5~ORTopîCs ib Mit., -WiLEAGUE FMAUL V 93imila estaurat tured t en lait week, rolllng up - .leVlcor over tysta Dairy to deacilock thse beit .»f fve ~4'WUHoceyleage final erlus at onie game apiece. Third -lýM »EàesThur'sdy night at eligtedck i. t t t. t imUnI TOWN LEAGUE KCen's lMen's WeAr cMne up wlth their second straight 9-1' vfctorY over Nichais'Motera ta even Up Uic biet f ive JinWo I4eague final at tiva gaies aplece. . Tt ct ts e stage for thc big sudden-death fdth cricoun- ~ hsSunday ntg4ht.. tarting -at 7:30. Should be a dandy, Men's iMajor Lge. WU orth seeig. Brian Martyn won the S t t t t daly double prize on Wednes- COMMERCIAL HOCKEY high single gamne cf 338 and Would yeu'bolieve another tic? That's just what hap- added two more games of Pobe hi UicheCominiercial League finals Suriday night as 248, 237 te win high triple with 815. »Ùtto ani Gould Shenl camne up with a pair cf third pcrlod vi efctjme h iarbrks to a= ar a3-3 deadlock with Walter Frank Real 800 ri erfwth gmesthf Estite.249-324-234 for 807. Perfect The best of five final la led by Muttori and Gould with is Uic hottest bowler in the O .Win and two tics, wlth thc fourth contest slated for league at the present time. ftndy mrnin atten 'clck.Thirteen bowiers made the Sandy monlri attan 'clolc.700 mark. Howard Bromeil t t t t t had 793 (293-305), Russ Hall- BANTAMS LOSE 2-1 man 769 (284), Harold "The Bomber" Michelson 768 (289. The Ilfth and dcciding gaine in the Ontario semi-final 269), Larry "Young Nip"' Pip- 1banitam aeries was played Tuesday nlght at the Memorial er 766 (311), Art Rowe 766 Arena, a report appearlng elsewhere i the Statesman. (287), Bob Lawton 757 (264), Geogeew, ithJuri Kdraor cuningboh easRuss Oke 742 (297), Bud Georeton, ithJurre Kdraorscouningbot golsBarter 740 (302), Jack Parker .edgèd Bowxnanvllle 2-1, Sunday atternoon I Georgetown to 734 (290), Bruce Milne 725 .tle' these mrez at two gaines apiece. Tom Simpson opened (255), Roly Coombes 717 ,.e. scoring early I the gaine, with Kudrasors tying it mid- (274), Brian Colville 715 Way i bc prlo an netin bb winerat 2:1 cfthe(241), Dr. H. B. Rundle 708 idn taepoerlayd ntut. h ine t1:1 fte(292). '.ibiDn ona pwer-laythrst.Elton Brock had a nice 288 t . t t single gamne, Stan McMurter CEJNNAL BADMINTON 276, Si Trewin 275, Clarencet The old scribe made a couple cf trips to the Carleton AIOs27b ourneem2n263 É91 K I -. - Ai Qîborne 261. 01-- +- 1 m J.InuTronto iast welcjo take iiin e entenrnaî .aaxin- ton Tournament, Involving teema from 15 nations. TO'bogin wli, lb was our first visit ta Uic Carleton Çlub :ln nany yeans - tise lest tinie we were there, we were . cornpcting at tise tender ege cf 2 1. Partrered with ZMaron Swidclin he Uc nixed doubles we hed big hopes f reacing success, wiscn a sprained ankle torced us te default itise semi-finals, wilie leading I the third game That was i a "B" competition. But we'il neyer forget sur Initial participation I the Granite "'A" tournament. You Ïalked on tise court, figuring you weren't a bad player. %rour opponent was always a ranldng U.S. or Canadian play- or- but ise didri't look se tougis in bhc warm-up. After *bu lait 15-0, 15-0, lb bien became quit. evident just how good these top perfermera reaily were. In Wednesday afternoon s action aur main interest was focusséd on Uic Canada-Sweden match, won by Canada 5-0. #7, was greatbadminton as Jamie Paulson and Wayne Mac- dqoinell downed, Swcder'a Yohnson brothers hi Uic four singles und'ce- doubles event. Paulson, only 18 yeana aid, la deitined ta bocome probably t#e greatest player tigI country has ever produced. He bas qvésYthlng, tise bard shots, tricky sisots and fine speed. Canada 'wtit t i'defeat South Africa and'Ireland ta rcach thc iikÀ" , whIlê Sweden bouncèd back to&ern victories y*rtis saietwo teainsIt ist.- group. !Ç,eieft n mdefeated nations meSthIthse senti-finals witb A ~~Canada, 3-2 andi Dennierk defeatlng Malaysiae t9t, efs wé-have mentioned, we learnced from personel lpne'ust haw .good these top players reaily arc, In arsyafternaes n'a ils we were ta sec the greatest player1 .t lesbeen ur pleasure ta watcbhi action. ]Erland Kops a bearded 30 year old Dan. was upset i t» #Wrs game 15-9 by India's Suresis Geel, as thse Indien ýOpIaedsaiedzzlig abat lb asatlclyne caribetater that as Kopa used a vast "rzy of abats ta wallop Gaci 15-8, 15-0. Ii t the cpcning singles bctwecn Diesb Kisannais cf India j ind Donmark's. Hennlng Borcis, it was aniazing biset neitber1 #Yayer used a smash. The eritire- action consisted mainly of eléan abats and draps as tise rales went or and on. Tise "ra game saw Borcis leadlng 14-6 bofore Indla ralliled tori élx, before loang 15-2.1 Borcis made a great comeback In the second gaine ater Weng dowri 13-7. He tied It 13 all, tiser added five more i extra Peint Play for a total of il consecutive points te wln 18-13. Denmerk eeslly took Uic doubles 15-5, 15-0 ta, wrap up1 thse Centennial chemplonshlp. C *One of Uic Soutis African players was telling us thisE *part from Denmark, tise otiser big powers I badminton -J Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Jepar wouldn't let their F playes comete. top layea cepete Apparcrtiy Uiey reafly take their badminton seriously. r ?Xhose nations arc busily engaged In Uiree mnotbs of solid L tractIce in preparation for Uic forth-coming Thomas Cup F World Champonsblpa. Malaysia was represented by Dr. Oor Cbong-Jli and T 0on Cisong-Hau, a pair of players wiso weren't up ta their P .tual calibre, but stml reached ties emi-finals. E A portion of tise final match wiilbe shown this Saturday Y et 4 p.m; 'on the charnel 6 program Ialeldosport.B L FINAL STANDINGS IDinmark Canada No. 1- J dy4 11 N ------- Souths AfrIca___ Norway New Zealand- Jamalca Canada No. 2- Ireland _____ MEMORIAL ARENA BOWM14NiVIL PUBLIC SKATING PRIDAYr MARCI 31sf. SUtIDAY, »RIL 2.ud I, M 11h SE Lm Ju Fi VI Morley Thompson had a big 97 single game to win low prize. Jim Houck had low triple 442. Frank's Variety Shop teain had 1264 for higis single gaine while the Beaver Luin- ber boys had high triple, 3560. In the averages Howard Bromeil and AI Osborne are tied at 245 witb Bromell hav- ing an il pin advantage for top spot. Bob Lawton jumped back te 240 for third place. Ail bowiers have 36 games. Tise Pepsi Cola beain now lias oniy a 2-point lead over Kcn's Men's Wear. The Beav- er boys are third, four points off tis. pace. Tise Men's Majo League banquet will be heild this yeer on May 6th at tise Memoriai Park Club House. Electior of officers will be teking place in the near future. l2th Week - 2nd Schedule Averages Name Games Howard Bromeil 36 AI Osborre . 36 Bob Lawtor 36 Ernie Perfect 3.6 Larry Piper 36 Dr. H. Rundie 36 Maurice Annet- 36 Murray Tigise -36 Don Oke ____36 Ed Leslie _____35 Brian Martyn 36 Jack Parker - 36 Ted Begneil _ 36 Ruas HeIlîmen - 36 Si Trewin - - 36 Russ Hately . 30 Ab Semer __-__36 [Vatt Harrison 33 George Bebee 36 Elton Brock _ 36 Don Bagneil - 36 Bud Henning 36 Russ Oke ---____36 Clarence 0k. -- 36 Bud Barber 36 Haerold Michselson- 36 Norm, Henning -- 36 Karl Piper 36 Bruce Milne 36 George Glenvilie- 36 Mfaurice Richards 36 Bob Richards 36 John Carter- 33 Frank Moisun -33 B.ob Williams- 36 Art Rowe --- 30 Dae McKnigist -33 Lou Wiseman- 33 Frcd Thsomson 36 Ave. 245 245 240 239 234 233 229 228 228 227 223 221 220 218 217 217 215 215 214 214 212 212 212 210 210 209 209 209 208 208 207 206 206 205 204 203 202 201 201 Teani Standing 'ern W L Pt. Pepsi Cola- 24 12 24 Ker's ilen's Wear- 22 14 22 Beaver Lumber ___ 20 16 20 1.G. A. __ 20 16 20 )ykstra's -- 19 17 19 Rutton & 'rould----- 17 19 17 *elby Grant- 17 19 17 rels Osborne Insurance -- 161/2 19 I/ 16%/ Wbyte Bros.- 16 20 16 Lander Hdwe.- 16 20 16 ury & Loveil 15 21 15 Frenk's Variety --13% 2 21/13% Legion Bowling Mareh 23rd Denise Annaerb Bernice Partrier- Fran Bruce______ Merg Blake ____ Rose Vanesse _____ Hilda Sinmick ___ Audrey Bete _____ Arigela Semari____ Bernice Bothweil__ Nybi Siseehan____ Mel McNulty Mle Bates____ Jean Burton____ Bamrey Boiavert - Lorairie Bruton___ Mary Westover- Graca MMrock___ Mablê W lllms___ Ansiý iper Leai Grahmn __ Te4mC StssIil- 3e . o. ainer - Bantams Defeat Georgetown to Win Ontario Semi-Finals Bowmanville Bàntams came through last night to defeat Georgetown 7-3 and win the Ontario semi- finals three games to two. On Sunday, they were beaten in Georgetown to tie the series. Members of the team are, front row, lef t to right, Larry Allun, Randy ýRogers, Steve Forsey, Robert Willoughby, Scott Bur- Town League Hockey Olympia Wallops Crystal To Tie Finals at One Apiece' Olympia Restaurant came in the first period, added an- to lead the winners, singles up with one of their best other pair of unanswered tai- going to Murray Brown, Bob playoff efforts to date, at the lie in the second and wrap- Fairey and Joe Balson. Memorial Arena, Thursda ie night, walloping Crystal Dairv ped it up by out-scoring Crys- The lone Crystal score came 7-1 to deadiock the best of tai 3-1 over the final 20 min- off the stick of Ted Fairey. five Town Hockey League utes. The series continues this final at one game apiece. Bryan Hughes and John Thursday night, game time Olympia scored two goals Miller fired two goals apieceeight o'clock. Commercial Hockey League Frank's and M & G' Af ter Third Perioi Mutton & Gould Sheil scor- eci two third ; period goals Sunday night at the Memorial Arena to tie Walter Frank Real Estate 3-3 in the Com- mercial League final series. Mutton & Gould lead the best of five final 1-0 with -two games tied, stili needing ai victory te capture the ech am- 't>icxihip. *.- The Realtors 6ock a 3-1 tirai period bulge or goals by Lloyd Hamilton, Raye West and Steve Burns, witb Bryan Hughes ceuntering.for Sheli. I adesMajor Bowling League No less than four shutouts the single division, with a 271 were registered in Ladies' game, followed by Dot Brooks Major Bowling League action 266, Iva Mountjoy 261, Fran last Monday night. Front- Bruce 257, Helen Reynolds running Etcher walloped Bic- 256 and Onie Etcher 254. keli 3-0, to maintain a two Barb Buttonshaw's 728 total point spread over second took high triple honors, other place Joli, 3-0 winners over big games going to Doris Joli Patfield. Coupled with the 721, Onie Etcher 693, June Patfield setback B r o oks Baker 687 and Marilyn Cole bounced cellar-dwelling Ten- 649. nant 3-0 to take over third Team Standings spot. Pts. Hazelden upset Bowers 3-0 Etcher -_______24 to round out the shutouts, Joli -_________22 while Preston edged Martyn Brooks ________20J 2-1 to move into fifth place. Patfieid ____18 In one of those infrequent Preston _____-17 i ties, Baker and Buttonshaw Bickell________16/ battied to a 11/2-11/ standoff. Martyn- 16 1 Doris Joli led the way i Hazelden 16_ YOUTH BOWLING I ýD. Bradley _______204 1L. Piper 201 fJ. Bryson _____201 Hlgh Double D. Srowder ______363 D. Bradley 360 JUNIOR BOYS Bouwmeester 5, Ruiter 0; Preston 5, Holroyd 0; Preece 3, Wilson 2. Tearn Standing Prestorn ________41 Bouwmeestcr _______36 Wilson __________31 Preece __________28 Holroyd 19 Ruiter __________10 k Higli Single B. Preece ________232 R. Knlgist ______ 218 1HihDouble 1R. Knigist 348 G. Edmondson ____ 345 SENIOR MIXEX LEAGUE Selleck 7, Bradley 0; Etcher 6, Colville 1; Cain 5, Gocdwin 2. 1Teani Standing Goodwin _______45 Selleck _________44 Cain 41 Celvile ________ 36 Etcher __________34 Bradley 31 Hlgh Single B. Colville 256-212-212, C. Evans 283, M. Hately 277, L. Woods 205-269, J. Tucker 257,1 W. Lewis 233, F. Burns 235, R. Selleck 206-220, D. Sellers 227, R. Etcher 225, S. Cain1 225, R. Leal 225, R. Beauprie( 218, A. Chlttick 211, J. Bromeil1 202.E &. Seileck ___Triple _6971 B. Colville _______6801 L. Woods _____651 J. Tucker_______64 C. Evans _____ '614 W. Lewis 606 gess, Deug Crough, Barry McMahon; back row, Coach George Cawker, Tommy Simpson, Mike Donoghue, Mark Johnson, Deug Parker, Gary Preston, Paul Siemon, Murray Cawker, Keith Mountjoy, 'Buck' Cowle Jr. and Manager 'Buck' Cowle Sr. Photo by Lloyd McRobbie Curlers Win Haif a Lamb in Dundas Spiel Last Wednesdey, March 22, four curiers frein Bowman- ville travelicd to Dundas, Ont., te participate i - the Canadian Co-op Wooi Grow- ers bonspiel and were suc- cessfui in winning the tropby. Their prize was a hait' lamb each, plus four wool neckties. Tise curlers were Sid Wor- den, Keith Ormiston, Paul Kowai and Jack Gay, skip. Rural Bowling g~.a ~Marcis 21, '67 ie ÀoUg a in N Maple Grove ----31 3 Pts. Enniskilien Srs._ 22 3 Hi c'S ___20 3 R l y Solina _____19 3 d R lly Tyrone ___173 session, Jiggs Cowling court- Salemn Il 3 e d criý a-, ee ý 4~crv, ad Enniakillen mb. -10142 tishe tyingýfelly late lin the Hlgh Single r pcriod, bounced in off Hughes' Ccc Milîs tleg, for bis second goal. Hlgh Triple 1 Fourth gaine in thc senies Cec Milîs ---------- goes Surday mornirg et ten Low Single ao'clock. Hl. Yeliowlees -- Low Triple Bowers _______ 151/2 H. Yellowlees ___ Buttonsbew 13'/% Averages Over 180 Baker .12 JA, Day. Reynolds 33 Terrant -__ - 7 H cagiln 33 1 220 Game, and Over H cagln-3 LB. Terry 234, M. Green 236, H. Michelson 36 jH. Reynolds 256, D. Preston Ccc Milîs -- 36, 1230, M. Pearson 224, M. Cole T. Pleasance 33 236-240, F. Bruce 257-225, D. B. Botbwell 33 Brooks 266, E. Mitchell 225, K. McGill ____33 H. Depew 227, J. Tennant 249' D. Taylor ____34 D. Collins 229, J. Baker 236- B. McDonald 30 242, B. Buttonshaw 235-239- D. Cryderman - 24 254, J. Harness 223, S. Bickell E. Dickey -___33 238, L. Crossey 248-220, D R. Laird _____36 Etcher 246-254, I. Mountj * L. Wearn _____36 261, D. Joli 271-245. loy D. Wood _____36 Top 12 Averages C. Carswell ____33 D. Joli -________ 234 J. Slemon____ 36 S. Biciseli _______ 209 C. Brunt 36 O. Patfieid______ 203 Deug Reynolds- 36 J. Baker_______ 201 Jin Coombes 36 O. Etcher -______ 200 D. Terrant ___ 36 B. Buttonsbew ____ 200 L.Coombes___ 36 S. Davis -_____ 199 Ray Davey 35 D. Brooks _______ 194 C. Russel____ 33 J. Terrent ______ 194 G. Shackleton - 36 D. Bond_______ 191 John Coombes - 33 C. Bowcrs_______ 190 F. Beckett____ 36 M. King -_____ 190 L. Tenent - 26 B. Milîs -_____36 J. Mosiser ____36 R. Coombes ____ 13 M ixe M cjor A. Westlake - 36 P. Westlake ____36 Tise Reynolds' took top hon- B. Taylor - 36 ors on Morday with -Helen Chester Milis- 36 isaving tiseisigis single et 346 A. Martin ____36 and Dave night beiid Witb A. Wilson - 36 306. Dave aise led ir tbc tri- J. Pcasarce 36 ples with 839. John Carter___________ nad 825, Pete ijobbins 803, Doris Joli 788, Maurice Anna- ert 739, Helen Reynolds '730, Lucien Annaert 707, Ernie Perfect 704. Averages 200 and Over D. Reynolds -_____244 B. Buday _____-241 E. Perfect _______238 F. Hill 230 D. Joli __--- _____ 228 H. Baliantine ______225 P. Dobbins ______222 A. Saman ____221 M. Annaert _______220 J. Carter _______219 S. Bickell _______214 L. Coners ______212 R. Wright ______210 R. Hallman ______209 M. Murphy 209 F. Thomson _____207 G. Bebec________208 D. Wright ______205 R. Maynard _____204 L. Ainaert ______203 Team Standing Buday -______24 Buttonshaw _____23 joli 211/ Annaert _______21 Patfield ________19 Wright ________18 Colwll ________161/2 Bickell ________14 Coole 13 Raynes _______12 Suteliffe _______9 Dunri __- ___ 7 sg ingle Helen Reynolds 346 ,Dv eHWighTriple Dae enolds 830 Righ Average Dave eynolds - 244 39827 Pins 36755 37489 34726 351421 34255 This week saw Mecnab McKnigbt 2 33907 down Prout 5-2, D. Bond Snowden 23 ciobbered R.- Westlake 7-0, 35 and Marsiseil downed B. West- lake 5-2, J. Bond over Snow...... 16den 5-2, ard Brock made e dlean swecp cf 7-0 aver Mc- Knight. 69Mcn's Hligis Triple - J. Bond 741, H. Srcwden 714, D. No. 263 ian 898. Mer's Higis Single - G. 26Prout 36, J. Bond 319, H 226 Snowden 308. 224 Ladies' Higis Triple -D. 223 Bord 679, A. Miller 801, May 211 Aildrcad 588. 27Ladies' Higis Single - D. 206 Bond 245 and 239, F. Sno 205 den 224. îî 204 Gaines 200 and over:J 203 Macrab 210, D. McReelIs 200, 202 G. Prout 204, 336, D. Bord 201 239, 245, D. Nolar 282, 222, 200 B. McRelils 209, F. Tippins 198 206, M. Archer 209, R. West- 197 leke 217, 208, F. Stubbert 205, 196 May Aildread 212, 200, F. 196 Snowden 224, G. Marshaell 195 222, 299, M. Dakin 207, G. BANNER PASSANT 195 Demnis 223, A. Miller 213, 201,1 192 B. Allen 222, B. Buma 209, 6335 189 B. Miller 203, 256, J. Bord 6335 189 319, 276, Roy Woodward 226, 120 Duke St., Bowmanvill 189 H. Snowden 308, 232, B. ,Pot- 188 ber 246, E. King 214, 200, N. * Life Insurance 188 McLean 214, R. Brock 212, * bIcorne Disability 188 278, 205, V. KlIng 220, L. 186 Vesna 240, T. Aildread 233. * Pension Plans 186 Teams Standings Group Insurance 186 Points 184 Marsisal-_____ 46 * Business Insurance 183 Prout ________45 <Estate Planning, 183 D. Bond _________45 182 J. Bond 45_______ Sun Lif. Assurance 182 B. Westleke _______42 181 Macrab -_____ 41 Compn .o Cnd 180 R. Westlake _____341 ~ fCnd 180l Brop1 - 33 SPORTOPICS Wu£L DONE DOIS! Doriïs Joli, one of Bownaillle'a top bowleru, a4*Cmi tainly one of the best in this entire district turned in magnIficent performance I Ottawa last week, to win the'. Eastern Canadian Ladies Sinigles chaniplonshlp. Doris la bowling this week iWinnipeg for the Canadian titie, anid we Joir Inh with ail her weil-wishers I hoplng ahe cari wln further honor for herseif and Bowmariviie. Doris rolied up a 2084 total for eight ganies, an avuaga of 260.5 per garne, te wli the championship by 103 pins over. her nearest rival. Mrs. Joli has averaged around the M mnark durlng the Ladies Major League season - and'that la- conslstently excellent bowling. Her aiter, Bernice Buday, didn't niake the Eastern Canadian tearn, but accompanled tic bowlera out west, wher - It was possible that she might bowl If any cf the regulars were slck. After tic competition on Tuesday and Wcdnesday, It was expected that these two fine bowling sisters would be back. i Bowmaiville on Thursday. LITTLE N.H.L. TRURS., FRI. and SAT. Bowmanvlle, alter sweeping the district playoffa, a feW weeks back, will have ail three ail-star teains in action nt Uic Little N.H.L. provincial playoffs, thus Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Fitteen teams are cntered in Uic "B" division, with 18 more i the "B.B." category. Bowmnanviiie wiil meet the winners cf thse Norths Metro district I frst round play, starting Thursday mornlng. The 4 bantam game gets underway at 8 a.m., with the pee wccs schcduled for fine o'ciock and atoms at tcn. Should ariy or ail cf the local entries win, they wilflplay again on Thursday with Uic atoms at 5 p.m., pee wees at six and bantams at seven o'ciock. Victonies in the second round would put Bowmanville in the championship finals on Friday, the atom titie game at six, with the pee wee encounter at seven and the bantain contest at 8 p.m. The grand championship finals, pitting the <'B" champs against the B.B. winners will be held Saturday night, starting with thse atom game at seven o'clock. On the other side cf the ledger, should thse local entries win their openlng batties and lose Thunsday atternoon, they wouid then go Into thse consolation finals - the atoins ut seven o'clock, Saturday morning, pee wees at 8 a.m. and bantama at nine. Bowmanville eouid lose Thursday morning and stili go inte tise consolation serles on Friday afternoon with the atom game golng et tbree o'clock, pee wees one heur iater and bantams at five. Victory here wouid allow thse local lads hito tise Saturday morning consolation finals. However, defeat here means climination. Thse consolation grand championship is slatcd for Satur. day nlght, prier to thc main event, with the flrst game scbedulcd for four o'clock, once more following I the sane order - atorn, pee wee at five and bantani, six o'clock. With the Little N.H.L. Ontario cbampionships se close this year, undoubtedly thse highway between Bowmanvill. and Cobourg wiil b. kept busy as a steady streani of parents, neighbors and fans take in the action. Thse "B" champlonship or Friday evening, and grand championship Saturdey night will give most people thse opportunity ta sec what shouid be tise best games cf the tournament. Let's hope that at least one cf our teema inakes thc finals. Do you suppose we couid dare hope for al thre? If you happen te be a shif t worker, there wfll be plenty of fine hockey te watch ail day long on Thursday and Friday. If you haven't seen some cf these minor hockey teanis se far this year, we'd urge you te have a look - and if you have neyer seer any previous Little N.H.L. provincial play- Cils B hnyurayaeh OrWaIrea' For ...FAST, COURTEOUS,- DEPENDABLE- SER VICE -VISIT- FIying Dutchman Service Centre. OPERATED BY SLAGHT & COOK LTD. -TWO LOCATIONS - 401 and LIBERTY ST. S. KING and WAVERLEX ~ee'WET -WASH WITH PURCHSE 0F OIL CHANGE AND FILTIR *tee, WHISK. WITH EACHf GAS PURCHASI "s for your FWEE CentennialLopel %i Tise attendance this week was tise poorest we have had. With just four more weeks of bowling left it is -hoped eacl parent will sec biseir cisiid h present each week. BANTAM GIRLS Tice 3, Bryson 2; Bronjeil 5, Mountjoy 0; MeMullen 3, Dad- so .Tcam Standing Dadsor _________40 Bromeli _______ 2_ McMullen ________27 Bryson 26 Ti y -______21 Mountjoy19 Hlgh Single D. Broil _______196 G. Dadson ______154 B. Barreli ________151 HIgh Double D. Bromeil. -_ 332 G. Dadson ------ _ 269 BANTAM BOYS Sisred 5, VanDriel 0; Coombes 5, Jenson 0; Jackmari 3, Donogisue 2. Tearn Standing Shred _________43 VanDriel _________32 Coombes ________31 Jenson _________23 Donogisue 2 Jek MnRgh Single 1 R. Denegisue -___ 216 W . Coombes ___184 Hlgh Double R. Donogsue - 334 G. Jenaon ______313. JUNIOR GIRLS McIr 5, Macklin 0; Ayre 4, Mcurter 1; Pattield 3, lien-' ning 2. Teaui Stan4ing Piper - --34 Patfleld . 33 Macklin 30 Hennirig29 Ayre 29: MemurtIr i lgb Bing,. ow**wq~ ~ox~ A~~L ~ I ilu 423-7234 1 à" -T T:,%