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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 11

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E ~chooI Pupils Pre pare I 0 r Mass Tuberculin Test Néà#cestle - The Public PrincipaI's Report. Witb five children take the Tubenculin Schaol Board held its regular admissions ta the school and Test. This test, it was repart- maonthly meeting et the school five trensfers duning the nionth cd by Mn. Munro, would be a on Monday evoning. ai Febmuany, there were 299 mais toit et the school fan the One mernier af the board, itudenta attending the echool. students and teachens an rv McCullaugh was absent, Throughout bis repart there Manch 13th. The tests would and it wes learned that an was e request for repaire be read et the echool ta learn accident which occurred ta which the Board egreed ta whether or net an x-rey would hlm et work had. caused him give their immodiate attention,.lie needed.* ta lie hospitelized. During the paît week stu- Mary Grace P atteor soa , The minutes oi the lait dents have been taking home daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. mneeting were reed by Secro- bhue carde taelie iilled out, Murray Pattensan, won the tory Ed Barchard. igned by parents and mturn- Public Speaking Conteet held -Mr. Ronald Munro gave the ed, giving permission te have et the schoal and went on ta Part Hope where she was anc aif the five finaliste, competing 0 laten et Orona. The Music Festival (taking was sot for Tuesday, Merch 7th et Peterborough. A bus r was hrdta take the chair, Go to Madoc Today fofoore all dh ay : Board fantheail day t ee. rd' attntin, hatas a special T hird PlayoffheCame ::rgzan Thier Pla off a 61 allawing twa dollars per raised ta nine dollars per Newcastle: On Wednesday in Orono. Ia their finît gamo pupil. The schoal wouîd ne- evonlng, the Woodland Junior they lest 2-0 for Orono. Thcy ceive e grant for the ernaunt Hockey Team travelled ta played a second gamo against they spond They could spend Tmreed ta play aanît the Bowmanville T3rkes and won the twa dollars per pupil only team from Medoc. It was a this 5-3 for the Consolation or could double it or go as wip for Madoc in a close Cup. Congratulations boys! high as the nino dollars if geme, 4 ta 3. Also on Fnday evening, the they chose ta. As the Board On Saturday, evening, Ma- Leafs and the Bruine bettled weren't too certain as ta what doa came ta Newcastle wheii their hockey wits in e very books wenoe lmeady placed ia &gain Newcastle found them- tight garne with ahe wlnning the school library, it was sug- selves on the losing end ai victory goiag ta the Leefsinl gestod that board member, the. score, 6 ta 4. Newcastle a score 4-3 Mme. Pauline Storks, together Will travel te Madac again The Canadiens and Atoms with the principal and Mme. Wednesdey ior the third gamne shauld have pîayed Fniday Woadlaad ai the teaching In -the best-af-five series. We ovening, but with the tourna- staff, mort and bning in a la. Newcastle wish you gaad ment it was held aven until recommendation for the next luck. Mondey evening wben at that meeting. On Friday evoning aur local Urne thcy tied the score 1-b, Pre-sehool enroliment wae Atome entened e tournament. making neither teem the lser. Yet ta be held. There was no date set et this Urne, but it was foît they wauldn't hald it Newcastle Brown les days. It was hoped that par- ents i aiter en Easter Hno- te choal next feul would bave y sont for birth certificetes lie- HoId Thinking Day faethlawingt foeteeolonig the .torzn Newcastle - The meeting repeeted their Promise ln af the buis which wone pro- 'pened'with the Brown Owi unison. sented, the meeting adjaumned. 'ailing all the Sixens into the Snowy Owl, Audrey Gog-à eiry ring, the Bnownies sang erty explained wby the . hein sang and the feiry gald Bnowaies were celebrating and vas'coleced.Thinking Day; it was because 1 They thon held their Tbink- it was the birthday ai thein ng Day Ccremony. A table fouader and Chief Guide, Lard ova bouhtino heLiane and Lady Baen Powell, and Personal t Zoo wih aligt buecloth that an this spociel day ln Nwate-Forarod n it and a large trefoil ln the cauntries al aven the warldo Newcastle:-oresd ctsattends ýetre. Four candies boidens special cereonies are held' f ewath e rsints attonend-C vere ln each corner ai the taeornphasize the Ideal oaI n- ctiheldNonaTing ayon-0 able, eacb holder surounded ternationai Fniendship.tin edonTusa ev- ýy five cup cakes. ing, March 2nd, et the Orono GuieJon aî, esthre Brown Owl, Mme. Hilda Call tawn hall. Tosslag their b.ats t Guie, eanCal, ws terethen explained more fully who into the ring for this occasion oessiet the Brownies by hold- finet suggested setting eside wene Rager M. Kirkpatrick < îg a lit candle seo that the the 22nd ai Febnuany" as a echoal teacher who makes oun sixers came up ta the Thinkîng Day and why the bis homo ln Port Hope. His able, lit a large yolbaw candle, pennies callected were for theoapnet and veiv go ead a verse, each,,naxeent, . 2woe} PtedsipFutF rg the Nortbern, Sautbemn, Twe aTia OLinw astea ad Wsten prte a r y Owb then said a thnoughout the Durham area, ýasernandWesernpars o pryerabout fellowship af Eric Richard Lovekin. Most he World, and placed the lit Guidiag. This thon imought are already well awane that andie la each bolder. th eeoytacls. M.Lvknw lcedht The 20 Brawnies ia turnteceeaytacls. M.Lvinwseetdht irne up te the table, read a Mmm. Caîl thon presented evening. For complote details ttle verse, each about a dii- four interest badges, House ai the evening, please reed ent country and pîacod a Ordenly went ta April Caucb, the accounit given eîsewbene 1N ~te flag ia each cup cake ta Lorie Darling received the in tis papon. G present that country. House Orderîy and Needle- A second win for Richard 21 Tawny Owî, Jean Wager wamk Badge, with Needlewomk followed just a iew days later U ion expîeined wby the candîe badges going te Patty Powell whcn ho lerned that bis J. rere lit and the flage placed and Sandra Keen. Sandra was number had been dnawn for 21 a Uic cup cakes, tolliag bow absent due ta Illness and wilî the fifty-fifty draw. Richard ri tany different kinde ai receive ber badge et a laten mey or may nat lie Irish, but Bý ýrownies threare bt he time. there is non rlniîh lat TuMarh M~ -IR c %V te h c ta th Ca ta lit f li re w r. or M Bi Pi th VILLAGE F NEWCASTLE REFER TO BUILDING BY-LAW No. 785 "Permits are required for bath inside and outside alterations." By Ordor ai Council of the Villate ai Necaestle q p The five girls that jained in athe fail recelved their Golden Bar Badge; they were June i leep, Mary Parker, Delibie Kidd, Joanne Collier and Cathie TuIford. The Brownies enjoyed a ganie cailed Tadpole, thon the social canvenor Mrs. Marilyn Caucb, ably assisted by Mrs. Velma Parker, served Freshie and cup cakes.ta the Brawnies and tea ta leaders and math. ers ettending the ceremony. It had been hoped for a botter turn-out af mothers for this ceremony that they wouid se their daughters in action. But with the meeting cancelled the week previously because ai schoal exams, it was feit that many af the mothens bad forgotten about this speciel meeting. The meeting closed with prayer, the hand squeeze and taps. Special thanks were oiiered ta Mme. Gouch and Mrs. Parker for the lunch. Ono Low i I65 STYLESt SHAPES AND COLURS T ÂLL LENSES PRitCISION GROUNo 7O yoUR EXACT NEDS ... NO MATI CHARGE FORt TINTED LEMSES OR PRESCRIPTION sUNGLASSES NO ApipoiNIMENT mouCsÂUlY 1'h Our fomnieHspital hi leare Menvil Howrlh Mr. ean ararkMMe..ildBor Coins, JenMrkn.avisa toes, n. lDeJonDavis, Mas Goerc eofD JoutgHMme,Mi ClarenceH aleMh.HayonMc CîanenceHl, r. ohnMcle of South Hayon, Mme. Rom Mecgit, Mme. May Siblock, Mre Dora Smith, Mn. Cecil Staple ton, Mn. Joseph Steilen, Mme Catherne Switzer aad Mr Henry Telie. Community Bowling Ladies - 200 and aven - J. gantin 211, J. Wright 228, ~Couch 200, A. Lengstaff 13T. Langstafi 228, BR. [ajan 202, E. Mencer 204, 1Hutton 206, E. Meadaws 155, N. Williams 206, E. Per- [an 219, D. ]Robinson 235, C. 3alley 2i5, K. Armstrng 214, ... ý-- l u J 4a- -.za.....£ £.en; u, J..All~en 207, Tshe lcky rnontb. J. Ard 258, M. Honderson 216, Tetwo Akelas irom let M. McMackin 204, B. Pentner *Newcastle A and B Culi 241, D. Neal 227, D. Mercer Packs, Mns. Doneen Nesbitt 229. jand Mns. Flamenco Tilleon, ta- Ncwtonville - 175 and aven - gether with anc assistant, Mme. V. Brown 203, A. Hallen 190, Cannie De Jong, attended the J. Hall 216, L. Wiîbemns 211, Basic Training Course affened A. Cooper 179, M. Smnith 177. to Culi Leaders tbnoughout Thumsdey - 200 and aven - the anre. This course was G. Glanville236, M. McGregon beid an Satunday et Part 222, M. Cub216, A. Dubeau Hope United Chunch. A 220, P. McNeir 206, J. Pitt twelve houn course, it was 250, R. Powell 256, M. Lewis anc that cvenyone foît an exý 246. cllent course, giving e botter Friday - T. Embley 200, idea af what other packs are N. Hoogkamp 240, R. Bona- doing, and brnging back now than 208, W. Johnson 210, ideas and suggestions ta pais E. Nesbitt 201, L. Peance 263, alang ta the baye. Thene was M. Pearce 215, E. Dean 220, no Cube an ither Monday or A. Peance 223, R. Goad 220, Tuesday evoning ai this week, R. Coucb 233, S. Allia 233, due bath ta the hockey game E. Ernhley 203, T. Hoan 240, bctween the Atome and Pee B. Madilî 200, L. Hazolden Wees et Cub time Mondey, 235. and tihenmueic festival wbich taok the childnen aut ai the village et a very early boun ErP U T~ Tuesday morning. Cube will WESLEV.LLJ- again lie underway next week. There will lie a hockey Plaughed snaw banke along the lakeshane are sinking fait unden the powerful rays ai r March sua, and nidges ai dint M 1 eppean as the saow moIte. 'r b sMre. Wm. Tufiord and Mmi. A. Austin retumned home fnorn hospitallest week, and bath are under medical cane et ro CHOOSE FRON hme I SINGLE VISION three days of the week. y The Sunday achool beîd s crokinole - party lest Friday $ 95nigbt, Mai-ch 3rd. Margo, Nancy and Julie Payne pre- paned the tablies, and aîsisted by Jeaniier Payne distributed 1 3 the and later presented Complotsowith rne rzst enc Btad Lontes and Case Mango Payne; James NichaIs BIFOCALSinpeaigtetbsad chars.The26 players had a $ 95 factthat progression tram tal otable becamne siightly mxdwhen boys who played 19 ecti Comlétwit Frmesladih es rvo ic wnongied Lerus an Cas her onSunday mrigwt tenuev.Case Munro uuing for hle sermn a story fnor lie JLASORATOIV 70 YOU showing the couageaus but if10 NIGDLEMN'S PROFIT aoin i fa borne owner if OCILISIS' PIESCIIPTIGÎiS rtua who had to give la ta Uic AT MAE £01 nIC:.march af change la the city. i M" m m»QDEAI et Mr..and Mmi. J. GroeneveMd, REPUACED hILE TOIWAT, Nicki, Noil and John visited LUNS PLICAT13 wth frlends ln Bowmanvilc We fi!MIl PSL Ocalistu on Sunday. ad Optometr luis pro- 1fMme. Ruth Deniston and acriptions et u»Me low childrn Jeanifer and John, Irices. and Miss Grace Anderson ail Tomto aeu&tha weo16-2 Is n, y, i. Mms Bruce Tilison, Editor ~f7~ game Setumday morning o' tie borne lelietween nu two local Scout Troops. Ti Scout Masters hope that everi boy will attend and take part There will also be a Gnoul Commnittee meeting on Setur day et anc p.m. lu the Llonm Boom. AU parents are wel corne ta attend theso meetings tMr. George Chard report tus on the wonderful atter. faon ho enjayed on Sunda] during the Public Skating a- aur local amena, and celle foi more af the residents la biu age group ta came out. Hi may have been a yean on twc aIder than smornfa those or the ice, but ho was aile tc keep up and nover set dowr while on the ice, e trick we've neyer been aile ta learn, Perhaps we can get Mn. Chard ta belp us araund the nink. Following the public skat- ing, two ladies' tçams took ta the ice, anc wes aur awn local gels, the other wo undemitand cail thernielves the Pine Ridge Teem. Gétting along into the garne it was soan called on account ai darkness, that'i night, game called on account ai darness. There was trouble witb one af the transformons and the entire amena was leit witbout hydmo. With Tam Messengen on the job, the trouble was soon located and the action under- way again. During thc month ai Mamcb someone W-111lie calling et your borne and asking for your support with the can- vase now being held by tic Red Cross. Their job is aI- most bimitiese, there are num- eraus weys in wbicb Uiey work quiotly and unnaticed. Won't Yau please belp theni ta continue their great work by donating what you cen ta this worthy ceuse. We understand tbat those who managed ta teke the bus trip agein ta the O'Keefe Centre ta sec the flower show faund it ta be bi4gger and bot- ter than befone. The Newcas- tic Horticultural S oci et y mnemben aof Newcastle were delighted witb tho show. Many of them taok adventage oi the trip ta Toronto and did a considerable emaunt ai shopping and sight-seeing. Don't forget ta cali in youný social nows ta 987-4213. wlt Unand Unr. Clarne Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc Nichais and Mn. E. Barrow clough attended Uic Progrn of planning feiiowahip- id, Cébr PresbYtery, at Cobouri U= hurch onSunda evenlng. HÂILYDON -y (Intended for lest week) t. Mr. and Mrs. George Ber. t trirn and, famlly, Taunton r. vlaited Urn. M. Bertrim ani ifamily on Sunday. 1.Mr. and MmEr. Bruce Galla- 3gher, Mr. and Mri. Uicharè ts Gallagher, Ajaxc, called ar Mr. and Mns. Boy Patersai y and iamlly on Sunday. It Miss May Talib,- Orono Sspent the weekend at ho: ihome. :eMisses Linda and Janel 0Sharp, Enniskillen, spent thE nweekend, with their grand- 0parents, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd nAshton. eMrs. K. Cowllng visited 1Mrs. M. Cowling, Salem, or dWednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan anid Fred, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Toms, Ennis. killen. Mr. Wayne Blackburn, Miss Joan Falls, Mr. and Mns. W. Blackburn, Dale and Neil, and Mns. K. Cowling were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shacklà'on, Salem. Mn. A. Thompson visited ber brother, Mr. B. McDonald, Bowmnanville. Mr. McDonald and Mme. Thompson visited Mrs. McDonaid who is a pa- tient in the Oshawa Hospitai, having had the misfortune ta faîl on the ice and break ber hip. Mns. Archie McNeil anid Lori, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron an Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Tilley and girlis, Bay Ridges, were Sun- day calions at Mr. and Mns. Anyotlwr A&P Exclusive SPECAL FEATURE! MARVEL KCE CREAM /Gal. 7C9 JANE PARKCER DAILY DAME WHITE A&P BRAND tNMSTAN SPOWDEE ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER Choice Quality A&P PEACHES Premium Reg Price CLAer-RK SOP BEANSo th wrekn Ilp~ i-lots9 214-I;oz tins 5 5 c 2 tins e 49SVE7 Chicken Livers &39c SX BRAN MOCICblà . 9 Chicken Loaf 1&.A~9 ALL PRICKS 8140WN IN 71418AD GUARANTRED TI4ROUCN 8ATURDAY, MARCU il, 196 ,MAPLE GROVE V- Tis community wus shock- ed liy JudyCr.Tescia m ed on Moeday ornlng when Un aftem wasgenoye by ail. )r it liecame knw ht Mr. The, Maple Grove HI-C cloaed 'g Wes. Werry, Solina, had sud- their meeting with prayer by Y denly passed awy luUthe1ev. meil. night The gympethy af this 'The U.C.W. met in the community la eteded ta lus church hall Foi. 23rd, with 15 bereeved wlfe (nec Helen members present. Presîdent Metcalf> and feÙily, biS fa- Mne. Brown apened Uic meet- thon, and ail othor relative&. ing, eading a paem 'Whet's Thec annuel Girl Guide and a Greeting Card." The dovo-j -Bnownie banquet took Uich tional was taken by Unit 2; form ai a pot luck supper Mns. P. Flintoff wes in charge d wvith the families of the girls ai It First verse af hymn 541t invited. Mrs. Whitney, G~uide was read ln unison, and ne- - etain, weicomed the guests, mainden sung. The scripture apand Jonny Appleseed was was taken froim Matthew. n sung by the girls as Grace. chapter 4, verses 23-24; cbap- n Mrs. Whitney proposed the ton 8, vemies 4-21; and Acta, toast ta the Qucen Barbera chapter 10, 34-38. Hymn 330 Beckett pnoposed the toast to wes sung and iollawed by !r the mothes, and hem mother prayer. The progrmmwas on tgave a short speech an how Mission Haspitels ini Canada.1 the Guides and Brownies ern This was given by Mns. P.d -their badges. Mrs. Ernest Cox FIntoff, Mns. R. McColl ands showed slides af lait year's Mrs. W. Laird. The meetingb Guide Camp. Mn, H. Brown was closed with the benedic- cshowed a film on the Brow- tion, and a social balf boum nies flying up ta Guides and enjayed by ail. S films of New Brunswick A 11ev. J. Romeril's topic nexte vote af tbanks ta ladies af the Sundey will be "On being a n cammunity who helped serve Christian - Self Contrai." In a: and washed dishes Next the evening, the Sunday fine- Guide and Bnownie Mothens side at Maple Grave et 8 p.m.,S Association meeting March commencing witb hymn singw 21st et 7 p.m. in C. E. Hall. and speaker - Seventh Day IV The Maple Grave Hi-C held Adventism, it's distinctive their meeting in the C. E. Meetures, Rev. W. Hill, Kings- M Centre lest Sunday evening. wey College, Oshawe.Y This was a special meeting Institute meeting on Mon- ci with other Hi-C members in- day evening, March l3th. The ru vited fnom Courtice, Tynane, membens wil be taking a *x Hampton, Bowmanvilîe and tour af the McLaughlin Lili- 1Enniskillen, and thein congre- ary in Oshawa. Cars are ta i gations. Tbe meeting was beave thie churcb et 7 p.m. t stented with a hymn sing. The sharp, thon neturn ta the rn guest speaker, Rev. Chas. church -fan thein business, ai Catto, was introducod by Ken Mns. Charles Greenham fa Wright. 11ev. Catto's topic spent the weekend with her was "Operetion Beave,"~ in cousin, Mns. J. R. McDonald. ai 1whicbho showed two films Weston. W on this project. After the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, IC films there was a -question Bowmanvifle, wene Sunday ar perîod. A collection was tek- supper guests with Mns. H. R. ta on and donated ta the Opera-, Foley. 28 tion Beaver project. The do- Congratulations ta the pu- in nation was handed aven ta pile from Maple Grave whoiC( SAYE 7e 3 4-OZ LOAVES SAVE UP~ TO 70c OVIER OTHE BRANDS JUMBO 100 JARsul$ SAVE UP TO 80c OVER OTHDMMI&W KfNG SIZE9 r,-LB BOXsl 0 Duncan Hines Rog; Price 4%c pko - SAVE %. CAKE MIXES-2 19-oz pk>g89c Clark - Reg Pria. 2 ti ne 57o - SAVE 1%. LEG S, (wme, CHICKENBREASTS, WLorHA8 LF C UTSFRESI THIGHS, DRUM STICKS lb, FROZEN1 >ZONA >&W CRO, No. 1 GUMD VALENCIA ORANGES 5-lb oel.o bau 59j( NMONS m LEITUCE 2CAWO:Nc Mme splod hWmoeat m I Che CaadianStesa, omnDe r.81? and are moembers of No. 1 horne on WedneodV -h choir Who competed lin the Mr. and M. BR gi Festival at Peterbomogh on and daughters were Swid1ý" Monday. They won lut place afterroon callera -on U w with 87 Points, aho M. Terry aunt, Mm Roy Van camp,;K Russell in boy's solo wlnning Base Line. lot place with 85 marks. M. and M*. Don Hannab. . Mr. and MUs. Albiert Catch- Bowmanville -. wene 8udaf%' polo and iarnlly, Cherrywood, visitons wlth their itint* àM<-" spent thc weekend wxth their uncle, Mr. and mrs. L. Cl cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cedrlc lacutt. Russell and famfly. Mrs. Allan Snowden accomau Mass Carole Greenham at- paned her sister and hu»,,;y tezided the Association of bad, M. and Mr%., Reg. Tayýe,. Architectural Technologlsts lor, Oshawa, to, Port Hope oq dinner and dance at Royal Sunday to visit their parent%, York Roof Garden ballroom Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wilkins. Saturday evenlng. r. and Mn. Bon Rogers." Mns. Ruby Sommenville, and daughters were SundmaTý Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor supper guesta with ber aister, with M. and Mps. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Len Goodmur- Cryderman. phy and daughtens; alsù theis -rf Mr. and Mns. Clarence sister Ruth and husband, Mn -%. Thomas, Sarnia, were Satur- and Mrs. Wm. Davidson and- day visitons wlth thefr cou- sons5 were guests af Mr. and,.- sins, Mn. and Mmi. S. S. Mor- Mni. Goodrnurphy. ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark (nec Marion Cooney) and son Nicholsf Dow Steve, who have been station- ed at New Brunswikare I ow visitng ber ParentsM en2Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooney.n M e - Mr. and Mn. Alex Tanner, by John Ombonlie - Sterling, spent thc weekend with their daughter, -Mr. and Nichols Motors deieated " Mfrs. Don Brooks and family. Ken's Men's Wear 2 to 1 i Mn. Cedric Russell and finit game af finals on Sun-.' Mtrs. Don Brooks attended the day night. M'usic Festival at Peterbor- Ken's opened the scoring In ~~ ough. On Monday, the for. the second periad on a goal ner's son took part in boys' by Gene Balson. rc solo. Nichols tied the score on a4 Mn. Donald Wilhelm, Mrs. picture goal by John Mathers Felice Boutin, Harnilton, spent who was by far the gamne'a the weekend with the for- outstanding. playen. ner's sister and husband, Mr. In the third period, Nichois! and Mrs. Tom McGulrk and Dane Rogerson completed, Uie- family. scaring on an unasisted- Misses Esther Cryderman mnarker. and Susan Van Camp along The penalty parade wau led with other members of Grade by Ken's who had five minora, 10A, Courtice High School, and two niiscanducts, onc to nd two teachens, went ta Ot- Steve Burns and Don WUIklns._ twa by bus on Tuesday, Feb. Nichols bad three minor Pen- 8th. They visited places af alties. iterest. also sat in House ai Ti unday, game time Commons, stayed overnight a et *30,when h eodgm Lord Elgin Hotel, returnlng will lie pleyed. ramise ai ail Bnownies rneans e same. The Bownies thon Il -COFFEE, StMS AC PAC HALVES, SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS SUPER-RIGHT QUAI. PORK KIDNEYS Chicken Wings 1633c SCHNEIDER'S VAC PAC, WKNES b 58c WIENERS mi àors 17 BOND ST. E. I4OURS:- 2nd Floor , MON. TO SAT. PHONE 728-1261 I9a&.m. t,5 p.m. OSHAWA, ONT. 1 Clou.d Ail Day W.d. D. Cameron's. Rev. Cetto and ho was thank- are attending Hablis Scbool t SLKM BREAD 3-LB JAR 9 9 c, 4 1 --Oeleeit r*57c*

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