Mapo Erove Wo.en'S* Istitut. The Mai-ch meeting oi the niai Dinner on April l9th. Women's Institut@ was a tour Mi-.. W. Brown reported on of MeLaughlin Library, Osha- an article in the Country wa. The ladies were taken on Guide re "In the W.!. on the a coducted tour through the Way Out?" various facilities avaiable andi It was agi-ced to back the W ere shown a short humai-oua 'Institute request foi- a ban on film. Mrs. S. Doyle maved a trading stamps. -vote of thanku to our hastess. The Bi-anch Directoru were SThe following business wau appointed au oui- Nominating eenducted in the C. E. kitchen Committee. ý on the return of the ladies. The 4H Girls and their lead- The roil cali "A book I en- ers are ta be oui- gueuts et the r~dieading" was taken.1 annual meeting in April. Mn .Stevens reported for Mi-.. F. Stevens comniented the Gaod Neighbours. Men-.onthemOtta, -'ake time te tien was made of the Centen- j iead, it 's the foundatian of education". She said, "Thom- Annune e, as Carlyle said 'that man- J or been, it i. lyîng in magie IgeaingSubsanc reservation in the pages of ealngDuutace gooka. God books do mn Shrinks Pfles things for us. The>' are aur 'klevelers a! society, the teach- boponhoi.*uWirepbmfriumd dto. ers of wisdom and knawiedge. Books are tools for the mind. A renowned research institute ha; WP can travel in every land found a uniu heahing substance through booku. We have with the abiit to shrink hemor- heard, 'Man does nat live by rhoids painlemly. It relieves itchmçg bread alone'. He turns fi-rn and diucomfort i minutes and labour and may express him- sqpeeds up healing of the 'iured-, self through speech, di-ama, fiamedtissu. music, ballet, painting, poetry In case after case, wile gently and literature'. Read books, relieving pain, actual euto but above ail read the gi-et- 63hrinkage) taok place. est book of ail times, the Mont important of al-result@ JBible". Wu esothoroughthatthis"mprove-. Lunch of tea biscuits and Ment waa maintained over a period ijam, tes and coffee was serv- Of many months.i ed by the group in çharge. This wasa acomplishied with a riew heaing substance i(Bio-Dyne) Which quickly helps heal injured KEDRON celha ana stimulâtes growth of new tisslue*. There were three speciai Now.Bio-Dyne is offered in oint-1 services at Kedron United ment and su ppstry f'oi-m called ýChurch over Easter weekend. Prepara.tion H. Asakforiit at aldrugAn innovation, was the Easter stores. Satisfaction or your mole>' Sunrîse service at 7:30 Sundayl mifunded. Imorning putoen bytheHli-C.r1 - - "Were You There?" was' He likes Shirts tf0 (N . Spa rkle? Depend on Usl. ReaIly expert shirt laundry f or your par- ticular man is no problem te us! We specializ. in fresh-as-a-breeze, perfectly finished shirts, RETURN YOUR PINK ENVELOPE, EASTER SEALS NEED YOUR DONATION - at - 11lcf~ CShoppe1 S e e O r S e l c ti o 48 KING ST. E. of beautiful cSpring îf(ats BOWMANVILLE' To look your best in your new Spring Outfit.. . let us fit you with a new Foundation Garment SEE OUR NEW SPRING DRESSES Sizes from 7 to 24% ONE and TWO-PIECE SUIITS Worsted and Double-Knit Signing the Register Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. West are shown in the above photo as they sign the register following their marriage in Hampton United Church on Saturday, March 4, 1967. The bride is the former Miss Cheryl Rowan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowan, Enniskillen, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Stella West, Cobourg, and the late Mr. Elmer West. ___ Photo by Astor Studio sung by Gerry Powery to open the service. The Easter Mes- sage was delivered by Bill Eliiott, and Gayle McNally, John -Davis and Gloria Wood -j ward also took part. The service was written by Anne Bishop, and Mrs. Ross Lee provided the organ music.ý Everyone was invited to eatý breakfast in the Lower Hall where John Glover, Ted Ma id- man and Wilfred Pascoe served up great quantities of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee. On Friday evening and Sun- day morning at 10:00, there were special services at. which Rev. Kenneth Deer officiated, and Mrs. Grant Hunter was organist and choir director. There was speejel music by -the choir at both servicés, with solos by Mrs. Doug Love, Mrs. Donald Gibson and a number by the maie quartette, Murray Mountjoy, Bill Werry, Ron Werry and Jack Francis. At the Sunday service, there was the sacrarnent of communion. Susan Brown and Gayle McNally are spendîng this week in Ottawa as the guests of Rev. Winnifred Bridges and Miss Margaret Burns. Mrs. Harold Werry ix spend- ing ber Easter vacation in Fiorida. Anne Bishop spent Easter weekend in Ottawa, attending a Folk Service at Manotick on Sunday evening. The Kedron C.G.I.T. held a work party on Wednesday night at the home of their leader Mrs. Alan Francis to coat with chocolate and decor-t ate 300 Easter eggs that the r girls have sold for their mis- sionary project. The group has only ýsix members - Alexisi Bremner, Maureen Brown, Nancy Craig, Gail Craig, San- IE dra and Gail Mitchell andf Gloria Mountjoy. Even wjth the expense ci 60 pounds o!i sugar, the group expects to s clear $45. Ail the filngs,j whiteh were whïte with yellowf yolks,- and the sugar flowers and leaves for decoration were I made by Mrs. Alan Francis!, and Mrs. Jack Francis. j The Kedron Sunday Sehool j Married in. Kirby* United Mr. and Mrs. John Wayne Lowery are shown in the above photo as they cut the wedding cake at the reception following their marriage in Kirby United Church on Saturday afternoon, March 4, 1967, at 2 o'clock. Former]y Miss Brenda Ann Drinkie, the bride s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Drinkie, Bown-ranville, and the groom is the son of Mi-. and vlrs. John R. Lowery, R.R., Orono (Kirby). W LOWERY - DRINKLE 1 lier only attendant was the .1groom's sister, Mrs. Melvin * A quiet but pretty weddingp Switzer, Newcastle, who wore a~ s w ~ Pfltook place in Kirby United: a street-length dress of Dior Ari flh flL ii~ * 0Church on Saturday, March1 blue chantilly lace with chif- i;.4th, 1967, ai2 p.m., whe.n.fon trim, white net chapeaiu, son ýbrdeof John an rs. . Mr. Ben Koropatawa. Orono, B R U() on f M. ad Ms.John R as groornan. while Messrs. "B R U N OIA : Lwery, R.R.Nrh rnj ev Sit,'ewal, 0F"R N A D KA14BAJ AO " W (Kirby). !n lfodLnOoo (King park plz)Mrs. E. R. Bryson, organist, the Sunday Schnol Room SERdwN ipiayed the wedding music. !where the bnide's mother, URCI4 D AND WILL .ER tNN 1 Gi ven in mariage by her wearing scariet alpaca wlth I4SpURS ather, the bride was attired' black accessories, received ýn a fioor-]ength gown of the guests. The groom's mo- 0 st white brocade, styled with fit- ther assisted, wearing. an A lIS y rh iV edhodice, long lily-point! azure-blue and gold brocade aff seevesand petit train. Her1 sheath dreas with white ac- f rom a crystal-studded circietý Foiiowîng the reception the AT 212 KING ST- WEST' (OSIAWAshidrent vilfoe ()Idand eVheadpiece. and she carriedt happy young couple left fora iurclintee'pink roses and stephanotis. honeymoon in Tennessee and w. invite AI,( Ok (uf C lie OhiOo.ndNe To Visît us At d anopnssinn u- Priai- tn their marriage they CALI. 5762010 )O ay. Patti Rosnak played "The ý were pleasantly s u r p r 1 s e d ~Holy City" and "In the Gar-: when the Kirby Commnunlty "S den"y on her accordian, and! presented themn with gifts of Freecustojer Prkig CthyRosnak read the scrip-t aluyinum, flatware, a Pelage sho- ui-e in the worship service. bianket, and a pink-star quilt th ear Of hPi The intermediate girls of! spread. From "Wiison's" lem- Atth Mrs. Douglas Lave's class using loyees they received a "Ra- costumes and backdrops, pi-e- jdiant contrai' four-slice toas- sented the Easter story in! ter. pageant foi-m. in the accom- Brenda and Wayne wauld M 'Ient of! "Were You There be happy ta ha--e their frlendsq en They Crucified visit them at 1434 Kingston LoidZ" Rd, Scarborough, Ont. g Iho Canadim a ttuman, flowmanvmle, mar. 29, 108? THE HOME OF THE BRANDS H . .......... 1., I e A 'ex. FAMOUS "WABASSO" SHEETS (Slightly Subs tandard) AT THESE SAVINGS!1 Woven by tMis famous maker in the four most 'wanted aises. Candy striped in the gay Gai-nival pattern wlth solid color hem.. Four luscins colors - blue,- maiz., pink, grecen. The savings ai-e youi-s Icause cf tiny Imperfections nh ati.wave that wl!l ot affect wear, can barely be detected. Hurr7 and get yours now. With uavings liko thesi they11 b. gone before yen know ik More Terrffic Savings on Thick, Thirsty TOWELS!I 'by "Caldwell" À Naine Synonymous With Quallty Tewels 4%À If Perfect 1.98 Stock your own linen closet high and gvc some au welcomed gif ts! Their .light imperfections will hardly be notic- ed. Ovet. 18 solid decorator caler. -te dbaose from! AMIl are detailed with dobby border. Generous 22 x 42.inch sise&. KING ST. E. 72 x lOO'.lnch if perfect 3.99 . .... ..... cadi 831 x lOO-inch Vfperfect 4.49 ......... *.e ch Twin Fltted Bottom if perfect 3.9 .......... encl Double Fitted Bottom if perfect 4.49 ........ .. .each. Matching Pillow Cases 42 x 33-inch. if perfect 2.19 .~.. pair 3.34ý 3.74. 3z34. 3u74 1384 BOWM 1