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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 13

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loashave 14 VIctoMc, thThee ARYf I~E Y V ~ I~ Y LLE of 29 points. Goals lfor New- N ETI II L tanville 109, against, S1. Bill, W. J. KANCOCK ~I We received a 'phonc cail fwmnners being: High lady, Mis Flowcrs at the Altar, Sun_ Wade led the goaltenders with abc ue. front Florida lait Monday ev C. Brown; high _gent, MM Cart- da, morning, were placed a swarkling 3.97 personal av- Faflwiflga, re eu 'Ming, and enjoyed a chat with wrght; draws, cer Worrall. there in loving memory ai the cage igasaant n1 WletJ acc ido Mr. Jim Nesbitt at GrovelandiAuiey Turner, Helen Cour- late Mr. W. J. Hancock. leue lames. tusal, inet.orau5hgd 's s bhis sister Anne and Mr. and aux, Willis Farrow.UCW.m bedn'fo Play-offs are sudden.death, year8. ers. Mac Irwin, who werejiUCW ebrdntfr'adi the quarter finalsil'ext Borniln Newtonville, son of visiting the former two. TheYj Bernlcc Milligan wcre among C.W. next Wednesday, at udy etnîl i CtM n n ereTo Infamedus te tmpertur thoe atendng hc Fawe U> oinwiththc inEscos. Season's*record against Hancock, he was well known r droppmed usthowert e howe at te ceie FCentre,2:30 p.m. tojon aîîter in tis club shows a 6-6 tie and a in this area, h. and hi, wife, hdIt here, the previaus night, on Saturday. vc.r o the local. the former Margare Jhnston. Wlich was rathen a consaling Mrs. W. Brunt was a wcek- s e a Joese. _________________hèir' ar k"Uought, to us, at least! end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Mr.Be an.reeve at eixng theirarlyo Recent visitons with Mns. SId Brown and family. word, early Monday, of the euaina h oa col R. Farrow included Mr..mdi The Lakeshore group heldde:th ofa her brother, Mr. Alec WES LEYMVLLE rhey -a{so lived here for a Mr~Car Frro, awnvic; notcnrrill, Campbellford, aiter a numiber of years, in laten lufe, CalFrrw owsiw;aohe fthi oplrdances lntyiîe, h et i (Intended for latwek when bath taok an active part Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow, in the Community Hall, Sat_ lnhis ilesTe acurdelatTh e scod sntl wet lin community activities. Agincourt. urday ev'ening. faliSympath oftec - ih pnoe yheUW Frmeta aqrerf Mr. Grant Wade went ta Mr. and Mrs. Jim Field and hyafhaa"nih pnoe y h o aethnaqatra 'Tweed, Wednesday nlght, ta Miss Judy Field. of Rexdale, ~nt sepesdt r.wshl eea rdye~ a century, Mr. Hancack Hwas ' wodéedwh play hockey. were visitors with Mr. and Joes at this time. ing, Feb. 24th in the Sunday anacineaeaigsale Stoes.havest wo ndmon hym? n Word was received here [Mn. Jirn Adams, Saturday. Miss Dona MaçDonnel and Scool room. The night was roama aon George Street, Pet. I,.hv w utcuaa tpwn Tusa a h eaha M.M.Chni Rs iviiigMr. Harvey Burley ai Cobourg very cold with gale like winds erborough, where city hall is ddg jmny ou fth a W. J. Hancock, Peterborough,! relatives and iniends at Lind- were Sunday visitors with is but aver 100 people came out'flow located; esrvdo the OnoY oi- k. oulb. Impreuu.d by a former resident af this vil-lsay and Beaverton. igrandmother, Mrs. Cecil Bur- ta participate in,' and enjay a board ai education, and as th ievdl fmat n nrAuict .lage, aiter a short ilîness. The1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall and ie.g igtsetrai.nment adra a eea en. malW.u h ad etuvc ons' funeral was heid Friday aiten-lCharlene were visiting iniendi i A 4-H Club has been îorm- Those taking part ranged in Aiter retirement, growing Maybe you would rother b. ujvsd by on naon at the Comstock Chape], at Whitby, an Sunday. c nti amnt ihaeio amnt eir roses became a favorite hob 9 xPerenced butcher. If so, thoes a pusnt these local people attending: Mn. and Mn.. Wallace Mer- Mn.. J. Beattie as leader, and down ta three year olds and and his garden on Mcflonnel ocunter.DorS iwu'îiOUt1pendy onal seice 'Mr. and Mn.. C. M. Joncs, Mns. 1I nl and son Earl af Wark- Mrs. B. Angi, as assistant.oetoya odwawsasSrehdmone than 100 mlet counter will b. gled to put hieskMIlend W. Milligan, Mn.. F. Gilmer, worth and Miss Trudy Maynes Officers are as îaîîows: Presi_ happy as any. AIl were pleased vanieties. At Civic Hospital *xpeienceto work for you in chooang luit * * * . Mn. and Mrs. H. Wade, Messrs. lof Whitby were Sunday dinner dent, Arlene Allun; Treasurer, ta have Rev. lan Munro as he planted the Hancock nase the fight cut 'Roy Smith and Tuppen Johns- 1Iguests %with Mns. Bea Joncs 'Suzanne Worrall, Press Writ_ chirman and- ta have Mrs gardens, supenvisîng tbeir cane ton. !and Mrs. G. W. Joncs. er. Judy Stacey. Other mem- Munro and Kimberly present' and making the neccssany re- ~FiY SThe following from thisi Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomp- bers are: Barbara Weatherup The commîttee inl charge were:- placements, annually. area are ln Memonial Hospital: 'kins and boys, Part Hope, Ann Beattie, Bannie Hale' esdames T. Wilson, Clarenceý He was a member ai St. FR ESH WHOLE OR HAIF Mn. and Mns. Wlbert Ogden, 1were supper guests, Sunday, Brenda Henderson, Hcathei! Nichols, and M. Payne,. assisted Paul's Presbytenian Church, Mns. K. Riese, Mn. Cecil with Mn. and Mn.. B. Tomp- Reid, Lynda Peck, Janct Hart- by the social cammittee. A a lite member ai Port Penny ___ Stapictan, Mr. Oial Edgerton. Ikins. fard, Betty Jean Holmes. resume af the items presented Masonic Lodge, an affiliated f **k.k Mr.andMrs W.Bura ad iMr.andMrs Brce eut, Tere wil b a eetngshow the family graups and member of Cointhian Lodge M n n d M . . B u s a d n . a d n . r c e L u t , T e r i l e e e i g v a i e t y a n t h e r y r s N o 1 0 A . , & .M ; a t iamily and Mn. W. C. Dean IPart Hope, and their grand- each week, three having been panse yan the hudearnce. No . 10,a.tr f.PetrboruMh; r-Past Ra s1 af Toronto spent the weekend dauhter, Debbie, o dai , ldt ate h n ganiza-exlenOCadageLgeadamebni LhM.adMs lntn uprget indhe tio a a da be ctio sngya thsembaudi enedoe te Hr iPtraroghety.W Brown. and Mns. Melville Joncs, Sun- discussed. Suitable matenial, * yalascbeoeedteHriutua oit.EATY Mn. and Mns. C. H. Lane iday.cooradneaisye ee the following Programme' Jen- Besides bis widow, h were aturay eeningvlsi WithMr. ad Mr. Tremanniien Radncy, Lance and Shel- survived by anc sister, Mns 1M were Stundayevenin vis! With n. andMn.. Tuemanstressed as important, in plan- ley Payne sang 'Something ta Mary Gnya nn.Fn tors at Mn. F. Henderson's. Hendenson and family, supper ýning a dres., and advice given sing about" acoiaid yea erice, can.unted -bA- The Hall Committee held a gueits an Sunday werc Mn. on picking a pattern becoming brotherGrledat thpian;eAle x aldervc , cwas ed at ' card panty Friday evening-and Mn.. Gardon Heard ai ta the individuai figure. Gan.rKnfinerddahter Comstock lCalewhel nd ay whe 14 ta les wee i payBo man ile._ ___ _ ___ _ t t e ait metin , penngBarbara sang "t's a grant night atr oo . Plbeares w ere ~ 1 witb the 4-H Pledge, minute, fon sînging"; Karen and Geof-oryRbtGdnAtPL LAFO PRSW O S-CY VA ' ai previaus meetings were fney W-ely oeyRbeunoro, r W a i f or Hpeurand xRoy xiancack, andci K MAPL EFO RSW O ' RO A / nead a d i was decided ta nepresented their grandparents George Burkitt. * ~~choose h ae"Cak o-Mn. and Mn,. Hector Danke, to Pickers" for this club. when Karen sang "Somne ai 1 1 !asked how she intended alter- san "The Lizard Sang" and Y O EL. MVN nbepatr obet suit ber bath sang "Jack Prot.", Mrs. _R O L L -~ Ot 0fma~Perey Snel daugbter Mn.. At the Sunday marning ser - Effective March 1Oth, 1967, the operations of teas aîbgn Ken thDomnjl fieo etnil lsdotteinnen, and grandchild.. vice Re.D Northey installed Copaco Pure Park MpeLa thicheduleofieof, e, oer ndSevnsang, Messrs. Tam Pleasance and - ma~ft I P LI negular ceue iha63"hslaHapTne and Arthur Youngman as membenrsi~M Lm m i i uD victony aven Eldos,,an Sn-"Ieg Ho", accampanied by ai the Session. After the ser- day aftennoon. The local.had Barbara at the piano. Twa vice the new members ai the S A UV J Mib O L L OM B ANK F IN AN C E already clinched first place, salas by Barbara, "The HpySession shook hands with the Ol tDmno Dmn syBe :btthywrenttob eae on'ad I LvdYo" eol hielavn hesr1 j7OSang"mnonDmneTsy ,e wiIl be transferred to: !in this last effort. Bob West- Penny Webster, Rosemary Tii- vice. The Junior Chair waî Uc heuser apened tbe scoring navsky and nd1sr an g cappreciated whcn they E1N1R. 9 T.E A K EITES 5 twearlsath o asst i. t ysang 'Shartnin' Bread" andsn nanthem "The CrossL J k 101 Dundas Strey, Westentucky Home", inWas Hi. Own" with leader Pg Ted Stark. suitable costume and withlMrs. J. Woodley and anganist ev ite' tr sie rs ihDlyManitoba 41- ____ Paul Wakely, league-scon- actions; Mn.. J. Groeneveld,iM\rs. John Vaneyk. We're sarry - ev ite' tr lle rs 's al oWmaregret and acoeie ctes Hocue, to tlie, es a ds.WethNicki, Niel and John Jr. sang rour Sr. Choir leader and org-lSO IHCNUNE B We regret anydnaven citenrhs wlce lae, aebckwt AT L A ad o kFllt iOU~ they may rest assured that the same courteous, Iheuser', thifrdol Ws t- a, Dutch sang "De Mond",îanist Mn.. G. Brent i.s in the M E5fl IlHa d ck alt T O confidential service wilI be available at the iunassisted variety, with New- Sr; Jenniien, Rodney, Lanc ileWetuth'lsonb ' , IUUUU.V WfuMje M.DnaG.Ulya hty66-31 Ken Gnay scored the winncn, teHm fte e--c ni atFia veigte bi W hiby loc ti n, ueie sb ul!be diect d o t hil e play n a ltan so rt. and faShey aes ang c " Bait-Ifei g r uc etr __ C7 9 6 5 c 6 -Mn5uc n G U l y a ht y, 6 8 3 1 u in h a e p nat, a- te Hy n a h ep bi" a d L st F la v nng te bJ b~l Isisted by Bob Robinson. Stark "rnite' lc"wt Euchre Party was still very scoed heiuih oalunssit-Garfield at the piano fon anc well attendcd with Il tables, We misa express sincere appreciation for cd, and Chuck Trni converted an igngteoeterizes wcnt ta first, J. Reycn-1 ail past patronage and extend a cordial invita- la Westheuser passout fon father accampanying on thelga, second, Jack Faulkner, «wIIVC'n ra d lguitar and Mn,. Carroll Nich-'third, Mn.. T. Milîson, founth, DomfiflOl '..ivf B a d T B tion to, visit Lombank Financp at the new numben six. Late in the third Is at tlhe piano for ane; Lance Mn. F. L. Byam, fifth, Mn. CarlS S* Whitby office. peniod, Wakely completed bis supplied the sound effects. In- Gimblett, sixth, Mn.. R. Vin- eatatri tcsshw.h strumentals: trio Mn.. HowandÈte, 50-50 draw was won by Domino Fancy Frozen - 15-oz. Pkg. Compare Swift's Prem -12a.TnAV 10 Leaue tatstis sow hePayne, accordion; Sandra andiMr J. Reyenga. Pl lqwr lqw Margo at the piano for "My Mn. and Mn,. Walter ParkLU C Old Kentucky Home" and visited Mr. and Mn.. Janese RASPBERRIES 39C~LNHON M A 9 Margo and ber niother playingkPrk, Peterborougb. ~ Javex - 64-a: onti AE< "Allemande." Mn.. Payne played two solo, on the accor- ýMn.. W. Macdonald, Bow- Countny Girl - 20-ai. Size BAVE 60UI 00dion "Alley Cat" and 'Win:imanviuîe, spent the weekend t5 ]M dik ILV A&k1K-Lý.Àmchester Cathedral." Bud Elliottlwith ber sister Mn,. R. Scott. a * .tdMurr&y Payne- played- two Suday SUpper..guests were.,. n uP ES3 9 Prex 2-Ply - Coo.-2Ralkg, BV # numbers on the eîectric guitanafld Mn..Buc Macdonald and1~ and -pian o;,Piip Nchl.children, Bowmanville. BA HR1 î u played "Beautiful Dreamer"; Miss Lynne Stainton has, Rcmlo-2-a.La AE3 and "Old Black Jae" on the'hired with the Toronto Board; ~ IP U guitan, w ith piano by brother of Education as a "Home Ec 5, axeliHaue -1B-o.EJD 3e Of s Tim. There were necitations bylonomnics" Teachen for the f* (IF YOU DRIVE Il IN AND IT HAS"A Canadiaii coringterni. CongratulationsBRED- ÏNSTANT CFE 13 FolkSon" b DaleneGren,,Mr.andMn.. John Narris, "TeHight ai the Ridiculous"i Midland, Mn.. J. Oliver, Fene s s Domino - 12-a:. Suze SAVE 10e 19ese67nneuLtAoTbseb)lof1he1 otan ndgrad-mp 1967 PLATES) ~~~~~ad the old favorite "Casey atlIon Fals, M. and Mn. N. CoxR ap-2-a.Tn AES th a"by Suzanne Eydcn i Stouffville, were Sunday gucits esEDA V O n B rand N ew tj~nifonm, aoplt with bat.: mother, Mn,. Perey McCoy.L lP R E N fr1O O n B a d N w"neTeewsaPrincess"i Mn. Wayne Gaskin, Sydney,,Ale apcr r-2-: a AES was a Mn.. rdto pre iCape Breton Island, was aven- '.2 Almr asb pared by r.Fe Hokin 'night guest ai bis aunt andS RA ~~u m ~~Roemary Tisnovsky and pre-! dreacl'd-neat Kambler Americans s ted yPShawnHosoMr. and Mn.. G. Estabrook, and Beauty Aids rsySTRwBeRRYJAM 4 Mran at eNnyCutcvisîted Mrn. -,iQ'j SV 0 an Pu Hskn Alin aiyl A. Knwlton. Gore l "-W hite Rain SHAM POO 79c 0R AN i JWE FULL LIST PRICE tale costume they did their Mnln r.GoreAl 9 ' [spot on the programme per- dread, wene weekend guests ai' Family Size SAVE 220 Farmkist Economc 4o.Pg AEO lfectîy. Sa did the actons in "AMn. and Mn,. K. Lamb, Oak-,~R E ~ ~ R> Ej£7 RA BE M RCN220 24DOOR SEDAN $2412. Dnlwicas icen and Mrand Mn.. Ras. Page, Don0-7 jFroand Valenie, Hamptan,' singing af the I.ueen. r. nd M. J Gibs n-i àFI, sany accampaniment, not men-,ceivcd word from their son e LESS $400 TRADE - $1902 M..Michael who in- leELLOWhi OWfl me Gyments pReent, and arrl hosurvîv alace50n the Ai NNSGLE $40 - 36 f nsu ed ~ iareciJ Groeneveld, UCWInortb a the Arctic Cicle on :È. in the evening. Farce. i sTeHIRBST HWAA $6 -71Girls modellîng the gawns: Mn. and Mn.. Ralph Glaspeil' NWA HI ET-HWIA Joan and Marilyn NichaIs,, visited Mns. Alex McMastens IL E XRAf C Sharon and Linda Thorndyke,iZian.'Is GwenFod Cheryl and Rabyn' Miss Gwendolyn Glaspell, ILAG Clanke and Donna Ashby. ILandan, spent a week ai ber' (IF YOUR CAR 15 WORTH $800 YOU ioMr. anDonna Houston ai Ton- . I.AL IZ nursing duties so was able tSaudfamiy eeisupper.guands be home for the weekend andStdaevinaiM.ad IlMchdieIGuatedTGie10Stifato - R ECE VE $1 00 AT TRENT sec omn S a en i ii tg . and Mn.l Values Effective Until Closing, Satu ay Ma.1,67 W11 Part ope pent the1 Robent Heayn, Prince Albert,' weekend with the E. Barrow- wencSda u pper guneMstia .WERSRETH IH O II UNTTE. - and Mn. and H peMs i.. W bere da uht er n an Ms. D. E RE E VE T E I claugh's adMadMsW»1Soutbwell. , 1 "'D ~ iiI1 AUTO SALES Peterborough. hoef: Miss Lynne Staintan, Ton- Open Tmurs, cana Fr1 i ghs'i . reunedfrm'onto, Mr. and Mrs. Henry s Por hyrt oeptl îast oStainton attcnded a dinneri PortHop Hopita lat wekpanty ai the home ai Mn. and;in T R EN TI LIMITED wiere he was tre::ed for nes-iMrs. E. Bassett, Oshawa Sun; OINO "The Rambler Kings" Payne received the affering atiMiss Jan Wilson. Sunday ichoal on Sundayý Congratulations bo MarËaret 16 Lnsdwn.St.Kin St E.morning. Berniece Bcst taught»Sinner on belng a winnerý 16 LnsdwneSt.Kin St E.the junior primary clans in theland rcceiving a trophy at the s P.teborogh Bwmanilleabsence of Sharon Thorndyk,lLegion 'Public Speaklng Con- e 745-4695 623.~~~~~~O5 ~in change ai the junior clansiSympathy ta Mn s Lrna MgS.@ dSfllSf vne (HgwyN.2 7454695 623-3305 ~as Mn.. A. Austin i. still In Adams on thc passing ai her A _-AA --à hospital. The juniors led I he nlMr ee avo,~ 129v=e cls5 ryr .owavle 'É e

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