'Over 20ChurchesHome Nursing, Graduates Recçive Certificates J TRN I U e vi eAssociation met Mgrch 14th. r. -W iII n in S rvc TrsJansme ani &ai the plight o h aainwithMn aesWoly rsnedGsf Indianusing color slides en- law. M~ GoodFriay venng life of Canada's Indians hi (ISame 25 ministers gathered-Bateman, weIl known solajîtte liveti a few generations Mr. anc iat the Adelaide House in! in Oshawa will be the featur- ago was sharply contrasteti.a Oshawa, Ontario tn formulate eti soloist. hoe andariol Asscation o plans for a Good Fniday ser- The residents of Bowman- CentennalproeAstoitioniu ,iewith evangelical churchesi ville andi neighboring area' (Frtedsilprohae ffo'ilicr t icipating. (The Oshawa are cordîaliy învited to attend foster a better knowledge of gad District Evangelical Fel- thisGn rdyRl. lnwsip s a ewl forediandi a coser relation with the group ta further the Evan' Indiens of Canada. Mrs. Wood- gewacand Bible Witns n Osh NESTLTN Tdian handicraft, some of which a w a t.u r u d n d sJ L L I skills are in je pardy of being nigatet.) ia! Itnedfrlstwe)lost in the rapit changes of A gi a nt c G o d F id a (In e n d d f r la t w e k)to d ay an di d u e a lso ta th e d e- Rally is plan neti with 20 ta 95' Mr. andi Mn. Louis Pou lsen,! sire of the younger generation churches co-operating. T h e Cuiross, Manitoba, were Tues-' .. ~~ opors r.rpta hc service will lait for one houriday and Wednesday visitonsi opors rrpta hc and fifteen minutes. The Goodi with her cousins, Mn. and Mns. to them seems a symbol of Friday service will be held atlGrant Thompson. d~icriainape urotnhv the Calvary Baptist Churchi Mns. Charles Gist visited last ItMn. and Mn. Howard aveln et 8 p.m. The church is locat-Iweek with her daughten andofJntilrcpuaeM. edon the corner of Centre son-in-law, Mr. anti Mr. Rich- Malcolm's trip ta Russia withý andi John Streets in Oshawa,lard Davison.thadofisconsde.Fm Ontario. Mn. Norman Sameils was a thao is cin Rslsi a em The theme of the Good Fj.. guest Friday ta Sun day, with vn atd een ry pic ur wex day Service is 'THEMESihis nephew andi family, Mr. I t eas lanti-r FROM THE CROSS". Fivetlanti M. Harvey Malcolm, remly nex-sn speakers representing a cross,- IRextiale. On Saturday he at- .. scap. ..>.teroa its ainerysletc., icu section of the Evangelical tendeti the hockey game, Tor- ....... cnate r nsme wanywt.,~ Churches are preaching on et v.Nw ak, aplethose familiar ta us. Mn.Mal live sub-titles relating to the Leaf Gantiens. On Sunday hetrywaMiresene MalthE Cnoss-Work of Christ on Cal- attendeti the Presbyterian Gauto ih o h e rs oeNr-Mr.G weMs usosfo h uine ,vary. Major J. Woods (Salva- church andi it is interesting ta GautoiigtfrteRdnrs eNr- right, Mrs. G. BlylevenMr.G ZwrMs Erika question o ted adiece tion Anmy) "The Cross in know that 'the minuster, Rev.Iiflg Class was held March 15th with the following Wisniewski, the two Instructors, Mrs. E. VanOusten- as eeyn noeiavr -Life andi Death"; Rev. R. Bar- Moore, has preacheti in Nestie- :receiving pins andi certificates: back row, left to right, brugge, R.N, Miss M. Crowe, R.N., Mrs. P. Groenveld, congenial evenîng. A recording ker (Missîonany A 11 ilja n c e) Mrtonlr . S. Rabbins, Mrs. G. EMrs . r.J . r.T ika et: Mrs f Rd uingFohk Muicalsr Th rssadFogvne~-Mr. anti Mns.Thomas Gra-Mr. L ClrkMrs ELrsDeGooyer, Ms .Ska bet r.R0ýo .Rev. A. Kudra (Pentecastaliham, who have heen spenting . Oldejans, Mrs. T. Dykstra, Mrs. R. Bouwmeester, Collacott. Mr1 GronBke.,.sd h 'Assemhlies of Canada) "Thelthe winter at Amhenstview, Mrs. A. Munneke, Mrs. F. Blackburn; front row, left to ;audience with a medley of -'Cross andi Christian Witness":with their gnanddaughter, lIcodiaytneso.h.pci Rv D.Dnik (Baptist)1wereaven night guests with1which was March 11. Con- À JP r the two sacraments and ordin-orin "The Cross and Christian Li",-Ir and Mns. Harny McLaugh-1gauations! Those present M rid n P r er ne f u ntd hrh'heH- rupo hs il adRv C. rgtlin. Frientis will be pleased ta were Mrs. Jas. Fonder, Port, Rev. Dougherty prayeti forthcare along with othen Hi-C' (Fre etodst>"Te nihar that Mr. and Mns. Gra- Perny; Mr. andi Mns. Gannet; love andi comfont of God tai groups of Oshawa Pnesbyteny,l i and eFure. CrIsham are leaving April 26th, on,Muray, Catherine and Caro-, the bereaveti families of the is invite int a Sunise Service! antth Ftur".a two months' vacation toilyn, Cresswell and Mr. and' late Mns. Russell Ormiston anti on Easter monning at 6 a.m.1 Musically, the SlainEgad On Suntiay the Me- Mrs. Lawnence McLaughlin , i paidti tibute to her exemplanylh ve.KnDero ern Amyof Oshawa will be pro-ILaughlins were hosts ta a fani- anti Lynn.M life. Miss Shirley Avery wa- ill conduct the service. viding instrumentais ant h ily party in honon of his moth-ý Mrs. James Gibson isth organist for the service. Our Brafsth( e evtii i Sinicoe S t r e e t Pentecostal er's, Mns. Jas. Fonden's birth- Jnew Fuller Brush representa- congregationRI meeting which th e camp lotige after the ser- Chunch Choir will provitie day, who will be 94 March!tive anti has been making rec has been postponeti due tiîl, vice. Rev. David Northey's twn anthenis. Mn. George 23nd, of Harry's birthday et calis in the village. Good' ness cf aur ministen will be in mesaeSn'ymniggv luck!the next week on two and rnuch footi for thought speak- Mn. anti Mrs. Gilbert Aveny r. will get off toa agoisatîgo Ptrwown u were Sunday dinnen guestsý Gooti Friday morning wiîîiCoMr.tiMns. Eber nowienx, wîth Mn. and Mns. Onami have a church service nCtrtce0Mn.30nnth ox N OMoore anti Daviti. a.m. when the three MaboiJnets n.ofr aur astralchare wîî .j!on Mari ennison, Bowmanville, Mr. anti Mns. Norma n Lyons ý ogepthralwonhg ip at Enl!were hast Friday evening din-' :'ant i, Ure, n ritgehri oshpa n. - at oiUbig, niM.killen Chuncli. nr guests of Mn. anti Mrs.J an'I.HemnRd nýLrePhare. M ILK ~~~~~~~~~~Kareni anti Wilson, Little Bnit- 1 h-iteIesnesGop r.E .VruMs n M Lain, virs. .aman ek wman Il ands E.r A.aVirsue, Mns. An-- neRîvens, Mrs. R. Vintue, CclWilson. Mr. anti Mrs.i Easter concert on w uetscfMn CShw !Wilson calleti necently on Mn March27th at 8 .m in hals Tus D E L IV E R Y Herman S:rells and MsWil cuc., eewllb ase Mn. anti rs E. A.uests cf 11-lmePor Pery, nd epot' flksaugente bycolredMn. anti Mns. A. Evans, Osh- G O O D F R I D A Yladies areinr'gaoo spirits. lds yMs elnPno~ Mr anti Mn. Tom Pleasance Mn. anti Mns.Clarke Will-a mandoary n Anbia unchant anis were guests during the b lo suppen guestsofM.ad rs M A C 4 hiweek with their daughten anti ýi]Sodn Kedron. Co son-i-lawMr. ad Mrs DowilAt te Snveti Bi slI M nowtan ofMns.Wlanmrs. Cho< MA CI4hFallis anti family, Bowman At t, perintendtent A. ~ n n~ n ila sinnsiseiJ- evnl Thanipson, M.and Mns. Gerny ville. Werry, was sitdbseral Duval, Peterborough, Mn. ati colvi Those customers served on Friday. Mrs. Milton Fisher, WontySna colmmes oMs oadPipat chilti- $8. Matron of Blue Ray Chaptený illustrate an intenesting story.lren, Oshawa, wene Sunday that's - wili havé delivery on atr tn Pr ena- Miss Sharon Wenny deliveneti' uests of Mns. Etina Phîlp antidv tentiet the neception anti ban-j .. e pehetfei"ieo Miss Jean Philp. Thursday, March 23rd. quet fon the *Worthy Grandi Mn. anti Mns. H. Hardy, your1 Matro antiPatro antiWor1jNe:<t Sunday wlll terminatel Bowmanvilîe, Mn. anti Mn, od thy Grand Officens in the Rayal; -*~tepbi pece rm Ar Athur Thompsan, Danlene Wh York Hotel, Toronto, on Tues- I Içmenar y choaolPupils4 anti-Donnie, Oshawa., were We j ay lans were begun for aur Sun day callers of Mn. and Mn. . educc ani owrsSuntiay School Annivensary in 'G Alîtineati.r Mr. adMns. Ralph - , j"ý& Gladti t repart Mns. Gondyn fr [~~~~~~~~~~~~and Ian, Mn. anti Mrs. Walter have. Vd.St-d rmMeoilHsptl Tr G L N R EMn. anti Mrs. Clarence Brent netunneti home an Mon- hv D A R Y~ nt rg 'un-rday evening cafler ai Mn. Bawmanville. anti da ine ust ihMn andki .......tiElwyn Dickey's, MA R d dn. er gestBowers. BwavilDan, near Cornwall, spent the su adMs. erge Rows, M . Grdn ocnil eveig a h weekenti with fris tiaughten BOWMAN ILL.FemigantiRsMn. ntidMn[e teMn. anti Mrs. Arthur H. Van Camp are shown inl at the home of Mn. anti Mrs. anti son-in-law Rev. anti Mrs. Ruskin, Scarbonough, e;th above photo as they cut the wedding cake at the Floyd Beckett anti family in D. n rthe .JonH cc Mun. Geior Heaslip. an eception following their marniage in St. John's Pres- honon of his fathen, MnrO . waniln. John dHancck MsndyGvion es with. adBeckett, Bowmanville, an the Bgr a n v ile, siteiMur - Mn. anti Mns. Buti Virtue anti'bytenian Church, Port Penny, on Saturtiay evening, occasion of bis 91st birthtiay.rniohn Ms tihMr Mr. andI Donna nti Mn. antiaMd February 25, 1967 at 7 o'clock. The bride is the former Those present were Mn.aand phy. <f v~r~ -in.4~c I.I>~~JJ>A, eogeSllrs Bwmn ie Miss Connie Jane Carnegie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mns. Gardon Beckett, Oshawa; M.Jh oec nmb -J L. J'.JSJt27 v calleti Suridaia the home ofl Harry Carnegie, Prince Albert, anti the groom is the Mn. O. Beckett anti Arvella i iiigwthhntagtn r I Mn. and Mns. E. Holdstock' . ant M. Arthur Hamilton - thein parents, Mn. anti Mns. Elh son cf Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Van Camp, Blackstock. Bwavle M.at r'anti family. invites you to see and hold Mis Photo by Robent Aldsworth Photography Dawson Beckett anti famuly M.atiMs ale tw- 39 Lempt A speetiy necoveny is wished _________ '. ad r .s.art, St. Lambert, Quebe ,Mns for Mrs. Will Ashton who is in JoaplecGraetSMun san;Mn Gaskin, Mntn ir New Bowmanville Hospital as thel Joh ndBeketscgosPgesand;I result of a faîl anti for Mn. Ashton who i aso a patient Vlne Sua n for medical tests.RiesTyoeMnGaAne ýWkett, Bunketon; Miss~ Patj 1. 4-H CLUB , l7 IIIk < . Goyne, Countice. Congratula-! '1 jIn The third meeting cf the'VVW L4444,e s topios t M. .ABcktt Nestleton Nifty Neeleworkens1.'- Knif) Robie Steens*11 he bide givn i marýtheBel Telphoe, wrshe s urprise dinnen party 1forST Sunday uasts of iý'l. anti Mrs. rnage by ber father, worea awas amployeti, gave ber a terprnt nhnr fRE T onl Gardon Baker. long-sleeved, formaI gown afi dinnerandtipresantation. their n t ettingannivof- Mn atiMr.Alrei ilin hie ea e soie on empire sany anti also celebrateti their;ý WEST 0F WAVERLEI $7 4 9 %5were Satuntiay evening guests lines with full length lace! brother Lawrance's birthtiay. i (Réulr oenStok elu -s".0) of Mn. anti Mrs. W. Vaneyk. panais tiown the front,atanti ENNISIKILLEN Congratulations toalal. I (Reulr Pii tok el. *6.0> Mn. anti Mn. H. Argyle anti floor-length train with math-rM.onti Mewkn. rue nwi, > las »W "AmIwrsry" Chut Mes .S famuly, Toronto; Mn. John ing lace panels. Han shoultier- IOur community wsTonont-or. nMGeogek ntiat -~ A beautifulohum In cherywood fin-. Lines anti boys, Clarke, wena langth veil was caught toa, u' gnîke ort e v cfn.an ti Mrse . Gog ni A A ( ... 1.,. icNy ined lInaîu-temiuli vet Sunday callens of Mn. Robent' crown of rhinestonas anti auly shcktien rthRelltoy an irlso udney. WVH THIS PAP SI.pearls, anti she carnieti pink . sutiden tieath of oe of its Mn. anti Mrs. Clarence Stain-1H 5 P I an rcd.Mn. anti Mn. W. Vaneyk rosas anti stephanotis. aoeictznM.Rseitnatigrswn1uta SPECIAL visiteti Mn. anti Mn. P. Van-1TeatnatMs uprgssofr.nd r. lekanti famîîy Sunday aftan Th ttnans M.DonnialOrrnîston, ne elnaWerry. k~e usia n n~~1~ Ga d Oe j of pos nc.Van Camp, Port Penny, Msju deepest smah is ex- Freti Hogarth's, Mapla roe 4 olu lft s noMn. at n onCoJ. Donothy Davey, Columbus,îtantiet to the famiies cf Mn. Dr. anti Mn. Clark Wernv, Mn. Kenneth Crowells%.Mn.!Miss Lynne MacG nager andi*Russell Onmiston anti the late JhEizbtdnt ee Mrs Kenet Crwels, r.Miss Janat Carnegie, bath nf Mns. Russell Ormiston. Etobicoke, Mns. Grace Bartin- anti Mn. Don Stainton ant i dale, anti Mn. James A. Wenryi $2Miss Grace Smith attendeti the Pr Pen, oe A-ina he Sacrement of Commun- wane Sunday izuests off Mn . and' funenal cf the formen's grand- gowns 0f encan Baauentv' tel«mather, Mns. J. C Cook vt hreqateda t~~ as mobnnseve th u-Mand A . ennle a "sevsanti shoultien-to-floor ymoin sevc wih M.atMs.FdBletA Georgetown, Wednesti*y after- hi ettnse ee assistance given ta aur ministen Scarbonough, wana Sunday taee "HWCNO«unoan. bby altiers Messrs. E. A. Werry, guests at Mn. anti Mnr Mn. anti Mn. F. O. Smith, matching bandis with. ack~MîO titn .J er aîls Bowmanvilla, were Sunday' bw.anti Keith McGihI. Rev. M. Mn. anti Mn. S. Pathîcki suppen guests cf the Smiths.' The bast mnan was Mn. Dougherty's sermon was baeai visiteti with Mn. andi Mn .Al Club 50 meeting will be heldi Kanneth P. Goreski, Pont on a chaptar from the Lenten Graham anti Mn. Milton KIM-! F /7 1Tuesday evening, Apnil 1 lth1 Penny, anti the ushens werelboaklet "Means of Grace" ini bic, Newcastle.i REM ooe 's J e elt ri, et the Smith home. The Marclýf Messrs. Jack Theunar, Tor- which she pointeti eut the sad Miss indatvery pent OPE OV ie rs 5 w lemeeting wshedaweek er!otGenVnCapadnsisw r eaping det ekndwt sPhyllhsjND Y J>~lien due te maklng 'final plans' Gardon Carnegie, Port Penny., the neglect o!fallowship in- Marshall, Bowmanville. 1 W ED N ES A Y for the teachers' banquet hald~ A neception anti dinner was sida the church anti Christian Mn. anti Mn. C. Pethick i and Gît SopFinal plans for thec Penny Sala by a naception at the brida's tien with quotations o! Jesus Pengusons. Oshawa. PIRONE 6=3.5747 andi afternon tea il be panants' home. The bitie's fromn the New Testament. She Mr. anti Mn. Rosi Sharpyq'lýno N Kiag SL n completed et the Apnil meat-imother receiveti in à geM ýaise explaineti b Uie l te nti familv were Saturtiayt"'uîm. 129Kîg Bi ILing. Wateh coming leventa for i crepe tirais with lace bodice i seven sacrements of th3Rmn evening supper guesta of Mn.ý 1jurter patictiars. and train, complementecj by Cathoie Church i n trast tW and Un .Joe -Laka. !naian Stetesman. Eowmanvile, Mer. 22, 1967 md ueSsaOa!Mr. andi Eleven tables of players en- George Alidreai, Mr. jyt the euchre peily on n remaining for a visit Iia niglit. PriMe went to anr taughter anti son-rin-j. J. Faulkner, Mi. J. Faulkm. [r. anti Mn. Ailtireati. Iner, Mn. Tomi Miflmo, UmrS James Dugan, Rev-IRalph Bowers, Mm. R. Gibbs, Dugan, Frankford, werefMns. Rosamonti Kiostar, 50-5 hursday dinner gueits of'dnaw went ta Mrs. S. Gôb~ id Mrs. Arthur Hamilton!special pnize ta Mias. mily. iMarsden. ReaIIy expert shirt laundry for your Pa>. lar man is ne problem to us! We speelalize fresh-as-a-breeze, perfectly finished shirt.. RETURN VOUR PINK ENVELOPE :STER SEALS NEED YOUR DONATION v'hen you save e Go-Ahead wal )U get Fe Insurance too! )se a five year savings goal. If could be as as $600, or as much as $5,000. <Your venient monthly deposit con range from $10 to ,3.) Whatever savings goal you set for yourself, 1the amount of Life Insurance protection you Dfor five years,. from the minute you make, firs, deposit. This is in addition ta ail depositF e, p.lus the bonus your savings have earned. 3ther you're saving for your children's -ation, for the-do7Wn payment on a new home,. retirernent nest egg . . or even if you don't a special object ive in mind, ask your )nto-Dominion Manager about the Go-Ahead of saving ... Toronto-Dominion's Grea t Go-Aheac idcaFrom TORONTO - 0OMINIÔN The Bank where people mnake the difference. erance St. SET FOR THE w Bowmanvilie, Ont. ~A RIVE-UN ýY ROAD ON HWY. No. 2 ER FOR.. *ing Specioals R BUSINESS MARCK 9I yEating Me.Y" y I 4 4 * e s s s s' p p 9 4 - T"' Il B. G. LAWTON, Manager mi &URANT