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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1967, p. 10

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i i a Y t KENDA momeîter pla n nopet ton et 1fr Dlk ~ Pck T»rownHall Auditoriumi Gudpwc iieal p .rwr igalan. He said that they will andMra Alen ostr. t W beable taatend the uni from Mr. Wescott that Allen anCU. e !in a L s ilyduring "'nS ce OP~A IL «US ROH" Plly rb. At Brown e free from Septemnbei. unti; l ccs fiSpe Grant and 19M. A t ercy B ownC as h w thY return in January. Ms ol raue m.Byers rnoved' On Saturday,Mac i tGatamycfcrrsha SÀ IL STRG r visiting the Foster familles. cd a large crowd of people son, Mr&. Alvin Yeo, Glen ers Limited, West Chemîcals, Hoffrnan. Retiring President ing Club was hasc aa n re optto o h. Misa atieStewrt ~ from ail parts cf Durham Buttery, Mn. Allan Titylor, A. H.. Sturrock and Sons, Jeffery also expressed his per- teresting bonspiel pnoe aain Caposi FOR 11E CA ADIAN CLIMA E! h awa istrM.an aaslated Hall Auditorium ta capacltY Mrs. Fred GifiClarene Klnggway Nurseries, Royal speaker. the dlr îniy<ad;d"wSc ac wa ofherwiatr, ndJa othdIonuaCalnt haefed ing. TeabTonM.a od, RgTheatrea ensWerBrokdlessoalaprecaiontaheguat y ndoTheas Athevnin. heAgrcutual epesn- io t loalenrieienk byaein lomcralto lep ÎRT £ " A IN C I A EI ul- K.was Don Brown, son Talofnn t , ne' eelr tr, R. tative officiated at the Indue- wee present framOkxlpdbyEreCatn iltng a en ecr i.wllko ame uip- al or, AnnBce T, e Çapman, erStorLab. oc ina ofer o h cmn naleWibPrPe- Snretakadapr. Sudywere Mr. and Mrm..ment dealer, W. H. Brown, flamber, David Beath, Mrs. B. W 1te, Dykstra'a Foo adsya:PtPridtJefryBcstcCorgCl-itonrmths rnzr Caran olingofMount AI- the host cf the popular eavent. Wilatts, Fred Bedwin, CaroeaI. ako' SplOh President Jim Cyemn s on n rgt M L M b~~~er rs Raomll ein thers The program was opened Blckle, 'Mn.. H. Grace, Gary awa, J. I. Case Company, Vice-President Lais AshtonTefrtda Torona eer ateositheM with the slnging of 0 Canada Jeffery, P. J. Osmond, Mrs. Pediar People, Van Belle Gar- 2nd Vice-President, Ken Knox,'aThealfis rwwa o y ulr g atas im Ted Coatham, aren Jhn Sn-R Hoakin, Samn Turner, dons, Brantfard TwLyie, Cana- Secretary Jean Hancock, Treas- oa iksipdb od pnoigtedy pca Cran en l M.C. then cordially welcomned cait, Colin Taylor, Murray and Tractor, Corn Credit Cor- Marg akeonCotyD-inwre alrGodPcdleKgwa Nusrsfo here nthr nounay.tr adonc Sua hotdicy.s Ma-e SmanpaatonDeavPatl KnoctoxP, noTownsishipinsad rak0Sbatin istîeanddffrtinmain Mrs. Martin otr Miss speech. Peter Siknia, L. B. Lawery, Chines, Farmers Supply, Qalt Drcos abr oe e eodpaewn aGre h osilascea Shirley Mercer and Bilan C.J LeValley, Toronto, Harold Avery, Archie Thomp- Chemîcal, Joe's Shoe Repair Ashton, Bruce Stainton, Grant Rickard's rink thate dHn Foster visited at fiests Ini Producta Manager of the Can- son, Harry McLAughlin, Ste- and Pet 'Shop, Eastern Farm Genod i ikrDc l aka kp ly ye Mr hn700vneisc Oron Sun ay itcr aon. adin Diisio ai the i. 1. phen Jefery, John Rozema, Herb Robinson, Arends Elec: Rutherford, Sharon Lar er, and Jim Rickard. a pe a e b e a e u Misa Shirley Mercer, Miss Case Company, cmphasized Gus Bernard, Donna Carrean, trie, Tepak, Western Tire and Elizabet amr lzbt John Grant Jr. a no.1 con o vr8 e Betty Skelding dBnaad theetact that the agricuitural Clifton H ln e5MGeo' adae Kellogg and Kathryn McHolm. ville, a member of efmu eta h rdcin Bobby Foster wene guesta af industry lis vitally essential tai Coombes, and Murray Vice. During the Lucky Draw and Mr. and Mns. Richard Poster the well being o! millions ci The donor. af the prizes the annauncement af the pniBu in Part Hope Saturday even- people throughout the world. wrW.HBonteCr-wnrsamsppadiced ing. "«Farning is the Moat im. nation Restaurant, Carnation cupcakes were senved faoiI Bob Geach and Bull Meroer partant business in the world. Flower Shop, Bowmanville everybody in the huge crowd. 4T .E * S * were out ta sec Larry Brown There has been a big change MNU at Newtonville. In the cconomy afilaur coun- Tbursday aiternoon sometrinhelt wyl M. Mnmsofoxtsho .me t atrLeValley sald. He pointcd autA arrners Adcvised for he enn that net long ago there were en rs ouroux s oume o wor 1 I 910v n ý: 1 n t e q u lt or t e P n ny su rp lu s crap s in N o rth A m e r- .1r1sft Tusdy enngMS.Vilca, but that naw this is ino ,imi' CouoxMs.GogMeer longer a pnablemn. Ho said o e t«a bosMns. Carl Langstaff and Art muc *.. 167 puean . aa J à Sgu a es se V Low met at the home ai Mns. bath in Canada and the Unit- f~~pa 0amn U afor theT.B.osurveyuwhicbUniadrancy ri - Iatcher Foster ta make plans ed States as been sold in (J i e st being beld April 7 in the Ken -.A gTheiedgreatio ofdemand be coforedand the De dal Sunday Sehool. They came produce has been necessitatediAgrhidecptoo!hwIlbcntudanteD- agan n pri 1 t gie hebythe population explosioni University af Guelph, and the grec ta ho obtained there is a: n - show up diabetes or cancer if executive explained. Ho spoke young people in this provic elntnCleeo h resuits. This test wî lai aycutis h aeopruiisi r vi c eslfr iSc.g(o cn omics.of the itshud.o rset.n. o!te.rgn.stutonpr-wene graphically outlined by University af Guelph will con-! wt houadfe mnues!ev-Ï- teryrgntmasitnations ta. Professor D. W. Hoffman st fer il Arts Degrees, Prof es-pesnstm utt en aadTebne utrdth uhm Cut uirsnHfmnsi.leas odo you are free of those diseases. by the populations in under- Farmers' annuel banquet held the audience that the Uhiver- Tuesdy niht te P..A. pivilged ounties.at Maple Grove United Church sity of Guelph wilI ho the only, L / M T A ' meeting was beld again in the "There will nt be a toodIHall onl a recent evening. educational institution in On-1A V NM school and plans mnade fan the crisis i North Amercia asl Retiring President Gary Jef- taria ta give B.Sc. (Physical, Ilhr panty. They discussed long as farmers niake use o iery presided, and the head Education) Degrees. Ho saidl howfacthy oulhgiwtbotohe ssstncetht aniulg'tbl wa itrducdly Sc-thtetisextnsvesousewadeA TOM TEviaim - enetchng n the Asaihton. siecebasmae aai- rtay oisAston Tos atl the al he ecsan i- A ' E in-.ý. zations. Tbey decided ta hold able. Farm machinery musti the erad table in addition ta struction taqul future AG L A YU their meetings the first Tues- be kept oiled and in the bestthpriigofceadMssechsaiheubetan WOODU ., stili the bust!ai day ai every month at the shape ta be ready ton the Ashton wenc Professer and will provide expert inf arma-ý wood, the tradWana silo building m»atellbas Outclasad i U school nt 7:30 sharp. Thcy great work of helping supplv Mrs. Hoffman, Guelpb, Agri- tien on nutrition and physia-' typesof silo constnîetoime ras. And no onea knows wood con, wish ta get social events up. tbe niounting requirements of~ cultural Ropresentative and logy. ON HIS FARM A stnacton as wll tIi. Scayer Agricutturai Enineer who dmvloped Flags and Maypole day were fod production. Mrs. A. O. Dairymple, the Rev. Professor Hoffman gave anR..2,1B W M thsm tn S ic.discussed. These meetings are Mn. LeValley predicted that Johbn Romeril and Mrs. ROM- accaunt cf the great bui1ding .. ,BWM NIL PRESSURE TREATED.. a good chance tor the parents 9 rosient food production must cril, and Larny Broamne. pormbigcridota Ml aneg .. I ti. ofltsctAprsî. ta meet the teacher and discuss e incneased by 50) per cent Grace Was said by Mn. Rom- the Univeriny cfrGiedlput at mihmesMdig" ht ein imw MI Caiclty any pnoblems. by 1980 and 100 per cent by eril. The Toast ta the Queon spoke of the construction o! a'lm um m the dirinensonsi change of t11»aod 14 3 0 good crowd in attendance at tald the audience that more Jeffe r cngte u buildings, whicb will pravide MMMA y r ~~.a ~ ~ 14 the euchire Panty that was beld than 60 per cent oi the world's In nrduugtegut accommodation for 1,620 stu- MdEpTtERit lsULATI aN... 2 3 in the school. There were 16 fond is praduced in North sple aTeserJim Be r ens. BE lRISL1O..tables In play. Mrs. Carl Lang- Anienica. Ho added that this told hofle the heat Pote-Ho also described the build- at 1:30 p.m. lin 2- noinai thicicness.o th 16 40 189 staff was high lady and Roy la made passible by the tecb- son HaScieneleate eadoa the Igof Wellington Callege, walle hm s5 tinIte i.insul ag eUs 18 48 247 Little high man. Marion Zea- nical "know how" o! Cana- SUinerstyDfGephmet ! h lng ebeofii pe- aof a m e et el. Maximum pro- 1 2 12 land and David Thrower wene dian and Amenîcmn farmer. C> G elp hih s urmtanho ofllyRE TI NS P es onpon-1 il lm S1 AiTl r»eNACE.. l 0 the low crnes. The dean prizes "'There are great opportuni- Professer Hoffnian discussed 'iten ofte new animal'DRCINFHh LEtaSl lWMAINTENANCE wlai40 4 13 went ta Mrs. H. Poster and ties in fannung, and there je the expansion o! the Univer- 1nons ai thati W UK RW ER Thom la IlMe angnowingIUneed for 1g i8u3-3sity. ai Guelph and the courses sence r Clarence Thentell. a building that farow LUCKY DRAWS RHeREHMENtSheILL BE SE1Ve 'Stawxgà*.L ysa the waY r*uffedlis 18 Ms5Lae ariniland tural scientiste. Young people availabl.Ho ldtegahI-lun ncurerestl simu keius and woeuig strssé, =- 20 40 295 Mns. Betty Brooks visited Mrs. must be encouragdtoa-'g hti owbs250 t- vabe arcouesniresitiof Sponsored by pil wth Oe Canadian Faim Building 26 48 385 Mary Luxon one day last quire the nwegth il dents, and by 1980 wiîî have GvulalAteUnvrict o ~6 ta 20 5 475 week enale thm tomeetthe hai- 00 students. 1Guelïh Kemptville Anclu ..Stximft-uppemn #6to he 0 116 75 eek enblethen t met te cai-Pneviously the Degree ai ralcheol, and the Western. Natmioa Buildig Code of Cana<p. Mrs. Carman White, Mme. longe ai the future wit h ntro cho fAgiutr 24 PT. IAMETER UP TO 85 TONSTed Caatham and Mns. George assistance o!fheri theheuP i ee BSA a redthenebt na(AgSho o grcltr Mercen visited with Mns. Gea. ment industry," Mr. LeValleynoulthe e) i fS.(gn o ougplewae' uarvu Maple Leaf Mthe MacDonald. said iconclusion. 1 culture bu1ecnire heegrt arn oetoutan V E R , Geary le In Bowman- An interesting motion pic- gueat speaker pointed out. He cte t ha d o fleousthelan L mb vil optl tr a hw. tdatwt aid that McDnald Collegetate aeree Custh'B a e L m e o BEAVER A ville H~Mr.and, tai. B bshogwdvc gv n It deîtswet Hdss e aier xpla edth special . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LU M BER STO RIES Mrs. Ed Yeungman in the P. Mmtthews, a lecture n Lanto&îdrs »MZSTEL -887-4597 Oshawa Haspital. - ecanamics. This professer tl BOWMANiLLE 63 3388 M. John MeMullen Who is classes tht yung peopleWa L ,R p r BEAVE LUMBR BOMANVILE 62-33 bas been in the South Haven with tarm backgrounds have W eeklyRepor -I____________ £% est Home la now I Bowman- grealt advantages which citer ville Memorial Hospital. them a choice of many Worth- New Huntlng Ragulation. while cancers in agriculturefoOnai ~ "*~ .and allied industries. Eni-O ac1,17,ew n eors, designers, research sel- Mnh1 97 n entitadratamn ad p r mio Hunting Regulations onnel manrsa n e- were passed. New you May cd, l anaer are mainter abtain yaur finît hunting lie- Job oppotunities in this field licnce oenew ofurhexilo the college officiai declared. in etbh ao ! hefllw Mis Ela Knnar eceved 1.Produce your Id hunt- ~ ~; ~ uuch applause or fan ng l ing licence, rnewaî portion nd"Take A Gntlete, aany issuen ai Hon piano accompaniment was oienes pyed by Miss Debbie Adams,. 2. Prie tote s iDe Kîner ginpad the pormMscemben, 1967, praduce a card auine bysining eli ed ai ofcompetence, issued by a pudcteecond a Tel Mtone utergafecouraiio! istruco Thon", and otherselections hne aeytannisnc The scondcoloed m ton mi ater succesafully corn- Railroader", b it c ornd" utrsaiety, ta any issuer with usterKeatooas h nting licenes;q tivic- Iv i -o, ng patterns wee formd .MaY 5-Presqu'ile Provin- and the C--L dealer networ< for the îatt Te odre a trio ca ak .i. akOfce. ~ ~ U May 16-Peterborough, 6:30 ses, ~of musicians, played a iium- ..,SuhEdPrStio 3 Jj I ber ai delightful solections on a3MnanRa, South.EdFr tto the piao aceodian n n o. MI6ona o .mSt.0 Most complete fertilizerservice in Ontario, the ianoacr, : n, &a T Oeaaiebo 7p. CÔIL esmos ha 10 ericmcntesonvoaldotsnhr10n0ysugsitzervCetree centwrsestevryhig.infie vocahadysevies hlpulpepl. ndth Souths Onta io. A d 5 C 1-L ~ by t oyoun iadie , Lin a 18- indsa ,73 g. one place t a find the m a l is in your Y elow Pages. Say ,for ins ta c , yuih u h s t r incluciing eut new Lambton Workmbeato the miyunBr¶An d i' to money. Your Yeliow Pages lists banks, lban and finance cornesinuaeagt, ~ Gw'riht bak he U wihacostnt ftte oyalo e-May 23-A&pujey, 7:30 p.ni., tutco - es nesrt dealers real estate boers, stoc a oae res :supply of high-grade fertilizems ceived lots of applause tan bts Lands & Parests Office. T rs opreivsmn s rk t tb accordigofn playingsand May 25-Bbcygon -T Whatever you need, your Yellow Pages can help you find it quickl n aïy. hte *'rhee's servce cntre ear our fim. ring»and,;"On the Wings af May 2-.i~nde, 7:30 p.o., your financial needs be in the thousands or in the pennies lilstd 'les stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a handke&the one rOffies, Wesley Dawn on behalaofLMnyi & FaetOrfice.0 it's good to get in the Yelbow Pages hbt everything's here ii on b=od range of f'commêflded analyses. ail t-he people i the audience Pn9 H Iigh Sehoni.od,70 And supplies of direct application materialsmvdavoa hns ta June 1-Lindsay, 7:30 p.n., suchos Amonum PosphteAmmoiumW. H. (Mick) Brown for t-ho provincial Gavcnnment El1dg. Nitrate. Um Sand Murate of Poteah. There are tsplent tat o apoIdenter FHaI~Uefre, .. ~ eprca~n~ced ' Jpbune 2.àalur,730 ~~sprsder& GOW ai flhe draw for t-be 53 fine june28Kniot,73 gwsd fo ~ AN PRFIT prizes. The winning tickets p.m., Coamunity Hall. AND POFrr were druwn by Russell C. Auguat 31 - Lindsay, 7:30 wim g rceweeHoney, PXP., and Alex Car- .m rvicaI ý jn ntRy5Q ý nuthera, XMP.P. .oica veen The fortunate priZe wlpners. September 4 - Kinnaunt, were Charles 011kS, Mnr. 7:0 p.m, Criuly~n Isabel Bernard, W1! 1arà SeMieosber -.., -3 Eraidt, John Payer. Mn. J. pn., LuSds & Foresta <tie Bnlnkman, Robert JCtnnaar, Seýptembr à Preo«uile Ceric 0qp 34.:, gprovl"wja- P1 lIyr 06% ine i

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