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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1967, p. 15

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Fire Damages Apartment in Former vvnyrenaven oBuiding aMjeMu eoitle uredIs anad&an Statemn omivblti 2 Su Chairmanis. Har-M aid Moo;PublicityChai- PanMn.R.J. Burn; Clini Catrong, MmrtVeStaples b1%e Canvassers include Mesdamesl W iafi ROUs Winacott, Erneei oly Guy, MeGii Newton Arm- Craig. Frank Fry, Rod Porter, ~ ' Murray Shea, Bert Shea, Ron-. aid Spiers, G. B. Spieely'ý Laverne Wright, Clarence l PgRay RobinsonNra Wilon Jack WloHowar Malcolm, James Gray, Ceci. ]Bradburn Gary MeMullen Robt. Vivian, R. J. Burn, Nor man Bowen, Melvin Wright and Elmo Archer. Congratulations tg M 1a Janice Stacey who attained i àTmY ao high marks in the vocal sl classes at the Peterboroughi Kiwanis Festival last week.1 'm »mf«mfs Janice, Candy Malcolm and __ mmk ta uyrnobié--ýùn Cathy Bristow were aiso par- 111- , a i - 10a mamoe ataion. An oeawc ticipating in the Gloria Bar-1Drii hsve rienyuwud,« rett Centennial show beingMPmMmfrw ndofeyErfn.1 held in Lindsay on Fid ad nt ut j<f vour Atmiy iong rcanmambe vou Saturday this past week. d!*I umpt...aarnd Wf vfongt S 51 p <r ner shr. Congratulations to Mr. and 01pn bakttà ws u oin n. .th , Mrs.Wilbrt Mlcol Who wach your savigs and complimlents... multiphy celebrated their5nd ed APYESR. ding anniversary and their ESE1 respective birthdays on St. wl À f Patrick's Day The Occasion is is ivanv ecu eMaeLaf-rewod scheduled to be observed with 4 . . uca. B.a.s .R.ad. ocSuse Bowmanville's Fire Chief Tom Lyle is shown in and Mrs. Bert Whyte, now. i Nigeioeatdahm t te Hwr acl'.o e îia knes-Dfte action at a recent f ire in the basement apartment occu- for children. Firemen soon had the blaze under co 1CHa oMo o or. anetviîfîteeea pied by Mr. and Mrs. Garnet MacMillen and family. trol, but the MacMillens sustained considerable smoke wowl eobevn hi WMKD COE The building was formerly weIl-knawn in this area an fam amget tei fritread lohig 5t" on t e ain dte iOi A oiin rd !s Whytehaven, southwest of Bowmanville where Mr. A flumber of ladies attend- Î" uxe Golden Bird - 5 to 10 lb.A ed a fashion show in Black- -A __ M Wci dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. stock on Friday night when C la ke b P y aif C o i o oTe ew Pot Office Building ]flg circle modeled their ap. Clar e t Pa Hof Centref and e. No bikinis, so guess we S t f V ec c l I s r n erapidly and wilî no doubt be A quartet from our corner r Maple Leaf Rindless Breakfast A1 aple Leaf Pure ocuidwti h etto lne otk atin a f cA ~Ô Council of the Township of Authority. Mr. R. Chater spoke the Village. The Clerk wasonP Mr. nd Mrs n iDoug- Fi n a plas were A 'Y6 , usaage Clarke at their recent meetingto Council on this matter. asedtoserc tePauaw las H r.f onto r o r thFial Cent ea Bi om e A BC O6 approved the payment by the! Council also passed a resolu- register. Mr. Woodyard aiSO' eeked gesof T rotoh e rat r the n Jn t îea B lo pi h nz - o s at r at B a d r d O L T D M N Township of haif the cast of :tion in which they state no asked for a revision in t he prns r n r.Lw12ne etnghî tte Eicrtd5t 2l.Dmn Medical Insurance coverage forjobjection ta he closing of pr- finncial agreement on Pubic preneHrrisand fmis.Lyw 2, ameeti. ng d aMr th. Guy .ate 5fl*2 Eb.Domlb ees Th co er ge s t b ob 35 C ncesio I nd lot 35,an Vilag. e fît ha the nce Harri and fa- m mjhome of M r. a d- - Gu permanent Township employ- tions of roads at Lots 34 and Works between the Townshi Eighth Line. McGill on Thursday e- wýenin*E gz.g teined from the Durham Co-op concession 1, Clarke and lot 1 Village should be given fur- i Mrs. James E. Richards vis- 1It is hoped that the rnajority T ..»m l WI E Medical Services, Orono. iin the Broken Front of Dar- ther relief from Township pro- itdM1adMs Mcal h ln oatn îicorne MMM W'W MWW M Authority was given the lington. jects. The request wasre d Jacula and son Brian Janeý in vintage dress; s0 plan ta Road Superintendent and Tot_ Approval af Council was over ta the Road and Bridge'AeuOsaa una vn- sebl orcotm arl.- FEH IH DAL asked for the salsigo omte.ig Other highîights wili include -FEH FS AL ten & Sims to submit an ap- c a 5 tbihi~o omte.gthe displayomuaspvi- C ic he pliatin ad etimte or hea StockCr ae Treck on 12ý Messrs. L. Greenwood andý Murray McLaren, son of Mr. Yo uaspoi- Coc oo proposed construction of aSTEAKS heSOLE buFILonLITS- 1 a n c reqau l os1 o n e s s onma d ee m . T u r nsM em tsw thso.. ;c idlr s A r hinM c a r ei ne d byMh euii cP b lipSlo o s r q u e t a s a d e b y M e s ra c ipctcinennMu i c p a l Btrh eO WO npt i e trai oe O t a r o n 1e r e a bLi tOnNaC e nT E AKS~L overhead bridge at the Raiiway Robert Robins, Ronald Mercer, 1approval for the Kirby School.'Hospital for Crippled Chiidren, tennial theme; real Barber- crassing between lots 8 and 9Elmer Fowler and Orlie Tew. jFurther i n fao r in a t i o n was Rumsey Road, Toronto, where shop music ta be presenteci Broken Front. mTe reeve and clerk were in- sought by the O.M.B. which he wiil undergo therapy. b Y a chorus from the Lindsay' ib. 99C lb. 69c Approval was also given bygstructed ta investigate- and was ta be maîled ta them oný Renovations of the former Chepter; the judging of the ___________________ Councîl ta raise their share of-report back ta Council. March 8th. ýOrono Public Library site on beard-growing contest with the cost f the Heber DownI E. R. Woodyard asked Coun- Mr. J. L. Lwery was ap-'the West side of the Main Participants eligible ta enter Carnation Evaporated Mom's Coloured In Parchment WieGauae Conservation area which !s'cil if here was any authority pointed Warble Fly Inspector Street of Orono are now well the sirilar contest -n Rethanv AII eA Alr~~. being pianned by the CentralFto enforce the clearing of ic or the TonsipU *rwy n w- N - SU G ARb jdedItthi Cntn Lake OtarioConsevatioiand now fom siewalk ini-Timesî completed. The aid front bas nai function in May. Watch ML AGR N been removed from the build- o ute emin e n a ing and will be replaced wihv ee iseof Coming Eet ~~.f ared brick front. Ann's Beauty in thi paper. 1l.-5l ~~ *~~ ** N ew the newly renovated store KERNTnbyi 7~J T e O 'nthe flrst of May. by2 1- 3 9 Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor re p. Thom a Toupeo! Pbervaceso! Eester et idauC l Ute Curh ilF esP od cee f r s son-in-law, Mr. andl Mr. F. L. take the form o! a Good Friday Congratulations, ta Mr. and: were Sunday visitors of Mr.! Brown -and Mr. Milton J. Tamn- Harris and family. ýService at 8:()o, Good Fridey F e h r d ce Ta Mrs. Wellington Adams (the,'and Mrs. Milton J. Tamblyn. ýblyn of Orono, who passedi Happy Easter ta ail ourievefling, anil ester Sunrise A for er liv $O ch) of ew- Congratulations ta the He a- way very, very suddenly in friends in the Hospitas, N r - S er i e e :0 Sund y m orn- ~ F O D R W . castle, Who celebrated theirihh r 70w Il year et the Mem raling Homes and toa al hut-ins.1fl& $Poflaored by. -j-th f. C ' , --. Among the guests were Miss day on March 28th, 1967. day afternoor. chased the orris House n baconý and eggs. The regular EUME Sz Sherrill Weekes of Harwood,> Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Harris Funerl was from the Morris Church Street which was the orning service will be t 10 %I L E 'N I A <fiN Gi rE20' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther- spent Sunday with Mr. end Funeral Chapel on MondaylOrono Telephione Office for ale.m. end the Sacrement of - si~- lord and son Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hughes o! Toronto. afternoon. Interment, Bethesda number of years. Communion wîll bie administer - Mrs. Keith Adams, David, An-, Mrs. BUd Bu.rnett and daugh-ICemetery. The Enniskjllen' Mr. ahd Mrs. Gardon Atkins,Idd. nette and Steven of Orono; ter Petti of Hawkeshury s entlnîted Church Women served Keren and Earl, have return-i' Maxwell Helghts Florida Grown Fancy 9 , Celifornie Grown Gree Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams and'a week with her parents, PMr.Irefreshments t the curchi'ed home from a three weeks'ý About 80 members of the tk n O Tracy of Newcastle; Mr. andeand Mrs. Ed Graham whiie Dr.lafter the funeral. o iyite hrn States.JfamiîY, neEhborsandE E'I r 92ý Mr. enrd Mp.Soid o f ltjio un in Bs tnng a conven-ý Mr. Percy Morgan of Som- Senior members of the rno!athered at the home of Mr. 1 PR M.adMs aodSwe;tninBso.'erv*ie Drive hep returned Figure Skating Club assistedlend Mrs. August Geisberger CO R Nl6-5 - M W W of Ossaco; Mr. and Mrs. Lav-i A large nuniber of relatives hom1e froLm the Meniorial Has- et the officiaI opening af the'S.o audyeeîgt ern Soch I Bwmevile.and friends from Orono endipitei, Bawmenviîîe. ;new artificiel ice plant th oul o heo Dr. Frank Knox of Kingston, 1odstrict attended the funeral ofI Mrp. James E. Richards et-; Milbrook last weekend. casion o! their 4th weddng,* P 1 E LW R O A Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Mr. andMrs. Helena (nee Werry) Ormn-itended the funerel of the late: The Kirby Public School did anniversary. Mr. Geisherger l Mrs. Milton Waller of Port iston. wife o! Mr. J. Russell1Mrs. J. Russell Ormiston onremarkabîv weii in the recentireme ta Canada from Swîtzer - ________-'A________ Hiope; Mr. and Mrs.lEarle!Ormiston of Enniskillen and1Monday and after with Mrs.'Kjwanis Music Festival held iniland and estabîished hîmselfý Brown and famiy Toronto deer niece of Mrs. John D.,E. Page of Enniskillen, was a:Peterhorough. The school wonlon the farrn wbere hie now -~D '"-~~ ~ Bad ltwo firsts and three seconds.) lives, returning ta bis home- Sve.nuDmnions 'JWfl rad M jThe flrst place showings werelan yaseat aea i n t h e T r i p l e D u e t a n d t h e h i s rd 4 e a rE m m o a es l h e i - s iS V G t k l ' a c 4 o . T n ISchool Choir. They won second'ýi rd maAlnpc. Rcmlo-6-z a AE1oSoey ac 4o place with the two-part chorus.1 Eight o! their nine children 'a CriCohaewnsecond rtable s JckArot».INS TANT COFFEE 79c HONEY POD PA fr1O ~ 'îî ears and under. Karen(dth fIernAust Domino Soda Water or - 30-oz. Bottes COMPARE Mitchells Fancy - 19-oTi s Loer asowo ecndplce Arnold, Ms.Henry 'Shermetol -»« P ilfY(( Lo er' lo on se o~ Pacý(M argaret), M r. Dolan Le-i fPlusD A I Eos f r 9 c A P P L E SAV 18 and under.sl o er în Drs of Bathurst, w IU h ML luDeotofr9 cSA C fr$1O E n ter ri se eh ool îN B ., Joh n W illiam a n d C ba- P f d I 1 O P R 01were Saturday visitars with 'ea wsus rnatters of WarshîMcarGayndsn-neti A~ji i ~~~~ ~ n il iv No Dosesle ad lmoa y.Er esichaired bl-A-Score -3-os. Size SAVE 18 C01nplete with $S KIL TOULS er oea a-urta th e. Keang th eC, ntheI HA IR CREAM 71c R in Coat n a 1esfrom Toronto wha parte! - wt hristianRa Hardware $Ail others in stock must go! i pted in the Crest Hardware Educatian with Mr. Harol1d -GatTb A E1eSz muYlo 1 Stra.Terrcr ike Members oatheCommittee' 6-1SVE44eorz atCost or Less ieous wasperfctr-ethd e of Stewards w:redivded inT OO H 14~ j st00gh Pairs In Stocktee th Fian e tO OHPS E 4 9 Wloehome ta our par- lfmtecardb r:î Ree Maicolms, W rtred Pascoe, and the Prop -__ Floor Tile Clea rance jurayevenng; alo, to Mset1 carries out the duties of T<rus- ', ^vAUl Merchandise Is Guaranteed To G~ive10 &tsat Ei1een Staples o! Fleetwoode reuer*lZs,25 6,n Bwsil i N Y L-G a e S TcS , h o we lsoneso u r. C m A t the close of the com m it...2M W E R E S E R V E T H E R IG H T 'T O L i M I U N I I S Fii Ga E nd of RunUPI (bradhv ben tee meetings there was e gen-, - OPEN WEDNESDAY AND.THURSDAY I G T lI ,p.M serlhvce acqi r Mr s eral meeting of the whole, Principal for the new Central Officiai Board. It was decided' -. CLOSED ALL DAY OWEDrups- September by Menvers Twsp. during the church service be - ft. t O;Sehoal Board. movd ta the family roamn in 's' ~ ~~~~~~As elsewhere in the COufty the manse because of the aT n ibts uvysatg will be held n this area inl hall. a o pceÈ heiw r No. 1, Regular Stock- 40 Gallons to go the C.O.F. Hall in JanetvilleMr John Glover was ap..OI NO on Monday, April 3rd, 2-5 pointed central treasurer to 6:3 W 1 ee records of the Generel theseve o tisopprtniy heM.& M iund. Mrd O rono .Fuel & Lu miber stbeuMythvesuprfCrist- tlaval ud h Bl c sScre -- King St and Simpoon Avenu. (I4ihwal o ,b* O R O N O, O N T AIU O ~~PH O N E 983-9167 ýteers w h a are assisting thisipointed Presbytery Represe n. .A A A A A P A A A A worthy cause include Mrs.!tative, wth Mr. faold Werry 2m Elmo Archer i and Mrs. Bragaternts. fWà6 - -~ ~- - ----- -~ ~ - un ~ un~un~~ww~ ~1 i I 4 f 41 a. e. w i p.~. p,1- Pt w t *1 p s * p c c E E E s,

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