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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 5

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E ~ ~~who, after having built a grst Thdd Inerst to '"fmo IanPrk le tien wlth the milling business, opened atstoNecaboutPowerWl!! first in Darlingtan. Ini 18241 u i by Ilurham LFIsIrIct Lewis sld out te Charles Bow- Berv ,u e ini In ur am D i tr ctm e, firt ot ie , clle MaxNI«Rosenthal village of that naine. A plan Thars oton ofioenaed i Burkemigatedwithof the original village showsDrigo'*s pndi John825uaitBemigrated with thate tWo other settlers te Canada ta it was at Presqu'ile Point,12 tBaksHlfv ie Ilk 1794. They landed on the in front of Brighton, a few west af BowmanviIIe, on the < For 1,00, 0 oe I~ech i Lke ntaiaanemiles west of Trenton. In 1812 Kingston Road, Colonel James éahe o aestOai tarioCrekthat aIder Newcastle got the Bakbigpsmse.Te ~Nuclear orma eby193 il eto abrsëeefirst post office between New- Post office was moved to Darl- eervwibeblwflbpo1A. e uh w loersPoin Darlington town- matnvîo ll, t12.he rnt Fi- B000cOtrl oe Poýlrt inDarlington Twnficastle and York, but it closed igo iî,tepeetBw- than " househaldi Burk buil hi supployine81ectravicityi 1t2 . R bertFai- 2,0000000000 4 B r ul t h s bo s n 11. bairn , then in charge of the b Y 971 , O ntario H d o C a r v e h v p i n n e u p t ankat the creek. In The first mail on the Dan- Bowman business, was ap- mn rgety et adultecpct Clarke Township. Richard forth Road went by mule, pointed postmaster of Darling- , '0 hspatad arn Lovekin was the first settler. every two weeks, during the ton in 1828. The mail was . z<" "O tei r ato.sm nose curne In 1796 hie settled at the mouth winter by sleîgh. In 1815-16 carried in an open wagon, to-edcm tenst da,"w epctaeersetm of Wilmot's Creek. the Kingston Road, now High- gether with passengers. They Mr. Gathercole tl h on eoeteepr aeti .In 1798 Asa Danforth began way No. 2, was apened, and usually sat in the wagon while anulmeeting o h nal ue ehv lcdodr ta cut a road along the front bY the beginning af 1817 it the mail was changed, it be- Municipal ElectriAscatofr650tnsiuanmbs o f Lake Ontario, from Kîngs- was completed between Kings- ing passed through an apen ' and the Associaiono ui do h smto hta ton ta Burlington. It was ton and York. The new road window. cipal Electrical Uiiis n.lathî ilo ioat iplaced a mile or two back In' many sections followed the At a meeting In 1831 lt, was - clear generators wl eal incerpwrwl ead frein the shoreline, te avoid old one, but in others was decided te change Darling- ,te furnish enougheetiiye aou eore aec the marshes at the mauths af nearer ta the lake. One of ton's name ta Bowmanville, ,. te serve more thn10000ea ftedcebtee the many streams. In Decem- !lhe surveyors who worked on but the post office stili kept fh owmescale197d1the ,ber 1800 it was declared pas- it was Samuel Wilmot, after the oId name. It was only f-rommeemg. sable from York (Taronta) ta whom the creek was named. after Darlington was incorpor. fHdo poed ih vrtenx 0yasti the River Trent. However, it Although the main post road, ated in 1853 as the Village of Iflnst naretePikrn dmnsa Hydro' was impossible in faîl and it was a very indifferent one; Bawmanville that in 1854 the plans..te custom. s. pring, and travelling was after heavy rains almost im- post office name was also nuclear station eas iTrn r r xetdt obe possible only durîng the passable. In January 1817 changed. Fairbairn's son, J."Butbecauseai th chaag winter by sleigh. Samuel Purdy inaugurated the B., became his assistant in ~ ~ ~ ,... **~ig caatrsis a h On the formation of the first stage between Kingston 1845, and succeeded him as and ers onMr.ereSudycl-Hdoyte weusenag District of Newcastle in 1802 adYr.A ona ai postmaster in 1857. He held Chr, aane it, would appear that there gation opened, it discontinued. the position until 1906, a total ~~Cad aae.tenx eaete utb was also a "Town af New- The land comprising Baw- of 78 years for the two men. Mrs. John HubadOswamretadubdsottte tiastle" laid out. It was not manville was drawn froni the In the 1900's a new post Several members of the Memorial Park Association Arthur Deboo, Mrs. Frank Cook, Mrs. Howard Edmond- wali osiaaa nn arniri far eevsi ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____on er c usi, Mr. R y Va moe in acc rd wth he s cur at the location ai the present government by John Burke, office called Darliagton was went back quite a few years on Saturday for the de- son, Mrs. Clifford Shred, Mrs. Wm. Bruce and, ini the Camp, Base Line.tyaaulodrqie ns, ing west of the corner af the signs of their costumes ât the annual Daffodil Tea in foreground, Sandra Davies who Won the big draw for Mrs. Otis Pritchadadsnh ad ,stg Concession road and thelthe club bouse. They were, from left to right, Mrs. the dol bouse. Paul af Manotick setaiw RveigHdos16 p t0th sideroad. days. lest weekviinghreaonteHdoCira Clarke post office was the first postmaster In 1851. LA. Coden r.ob nw oe emns oe h opened in 1835 on the Kings- J. L. Tucker came ta Orono, C.SnwdnMr ton Road at the 8th sideroad. in Lot 28 of the àth Concession yry den, and sister, Ms onpeiu erwstre t The village there has always ai Clarke Township, in 1844. MPE GOEHbnOhw A Boy Is Bounci to Gel been called Newtonville, but In 1852 a post office was estab- Rv .P oei aeaClaut h rdra aiygte relatives and frini attehgeto eod once !inte the early years of lished, with him as postmaster. g R eJ rmo rlas gnavea on lr.and tt . Cdi Rselthe CrdeinmanefamiptogaHell- Cu, catheBrisd the 2th Century the post Ini 1851 was also opened on goTdhe Crmotins last n auhesvsie hi Sunday onMM. and Mrs. Cdi usligbl ate Hpowall. C t cace ,Busd office a named aiter the the Scugog Road, Enniskillen, "h hîtasSca e-ad duhesvstdterSna r n r.Hwr tonsipitwa i. t he8t Cncssonrod-ponsibility" the choir render- aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman, Ralph Cryderman O R Y O G N Newcastle was iirst settled the next year Tyrone, on the Mercies". Next Sunday will be also Mr. and Mrs. R. L. West- sister and husband, Mr. and LO firssoreathrn was0opene intonc et nsidroads 8rl Teniperance. Speaker will be away, Cameron, when Tenny Mrs. Ross Allia, Newcastle. by CSt trhee wsee ingt1835. Ta 1841 and 10. Mr. Paul Agnew. and Todd Russel returaed Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pick- by C. Shel1936n the.Caesars came10 Institute meeting on Mon-homne with their parents. ard in company with Mr. and *U m acop uses twhrand I rn 1Cavantnh ta ar t-m day evenîng, Apnil ltb, at 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ted White, Mr. Mrs. Paul McCullough, Mr. __ __ ou therlae eat ldwnîghtva Township Cand t- p.m. in C.E. Hall. Coavenors, and Mrs. E. yard wene guests and Mrs. Peter Belsey, Osh- e m out the illage.NewcMsse.wC.gP.Townahpland Topic. :at the McCoy - Bragg wedd- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Con. post office was established la on land near the shore ai they will entertain the 4-H ing held in St. Paul's Church way, Bowmanville, spent last DLx I.1844, John Short being the Lake Simcoe. Caesarea post girls and thein mothers. last Satunday, April lst, Bow- weelc et Cocoa Beach, Flonida. HldyD first postmaster. office came into being in 1853 Sory ta hear of the îass ta manville. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dubeau Reg.PE9C9.L 11land as akein 1816 and the 9hSc esgioadnea h Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown on White's youagest son fell out aad sons, attended the 6th M87 anr s T npM ns ateend a the ak e, wth Thunsday last week, whea a of bed Saturday evening ia- wedding anniversary ofilher Starlet Manvrs ownhip Maver laters ed a th lae, ithgas explosion occurr e d in juring his let shoulden, is ail grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. >4post office was established at James Caesar becoming its their cellar. Mrs. Brown suf- strapped up. Wm. Rice, Flesherton, also Reg. $795.- PCA ____ the corner af the 6th conces- postmasten a year later. frdbrst e rhi Friday last, Mr. and Mrs. visited hier parents Mr. and sien road and what is n w Ufford was opened in Lot singed. The :ost damage was HowadCryderma, Mr. Jim Ms A. Ric:, :ister Sally re- d r a ia o Higwa 3 i 181,in189 3 o te 0t Cocesin oa cofiedtecelarwa ad rydrtumned Ethr rhome.e hme J O Ballyduff. John McNeil opened a store la damage was done by smoke ed the formen's son and wife, Finch bas returned home af- Children are active - and flot always In 1841 William Hooey 1856, at Leskamd, 8th Conces- and water. Mn. and Mrs. Carias Cryder- ter visiting at her son's, Mr. 1055 DENISE D.PO E7309 careful. Safeguard them by being pre- settled at the corner of the sion road and 3lst sideroad ai Sorry ta hear Mn. Stephen mTan and daugbter Susan. and Mns. Neil Browaefl and OHW paed Crn i adse ar omles 5th Concession oad and the Clarke, and establisbed a Jeffeny is a patient la Mem- Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. iamily, Base Line. pae.Cmei n seorcopee I lth sideroad ai Cartwright POst office. anial Hospital, but glad ta Howard Cryderman attended Mn. and Mrs. Neil Bownell line of first aid and health aid needs, Township, the site of Black- Ia 1858 it was intended ta bean hie is somewbat imprav- lm O stock. He sold a balf acre ta open a post office called Newry ed. a Mn. Hare, who built the la Manvers, at/ the corner of Do't forget the T.B. and SPRING SPECIAL: first farne building la the the preseat Highway 7A and diabetic tests which will be ony 59 ~township. This became a gen- the slanted road between Lots held on Thursday, Apnil l2th, T K H I ET EconrAD Siz. C eal store. Mail service began 3 and 4, but it is not heard afinl church basement, 2-5 andT A E 1 E T M E . . .O BE S R onl in l 1851 when Cartwright post again. Ia 1871, at this loca- 6:30 - 9:30. Vance kept the store and was came into being. Bnownies wîll liold a rum- rA N postmasten. The village itself Kendal apened la 1857, la mage sale at church on Apnil ]FR ED E ICK S , was called Wlliamsburg. In the north portion af the 6th 22ad. Anyoae having articles, PRESCRITION PH R'MACY 1887 the name af the post Concession ai Clarke, west ai and want someone ta caîl, ÀBT office was changed from Cart- the 9th sideroad. The saine phone 623-2539. Look ta coin- F. C TIP'NSwight ta Blackstock. year appeaned Brunswick, la ing events for funthen panticu- The lltb sideroad which Manvers, on the south side afi ars. Phone 623-2546 Blackstock is or is the Scugog the loth Concession road west The Maple Grave Hi - C M Road, fxrn Bowmianville te of the railway, meeting was held at North. 67 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. the lakte ai that name. Hamp- F. B. Blakiely opened the mînistenTnited' Church? bsh-ILUt- TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE FOR on, on the Scugg Road la first store at Bethany, on what awa, at 7 p.m., April 2nd.m Lui- BOW ANILL CNTENIL BLLConcession 5 of Darlington is now Highway 7A, la Lot There were 8 Hi-C greups re- Sponsored by Kiwanis Club the first miii built by Henry Post office was established meeting for makiag plans ior Elliott a 1840. He became next year, and hie was the a Coffee House SyeFl first pastmaster. Service, wbicb will take place Ia Clarke was opened in an Friday, April 28th at 7 p.m. 1860 Port Granby, lake shore This will be open ta anyone IN T H IS A R EA road and Sth sideroad, in iaterested. The guest speaker 1861, la Manvens, Burton, as will be Dr. Norman, froni the western boundary raad Japan. The service will b. fol- *eeee... CLIP THIS SCHEDULE FOR REFERE C 0B*O SSSs __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___0 _ __ __f i__ _ south of the 7th Concession low ed by a dance. M iss Judy II road. Fleetwood bad opeaed Carr, Mr. Wayne Wrigbt, wil I I I in the previaus year, on the be panticipating la service. riý AT10NDAE H UR A tt e n ti o n ... th Cne ssin ladLofthe% M.anpd Mrs.Fred Wiht LNI -R YO L cîosed for a wbile, neopening wife, Mr. and Mrs. EdgarnMITCHEL inthe 1870's. Janetville, o Wright, daughter, Miss.Betty '9 CORNERSFR.AP L7 200pm f :0pm. ED, PRL 1 ALL PERSONS ~~~~~~the 5th sideroad af Manvers, Wright, Eaniskillen, taTor- 0FIARL720 en o5 north ai the l3th Concession enta International Airport, ta 0 Zion 6:30 p.m. fo 9:30C .m road, appeared la 1862; Kirby, ineet their aunt, Mrs. L. M. 8 United Church in the samne township la 1864, Keith, who had returned from at the southwest corner ai the an extended trip te vaniaus USING 6th Concession road and the countnies s u ch as, JapanTR E MOARL102 0pm.o5:0 iHRSPRL3 ai CanlsvilewaslaideutTorntoTs omnif ES APIl là 2:00 p.mi. f0 5:00pm«F1,1 la rl igo w nsbip Ten g Mis Si amhrn, Mn . yn f6:0 .. :3 pm heakdanumber of young noar, Newcastle, spent a few 0 AVNT' :0pm o50 .. F1,ARL1 mnta meet la the. school, todaYs last week with their f , a il US,1RI 1 20 pm o50 PATIENTS US NG THE FACI ITIES 0F TH EMERGENCY Hughes wnote on the black- ga d aetM.a dM s .. p m hephl eid na oe ne. gCommunif" , r.APRdIL ilL.6:30 p. f o 9:30 DEPARTMENT WILL BE EXPECTED TO PAY FOR THE board the consonants L, N and dufc Railway uine fram Toron-. MILLBROOK W DARL1 2:00 p.m. fo 5:00pm. M NARL1 SEVIESBEOR LAVNGTH HSPTA.S, and the vowels A, 1, O, and to ta Peterborough came I I fPRI 1 SRIE EOELA IGTEHSIA.tald them ta make as many t inghl the ealy 1880's. Waiting Room 6:30 p.m. f0 9:301pm naines as tbey could, us'ing ah Ponypoo post office was VARIOUS ORMS 0FMEDICAL NSURANC SUCH ASP.S.l., the lettens. When the lista op:ned la 1881. In 1885, on SI20 ..f :0pm VAROUSFORS O MEICA INURNCESUC ASP.S140 wer cmplteeac nane as hesamne rail line, at the 2th CampbellcroffT HUR00S APRIL5:013 O.M.S.I.P. DO NOTCOVER THESE HOSPITAL CHARGES. witten on the blacchoard eod, appeared Manvrs I W .l. Hall HUS, ARf 1 6:30 p.m. 0 9:30 1.T E . P I. bis choice on a piece ai papen. ton Station, in Cartwright Ontario Hospital Insurance covers the following services provided Aiten the finst ballot Solina Township, where the Scugog CANTON2:0.. :01 to n utpaiet y hspta wenusd oremrgnc dagoss nd was the choice. Road crasses it. Ta 1882 Stark- IR. PRL1 treatment within twenty-four hours after an accident: came into being ia 1870 on the 5th Concession raad and If63 ..f :0pm e oad noth aieofthe 2ndCoaces- Lt3 nthe outofCler . bon LUse of facilities including drugs, surgical supplies and nursing service, sien road of Manvers. It clos- amy road ai Manvers Township, th e w esrth sido ait e Sth aide - L t e , 8 th e s od ah Cn ke. Ta 2.Use of laboratory, X-ray and other diagnostic procedures for the ia 1871 at the Sth Concession Ia 1891 Nestleton opened etNT O IB NG YR D AB T SE T S RP purpose of hssisting in emergency diagnosis and treatmnent. road ais o the 1Bth sideroad the 8th Concession road and C I I 3. Use cf tiie services nientioned in 1 and 2 above on follow.up visita establisbed Lotus, en the 6th wright. Close ta 1910 Neiflet- necuuary tai conclude the. emergency treatmeat of a fracture where Concession road east of the tan Station post office waa the. treatment was started withln 24 hours after an accident. 3rd slderoad ai Manvers. The opened when a recently built h 4.Use of the services mentioned in 1 or 2 above necessar~y to conclude township, Glanmorgan, on HI hway 7A south af the old Wnext year opened in the sane railway crosed the preentM SPONSOED BY - the. treatment of a fracture where the treatuicut wau started by baundary noad, south ai the called Neafleton. now sBEÏA D D RH M yB admission ofthe patient as an in-patient. 2nd Concession road. Aiter 1910 rural mail de-ASO IT N Although a hanilet existed llvery was Introduced, and nIî earlier around a aawmill on farmieru no langer had to camie HA SO ITO BOARD OF DIRICo 1 %J" Manvers Township, east of offices ta receive and send iac hru PbeSpotofC lb Pontypool dld flot get a post oi theni were cloaed, bringlng oilc wiatU thé Canadlmn Pa- to, auen au cra. ~a

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