"aaadien tateM&34 BowmanvffiD Mer.1 &#ete Entertain Mothers Who Hear ai * Adress on "Europe, MM B. E MVÏUIe inete prsgewas bookedo çb'Mothurs ight diner Canada, but a threatened * fetnwu held at the Flylngchge this, and final ~IthaMOtor HOteon Febyoung peple flew ta i th. Preisixdent ]Barbara Mas- with BOAC. X"'40"ded andcodal Miss Werry's graphical lcMed the sp alil gucats.tresti account ot her 1--iihead table % cetred els asIllustrated by a 'OMlt a.,beautiful arrangement of excellent colored sUde yeflow and bronze chrysan- she had taken. She seit Ibmm adwiecrainthey found their stay in It waa ligbtcdeithM don most enjayable and ckelowtpera in ceramiecen- the English people wcre dleutcks.pitabile, friendly and heil Tiie guests et this annual She showed pictures o t.,en were Mrs. A. Masters, cadilly Circus with its1 grs Arthur }looper, apes statue of Eros in thec preidet f thlb Mr. E. double decker buses, and J reY rs Don Stutt, Mrs. falgar Square with Ne Allan C&arke, Mrs. M. Eade, Column and huge Stone b >ra.- R'-. D. Trimble, Mns. There were several viei Bruce.- Heavysege, Mrs. Rae the quaint open air mar) Abennchy, Ms.-Hoard Bail- Petitcoat Lane, and othe V lakstock; Mn. Shirley the Houses af ParllE oweMrs. Frank Osmond, Westminster CathedraL Mrs. Frd S. Cole, Mns. John James Park, W e stmi n 'MOon Brown. .R > lath-rs Bridge, Tussaud's Waxm ',ý row,»-'n. Rna Lat- TwerBridge photogra angue, a p ast 'president, Mrs. from London Bridge, St.J B. J. Rundie, Mrs. Tom Carter, Palace, 10 Downing Stree Mrs. W. J. Brown, Mrs. Lor- home af the Prime Min raine Swahn, a pat president and boating on the Ti éf Belleville Kinette Club, M~iss also the unique Speakers. Mnne Werry, Mrs. Clarence ner in Hyde Park, Wù Bradley, Mns. Charles Wclsh, Castie and Hampton Cout Mrs. M. Brooking, Mrs. G. The speaker gave an ac MeMullen, Mrs. Stan. Corden, of the group's trIp acrosE Mns. Harold Goade, Miss Nor- English Channel by steý ina Griffiths, Mrm. Hamilton, from Dover, and of their; Blackstock, and Mmi. Ella ney through France. Italy Morden. the most fascinating ofala Secrctary Eleanor Murdoch countries visited, she said, ftad a letter Imam Captain H. the students were surprise Fraser of the Salvatian Army its super-highways. thanking the Kinettes for She described points ýheir donation of 120 flannelette special interest and shc nightgowns and pyjamas for wonderful slides of Rome «WIdrcn. Vatican City, historic build -* .A sâtisfactory financial state- the lovely countryside, GE pIent was presented by Treas- Venice and Pisa. urer fris Murray. Kunette Kay Picturesqu Switzerland Cain, a pat president, reportcd ably dbe d by Miss W( thàt a letter had been sent to and hier slides of the cities, *Salfim Khan, Bombay, India, Alps, inountainous coun -tue club's adopted bioy. side, and'the typical ci ýPlans wiere camplcted, for were mast interesting. *leFshion Sho ~to be held gave a thrilling eccount Cài Wednesday, luch ath, ini ride by cable car swinr 8t, Joseph's Auditorium. Kin- through space" ta the topg Mte Jean WiMlamsý, a pait high mounitain, and sher president, reported on the suc- pictures taken from it. cessful Skating Party held She told of lier ti recently by the club. thnough Gerinany. Among Kinette Cathy Carden intra- highlights wcne a visit ta duced the guest speaker, Miss opulent palace ai Ludwig Anne Wenry, deughtem af in- a tour af a former concen ette Evelyn Werry, a past tion camp, and a trip td 15resident. Miss Werry spake on the Rhine wlth its 'views ber trip ta Europe last sum- towering castles. merm. She sald'that the tour In France the tour visi was made by 150 students Arles, Chartres, and Nice '*ged 17 ta 21 years, and that the Riviera. She also sp there WUs ane staff member some Urne ini the Grand Di for each 12 registcred. Thcy ai Luxembourg. Before sail Wcre abroad seven weeks. for home the group sp Miss Werry said that the several days ini Paris, and JY tour had intended ta sail Werry gave an unforgetta aboard the S.S. Francona for account ai this great city,i Europe, but that the seamen's lts treasunes. atrike canoellcd this, and then Kinette Karen Geddes mi on Air d strike tlly ini. r trav- t eres les that d that ni Lon- kd that re hos- Of Pic- famed centre, dI Tra- rlson's !lions. ews aof .ket ini ters of amen, .à%y nniverscary t Goodyear Regional Managers and Indtstrial Piroducts Field1 ence. Later, they toured the new Collingwood plant and concluded Th otn Cu a aw evice pagandmitebaction. lddmanvilleo markeCdlthe6f2ndoan- indvidel Ogad ncd atiron. works, Representatives from across Canada visited Bowmanville reccntly the conference at the Inn on the-..Park, Torovnto. They are shown nivensary af the foundng of Ar 'ae and toured the Goodyèar plant as part of a three-day Sales Confer- here as they wene about to board a buis for the Colinew np aary, the oldeit ai the serv-aoratvyaihef- amrice clubs, in ChicagoIll.,on tary Club of this o unt nitr ed'a vote af thanks ta Missl ebuag,à 105., nrn' wr iams' enr fo he Inormtiv * Iplane an Fniday ta attend Fcbnury 23 1905 mieWryfrhrifraie h uea evc o thmi tlsrglrwel et houghout the ane. Wc in yo -addressi and shc pncserited hem k, M tne unemai serviceforcahlir AtIti megularoteryy mlet-aro mndson wit :.attractive git from L he, ____eciHaes . mC le the .,:easan -expression o yBlaCoa ..ispr n6 er r The ldadC.G..T.Clarnce raha atthe dd Ilingonvisied o Sun clubatoasted Rotary 1nterna- ed 'that no child In this tic 'ntieres' appreciation. a i le ....and Ex- Caec rhm ttnOdIlagovstdonSna el ooa ..toalinispr n a-2 car pldo aniap 'caunt Members ai the Mothens paer11op 1wl meet lan Fellows' Hall -i Port Perry. with Mn. and Mns. Alex Pot- Congratulations aWaya uaiainsrvc.cipc niniapd si the Night Committee, Kinettes tic chunci and besement on Mm. and Mmi. Ken Tunk and ter. Preston, pupil at Galloway's Announcing the milestone, eamer Gladys Tlley, Bey Wclsh, and Friday cvcnin.g, Manch loth, iamily, Mmi. Hilton Tink, Mr. and Mmi. Lamne Tink, School, who placed iirst in Bob Stevens, president ai thcelTiyv jour- Karen Gcddes, wcrc incharge et >6 j..m. C.G.I.T. -members Master Bruan Tink af Ebene- Oshawa, wemc Sundey dinner thc Victoria County Public local Rotary Club, said, "The BUIlIiLa LUI y was ai thc draw, and Kunette Eve- are ncminded ta bring their zen, Mr. and Mmi. Russell Vice guests with Mr. and Mmi. Speaking Contcst an Merci Rotary Club ai Bowmanviîîc JIl the lyn Benny wes the wunnem mreciPes and thc raIl coUl is a werc Sunday tee guests witi Bruce Tink and boys. 2nd. She will compee furti- is linked witi more than Witi deep regret we report cl.Al The winncns af speclai mrizes poe mabout Canada. Explorer Mr. and Mmi. Harmy Knox and cme in the Zone Public Spcak- 12,600 other Rotary Clubs in thc pessing ai aur mioter, ýd by wcne Mns. Monden, Mns. Trim- membens arc reminded af boys in honoun ai Boyd's Siacere sympatiy is cx- mg Finals ta be held et Mia- 134 nations amound tic world. Mmi. Beetrice K. -Taylor, in ai cMms Bownen Mr. her kiting bmtiay tnded ta tic Werry iamily dca on Merci lOth. Rotary meetings menking this Part Penny Community Meai. iowedRcctvior ihM.M. ndMiHowemdOUipesnaitimad and Mmi. Roy Langmaid and Broome and Patricia ai Con- one, the late Mm. Weslcy n es ofI Mnes anyaiv naryw e henlud in acenalHspital. Fnuneaer e andý Mm. and Mmi. Charles Lang- cord, Mr. and Mns. Ron Wenry. Wilincd Reynolds ai Cavan Arabie, Danish, F i n nis, aitennoon of laist week from lings, M>AfI~ LLE maid wcmc Mr. and Mmi. Roy Broome and Kelly, Bownman- Mm. Donald Taylor hs oc_ Township la a guard et thc French, Spanish, Pontuguese, Noticutt & Smith Funeral eaoa Mn Mcilleau Mm.anr wee ~ cst atBraebndgctusMillbrook Reiormatory and Jepancie, and Persjen". Home in Bawmanvillc.AI Mr. Âvlra. Westheuîer t- Mas.avhlley.undTyeeeocupicd tre e Rotan wes wenm dinner -guesti with Mr. Keith McGill and boys ai En- witi Mr. and Mmm. Lloyd weck for tic Bell Teicphanc iintc itr se obyyi Club of Bow- thougi icia racee a rny and Mmi. Robentetheu s kilea Broame and iamily. Co. While following i tmap line menville, omganized in 1924, advanced age, we realize our , the Bowmaavillc. Mr. E. R. Taylor is spending Mr. and Mmi. Bruce Tink Messs. Glen Fraser, CampfindMonvens of nhirps, easd 47 embeonsalmenbustines mhcî and faind unîcifis ntry- Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hello- a i1w days with Rev. and Wcne Satumday cvcning tee Borden, and Allen Fraser ai near tice 1 iti Concession, community. Since tic mcem- Several cards ai sympathy un iLeti wcll werc dinner gucîts with Mmi. obt. Shemwin and fam. guests with Mr. and Mns. tic University ai Western missing.besp cmosdaanau lishv ameyec Sic Mm. nd Mn. ilfred ood, îl Dunhea, Ontano. Bruc Ormistn aad imilY, Ontario, London, spent a few Tic signa indicated a woli epresentative a ehbuiesofcvdfomfiai ai a Nccestie lait eek. Sdayvsios withMmRalndyî it their parents, Mr. had been ceugit in tic tnap, and profession, tic club mc-B Gled ta know M. Murray 2gig Mr.ad Mmi. John Stone, and Mms. Joc Snawden and Mr. and Mmi. Kani Ptter, and Mmi. R. C. Frasernand Bob. but iad worked it loase from presents e cross-section af ticeBycni returned home from of a ro o, Mr a d Mr . hali B uc er M . nd Mr . .its mooing and taken off w ith com m unity's vacations. h s ia n M n e i ls owed Hait, Toronto, wce Sundey Langmaidad family; Mr. B E T H A 1 V L.nEvans i Sait week dinner guests witi Mi.Stne. and Mmi. Russel Dow, Karenut Richard L vn fSl ek ravel Mmi. Ida Pluai, Toronto, and John ai Providence; Mr. E HN Mr. Reynolds iollowed tic Lake City, Uitai, president ai tic visited Mm. and Mmi. Morley and Mmi. Wes. Werny and treeks ion neanîy a mile and e Rotary .International, outlincd Mr. Humphrey Hcwitt of tic Robinson, Sunday, and elso Messrs. Isaac and Stanley Glen Smith, student et Me- Schaol Superintendent, waî bahf before hie caught up witi a 10-point pmograam for Roary Toronto wai e recent visitor 9 11, Mrs. Prouse, Port Hope, visit- Hardy. ýMaster University, Hamilton, also present. tic wali near tic iarm ai Clubs cvenywiemce t tic be- ai Mr. and Mms. John Archer. itra- cd ticm recentîy. - Rcv. and Mmi. Fred Recd, waî home for tic wcckend Tic Betieny Debbonaires 4-Joseph Raiki, luit nati ai ginaiag ai ils yeer lest Juiy i. Mmi. RaY'mand Daey spent awn Mr. and Mmi. Llew H ' Sunderland, yiiited with Mr.'with i motier, Mmi. Mervin H Club met et tic home o e aiI nludsetnigRtay ia nLnsy ai o well and Miss Norma Hallo nd Mmi. John Knox lasi Smith. Mmi. John Neals. Miss Ketia- Wolf and trapper confmont- ta new Communitiei, aiding Glad ta knaw Mr. Lloyd well weme Satumday evenin onday. leen Morton was appainted cd eci otier and as Mr. yauti, developing fniendshipi Gflbank rcturaed from haspi. sited dinnen gueits with Mm. and. Mm. and Mmi. Chenles Ramer Mr. and Mmi. Melville Ogny- pness secnetemy. Mmi. Hanmy Reynolds iad no gun with ecrosi national bordens, and tel on Tucsday ai lait wcek. on Mns. Ed. Rutiven, Zion. and iamily, Brooklin, visited zek, Kingston, wcre weckend Ryley discusîcd correct posture iim, dispatcied tic animal "doing sametiing fan someone, We wenc plescd to have petMn. and Mmi. Orme Falls 'viti Mr. and Mmi. C. Hamer guesti witi Mmm. Miidned Bris- and siowcd tiec dais how ta witi a imali iaad axe somewhere." armnseRv .A aciy were gucîts witi Mn. and and iamily. itaw. gatier metenial cvenly. Mary Tic bush woli, weighing in Mr. Evans, Ratamy's world Daugherty, beck et aur ciunch iling Mmi. Minne Wybenge, Sixti Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, Mr. and Mmi Hector Morton Cochrane and Ana Wilson et about 40 poundi, wes taken leader ion 1966-67, is e radio on Sunday aiter bclng In hos- pent Line, lest wcek. spent the weekend with Mr. ield an old iaîiioned sleigi- demonstrated iaw ta make ta Ernest Lamb, Dcputy Con- bmaadcastem. Since 1930, he pital. Miss Service et Sui was wcll and Mmi. Tom Baker and riding party for Mmi. Mon- dents ion a better-iittiag gar- servation Officer et Betiany, bas narratcd, wmitten and pro- Tic beautiful ilawcmi pime- ;ble ettcaded Sunday. Special mu- iamlly. ton's St. Paul's Sunay School ment, ior viewing. duccd "Music and tic Spakea cd in tic chunci aon Sunday' and sic is planaed for Palm and Mri. N. Wotten and Fran- clasi an Satunday, follawed Gardon Smith, accompenicd Mn. Reynolds intendi iav- Word" aven a netion-wide in mcmory ai Mn". Beane Eaîter Suadys by Mmi. Law- cis attendcd tic 4th weddinglby lunch and games et ticir by i sisten Mmi. Ronald iag tic hide made into a rug (U-S.) netwomk. Taylor wcre from teBre nav- 1ence Farrow. annivesamy i Mm. and Mmi. home. John Palmer, Suday Binkow Of Trenton, leit by for i home. Rotary Clubs carry out their ton comunity. I ndusriaI Prodlucts Sales Personnel ýTourGoodyear Plant During Cànferenc Clerk Presents 5Sm Yr. Financial Forecast Town Clerk-Controler Ro- approval af the Ontario Muat. bert L. Byrn psented, aipa or îlb se financial fmeat for thc next cplBadwl éakdl five years et the meeting ai each af tic comig uv.ycars: Tow Cunel astwek. 96-MunicipalIB uil1di1n g Theoni ls ek $430,000; Public Scbools $35,. Teassessment forecast for ()00, Sanitary Scwers $100,000 e«ch ai the five years 1967 toa191Icustoalws tws tal f 55,000. camputed on Uic basis of tic l968-Public School $15$ average percenae ncrease High Sehoals $57.500, toî qver the previu five yeers $$2,17,5g; 1969-Hagb- Seho~ (4:17 per cent). 19t7-.$9 - $1Hi 0 total *115,000; , 0- 824,081; 1 9 8 8 -$10,933,74Ï; Hgh Schools $575,00," tal 196"-10,660,49:1; 197"11 i,- $575,000;, 197 l-Sear0y tsw 105ý,035; 1971-$11,568,115. crs $100.000, total $100,l00 Retirements in capital debt Secondary educationi is a eaicdioa the five years: county system. A mou nt a 1967 - $158,146, 1968 - $154, h naoefrHghSoa 582; 1969 ->$159,291, 1970 - pumpases are the antlcipated $191,621; 1971-$195,679. partions ta be assumed by the Capital wamks for which the Town Qi Bowmanville. Local Club Marks fl &,L al,_