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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 13

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f/ e' SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR .Assistant Swimmning Instructors wIli be recelved by the Newcastle Recreation Commjttee Up to April 75th, 1967 Ail applicants miust have the requjred Red Cross .Qualifications for these Positions. APPlY, stating- qualifica- tions, age and salary expec- ted to: Newcastle Reereation Comjttee, Box 147, Newcastle, ont. ij ica n eea , nd chargebacks #a $7,175.30 the actual the town xviii be on] Expenditures dur. month were: direct -$4,973.57, nursing ho 004.08, supplementary exccss and medicines indigent burials $54. March Welfarei Iinciuded 22 heads of with 74 dependants, perscLns, seven desert with 18 dependants, jents in nursing hon 21 people who receive land O.A.S. supplemer Building Inspector1 erington reported t total cost of constru Marh 'vas $25,200. building permits an Mutton & Gould Sheil Take Commercial Hockey Titi. 1%0. Canadien Statesmn, BowmanvMie, Apr. 8, 196? NOILL OSPITAL WRSKLY REPORT For the week of March 27 ta April 2 inclusive. Admissions g iths, 1 maie, 4 female Pincbarges 781 .Major operations ____7 -blinior operations 37 Emergency treatuients. 45 Visîting hours 3-8 p.m. daiy. eare Report, otal $7,1 75.30' There were 178 welfare re- 'ripients during March, the re- port of Welfare Administra - tcr R. J. Welsh for the month, lvhich was suhmitted to Town Council on Monday evening 8tated. Four new applications were filed and accepted dur- The totalcost of welfare for _Iarch was $8,252.88, but aI expected recoveries from pro- APPLICATIONSj I for the positions of maximuma d valua fo or b llr!Ifyo Csnp ar - asewhira .ci d op!1 On Sunday morning, Mutton & Gould Sheli fin- Ron Pollard; back row, Peter btacey, Irv Gi, R ished off Frank Real Estate in the Commercial League Burgess, "Jiggs" Cowiing, Bryan Hughes, Dave 1V. to take the championship. Members of the champion- Cullough, Danny Girardi, Coach Don Crossey. ship team, front row, left to right, AI Guernsey, Brian Rowe, Ken Veitch, Archie Crossey, Alex Wiseman and Photo by Lloyd MRobi CENTENNIAL GAMI LAST WEEK'S WINNER: Mr.Madeline Haliman 77 Parkway Crescent Bowmanvi]l WILL RECEIVE A $10,00 GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM Cowan 134 King St. E. Equipment Co. Bowmanvill PRIME MINISTER: SIR WILFRID LAURIER PLAY "the Centenni WE WANT TO BE YOUR EGG MAN TOO i R G/en Rae DATRY We Guarantee Our Products For Lile PRESTON TRANSPORT] LTD. N AGENT FOR ALLIED VAN LINES VAN MOVING AND STORAGE 1623 -2493 Ail Loads Fuliy lnsured 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Complete Service and Repafr to ail Makes - Licensed Mechanjc - Mutton & Gould Service Station 72% Scugog St. 623-7451 T TEEM SOFT DRINKS 3 c per 3 cCarton - Plus Deposit - SMOKE SHOP 31 King W. 623-5626 For the Best In Dining anc Entertainment THIE _FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR ilOTE] AND RESTAURA Hwy. 401 623-ý $10000 w Just read through and put thein togethii Minister. You could wli any one cf the particJ be pestznarked ne later te The Canadian Statem I" SHELF AND HEAVY HARDW, " ROOFING * FLOORING * POWER TOOLS Darlington I.anes' Highway No. 2 Open Bowling Every Day EXcept Wednesday Enquire et 723-3485 Ssubsidies mrount to il cost to Iy $1,077.-j mal t Dommon -o knaw wham voyS stand, beaa, uipIcy on pricing is clar, 0"nce end compsttivgh If vouvi bain a reguler, at Domnin, jasnt! itcomfortang te -know Yeu eý ùp r I ou C,:," 2 t's Mainly -Because 'of theMeal RAGE- R OAST - r~ ...- . ~* W CCcy M cIntosh - - - n w ith .relatives in Welling- aasD3IlILa~~ Mrs. Ralph Gerowý spent the Ba Ea*.ter weekend wit2 3CberPson Don and is wife in Toront. Mr. and M rs. Chas. M eneil . i 4 5 '.s u Gu r n. d o G v &tsa to ley, Mr. and Mrs. John Me-00 da n ellevidloyle. tMn Values Effectivei Until Closing, Saturday, April 8, 67, in Bowmanvllle Good Friday Service was W RESERVE THE RGTT II QUANTITIES. held at Zion United Church at 8 p.m. Rev. an Munro wmsaas OÉ. hr.on n ihs ti9pm in charge of the service and O mmT us n r.Ng t I9P M w assfsted by the Wecome-. " a very good attendance. 1 Sunday, March 26, at 1.5 a.m. service was beld at Mer- sa irish United Church for the iZion.Morris}i congreg a t o n, This ws Comnmunion service, Rev. Ian Munre was in charge. and aasisting hlm were Eiders Mn.Harold 0 inOt.ad-i p n v na Hosa N A sjg borne. Mrs. Miton Brima-i t 5 1 Àp 1 camnb, Mr. Allan- Peter. liiere 1St. Ilnd SiAnA -A A venue (High o -ANo-A A A t) Wai a fair attendance, à Iý . . . construtiveS critioha tee . .. help Us te, continue I t. pieu. yen! I For Appointinent I Phono NOW I I 65 Kuig St. E. 623-7541 NI KI 9' BEAUTY SALON 2-DOOR NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR 11 ileu. ft. *102 lb. Freezer *Pull-Out Sheit *D@lry Compartment Bugt. List 838900 oui PRiCE $299.95 with trade E COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 i« E., Dowmauyljl ý SE PAGE 8 FOR EXCITING*a GTRADING SAVE$ $ $ ON POST SPICIA LS 4 A USED CAR NOWI1 IM ______Et ET PICKLED ing t he: ' -- w w i' TENDERLOIN END-3 TO 3/z-Ib AVEF welfare Editor's note: The follow- 1"Who are they?" It's a bad 5 ai 49was given by 12-year-old. it keeps popping up in other , 's 201.13,' Nancy Fowler of North1 forms. For example, people O R KLI Hope Public School. It won eldaim or everybody knows or p recipients ber the Durham County jit goes without saying. Radio ffamilies Public Speaking contest at. commentators refer to they POR K LOIN- CENTRE CUT 15 single the finals heid recently in ja Aofdnta ore ted cases Orono. She also won the *. aspaprconf earsoue. M 21 pat- shield presented ennually Nhew sagerne portedefin es, and by the Durham County Club man or a leading mîlitary ~ KSÔ d O.A.A.1 of Toronto. Miss Fowler is elMUhrt o ihrnkn OS * tary aid, in Grade seven and the ofau.ori a hh rn R. Hth-dauhte of r. nd rs.out te be a groundhog or a MAPLE LEAF OR PRESSWOOD'S SWEE hat the E. Fowler of Elizabethville . grapevine or a littie bird.who ction in1 and granddaughter of Mr.'toid59 Three andMs. Hl. Thickson, also ~ Tersys stesap t II nd fourl of Elizabethville. She will p uhrt httrsgsi be peseningher peec atinto gospel. Even the wildest the April 28th meeting of "' . - rumour is accepted as factMrCTAER theDuram lubin or-Nancy Fowler when someone credits it to TASTY/ ECONOMAL4dA ot.The address is en- tidpra pua ht istethey. Perhaps the speaker u ~ ' titled "Who's They?", and tidpro lrlta stedvsseýr ta h ar makes in o s t interesting final judge on everything ovrear ta h ar readîng. from fashion to the weather. desr's but by the tii-e it - If heysaywecant warreaches the bridge table the goiigtO~ed~S~ t I tbî îhet oyte fla nth asoure hcaruli noa b:E E F - T E o Hae you ever heard one brown shoes with a blue suit sourcerbas it iplied Iant b y o u r f ri n d s s a y h a t i t si r e a o y t e r i nac c e p t t h i r c h a l le n g e d . I h e a r s h e d y e s É Il cue h ctrplad ecision without question,1 a shot-gun wedding. It's com- nated early? When you askHowinmaniy umbrellas are car.-,mon, knowledge that sbe's O O tI who said se?, the answer !s- re hS c ountry on a, clear runngaoudwihth MZ BLON C O E they did, and there was no-1 day, for instance, because runhning ro nd with te thing else to Say. Yeu can't the; Say it' S going to rain? lightning frslan Yo .,. pi C OKE arMen are Pkg.di É "marg i th oy "sAil iy life they bave dia- either. aAso-hey-qotersPkgu.2 "I m an tis nonyoustated what I should do or "Man 'a asue they o tner1-z -z moeosehulnt I neyer but usually for practical rea- ' plumbing permits wereis bite niy finger nails because sons. Thus a man may post- F E H T S [le u Marc they say it will stunt my pone putting up the porchFRESI- FISH Durig Mrchthe Building growth and I always eat niy screens because - They say Inspector made 18 investiga- bread crusts because they say YeOu shouldn't exercise right ~ I SOLE FRESH tions, 17 building inspections, it will make my hair curl. 1 after dinner, dear. C A E and five trench inspections. avoid food 1 like because they "There is no limit to the FI LETS IL.69é SMVELI There were 24 inquiries dur- says its fattening. range of their lsnowleclge. If ing the rnonth. "Whet I want to know is you're peeling onions tbey tell _____________________you to leave the water run- flbflaraa.m..~~~~ between your teetb. Tey can J,!t.I~U~Â.~jJQL~PM~9PM rn m EraurduS.bu ? swing a national election by-- TenderFiake lacks personality or that one -L A RKD Pg. 2 1 can't win. Their stock-market i___________________________ forecasts leave the experts baffled. There was a broker ___________ hing called Amalgam Fnll- 100bel' CLEARANCE 0F SPRING OPENER! U ings. They say its goîng up TinC she assured him. He Iaughed a. MATA su iSma5 dWORK SHOES KITCHEN CHAIRS of course but a week later or. it 1AmalgaRm Fillings split tre~U Re.$.5 9.95 - 110.50 RE-COVERED $399 for one and bis wife made a.E B> E NWAs Low As ----$ illing which she lost at the :MW' B C T Il V E ONL 6.O -CAH&CAR1 track the following day be- ON Y$ .0 -C S A R ause they sa:d ber horse was i' Apple nd Rspberry or SAVE 17o (S asure thing. Apple and Strawberry - 24-os. Jars J O E 'SWHYTE BR S "The trouble is that teir n N î a fr 1O J () E 'S FURNITURE AND redictions are se often on N o f l a 3 or10 L SHOE REPAIR FUNTtEANhe gîoomy side. If'you dream «, INT ADPTSO UPHOLSTERING of a wedding they warn there AoKN PE . 55Kig E 63.25 is going ta be a funeral. If Granulmted White 5-lb. 10-lb. -337 80Kin St W. 55 ingE. 23-252 you cut your finger and then sprain your ankie, look out. c7Jc Tbey claim accidents com n* UG R3 c 7 !INNER WEEKLY Attention Subseribers: right. sitnWnbs~a Evaporated - 16-os. Tins BAVE 60 eah deriement, find the letters"Ira the story of a manA :I. ' r to form thenmec Pie * BUECROSS wwas tn nhsliving henaebf.uuML A-ara ion Mwvuuue 2 or 3c n a $10 merchandise voucher from * GREEN SHIELD room one nigbt wben the1 cipating mierchants. Entries sbould * PS DRUGS grandfather's dock stopped. ~i r hnSudyminct nbaie ey say it means a death iniÛ Tomate - il os Raotlies BAVE De t>a the ymifigt ndinaie This wife aaid. MWr saP.O. Box 190, Bowrnanville. JURY&LOVELL the faly, te.H tl ir Hinz etch up2 o .5 acept dlaims for net to worry, but sudclenly ap C !ARES I .~D fAbyourdru plns.dog started te bowi and bis FA E iG EG R ou dutplns wife insisted it was a bad M Q.T.F. Fmncy - 14 oz. Tins SAVE 140 E m 623-3361 H men because that's what they say. Just then there wasc *i.iware ] Phone or seesun about three muffed raps and his Fruitlu. adau 3 for 79C E95 King w. 623-5211 setting up your file NOW. wife cried "It's Mother." He opened the door and sure TenderLeaf- Pkg.. of 601s BAVE go enougb it was. She bad ber T !ree suitcases and she moved T A B G 9 10-ibs. 25-lS. .ýMyeit .le just as well M NG When you list that 1 don't know who they Feh P o u NG 39 69care. Tben I'd start t worry -' 6c with us Fres.itProdu< NG GRAPEFRUIT about whp tells they ad 10 or59 Beredyt9woryin can give Yeu ulcers . CALIFORNIA GROWN L L O( Y D'S move. s M _ _ _ _ One M le east of Oshaw a M _ _ _ _ __ _ Geerltoe D eW IT H Zon (Hope. Tow nship)A S P 41 Town Lin. on Sithway 2 Reaitor (Intended for last week) SWEET AND JUICY - LARGE SIZE Open weekdays Miss Elaine and friends M 31 8arn. - 10 p.n. 14 Frankc St. 623-3950 notored ta Florida where* .J1Sunday il ar. - 10 P.=niL tey 'will spend the Easter as F FMO Rw 1 holidays. I Award WNnoran Grw n W lrdaoh 01 il compliment, w. IlISt, KELVINATOR I David spent fthe. aso+.... __ PYRFE AKùE WR a.12 NGUS 31 & Fm yms Donon imwonm hm ve hi afim nough Io know good food values when lhay me g "th 's one oi f lthé mmny rasons llmt.Canadimmns ato, tDorMinon thon at any othir tom .WMean nd waek out Dominons evaYdeY 50W Pfcieham auurd upt Add th, daigna cf wookend otecigig whch ~.1 - 5 7 c ý3lb 5 c Award Winnina SDeeCh 1 1 --7j«qqlý ý 11; ~bLLS (ETTES1 iced 5 Varieties Presswood's Rindies ), MEATS1 Breakfast BACON 5c Pkg. 7 5 SIIOP WMTHCONFIDENCEII 1DRESSED aviasFmF uis a w m » w Save -On Dominion's Own Brasnds Domino Soda Water or - 30-oz. Rotties COMPARE GINGER ALE Plus Deposit 8 for 99c Grand Prix - 1o Varieties COMPARE CANNED BEVERAGES 10o.95 cc age r$s.8 Richmelio - Pkg. of 12%s BAVE 3e DI1N N ER' ROL LS 27cý Country Girl - 20-oz. Size AVE Oc' APPLE PIES 39c: Hilltop Frozen - 2-1b. pkg.BAVE 60 French Fried POMATES 3 9c HilltoP - 1-lb. Pkg. COMPARE' I A45SORTED BISCUITS 39c i Pre-Ground - 1-lb. Pkg.BAE6 RICHMELLO COFFEE 7cE. HOME NEEDS Macleans - Family Size Tube SAVE 24o TOOTH PASTE95 Regular or Firm, Control 15-oz. Spray Bomb SAVE 59. ADOR AIaR SPRAY $2.36 Vaseline White - 16-oz. JB AVE 20o PETROLEUM JELLY 79c i B-z ize TUMBLERS doz. 69C1 Asuorted Bizeî nhprdR e il zmrh VSHIII

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