WithMr. :Blackstock Woman Heads Enott on and =. ..Oshawa Presbyîery UCW of.Taronto 'A M i. a o~<~ e,8 aCk- on M aicl 7 mnd 8. A new a is ThOmés stated tliat C . WLa9a ill1 e a cstu n jnf a i 7 q gY"5h o<8= l a d Diane oi - câlta tii. =the amas wfl au Dr. of service overses witbln aS h rre eeS M ciiual »znetp W. lî m pa churcli program. She agreed spend the M pu e bn .rand Mm V. W MX cIiy that mucli of what the cliurch *saa -, Chairmanof te = 3li as dous ln the. puthis beenPotH i : 1WM 1.ùspt. tormy Women too cloaslyliInked wltli colon-Jh W oStIi ondtIn, 8 wci i.ciin NOUW MI larde. Nevertheless, thein-tMr a tç, e n 004Pm ha bea hm a th thme luence of the Christian gos- tM.Jc a a th Wa gr- for the. Coferance for Wo. petl bas lnmn isae Mr. and'1 s-..ywy ttnd.d the two ss- mm wih ifl wm w ld ti paved the way for indeson0f and Carc 110- ns.The dlga e & e aro June 16-17-18 t dence. At the present re manville,S by bML .Wfrd Anthon, hel.Thev. jam Boe fr:ar set ovrats.r. ad V WedO f NortmIil-tr Nelson, and the Rev. Gwen. There are 180 requesta for ton and Car WWChurch WommU., netli Hubble wilU w thie key mlssiosiares who wiUl work i Cawl .lr*Uowbg thUienig or- speakçers. ln partnership wlth thie local Geo. Stap>let *1uhp, Uni. Alan Dln rt M n. Alan Down ooncluded ehurches iu such countries as Ja sw e' ï.Ing Precident, conducted the lier terniof office by en- Zambie, Nortlicrn Iuila and Mr. ife t h btW ouies f the. dey. Mn. B- couraging ail United Ciiurch Angoon MSatuird J. Pluco.nb, reprung for the. women to oninus her "The work of African o Atra t»arr POéae that a work, no matter liow uiall or Christians," she sald, lisA presenta tO to $o34,672.12 was ralsed semlnngly inaignilficant lit ap- reatly curtalled ln Angola Community1 durlng the. past ar. It wasa peared to be. The .piesldent UY the Portugese Colonial vngfo rý poInted out by polntedout ta tws h ocs Permission muât be Robert West et Poited ou- tha liteveniheg fois .» 0,k. Finance Cliairman, at consistent work ai the quiet secured before meetings canan r.C oelMY 24 01 the churclies had anes wlilch makes It possible b. held, and this la often wr.adinne patcpated ln the. Bursary for the work of the. organiza- granted aiter the date of the e dnr M.udad an Invitation was1 tion to carry on *ffefc 3 gathering." Lay catechios are wt r n %extended to ail ta shar. infd'"AU have a mission, nduuafly in charge afI mdlvi- jetMmeswere there are wlde opportunitiesdacngeton.A may, Mrh i this pro dulct.MrgambersAs Boy urger i i :.'r mlnded that pledges for here for ail ta partîcîpate in,is 6 soasaeuder B4. ere i ..$344 are stili requred to me et she concluded. the supervision of ane minis- r.VHu thi* acceptdbudet af $33,000 TheRev.Bs Long, Orno ter. Lay schoals have been Mrs. AilaHi 10r the Uniied Budget Fund. Chairruan of Oshawa Presby- salse opoietan ai n Books t eliin g af the tery, conducted the election irg for these local leaders to LawlorandMr SChurch's contribution to the and installation of officiers at eok nabe te acro ther Bracey and fa * Mowth of Canada, sultable tic close af the afternoon ~o otsa mrsnet s aes. pteo tetret wa. J~Oraul age leveis, were men- sion. The siate of officers !aoistso ipioiet tloned by Literature Secre- sflos as rsdnAt thc present time only 16MranM trMrs. Everton White. Mrs. Allan Down, Sunderland; sionarles remain in Angola amdy, Sund &ag quantities ai clothlng, President, Mrs. Harold Kyte, and since new visas are nlot This young basebail player awaits pitchers delivery whiie umpiring camp Mr. and Mr bdlg, and vitamins have Blackstock; lt Vice Pi.es., forthcaming, cd year the counseilor signais a strike two count. One thing for sure - he won't strike Out, and Rodneyc Canada and averseas accord- awa; 2nd nVice Pres., Mrs. lng a Uc rpor SuplyRobrt heficeesd , s haw ; Th itaio n abi because of his determination - somnething which ail crippled children possess. supper guesi ~Secretary, Mrs. John Knox, Recording Secretary, Mrs. R. mucli more encouragîng."1 said vr16,000 crippled girls and boys in the province will receive that vital care Mr. aCeci]B Hlampton. V. Glasswell, R.R. 4, ]Bow. Miss Thomas. The newly de- and treatment pragram from the Ontario Society for Crippied Children and its and aiyw Mns. R. J. EJJis, Belleville, xnanville; Corresponding Sec- veloping democratic govern- 230 Easter Seai service clubs but only if you support thern and donate to their tors at Mr. R -President of Bay oi Quinte retary, Mrs. David Duchemin, ment is anxlous ta receive $1,400,000. provincial objective. Every gift, large or smail wili be of some help Lakeshore. C. ofrce United h shawa;, aurr . G whatever help isofiered. The to a crippied child. Mi your cnrbto today. M.adM «,'Wr ecnveyed greeting Pinie, Oshawa. Rev. Fred Anderson has beenan mly to Citi on lo n to tndZaiamllyv and urged lier listeners ta Comimittee Chairmen. iE fda t h aba gv inhsspre hsad * l I __ itn . aiust ta rntie from what la some- zenshin and Social Action, ernmnt for nome time as the E E d pakd hs n inner.a tumes called our "holy hustle" Mrs. C. C. Lee, Oshawa; Ca-.licad of its literacy training mnany other projects. V I . Elliott and da ta finid renewed vigor ln quiet operation i Christian and program. Miss Thomas made A final note oi interest was Mr. and Mr maeditation. A maving service Mîsslonary Education, Ms. LE. special mention ot flic Min- Miss Thomas' statement that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thrasi- Friday. anmd family, Bc of Memoriam for the 66 mnm M. Dowson, Part Perry; Fin- dola Ecumenical School which the Churcli in Central India er of Cobourg were Monday «Mn,.. Austin, Sr., oi Canton, visitors, Suni bers Who have passed away ance, Mrs. Douglas Oke, Bow- specializes in Uiree mantli raised its own giving last visitons here wlth Mr. andIvisited her daughten Mrs. Bert and Mrs. P cldng1966 was conducted by manville; Leadership Educa- courses in houseliold manag- year by 14 % in spîte ai the Mrs. Clinton Farrow. ýTompkins, over the weekend. girls. Z&i,. illiam Sterling, Simca. tian, Mrs. M. N. Pegg, Clare. ing for women. One such devaluation ai the rupee and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton MVary Fac Gîlmen of Lindsay Mr. and M~ St. Churcli, Oshawa. mont; N ominations, Miss M. student, whose home liad the extremne drought condi- with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Mun- was also among those attend- and girls visi The. Annual Meeting of Bay A. Lauke, Oshawa. been a mnud hut, returned ta tions. roc of Cobourg were dinner ing thc birtliday party for lier Mrs. V. Wagi of Quinte Conierence oi Unýt-.Portfolio Secretaries: Com- lier home in tic Congo ta Mn.W .Bon al uss, Wedesday nightit, ith sister, Diane, Thursday, and i. Sunday, and ed huchWaienwiî mnit FiedsipMr. ~.A.find tiat alie was chatelaine Grave, lntroduced the speaker Mr. and Mrs. George Elhlott spending the Easter holiday. guests with Mi hfild this year at St. ac Scott, Oshawa; Literature if a 14 room Belgian style at tic aftennoon session, Thisan mly here with lier aunt Mrs. D. Wagg at Marl c ad amiy.Vinkle, and gnandmother, Mrs. Mr. and M t.TIt. Chrcl, Pte amues Mrs. Everton White, Baw- house. Her iusband iad be- duty was performed by Mns. Miss Marilyn MacDonald, C. Burlcy.araiins tTie hrh PtrOôgmanville; Assistant, Mrs lVI., corne Minuster ai Educatian R. B. Galbraith, Nortiminster, acconipanied by Miss Kathy Viiosat n n rs. afw daystv son Munday, Bowmarýville; for that province in lier ab- in tc evening. Turansky ai Kendal, leMtC. Brown duning the holiday Mr. and Mn. Program, Miss Beatnice Me- sence. lier Mindola training Wcdnesday to spend the Eastcr weedinld*Ms.Mr o Lean, Locust Hill; Steward- inade the transition I w ie1w holidays in Vancouver, stop- gareit Day, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ____ slip and Recruiting, Miss C extreme ways ai life relative- Buies iec y ping in Saskatoon, enroute, taa iTrooM.ndM. Welare Mr. j~ ~ "I Hog Kng he huri C ilfl flc" visit relatives. R. Bawcn, Bronte; Mn.. Nita Men aged 60 StewartMs nKo, "KeHondaog;teSpplyÀ aount CIIA a Y Mns. Waltër Simpson ai Birch of Orono, Mr. and Mn.. up approxini Hampton, Archivist, Mn.. W. ai Christ ln China is a dyna- Oshawa spent Tliursday witli Jim Gilmer, Karen and Jeiiry tiey cantnibut C. Ives, Bawmanville. mie force. Education ia part RAY J. DILLING lier motier, Mn.. H. Trim. ai Part Hope. thc ncw cases Followlng the evening meal ai a vigarous program tiat Cliartered Accauntant Visitons at tic manse ti. Mn. and Ms. larry Wade diagnosed year whli Vwa. served by North. tiecdhurch lias undertaken ta 93 Churcli Street past week included: Mrs. i>. minster U.C.W., Mrs. Harold provide,"' said the speaker. 623-3861 Dabson, Mrs. E. Fornester, CA L O S iyte opcned the second ses- Tien. are oven 40,000 young- WM..T.H. COGGINS Mn.. John Stark, Mn.. James CALL N US sion. The ncw president Cal- sters ai Higli School age comý- Chartered Accountant Stark, Mn. James Adams, Mn.. cd the women ta look farwand pcting for 8,000 places ln1 115 Liberty St. S., Bawmanville V. Boungerie, Mr. Arthur OR A I [~ to~t a new yean sud a new school. A successful Voca-Plae63 61Tipsn wark. Sic remndcd tliem oi tional Sclool la run by tic A surprise birthday party I R U ANC tei 4if tU4f rch -e-churcli, but, &gaiu, aven 2,00 WILLIAM C. HALL ln onour qfMs Diane Gil tenta be Partofhist-available. Inaddition ta day- Cliartee Acountant hrdYenigatheom ffFI centred churches as we begin time classes, eveming study 6'h King St. E., Oshiawa ofir.dand Mevc nin att e .m anather century ai service ln halls for day students wlc' Telephane 725-6539 ai_ Mn. and M wr rs.o ille Canada, are without pnivacy in their BURROWS, SELBY & CO. Clarke, Miss Bannie Gilmen, supIId 141 OHW WOEA IIE Members oi Newtonville crawded living quartera, and Chantened Accountants Mn. Pat MacDonald, Miss Jane wplydSOertfer ,d.,,.,den sows ubg Chdxe& 'United Chundli Wonien Côn- adult classes, are held as po 323 King Street West Anne Jackson, Mn.BilGme « Edo foeyo: (1) ~os ducted tic warslilp whicli was pe stnîve ta fit themscîves Oshiawa, Ontario ai Lindsay; Miss Yara Hiltner, bey. lroiAw pro. centred an the day's theme, ior work. 725-6451 - 728-7554 Mn. Gary McEwen, Miss Pa- bou hei lateat "Chaos. tIis day wliom you Out ai tic current "'Oven William A. D. Selby. C.A. ticla Bolin, Mn. Don Hodson, pes~poii;(2) Pofint Win serve as for me and rny and Above Gifts" ai Uic Unit- G. Edmond Burrows, CA. Peterboroigi, and Mr. and sa i g house we Win serve Uic cd Churdli Women, $20,000 rMn. Dennis Burlcy, Cobourg. y= eopreoeotprosrm; .(3) Lord.» Winl be sent te establisli a Chironracic Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Walkey t7-om 87My k FttngW 0 ere U- M-itlioiD.elnHuston, a-visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Walter on the eic ai ofMn. ln tic village ai Kathmandu, G.EWNM N,». Whittaker and famlly lu p.eeotan (4 cplan lan Down were cxpressed by a remote station lu Nepal. It ChrpatrTaranto, Friday, ater taking wbtYopemtisrne Miss Milîlcent L su ad lxhoethat tewo ita iî i Chrpatthein daugiten Joan ta Malton dis and o hBta or.i a atcptd Lke oc h optl Ofce : A tw escto i db@on n o w ot a. Vada af gratitude taa1il Wha b. equipped witi astwo-way 15 Elgin St., cor, ai Hanse y St. ,Airporta ermuda, on anh OU tiILÎO hd aricpaedin tic events radia fon consultations wiUi lanePhonoermuda, for a OU16M "I today. ai the day wene given by 1&s. otier medical personnel. Spe. Office Hours: By appointment master vacation. Lewis Tnifil, Hamptan. clal tribute ta tic 1Pioncer ____________ The annual Easter Thank- Report of the Speeches work of Mn.. Muriel Stevens .. ofien,,ing service aponsored by Of MissWllneTheoas Bizi ln Moenbeke, Congo, wa; D e n a itlie U.C.W, was lield lnur Miss Wilna Thomas, a for- also miade by Miss Thomas. churci on Friday atennoon. m ~ er milssianary lu Japan, and '"Anound the wonld Our DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.8. President Mrs. George Staple- GIVIUIDA El n w AssociateScrear -a4Cna ----pesnttisar - KngS. E owavil tnwccmd i-lre ai-,I ~rr .ccsaonduiesco tkee ig speclalise ln nuraingug Gerge 4MILY AKRTERpovmm 5 teffsue cdu-esco tk vbiisit ta Rolland las weelc FMIYFAC hIN C cation. Tbs Via; ofocdyDONALD A. KuoGREGOR M-n.sd Mns..Gergela.QURE RKLI CH bit ou o ti porl s'anedestts overseas post-graduate Vionk, Lite, Auito. ooie bai and Joan ai Newcastle, SUNNY MOR INDLESS -..dr8inlng awaY asset buit Up and aie tauow serving hen gInuranco wenc suppen gusas, Fniday ov.~ m~ ~ . ~people lunlier chosen pac ro, fweis. wth M.and M. Hugý SLICED SIDE BACON ~~73e Mmmn er,8 el«cetn in er story was S n 5 i t.W.B mvu iTAST MILO I APN~NMS 5 n*Odlous Prblems for the family you ai many Vose lives had been Witn orothaa l aett &YNA ' 35c "Bimef t.tt. i loebohird. chanied by Uitenacy, public Land Survying Waekend. hmeovr h tural prograru: sponsored by Mn. nd ..BtTnmM. ESTATE PLANNING the lli ad gncl- MERJL aO n sd Mn.. d. Rowe wlth Mr.U COC ...byctent Seln Truspro. NO the uicat of the Churci's 121 Qucen. St.- Bowmanville Bowmanvlluestow erormFlday NINE LIVES MNT Stsdlngcontributions lias been its Bus. sud Rus. Telephone evenlng get iM.ad CATSI fessional courisil con quickly put your prograni aifVieII.drUlhng since 623-7251 Mrs. Raymond Tnini at a fani- Z 1 1. affle ra ondoei Adbcthei 1965 monsoon faume.Mn. Ily party ln honour ai Ray. F00OD~ obligation. lnvssdgate ttu valu"i> *as sent ta the. cty of Mnorga ~ s<r~a~C on i PIAI wrild e f u 1 Vel . hOSAD E HMA MITON . OlgONO Hamilon spent tic weekend UA - FS P8 M PV C t d esl 3 suca sll 7 produce Pl ions 983-115 w it l lM r. and M .. C. H . La e.. M USTACf allon s ort Vettheci a int orgage Nund# MM.Frnk Ovens vialted P m f t p t C I f l d f l t l I h ~ I o s a y - er u a rt. e a mi t C 1 3R e a d e n ç e s - P a r m i i r s is te n l r . A l n a r r is , m e nwhcb w 05 et the point oai Business-Pr oper-tias a patient lu Lindsay Hospital, closig becauseci lck Uiche arly :Part ai lait Vieek. TRUTo aegbubeu.#i»@ck te Sn.ns. Richard McKay ai flhiIIVj gag wate las hes aco- pio m e r y Toronto was ILweekend guetO WA V LL Ra ii a flexila an ~IUA. DILM9 o 0». About 25 -Wsx'.inattendance ýOMN IL amom n,148 ptbJEt-nlat vzPort lBap# -Tiew*,., Co., mdulOff Ot[ ors Y l tMRhed tth W Meo am , Tle»oneA" 2 rdo. mb was at te uped the week- Thomnas r.uad Mn. Don Saturdaj eveing Ina; Mn. sud Mn& y, Port Hope; Mn. )on Vinkle. Mnr. Denton Massie » were weekend à Mn. and Ms. PF 1d Janes, Douglas of Edmonton, anniv- muday evcning te Easter holidays. Mrn. Ray Hughes af with Mn. sud Mns. rupson ai Kendal -daleveingguests Mrsn. Fred Henden- xol visited in Baw- Saturday evening, Henderson's. Mdrs. Hugî Staple- Rrol, Mn. sud Mns. ll, Mr. aud Mn. etn and Mn. and Wood wcne enter- te home ai Mn. and dWood, Newcastle, y vening. tation was leld in Hall on Satunday ýrMn. sud Mns. stheuser, sud Mn. 'hanlie Murphy. Mn.. Jim Adams Tgucats Sundsy Id Mn.. Robent Mc- ilaitons witi Mna. ricludcd Mn. sud .lctt sud iamily, [unking, Mn. sud Mecadows, Mn.. T.1 Linda, Mn,. Toddi r.uad Mn.. E.i Fmily, aIl of Osha-c Mis. Ray Çha]lice af Ida, witi Mn. Reid Wood sud ay. nrs. Dennis Bunley ai Cobourg, wcre b.s, Sunday, witi lurley. [nrs. F. Hendenson were Sunday visi- Robert Alldnead's, nrs. Lloyd Monton Baltimore, were ,s Sunday evcningý id Mns. George i laugitens. 1 rs. G. VanLanden owmanville, wenc nday, witli Mn. P. Holstege and Mrs. Sid Browni sited lier mothen, gg at Stoufiville, d. werc supper su ad Mn. Doug rklam. nrs. Harry Stew- on are spcnding with her parents, ýGeorge Staple- ;0 and aven nuake istely 1/2Oth of ite onc sixti ai ai oftubenculosis arly. 1 tI The. annual'ELiter Thank- Isnael were faccd wli sun 1 ofcnin Service was held on ather cloice - "Jesus or Bar. Pl Sunday Evcning lu St. abbas" - Israel close thc rab. Andrew'a Presbyterian Churel ber! W. fail ta recognize the 5 Mrs. Irene Morrison con- authorlty ai Jeans today In -ducted the service ai worshlp aur lives. When wc neco<nnq ably assisted by a full choir Hlm as Saviaur frani aur sin. ai ladies. Aftcr Uic Caîl ta Master ai aur wills; sud i Worsîip tic hymn "Jesus One wio lias aur full obedJ 1fKeep Me Near Uic Cros"9 was icrice and allegiance, then He rsung. Psalm 24 was ead ne- doca become King In, *spansively. Mn.. Lloyd Clii- lives. u ton led in prayen. The Ex- Mns. Isa b e McLauglhln planer Group sang "For God thanked Mn. Taylor for his Sa Loved tic World", "Whis.- fine message. and mil thos. per a Prayen in tic Miorning"' who panticipated in tic ser- 9"Rolcd Awayll, and "Hé vice. "Jesus Christ i. Risen Liv.." scconipanicd by Mn. Taday" was sung ai tic clos- Cary Kuipers at tic organ. ing hymn. Mns. Monnison Mns. Morrison read the New closed the ser v ice with 1Testament lesson inoni Mat_ prayer. thew 28: verses 1-10 and 16- 20. Ater tic singing of "Blest morning! wliose fiist BROWN'S dawning rays, Bcheld tic Son ai God"' we wcne favourcd (Intcnded for laat week) with a beautiful sala 'Tic On Saturday cvenlng Mn. Stranger ai Galile"e sung by and Mns. Harold Hughes hcld Mrs. Lloyd Ayrc. Tic choir s successfi card panty, entire sang "Low in the Grave He praceeds of wiici will be Lay". used ion Cub and Scout wanlc Mn.. H. P. Cosens intnoduc. in tiecocmmunity. Thisi.i the ed aur speaker, Rcv. Glen finit ai what wc hope will b. Ta ylon, Chaplain from Pine a continued senies. Ridge Training School. Mn. Six tables ai ecdlie Vers Taylor nead froin the Word lu play and pnizes Vient ta tic ai God ai Jesus Triumpiant fallowing:, Higi lady, Mra. Entny dinto Jerusalem. He ne- Mania Tunk; high gent, Mn. minc us that man's choice Bill Call; consolation, lady, aisKing is entinely differ- Mn.- Audrey Albin; consola- ent ta God's choice. Manan gent, Mr. Jack Turk; chose a Saul, because he was1most lone handi, Mn. K. Zu- good to look upon, but Godllauf. Lucky draws wene won chose David. On Good Fridaylby Mns. Reta Gonianiand Mn. many yans ago tc people of Doug Rahme. A ndrew's Church 1 M TE ristONTAttUEtIN MHE DRSONTRIO CG ORSE BOWMANVILLE AREA will b. held on MONDAY - WEDNESDAY « FRIDAY ýpriI i Oth-1 2th-1 4th 7:00 p.m. ta 9:30 p.m. ýR APPLICATION FORMS WRITE TO: MIARIO MROTOR LEAGUE A FOI AI PETERTEOBOHRCUBHOT pplicatious will b. accepted inthe onder they are received. FREE Ukt- WATER ST. MotorïstsmAttentïon