12 Ihe Canadian Statemn, c- a "ifle Mar. 22, 1IUT polyester, mcrureistant anksMon ' eta MIlOt Toronto On lisaem ril H spta T io a*Siiinfor CMa psSpea en Tokyo '.C .nerence and rs. ?ned%d -B' occasions and party daaZ:k eel cag fteDna n assc fétr bt rotadlakMes BeinhanM.geore an d PFweraYc W E a ster F in ery o n D isp la y iteZt.Yong Z sud ae nd rrshmntups. Mr.R. araiMur1319 nd flared o n fttedTe a ny e gfa ,c a u d e r y Stw a vlle, w ralh M . A nu uo s _ _ _ _ d e sc h bie th e i . A m o n g th e fl o e rs, w h i h a da r an d t e rA . S ma i s u M . a v many distinctive towa casuals 83wrwih dre h A mt n wuafsiarooma. Guests were present Suxiday. Dahrem~, fml mer '7 hav a dstincion te auitorim aonlta ao-bourGeogeGWbster1M pCherandeunMiscothe Styles for; Wring snd sum. fective. Inside the entranoe ta Webster, daughter of Mr. and green ground. lslle adnptone, Ene - § tS that la bccomingly feminine. tice arbor covered wlth red Laurletie . daugliter af Mr.for matronswere most at c e etr a c ide. O n ew m snt ci l leen -a u n t a n d u n c l e ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This wws dénionstrated in the roses interspersed wlth green- and Mns. Lawrenoe Little atem ne spaectfarcr------Cr.andsriMula o tto.a ,w o n d r fu l 'v a r ie ty fro i n B re s - e ry w a s s y m b o li c o f th e c o n - M iss M a r y -R th 0 s b r n e , e b e w î m d i a r c tEa d D v d u i lin'. Ladies' Wear shown at mig spring season. The many daughter af Mr. and Mns. Nel- gold floral brocade. The d LZÂ ETHVILE am n . avidyBo-smpylhrialcCc pat Centennial Fashion Show heId the saudience were grouped Gregor, Mns. Art Hooper, snd sco ieckline, and the mnilwr In St. Joseph's Auditoru were each centred wlth ai Mrs. Joseph Eade, Part Perry matehlg full leugth coat hsd Chrhsrie se tMs Ï ht lait Wedneiday evenîng. Ki- antique bronze calored wlde- The charmlug jewellery that s rollcdcwenclnCV o' aîd Chue owenclne o-G rnH riensunwere aotMrM. htead ayaeacinnsedfbung ettea Ruby Woodward and based handled candlestlck periectly complimented the ered buttons, aud three quar- forgel Esster Services are ald Audrey SleeP were the con- with a matching taper. attractive fashions in the ter ength aleeves. sud GodFnîay ser1ices at venons ai the successful The stage was enhanced show came irom Hoopen's AII-weather coats h a ve andike cas].ervce a evenl. with quantities oi feruis along Jewellery Store. Tiiene were came Into thein owu, and this herenSuidl at 11 a.m. Preildent Barbjara Masters its edge, and two ta] gray some. exceptloually fine pieces year are glamorous enough aOnuiTung lu the ais e sklrted gown lu the mode ofi spring flowens. Anadfs- broochés. The n ew type extra ored shower-prooi coat lu a On nuedythe laie. hel 1881 welcomned the large ioned Quebec heater, placed long dangling earrings Iu new burgundy hade hadtuttons su hall to capacity. She said that casion, also hela ferus, and "Canada's lOOth i3lrthday Another smart anc was bisJ .MJthd lds h the. Fashion Show was the the commeuttrn al as cails for celebrations aud cut and lhed s h.p rider belt. Lenten Services et Garden finit event an the towu's Cen- adorned with a beautiful ar- gaiety. Bresli'î la happy t vron Ie adie te ua alua.rangement ai red sud white be part ai these celebrations, . w ater repe slant b l tParisng Treasurer Iris Murray sud carnations, sud proudly presents selec- Pr'na ela itr il.Te eevr neel Director Gladys UIley were Mrs. Margaret Lucas was tions of its spring fashions for styled trench coat. c.acksd imily, Jausaslug Iu charge ai tickets at the the excellent commentator. 1967," Mrs. Lucas, the con- A numben ai the iully liued, okadfmlapssng door, sud ai the Special Draw. Mrs. Ina McNaughton, a ta- mentator, stated. dlgîuî alrdsisds Like all the Kinettes who as- ented pianist, played the mu- An anray af smart coats played drew "ohs" sud "ahi" anid sfPor th e olis n. isted lu serviug they were lu sic ion the show. The models were featured aI the start o ai o elycrow ad. F xbulus Maricboy.Graresstaying attractive costumes ai 100 were Miss Virginia Osmond, the show. Among the most MauicricsGrimsovely Unes, sud ex-s, Mr yeau sago. duhe iM.sdMns. attractive displayed wasstw aae boys are ade t tei Decraiondwremoahe- rsu soud, Miss,an c eoygre raio uteattraction. adMs .Paok h Decoatins ere ostef-Frak Osond Mis J nic ew aogree ash mati nel. During the intermission a The Bowmanville Branch of The Canadian Cancer twins are with Mn. sud Mrs. It ha a sll clar sud dria-. delicious lunch composed ai Society will hold a public meeting in the Lions Centre K. Trew. One ai the twius bas moud asitc ocketsnd ihat w idecoce ai iuscious des- on .Iuesday, March OLfl at 8 p.m. The special speaker tecis juil ged lttioe (A D DheAD An o thUA Lpe serts, made by the Kinettes, Will be Mr. Maurice Grimes, Executive Director he chkeu-io s ud uttiloerPl D A E E V C r v I M l I F st e.sean i he ro pe and co ee w as served. Every- the O ta t e . U.5 UMUEAilnter aoit aosTi nc preseut neceived a book- th naio Division. Mr. Grimes will be showing Mn. sud Mrs. J. Falt, Ponty. CO R P tersailF An heckfavwite uavya Tt. let containing the recipes for slides from-bis visit to the World Conferente held in Pool, flew ta Washington ta V oe V Ia L* uo u~ta match the siceveless sklm- the Kinettes favorite desserts. Tokyo. He is well known to the Bowmanville audience brng home their car on mer wonn beneath. It bas a rsdn atr u lst as a most competent speaker and we do invite ail who Mercer took them ta Malton. * centre back panel, sud balf Vice-Presideut Virginia Fair-con Sbelt. A besutifully tailoned ey were in charge ai the'dnaw are free ta om and avail themselves of this oppor- Mn. aud Mrs. Sam MooreA blue coat had the ditnio for the attractive doan pnizes. tunity ta broaden their horizons on Cancer, sud daughters, Toronto, spent fsintin he mdea retypituethe weekend with Mn. sud Mrs. W I B that Is a hallmank ai the îam- onthesmade ia prett ictufah-re d si a mcieH. Thickson. Other visitors au arstedo he tinethe st umeth esid ash-wastae sli, andmachine were Mn. sud Mrs. John De- O F D A R LIN G T O N *s made. Mon:dcosin ::, a Prsice- whbuly shcard sudmat.hIng k ilver Koker, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs - Superb styling also manked Msesl ik u s ie uk adgn NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning luxunlous looped wool boucle. blue checked gown vith sud brown with red and golA.5..... ary A cossice onsot swsying hoap-skirt. The lucky hunes, was used to fashion an teproiposed closing of te ring semi-iitted coat was applaud- wiuners were Donothy Bailey, authentie kilt, sud was warn On Satunaay, feb. 111h, Bridge and that part of Nash Road ed, as was the ultimate casual Orono, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, with a matchiug V neck jac- 1967, many fnîends sud rela- i use a aprochs heetoan rn-coat for wamen ai taste, a sud Mrs. June J. Thompson. ket. One ai the most exciting tives called on Mr. and Mr,. use asappoaces herto nd un-classic 100 per cent camel The president was assisted fashions of the season, sud Charles W. Downey at thein ning through parts of Lots 32 and bain. in making the draw for the certainly the most versatile borne, 96 High St., Bowman- 33 n te 3d oncssin f te Jne Weste uodeledan$100 Wandrobe inom Bneslin's are Breslin's switch, swap, on ville, on the occasion of thein 33 inthe rd Cocesson oado atblte rty desdainauy Mrs. Lucas. The fontunate subtnsct separates by Sabre 251h wedding anniversany. Township of Darlington, and also the azure blue filmy matenia Iuunen was Mns. Glenhalme in a wide selection of lovely Their two daughters, Miss souhen artcfth rad llwacewith a basket-weave neck- Hughes. colors. Anne Marie Downey af Tor- sothrnpat f herod llwacelie.Mr. ooerdeontr- rsesfngfthe occsiots ai Afi iabsbeoteisia nta and Miss Marlene Dow- We wish to thank ail our friend between said Lots 32 and 33.he. s. Hoopeen emonustra- resses fanthestive occas ons aha enth npra e t hom, h 1odhe sptctedsmedneauceins h eensecond part ai the pro- tian ion mauy ai the latest uya onwcre and customers Who pai us a visi sopistcatd nvy sheath Teewsatoi colons, prints, sud sportswear guests sud were in change aioaf e dress lu rayon crepe. It bad gram,. slinky s hif t i ea styles. The safari look wa the guest book. drn h Council of the Corporation f the Township f with a satin bow. actt 4'bae ekie xepiidb w uft.Ms Darlington st its regular Council meeting ta bie Knits for Ibis season are A e ia renlceln Qecosseda mîîrwHu h alia, iter ai Mr b eld on Thursday, the 6th day cf April, 1967 at outstaudiug. A delightful ex_ dness aven matching rayon shirt sud shorts Iu perma Dwe h teddbr satin made s great bit. press dacron, sud the othen wss unable ta, be present. Mn. -.r n at ample was an apple green The beautiful ensemble, was amltr pn utwthJeBr G omnil, t r n pening ____ * tiie Council Chambers ini the Township Hall a fortrel kuit that will span the dress sud lhree quarte an officen type jacket adoru- teuded sud belped welcamc ____ 'Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter will seasons. Il is washable, aud îength coat, lu petai pluk lace cd wîth shoulder epaulcîeteuest nth oeron f consider passing a by-law to stop up and clos. will flot sbrnk, stnetch, ors yatreirdckefn- L. ii. Kin Br d ge su d par of N as R ad sedsag Il was sho n b Vi gin a ve n rayon taf eta w u d be patc b pockets, b ass butto un T he te s table w as ce tred s mu. L un e Lit w as s n b i g n a erfect for a w eddi g rec cp-as d buckl.by s hr e ie d ca e l uk teKnBrdeadprofNs odueas Omn.Lu IeLtle w p pcd by silver caudles in crystal approaches thereto sud runniug through the the epitome ai smantness i lion or sny special occasion. The show concluded with a caudle holdens. Mns. F. R. u r n ia cesio c ti, owshp e Dnlngtn udaie smeni chck thsemn Archs aspaelsoceman rabe egsligeofes Qecws avl bautbfle rsk, owey ll, unt southern part of Lots 32 sud 33 in thie 3rd Con- s coachman style dre o drechapaela e sud ep egsîa igeespcecisJaybeful K rsk, owmay puîesuta F o g Ser ice entr tbrioofu h T ot hi p o art f theoriginarod fsre cekint. sei Spontswear in the Breslin embraidered double nylon in the aiternoon, sud lu the alownc btwensad ot 3 sd 3.A stuuuing irock worni by msgniiiceutly styled with allier was made of prctty pink Kingston, sud Mrs. Don Cam- Mary Ruth Osbo ne w s ~ wond cnul Ues. A pa tiu- lace and opaque nylon tricot, rn, Haydon, sister ai M .T W LO A I N unique bleud ai fortrel ansd lanly smart suit ai Dominion s third wasslu carnation piuk Dawney. W LOA NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBYL GIVEN that batiste with long tunc in a tartan ad a stinnig cutaway layeed chiffon with lace ap- Guests wcrc nccivd sd 401 and LIBERTY ST. S.KNGadW VRE marning-glony floral pattern. cape with fingcd edge sud pliques, sud thene was a love- served in the aiternoon by theIonethe heCosoationmof t inh eTonip iue mdahnu he skirt a waistcaat iront, sud ils ly negligee in bccomlng Mrs. Bert Mutton, Mns. David rad pn g Iowuce e h.abutingowbrsy uisc lu s m chic tweo pice e pnch pat sitIfs racfulbilowywhie nlonHeal, aîbyn ek su m u d t o p e p a r s f 1 h o ig n l' o aea -M r.0a d a o e d di t n spl nre dW by w e3x co , a n orl- a w h ite ' p le a te d s d tu c k d M isses M u r iel L u ~ B v r e o d o n e e a t r h l d y w e e d r n sad st p e u a ts o t e oig n l ro d al i al p n ho P ntw sgginalil wwit y on H ar, K th y eeninyoop i ve i 10*suit ai the per cent textusiz-elightiul. Its navy blue pon- tricot anc for a bride's trous- Mary Peters. Scrving lu the csuitt 0 e. m ntderaîs cho top bad au embraidened seau. Othens shawn wene s evcning wcrc Mns. Rs ae h ie handie from yuhfyrad eev your FE ik badefa pale blue sd white, perfect dusten ai icli onlon Mns. Clarence Sper, Mrs.Pn The. proposed by-law sud plan shcwing the trm i a rgauza iuserts en- sud the fully lined slims wene acryline pile, sud a lovcly Gardon Chartran r.Du- Aise pick up your FREE Centennial ae lands affected May b. seen in my offices lin auc the saanedcop necklisnc . plit at the aukies. A Kitten bousecoat ai kadel fîbenflil las Walken, Mrs. James Ray- Township Hall Msuy athen examples ai "min- set u fiesta. cnal ad boauy sud nylon. man, Miss Mary Petes, ud _______________ scIe" fabnici that are cnush The ounil ill earin erso, o bybis proaf, or drip dry, and have TIi.CoucilwilIhea hipensn, r b~ji différent advautages wene ou li er counsel, agent or solicitor, sny person who display. affected by the said by-law sud who applies to del for a versatile dres em- be hard.bellished wlth crochet ribbon be h ard.trim, sd ils Chan cl jacket was alsa cdged with this Tt Is the. intention oÈ the Township to fetching adornment. straigliten Nash Road snd construct a ncw bridge The bnlliant colons new for -' v e r F a r e w e ll C r e e k w ith th e r e s u i t th a t th e K in g s tain d o ut7 w ss a lu s p p y w o-A ' Bridge aud its approaches wil no longer be re- pece Shannon floral linen f s qulred for publie purposes. suit lu shades ai violet sud green with a touch of sun- flower gold. Anather stniking DATED this lst day of March, 1967. number was a gloriously rich r a in g cl o n d r ss-w t h - . .. .. . .. .. .. .. we ve got it taped! Best test of medical insurance plans...At Canadian Pacific. we keep Our Pe keeoronpti~ COM PARE THE BENEFITS Wew17,90mile ofrsseerouAfbetill tr. andyou'll wa t this*one!We do this wih computers. Ourji business for. W a' e d an o il w n hi n !corpuler's memcry llfs us computer ta dfus1 ht exaclly where your sh4pmenl is. lbrt*g 20 yen of servic, it lias bee a o o over 200,000 peoplei OntanÎo are an CkU&e vtldaao wa 1Tfl r~id policy of Ontazio MecdICI1Co-. ahudy ca"oe dm M n yfreight equipnmt is availabe1 te k ep hea ofche me iici sion >~"~ fr m W rTygive you be ter service. W e- oevst epaedo taod "mdoctor's büls..dtayy o pioneered tis înleorated data Serving you i omn as moo iiitha a Imo rtcte c hoe h ran Z4 09rnsor p moe or pln ht àcucs . utrmaýorcessing system in Canada, and "Y NP 6 UEWS u if aS ob.cw Ylm h mltiomcf ~~in mes à" for~tmg , zeË mebaM Ve>o We bMaA AA.t = V u d y a c 2 " rrg M r o m y o n o k n dy V n