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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1967, p. 7

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cScaI & £ersonal American Founclrymen's Soc.iel, Phone 623-3303 1~ Mr. Wm. G. James, Mon-: Mr. and Mrn. Walter Wool- Mrs. George W. James, King atnd family spent Easter Sun- t East, la Thursday. day with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Hubbardi WOOlley and family, Peter- *~ad faiy vcaind at! borough, and attended St. 'Myrtle Beach, S. Carollna,lj George Street United Church. during Easter holidays. Miss Helen Vanstone, of r Mr. and Mrs. Leon Meyers, Queen's University, Kingston, ]Richmond, Mich., isited Mr.J and Mr. Bruce Murray of Ton. and Mns. H. Powvell, Conces-!onto, were weekend visitors SiOn St., over the weekend. 1with the former'. mother, Mr. ànd Mns. Cal Breenl Mns. Morley Vanstone, and and family, Owen Sound sister, Miss Barbara Van- Were weekend guests of Mr:; stone, Beech Avenue. and Mrs. Paul Nimnigon and' Recent guests with Mr. and family. Mrs. Robent Connelly and Mr.andMrs H.Sumrs-fam ily, Parkway Crescent, lord spent the weendwt were Mn. Connelly's parents, their daughter and son-fn- Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Connelly law, Mn. and Mrs. H. Janzen, of Avonmore, Ont*., and Mrs. Connelly's mother, r.Dr Strahroy Ont Cîjton'Barkley of Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. lfo and family, Beech Ave. were' Miss Marjorie Hoidge of Easter weekend guest.s cf Mrs. Toronto spent the weekend Cllfton's mother, Mrs. M. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns Fletcer, tratroy.Liberty St. North. Mr. and Fletcher Strathoyohns and Miss Hoidge Miss Shelley Jones cf Port! attended the Johns family Hope visited her gran dpar- pien ic held at the Lions Cen- ents, Mn. and Mrs. E. A. tre on Saturday evening. Jones, Carlisle Ave., during, n n r. rdKap the Esterholiays.Karen, John and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayrel Town, and Mrs. M. Kramp of Cindy, Wendy and John spent Bapo eund.atwe teweekend with Mr. and 1 fnom an enjoyable two-week Mr. Donald Foulds and! holiday with Mrs. F. Kramp's Diane, Owen Sound. imother, Mrs. Fred White, at Mrs. F. Van Luven of Bur-!New Smyrna Beach, Florida.t lington left for her home on; Rev. S. E. and Mrs. Snow- Monday morning after spend-deTm ,BvryCol In tn ay wthMrs. E. and Peter, Shawville, Que. Mairs King St. East. visited Mrs. Snowden's par- Mn. and Mrs. L. M. Smyth ents Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, and Heather, London, Ont.,1 and Rev. Snowden's parents, were Easter guests of her Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, paetMr. and Mns. J.1 and other relatives during Tornpson, O'Dell Street. Easten week. Mr. and Mns. A. D. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Ewert, wene recent weekend visitorsl 1Charles, Andrea and Margaret with Mrs. Jackson's brother1 have neturned from a holiday and sister-in-law, Mr. and j in Florida. Their daughter, Mrs. A. D. Newson, Lakefield.jMiss Leslie Ewert, nurse-in- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Collis cf itraining at Western Hospital, Ottawa were Easter weekendl Toronto, joined her parents in' visitors with Mr. Collis' bro- Florida when ennoute to Ton- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. onto from a vacation In Nas-ý aid Mrs. Art Collis, Orchard- .I Yîew.1 Recent visitors at the homel Mr. and Mrs. John Closs i o! Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Scott, and family, Parkway Cnes- K»n St. East, were the Rev. cent, were recent weekend and Mrs. D. C. MacPherson guests of Mr. Closs' parents, Of Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Closs Sr., Cecil McKay of Windsor, Mn. Aurora. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Tracy Master Allan Cole of Osh- of Hantland, NB., Mrs. Kath- awa has returned home after armne Armstrong and Miss hp ending Easter holidays with Margaret Armstrog ohc isgrandparents, Mr. and Toronto. rngboho Mrs.. J. Albert Cole, Scugogl Mr. Rudoîf Heydens, Super- On Friday afternoon Bowmanville Foundry had nearly 90 visitors fron Street. vison of Music for Bowman- ville Public Schools, attended scattered parts of Canada and the United States. They were members M.dMrs. om Carter anit d he Cnenil ovetonc Amenican Foundrymen's Society Ontario Chapter who were holding a1 reats, Mrs H Carte std henthe Canadian Mu sic Educatos in Oshawa, where they also toured the Fittings plant. Top photo showss ratMr vess Car Association and the Ontari hegoup inspecting the new electnic oven at Bownfanvil1e Foundry. On1 andbeMrs.nCharles M usic Educato ns A ssociation s st w t th to r w r ai of he m e m e b s cf he C E. R h r Rbrson, i Preston on1 held in London, Ont., from sitwtthtorw ealofhem emmbsofheCE.R dr Recent cilr~wt Monday to Friday, inclusivfe, including from le! t to right, Ned Rehder, Consulting Metallurgical Engii callrq ithMrs.ý ]ast week. Twelve hundred Montreal, President C. E. Rehder, Secretary-Treasurer Lawrence Rehde] Giddus Jones wene Mr. and delega tes attended froim ail President and Manager Tom Rehder and Bob Rehder, Electnical Enginei MrS. MeGregor Jones, Allanparts cf Canada. and Debbîe, Burlington, andl r.Dnl nectJnc CGE in Peterborough. In the evening the 200-man organization held a du Mn. and Mrs. Melville 'Jones! and Dian e Eniel, Jwee the Carousel in Oshawa. Mr.Netnville. Jm Ain Fniday evening dinner çtmess. w- Mn. and Mrs Jim AllinwIth Mr. and Mrs. Alyn1a-EE Lisa and Tracey, Collingwaod, i on, SecndStee, an.dMrs 'visited their parents, Mn. and! Pnescott visited hen fathen E * S IC I L b E iN Mn.. Ernest Gray of Janet- Mn. Hosken Smith, who is aE ville and Mr. and Mrs. N. J.1 patient in Memenial Hospital.J Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs for our Centennial S. S. An- Doreen and Donald Allin, Town, during the Easter,Sunday visitons with Mn. and spent the Easter vacation at niversary on May 2lst when the5th wednga hoi y.Mns. Taylor were Mr. and Mytie Beach, South Cano-.î Rev. Milton Sanderson o! Ton- 1neception cf their ut Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Lovei Mrs. Ray Smith and family of lina. While thene they visited' ente will he oun guest minis- aunt, Mn. and Mns. Il and family of Wisconsin, and! Milton and Mrs. Hosken the outstanding Brookgreenj ter and Mn. Ray Ashton will Ion, at Blackstock, Prof. and Mrs. J. L. EggensISmnith o! Hampton. Gandens, Murrell's Inlet, and1 direct the S. S. choir. evening. and family o! Guelph, spentl Mn. and Mrs. Edward Sam- also attended the Air Force! Saturday evening, Apnil lst, Miss Sandra Werr Easter with their parents, Mr.1 uel andi daughters Lisa, Kath- Display by the 354th Factical was ne Apnil Fool's time but Easten holidays v.' and Mns. Maurice Conway,f erine andi Inene, King St. East, Fighter Wing, Myrtie Beach 1avr ucsflcr t rnprns r n SCUg0g Street. halve areturned fnom a skiing Base, which is open te visitons! sponsored by the choir. Pleas- A. Werry. Mn. anti Mns. Dick Wright holda at anoir St. Castin,,once a year. ant weather outside andi an Mn. and Mns. E. andi family, Codrington, spent Qedrng Easten week. Our minister Rev. M. Day-, atmesphere of cenviviality in-IToronto, were Sunday Sunday with hi. mothen, Mrs. Whie ther the girls entered gherty had' a most interesting' side were conducive to a de-atLSaions Annie Wih.Cni e the Prograin of ski events. andi elucidating message atI lightful time. President Mr. M . Sant Mrs.F.ly turned home with hen parents Congaulations te Miss Irene, the Sunday morning service. RaY Ashton presenteti theand Velma, Bowan aften Easten vacation with her who receiveti a tnophy for Her srmndws he irt i aand. ge noed e ar grantiotherthe youngest racer, and te a series of the study of Biblej rien te pnîze winners as Mn.1 Sundy eawth Mn. Miss Kathenine who won a people who were outstanding N. Wright, one of oun senior C. Stain tona nti g irls. trophy for placing first in her before and after th~e cruc- citizens, anti a pre-teenager, Mn. anti Mns. Ros! la,,, fixion. The disciple Peter,, Miss Joyce Chambers won the lands, Scarbonough, we At the morning service In who was the heati of threei high scores in the Lest Heir day visitons of Mrs. E, Pe eosta TriityUnited Chunch last apostles o! the innen execu-1 and' Heants games; Mrs. N. Mn. and Mrs. Tet Clirchi'Sunday, the Sacrament o! tive, was the populan figurel Wight andi Master Dale Mc- and family, West Hil C mt Baptism was administered techosn fo-hef irs1- t__pi,. Gi hýad h 0- tpins1_tndy-upn4us (Rev. Kraft speaking at Back To God Hour Pclupe.Evnee i of-prpaetispec o Caad. cGM: ail Su day Se vic s)CKLB come. Mr.aht n t e tolti us Dean Heard, Orl a YOUAR WLCME Please nemember to attend about the contributions o! the ta], spent Easten holidaxy' YOUsRctE WELorda M vr una,9 5pn tevyipran BC i rProtestant chunch towand the his parents, Mn. antid ' Evry Snda, 9:5 p .ati DerimrtaneetioB1nirvv'gnowth of Canada, with Mes- Heanti. Whr he ofl o ot ." EeylaWiee nd ibThus d. Api 6th fnorndames R. Sharp, K. McGill, Miss Donna Wenny la nt bond'lVeryne Wlcolnell 2 to 5 andi 6:30 te 9:310 p.m. if n J Lake, G. Werny, A. Werry, Easten holidays with Mv the hunh bsemnt iSee1. Sharp and H. Ashton tell- Perigoe anti Marilyn, tests are short, painless and Iigteprs lyt ytesanea. free.; diffenent denominations. Mns. Mn. anti Mn.. Lorne1 Supeintndet A.J. er!C.Ç Stainton nead two poems, Mn. anti Mns. Ralph Laml the progrnes . J ! rl Happiness" anti "Heaven'. Lesley wene Sunday vi TR N TYC IU Hreportedthe Ll od s f lans!" Soap Suds." Rolail eau Was e! Mn. anti Mns..Don lNIItIJMcRobbwe 1 t h machinery Bailieboro. and ti vnRbsno Mrs.i useti 50 years ago. Minutes e! Mn.. Lamne Lamb spi Minstr -Re. Gore . Wrd B , D antiSee oet o !M: the last meeting wene reati few days with Mns. Miniter- Re. Gorg K. ard B.Aanti Mrs. Royce Sarginson. l anti approveti. Several items Thurston, Fenelon Fals Orgaist- Mn ArhurCollson Mu.B, .R..M. Mrs. Norma Wolfe, chair-ro! business were tiiscussd. Misses Debbie anti Orgaist- M. Athu Colisn, us.., .R..M. man of the Peterborough-! Meeting closeti with prayenj We rny, Sudbury, spent1 SNAARLIh 167IOshawa District, Home Eco-! anti Unit i served a dti y hoiaswhteF.W SNA ,ARL t,197nomics Section o! the O.E.A.,Ilunch. ny s anti family, anti on attentieti the recent O.]E.A. i Mrs. E. C. Ashton spent diay retunneti home with convention in Toronto. She " Sunday at her home here with anti Mns. Ted Werny "GETINGA KCK UT F LFE"reports an item of great in-IMn. anti Mrs. 0. C. Ashton. Patti to Pan-y Soundti ""GETIN "A ICK UT F LFE tres toDurham County ne-, Ms.. O. C. Ashton, accomn- thein panents met them ident. who know Miss Lyni panieti by hen nieces Misses Sudibury. S tainten o! Tynone. Lyn was iVenna anti Leah Dalton, visit- I Mn.. A. Penigoe, Miss1 SUNDAY SCROOL i ntroduceti at the annual! eti for a !ew days with Miss, lyn Perigoe, Mn. Gnegg1 Home Economnics dinner asi Lois Ashton, Mn. anti Mrs. E., son, Caesarea, wene wee S.-30 a ni. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior the 1967 recîpfient o! the Anne' J. Harrison anti othen rela-1 guests o! Mn. anti Mn. W. Camenon Memorial Awand'1 tives in Toronto iast week. jWerny. 11:00 a.m. - Beginners for highest standing in Home Mn. anti Mn. Geo. Inwini Economics at the Toronto! wene Sunday visitons o! Mis-j Apples are a member ci 11:2 a.m - Pumay au KinorgatenTeachens' College. She hasi ses Louise anti Manjorie Mc-1rose family. Il.- &m - rimry nd Kndegaren cceteda teaching post in! lntoh, Whitby, anti Mn. andl If apple trees are nor Tonoto eginingin Sp-iMrs. Joe Brown, Newcastle. ýposeti te cold, the ica! temberMr. and M4ns. EanI Trcwin,ido flot open in thc apring yMembers Tour Plant 1-ere LMW. ZION Mrs. Fred Cameron Is on a bus trip te Flanida. Mn,. Clarke Moore, John ant Bian Gordon, Oshawa, visitetd a t Keith Staintan's te belp Scott anti Susan cele- brate their 8th binthtiay. Master John Gardon, Osh- awa, spent a couple of! days, with Scott Stainton antiSu san Stainton spent a couple o! day. with Joanne Gardon, Oshawa. Miss Maureen Reeti, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with Launie Staînton. Little Miss Tnicia Glaspel], Oshawa, spent the weekenti witb ber grantiparents, Mn. anti Mn,. Gerry GlaspelI. Mn.. F. B. GlaspelI i. con- valescing , aften sungery at Mns. Alex McMaster's. Mn. anti Mn.. Frank West- lake andi Mn,. Westlake Sn., Solina, visiteti at Nelson Fice's on Sunday. Mn. anti Mn.. Ralph Glas- peu, Tynone, wene Sunday visitons at Mn.. Alex MeMas- ter's. Mn. anti Mrs. Russell Rob- bins, Bowmanville, wene eall- ens at Russell Stainton' anti Mn.. Alex McMaster's. Mn. anti Mn.. W. Dant anti BRYLCREEM . HAIR DRESSING Yc Sugg. ist 1098 9 .SCHUCK SUPER STAINLESS B LAESSEE- OBL EG 1.5 VAU FOR1.2 BROMO sgg SELTZER 1.19 leY9 JOH NSON'S Ai. Bow ABYSAMO -' 9 HAR(OOIG FREE 59C Little Enitain, Mina June Dart, Weet Hifl, Mr. and Mm. S. Artimon, Scarbonough Jct., vis- iteti at Henry Darts. Mr. and Mn.. Murray Pren- tice, Downsview, were over- night visitons at Hanry Fish- er's on the way home aften sctiIngseveral days in 'ahgn U.S.A., last week. Mns. Evelyn Element, Osh- awa, visiteti at Nelson Flce's. Mn.. Tim Brooks and Tom- mýe, Bowmanville, are spenti- Inç a few day. at Ray Camer- Mn. anti Mrs. Howard MilI- son anti Heather, Solina, Mn',. Grace Bruce, Tynone, visiteti at Ray Camenon's. Mr. anti Mn.. Roy Thomas1 anti daughtens, Scanbonough,t visiteti at Russell Stainton's. Mn.. Don Prout anti Kim,( Bewmanville, were Monday i visitons at Ray Cameron'.. a Clarke Stainton visi t e d e Clanke Moore, Oshawa. t Mn. Fred Camenon, Mrs.J Russell Stainton visiteti at Mrs. Regard Camenon's, Bew-o maiets Stndayonvele- O a l a ute te dreto Saturday, April 29th, 1967 Bowmanville High School Auditorium music BY QUEEN'S OWN RIFLES STÀIRVILLE Mr. anti Mrs. Brian Caswef wene Sunday dInxer guestu with Miss Beulah HiaUoweI Toront.* Mr. anti Mn.. Bert Trini were recent guests a t fr. RaymondTri nms, Newtonvfle. Mr. anti Mrs. Siti Halowift anti Nancysethe cweekend with Mn. canpti r.AnyGa Barrie.an . nyGW Mn. anti Mrs. D. Laphani and daughters, Hampton v'ht4 eti her parents Mr. and MM. Howard Farrow., Last week, some dogs at large wene molesting sheep la2 the vicinity. Suntiay a!ternoon, Rcv. R, C. White centinued hi. mer* ies on Interviews wlth Jeans anti hi. message was deveIx. ed fnomn the teaching of Jesus te Nicotiemus, ruler of the Jews. (St. John, chapter 4.). Mrs. Lawrence Farrow was DRESS: SEMI-FORMAL 1867 TO 1967 FREDERICK'S PHARM. 67 King St. East 623-2546 1114111 BUCKLEY'S M-IXTURE Relief from Coughs, Colds, and Bronchitis Sugg.6 Iist 79c 6 9 MISS CLAIROL MENNEN Latimer Shave Sugg. Iist 69c RoJJ.On Deodorant MODESS Sugg.A list _ FEMININE NAPKINS 12's 53c C 2 SUPER SPECIÀALS1 (rest Tooth ýPaste 1.49 VALUE,.-,, FORI4.3 1.25111 BRECK SHAMPOO (12 oz., 1.75 Value) and BRECK RINSE (4 oz., 75c Value) 2.50 VALUE FOR 1.69 IASPERGU. 16t - Sugg. Pain Relief In Cei GM F0rrn 5 3c PARDEC ug9 LIQUID16 "St e-6 Sugg. Iist7f ALEX McGRE'GOR 5 KIG S. W.- - PHONE 623-5792" COLLISS ELECTRIC 44 King St. West 623-5901 RICHARD HUDNUTr fashion QUICK HOME PERMANENT 2.00 VALU!-ý FOR 1.49 I'rhe Canadim %tesnun, mkywnmvn>. Alpr."& IN7 Dancing 8 to 12 Midnight Supper JOH'NSON'S 4-ôT- and 10091 PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A - REMEDIES KING ST. W.

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