tii. senior girls team finished ln second spot ta Ottawîa Buttoshaw14 with a pin-fal of 2693 ta the champions' 2923. Members oi Wright _ _ 1,ithe teAm wre-a- theé--r-More- Meri- - ate . Jh-nn