7- 2 The Canadian State0man, owmianville, Mar. 22, 196? ment of Recreation, 26 BeechCunilr k ee D. - The instr ciors are >~ I ~ o m D a n v r a r n s that M r. Byron proceed with L bet an K ng tr e . fbM .But r.Jc j u t C o p n ' u n tePresentation of the plan T Mr. W. Brtmt, Mr. Jack E to the Council of the United I Acciries fth ar a IR e LIeI1Ie Qfl w s c Mm D e A i f 1 f MrWW Af COtintjf, and thiswas car. -.cun ovdwr ihr .Rb rity, Mn. J. van Nest, Co.- e DeIh'rnT * RepevI nsonc31 Kng SdeetEund _FTLOW ER AZRANGING: làt. WIII start again on Sikt- to 1 defeat. The Bisonswere stable Pat Crnel, Mr. T.A. P rof t of$ 5 . 4 8 tat Depi Res of e pansked R u d Und egadG.Rbso,4 ?rhe flower arranging class urday April th. led by Bian erguson with Fannmng.Th audited financlal atte- istration lnreaed to $6,524,. Pad e s 0 thât e plabeP a ondb RyedW edfrti hrdy di LI COLfu ol hl obements of Central Ontario 000 frr l*,06,0ô0. md 0thtec mme f A car driven b3 n rn wn 7 Hre tet edule for this hurs ay, L RD E GIN S HOOL four oals whlle Robbe thce nouR.R 2, ewcasrDam ge to Uic wo ve icle 2rd, wilI be canoelled, BASKETBALL: This prograrn Brough coilected the other Trust & Savings Corporation Lqul yratios (cash and noCnnesConci cul 3fo 6,rth e or t th at le Ce er - d e p osi t i b on sties > e u r d t t e m a tte r is con e r d U'Zusdy, March 3Oth, at the day, March 24th and March MLer*sJeff Hodgeson and A M Y 31,196,rept at et pot dftbe aitie t 2% eqre oMayor Hobbs said that these S Hlghay t13j ZiOns Centre at 7:30 p.n. 3lst, but wMI start again on Deug Leddy, ail with one ___ere'antpoi o ee t2%wr oie ilb aeaalbe ___ aturday at 15348:31 aail.m.raien No. 5 orns% able heIansioSmftlarw PL W R ARA KGING & Friday, April 7th. each. C uclo ude m vdI etofter charea lncludlng depreciation statutory requurement a ta Councilior snt e ov T. wn f lt od wA.'cok a cr rvn b MILLINERY EXHIBITION:. DýS GYM LS. The i.E W Ea vvOR M and the setbing Up ofmtge year-end. Equal or higher thea&ttrb en oT . est kment adit <PROM PAGE ONE) reserves. Titis in almeit ident- ratios are belng maainied at Fnig îrco fR crecLk avle n a WM Ihold à lower A rrn g g Hig it Sciool w ill be cancelled M ug Final playet! on Friday, ia w t he 1 6 Bui o r s n ess activit that lie i at ma e. his a i lmb c n uoe, wsnke o t n a tii. Lions Com nxunty Centre, April it but will start again léated the laft two ta one. CaPtain Herbert Fraser. After $11,273 wich did n t rflect Buies atvt continues thatn, ha meprt a Gerge HaacaeR.Ra4,oow 26 Bub Avenue on Thurs- on Saurday, April ti. Tie Hawks _1oals were soret! the evenng service, ini recog. sucit wrîeoffs. strong at te Company's f- collidet! on Klng Streetbl bak Ijures daY eveffng, Aprù 6th, itar- BATON CLASSES: There by Don Bradley adKnVv nition of the Salvation Armys Duing te year funds on fices In bth Oshawa and scne asrcie ie Bowmanille I the dpositbyndCourici.byothNicksa Ind at 8:00 pm. will be ne Baton & Tap Clanss an wile Terry ose and years in B awmanvile, a 33rd deposib and! certificates in- Bow ean le sla te adepoit, And c aicd. 'e orAb the BtowMaletA e a ae e sal e h a Titis exhibition wlil consist buis comiiig Saturday, Mardi Richard Hall ecd pottet! onc Annlvrsryce was cul by creased by over 35 % to $5,468,- m 9ggra ett n il the Payment of an annual ai- P>tl where she ain ia a lft esmat!. turing the past 25th, in the Town Hall. Titis assist. The Leafs lbac marker Harold Sumersford, assistet! by 000, up mcm n juat over te pla i ones cally anet ebr fcln-tet osal Ite Flower Arranging clans will start again on Sat- was scoret! by Tom Coitahan Lester Bergama. $4,023,000 aithUicend of 196Ô5. the6 orpotioentloosia owand el'wasvnce t ebe r f ou ient. Conws tabe ii atn an!ldies' hala made urday, April lat, ut bbe Town asaistet! by Ken Perris and Acpct uinei h oa sesudramn confidence. and Passed. Il was numbered officer. by membes of the Millinery Hall Dale Carpenler. Town Hall Auditorium enjoy. 67-8. More titan $100 daai a Clan. BALLET CLASSES: T hce T Y KE HOCKEY MUG cd the fine program of music ment aervicing and mkewa a. usainte-ya a M rs. J . arvock , M O nery allet c ass for eC ouncillPL Ar B ourO neow asy ap-B aaustained byPanaecar in aanb uac- Mn, J. G~<~ k, ~ clss or ed esd y, LAY FF : O Mo d yplayet! during te S lvati n nlcegan n m it- jpointed by M ayor Hobbs te cident on Tuesday t te c e, n!Mrs. J. Van Nest, rh 2t, aI bt na lo M rh 21, he R yl James Tackleberry, Command. n an ac. Ontario DeveloZment Council Middle Road. A cr die t e a c h e r ! c f U ice l o w e r A r r a g - S t e e t S c h o o l w il i b e c a n c e l- f e a t e t! t h e H o r n e t s b l mld d e t hb ys e o i a s a g n f 1 t , 0 h ar I n e f t e S a b r M T e e a e n w m n d p i n P t r o o g h i e k y M s o s B Jug Clan, willi be in charge. Thsdi llaaIaanonwssoi yGri!ButCiadel, presided. The band ctons af services, wiereý one A letter from te LODA in RR. 1, Bowmanvic wn TiTpbich odilyw i sas Ail 5Ut gi, 1967. usset! by Deis Woelnrwas d.reted by thc Band- Ytnofamisrin can connection with this meeting Out of contraiduig h __c__ Thmeteuatien d ial exhbiio.Wedne HOKY : prl Thc Atom. [nisecoy en i c olnrmaster, Dr. William Loimer,<PROM PAGE ONE) function More effectiveîy, ec- was receivet and filed on a snow storm when i kde Thee l n chrg. Rfrsit shedic am tea los lsI ias dubet! score On Toronto. He also received manville Area Ambulance pnomcally and! efficientiy, hav- motion by Councillor Hughes1 on the siippery surfcin Theronoa chrge. e fre hrsday ncagetacet 1, idia due 6tTh e n-mucit applause for bis playlng staff. ing one over-all corporate seconded by Councillor Oke. Off bhe road, andhiatee DRAMATICS CLASS: Thte with bhe Rams upsetting Uic dians goals were scoret! by c nedtm rmoesl. Teijrt eebknt able. counicil endorse a resolution by vestigated. ehilren's dramaîie clans wifl Giants by a 4 tao0 score. The Barry Sitackelton bwo, Kirk TMajor william Davies, of Memorial Hospital by imbu- "The Integration cf the ne-thTonipf naersk lbe cancelet! on Saurday, Rans goals werc scoret! by Kemp two goal andtwo as- Tronto, sang several plesing lance. Later Mr offey and sources of botit gnoups will ing te federal governiment to e ib aons a ta min Mardi 25, for bbc Eanter Week Paul Bowan wit nan mist lt, Don Childs anc goal and seectIons. His piano accomp- itis wife were transferret! to nelevc lte necessity for lte proclaim February 15th a sio n aura and! will start again on Salur- one assit, wiile Sndy Kemp, One assiat, Davd Sylvester aniat was Major Evelyn Ham- Torono G e in e r a 1 Hospibai Commission b itire addiionaî national statu tory holidayastao day, eril lt. Don James, and Bruce Syer one goal, while Mark Brown, iioiid. witere their condition la stiilithelp. Il has been said aIse, be callcd «"Flag Day", and that BOYS',B ASK E TB A L Lacit picked up a, goal, while James Hubton and Ken Auger critical. Mrs. Roftey, 61, 511f. that additional space is ne- il be set aside for winter sports Deloitte, 1lneHsis&SU PLAI=E AT THE HIG}I Bill Hubbard, Bobby Stnike cacit bad oeanussue. fered multiple Injuries in the quired to store fitlings and competilion. Titis was second- SCHOOL: The boys' basket- each picked up one assiat. BAS KE TB A LL: In lth accident, aaditer 64-year-old materiai for the sewer system. cd b onilrNcs n bail wlll b. cancellet! on Sat- The second game saw thc gamle playet! Saturday, Marc o o usadrcevdetesbyhe ncpaiywllhv O c ounilor is, ndwlthwomaeow erc l i r d a y , a r c h . ý2 t h a n d A riI B i s n s b a n d h e B a r o n a 5la c e r a tio n s H ia n d m u ltip le a cf r a c - p ron dvmdti pmen eyc -f oros u c ito nayp u r-s uC o u ncur - o rn cP r o utPr o u te dv e tita t Dipiomats defeated thc B.T.S.bures. One cf bis legs had te pose and! a carefui study sitould lte Ce ontroller investi- oti s tat! by a 33 ta 23 score.c ip lu be ampulabet!. He la te Vice- be made cf te size and Pos- gale Chenkçîsdpln t n The Dploîn:ts scorers were Mna ,righ t oei' President ad :::eraî Man- subIe uses towiicit sucit space troduce a al TV to helownCh $ & e §fieac/g h 21 ts, on (<RM PAEThE ager of Gibb:rd's Furniture cold be pt, now ad in cfening inorainregarodre- shw W e t-/T ire à ý e a ' r Yourth 10pI , W an i ig ht 5 pI,2 vF . M ala nn i .oehs at r of N p e .fu r .in t i o t e n x m tngM t e 10ltWshntn5psRv .K.Mlnte aihM.Rohaclk, wito hat! received municipal government today, was seconded by Councilîor1 ido inpgRgn agr Crawford, Liebrechl, Joncs prient, officiated, and te leg and! arm- fractures, was il la increasingîy necognized Oke and carried. EdmontonPrne eoe aovr and! Barber ail witit 2 pIs large churcit waa filledt! t transferret! on Monday fronitaI specialists in a citosen A letter from the Joint Fire ics defeatedtheUi Trottera by 200 Ontario Provincial Police lte Bowmaaville Area Ambu- niques used. Councii has nec- tennial Ciildren's Fire History Ohw n a 31 le 19 score. The Celtice officers m a ncited in bte fu merai lance. ognizedt h iis fact in lte ap- Essay Contest w as received _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ goals wcre scoret! by George cortege te te citurcit. In ad- Two hitchhiking passengers pointilent cf an accountan , and filed on a motion by ____________________________ Connors 9 pts, Henry Poker- dition, Bowmanviîîe Town in te Rohacek car, soldiers trainet! in itis field and capable Councilior Hughes, secondcd. - at -ski and Dan Lemon 8 pIs Police, Oshtawa Police, Peter- fromn R.C.E.M.E., Kingston, cf producing te iigitest stan- by Deputy Reeve Fice. at cacit, Brian Saundens 5 pts, borough Police, Bowmaaville wene also injured Ina bie acci- dards of financiai management.R and! Lee Lemon 1 pI. For te Fine Deparîment, Newcastle dent. George Mositer was "«It 15 an accepled fact ltat Trotters il waa Paul McAr- Fine Departiment, members of treated for diest Injuries in witen te nexî appointment to C)! Bruce Wesit 1 p, and Chris adian Legion, and! Deparment transferet! on Saturday Iite made, sucit a person will be f g Ô o e Steel, Barry hrachuc and vfallon and Forests Conser- Bw nvll :eaAmbulance a qualiflet! professional engin-Pe rM a tns BW AN LE 1-l points acd. Corporaliruhsfa-rp pitl. Robertnt hwito had penson should benefil as large TOWNvi 48 1ING ST. E. BOWMAlNVLLE HOCKEY SCHEDULE for ed coffin, on top cf wiict lis suslained a fnacture te itis a fildt!of municipal operations ReINin titis week, March 23rd (Titurs- unifonm cap rested, was rigitl an and t!lier injuries as possible - il sitould be cf eun g Home day): Atom Hockey 5:00 p.m., brought imb bthe citurch wiit was transferret! by a military benefit te thc utilitjes system Sce Our Selection Rami va Barons; Tyke Hoc- six pallbearers froni No. 8 ambulance to a Kingston hos- as weii as bte Town. M of eatiul ey5:0 pm. Idias s ivision of lte OPP, Corporal pital on Suaday. "Il dees nol scem pracîlcal Orono-Peten Maartense cf RoyaIs.Th Mug pimyff schie. James Wood, Corporal Morris bo expect ltaI a reaîignmenî, Orono is finisiting itis final (~ .dule for Saturday, April sî, Nimigon, bth f Bowman- f funicions witioul a cores- examninations in Dentistry tis will appear in next week's Peterborought; Corporai F. A. "E conîrol, will improve lte licence bo practice dentisîry iniA f ri cStatesmnan vle opriDula o odn iitinmngmn ekadcilrciebs- ~ ~~S p il PLAYGROTND TRAINING Ciugi, Cobourg; Corporai C. u c existin conditions. Tierefore, mid-Apil. m U m ~ u E ~ ' ?c~~~i ~~ ~MeMad faced wit thlie needt! t make Peter was a graduaI. cf D u ~ N poraOwLacmbeBrihto. a eciionon a course cf action Onono Higit School and now iag Cus will atart on Mon- Tite itnonary pallbearersy and! rccognizing as a basic tat he is about to graduale MU A at &day, April 3rd, aI bhc Bow- were Corporai Cnougit's seven <PROM PAGE ONE) purpose lte supply cf a muni- from University ite is neturn-U manville Mill, Scitol uat 630 boters-in-aw, Jack Henry were afraidt l approac thlie c'pal service aI lie peak ofIng te is homne community to DESSpr.and Orville Thomnas, bath Of Commission on problenis deal- efflcency nt I lit e c asî offe is evie. iis1e Ten gr 6y asa d over Peterborough; Pat Turner, lg wih uiiy services. exesI.l lt o m na- is office in te Orono Medical Sizes from 7 to 24% ea ge Arl stfyears and r LnoOt;GldnOctdion ai thiComlmitîe ttat Centre was furnished wit thlie as a Apil it a tiis earLondn, nt. Gonon rcutn Thte wlsites of lte electans lte by-law estabiisiting lt lalesI dental cquipment avail-Pr. SUITS COATS may attend titis course by ob- Niagara Falls,; Les Sage mnd laof real concern tate Com- Public Utilities Commission oi able. Aua AIL SPRING ACCESSORIES laining an applicationform dGorSndnt botcf Lon- milIce, both from tue point Of th Town of Bowmanville be Perwilb nhaficUE ieol Rm o n leDeat eterborcý,ugu h sp ti e"aled. cme~ shortly to attend tb the dental Go O U o r p a r t - I n s p e c o r . B . ' C r e s s w e l l , r e al i tc t e r r . T h t s l t I t t s C m i t . b m p o n m n s e p e c h sA E is>' sfitenedneddcaneolte people and recelve I Toro bo, OPP irebor f fci wll nfuence any recon- pôwered le study te procd- ccmmunity are urgedt o sup- Tnaffic Saiely; Staff Sergeani meadaîlon thc CeMmnitîce may unres b b.e followed to acccm- port titeir own graduabes. To- SAL.EVCDO (mi Raipit Taylor, OPP Heat!- make.plisit tiis objective andt teday il s in eai gy df cutRI A , W LL A V ~Ib ~ .5 * Eu u Mqu4artoiest, ent; ISpetaff a lack na lsong mat! ce-ondi- y ways tb ensure lte for smaîîer communîties tb GARBAG IK PO * " arbensToroate;Insecd ater."Theretla a long history cf stut frjI E I EU N I r JGoSrdogea A BaPerth;Otaffa; ao ofnaisna ndiîy bîween moot transition tb integra- bring their local graduates Sw w w ugm w~~ ~ ~~~~~~~( Inspector Lyle Erskime, Pet- Commission and! Council.'ilo. The epoy nlcaybck Ptrtsfil 'bs TUID tA er67borouegit; h person wil mol be affeclet! by community and! we trust taI H R D acbrogîh;ra1Inaeclor Lorme Commission itaviag te mari- titis transier af aultorily." lte people will reciprocate by N M f a G l i r y O . . P e t e r - a g e n a n d c o n t r a i f a p u b - A p p r o v e t ! a n d ! s i g n d t tis x p r e s s i n g t te i r f a i t i i n h i m . MRH2r D- M OfoSTRr TOo icl'syslersn esi i d Geno uge, .E.T. STEWART, Supt.ens YLiýmr manville OPP.Dta'rn; n t htp in.TeC"Ia M.HbsK.Nc _telehn rn 8- Can-TA TRisa agent f te Citairman, Robent L. Byron Branch 178of lte Royal un i cipalily ad nfact Ccear.- adian Legion; Inspector E. cl s abe ernellea crta r Fouler, Ontario Fine Manaital's of tea Commission. - S A L E Office, Toronto; Albtert N;y.. dihat :here in a need f:or __ ion, Newcastle, Secretary of Ceuncil te be diligent in ils 111< J U R YV0 S AiEthe Nortumberlant! and! Dur- cnquîry aiflte aperalians cof L D GALAXIE "50" GALAXI Fine Figitters Association; different boards andtheUi Com aF E GAAXE 50 ALXI "00Lle, erýatRo Brktt rigig f boicette Ci- W r SFREDELIVERY( G)R CRP1 N 4-DR. I-ARDTOP 4-DR. HARDTOP O.C. Kitcitener OPP Detacit- mission ltaI certain charges (FROM PAGE ONE ) ment; Inspeclor Bert Howden, for tite nepair of a uîility were et! eut ltai ail municipalities"«' Santerne Gold with Black vinyl top, Vintage Burgundy, 8 cyL, Cruise-O- Peterborougit City Police, and improper andth ie disposition in titis arca are facet! wit an623 8 cyL, Cruise-O-Matic, eletrie dlock, Matie, 815 x 15 white wail tires, power Sergeant-Maj or Jackmam Rcwe of surplus momies from te _c-as ..it.miirte.a .P 85x-1wht altrspoe te- steering, power> brakes, AM radie, cf Chtatham. werc ai flitefn prto fbt acwnssi!btiBwmnil sntIE FETV OSTRA ,M RH2 Iiig, power brakes, farced ventilationwhecaeaLc.K36.ea.Fins fCrpaisse ws oimccnacanxeto. l..éiuie ne onsaboe1titis is lýit paymca ot o cth e a.' ouclonAI10 F ýAL10 F FALCO 2-DR and!members f te B wman- commission lay195 i 75 on a motion vy 'rvçylor FUTU A SP RT C UPEGALAXIE ""500" XL vle P ic Aso at n, M -for hydanl renta, when9the Prout, secondet! y Councillor yi \'l bon at! Gouit Siteli, bbc Bur- actual coul aifitydrant mainte- CGlJ.ite w e HugheAsesstorCHOCOLATE Cuady Apple led, 8 cyL., accent atripe, 2-R.tADTfflngo hePolce Asociainatandewa sth .J.Oewassegatfiet!trCHCLT Ornise-0-iatlc, 695 x 14 white aide BarnalAniber with Black vinyl roof, Safa ie P omn "The Town requires thc uer- atn ieAssigOfcr wul tiespowr seenngAM adi. cectie ock 77 ~ 5 wll.~ îr~~ ville Debachmeat, lte Bantani vices of a backboc la Irencit Convention ta te heid in Lie. K15027. power steering, power brakes, radio, Hockey tTcam, te Excelsior for abonni seweru. Au te back- anonMmA91t,3Ot BAEDLASHR EL thîted windshleld, deluxe belte, remet* Lufe Sîaff Association, lte toc cannaI be uset! full imeý and! 31s1.R BUAVE ORYORIE!ARA control mirrer, rear seat spaer, Bowmanville Little N.H.L., titere la ne Justification for the~ Cierk-Conlrdller Byron, wte BU O ORWF!Lic. K15448. Staff of Canadian Generai Town purchasiagon andmt!se hat been instructet! by ceun- bL MORE TE BUCET SETS GIE E<eci Engineering Labora- it must rent a machine whea cil at a previou~s meeting toUN E MOECOMFORT AND LUXURYI ltiry, Petertorough; Clasa- require!. Titis la as Il uitault! t!r offplandcaeof lte GALAXIE HARDTOPScndary be, but bbene la somelbing Regi! r fie mt i lt GALAIE ARDOPSScitool 12D, Grade 8, Bow- bmicaly wrang, with bclng proposet! accommnodtion for Cbie fVitr Drrud,2-oe LSmanville Centrai Scitoal; R. diarget! by thc Commission a Senior Citizenu baset! on te REGULAR LINE CHOCOLATE'O G oli u n M o s G e e n, S p r n gt r n e3 1 9 6 D M O N T R A O R So th e rs fro m re la tiv e s a t! il ca n e re n leW fro mn a n o u t- p uL =e l ae O s a wa , p re s e n te d !R YelIow. 316 EOSRTR friends. aide contracter for le&,mit! by et plan te council.c U * L AR c.& K15028, K14794, K.15030. Clearint ut rock bottom priceat Carporal Crougit was bora Uic sanie reaganing, it la fool- Titis plan shows al lte ELENA UBINS 'F la Omemee. During Worlt! lait le rent frem an outuide Regiatry Office landtheUi lo- ' War II te.servet! in Uic Royal contracter if the Conuission cation cf Uic Rcglstry Office I OtanoP ovincThe Commission needsa 20 unit accommodation for on Mrdhislt, 1948, at! serv- dump truck ta aul g1, but Senior Citizens ant! parking. T IV «O R P L M a c O N . LD ed ~IntheicPeterboreught De- midi aun elpendture la unwar- IN. Byron saidt! btiCoun- λll R0 " OPP Detachene n a1956. H. Town as a durp trudk Col- d by tetnfraSenior MS$ . V ecl edesenLie pci àK i _Copoau 960. miize mean, ateriâ da deat!::e space for teRegWs ra F.oeg ap P h lp, B e Lath ug m e, V oru G ad y, o mg e opl e H. w u s un titer a» are c cieneW s t a be pla it show s am p le pace w lH~H n W.I oa rw , om utt lb Uwma"Me P. Le d la centrgliing servies& be loft fr teR gistry Ofc $.0 Valu. 25 p dlSx C n L, S W1nI WIII ~ B iC & W fl Lm..m ÏIÏU i t el WOU M » fm netletalm u s a w ere te exp nd. 8 W w w ~ ~ .wo, w~.sww ~ ,~JU~ 5GCb.mpIaship li tn lScat bormâts eaui be re l- D puy R ve F c sat tI£ ramit.52d i for hud titrougit centralisation of Counties Council meets titis $1.0 Y.m'. dfogala#1u$ ocu e, *personnel udmint- w'mek satn_ nWednesay. eteticà, v hicla a" d ecuiv- C u c Urp. e o to - C o u c iS.1 1 1 9 9 .m d e 77 m