T"M Caadian Sttmn8n, Eowman'me Mwa 2. j 1' 1< il 14ç 1g 19 6 cylinder enginc, autematic transmission, dlean car. Licence K<14628 $1377 Receives Service Decoration APTIR SALI Pictured here is Pettý Officer Bruce Mairs, son of Mrs. Emily Mairs af Bowmanville, receiving the Canadian Forces Decoration from Captain J. M. Paul, Base Commander, C.F.B. Cornwallis, N.S. The C.D., as the decoration is called is awarded for twelve years exemplary conduct during which time Petty Officer Mairs served in Her Majesty's Canadian Ships, Cornwallis, Naden, Stadacona, Magnificent, Lanark, Shearwater, Micmac, Sheburne and Skeena. il 8 '966 Clievrolet Biscayne Sedan V-8, autematlc transmission, one owncr. Licence K<16001 $2595 965 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan V-8, automatic transmission, radie, power steering, power brakes, seat beits, one owner. Licence K<14565 -$2445 963 Pontiac Laurentian 4 -Dr. Sedan 19 CONVENIENT FINANCING - GMAC ýOR MIC ROY NICHOLS MOTORS Ld P59 Chevrolet Impala 4- Dr. 'Hardtop V-8, autematic transmission. Licence K<14616 $275 ?65 Corvair 2-Dr. Hardtop 4-speed transmission, 140 h.p. *ngine, maroon, one owner. Licence K15780___-------- $1675 059 Pontiac Station wagon Licence X10311 $295 64 Volkswagen Clean car, gas saver. Licence K15039 -_ $1095 ýCOURT1MCE BOWMAN VILLE author zed text books, course. - of studY, and the progresi made from kindergarten class. Reports from es to the university level Compuîsory school attendancE le was established in 1870. In 11950 a Royal Commission on Wom n'sInsitues Education was set p W o m e 's nsti ute t,"Today's actxools are geared taeducate al of us, not just HAMPTON WI churches show moral and re- the youth of our country. We ligious values arc treasured. have new methods a! teach. Women's Institute March There should be no cause for ing, a new approach ta lcarn- Imeeting was, held in the C.E. pessimism. The medicai pro- ing. Ppl er odsoe buidig, rs Aun n hefession bas made rapid Pro- things for themselves. The chair. T emeeting was opcncd gress and Public Health inl teacher's job is ta guide the as uualhandm we repeated the schols is doîng a great serv- student. Greater emphasis is Lord's Prayer and had a two ice. Major kîllers are acci- being stressed on research and minutes silence in honor Of dents for the young people. science. Visual aids play a Governor G encrai Vanier who "Canadians responded te the big part in the new education. bad passed away an the Sun- cail in two World Wars ada rga" day. ~~~did "'their bit". ada rga" day. 1Mr. Bates discu sed thc new Roll caîl was answered hi' "There isa time for alCan- Central Schooi being buiit in "«Name an Irish song." Therc dan armers, explorera avrsanhp ceue were 18 present, with ancnte professions. We ta open in September of this vistor Te mnuts ! 1te hod tpray far lasting peace ycar. It wiîî contain 16 clasa- former meeting were read and Iand prosperiti' for Canada and rons, a general purpose roomn appmaved, aiso correapondence th orld". and a fully cquipped librari'. wasdeltwih.Itwasmoed Mr.leoge Johns spoke ta There wîll also be Opportun- by Mra. lRersey and seconded the mto, "A Laugh ia Worth iti' Classes arranged. In hi' Mrs. Smale that we havea a Hnred Groans in Ani' cooperation with the teachers lucy lnchonat a oc Maket. he tatd:"Laugh a new tcsting pragram bcgins p.m. on June lst at thc Town-lis the beattmedicine. It cx- after Easter ta hclp cstablish ship Hall, It was carricd. ercssmoto the muscles. pupils in their proper sctting. Centennial dinner at Maple1 If w eor irritable and can "Wc bave a ncw slogan", Grave, April 19th at 6:15 p.m.1sec oters' troubles aur own said Mr. Bates. "It is 'Learn Anyone may attend, do not scem se bad. Life ia ta Live With Change'." p District annual at M pl like aniiçror - it& wsiflects aur The speaker was intraduced Grave,, May 11lth, morning and own attitudes. The tea kettie b' Mrs. Addison Scott and aftcmnoon. The Sccrctary's and is up ta its ncck in bot water thanked by Mra. Robert Ryiey, treâsurer's report was given. but it still can sing". She con- who is convener for the Citiz- 'North graup was in charge o! cluded this humorous talk enahip and Educationigraup. pmagramn. Miss Norah Horn with an article, "The Best Side Mra. Emcry Smith intmoduc- playcd a mcdlcy of Irish tunes Out". cd thrce schoal pupils Who for a sing sang. Motte "Mary Mrs. Arthur Hyland read bave been recent winners in Stewart Collect" was given by "lLegcnd of the Easter Flow- Public School Speaking Comn- Mr.Georgc Yeo. Topie was cm"; Mrs. Don Frcw a poem, petitions. Wcndy Preston of takcn by Mrs. T. Chant bi' ,If I kncw", Mrs. Johns, Galioway's School, who has having a fim shawn on "On- "'Recipe for a Happy Day" and abtained top marks ight tario Hydre Nucîcar and power Mrs. Saddler, "Ways ta Salve thraugh ta zone finals held ini atomic cnergy. A conteat was Our Probiema". Mrs. Sad. Minden,- and who will com- arrangcd hi' Mrs. Barbara dler conducted an oral quiz, pete furthem in Toronto on Macklin. Mrs. Macnab recciv- "lTricky Trees". Marcb 27th, gave ber speech cd a letter from aur overseas Lunch was served hi' Mrs.COf "The Lobster". Grace (Karea) wh ere we have sent Lawrence Malcolm's graup and1 Smith of Bethani', winncr in help, with niany thanka and Mrs. Fred Dayes voiced thelGrade 8 sectioh~ through ta a pretti' bandkcrcbief embroid- appreciation. Vctoria Caunti' Finals, gave ered in colora hi' anc Of the _____ er talk an "My Visit ta the girls with the work Karca. It Midland Indian Village". Mar- was passcd around for ail ta BETHANY W. I. lene Smith of Bcthany, win- sec. Lunch was servcd hi' the MrJ.HBae,.AMA ner in the Grade 6 group west gmaup. o! .H Bts .AMA through ta Caunti' Finals, of Lindsay, Inspecterof Pub- spoke on "The Wonderfui lic Schools for this area, was Worîd in Our Back Yard". The NESTLETON W. 1. waa gucat speaker at the latter two are pupils of Mrs. Th M rc m et ng a!W o m cen's Institute m eeting B ella Sm ith . Neîcton W metnIntoft held at the home af Mrs. The meeting was chaircd bi' Nesleon omn'sIntitteRobrt Ryiey an Monday Mms. Harry Rylci', wbo wel- was heid at the home of Mrs. night, Mamch l3th. camed the members and viai- J. Wygerdc. The President, Mr. Bates talkcd aur "IOur tors. Mrs. Rylci', who ia lead- Mrs. Arthur Hyland, chaîred Changing Educational Pro- cm of the 4-H Club, also gave the meeting, extcnded a wei- gram".* He reiated the cam- a resume o! this unit "Cot- came ta al and exprcased ing o! the first United Empire tons May Be Smart", stating pleasure at being entcrtained Loyalîsta and their desire for 20 girls bad cnrolied in this by Mrs. Wygerde. educatian; the efforts of Col. class and were pracecding on The Secretari' - Treasurer, John Graves Simcoe, Bishop achedule, with cach pupil mak- Mrs. Richard Davison ead the Strachan and Edgcrton Rycr- ing a cotton dreas. She ex- carrespandence whicb includ- son in stablishing chools, presscd thanka ta the assiat- ced severai "thank you" notes atlaes r.Jh el and cash donations for which ant drs, RNa. Jh e the Women's Institute mcm-an Mrs. RosennPesto. gv bers express their thanka. cMrs enon tPrstogave Mrs. Ralph Saddier will be commeao " iendthe progra the delegate ta the Officers' * savinga account - put in a Conference in Guelph, May 2, lîttle eacli day. Start a sav- '3, 4. The F.W.T.C. wili be insacuti ormn n in Guelph 12-16. This is the ina ccoth inyour mmd and fourth National Con!crence * .MAIw Tch t enres grow". and ach nstiute s tesendtary-rtreasuýrer, gave the fin- articles for the Handicraft ancial report; a letter cancern- Booth which will seli for $1- ing W.I. wark from Mrs. Anna $3. The A.C.W.W. Conference Some people Say it's flot Hughes, Board Director; bul- will be held at Michigan State life insurance. They say letin fmom Golden Plaugh Universiti' at East Lansing in it's paycheck insu rance. Lodge at Cobourg; announce- fema r. Anntt a sHuges, 'ey say it replaces te ment of a food forum "Neyer Broa r iec. An Hges aychecks that would stop a DulI Meal" ta be held in Bos.ard an eacoc, Mis if something happened to Lndsay, April 18; annaunce- Rub routt and ra. Ha Mis the man who brings themn ment of the Durham East Dis- Ruh P o t n r . H r y home. trict Annual M eeting ta be McLaughlin are the naminat- beid in Cavan, Mai' 10. ing cammittee ta prepame the Make sense? Mms. EarI, McQuaîd further Islate a! officera for the April Tien you'Illbe interested outlined the bus trip ta Expn meting. The qult cammittee i ccidental's inOaycheck in August; also the plana of met at the home o! Mrs. Ccil nsurance. (We cali it Manvers Centennial Cam- Wilson. Incarne Protection.) mittee. Several ladies ardcred Wa- Mrs. Hector Morton, District men 's Institute pins and a The cost? Low. Director, reported on a recent number of tickets wcme sold If you're 28, for instance. executive meeting, making for the Sevcntieth Anniversari' on !y $1 3.25 a mnont h plans for the pragram at Cav- Banquet at Maple Grave oni would assure your family an. April 19. a $300 check every month The praceeds o! the "Bake- Mrs. Raiph Saddier, conven- untii 1992 if you should lesa" bake sale was $43.60. cm af HIstoricai Research and d ie T ha t w ou Id b e The next meeting, in April, Current Events, was in charge $63,690 of insurance ta will be at the home of Mrs. a!f the programme and intro- start with. Earl McQuaid and will feature duced Mrs. Malcolm Emersanreotofhera'swkan .as the speaker o! the day. Nt life insurancethough pryepotofteféeswork and 1Mrs. Emersan,the Area Cur- Paycheck insurance. wpa e te a! feeslipsmbof ator, is wcll qualified to speak .....w.......e1p aser ta brinor slip o and chose as hem subject "'Cen- I'd like te have more [n. 1 A birthday card was signed itennial Year 1967". frainaotpyhc Yalmý_es__ ;.ett She sald, "This is a mont 8: foratinabutpayhek hi al embReyns be seta reventfu l y ar w hen Canada i is a c.i tMrth eG od eRn Po is h a is celebrates er lOth birth da . Nme __ _ __ _ __ _ _ t th o ld n lo gb Lo rhisyear sauld be cntered ix Coourg .M~J hu gitand pTmMridei Lu ch w s ereIn' h urP ON T YPOOL proved and correspondence at Ôrsick list is net growing' ville and Minden. The Centennial preject was *much smalier. Mr. Bruce Fisk We are net sure of the discussed and it was uuggested a net worked for several cause but Pontypoel Sehoal that we have the floor and we.ks and is taking treatruent was closed for part of a day seats in the church varnlshed. for arthrjtis. Mrs. Sam Manetta due te heavy smoke coming It was moved by Mrs. C. Falla is in Civic Hospital,' Peter- through registers. We have and seconded by Mrm A. Cain borough with a ýheart con- nlot heard who the pranksters that a comrittee COMPOsed Of dition. Mrs. John Allun was were but the children seeried Mrs. VanWieringen, Mis. LarY taken by er daughter from te enjoy the holiday. Bradley and Mrs. Curtis Mjý West 11111ta Scarborough Hos- Mrs. Alvin Olan and Mrs. Kay be appomnted te get Prlce pital. She had suffered a Fred Youngrnan attended a on saine and give a reporta slight stroke at her home Ii shower for Miss Shaaron Worr the next meeting. Pontypool. We understand recently. Shaaron is the Treasurer's report was read she is înaking satisfactory pro- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. McKay and a faveur- gress. Austin Worr, Cavan, and wii! able balance is on hand. r'e4 Mr. and Mrs. Nornman Eddy become ,the bride of Mr. Ron. Mrs. C. Failis conductecf a visited friends here on Sun- ie Falis on Saturday. MY contest "«Knowing Canada" and day. Ivcry, very best wishes to you the winner was Mrs. D. Bow. We extend aur congratula- both. ofis. Mr. Rennie gave a read- tions te Mr. Fred Nimigon who Local people in charge 9 ingon the meaning of the r ecentl celebrated bis 76th this area for the tuberculin Centennial Year. the family had a get-together ing Monday evening to make t izpmheBing diction ciosednc at ane of their homes te celc- further arrangements. Fifteen the meren.d ellcr. ius lndh brate the event. visitars have been appointe a eve yMs.Kr n Mr. and Mrs. John Jamaieson to canvass 183 households prior Mrs. Bradiey, hostesses for the of Toronto were Sunday visi- to the Clinic which wili be evening. tors witb the Nimegons in beid in the United Cburch Since the T.B. Ciînic is be- Pontypool. basement, April 4th. ing held at the churcb on A god ongegaionwaspontypool tU.C.W. Meeting Tuesday, April 4ih, and sonie A god cogreatioofa the U.CW. menibers will present for the Sunday morn- The regular monthly meet- be in attendance there, the ing servc t hnirg of the Pantypool U.C.W. next meeting is to be postpon- Cburch. Two new eiders were was held at the home of Mrs. cd until the foilowing Tues- inducted and four Young Gordon Kirk on Tuesday, day, April Ilth, to be held at peaple were canfirmed, The March 7th, with an attendance tac homne of Mrs. Grace Fallis. Junior Choir rendered the of 12. Mrs. VanWieringen pre- Roll caîl to be answered with Service of Sang. Good Friday sided. an article for the bazaar table Church Services will be heid The devotional perîod Was or fish pond. At this meeting, at 7:30 p.m. on that relîgious in charge of Mrs. C. Failis. it is pianncd that Mrs. Van- holiday. Hymn 87 was sung, fallowed Wîeringcn give a travelogue We were glad ta spend a by a reading "The Easter on bier trip to Europe last Fali. short time with Mr. and Mrs. Story". Mrs. Anderson was G ae FliS ceay Talbert Kellett at Millbrook in charge of the nieditation, GaeFisec try recently. They both look fine and ciosed with prayer and and very afixiaus to hear about hymn 485. GET CASH TODAT their aid friends here. Roll cali was answered with F~OR OLD APPLIANCES Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown a donation for the bazaar hut took the past week off for a table or fish pond. In the LSIED holiday froin their b us y absence of the Sccretary, Mrs. SLASSES restaurant. Amang places vis- McKay was appointed for theSAEMN ited were Oshawa, Bwman- evning. The minutes for Phone 623-3303 Cu»ionWeekIy Ne wspupers Ass.ciuAjyaonoSf centenn essi RESPONSXBXLITY CANADIAN"9 YO I AttnnSHcondoryS hoI$25dt YOU r cANtin ofC aSHtion EaS ars- $25,yfr h cnu n %veIfarýof h$15,un$10 There is no mare important group ta whom the nation shauld fiston As a praminent statesmnan told the people nat long ago: "As citizens Because af yaur importance to the nation's future, we feel it [s ap. propriate in this centennial year, that you have the apporfunity to express your views on what you think your responsibilities are Io your covry. Andi so, it [s vith pleasure wp annovnce oent.niae uay contest fer e.eondary sdmW s tudmni, Sa start today to Write your essay on "MY RESPONSIBILflY AS À CANADIANu The. people who win w~iH write because 14iey have somne ices «A want ta express themn. BL4 for further mrotivation, there are prizes of $25.00, $15. 00, $10.00 at the local level; more prizes WelI print the best f"eys Judges Decisions Are Finail Here are the Rules: 1. You must 1w attending a high school in Durham~ County at the time thé essay la aubmittedi. 2. 'You may not be a member of the Iinnediat. famlly cf an empicyee of your newapaper. 3. Your essay shouldn't be more than 750 words long. It would lbe helpful If it were typed or at leat wrltten legibly. 4. Essays must be received by The Canadian State=man, p.o. 8o2 190, Bow»Maville, "lo latOr th*n Iùrch 31, 1967. f f f 'i 14 "MY AS A Attention Secondury School StudefftS $Io