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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 1

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Duat Wia on,"ad 71 VOLUME 113 be 0amîbnrn . Beat Tihomhurg TuedayNight 6 -4 For Thbree. Straïoht BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY.. APEIL S. 1961 I 5i P..w Pnr~ mniuv~ -. -, -- -- - - -~rJ ~1I~4VA~dUtT Record - Breaking Bowling Champion Canàda's 1967 5-pin ladies' bowling champion is Mrs. Wpi. Joli, Prospect St., B3owmanville. She not only won the title last week but'shattered several records - in the process. Averagîng 288 during th e competition in Winnipeg she came within 19 pins of equalling the bowler who won the men's championship and who also set some new records. Neighbors de corated her home with "Welcome Home Champ" signs and colored streamers. Sh e is shown here with the pennant and the trophy she received. Earlier, she had won the provincial championshîp in !Ottawa. HNoId Hearing on New Building Cou-ncil Plans to Honor ý,Bowmanville's Ch ampions 'WithSpecial- ,Presi Memorial- Park Association CHANGE 0F ADDRESS will hold a Tag Day on $at- In te averisemnt on-urday, June 3rd. This date was -eringLegal Aid on page 18, stb OmntleTw fgr »Urh nd nd orthuiÎniber lantdasE 14leminSre.C. sday evening. ý&gà s 1ý4. Y»n- Sret,.CdUnçil cohiurred with a This le incqrrect, Is office reus reewived from the là now 'locatêd-'at 98 King Orng Lodges of Bowman- Street West, Cobourg. ville for permission b holél a Commend Town Clerk For'. Tax Collections On -Monday evening when' Clerk - Controller Robert. L. Byron presented the Schedule of Tax Receivables. and Col- iëctionà to Bowmanville Town Council His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs said it was very good. Council commended Mr. ]Byron, and the schedule was received and filed on a mno- tion by Councillor Glenholmne Hughes, seconded by Coun- cillor Ken Nicks. The report dated March 3lst showed a considerable drop in tax arrears during the last three months. Total arrears as of December 31st, 1966 w er e $ 158,637. Collections from January lst to March 910t amounted to. $57,558,1 leaving a balance of $101 )79.1 Collections since Januaryl (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Cof C Sponsors en tation Church Parade on Sunday, June 25th beginning at 10:30 a.ni. This was moved by iCounicillor Maurice Prout, sec- ~~ Cen- Council was -happy about the great bonorp brought to Bowmrin-vilIe by' Mrs. Doris YçII, whb, won the Canadian Bowling Ladies Singles Cham- pionship last week in. Winni- peg, and by Miss 'Sharlene Cain and Miss Connie Bradley, the winners o! the Youth Bowling Canadian Senior Girls Doubles Championship the week before. Councillor Prout, seconded by Coun. Glenholme Hughes,I (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Bowmanville Bantams captured the .O.M.H.A. Provincial Championship i Tillsonburg last night, winning by a 6-4 score, te, take the series in three straight games. They built up a 4-1 lead in the first period and were held scoreless in the second, witk. Till- sonburg getting one back. In the third, the locals led 6-3 until Ken Albright's third goal of the game for Tillsonburg completed the scoring in the final minute of play. Tommy $impson scored four goals to lead the winners. Paul Slemon and Mike Donoghue picked up the other, with Doug Crough addmng three assists. In addition to Albright's hat trick, Jim Sergeant notched the other counter for Tilîson- burg. The Bowmanville teamn is feeling somewhat neglected by the O.M.H.A. officiaIs who hadl no representative there to present them with the Championship trophy. To celebrate the big win, the team tossed Coach George Cawker and Man- ager Buck,.Cowle in the showers with their clothes on. As Buck said this morning "It was really some- thing, riding borne 160 miles on a bus.. soaking wet!" Memorial Park. Assn. Holds Daffodil Tea The annual Daffodil Tea and Bazaar held by Memorial Park Association on Saturday afternoon in its spacious club house was greatly enjoyed by j- tbie large nunibers of people C.JI who attended. Mrs. Edie De- boo was the General Conven- HORSES or for the wonderfully suc- the unanù cessful event. Memorial P a r k Associa- contest ti tion President, Mrs. Charlotte -recent bar 'Clarke, cordially welcomed believe 'M~ the large crowd present at afe u two o'clock. She introduced T. afres A. Fanning, Director of Re. for one yg creation for Bowmanville. Were receil .<TURN TO PAGE TWO) time to pi B9meeting, Thýursday for Survey Help The appeal published last week . for canvassers1 and clinie assistants for the TB and Diabetes Testlng Mass Survey eealiy brought re- suIts, accordlng to local chaleman Robert G. Lawton, manager of The Toronto- Dominon bank bore. (TURN TO PAGE -TWO) Competîtion 44'î ThLis week, Bowmanvllle Chambcr ef Commerce an- SnounÇes a speclal Centen- #Itai proJect that should be Of conssderable Interest. An.............. odrertlsement on page two Oves detallu and aise pro- ~p4.a opeetal* ballot. The projeet là t. aile% elçtgens ln town te send cerchoire for flowman- c'ua "Citizen of the Year",. 7'hose MluIngout ballots do *ot ned e i aiutheIr'nain- es, al that la required tir for théin i tname the person (man eot w9man) they. tee las made thetgreatest con- #rbutlon te the town ad cigve their reasons for Uic ThIg should be a 'fine pro- J».t prévded the public teW&ptes te the fullest DU Wc suggea t tat -uaman read e r s thjn aver and return their bal- ae fieckd, as pommbe t le Relier Ave.. Narrow Escape 'When Ga solirie1Ignites SAT 4B VOWRSMrs. Ben Brown, Maple Grove, .su.ff ered, burnz to ber, arms and siged hair fljon't *orgothebig event o hrd hnng o a e LonsCetrewhn ini the cellar, burst into flne. heblaze spread ufapidlý, threatening the entire bersof the Recreation house. Miraculously, Mrs. .Brown was able to escape up the stairs to. the outaide Darnent's MIllner and without being seriously burS>d or trapped. It took, Bowmanville- firemen over Arrnng asesorkthcani hour to rn the blaze uner control. Mr. Browvn was on his way home from dng ail workterjin str Br"eders. A ssn. meeting in l~I£ ptville 'when the fire occurred. The J "charge. sbove pboto iowr»Mrs. B;owu seated 'n a- chair, surounded by neighbors. lts and1 New Elgin Street Bridge Over CPR is Making Headway Construction on the new CPR bridge on Elgin Street is making good progress as can be seen in the above photo, but no defînite date for completion has been announced. From its appearance, it should be a - Barry VanCamp of Blackstock was imous choice as winner of the picture hat showed two horses talking at the rn fire. His caption was "Would you M[rs. O'Leary's Cow'?" He will receive ibscription to, The Canadian Statesman year. Quite a large number of entries 4ved. Our, thanks to those who took the irticipate. t t i t i CLINIC- Last nigb.t, tbheCogncil Chaxnberswerg. packed wlth- 55"prospectiver car .'drivrers atten dini the monthlJy Traffic Clinic. OPP Constable Pat Corneil and Bowmanville Constable Ian Smith were ini charge, the latter filling in for Chief of Police Bernard R. Kitney who is recuperating at home following an operation. Anyone who is planning to obtain a driver's -licence this year, would be well advised to enroîl now for the next Traffic Clinic. t. .t it i.t t RETIRES - Harv Britton, Newcastle's Publie Ttilities Commission Manager for many years has retired, but will stay on for a while to indoctrin- ate his successor Tom Messenger and Mrs. Stan Powell who will be in charge of the.office. Mr. Britton has spent over haîf a century in the electrical field and his many friends will wish him well in his well-earned retirement. t. tt Ï. t t SPEAKER - Bowmanville's Rotarians are in for an interesting luncheon on Thursday when guest speaker wilI be Dr. Gordon Willey, head of the new Ontario-Durham College of Applied Arts & Technology. A dynamic man, Dr. Willey will be explaining details and objectives of the new college. .t it t i. ESSAY - Gradually the entries for the States- man's Centennial Essay contest are coming in from secondary school students in the area. Dead- line for entries is April l5th. The subject is "My- responsibility as a Canadian." Winning entry will compete in the provincial competition. t f t t t TYPO - An unusual typographical error almost slipped past our alert proof readers-this week. It was a report of a ladies meeting and read: "The President led a sin song." t t t t t CHAMPIONS - These were a couple of big weeks for the old home town. Doris Joîl won the Cana- dian championship for single ladies bowling ini Winnipeg, Sharlene Cain and Connie Bradley took the Canadian Youth Bowling title, the Atoms won the Little NHL provincial championship ini Cobourg on the weekend and last night the Bantani hockey teani defeated Tillsonburg for the Ontario OMHA title. Earlier, Mary Jane Oke and Victor Irving won the junior pairs figure skating champ- ionship for Canada, and from Port Perry, with Durham relatives, Anna Forder and Ricky Stevens won laurels in senior pairs competition. t t t t t LADIES - Anyone interested in entering a teani In the Durham Ladies Softball League is asked to attend a general meeting on Monday, April lOth at Howard Ormiston's, 27 Prince St., or cail hlm for further information. t t t t. t CHANGES - Last week curling closed for the season and, if the weather warms up, there will be a fast switch over fromn ice to greens and fair- ways as the golfers take over. The snow is rapidly disappearing, so it won't be long. Better head for the cellar to see if ail your clubs are intact. t t 'tf tt WRONG - On the sports page this week, Tom Simpson is mentioned under the picture as firing the slap shot that knocked out the Tlllsonburg goalie. We now understand that the puck was shot by another one of the Bantam stars, Mike Dono- ghue, not Simpson. Imuch better structure than the wooden one ,that burn. 'ed down a couple of years ago. Elgin Street residents, Jwill be delighted when it is finished to make the trip downtown much shorter-and more convenient. Prepare for Canvass Apr. 17-24 Importance of Providing Pubict With Information About Cancer Stressed by Executive Director IThe vital 1rmportance of giv- Iing information, about cancer to the generai public was em-. I5lainly sfiÉessâd by u e" I .Gies, Executive Director of the ntarlo Division, at -a public meeting o! the Bow- manville Branch o! the Can- adian Cancer Society held ini thec Lions Centre on Tuesday,: March 28th. President Clar- ence Bell presided. "During this year there1 w ill be 17,000 new cases o! cancer in Ontario. Whether rnoet these victims of this I Lde&disease will have theirLoCa.I vvinn r énnss detècted early enocugh . effect a cure depends on you. r.ivi.C. ni'~ Your responsibility during the next 30 days is to tell people The Centennial Pr im'* as much as you possibly can MnImters eontest waswo regardinig cancer b e ca use bi a 0 mnvlewojm knowledge will save lives"' lait week, àmes, Madeln.e Mr. Grimes told the mnembers Mailman, 77 Parkway Creul. of the organization.TO cent. Sir. Wilfrid, Laurier (TURN TO PAGE TO was thec orrect answer. Mes' Haliman wiII reelve, a letter from tis offIce entitllnt her te $10 wort#, ~1****Mof mercads fiom COva* IEqnlpment. King St. Ea8t _BowvmanvilIe. Early Monday af ternoon,' the interior of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Deeley's ho"' R.R. 4, was consumed in a stubborn blaze that firemen fought for over four houri- before bringing it under control. The elderly, Deeleys',were in towin'C th*,~ washing when neighbors saw smoke pouring from the. kitchen anid roof pm ed in the alarmn. At one tý,ne, the flame - appeared to be un.cotrIbtgnt more headway wheri firemen temporarily ran out ofwae ~ Itig i - Clifford Pethick's tank truck to arrive. Trop picture show's Mr. and>.~~1y I e =cne wlth their daughter-in-law, Mm,. Dudley Deeley, who.,,ivur j .1 -1 ,18 pag« > BOWýMANWT 14. ONTAIUO, WEDNUDAY. APRJL 5. 19« 15é Per Conv 9)ieces MIT&Mrttt 14

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