~ .'..- -- ----~-----.---- -. : ' -B.Hse NEWS l W r Brr Krawehuk Expo. This waa accompaied SA very mPortant meeting bY a tàlk giving us a furtiier ,!t tbe Studenta' Council wa insighit ta what's happening. ýihel on Tuesday of last week. rin sure that alter it wasaail M uany ftop .cs were debated over that evcryone agreed * Upom but the highlights were that Expo will be one hotbcd .t the danes. etactivity in flic summer. f.tint et a:i, flhc formai. Tt There seems ta be an emer- wasdeclded that this year's gency~ at the schooL The Art MMUrmaiHl be lield at the an Publicity comniittees are Golf Club on May 5th from i tnding tliemseives low on i :0 te 1:00. I use tlic terni.0 mernbership. There ls lots et formai îlooseîy, very îoosely. work to do but flua tn inter- Atulyif la just a drcss-up spersed with lots et play. Any dèànce withl a dance band en. wiiling students desirous of tertaining, nofhîng -more, ne- getting info activities wifl thtng leas. The retresbmcnts, ccrtainiy lie welcomed whoee 01 co4U, will be absoiufcly heartedly. It's tun and be- free (paid for by the admis-' sides tbey can cara free pas- 81ion fee). Ail In ail, it is the ses te the dances. acieet dancing entertain-1 Mentt, se do net miss if. In- cidentally, ahl aduit couples O RS are welcorne. ; O RS The more serieus debating Regular alternate Sunday Was an April's dance... .er. worsbip service was hcld at dances. Thc tirst onc will bel 11:15 a.m., with Holy Core- on April 7 atter going back munion, the Rev. Ian Munro t school. Thc enfertatument officiating. An average num- will be previded by the "Syn- ber were present for this dîcate" and tbeir new sound. Easter service. ' The next one, fcaturing a In the absence et our or- iaine band net yet decidcd, ganist Mrs. Helen McHolm, wili be heid just two weeks luter, April 21. Aprtl's just whe is stili feeling the et- bound tO lie the mestest of fects et a heavy coîd, Miss mentIs. Diane licConneil kindly took Going te Expo tht. sumfmer' ever~ the musical part ot the Thiscems the main trend at service together with anthern Wne fanamosilhl atWde thec achool cspecially after "The Joyous Easter Time' inro nulbnpe edls ens Wednesday atren h and bymns "Jesus Christ Is at Bowmanville Golf and Curling Club by the Ass senior assely was Tee Rsen Today" and 'I am net ated Police Departments of Oshawa, Town of Whi te a slide show previewing wortby, holy Lord." and Bowmanville detachinent ef the OPP, was ai GET CASH TODAT Assisting in the distribu -skpd GETCAS TOAT tion et the Elements were skpe by Harvey Cook, of Bowmanville OPP Fi F101 OLD APPLIANCES members et the Session, Mrs I throutb Milton Brimacombe, M r s unday school was heid at S easat R tr tbrouzh Harold Osborne and Mr. AI- 10 a.m., Mrs. D. Haines, sup- S ek oa CLASSWIEDSlen Peters. The sermon wa erintendent, conducting. Thnere STATESMAN omittcd for tht. service which were twenty-nine present. < ec ]Pboe 62-333 clsedwiththebeniediction. It was very pleasant te sec Phoo 23403 cloedwit ficseverai members et our Sun-S c e c day Scbool now taking tbeir place in the choir. PresentE x No on Mssune Mawrvinthe MACne- erE neil sisters, Harness sisters, DIAPER son sisters, Gatenby sisters, Nancy and Andy Clark with A tremendously intereç .1DRUDGERY Mrs. D. Haines and Mrs. account et lite in Sabah, Harry Beckett. Bernea, was given by Pur Bradley at the Rotary lui 1« eon meeting et the Bown OR Og y BET ANY il Rotary Club held at f:~ Fling Dutchman MotorH VSt. Paul's A.C.W. on Thursday. Mr. Bradl address was illustrated b The St. Paul's Bethanky Ang- series ot graphic colé lcn Churcb Women held siides. * RELAX WITH PEL DIAPER SERVICE Now. .. CALL WHITBY 668-4671 -k.- -j ineir Mvarcn meeting at the home et Mrs. Ina Palmer, with Mrs. Howard McGill presiding. Final plans were made for a sale of home baking and arrangements were made te cater te a wedding in May and a banquet in June. Mrs. Ernest Lamb gave an intercstîng talk on missionary woËk in the Arctic. Mrs. Carl Smith gave the lite bistory et Saint Patrick. Members wearing Centen- niai costumes added to the idea et Canada's lOth birth- Jay, as did the appie pie and cheese served for lunch. Dr. H. B. Rundie recei a 22 Years Perfect Attenda Pin. David Higgon was recipient of a Three 'i Perfect Attendance Pin, Jack Lander et a One 1 Perfect Attendance Pin. presentations were made Attendance Chairman Laný James Speers, Principal Courtice' Secondary Scb introduced the guest speal Mr. Bradley, the Science1 cher on bis staff. Mr. Spe told bts tellow Rotarians t Mr. Bradley had served an exchange teacher at Sa' Coilege hi Jesselton, the c~ you namme it* >ouryellowpages bas it 4,ï Our town's gdt everything ... fine shops, handy services, helpful people. Andth one place to find them ail is in your YeIIow Pages. What's the gear doing in the photo- graph above? Itfs there to prove the point that industrial consumers, Iike. home c on- sumoers, find it's good-to shop the YelIow Pages way. Say, for instance, your industry has needs that range from A ta Z. Vour Yelow Pages wiII help you find everything from adhesives, bags, or chemicals ail the way to woodworking machines, yarn or zinc. Yes, if's good to get in the Yellow Pageshai ... everything's here in town. ewuydâherel '0intmm Bowmanvi e-Police 'Win, Curling Bonspiel aMr. and Mrs. Robert Nobel adMr. and Mrs. Maurice Jonkehere, King Lake, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robrer and family. Miss Lynda Rohrer, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clîfford Jack- son, Don Mills, were weekend guests with his mother, Mrs. R. W. Jackson and brother, Mr. Alan Jackson. Mr. Bert Bowers and friend, Miss Marilyn Weldon, Oshawa, were Easter visitors with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 3da lftar: areyCook, skip; Larry Mahoney vie Weldon, Ste. Therese, Quebec.' day~~Y lef ae: areyMr. and Mrs. Bruce Conboy,ý oci- skip; Ken Laton, second, and Gary Brunton, lead. Frankie and Cheryl, Toronto, itby They are seen following presentation of Labatt Trophy were overnight guests with rink (silver trays). Mr- and Mrs. James Gibson.ý rom Oshaa Ties PotoThe Gibson's report that the hiarbingers of spring, the rob- Clu is, returned last week. Every y Club autumn the robins gather in fiocks on their front lawn, be- fore flying south. Quite a spec- tacular phenomenon! Teach r Desribe and Mrs. Grant Brooks Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and O family. Gail and Lori Malcolm 1 C~S in E st orne were Easter weekend guests sting tai et that country in East cessive and the temperature Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, East Borneo. varies from 86 te 110 degrees, Toronto, spent Easter week in rican Mr. Bradley said that when IMr. Bradley said . There are thi1 oeinNsitn [nh- he received an appointment quantities ot luxurieus flow- R'everend Ernest Herron, man- to teacb at Sabah College he ers, and many flourishing Roger and Kevin, Ajax, re- the had written to the British rubber plantations. newed acquaintances in the [otel Commissioner in Toronto and A scorpion 40 inches long caes wthweek and were Ley's to England te, obtain informa- was pictured. Scorpions are Grant wthmsoMr. a rs. )Y a tion about the British colony clumsy and easily side step- Nesbitt and Mr. Ted Lennard. ored et Sabah in South East Asia. ped, the speaker said. He Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott, "I aise went te libraries in added that their sting would David and Kim and Mr. and ived Toronto, Bowmanville, and kill a child up to the age Of Mrs. Richard Davison were ance Oshawa. 1 obtained one book 12, and would make older Saturday visitors with Mrs. the but its information was il people extremely ill. Iguanas Davison's mother, Mrs. Charles Year years old, and another pub- were aise pictured. Gist, Peterborough. and lished in 1867, which describ- Down town Jesselton had Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers Year ed the tribe of Moro bead to be entireiy rebuilt ater and their granddaughter Miss The hunters there. Two pages of Worid War II because otfJanice Williams spent the Eas- by information were sent te me bomb damage. There were ter weekend with Mr. and kder. from London, England, scenes of the magnificent har- Mrs. Lonnie Chapman, North 1 f Describing bis trip t the bor, and other places ot in- Bay. Paul, Ryan, Jeffrey and ofl Fa igst M. rale s terest. Mr. Bradley said that Lisa Chapman returned home' ker, that he and his family tral- the people ot Sabah are good with tbemn for their Easter tea.: led by plane across Canada to lookin and friendly. vacation. eers Vancouver, flew te Anchor- eWatr moved a vote Mr. and Mrs. Dug Fallis ;hat age, Alaska, and across the of thanks te Mr. Bradley for and family were Sunday visit- as Pacific Ocean te Tokyo , a- bis excellent address. Presi- ors with ber parents, Mr. and ,bah pan. Then the Bradleys wn dent Bob Stevens expressed Mrs. Clarke Williams. ap-te Hong Kong and from bhr is personal appreciation te Moving is the order ef the te Kalumpar, M alîa ys ia, the guest, speaker, be as day in Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. thence te Singapore and then to, Sabah. There are 12 states In the Federation ef Malaysia, and two et them, Sarawak and A ET E IM Sabah, are on the island ef Borneo. Singapore formerly was a member ot the federa. tien, Mr. Bradley said. He told the club that short- ly before their arrival in Sabah leoking down trom the T N aeroplane a multitude ef palm trees, native huts, and wide rivers were te be seen. On landing they were surprised te discover how built up the country Is. "The British have donea fine job et colonizing there," that the natives are making remarkable progress, altheugh some aspects et the country's modemn development is be-IN TS wildering te them and they are flot quite sure what poli- tics is ail about. s .e...* * * CLIP THIS SCHEDULE A splendid view was sbown I et Mount Kilapaioo, the bigh- *A I'L CLINICI est meuntain in South East LOCATEiINAT Asia, situated in Sabah about 40 miles from Jesselton where the Bradleys iived. Mr. Brad- JA EVLE20 ley ciimbed this great meun-UntdCucMO . PI3 tain. It took two days ta go 6:30e huc ONAPI up, and another day for the 0. descent. His son accempanied 0 PONTYPOOL 2:0 him and thereby set a record! * Uie hrhARL4 63 as the youngest person ever Untd*uch T E. IRL4 63 te make the climb. Among, the views et the BAKTC beautitul countryside severa I ISOC 20 showed the native buts built * Recreation WED. APRIL 5 on high stilts. The roofs are 0 6I :30u covered with atap, large leaf- 0 Centre ed water reeds. Tbe speaker 0 explained that these bouses * ar constructed on stiîts net '0 ENNISKILLEN 2:001 te keep them away from *e United Churci, THURS., APRIL 6 6:301 snakes, other reptiles, and in- 0 sects, but because they, r ceeler when far, above the NE WTON VILLE TE. 0 Rice paddies were pictured a Community TU S. APRIL A4 and Mr. Bradley pointed eut 0 Hall 6:301 that tbe lUnes net demarcati I 1 the women on their jk-nees pst the coral itot tar on the road. N RH M EL N U H ways by hand bfr overthi mtefaiwegHEALTH ASSO( roUer. Tbey recelve $1 Ma- laya" which ta 33 cenfa tn Cvp'*nmoney, for 10 lhom nFlnanc.d ..rfflh Publie Suppe a day at this labor. 1Thu heat à sSabah laOe«. L w ' V ' q V I Yeted a Sopy fuen rttpeace te Mr. rd ley as a souvenir of lia visit to ftic club. Ross Strike, who donates all the tickets for thie Rotary HUockey Draw, won the draw for two tickets for Saturday evening, March 25ti. Ie gave themn to the president te suc- tion, and Inmedlate Past President Don Morris seured them for $ 13.50. A. H. Strike was Uic wlnner etffthc tickets for Saturdoy. evening, April 1.1 The birthdays of Davidi Hlggon and A. H. Strike were E celebrated by their fellow Ro-1 tartans. Guests present at fthc luncheon meeting wereIî Percy Manuel and John Kes-1 sler, bath et Oshawa, and E.I F. Endley, Toronto.1 CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWNSHIP of DARLINGION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst the Council of the Corporation of the Township cf Danlington at its regular Ceuncil Meeting te be held on Thursday, the Gth day of April, 1967, at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter wilI consider passing a by-law te widen, divert and have moved to M 1fr. oqUe tarMi. and Mms Pereyllul. 1 et r moving Into the Rob. rer house and Mr. and Mrm JIm Fraser, Raglan, àre now residing ln Uic Mense. r1Mr.LlyHaap and Mr. Verner lcheil0 ttwa, were hiday vsteawlthMr. and Mr.GeorgeHeasipand 1Mr. and Mr. Maur'ce Nebitt and family. Mfr. and Mrs. Ralph Ssddler and Jantce werc Sunday dia- u er- guests et his mother and' sister Mrs. Robcrt Saddler and ýMss' Vivian Saddler, Bow-: manville. Mr. and Mrs. lan Scott, Corbeyvtlle, were alse guests. Mrs. Ralph Saddler re- turned home with tlic Scotta for a short vacation. Recent visitors wth M1r.i and Mrs. Lorne McKee were1 1fr. and Mrs. Melville'Henry, Miss Carolyn Henry, Mfr. Jack Wellesley and Ian Henry, Oshawa, and Miss Maxine1 Greens side read being a forced road running through Lot 17 in the 3rd Con- cession and Lot 17 and 18 i the 4th Concession of the Township cf Darling- and to expropriate certain lands in said Lot 17 i the 3rd Concession and Lot 17 and 18 in the 4th Concession of the Township cf Danlington, required for the aforesaid road. The proposed by-law and plan showig the lands affected may be seen i the offices cf the Township Clcrk i the Township Hall The Council will bear i person, or by bis or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that bis or her lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies te be heard. DATED this lst day cf March, 1967. W. E. RIJNDLE, Cl E URE AREA FOR REFERENCE .....ee.. HOUORS R EADING AND j i pm.f0 :0 p. X-RAY ONLY J4 D p.m. f. 5:00 p.m. 3 Dp.m. f0 9:30 p.m. I FR, APRIL 6 p.m. f0 5:0p.m. i1 P.M.to :00P.i MON., APRIL 10 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sp.m. f0 5:00 p.m. T E . IR LI p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 1 USARLi Sp.m. f0 5:00 p.m. FR1., APRIL 7 p.m. f0 9:30 p.m. p.m. f0 5:00 p.m. p.m. fo 9:30 p.m. MON., APRIL 10 p.m. fo 5:00 p.m. TUES., APRIL il p.m. fo 9:30 p.m. p.m. f. 5:00 p.m. WED., APRIL 12 p.m. f0 9:30 p.m. OR DUABETIS TEST STRIP TESTING CLINIC BY - M TUBERCULOSIS AND CIATION mrf of Christmas Sosie LONG SÂULT Mr. and Mnr. Jin Rider and err; 1fr. and Mm SOsborne and family, Cour- tice and Mfr. and Mrs. Alan Cole Bowmanvifle, spent Es ter âunday wlth their parents, 1fMr. and 1fr.. John Jolinston Mfr. and Mrs. M. Keilett and fsmily, Janetvlle, were Esster, Sunday suppr gucats ot MrA and Mrs. 1sr Penwarden and family. Mfr. and 1fr. M. Mavin spd family, Oshawa, were Gëèd friday supper guests etf1Mr. and lir. Robert Cameron. 1fr. and Mis. Rye Gibson were Ester Sundsy dinner guests et their daugliter, 1fr. and Mis. Norman Davis aud family, Orono. (Intended fer Ilut week) Mi. and 1fr.. L. Adams, Bowmanville, were Saturday J' E .4 w. ~1 il. 7- - ;-7-r DATES