i ,. ~ ~M. J. Hobbs Public School Choir Wins Centennial Class Competition F Phone 623-3303 Mrs. Alice Delve of Toron. Jili and Jimmy or! to, visited Mrs. Geo. W. James, were weekend visitorsy King St. East, on Sunday. parents, Mr. and N We are sorry to repart that Harnden, King St. Eas Police Chie! Bernard Kitneyf Belated congratulatio iu now a patient in Os hawa b est wishes ta Mr. G.1 Gene.rai Hospital. ing, 38 Qucen St., wh, Mr. Jim Lane is spending brated bis 85th birthc tWo weeks halidays at the jWednesday, March 15ti World Hockey Championships Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ma In Vienna, Austria. son, Liberty St. North,j Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Venner ed Monday evening i of Little Britain visited on most enjoyable two-wee Monday with Mrs. Venner's day at Acapulco and1 sister, Mrs. Doris Cameron, CitY, Mexico. Prince Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harnden, of Cornwall will be wkndguests of Mns sons brother and sister-. M.and Mrs. Stuart9 Bowanvlleand D:reen, Jane Strei Bowmanville, and Mr, Mr.Howard Fonder, Bri Pentecostal a"tended the Ontaria 1 IEstate Convention at Ci E Nhurc Laurier Hotel, Ottawa,1 Cnurcn12, 13, 14. 75 Liberty St. 8. Phono 823-5100 Puston: 1ev. A. Kudra, E.TIL EASTER SERVICES 9:55 a.mi. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- Enster Message: "THE RISEN, COMPANIONABLE, EXPOSITORY, ENKINDLING CHRIST"Y 7:00 p.m. UA DYING FRAYER THAT WROUGHT A ?dIGHTY MIRACLE» COME WORSHIP WITH US "Where the word o! God I. not bounnI" Dr. Paul Rutherford, Sandy and daughter Anne, Flint, Mich., were REHOBOTH Christian Reforni Church Scugog Street Minuster: Rev. A. VandenUerg BA., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 a.rn. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 a.m. Sunday Scl Back To God Hou CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p "Everyvone Wclcome' ST. JOHN'S CHURCI Anglican Rector: Rev. K. J. Frampton, M.A., D.Th. Maundy Thuruday 8:00 p.m. Institution of the Lord'. Supper GOOD FRIDAY - Three Hour Service Noon- 3:00 p.m. - Noon - 12:50, sultable for childrej EASTER DAY 8:00, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 3:00 p.m. - Sunday School and Family Service 7:00 p.m. - Evensong with Communion Tuesday, March 231h, 10:00 a.m. - Roly Communiom <flot Wednesday) Bunday, April 2nd, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 7:00 p.m. - Evensong Sunday School as usual TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 1967 11:00 A.M. "THE "I AM'S' 0F JOHN'S GOSPEL"" (7) "The Resurrection and the Life"" Dedication of Bible and Bible Stand for the church FRIDAY, MARCH 24th, 1967 7:00 P.M. Good Friday service in St. PauI's Church for Trinity and St. PauI's congregations. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 arn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 &.m. - Beginners 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH M1inlster - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. )rganist - Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. I ( I Il 7 GOOD FRIDÀY 7:00 p.m. A Joint service of Trlnity and St. Paul's congregationu. Sermon by the Rev. George Ward, B.A., B.D. EASTER SUNDAY 9:45 u.m. - Sunduy Sehool senior choir Junior Choir Windsor with bis Mrs. E. kst. ons and' B. DiII. ho cele- iday on~ farjerri. ireturn- 1rom a ýk hall- Mexico Wilson Easter rs. Wil. -in-lawv, Carson eet. r. and Caneor ooklin, Students of the M. J. Robbs of 20 contestants. and a determination to lover. PupIls of Rural and Village Cameron Wilson (Brown's Unison Chorus Real urday visitors with bis sister Senior Public School, Darling- M. J. Hobbs School entcrcd corne themn, to face difficulties Schools School) - 83. 2d ekr haiteau and brother-in-law, Mr. and ton Township, are to be con- its first instrumental group and surmount them, flot t osSl lyasadudrBy oo-1 er n under 85; 3rd, Entcrpr March Mrs. M. Richards, Mark, Scott gratulated on the excellent re- this year, Recorder Ensemble, turn aside to avoid them". 1lst, John Rudeil (Lockhart's 3rd, Peter Obrist, (Lockhart's Unison and Michael, Jane Street. suits obtained in competition with 16 players under the These anc pupils and schools School> - 85; 2nd, Craig Coch- School) - 82. 2 Boom 1son Congratulations ta M iss at the recent Music Festival in direction of Mn. F. McQuay. of Mrs. A. A. Merkley. rane Kirby School1)- 84; 3rd, -Girls Solo - Il years and unden lst, Leskard Pul Mary Cindy Kowal, daughter of Mr. Peterborough. The junior The littie band placed first e Sat- and Mns. Peter Kowal, St schaols are presently prepar- in their class with 87 marks. M& Geoge Street, who placed ing for six Centennial C on- M. J. Hobbs students partici- 4i thr nthe girls' solo clas il ccrts ta be held at the M. J. pated in eight classes at the yeans aid, at the recent 'Ki- Hobbs School during the last festival, successfully obtaining wanis Music Festival in Peter- wcck of April and the first five firsts, two seconds and le borough. Cindy rcceived 83 week In May. two thirds for a total o!f ine . marks. The record achleved In this certificates. All the entrants Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eng- year's festival by the M. j. wcre iunder ,the direction and lish, Liberty St. South, last Hobbs School wae outstanding. supervision ;of R. S. Mctcalf, weekend visited Mns. English's Two chairs wcre entcned fromn A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M., R.M.T. sister, Mns. Inene Hyde, in the school, Chair No. 1 obtain- Mn. McQuay and Mr. D. Dew- lKincandine Hospital whenc she ing finst prize, with a mark of cil, teachens of music on the gt 15 recovering from a heart 87, campeting with six Peter- school staff, gave great assist-111 attack. They also visited Mr. borough Schools. This choir ance ta Mn. Metcalf with' their and Mrs. J:m Hyde at Kin- also recc:ved finst prize in the painstaking efforts and co- 'L~t cardine. Centennial Class held Satur- operation in the music pro- Fo ne.'nou day, March llth, and wilî gnam and were joined by the Ur«fl3oymmWflin m i-gau Mn. and Mns. Ross Lane and on ta the Provincial finals. If nemainder of the staff mem- family werc dinner guests af successful, the choir wiîî mave bers in the wank to produce visit oui'e1yrnoae Dr. and Mns. G. C. Ashton, on to compete in Fredericton, the high resuit. Mr. Dcwcll aGtelphon the y. n the NB o accomplîsh this goal pnovided the sympathctic ac- holBalureae evie o they teae h great deal of hard wonk and companiment most necessary à o o l B a c a l a r e a e S r v i c f o t h C o o p e a t i o n w i l l b e r c q u i r e d . f o r a c c o m p a n y i n g c h a i r s , a n d INGRO graduating ciass at the WarTcor mark in this clasi Mn. McQuay trained and con- Memnonial Hall, University af for two test pieces, was 168.' ductcd the Recorder Band. L Guelph.ChiNo2 lcdn wt Without the unfaiiing support This coming Easter week- 9 mrs, two part chorus faylrnd hacki oePrncipaldE end friends and relatives from vllgî hol he l T aylte achmoie.et ol p.m. out o! town wîll be guests ini placed choo.inthreeyprt hee oln isible. o your homes, and students wiii chorus for village school, with Tefloigi ACm " also be home from university a ark o! 84. Newcastle Pub.ment on Competitive Festiv- a ichaldb r. shoul not e arew and other institutions f hgh- lic Sehool Choir came first aIs" by Mn. emtclf. "Wcare er education. Please let us with 86 marks, under the dinec tl htw ms lmnt - have a list of your v s to s b y i n o i s C o k r g t diMr 330. iios ,'n,!Ms Coknih. -the competitive idea, -that Mn. and Mrs. Elgin Watson In the boys solo, changed cd ta participate in musical, or * and son Ralph, Wîlberforce, voices, pupîls of the M. J. other competitions, because / Ont., visited aven the weekend Hobbs Schlool took the awands: failure ta win high marks or (V with another son and daugh- lst, Terry Russell; 2nd, Bill achieve a place at the top ter-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Allen Coombes, and 3rd, Douglas destroys their sense a! secur- Watson and family, and also Woodcock. With 87 marks, ity. What asad preparation their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. -L C*idy Lou Ayre was awarded for. life, education based upon C. CarIaon, town. Mn. and Mti' ffrt Place in the girls solo, that pbllo1Wphy 18 'tt ta give: Watson Sr. and Ralph alsc 14 yeans and under, and Canal Rather, should we not teach wene guests of their daughter 'Wight, wxth a mark o! 84, the young ta meet disappoint- and son-in-law, Mn. and Mns. place fourth in a large class ment and failune with courage a Lamne Fisk, Newcastle. Miss Shaniene Cain, George Street,. and Miss Connie Brad- SO0 LIN A ley, King St. East, will be pan- ticipating in the Youth Bowl- The Eldad Explorers met In Congratulations ta Mrs. Robt. ing Council National Cham- the church basement on Fn.- Kera! Acton (nec Pat Knox' pionship tournament, Senior day evening and opened their whao!oficially became th' Girls' Doubles. Shanlene and meeting with the Explorers President o! the Junior Farm- Connie wiil be reprcsenting Purpose, hymn and prayen. ens o! the Province o! Ontario. Libenty Bowi in the campe- The minutes wene read and Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Knox and tition which commences next appnoved and the rail caîl was family recently visited with___ jsunday, Manch 26, at Apnile answered. The next meeting Mn. and Mrs. Sunphlis, o!f Lanes, Scarbonough. Entrants is ta be on April 7th at 6 p.. Brougham. will be coming fnom ai] across Rail cal is ta be more knittdm n. anMr.KihRw Canada ta compete in the blocks for the afghan. Those __championships. who recently earned thein 2nd and family of Bowmanvîule On Satunday, March 11, Gold Star were Linda Flctt were Sunday guests with Mn. three rinks fnom the Business and Shirley Westlake. Those ad Ms e.Ko n Girls Section of the Curling abtaining their 2nd Red Star family. Club cQmpeted in the Evange- were Faye Langmaid, HeatherN Mand Mrs Jowihn Kro and line Bonspiel at Peterborough. Milîson, Carolyn Sweet and MsNanvstedowithan. fandyOe audy n Snas5pm o9p The rink skipped by Kay Sheliy Towns. Those who MfSundGrando. n aîvOe audy adSnas - 5pm o9pm Sampson, vice Gloria Mc. secured their 2nd Blue Star o!r.neand r. Tm-ae Licensed Under L.C.B.O. - Kenzie, second Dorothy Wil- wene Karen Hamer, Janice Meen. a Mrs. Tom Baker son and lead Vi Taylor wene Yellowlees, Robin Lynde, Kar- Mr nd Ms a rrtygustswith the twa-game winners, each en Sweet and Kim Swect. and Mn rfSa.ayCoig receiving an $11 merchandise The Eldad C.G.I.T. girls Met and ohn o! Salem.e certificate. A ink skîpped by in the church on Friday even- . and Mely Ro B omle EJ oIdcay ln e e u Kay Ormiston, vice Helen ing and some final arrange- with Mn. and Mns. Lloydcl n er J / e u Goode, second Kay Sampson ments were suggested for the Broome and family. Iced Shrimp Cocktail and lead Vi Taylor went ta concert ta be held in the hall Mrs. W. A. Ormiston of Omemee on Saturday, March on Friday, March 3lst. The Bnooklin Mr. and Mns. Lamne CHOICE 0F: 18, and were winners of the girls also spent time rehears- TnOhw;M.adMs one-high-game, the pnize for ing their different parts for the Tîkou eshawa;NMn. asiknSopOinSu cach being a lady's wallet. Jconcert. The next negulan Doe ug Fenguss Nwctler. ' rut okti Mn. and Mns. Pete Tullock, meetingis to be hcld onand e reSnaueTs ith Meln.d hce opFehFri okalOinSu Countice, were hasts on Fn!- Thursday, Manch 23rd. Rail and M. Bue kTNi ad'omato Juice Apple Juice Grapefruit Juice laneous shower, attended by Bonnet and Wear It"n. y f an Ms.A. F. SunAer- reAppetizers relatives, in honor of their i Miss Lois Ashton and Mn. geswth o!.Mand wnesu Dn- niccc, Miss Penny Brown, Bian Knox attended the j raludsTsawitoM.and Mnsy. Don- daughte of Liut.-Col and Fralds'Taylor andhelfàamiEy.CTMm. daugteno! icu.-Cî. nd armrs'bernethy is staying for a Mrs. Wm. Brown, formerly o! Ceph ofer tecehcld. at Ays/7 SELECTIO NSr Bawmanvillc, now stationed in- Master William Taylor is a Germny.Amog th gustsMrs. Reginald L. Stubbert. patient in the Oshawa General R A T O T RO T R E attending tesoe ee Hsmn rafinswl Hospital where hie is under- Sufn rner ac the bride -ta -be's maternai be happy ta learnao! Ray going surgery on his leg. We Sufn gadarents, Mn. and Mns. E. Dudicy's recent aliccesaful up- hope ta sec hlm Out around BAKD H N EYICV UD AMA HarnnJn, and lier paternal peanances. In February Raylagain soaon. ChapaBAKEDut C ueD grandmothen, Mrs. J. J. Bnown, was sololat In Beethove s Mn. and Mn.. Harny Knox aIl c! Bowmanville. Miss Fourth Piano Concerto when and boys were Sunday guestsCam gnFutSuc Brown, who has been visiting Arthur Fiedler, the Boston with Mn. and Mrs. Keith ROAST PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF town relatives for the past "Pops" Podium Wizard, con- Shackleton and sons, Bowman- "~ Horseradish Chutney -J - eek since ber arrivai fromn ducted the Cincinnati SYm- ville, ta celebrate Barry Genmnany, lcft last Saturday phony Orchestra. O! the per- Shackelton's birthday. for Calgary where she will formance, the Cincnnati En- Mns. Nelson Fice, Taunton, Baked Potato Fresh Vegetable CnidYm reside following hier marniage. uiren critic was very en- visited with Mrs. Westlake Sr. A ait of Rails At the morning service lastt usiastic and statles "Raymond recently. <~ ait Sunday in Trinity United Dudley ha. built up a fine Mn. and Mns. Frank West- ,.Ç, DESSERTS Church, the following new reputatian au a Haydn Inter- lake, Joan, Shirley and Kevin ,'i , members were reccived inta preter: thi.s 'canner' o! bis vluited with Mrs. F. R. Cook, f L.daT yer Cake and Ice ream the fellowship o! the Church: virtuosic territory must naw Bawnianville. ApePeadCes upi i By Profession o! Faith, Wayne yield in prestige and po. Mn. and Mn.. Chas. Johns, ApePeadCes upi i Clair Allen, Patricia Louise tentiality ta Dudiey's superb Bawmanvilie; Misses Florence Old Fashioned Rice Pudding Bell, Randolph Neil Cunning- insight into Beethoven. Ray- and Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa; Chocolate Fudge Sundae ham, Steven John Dunn, mond Dudley brought ta it Mn. Frank Pascoe visited ne- Nancy Ruth Hooper, Cathy new tonal hues, freshly poet- cently with Mn. and Mrs. Roy rsFui Black Dîamond Cheese Lynn Moses, Douglas Ernest icized (yet, nat weakened In Langmaid. - ~ ofeMl Parker, Douglas Eugene Rich-1 any way, in architectural syrn- Mrs. Florence Ycllowlees, TaCfe il adJennifer Anne Saund- metny) passages, and a really Mu,« Ev ibsno Tutn 8.Sohool chorus (Grudes 1 and il) 3rd, Lockhart's Publie Schoo,~ 83. Rural Sohool Bay Ilnlson Chorus - one om - sohools - enrolment 21 or ove«. lst, Kirby Public Schoo - 87r- 3rd, Enterprise School. 83. Two Part Chorus Ist, Leskard Public School - 87; 2nd, Kirby Public Sehool , 8. Triple Trios- Tht, Leakarci Public Schootl,. Trio No. 2 - 87; 2nd, Leukard Public 'Sehool Trio No. 1 Triple Duet - 1 Rtoom Schooel lst, Kirby Public School, 854 Unison Chorus - one rooni - eas.- - -- - . nion Sehool -8, 'art Chorus 'blic School - 88 y- Grades I ï Public School 4 prise Schooi -84 aChorus aSchools ublic School - 84 x ~ N rsc rr 2nd, Shirley Allia Jihrt School) - 84. Girls Solo.le yUrU &.nid[~ lut Shelley % L«ad Sool> - 86; 4w 2nd, Karen Lowery (Kfrbt School) - 85. Viollu Solo. 12 701rem 31and lut Madeline Merkley (Bow4c manville) - 89. Village Scliool par Boys Chorus 2nd, Lockhart's Publie Sch«d* tu1 11 1:00 a.n -Ester Service Speclal Mtsic by tihe 7:00 pLr. - Emîter Service Special music by the ilq- ..jil. mutmun, nowmumme. Mr. 1% lui