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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1967, p. 11

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opendlg tis! week Ini Whtby The CanadiantaeiEwanvllMr 2 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEST ETONwith her daughter and son- ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross weekend gvent with her son dis id o Tuesday, March The 'Bethany Motor Sales iand daughter-inilaw, Mr. and 14. Itemns of business were Garage ha. changed hands. Mrs. Gardon Col.e pd family, discussed. Mrs. Howard Lee Harold Sanderson, the former ne a an BHS srng ofatvt sla tll n b 8k . Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- gave readings. A deliciaus new proprietor in Robert ]Rey- exam. The. paitwe is !jno ege ae tt ers wire Saturday evening luncht was served by miss nolds of Cavan. the tixne has benanttkgaan.T.shdusar a- dinner guest with Mr. and Proutt assisted, by Mrs. Hockey Game those exama padtea- gte edbuu oti Burn M ortgage on Durham County Farmers Co-o . MisMaiynWldn Ol. - Club won the. first game in the the report cardanx hr-bigpae t~ Mr. ee T e eha y oc ey taa vrie o d s utth t e ge o co un oi a am s r w aa atheundays The fu t meeting of Ne- the Lake Scugog League on hamper the àti ! ih o aktalatvt a e te Cort lathe ones t r.adtieton Nifty Needie Workers Sudy ihtesoe 5-1. lactiii Mrs. James Harris, Lindsay, McLaughlmn's home, March 17. Mne cilsoe w nsot h anhglgtbi en hc a lal preaident, ther ifya 1goals for Bethany; Vaughan third wedding annvrsary on Theeide. Janice Hunt- McGill, Rob Edmunds and Bethany AthlicAocaon nthr ew oty et Satrda. Pierte ovîg ~lngton, was in charge. The. George Scott, one each. J and The CenteiaPlnng hihsnwsiltetr. Linuday.theyilrtaved neste-H Pledge was repeated and Prosser scored the singleiCommittee a nnounce arornel.uisd ne- Lindsy the live in erede ton for several years. Mr. and eight members answerdte or Caesarea.ragmnsf M.adrol. Diane Taylor. who wasj The series will continue; Victoria a Mrsa.CGrnt Thonpsnan Mr. dchosen secretary, rend the next Sunday at Port Perry. Icelebration at Etay em h ia rtqeo u Marvin Neabitt were Satur- mninutes of the. previous meet- In the other hall of the On Friday nigt. a Oh o-iewitnb nato day evening visitors te cel,- ng league, Port Perry took the1 a Farnily Fun Ngt a p n- it th iiiis MJC a d brate the appy occaion. Mrs. McLaughlin toid her win over Oshawa with the ned te b. held at he th ti an xps on M. M M f n say, and M r. and M rs. Lloyd T1 . ! lo i g S t r a h et y o l rtce i o MeaeRaoo noe isRea, HmeEconomist, nîgda r i h tteewl ,aSre ii ae sta h uh andaflavi tnips wthp'esch-fitew profession w wspresent and discussed mniebrweC onimd Dance on themansreadte eveewitbu an ai.awards and tispeented o rfsio f fihwith roaim It. Reverend Fred Swann, min- outstanding 4-H Club mem- Kathalee 1 Pearce, Miss Aniî îng; an oldtiefdersc-OnFia B.S. ada ister of the. Presbyterian bers. White, Miss Diana Pearce, test; a wood-saigcnetsaltibtçetelt o. W 5 5 d i n n h e' 3 1 f rm e t i n . tl e d P a c e w i h R ef o nt e s t fm e la d i e .b a i g a l n p e a i b church, wsSunday dne TMrh31next meting Wilta Dale McQuaid and Miss BrenJ o h e n aldiin ro-eea ereVne eguest with Mr. and Mn,. Cecilida Parcew niev Williamiotsfrth 4Pm inNestieton United Piercy officiating. Dr. Nor- .Sunday, there ilb.auetCna, si,.Drg Wilson. Other visiters were Church. U oe n er ae- oe i hrhsrieth nîedyasotfl Mr. and Mrs. Hermnan Rod- macag i ~ ~~Ssso i eloigtejoint oe i deWlo n Krn itemn anrepresented the -Eiders of cf St. alsAgia n rdue yti a4aFl Bnîtamn. srtd tysithshvtUnited Church, hi tteBadwssoni i ui Mr. and ~ta make darts and sewing1 new nmembers. Park, followedbya antoimThflmsweusii Mra.Loui Pou se S For the remainder Of At the same service new Concert. îefo i al hlho Ceurisn itfoba, w Were the meetngthe grsworked onýy Ma roOtaagownsfo the choir ebr t rtrîgan Otwao he m eet n dil thebers fee ea t a v î s t, s p e n t W e n e s d a y t n t e r d s n et- w e d ic afltB w w s w ilheei v e a d e j o ydt Friday witii their cousins, Mr. ing was adjourned. r'ddiatd.Th nle Pdie'yth eenrGnea.Tef are attractive in peacock buel.smanvilePp adwt and Mrs. - Grant hmsn Arnel, with mandarin coilars primes gîvn forthbstlotbyal On Thursday they visited thn blue ens were best cu entry, nal with e h siti E HA YIaise presented ta the junior tny, commercial vhce e-be auae yUcCri M.. r. ToWOfl aurr, ]BT con.aorte crju Mr.JmsTopoFi.choir memben hohve ne- cBicH.coat view Lodge, Whitby. Mrs. James McKinnon ls a cently been robed with white cois, deicclred olca- o During the annual meeting of Durham Count left te right, President John Knox, President at the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson patient i CivicHopitalý surplices. It ishpdtatheniho-c Parmers Co-operative in Orono United Church last sartof the projet John Stone and Manager Ernie and Mr. Gibson Senior, Pal- Peterborough. Her nany fri- Special music by bth chiras. iciptce BHShas en W ek a special "Mortgage Burning" ererony was Spry. grave, were Saturday evening ends are wihing her a speedy marked the servi'ce. The. pro- ing commuatiesil ne hed Taking part in this historie occasion were, from calr with the Bruce Heas- recovery. cessinal hymn was "'Al i spara de. l gTheewl ehg tfeniso lhwi lips. They were retunning Fred Fallis has return.,d Glory, Laud and Honor". An- several bta pi aercsadt he u coltai f from a Pee Wee hockey game from four months' holidays at thems by both choirs, direct-, tconeta teprvda fi i evcoy a revso Jennifer Gray, Ron Lowry, in Bobcaygeon - Bobcaygeon Intercession City, Flonida ed by organjst Mrs. Wili iam The evening vilfauea Aaai rve noti Pr; ~ , r~Gene Dubeau, George Waltn, versus Bolton with Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Frank M~arti- Piercy, were "Hosanna", HeVa 5 ~ ~ j~~ ( 1 1 1 1 C E rI D * * ~~~~~Terry B er ard, D onald H uber w inning the series. Th es h en o a d f mîy v at d is-B lessed that com eth in the all ety Concert in t e t w fu r : th c o la a u l Cu sa d c u s En*EL-Je rek ndEEjJ andte hlland judging o h e' omlwl ehî nMy5 -JO Yl n Rickey Lake. boys are aged ten ta twelve with M n. Marie Yonchusait name f the Lord", 'The Beard G owing <ota.Ese oiasatT usa The runners-up were Greg yeans nd lay really profes- Kitchener during the week- JSaints of God" T T ro to S p rt m e S O W Major, Norman Tilson, Max-1 Mis Ruth Proutt was ho,- Mrs. Thomas Jackson la A joint meeting o! the any. B R I To T ront Sp rtsm n Sh w ie Gillbank, Ruth Sander- cock, Grant Henry, Stephen Ncwcastle-..On Fiday even- that nothing waa missed. on the way home. Tired, the Dryden, Bill Wager and Susan fng, 54 Cubs and Scouts of The latest models in boats adults were, but the 'boys LaCombe. thie lst Newcastle Pack and and camping equipmnt was wene just getting their second Our friends and neighbouns Troops, along with leaders penhaps the, !irst thing the wind, and struck up a ing in Memorial Hospital are: Mr. and extra adult help, boarded boys headed toward. Some o! sang ail tue way home. Close Staney Cobbledick, Mn. Gea. C N D R D " Y the chartered bus whieh tak fhemn saw the achery con- ta an hur and a haIt late, Collins, M. John Davis, BabyCA A AR DE " " - V SCAT them fram the. village te the test, faliawed by Indian danc- parents were glad te sec them Linda Graham, Mn. Claence 6T 4L.A Spertsmen's Show in Toronto. ing. Some of the elider Scouts arrive safely. Getting near Hale, Mn. Wayne Huben, Mn. fIt _was a ftrip o! excîtement provcd quit. intenested in the Tenante the snew blew quit. Tomn Lennard, Mrs. Irene Mce.T 4LB VRG and noise, what .1,. would lateat swim suits, medeled hard making driving doubly Kennon, Miss Stella Maikie- anyone expect with ail those during the fashion show. No hard and slowing the. driver wicz, Mn,. Effie Martin, Miss boys. Many had neyer beeni matter what else mlght have down, getting into the grounds Lois Martin, Mrs. Eva Mcllray, ,nsde the C.N.E. grounds be- interested them, the aromna af was anothen hqld-up , as cars Mn. John McMullen, Mn,. Rena9 J fore, many had neyer been te hot dogs, fneshly popped pop were Iined up four lanes deep Megit, n, Mary Siblock, Mrs. Tenonte before, and stili othens cern adtikml hkaad v a emdt eDoraSmith, Mn,. Margaret had neer been on a bus be- culd be taken any time, as if heading in the samne direction. Smith, Mn. Cecil Stapleton, VAC PAC FEI IJ fore, se that It was a big ad- was proven that evening, juat It was close te a quarter te Mn. Henry Tebbl. and Master vnuein every way. the mention a! "who is nine befere the boys got in- Bruce Younge.- Onc inside the. building, tii.hungry"; and it was tue surest aide the building. buddy system was used, hav- way et gatiiering everyone Gnatful thanks te Johnny Ing one Scout with on. Cub, up. Alldread and his helper fonrVy'Vm a ' nd teaming off in groupa o! With the time te returri ta the safe drive to and frein H Y O 4 te 6 boys te each leader. Newcastle coming up ail tee Toronte, with special thank a te JWlth sa much to see, and net quickly, the boys headed back Mn,.. A. Garvey, Sam Brere- Ladies please bring lunch tocrany hus ta see it ahl in, tetthe bus ful ef chatter f ton and Ben Wind Who offeed ta the Club 21 card party inlbKlI it was realized that the entire what they had seen and aIse their help te Cub and Scout th school can Saturday. building and dîsplays could what they had missed. while Leaders, Doneen Nesbitf, Con- The, U.C.W. Manch meeting A&P Caes. .A utY u therefore, each goup started hnd te get anther treat fr Win Collier, Rogn Lowry,.Roy J. Potts on Wednesday even-.. .. off l& a diffrent direct o e bys hocolat, bars te at H pkinsdM lnGa nvile. ig ad ltwt f nd Mario Glanlv ng,- ourh-15, i ' membens, fu visitors and thre. ohildnen present. It waa decided te give $5.00 te Red Horicuturl embrs -Fund. Mrs. C.Garrard gave SM O KE D Enjo Flo er S ow Vsit on roin a rison' Cell by M. Stockwell. Card -Secy.r crsadletters. Mrs. Ross lI by Jean Burrows lopened an nomidsuso re etnn lkon Ashton tiianked thie U.C.W. O O K E ic es etrn elkonfor plant sent hen. Mrs. M.S EV Newcatle-Thirty members i hcwe exchanged views fgrtieate Mn. Ed. Young- Pollard had the fellowing of Newcastle Hotcultural Sa- 1with Bowmanville members1 man'nd' Trees Are a Crop, pogram: reading, Ms. Jones, CENTREuBI?' CUTSWH I ciety took in the. flower show on Centennial projecfs. Later, and aafilm showing fie use cf "Our Old Car"; solo, Mis. ~ 1 N U I U l D N Iat the O'Keefe Centre, Toron- iseveral, door prîzes w e n e Weednite, "Weeding Witi a Lloyd Ashton, "5h e only SH N O TO U T PR IONiiO The trip was greatly enjoyed. mindedmermbens that fees are Affer the films Mn. Vinton ment." Mn,. David Nonfhey To iioe iioha neernowde answered questions put, ta showed films o! Pioneer Vil- Ta hoe hoha n Mn Z.Vinton tram the. Depant- hlm by the audience. lage. Apnil meeting will be been befone, it came as a ment o! Lands and Foresta, Mn. R. B. Rickard pnoposed held' at Mn,. W. Blackburn's,J fram the chilly autdoors - interesting and informative er, and the meeting adjurek- wiiere no flawer gnew - inta films, cr er w n e n coi f program. Meeting closed the. atmnospiiere of a spring farestry: "The Return of the downstaîrs. Pswr evdadlard', g rau y rs garden . . . an unusual garden, Pladsgop where spring and ummer lbv Davd. - lbgae fiowens bloamed ciieek-by- fine message an Sunday; h1s Jjawl, and fountains played; k * Itxt, AdPtrwn u - r sA s i n4e1-t h th- -f <1c a tl-M . n.M n..l a t a R a f o r t i i p s it o n s o ! f u n e r a l h o m e , it u n d u b t e d l y p a t w l s s u r e y o u o ! t ie a n d M , W . B e n n e t t , B o - 6 F O Z . A has made ii wite and family great evening in store ton yeu. manville. A TE tS W IM M IN G v i mer o1ne d e d d i e a c a il c i , A t q e C r~- vey p oud nd ed te realize A d if you haven't yet m ade, M . a d M . o r h mJ n a k, S u l.nR g re 0 A E 1 eEÇRL oW- itt n fteefunctions, do Mattend __oyGrha INSTRUCTOR have. Our sympathy so ethis time. Onvel Selb bkatnquedthAnt uer areuo JL-NHIZ CPTE1US........ and be offered to thase whe neyerandhocetaav en Saturday evening. knew hum, because te know hîred ta PlaY again, and youj,. W. Martin spent Sun-C OTTD UM ...... Asitn i a nhnu.know when fhey stnike 5pad r.W atnsetSn.Rg re k.2e-SV 3 Asisan hm asanhoau.tune, it's pretty hard to e p dy with Mn,. George Fergu- ASE S w im m in g In s tr u c to rs -T i la e w l b u v~ y o u r toe es r m ta p p in g . kSee S m p a hyO s a a a e x ten d ed t e IRor es p 3A E 4BO M . 9E S T RL 2 4 Ulbcrcevd yth nea etT.tests nd minevendts t oun ed-Mr. Russell Ormistn and e- LRSIVERLEAF 2 1-L PKGS 39 LOOLOOM wll b.reelvd y te a ti. T B.testshanll tailsora rndewtiits oumlatives in the sudden passing Re. Pr.*1.06 - BAVE 7o HOLIDAY STORE HOUES: N ew castle r y . T e t w a l il f r a n m n e .of the late M n. O rm iston. b. open on April 6tii tror 2 The coachies o!fie Atomn Ail- Mn,. H. Croasman and Mn,. Wedneaday and Thursdy - 'IIkpm Reetion COmmlttee UV t. te 5 p.m. and, again froni 6:30 Star team have advised that George Tabb visited Mn,. Lily ERGN GIANT SIZE BOX lsdA Da te 9:30 P.M. for T.B. needles. there is te b. a turnnent Prescott at te Strathaven DEERET Coed Ai ay9 9o dCLAB April 1Sth, 1967 Readings and X-nays will b. thi Saturday in the Civic Nursing "Home, Bewmanviîîe. Reg. Price 37o - SAVE 4o Open Saturday - 'I ,î Ilaplians uthaeheld on Apil lth. Diabetes Arena, Peterbrough. Whefh- M,. K. Cowling visted Mr. Ann Page ~ll ppliant. muaibave tests wil ase b. taken on the er o have a boy playing or and Mrs. Murray Tabb, Bow- K E . >BTL e r e q u r e d R d C r O s s s a n e d a y a s t h e n e e d l e s a r e n e a i t a s w l b . w c e e m a i l , o T i u d y y 0 F - ON O E p C N G IA TU Q I i t I ns f f n g v n. C m p le te nf r atio n t a n y o f t ii,,, g a m es. M n. a nFLn-.Zes. B crt i m anditons. il re avaiabedt ail o! youh O n Tiiursday, March 16th, and Ileene, Windsor, speiit the Big "G" Country Roll. Pria. 38. - SAVE 7 Apply. statinx quliila. adyuaeakdt ooe-te final volley bail game fer weekend witii Mn,. M. Ber- «oies, age and salry XPii'ealth that concerne these 59ii ted te: medical people. I sfeteNwatePublic Ail p r.ad lulGoreBee1-O sG Team ~ A ~ s x nd;iefedtrman fmiTunon M. CORN FLAKES Oz: s 9 s2wl 3«o47 800I ter.C.SnySh favor of teanni ne. Bertim failyi.r it i O RA N G ES 4 1O.-Z TINS 89C ______forail___________Tii. champion teana consit-, M. and Ms. Stan Cowiing,Ilc@ Sunday guests of! Mn.. Emma led of the. tollowing players: 1 Salema, were Monday callers .......Mazudec *d Mr,. QMO* 1fLled Bobs. Ca"al obbs, 1at Mm .Geom eTabb&s

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