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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 1

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-y- ~ Town Pla-ns- There will be a Horse Show here on lune l7th as a Centennial celebration. This was decided at the meeting of Town Coun- cil held li the Council Chamber on Mon- day . vening on a motion by Reeve Sidney Little, seconded by- Councillor Maurice Prout. Clerk-Controller Robert L. Byron re- Horse Sho', ported that the Civic Committee had ý,Oxiq.9 inated the idea of a Horse Show for coun- cil's observance of Canada's Centennial. He said that Plis Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, and Recreation Director T. A. Fan- ning, had met with hlm last week to discuss arrangementsUR for th r PAEHors ~hOm aTU n T AETo VVÂVA1~~1 VALiIaL~~ u~iaiuu, WWNESDAY, MARCH 8 197 5#PrC y NU BR1 Elect Newcastle Lawyer As Provincial Candidate For Fort hcoming Election On Thursday evenlng at'the Greg MeMahon, M. Hutton, L.L.B. degree there in 1950. Liberal Nomination Conven- and Mike Hargraft -for Mr. Mr,. Van Nest also referred ton in the Orono Township Kirkpatrick. to Mr. Lovekin's extensive Large Liberal Convention Chooses Provincial Candidate Hall, E. Richard Lovekin, age "Mr. Lovekin, who lives at legal :xperience, and to bis Last Thursday in the Township Hall, Orono, a election. He and Mrs. Lovekin are shown receiving lawyer, was selected as the Bowmanville, and is af Unit- textbooks and as managn pakd os eete .Richard Lovekin as the Lib- congratulations from Ontario iea edrRbr Liberal Candidate for Durham ed Empire Loyalist descent. editor of bath Chitty's Lawg paced ous elcte E.Caunty in the forthcoming His family came ta Newcastle journal an h riminal eral standard bearer for the forthcoming provincial Nixon, M.P.P., lef t, and Russell C. Honey, M.P. Provincial Election. He de- alrnast 200 years ago," Jesse (TURN TO PAGE FFTEEN) feated Roger Kirkpatrick of Van Nest of Bowmanville said A c rr th rs ~ ** * Port Hope, a teacher at Tri- when nominating him. 'He INVESTMENT WINNER ~ iec S,~on so s urono iiuru Des nity College School. spoke af Mr. Lovekin's ser- AviBod fWetr were each accorded a stand- that hie had received his Kin Investment Draw num- iovation by the more than Honors B.A. in 1949 from the ber three. His number was P ro c a im p ecis 35 people at the enthusiastic University of Toronto, and hisi drawn lut night. Bill to ai ~~After Accident meeting. HryWdPei dent of the Durham County A nie-yar-ad Oono reaLiberal Association, presided. A nne-earoldOraa aeaThe scrutineers were David Week forSenior C tizen sgirl, who had been in a Toar» icard Charles Gilkes, and N l n> si v On moving the second read. use of the ski1s, the wisdom, for the Aged. Special visits ta stcifeina ruckbiyh e a nure ring this week af Bill 19, an and the acumuiated knowledge elderly shut-ins, special church rcie rc iyl c COLORFUL WINDOWS Ma. Act proclaiming Senior Cit- of our senior citîzens. services with active participa- cident, died February 25th, Izens' Week, Alex Carruthers, Senior Citizens' Week, he tion by elderly people, art 197.n of Ubavetakown's a MX.P. Durham, sponsor of said, would piovde oppor- exhîbîts of paintîngs by aider Wendy Harness, daughter ainofshv tkn Ona V ld nOf c the Bill, asked the support af tunitiqs for, many arganîza- people, and a memories af Mr. and Mrs Reid Harness, eS rke eo-opeatlngwl attteboneion drwonftahhe ionuanicropshaeretgnze taîlblaers rogamm in-ofa.R.1,dOonasuffredattnteo aethepublc te tonctatipean sutaîed vlvig te reordngdn tae factued kul andothr i- E ed ros andRotry' aeeds af aur senior citîzens. participation af eider ctîzens and other means, the experi- juries when the bicycle she ser al eampaign wit U- The youth ai aur province, in aur provincial and com- ences of eiderly people n the was riding callided wîth a smca idosdaig at- ith~e, member stated, comprise munity lufe. Amang some 15 community. truck on Concession 2 at the tention te their campaigns I l * l I lfV fh cjp"r pa aur greatest, resource suggested activities, Mr. Car- 'poinelMeCarthT hr"-arigtnfo unk eWA~ whthe fullest potential de- ruthers inciuded Open House ers stated, wauld nat be setting Line. Tanhî ncldentally, the Easter velopment ai the province is at 'Senior Citizen Centres, a precedent in adopting te De thehe truck as h 0mark, u hanpsereLiber Aaennetcre u lcsIo hmeves S p rne d n tL ondeed but e smuax so u sing Heomesnio os egsaun n 943e3rdrc lfe aln, las sill a long way te go. wouid take over 80 per cent in their own cammunities. Too It was anouedti wek ha H. obr geogiz a dmae axmu ngDeeipmns,. and Homes said, President Lyndoni B. af 306 Taunton Rd. E., Osh- Sent i thase Pink Enve- af the cost af elementary and aften young menan young Moorcroft, B.A. Johnson proclaimed Senior awa.aesssonpobe. secandary education in this wamen have had ta go away ,MEhaben poitdaSp. H onQ r lie len Sh an tz aens' Mn h inrcmt o n Bo aviietedwnAtor- exias onaspessile. preoince, Robert Nixon, On- fram their own communiies, of Public SchooiiDa~onTwsp, ekv States and is proclamaion BowpromisedCrand Atar-manyt havethganeito AugustLedetpr1967.dHendhaoobeen havpervgst ngtn19 H a g el n S an z a enrenewed each year ney G. Bonnycastle lias ardered , ed Crscanva*sers " when -he -spoke ln Ororma on the United States to make 'ce Sept. 196.M.M twspi sne do»n nquest ýneo thedeath and, bliffaii th n 'r Oe efout iznlWeek; the member cn =h e e'iýç .d e 0h LbrlNmnto o-ol ac haei h .dfO h A S 4 V bs W icued aorefr a lant. -imsont the month. vention Mr. Nixon said reliev- mouth of Premier Rabarts. lic School Principli elvlebfr onn oti gmade ta keep in the main munciplitendf dvelpmeaio gh T ream of!Ile al those who cs- feuainwudre-ic. should be on ane maims. Bear le.d-Tmred otefre BraaBono tielave generausly...J .j', ers- ai h6mes and farmns. gram for the expansion af ex. old. Mrs. Moorcrftiaprtim tehrofS ec ributed oea 1I and...>eces The Liberal Party in, déepy (TLRN Y PAGE TWO) Correction nB(w avle1~1 col Ïng room at the Lion's Centre crowned their 1966 Queen, cancerned in providing excel- .rEast Beac on Fcb. 28th. 1967, thc Bow- H1elen Shantz, with a total £SRN etraBw avlesEs ec lence in education with equal- weight Ionsaaf 44% pounds forW in r of had a couple of distinguished visitors who stopped it3>o.opotnt orsuet I1966. Our 1965 Queen Joan there on their annual lgt back from the un in aIl parts of this province, r Accden * aconald crawned Helen and Centen ni Two hg white swans spent the a just li artuntyfr tdet Jo h n ms presente ma d lerwtaboqt off shore, the first ta appear so close to the beach mogt înterested, in givmng I cheque and a Slenderella tro- fk in many years. Last night's zero weather may have young peple the chance ta in U p hy. Joan MacDonald was alsoPI.1 V. o ts convinoed them they were rushing the season a Rp e et B' Ro nd U hanored with a traphy for hier Rite loss o! 45 %4 pounds in 1965. Wlnner of the Centennial tlittle. Teac r i There was a two car collision content In ls ek States- t t t ftErNmI w clNo. 2 Highway at Preston Terne-pJn e a nMs .Hre f R-OEIG -Gaoositroswl re e t ni l D ram aFs i a Road at noan on Tuesday. The barth and the four division Newatle. customers at bath the Flying Dutchman Motar Ate d drivers ai the cars involved iersLillian Connors, Jean, For C me raIoIIItheLen weeFrn Jms ae,10 iton.s Pauline Jones ad o on esn h f~ Hotel and The Castle (formerly BowmanvîlleTh omnleDraCntlOtriDa King Street, and David Tho- Amy il son each received a toai ri s. uilre hnTeBwavheDaaCnrlOtraDaaLau nias Green, R.R. 4, Oshawa beauiu carnation corsage and lape carried the correct an- being closed or partially closed for extensive oegdnwswtSae-Thy atdfu Constable T. A. Yardy, <pp, an engraved silver spoon. swer "'John Diefenbaker" renovations. . Over 400 delegates repre- mnraes Canadian plays in oati was the investigating officer. Our two K.O.P.S. (keep off and, as It was the onc drawn t. j. j.t j. j sentîng the 26,000 members Our own John Amesbury, val this year as pr ia£dle' iec hay. On Saturday at 7:28 p.m. a pounds sensil),Mrian Kil- tramà the carton, she won $10 TEMTR tsol ercre htT a i o the Federatian of Women wha most ai the lagor centennial project. Tepiesmtmyuwudb car awned by Wayne Norwick, burn and Helen Lamant weie worth of merchandise tram TE SER IthodbercddtatTa- Teachers' Associations o! On- know as a very vrie ayoers tosaddol Stevenson's Road North, Osh- aiso recognized with ribbon Darlington 1-'pholstery, 102 ster Union boss Jimmy Haffa went ta prison yes- tario attended the Federa- (lie bas acted, directed, and o 'f the four winners. eeec otccp o awa, which was parked on corsages and engraved silver Kig St. W, Bowmanville. terday ta serve an eight-year term for jury tion's annuai February Con- stage managed for aur local The section of the rvneJl n uut Division Street below King spoons. The gris showed their There are stli severai taprn. The U.S. gavernrnent has won the ference in Toronto, February group) bas been chosen ta covered by the C.ODL a hn o ii omn Street, rolled down the hill appreciation for the work donc weeks te go In the content tmpin 17-19. The theme this year represent Bawnianville in tbe divided into four arei orvl oieSainat and bit a parked car owned by aur weight recarder for se Ifyau have not entereti 10-year fight ta put him behind bars, but how was "'1967: Year for Assess- Drama Festival for this 1967 professional directos wr aeyurmeoyumy by David Welsh, 115 Church thc second year Betty Carswell prevlously there is no time long he wil stay there is anybody's guess. ment", and delegates beard Centennial year. inm sure lie hired t o direct thesepasan bencde lute et Street. Constable John Bird and to aur President for the like this week te sec If you t a. 1t t t schalars, jaurnalists, politi- bas the best wishes of all on the play adjudicateda hednc ixwestîgated the accident. Dam- second year Marie Brooks by can figure out the Prime FUNERAL - Today, Canada will bury beloved cians and other experts dis- apening night. winner is ta be enterdith age ta the two vehicles amount- presenting each ai them witb Minlster's name. It coul cuss the scess-adfi-Dmno rm et ta ess than $100. (TURN TO PAGE TWO> mean $10 te eu Governor General Ge'orges P. Vanier who died an tures - o adi essand famety i Regardiess ai whether the St. John's efu Sudyat 78 years of age. Closer to home, the the last bundred years. pa iso oti' ut n The Western aren ly sl optla h rsn Sulnaycm uiyadmn eaie nteae honour (as far as this writer "The Adventures aiMneciiwllhv eoee Sohi a co muniy an ma y re ativ s hi the rea Attending iro mn this area ls cancerned) ta be taking an Fs " b v v a e, dr c- s fil nl e o e t e n i are deep in sorrow over the sudden death of one was Miss Vera Johnsan ai ctivFpat. lino a cntiuea thhi of their prainfent citizens, Wesley Werry, only Salem Publi Schol. The C.O.D.L. which means (TURN TO PAGE O ntutoa etrs 48. He too will be buried today. LAYOFFS - General Motors hourly-rated em- ployees at Oshawa may experience another layoff. - - this weekend due ta a hold up in parts caused by a strike in the United States.. t t t t t OPEN - Dominion Stores announce that they will> now be -open all day Wednesday starting March l5th, as well as Thursday and Friday even- ings. Probably the other chains will follow the same procedure. It's peculiar how shopping hours are being extended, almost back ta the days when ~ ***~~r.........stores were open every night until 9 or 10 o'clock. In contrast, factory workers are working shorter hours. Doesn't make sense, somehow. Show. VOLUME 113 16 pagres mfbwm,&Ivvlrlrýir.v nwmA»Irei

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