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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1967, p. 1

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Car Driver's View of King Stretàon First Day of- Spring May Take. Over PUC On- Monday evening Town Council decided that the By- Law estabhishing the Publie .U_ %UkUtilities Commission should be répealed. This was agreed when council adopted the e' *.&t« t,.entire report of its Special ~ Committee on Matters Relat- * ing to the PUC un a, motion by Committee Chairman Ken Nicks, seconcled by Councillor Glenholme Hughes. Other 24 members - qf - this comm ittee were Mayor i!yan M. Hobbs and Deput'y Reeve Wesley Fice. The report foilows: - "Since its formation, the Commxittee has learned that there existe a substantiai depth of feeling, -whether' real or fancied ' in the minds of many wn-people over the offici ai atti- This unusual picture was taken through the dark streak in the centre' is the overworked wid tude toward supplying, a utili-. wmndshield of The Statesman photographer's station shield wiPer. The locatiorn is King StreetEst p ty. It is true that due to the wagon at noon on Tuesday, the first day of Spring. proaching Beaver Lumber. This view probably wilsnuo theesdfteeg-> Visibility was less than 100 yards due to the unseas- flot persuade resiclents now holidaying in Florida to were those who wereý dissatis- enal storm that piled up from five ta eight inches of hurry home for Easter. fied. .However, $t 'also- became snow and slowed traffic almost to a stanuistili. The1 apparent that 'many people (TURN 'To PAéE Twoý ~II.~AITaxs t ncrase CHANGE DATE CierK vvarfl xs tO Ic TO APRIL 12 Information was recelved this mornlng that the Cen- tennial Three-Chofr Festival Should Know Soon-by HowMuchwil o. ohed n eR wlne w be ell the ig The Bowmanvilie Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society's I ~ IJd~~f Pos OficeAnnual Drive for Funds willî Some Salaries vvoUudiump $150 Post ff ie beconducted here by the lÂI anadian Order of Fretr W iib ls d adteSunshine Group from a C I Monday, April l7th to Mon- f J 7--1 Gfotd oFridayionthis was o r . Good rida approved by Town Council at its meeting ci Monday even- Bowmanville Post Office ing in the Cauncil Chamber. W t High School Teachers; Good Frlday, March 24th. Maurice Prout, seconded by ~5 Recelpt and despatch of Councillor E. J. Rundie. 1 E mails will be on regular On a motion by Councillor achedule. Street Letter Box Annie Oke, seconded by Cau-Hv wHIl be no Rural Rqute Serv- was set as the date of the Cen- The Di.Uham County District High School tee. tenniàl Horse Show. Previous- Board and area secondary school teachers have Easter Monday, March 2,l ue i7th had been set as been negotiating for some weeks regarding salar- C andergaast l967.-The Post Office wilia tentative date for the event. Aemthsfo e enrahd has been announced that June Increases, in a Il ctgre ae enofrd n i, one l7th will be a big day at Mos- by the board. In some cases the additions amount Tii r e Hpurt l£xahen super stars fram the to $1,500. The complete offer plus increinent in. ThiIs week's wlnne« of the. Three urt in Indiaapolis 500 will take part cessthe ttlfr Salaries lb9 S. es ýn Two- CarC C1, l eeec te comlL~rn, 1967' FFE Vane heanwr was -budget'-soldthat the most wor- 1 Minimum, Maximum "Sir Mackenzie BoweI. Three persans were takeh ta risdmne period for any munici 1,0 bospital Sunday, folloWing a pal council is the time O Category 1 6,2O$1,00 Mise Vandergaast willI re- two-car crash at Bond and striking the miii rate for the, Category 2 ' 6,500 10,500 eive a letter entitling ber Mary Streets, Oshawa. year.I Category 3 7,100 11,600 - te $10 worth of merchandise ' Aifons Gregores, 52, of 61 "The Bawmanviiie Publici Category 4 7,500 12,500 from Robson Motors Limlted, Brown St., Bowmanville, driv- School's requisition is in excess KIni St. East., Bowmanville. t er of one car, is reported in af $3,000 over that af last year. 16 CEUEArcr ubro n fair condition at Oshawa Gen- Arrangements have been madel16 CEUEArcr ubre n eral Hospital. Hîs wife Clata, for the Finance Cammittee ta Category 1 - 5,300 8,800 tries were received Iast 37, and Mirko Cobanovich, 49, meet the Public Schooi Board Category 2 - 5,600 9,200 week, almost filllng the are in satisfactory condition. the board wiil see fit ta reduce Ctgr ,0 1ôoIf Yeu have fnot submltted Eldon Brewster, 24, driver the amount required. aeoy4 - 67.01,.0 an entry, try this week's of the second car and his In regard ta the Durham Th"uhm Cut itrc ihSho otest. Yeu will find it brother, Peter, 22, bath of 199 County District Hîgh School ThiuhmCut ititHg col nteresting and a bit puzz- Ritson Rd. S., and a third pas- Board's requisition of $261,- Board's budget for this year amounts to~ $1,283,.. ling. Please mark the ont- senger, Shirley Lindsay, 18, af 315.48 Mr. Byron said that a 010.25. This has to be contributed by the partici- sDee h neoe"rm 124 Tyler Cres., escaped in. date wili be set next week patinlscnts" eth jury, for a meeting with it by the g municipalities. Bowmanville's share of this Mnse' ote"5 h jury.2,3or.aDmretngton Township'the staff wil net bave ta open Damage ta the vehicles was Finance Committee. amount totals$9,0.Drigo Tnhp s every envelope before plac- -e estimated at $2000.- Oshawa The C]erk-Controller point- $261,315.48, and Clarke Township's share totals lng them in the special Pl Times. <TURN TO PAGE TWO) $144,130.81. carton. C H ighly Respected OPP Corporal Buried with Full Police Honors GPL Emmett Crongh aSter *Recent Curling Match 'l'h. sudden death last Fr1. day morning of Corporal Em- sstt Joseph Crough, OPP, udened hundreds of people hDurham Caunty and neigh- moIg ras. His funeral w4îthgfuli police honors was beld on Monday. 1A faithful police officer, Corporel Crough was dedi- eated ta bis duty. His el- ticiency fairnessa mdkindness eould U~aYs be relied upon. MUe wu' respected and liked by ai1l i the area where he berved, and aras heid in higli eteem and affection by his wfrienda. Coprl Crough ls survlved ileto, Muriel, one son, '~ugas, g14, and two /~uht.s, ýnn, 18, and leuri 10. Ris mother, Mrs. Clra ougli, Peterboroughi; ~abrotui.s, Wiliam and gan, both abce of Peter- Suand four saser' one,(Mms.Gordon 9Or- Pst urne>, Lndon. are.(MM. George &amltn, d Ms Cu, Toron mmhe hlm. waet Ili oçickl -N-'2 L -I» ,XK r&, F*M .Lof x'er qUopy J.umw6& Napanee- Couple in C.ritical- Condition After Collisiïon. )INNERS - Mrs. Ernest (Mary) Rashotte, 24 Liberty -St. North, Bowmanville, will be able to entertain 10 people for dinner at Easter without preparing any food., She was the winner cf the Club 15 Easter dinner draw, with ticket 769. BOWLING - St. Joseph's Bowling'League Draw was held recently with three Winners from widely separated places. John Noble,, Bowmanville, won first prize, Mrs. Ray Matthew, Oshawa, came second and Master Ryan Sutcliff e of Orono was third. Unfortunately, we have no information cancerning the prizes. i. t 1- t i. WINNERS - Last Wednesday night at the Rotary- Lions annual Millionaires Night, there were two big prize' winners. Bill Carman of Orono won $300 and Jim Elrick of Mapie Grove $200. The three other members of the last group of five went home empty-handed, but a good night was enjoyed by ail..1 t t t.i. *+ SUGGESTION - Leonard Eldridge, age 11, of 112 Elgin St., suggests that when the new bridge over the CPR tracks at Elgin St. is completed, it should be called "The Centennial Bridge." People f rom the north end of the town probably will be happy ta caîl it anything, so long asit gets finish- ed soon. Since it burned a year ago last June, they have had to'go the long way round to come down town. j. f, t t t CLEAN UP - The Town's Works Department was out ini full force early this morning trying to dlean up the heavy fail of snow that shoved us back into mid-winter yesterday. At the moment the prospect of a great display of Eajter f inery by the' area'É; ladies this weekend doesn't appear too prornjsing, unless they are wearing snowshoes. t t t t t TAXES - Within the near future property owners in Bowmanville will îearn how much their tax rate will be increasing this year. When the. announce-- ment cames, it shouîd be remembered, that part df any increaser is a transfer of the. garb»ge collec- tion charges from individual persans and buslnes- ses ta the general tax rate. No longer willl- we b. bothered'-with' garbage ta ills, If- that is any comfort. t t t1 t t- HOLTflAYS -. Sebols in the area wi» b cio this week for Eaater holiday. that Mü ,tptàtil -&Pm 3rd. Vehicle drivers are urged to b.' extra.caret.! during this p.riod when youngatoe n 1. ;oe- ing around 'thi e sU nutad o et Ig v thefr d.àa at *So~.L, uumber 5 l4tp$h ,M Five people were injured in (ta Photo). driven bY Da4 a two-vehicle accident on No. RoeÇey, 285 . .Vundas t8e 401 Highway, about a'half iie Napanee. Conàtibl.J. A. east af Liber±y Street. on Fri,. Schultz, OP4 iivetla& . day evening at 7:15 o'tdock. A Front ends of bath Vehcu westbound station wagon driv- were crushed by the llhipaI, en by John Rohacek, 795 and the drivera werepu Indian Road, loronto, went until released through out afi contrai, apparently forts ai OPP officers andHe crossed the median, and ol- Kinapp's tow 'trucksandI o~ lided with an eastbound car (TURN TO PAGE TWO> ., Large Audfiences Welcome 42-Piece 2 Salvation Army Band.,' Major A. MacCorqViodale, Superintendent of . the House of Concord, Toronto, officiatedJo ns Iat o at a ,special service held in St. Jo n -a f à' Andrew's Presbyterian Church. .t three o'clock on Sunday .fternoon. The cangregatians f the ather churches in fown .ad been invited ta attepcl, and a large number af people were present. The Salvation Armny's Scar- orough Citadel Band, which ýc1udes 42 musiians with iven girss acompanying on ýmbourines, played many in- ipiring selections. At bath the morning and wening services at the Salva- on Arniy here an Sunday, lajor. MacCorquodale preach. (TUftN TO PAGE two) Hlampton,' Girl Flected Head. of )nt. Jr. Farmersenr. Xnn, 82 Mrs. Robert Kerr of Acton, selected oprdaeJ 2rmerly Pat Knox of Hamp- Canadieny an,. was elected preuldeint of t tWMfb 1 àe Ontaio cJunior Fermers' O .a m!r asociation et Its annual mgeto 4p4 3J#4 ig which concluded guneà' Tii .Guelpli. 6h. succoe ad ieer tou >uaty, wu 'p - $s 1 -i # MI §"AI. 1 18 Fýages D)ieces ,.Cbt- KOWàUNVILUjIý ONTAJUO, W NMAY. MARCH 22- lUT 1 Kà . Oùs and

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