BArty ard Curcembrsar Serrin g Was Grace Lutheran, Oshawa hoping to raiae $2,01M at this LT? The new board aà World Mission appointees will meet VVLLi4IIg~ at.01Qm.this Tuesday even- in ,Mrc14th, ait Cambridge Street United Church, Lind-' say. Ail members of Hamp- ton United Church are invid ta attend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb of Newcastle last Priday. On Wednesday they were the guests of Mr. and (GALLOWAy- PRAZIENKA 'Oshawa, attended Mary St. Mrs. Dean Hogsof a Ajax. -4-6 School and O.C.V.I. in Oshawa.' Sunday visitors at the home Aritangemesnts e Ilo an Several parties honored the Of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilbur lmhatt rat hemums infGaed bride _prier te her marriage. were Mr. Fred Gilroy, Mrs. Lutheran Church, Oshawa, for Mans Luise Maguire, Bow- 1 Trevail and Mrs. James. ail of! the marriage on Saturday a! maville, gave a miscellaneous 1 Oshawa, as well as Mr. and -ternoon, February 25, 1967, a'shower, anda linen shaweri!Mrs. Alan Wilbur o! Oshawa o'cKathryn was held bya Miss Heather1 "Open House" at Hampton o fcMics o! MISS Zinck of Oshawa. Mrs. w.IPublic Sehool took place last ~ Prazienka, daughter of Mr.,oôîîey an and Mr .MartilPraaenkaMiss Phyllis Tedyevening. Yesterdav R..5, Bowinanvilîîe and Mr.' Sprostak, aunt o! the bride, m or n in g, registratian forl held a miscellaneous shower' Grade 1 pupils took place In Cyril Arthur Galloway, Osh- at the somrshmei s-te cool. awa, son o! the late Mr. and ttefre' oei s- ,Mrs. Arthur Galloway. awa. Another miscellaneousI Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. R e shower was given by Mrs. D. William Ashton of ~esare'a Rv. P. Fiess officiated and Davison at the home o! Mrs. i calld on the Prescott familvy the wedding music was played'N. Johnson, Bowmanville. Thel Friday evening visitors were, by Mrs. P. Fiess.l Ray Hall Adventurers stfffMr. and Mrs. John Carriganj Given in marriage by her presented the bride and groom' and Douglas o! Oshawa, and faterthebrde ore~ fr-with a Teflon electric !ry pan 1Mr. and Mrs. Herb- Precatt Mal, A-uine gown of white Fol]awing the rehearsa'l on1 with Rager, Erin and Anita,~ _Peau de soie with beaded ap.Jyriday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ail of Maple Grove. pliques accenting the empireljulius Zilinsky entertained thel Last Saturday Mr. A. Pres Waistline. A floor-length train bridai party at their home in cott visited with the E. and D. lell gracefulîy from the waisýt- 'Oshawa. Prescotts of Enfield. line and her two-tier, elbow- r n r.ErePec~ legt ei wsheld in place' of Tyrone were Sunday cal by a white rose surrounded by H M ers at the home of Mr. and I~ lilY-a!-the-valley. The bride's AM TON , Ms rcot "aeceessaries were a double MsPsLoiet. a i '"trand of pearîs and wrist-' Rev. Catto showed Bea ver Mob choJepre.frt Dength gloves. She carried ai mavies ta several church! mont h lreprtr frs-"s -Cascade o! golden Sceptre roses: ynuth groups at Maple Grave îT!o choohisfo ~ad white carnations, Church last Sunday evening. IJ. Hobbs School taok part inl i' SThe bride's attendants were Sunbeamn Messengers met the Peterborough Music Fes - *ier two sisters, Miss Steph- i the C. E. Wing of the tival this Week. Choir 1 sang! - "unie Prazienka, R.R. 5, Bow-i church last Tuesday a!ter- last Monday and Choir 2 an ~ maville, as maid of honor faon. Tuseday.Chiiwlltk -TorntoMis bSûdsa Pienka, Rev. Catto left ast Tuesday part in a special Cntmna ý 4Tro nto, a hort a i T ey ta spend one week in western concert ta be held there thisi'~... 7Sylwer n iental sot -ie Canada. He will be wrking Saturday. Choir supervisrsl styled e mert ad g e:onet "Operation Beaver" while are M r. M etcalf, M r. De w l -deseswihmachn ,had-* he is out there. Rev. Dave and Mr. McQuay.w *ressand their cascade bau- ot lquets were of 'mums. Notey will be on cail ta The Play "Runlplestiltskin"! Mr. Julius Zilinsky of Osh-taevr any urgent pastoral will be put an again by tu- ARawas bestma an th care which may be neededfitents o! M. J. Hobbs schoollfn ýýuhrWsMr. man osandste during his absence. 1 this Friday evening in the ýof Oshawa. al o n' miss the "Hampton' Christian _Education Centre. The reception was held Chirtrit Concert" in Everybody is welcame ta at-f *the Men-orial Park ClubHo t the C. E. Wing a! the church. tend.1 zflowmanville, where the bride,~ Tyro and Sigma-C Dads Grade 8 "Activîty Night" rniother received wearing aI and Lads will be taking a will be held this Friday evýen- * twO-piece royal blue brocadeý special bus trip ta see the ing in the school gym a!fM.J. -19uit with match ing hat, blk! Spartsmen's Show this Satur- Habbs schaal under Mr. Web- 7accessanies and corsage o day evening. Ail dads and ster's supervision. The even- Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Arthur Galloway are shown in the above photo as they bleand white carnations.ý their lads ta meet in the ing wîll feature basketball sign the register following their araeinGaeL henCucOsw, ~,Te ra'siser, Mrs. Lloydan Mrcng Soly fUbrchw M.urc e arking lot. Tr- andsancing.irnte on Saturday afternoon, February 25, 1967, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former ssisted ta neceive, chose a onto. will be special guegt wish Valerie Avery a speedy isKtrnPaina agtro M.advs atnPaina ..5 .*turquoise knitted silk crepe preacher this Sunday. Mr. Ed- necovery. Valerie, 'who broke Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Galloway, ~-dress, small turquoise feather- wards, a Baptist layman, is hier leg ]ast week while tumh- Oshawa. Poob oetAdot htgah ý-ed hat, black accessonies and1aise Inner City Yauth Leader, ling in the school gym, was __Photo__________Robert________________________________________ :corsage a! pink and white car- Vice Chairman o! Operation taken ta Bowmanville Mem- ýnatiàns. f Beaven, a musician, builder anial Hospital for treatment. 1. f .As the happy couple left for! and electnical. engineer. This Bowmnanville High School 1l ~ahaneymoon at St. Jovite autstanding Young Christian teachers defeated, teachers of ~vInt remlan, i th Lar-'pioneen promises ta be a mast M. J. Hobbs schoal In a bas-, --entians, the bride was wearing interesting persan ta meet kethaîl game last week bya ~ ntwo-piece, blue-green woî and listen ta. very close score 37 ta 36. ,'Xnitted suit, black hat and! This Sunday afternoon at Mr. Taylor, teachen at M. i. by Rev. A. Kudra add their testimony ta thei Apostles . Acts 4: 33. -accessaries, and corsage of! 1:30 p.m. there will be a spe- Hobbs schaal, explained thatý Pastor - Pentecostal Church1 fact that He lives!fe)TewtesoPal. lree and white carnations.!1 cial meeting o! ail EIders and the mrarking system for Eas- 1 To the believer an the Lard Te on h tne rollediI Con. 15. 8. They wîl beresding on!Steard rethe Centennial ter exams this year was Jesus Christ, the nesurrection away. They. .fun fot Thl i e S. W , Os a a u to nd b k ae t e baseden 50 per cent for tests is o ! para mnount im portance. the body of the* ord Jesus f) Th v1: 17, o Th rieattended West-l held in May. The meeting and 40 per cent for term It is essential ta aur saîva-. Luke 24: 1-3. 7.e Tes1: mo17,!18h 7 nount, Salemn Publie Schools will be held in the Choir work. This pointed out very tion, and al ur hope is! " . .. the ther disciple SinThes throughofthe Cn and Bowmanville Hlgh School.j Lounge. Anyone Ini the coin- clearly tea lYoung scholars based upon it.f came first, and hie stooping Se is aartis t wlth an a- ,m unity having any rum m age the necessity for good day-to- f If there is n a resurrecti n id w n s w th l ne c ot e f t r s an T da vetiin aenyin Oshawa.!rmay phone any one a! the day work. Parents, too, wauld of thle dead, then Christ is not l lying.. " " . SimanI a) The li!e-changing char-, *!l"he groom, who lu a salesmanifour truckers for a pick-up. do weillte make note Of this'i. I1hiti o ie~Ptrs~ht~tiençahe c~~a u avto etfe ~or anad er is ng age cy in Th se ge tl men ar M sss fetwhe n sudying their 'fii- - . r ea hîi l~,~ e, an 'he na'el inthat Was ta the act1 that Jesus is alive.1 drens. r e rt car itds. . G ospel ai ,about H is head . saw ! b) The healing o ! the sick - Mrs. S. er a ds onvis fed Mrs 2. ur !ath is vain, and believed . . . " -John 20 :, S O ften w itnessed - is a l Len Pla er nd son o! 4:-3.W e are yet In u r sins, 1-8.a c m lished th ro u g h the, A G EN S manviEL last rday 'evening. 4 W are false witnesses o1 6. The Testmony of the power of the isen Christ. AGE~IT R Q UI EDb ii Sturhdy ve lsGdTea e êWtnesses c) The promise of the '- Hampon )o . Te ded sint ar per ý he estmonyof wo re-then - the baptism of the Holy FOR ALEOF d t, b aDoubl es ubprvihed, agnd ewl neer see- dible witnesses 'is received by 1 pirit has been shed forth be- F O R S A L E 0 Fed ta be a v2 e plce ss ut hem proof beyond al rea-icause le is by the ight hand i veningwt 2pal t 6. We have fia eternal hopesbe doubt in a court o!o God exalted. - Therefore,' tenin. igh man for the in Christ, and are o! ail men law , een in verY important v time we see a persan - unes ieselevening's bowling was Mr. ms isrbe,( ar 5 mtes Gasolnes iese OilMorris Bradley, with Carl G a o ' uw hs it as c o n ,o 'Buld y 1 3 t9 . n o w is C h rist isen a )4 T e tw a d isc iple s o n thec t e d n d S p i it, it is a p h y - wihAlice from the dead, and become noad ta Emmaus, Luke 24: 1ý3,sical evidence that Jesus is ne- Whit 'a lo lay. Wnne th fist ruit oft 1, 2-34.surectd,'andglori!ied, Acts Furac Fu l u ~h~ ~ owlay. inen hefirt ruis ! hem that 273.1n2: 33; John 7: .39. Funae ue O lofth gg rieo! the even- slept," (I Cor. 15: 20). We b) The investigation e are îong w st e d. B ry Fl a e justification, sanctifica-1 conclusions a! Thomas - JohnI e ar itnesses o! is, tookith, which tien, a sure hope o! a resur- 20; 24-29. resunrectian; we have heard~ tove Oi paei h omnil rection, and o! some day re- c) The testimony o! Peter, seen it with aur eyes and ex. Alleys, membens neturned ta ceiving a glorified body likeland the one hundned andipenîenced it in aur heants. thge hurch awh ee they eln a - ur Lord's. In act, every-1tw enty in the upper oom s . y f i ndT5L r j d a m s n d a e l c i u s l u - t h in g w e h a v e o r e e n w ill ' A c t s 2 : 3 2 . J , e !us C hY r i t is - v e hy m u c h A lles and the Van Der Belts. impossible ta obtain if thenel _ofhe____!! M.adMrs. Mort Lakelwene no resurrection._ ____ FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE and Randy o! Bowmanvillel The proofs concerning h 10ad rs. NorK Th-po-o-at-!tereurcta r harter Ladies1N igh a) JSu ain seste tarieu ed amnatingiteflers. W hitc __________j daughter - Luke 8: 49-5.5. taescntned ail the other'TfYTt c) Dorcas raised fram the tables, and ail the ladies each glovvlng with eauty! de1Acs9:3-4.received an attractive corsage! On Tuesday evening the! 3.TeTestlmony of jesum as; o! carnations. Pbi1pain aptto Y> extra specal bride ia the Easter Bride a etoy ti em l ed ate P ast P esd ent red a) se trn th tel edas-JhnTps t nrdueteo hIan o whn ten cometed and she gets aur speelal attention. EVery weddlng*19-21.tintre ay d eta l l ta ltl .sl w a k e d ut, b e g n ni g w th b) T h e ig n o! a n a - att at th e h e a d ta b le : L ie u te n a n t- f O u r l ttle N a n c y F o w le r i her beathlesaiy beautifal gown tram our Bridal 2 4.Gavernor Bah Branch, Osha- Grade 7 was the winner. Weî S a l o n . < r < - ~~~~ c ) T h e th ird d a y H e s a a i a s i a o v n co n g r a tu la te h e r o n h e r w i fl; y ise again 'hMrka0ll 4 Hobbs, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Car- She spake on "Who's They." '4. he estManky1o!33-34 ruthers, Mrs. Tippins, Mrs. Tezn racmeiini Aima a complote sciectian of gawnu for the 4.-TAngesti yo h June Jones, Garnet Rickard, a TheBonastoco tetith o! Bridesmaidi, and Mothers o! the Bride and Groom. a l s anat here: forn He 1îPast iatPresident o! the Bw March, and the final anc in ~ r ~ . nsen - Matt. 28: 5-7.avîl oay lb rs aot March 27th. Nancy Riekard, RIph Whyte, Presi- hsbe se aseka FORA RIV TEAPPIN MEN b) Why seek ye the living deto!te Bawmanvîlle Kmns- the Durham Cluboin gToronto amang te dead le is nmen Club, Mrs. Whyte, Maur- nte erfuue TELEPHONE 725-1912 , .- * here, but is isen - Luke 24: icn Conay, GeoreuWture. oe- >President o! the Bawmanvillcf On Wednesday afternoon EmTeTeionyo!th Lions Club, and Mm. Whit. the Institute met at M. and Ei t Tm Mn.. R. Whitc's home. A gond 1,.-i Even things without li e The Kiwanîs Grace was number attcnded. Mns. H. f îung, and President Carruth- White, the president, presid- bockps w 1contote avby ime-1 en. CoosdharTerPruit Toted.MsR.Batheec ks willeipes conit aoitef crs p1roposeChate Tst ta thded rRea tthe mnuec. LAIS ERL* bers and will be on sale from Hutton maved a vote a! than I Businectd ss cannectd wt LAIS ERLD ~members in the near fu tur.ft the Haydon United Church qit a ete.Terl qThene will also be a ihr Wom en for catering for the quiîtswas"omtled. the aIlas 2 IC S.1business meeting. Ideliciaus!wsSoehntata- 7 SHAWAEST.i3"Spiritual Promotion", was Finit Vice-President Gordon inthedyougas a cherldat thAe - Ui sermon at ast Sundays Beech in propsinq the :Tost feriends house." What we services in Hampton United ta the Léadies païd compli- thaught about coupons and Olmuffl ay HI :MChurch. The chiidren's story mentary tribute to/her in an: stamps at grocenies and aur O pen Frid y TI I~ Plfl.w as "The B est K ind of En- loquent addr ss. M s.. car- 1 decision t a be m ailld t a O t- Ithugia.sm4" ruthers responded to the toast tawa. Ot.her interesting poemai jwere red. Lunch was merved. The Canadim Statemman, Buowmv!fe, Mr. 8. 1W? On Wedncsday cvenlng Mrs.f KI. Trew, Mrs. E. White, Mrs.. L. Muidrcw, Mn.. R. BetytinoC Rond o. 1 and Mt.He.Letein 'a ty1 -mpressive tilon a! andthe oa No.10t and thMn.thicsenratend-drainage and paving ci Hlgh- Canton. B idn way 28 for a distance of 1.8- Mn.. . Thiksindaing miles northcnly fram the Vil, tea Tuesday evening wîthlaeoSot Mnga. - Mrs. W. Prouse and Charlcy,D The Highway 28 overpaSu àt Port Hope. Irog ram thc junction of Hlghways 115 Sympthis ar exende Ioand 28 will be competed and Sh mat hies fa re xintendcd ta Alex Carruthes, M.p.p., Highway 115 from HighwaY of to g a lyi the death Ston , Durham, ini a statement rom 28 westward for a distance of b!relatl Sto g Mill Queen's Park today, utined 7.5 miles wili be rsurfaced.; bro. HryTe en an impressive highway and Under Contract Na r mai1 Mn. arr Trw i saIbridge programme for Durham Agreements in the Bowman-. better and came home Sun-ICounty in the ycar 1967. vleacgaig riae day and Mrs. H.lnence The Programme cals for the grnuar base, paving ancV Baestty ...M..Te svH a reconstruction, lncluding grad-jstructures will be completed,ý havevistedMn. rewsev nai drainage and granular beginning tram the east limita- trnes ini Peterborough. I 1n1 base a! Highway 7A rmof Bowmanviile, wcsteniy li- Mn. Joe Peacock ls in Lind- ehny'atel A Higway luding the Sapn Cre say haspital. He used ta farni 115; the reconstruction o! bridge, east and west branch4. north o! here. Highway 115 at the intersec- cs, a total distance ! .4 miles, Mi. and Mrs. E. Fowler attended the wedding in Whitby a! a nephcw, Wayne Yamrow and Anne Kenny, on - ., 4 4-ui4 Yjiqrq Saturday. Mn.. R. Westheuser spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Thickson.i Mr. and Mrs. Don Whit- bred and girls, Oshawa, were whM. Jon Cd rss.Detroit, on Sunday. la; visiting with the Hanaka's. He likes Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker, f j ~ Whitby, spent Sunday with " Shirts to , ¶ Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson. ~Sake Mnr.and Mns. Jae Bothwell, prke Bowmanville, and Mn. Savorv .yfdEI Starkvillc, spent Sunday withf eed nU Mrs. A. Smith and Mrs.: Savony.. The Boy Scouts held their ReaIIy expert shirt Iaundry for your par. meeting on Fniday evening at' Beech Hill school. ticular man is no problem ta us! We specialize The high school studentsý in fresh-as-a-breeze, perfectly finished shirts. hope ta finish their exams' this Week. 1 RETURN YOUR PINK ENVELOPE Mn. and Mns. R. Avorys,! EASTER SEALS NEED YOUR DONATION flowmanville, spent Sundayý1 with Mn. and Mrs. H. Mul- drew. e Mrs. E. White is home again. Miss Sharon Trew, Peter- 4M im' U borough, spent the weekcnd at home. Attntoneowers FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS YOU DEAL ONLY WITH BEA VER NOTHING DOWN. . . NOTHING TO PAY FOR 6 MONTHS OUR OWN FINANCE- PLAN-.--ý- B.L.A.C.O. LUMBER QAIY MATERIALS BEAVER PHONE 623-3388 BOWMANVI LLE r CEILING *TO. OOR We ivite you te, corne ini and look over our large selectiou of Decorator' Fabrica to beautify your home this centennil year. Custom Drapes utade to your requirements. $amples may b. shown la the bornu. COMPLETE INSTALLATiON* FREE ESTIMAT ES F. A. KRAMP LTD. HOME FURNISMINGS 37-41 King St. E. S~nnlI k I. 1l~ I. i. a 0 0 Attentïon