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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 12

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1 2 ~ s C m ad a tauu mm ~91 Chairn for the r s i aru m nf S l f ! o e a f f t g ~~o a t r i e t c dWI u to f rvew LibarytjeYouthfuj Candidate eu. sudNESTLETO b o k a r e n o w o u t O A std P rl nT h e t i d r o d w s e l Y e r t oý n , e e S u d n u t e N st e o a l a ssbl t fn tMinîtes wheuFleming ner guests with terduhe uulCrsmsTal flot Cposbeto ad te galned his hat-trlck for Fene- and son-mu-lawM.sdM.vme.O ac 0 1olcto1= 0 pttrog do- Ion, lein the score at 3-3. Arthur Hyaud. Ld nwlr ilb B e i n g U s e d E x t e n s i v e l y y b o c~ ~ C ~ or r re d fro m .~p b l F e e- O sha w a, w ere S u a a l r 9 r C J t n a I u h dcnatn f thebcs. f h isIonAt te 73 s rk thboms ehn n udM.AlnBssetegv àAS more than 100 yemr the cost oi processmng the'bock Board preseuted a free even- ares, for which they have noeh oeo lu ~ r c i lib r l es a ns d th e al te r it * re ei e d atUd hbamrodta v lo u flo rpo v dthete n us , ic lî r r y w o lo fd b tthei g ik Po e r s-at r d y ve m u aleMn . g rl p atee d fost eni ol o f oce build- ra i l lbrais ave a prob- ed by the Jury sud L OVeil be pleased to recelve them. The Ui os c m o e wth insthe homae ve n u r.Ni bu u u c a e lira y uidi g1 e with ovedue sd lost Travel Agency which more Libray Board has established victory.Le s d fa ly ee hi gr a- C ut L dy S o br sofficfally Oen Im theoos Due, to the hlgh cost to than 125 people attended. In the foflowiug policy for recelv- LekPose u o entan aM arw il. tle har16 fî ibr2Oth. 1505. te taxpayeér of these books Deoember M n. N. Newton ing bock§: Bic play e a n Rge rt lu nt rook, and i i e M.Jc Saud y e nig Ma h n~eiew mud eipanded act., sud Uhc luconvenience to other photographen of Toronto sud All books douated will be thvtry, Play ug sasge lart nbrokt, Tonto.s 8FPnevided bave nesulted inmborrowers wheu bocks are not Enniskillen, exhibited photo- accepted sud revlewed by tUectdefence orpatigaal t eBoothsudornt.GatTom.th ocsin etetn 4Izhgeter use cf the librany availabie, the Board felt that graphic prints which were re- Libraniaus. If the books are of whole game with very littie sou were recent iioswtor nsne h a êè*ce y -al f te Pepcle every effort should be made eived with much enthusiasmIuse they wiil be placed ou the rest. Mrs. Thompson'ssseMs og iha nle etBomaville. By Dcmber to have these books returned by Uic people of Bowmanville shelves, If flot tey wili be CatrihaNvceHc e Naylor surthrMncae GussfrUcve 41, 1ue' Our memnshp had or paid for by Uie borrower. sud surrouudiug ares. disposed o! as dlnected by Uicatrih oic oky otJam s to e ah total of 4034; 2236 Lettens werc sent to aIl per- A numben of groups toured dnr er aehm rmKee M.adMs adulte, sud 1798 chllne. In sons with overdue books nre- the building duriug the year The Libnary Board reccives N.H.L. Cons<atio hamp..tl were Saturdayeeigdi-CutNseon Th 190" $3599-84 was spest for 307 questing that they eturu the sd may school teachers ar- an 85c per capita grant fom ns, r. CoaiC haSemes .or er usswt e itr r.e nandter guests wih elassifled, 242 fiction, 667 chlld- books or thpt paymcut be made rnged for their classes to tour the Town of Bowmanviiie plus!!Eions, Jr ta.Cjo Walte r FnuoBwa-afwsnsb h C ren's boâks, sud perlodicals lu- for the books. As a result ai- the building durng the year. a grant from the Province cfEatrOnri.Wle rgs eludlng two new eucyclopedias. moat 100% success has been During the past 14 months Ontario with which it providesj They won the trophy with Bowers' birthday.O udyskthe tui n i .DUning 1966 the bock cincu- achieved. $140435 has been donated tolyoun. library services. Thesean8t1 iovrK mut.M.nd rs Jation Wss 57,968; adult 33,682 A 200 seat auditorium and the Library for equipmeut by1grant are suflicieut to meet Th an 8 tte toh oe gKimouut Mnn su s.owesn en Bln cmoe and chlfdren 24,286. As a cou- stack room are in the base- the following groups or idi- aur salaries, book purchases, afsu sce d Dv ah alWihP Velece an outide bok de- met o! the building. These viduals: book supplies, etc., plus essen- so crd inithe eany mi- M. dgr H n, sh a grl ha a pe y sl. Mi Podit las been provided where facilities have been used by a St. Joseph's Holy Name til lbrsy equpmet, bututs al ta hv te gol wss S dy ca er w h Mr. Edgare dnc wssupHe tat on reun mg co s c n umb r f aga izaio s d r- Socet ($ 00), an diofG rl ea es er lmit d und fr dsaldudreca se he as lu anin esitt au Mn T d Sstr D rohyfoe su - posit them when the library ing the past year.' The Town Guide Mothers' Association adtoa qimn o h la cosed. New hurs were Planning Board meets regu- ($119.09), Chamber o! Com- auditorium. . o alese. boy s eemed nMr ochetracMay tank estsblished with Uic llbrry laniy in the stack room as well merce ($100.), Tinity United As tunds become available, rsescedh fstofv M.ad r.Pi b.ng open seven heurs per as Uic Library Board. The Church Womeu $400.), Kin-plans are being cnsidered for Posrsoe i is !tv r u r.Pry Hiet rsdnSse ayP day, five days a week. Horticultural Society holds its nette Club ($300.), Kiwanis ta sm, alestformfor Ucaui-goald sfew mput o es lateorge Wealco hm a Msirpwse h e f W i t m o e p acoa ael b l , r g u a r e e i n g l t h a d i - C l b ( 1 0 . > , C l b 1 , n smo nemtt a l essd ipi n r i lh en d P r s s r p t nC lru b G o re$H as0p.h ort rCdlg o d l uc1it h c m i u y we have been able to provide tanium. The Recreation Asso- John Cax, Mrs. C. Trewin, Mrs. sud a 16 mm souud movie pro- show of goal-sconing, contrai- from Port Perry optlo h vnn lsdwt tudentsansd others doing e- ciation, under the direction a! C. Hubbs, Drama Workshop, iector sd screeu which would led the play whn le wassn Thursday sd to r.Eatbutfllnhsdtef enen ce work wli better faci- Mns. Kitney, meets in t he Business & Prafessional Wam_ be available for use at the At a nomination meeting in Warkworth last week, the ice sud wss essily the Blight, who retundfa niesr a ei lties. The iuereased use of the auditorium every Saturday ens' Club, St. Jahn's Guildet- library sud by groups at their j Northumberland Liberals chose 26-year-old Robin star Of the game. Rad Camp- Oshawa HospitalonSda. Uces r'eference ares for stdy has mring for drama classes for tes, Scout Cub Mothers' Aux- meetings. 'Russell as their candidate in the forthcoming provin_ bell was also utstandiug with The Bruce Hesis er Godlc is isd resulted lu an orden ton five chiidren. Both the Drama iliany sud Rotary Club. During 1967 we hope to sec cial election. He defeated Ronald V. Hooper, a Brighton anc gfoaltsudtre sissfrniday viioswthM.sdMcsd]tSse MyPr mddtional study tables to be Workshop sud the Rotary Club! The Wamen's Institute pro- mare use made o! Uic libranyj s effots. Mrs.WRusielcl own Monosfrnthf cminouygn.SMayi provlded early lu 1967. have used the auditorium for vided two coffee tables and a by individuals sud groups. nfre.Mr usiIs h o fCoor etnel-Star Larry Cooke sud Paul Jud- Road. Sunday viios1t oa dl sseddti The average cost of a book play practices. jlectern. The money douated is hoped that artlsts either as Publisher and Mrs. Foster M. Russell. Sitting member son finish cd off the scoring the Heaslips wen n n er fi uow more than $2.75 plusi In Apnil 1966 the Libraryi was uscd ta purchase 150 individuals or groups will dis- for Northumberland is Russell Rowe. with s goal each, ch~ Ms Ed. Lawson u Bue __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _play their wok at the ibrary. g abfots en o Yvenon . The members o! the Library go efrt.TrY Prsser letn Bor ihta express theirB * scored late in the game onlv The regular meig o EKyRPR m A S t h a n k s a t h e m a n y g r o u p s s u dt o h a v e h i s g o a l d i s a l l o w e à C o u r t a d y S u brd o h e k o (ta,..fra ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Of eekyNwppr ssdto n ne mid~an 0irnuportan B ACKST CKon an otfside. heldtWednesday,Mac ,u eb2.ar5inlsv hepn opoiethe extra Te1 aiswo rvdtn ee guests o! the Fred This was a really good team Court Venture, tra BomnBihs3mlfm equipment for the building. the stonm ta attend the U.C.W. Trewins sud Mrs. A. Wright, effort by the boys sud they ville, were visiton ihteDshags ____ Lmeeting Tuesday found the Suuday. came up with the best finish travelling gavel. Mjroeain LONG S.AULT special Centennial film, "By Mn. sud Mrs Bill Wannan, in the Little N.H.L. competi. During the busnspeidMorprais LO GS U T the King - A Proclamation", wtn.ana, w rsitrwons teion fo mwedtsweest o 96imngnytramnt . Mn. sud Mrs. Earl Peu- very iuteresting sud newand- McKee. atvte.A r wardcn sud family were Sun- ing for the efforts put forth. MisBarbsn Segck day dinner guests o! Mns. MisBarba egik Kelly, Orono. Thcy brought The group decidcd ta pur- Norwoad, Miss Janice Byers Mrs. W. Peuwanden home chase the film sud sa be able sud Mn. Leslie Bushfield, A.Ifort,>Ib ok with them. ta loa.u it ta different graups. O.A.C., Guelph, were weekendf rth s bkl t Mn. sud Mrs. Pullen, Gwcn Following the film, gnoups guests of Mn. sud Mrs. Mur-. ttls o o sud Terri, were Saturday ev- werc fonmed sud differeut nay Byers. telsh w ou eng visitons o! Mn. sud Mrs. questions pertaiuing ta the Hockey News ayo ti Robt. Cameron. Mn. sud Mns. theme were discussed, then Cartwright Pee Wees are iajLL&Lf D. Oke aud family, Oshawa, brought befone the full graup. L 1 t t i e N.H.L. Consolation D d were Sunday supper gucsts of President Mrs. Glenn Lar- A.H.L.C.C. Senies Champions anlID locin d the R. Camerons, mer opcned the meeting with o! Easten Ontario. Playing t h Mrs. Cisyton Brown has a poem "For Today." The without two of aur 'better Pee oh l sti, undergone au openstion in Literatune convenon, Mrs. S. Wees, the boys put an a tre- od Memonial Hospital, Bowman- Van Camp gave a good wor- mendous display o! hard, od rnize or ville. Best wishes for a ship taik on "Thoughts onfl ean hockey, outscoring Feue- speedy necovery, Pearl, tram Lent," stressing IlLook, at Ion Falls 4-3 exna d" u the community. We ail hope Jesus; Listen ta Jesus as we At Uic 2:30 mark of the an y u yau'll be home soon sud teel- pray; snd Light; are we thefnbu nes ing much better. light we shouid be? Ltu ist period Campbell scored Mn. sud Mrs. Rye Gibson travel towsnd the Sunlight." from Rick Prosser. At 13 bu ies wcr Sudaysuperguets ! Fliwing prayer, she clased minutes Fenelon tied the their daughten, Mn. sud Mrs. with a poem "'Todsy". score with Fleming scoring. a Norman Davis sud tamily, Mrs. Gerald Kelly gave an The second period wss three o I D S R A Orono. interesting sud informative minutes aid when Tomehishin VN STIL sddress ou "Women's Raie in sconed tram Campbell; 45 sec- PONTYPOOL s rtu e eig lu- yon foi.CapblladDEo-VELrmrbB N On my first Sunday at home eveuing, March lst. Mrs W. enstoel. The boys let down TERM RINANCINQ FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES ln Canada I attcuded church W. Van Camp, group leader slightly sud Fleming got ance OOT.OT:20Uiuyvoe..uq,,..j se that ew doors had recent not beueath the tree o!cnow- bell ws speared rather sev-. iy becu put an our church. ledge - dlimb it."1 She sîso Someyeanrs gaouq1 cWhur sang a solo, "When Irish Eyes neceived a gencrous Oua onArSmlg".ded jeo-. tram the wili a! the late John Muuity siuging a!f Irish sangs.1 Wood. This mouey wss put The rail cail, A bock 1 have "M Y amemoia tunci sud ead, a elasýrd partof i wasusedforthe Secretany resd a lovely letter purhas o thsedoos.A trom Lau Chan-Hing (aur! plaue asputupto isme- adopteci boy lu Hong Kong) mory inside the chunch doors. UiSIlking for his Christmas Suitable services were helci on gft. A gooci deal of business Febrary 6th.was deait with including fina] home from hospital a week on the evening a! Manch l7th, ago. We anc glaci ta repart Solina Casserale Tes in Match she is making gaod progress. was annaunceed, also Maple 'A S A Frazerville visited in this ares April. For the latter sevenal recetly He as lsobeen iu tickets were soid. Closed with hosita an uner hedoctor's The Qucen, sud a social time care wa enjyedwhiIe partakiug We wene glaci ta have Mn. o! lunch. sud Mns. Clifford Olver sud Rev. P. Romeril, who hasý ýC A N A D IA N " Mr. Rbr Halbran (96) psy beefill for most of the week veryactve.ingbuthis sermon Another a! aur aider citizens "Chnist's Loneliness" wss pre- Mn.LuWrimo sas e-sneib ae h hi centnnil euy c t«tcolci winds prevaileci for about sud Andnew, Mr'. sud Mrs. cntnnil esaycntatfour days. However, 1I tel ROSs McCann, Oshawa, wcre frsSar à t"better sud am very thankful Sunday supper gueats o! Mn. >lwae a f. soeoaryadiel hadtstoalal my well wislxers who sud Mrs. Stan Rahm. kept me in touch with doings Mns. Aima Fvowlcr visited pf $St o s c~ly to a teyer e e in this ares. I tried ta per- her brother, Mr. Audy Holmes 'M Y RESPONSIBILfy AS A CANADIANsuade Mrs. C. Fallis to co - in Bowmanville Hospital o uno n s g t e e y r n .. , n s o s ,s r i e ,, e p e "y L9 eBiyASACNDA"tnewrlting this columu but Suuday. .4 ta no avail. Yvon is a veny Our ow nshphandluerv ein n TI,. people Who Wn wiJI write beceuse e" have somje iceas and busy lady, being active in Mn. ad Mrs. G. H. Wilkin- fi"" t e ais n g, or.yor..uusa tr Wat o xpes ter. tAfo frterRjtiaton ter ae riesofhurch,, loge sd community soli, Cobcok, calleci ou Mrs. one place ta in he lli ivour Yellow Pages. Say, orinsmf4 L W nn t e pre s he . ut or fu th r m ti at on, th re ar P41Z S >~ w o rk . H er co n trib u tio n t a J. A . Jo h ston , S atu rd y . t a fo o d . W e l, h e re s fo o d fo r th o u g h t. Y o u r Y e l o w P a g e s lis ts r s a r n s i z a l u s $25»O, $15.00, $10.00 ati the k" alevel;More Prime this clumu was well receveci Mr. sud Mrn. Don Graham ieeadbreudfos atysos aees aes rcrfo rdo If you win IPrvincial crnpTçition s"da tri toOttawa p~ us mrerieby readers !ram fan sud ucar. sud Mn. Leslie Graham, Mill. Chins n abce odpsr hpctrrbk fo 0Ntim W .Mns. John Allen has returu- brook, wene Sunday suppen suppigt o fit every need from a complete banquet ta a simpedsetlieteck ed home aften spending a fCW Mu ests, sud Mns. Edua Brad- WelpW* u sa&wesi e orkCiy Bowmanvllle, swek illustrated. Yes, if's good tp get in the. YeIlow Pages habit. .. eyhngsbr i on One day while,. havlug a end guest o! Mn. sud Mrs. CF n lcoUee (I thluk) lu Clearwater OscarGrhm *7U~~~am~m.Beach, I was talklug toas lady Jud es eson A r Fna fromn Toronto. She tolci me Mr. sud Mrs. Oscar Graham, she had vlalted Pontypool Mn. sud Mns. Rose Dut! sud RunY Yeans ,'ago when Uic falflhy, Mn. aud Mns. Hanoldi Hefe are the Rules: t*Rssels llvcd here. M. Rus. Larmer, Miss Edua Larmer, sel wa a ural mail carrier Mn. snd Mrs. Mervyn Graham L YO.,aMust b. atending auhigii schoî InnDurham ou tyat tsuad lived aouth o! Drum tendecjM. sd ns.rlyence U te .esay la uubmlftec col nted. b»fi et h e dedMr nd5h Clrec Einiâelfrut e y e a Gnahamm's twedding ni 'rou mv ynot *b.asnimber ot Uic imudiat. tmmily cf au vlsited our village Iu 1912 sud versary Iu Port Penny Suudmy Su2plo7 of yr t wspper was a guest cf Mn. Bernstein aterno. Sr. sud Mn. Lotchuk. 1 had Mr. nd Mn.. Wllfrcd GU -Us, -, a. W *MY .Oumldn't b. mn. than 750 wez* img. It wouid pnevously muked hlm what libroo, i slted Mn. sud bu JpjbAi f jt were typed or et lama wrttéà Isgtbiy. -body of water we were meIun~ r. RoUa Dut! Sunday even. muai b. reccived b, lThe. uwa st«=4 . .Bover. He joiely tcld 1m" lug. !M B, MB» e 1t ister tsin MadI 31, 1967. were luv. miles up in thiq air. MUr. sud lira. Edgar Horn, It was the hlgheat 1i as hileOshawa, 'U.Mnd. m su.0; 1 W4 way w. TflwlD C"uio 10 e. W me" June id the riNo-. Court tak. el to Lord Bthe 4, lal Miur Mary ming 'ourt and with îted ister and the th: .Isie her are fing ark- cers ,ar. h.a rst ded, for ker she last 82 4 33 ly I <T

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