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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 14

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14 !Ya* clmadhan statesmaneo'vatvme, Apr. 5&196 egisiatiOn la Pendlng li Cali- Victor Smith end 1ahradrde JyadCals p N O ~ .*Foresters Centennial Draw Assists Retarded Children MTh ovroroIteStaester RthMm. .ThTrnorae oasscuet a recoin. Mr. and Mns. wal oe rhm Keit Stvensn ad Mr Debert1l"0 Wmended the repeal of the Îbbl Of ClarkSan spent a patient iPotIpeadcompulaorY InsUrance plan in Qv'nslaMree. and Mra. Frank GilnierFu l"asyow weaiof a F nd sim ilar ta that ln 1111e spent the Eastcr hl alllast week wlth l.M. (g)C T A C U LAeiec ba *Mflu er id Veekepfret.Le s cn ew day7at1 Shawenthat costs under corn- l InD days here wlt her ~ L ushn r. ulsory isuran e have risen. lirs. L. Peck was in Bow- Recent visitors at the. ManeMsahseu lni ville Haspital Tuesd ay included Mir. and Mmrs.jack fiucd ihmlrcverage 1ne tecopi Vvigteeth remaoved. Freeman aofLemalde, Mi'. and sr ascuet lni ýMaster Marty Brown under- Mns. Clarence Haywaad ofci Bostoncveag went an appcndectomy in Orilhia, tic latter, va~thor.e assach usetTrtowaund Memorlal Haspital lait Tues- maining over the. weekend lieostneas'tcnthrablte hîgher.,q I"s enny VanLonden of play at ftie card party ln Corn.Advcat es o! ctmusorhi- Wr Powanille was a visitor munity Hall, Friday night,suaccteexo letwcck at Mr'. P. Holstege's. when the winners were: High uf the oenet evrtued SYmPathy la extended ta lady- Mns. H. Trini; High planhe n Saskatchew a d #eV. R. C. and Mrs. White on gent- John Campbell Draws lac nStaresppchedwanawer , lie death af her brother, Bn- -Terry Worrall, Bernice Hen- otarsupedylw. gadier J. T. Gillingham, S.A., dérson, Ellsworth Caswefl. Statistics, however, do not 6fVancouver, on March 29. Mr. and M n. M. Taylorsu p r h c neto . S - Mins Darlene Bow e n Of and girls cf Brucefield, were suptchn conenton. s- Cambray, spent the Easter weekend guests wlth Mr'. and ksateha b er camulsory holiday. at the home of her lins. Rosa Brown. rates, because it had one of aunt, Mrs. C. R. Farrow. Master Douglas Gordan ofth o e acd n frq nie Mr'. and Mrs.. Harvey Os- Orono, spent a couple day in Cnadas,mand motrists lay up borne ai Welcome, were vis- lant week wîth bis aunt, Mns. intCaa, and dutring winterp sosWednesday evening witil W. Baughen. tercr.Teeaemr Sr. aniMrs. F. Gilmer. tecars. e sqare meo Miss Aie Nesbitt returned M. and Mns. Melville Tou- Tro no anin sqamilea Ss-f home Monday night after 3 sigant of Sydenham, were vis- Tooa tchan n 250,o00 sr mionths' visit with her bro- itars Saturday with Mr. and milcens20,0 suae 3and, Flarida, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton Last year, Saskatchewan set- .Debbie MacDonald enter- went ta Coakaville on Satur- tled its mare than 50,000 M MOELW PC tained several ai her smaîî day ta visit Mr. and Mns. caims for an average af friends at her birthday party, Johmao and family, recent- $291.00, whereas the Ontanio '$ Wednesday afternaon. Jahnmove there from Part MtrVhce cietFn Mns. S. Lancaster, frs.. c.Hope. Motto e icleis fAcc e ide ti Farrow, Mrs. W. Paeden were Mr. and Mns. Chanlie Wat- ________ni ne months ai 1966 with anSNGEVIO El aniong thase attending the rs af Toranto, spent the avrhe paenoft mo l29. Memalal Hosita Te, h M r.wee ye nd Bren e . e fte, Court Bowmanville No. 964, Canadian Order of Bell, one of the committee in charge of the project, Th urn e s ton ai t obie TH US vK N1Y I3 ai omnileLosCete isKaren Lee ai Orona, Faresters, has achieved its ambitiaus Centennial pro- Chief Ranger Wm. Taylor presenting cheque to Presi- ernment-sponsored c o mnp u 1- The Most OustnngOfrnOtcaRlty Wednesday. ' awa underwent iurther major Grant Wade on Wednesday. Daee ndSatrday ev ieinatha eirCennl Pojthe nt Dosh aonal Swet nf h Rtared hdren'sheAssn.sn nsrne o htp o Neyer heForHIS W]ferdsc enainlSaig.Fr h ia sureryinthayhspinllashTetRdhon sClb'tAnlDnceansDrwTileicetshaibengsldCouhebHisWrshp-ayoyIan obb wo dewthewù- vde unerpniat enerpis lie ii UIhisor. weaein ern, GLSSS t yu a afratin aoc week. nual Banquet was held in the were able to present a cheque for $500 ta the Oshawa ningr ticket, Jk Cole, Mlto Daken, Fiînance Secre- es, is a matter of nteres oBaddfrtqaiySn Mrs. Margaret Shaw was an church basement Saturday ev- and District Retarded Children's Association. Winner tary, who also worked on the project and Stuart Car- wishes a copy of the HansardLO over-night guest with hesi-nng served by the U.C.W. of the draw and $500 was Jack Cale of Chartran's son, Vice President of the Retarded Children's Assn. containing the full debate on 6 tls h ter, Mrs. Bud Joncs, at the Messrs. Phil Gilmer, Bill Men's Wear. Photo shows, from lef t ta right, Clarence the subi ect, please feel free toa Chaos. the Glatss., that ynwn n nyynne o n pc hom e o i f rs. Bea Jon cs, the and G rant W ade w erc am angco t c n e.r q r m nt. Sl t r m a ld as rt n f Ia es latter part af the week. those attending the Mercan- _contact__me._____ iene e lecty frourtss esnlt ndfca otn.K Friday was a busy day for tule Hackey League Banquet Peter attended the Hockey <11esteGain o thie Henderson iamIl y, as at the Lians Centre, port Tournament at Millbroak last M.. 11rnTofrsIe Grateet Valmue n h ihs Qalye N ail undrwent tonsillectomies M. and Mrs. W. Bursa and Miss Frances' Sta c ey is H Y O i Memoial Hospital, while iamuly, with Mrs. W. C. Dca n Horng taNwcsl etP L Ii'! .L e is M R nt E-IRPO LB A-O Home. I Nwcstl RstRe orWfr mIIenfPa k r. RussellOriston,En Bob had a wart removed frani af Toronta, wcre visitors Sat i niskillen, was dinner guest o! the. bottom ai his foot. urday at Mr. Clinton Brown's, Mn. Glen Farrow was ancey dx~.arunrM .Mr. and Mn.. Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. aura Hick y of Min-Mrs. ean emaiing hrou h Of gro p wh mot red o b y lek arrRonald M .and. oRay ananay Sunday.ay se visiting her sister Mrs. this week. Buffalo aven the wcekcnd. orMsA. cKnn Wm. Milligan and Bernice. Mn. Fred Henderson and Mns. Bud Jones, Douglas COMPULSORY katchewan. In Ontario at least, province which do flot have Soy, rsA. cinn and Diane af Edmonton, ne- AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE h.ý said, if you sustain seriaus adequte o ae and Miss L. McKinnon 's tunned ta their home in Ed- A intejur adifrm-ii~ies, you have a chance aofii Vhles whjch have been names were omitted in last montan Saturday evening, af- tive debate cnlivened the pro- metste h Ssaciwnolwnercosen t; .u h Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. ADTON.AamAlIfWM ter pending tan adequateeceudgegsstolene ontusio withoutenh.e week'shvisitonshatanMn.nands consent NO wtr sendting es. cckhe re edns a th ntni Legis- systeni, they throw you a (iii) Vehicles on which the in- Mn. and Mn.. Genald Shack- BIFOCALS YOIJR CHOC . OPEEWTIFAE MORithMrlatives. lar a ture a oon ofManch fsioncew- mee pittance. surance has lapsed on has leton and Ruth, Salem, Miss NO APPOINMENT PEISAY_ DIAPER were supper guests on Sun- Mn. Donald MacDonald, Lead- Mn. Nixon contended that been cancefled; Joan Falls, Kendal, were sup-o -day, with Mr. and Mns. Gea. er ai the N.D.P. any new rate increases on rate (iv) Vehicles which have been per guests o! Mr. and Mns. W. f.SDRUDGERY Kimbaîl, Newcastle. The motion regnetted the changes should be justified sold without a record O! Blackburn and famuly and DD uMr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, lack af action on the part ai befone an appropniate Corn- transfen; and Mns. Cowling on Saturday. Lois and Gary, visited her the governiment in dealing mittee af the Legisiature Ora ()Vhn antietfed s VraAvrPes mother, Mn.. Lamne Todd at with thc high cost o! living, omteofgvrmn. in hit-and-run accidents. Paint, spent Easten week with the home of Mrs. McKnight, and in particular the îaiîune One of the real areas o! dif- (c) Under compulsory insun- the Bertrim family. fO 0t4in Millbrook on Sunday. o! the gavernment, amang ficulty, the Opposition Leader ance the innocent victim has Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Lyons17BN STE.H RS -M. and Ms. Ted Bugien other things, ta establish a suggested, lay in the reduction fia protection in accidents anien rneile ee1 O DS and girls, Orana, wcne Sun- public compulsory automobile o! automobile accidents with caused under any anc o! theadDenOagvilwe day visitors with Mrs. A. Bau- insurance plan. gavernment regulations that above situations; weekend visitons o! Mn. and Mn McDnad ii upor-will nlo longer permit obviau d h rsn cietMn.. Marris Pollard and fani- 2nd Floor 9am o5pm al Miss Joan Walkcy rcturned ing compulsony automobile in. unnoadworthy cars ta go on Claimn Fund in Ontario does ily.I home Sunday from an Easten surance, argued that: the highways. protect innacent victinis under Mr. Grant Thanipson, Ham-IClsdAlDyW . REA IHholiday visit in Bermuda. (a) Present automobile insur- The Honorable Irwin Has- these circumstances; ilton, Miss Ava Thonipson, OSHAWA, ON01O E7816 Mn. and Mns. Don Vînkle ance rates are exorbitant; kett, Minister of Transpart, (e) The State o! Michigan has and Glen Burgess,1fr. and We MI11cai PSI, Ocilts and poeraspecItIn tcm o ra. P LS R IE drove Mary Fac Gilmer home (b) Present insurance provid- statcd that while compuisory adopted the Ontario Accident Mrs. E. R. Thonipsonan P L DIAPER S R IE ta Lindsay Sunday, aiter a es only partial caverage; gavernnnent insunance appears Claim Fund plan, and similar Cynthia, Bowmanville, Mn. week's visit here. (c) Many people are fon'ced ta ta offer a cure ion the many Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Henden- obtain coverage under the ilîs, a study o! the problem Now .. son and Elaine ai Bowman- assigned risk plan, at exorbi- resuits usually in a quit. di!- J ville, werc Sunday evening tant rates; ferent conclusion, and he gave CALLcallers at Mr. r. Henderson's. <d)ý- The present private etr as bis ressorts the iollawing CA L1M n Mnm. C. M. Jones prise systeni resuits i h facs . e uliwce. in Lindsay, Monday, at- dag-eat-dog competition of (a) 97% o! ail vehicles on W ruuuuY ( tencing the funerai ai the late sanie 200 campanies. Ontario Highways are insuned. Mr. Fulton Chidley, whose Mr. Nixon and Mn. Sopha, No other jurisdiction ha. a 66 -46 1 .dcath occurred last weckend spealcng for the Official Op- higher percentage; de MissAlle Nsbit ofTor Maconad'spoiicy o! corn- not caver 100% oi ail drivers. onta, was here over the wek- pulsory government-spansored The Minister listed the foliow- insunance. Mn. Sopha stated ing categories not covercd: _______that the. system in Ontario us (i) Vehicles from outside te '777? infinitely superior ta the anc Itria in the Province o! Sas. BT A Y-~ ~~ INesbitt.besitrMssA e DONALD EDWARD GIBSON V* Newtonville U.C.W. met in tue Sunday Schaol hall on Whitby, Donald Er ito Wednesday aiternoon, ac 29, fr thereguan n snon, 325 Cochrane Street, 29eftin e reidnt rs. G. lyWhitby, died Manch 30, 1967, taetn prein d w' a. at the Oshawa General Hospi- ymand L praynedfoitoaîn al. Mr.Gibson, who had been ':' Iwhich Unit Leader Mn.r i ain elh o ai Elittpesnedte e tme, was in bis 6th yean..-.., 4..:«<.n *a,'aiotrsted the eMn..R.4 The deceased rested at thieV als. J ate l, y Mrs. Mcu. .Fu era C ap l il evcning ion the congrega- o! Grimsby, Mrs. S. Stewart vysaecronswihfehndreejyn tion, ieatuning a pot iuck din- (Blanche) and M n.. V. H. :ha -L e ned wn hed. p s bt n te cryu c ao. oelxrau, m e tien, was discussed. Atr Storcy (Nana), and a brother, SaeLt itdwnsil.psbto h a ward, there wiii b. a showing Howard, ail o! Bowmnanvilic. ai pictures o! the aid church A brother, Frederick, was kill- burning and the. present one cd in action 1918. in the process o! being built. A son o! the late David and ............ . .. .... An oiiering will be taken, and Mary Gibson, the deceascd Od .oer.e this was leit for the Centen- was born at Bowmanville and .... '<n Chevrolet dealer îcue hma pca oan niai Committce ta arrange. neceived hi. early schooling . Wh nthfari evng are dsolthan have a way Again a request is adefor in that area. He was a gradu. Sgae pckaersvns.I ouv eyrhd oc se ofla igm r h nagift t a Party: names and addresses ta e ate o! the Ontario Agnîultur-in an po c brks hee yu cac. a C sc de40ever been stuck with a tutti-fllJtti. sent in ta Mn.. Gea. Stapîcton, ai Caliege, Guelph, in 1931 elcrcw trh ae opdtbelta Cascade 40 cr Secnetary o! tue Comniittee, and had been a resident aiBO US topdtbeltsa that printed invitations ta Whitby since 1948. . cu. thebosale s e n oehr ihPwrld elcrewae e te hs aetetie asae4 cn QrCetnilService may A pantner in Bowman and u. ind yu cn a o FrselabudeThenne T h e s e a r eeth e teme sG i b s o n L i m i t e d , h . w a s a c - . .a.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b n a r y d can ave ts fnesthour really win you aver. It provides ail the Our U. C. W. Anniversany tUv. in the real estate and . .. PoweriÇide combinto sea can hav Its fnest h ur hotwater you need to suds Up a service wiil bc held Sunday, generai insunance business. ti ae strawberry-specked Party dress, ita May 7, at 10 a.m., gue.t A nieMber ai AU Saints' speake, Miss Wilna Thomas Anglican Church, Mr. Gibsan Andu el ugtbgdms .a chocolat-cheekedowner, a the ofiTa ronto, rcturncd Mission. served for several year s agi*Ceu'itfUuyS ai Pie O f part paraphemalla you'll je ary. vil b. fthc guest speaker, warden. He vas a puit presi- Vu hvoe elrsafrn h raetSrn loft ih.and there vilI licspeclal dent oif tic Whitby Botary4dealsevre nthdesgracrsChvaehve. ni sl . lu n d w a a di e to r ai ?~ a # C hevy Il, C orvair an C a a o A Cacect 40 eI.ctrc watutihem r ey. R. C. Wblte dismlsud the Dunlap Senior HockeyChcyurherltdar 'my mot moke dtii . . ..butit. the meig vfi tte benedlc. Club. Cdeaks tadaChe tion, foflowed by -the usual Active In asnie circles, »o » thae i day. For more Infri cup of tea anud lght refreali- le was thciiedmasoATOIE ELE NBW AVLE ationo ait your Hydro. mmats. Th«er e. 17 present. mstrof David T. CmlllD L N10 m m£z Tue =a, meting of INew- e, N. 7U6, A.. a A.M.; a tOsvIle~!~ohhICo nsttut. er de, vii .sin, a OY ICHOLS MOTORSLIIE È.thti.ome «i '".ast & X., w am adg _____________ .WMa'.r"1 ê l.,ewcas UOuA)vLUC E 623-2558CORCE280 .11_l*____ wHe MÙ ith1mdma S.sure to ses Bonanza on the CBC-TV netwrk each Sunday. Check yur local listing for channel and Orne.

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