p i~.CanadianSat nan owmanvfflApr. 12, 1l? were ?&a.. Wilbert Temple, Colorful Event Mrs C ramhooeeauitLetter io Editor 1 E v e n t with c~~~a v y l e o r r d , M OId- Fashioned Gowns Add Lme ud r.M, rbfet hmpions 0: A ~~KENDAL irrnonuur, Ontario, Rprafraddt ebth teams. r C 'i t m s p he resees ras th, 1967 il.d eyour offiies hae thIn very quickly the w AuO.MMA. Convonor 1cr Ing Of SPOrtamanship. They that a ward of thanks ta andth showrwe d oped Southern Cun DWid sowe ths h aut the their manager and coach T o Hsp t l B i t a y T aalong. Iboe .ow wiseil Iwantt ogatuta e e eles wlth Tilln¶urg. , ciated be y uhap To H s * 1B rh a e akOn h 0dCapo atmHce a r an flic wiatid be very uc ppe ita win~ ~ a Uicvr on o h aide. Teani. The boys an thie ta attend ail aOf tce<urnes, Cangratuatins framn Till. On Wednesday, March 29Ui dreds wha attended t he blue Iris, and red tuis, don- rondeanmd Ianes have gat soft. BowmianvWne Temm are not but I can assure yau that aonburg. the. festive Centennlal Hospi. unique event wil remember ated by Mms. L. T. McLaugh There has been very littie aniyau credifta to th O.M. the O.M.H.A. will recelve Sincerely yaurs,R ta] frthay Prty, ~ Ui cortst ospialit cx-lin.It ws ilted y tal re wafer nunnlng or in pools. HAbt misa ta your local repota I have, haw wel RyE Behy byel itna artyHsptalWa- ed ecd ial grcias it xn I a I e ytapera r e waoyE.terh mver Thedeibra, frm the huge snaw association. -tie erties was payed by Cnvenor.r Mmc's AUxll1lary at the Lions envIronment, and thc bemuti- and Uic red serviettes *ere ut50iadsper Coxnniy etr, as~ fui and feminine gowns fash- effective agminaIt the embnold- 80oaur ground shouid b. Weil r TheImieditePas Prsenwtrae, eoke b thanVc. trs M is s (çO Sc/it r outstaninzg success. The un- lanabie many decades mgo. ered, white ciofh. Admiration sured itise Cn . c. w L te s< / dentMms W. M. Rudell, was tartan crystai pedestal cakeonW nedywr thc Generai Convenor, and stands and plates. The tea Mr.Go# otosOh d1 o' oeudrtepcue ttet bu oa o Mn. S. G. McMurter, aloa a tables wcre each centred by awa, sud g rs, ryant Brownon r past president, was Uic Ca- a miniature standard with Uic and Carre of London. Faliowlng ls carrespondence ai Uic first page. My husband quit. unfounded. The stary O S OS ngConvenor. Centenniel Crest in white on Masters Terry sud John cancernlng _publication ai su was neiýcr summaned ta any behind that notation taken Iresa smU re flg. Te Geer- Wes visted theiWgrst- rticetedTheTheotonSgrand-theaarticlehch lenfThe rTorptnta uiStarf Businessmen sua The President, Mrs. alod il enred fla. Thu eal Z motier, Mns. Jack Staplefon, Weekly and excerpts that ap- cuthhalgi hc eta eep keAyre, weaning an acilng ronsenfor arl.theidecll wa Mr. days îast week. ' re ina "ILtr ta Tii. was charged wlth any ofencc ferent than it wauld per Taegw flustrous saatin Inassbein a ilUiMcra- and Mrs. Roy Mercer Liton" ai The Canadienan ~connestian wlth the visite 'mat particular dag had al- sot rose shade, and 2nd aietin.ttended church et lKendai Statesman. W. are pleased ta ai the Ont aria Humane Sc.a- ybe etbyn h enIs a hmpson, who was a ctr Ernes attro weree were guests o Mrs. Mary Up any mlîsunderatandings that ust 1966. I would think legal time and because the. I1mi ml .I natentic periad gow Tea Tables Canvenors, Mrs. Luxan. may have causcd distress ta therefore that there is no con- owner had pramlsed ta corne IIIva IL ury I na nda. slkth a pr piae -.G. M rris and M n. O ville A x cuv etn i h ate o cr c.viction ai cruelty egistered and pick up his dg the ime accessories, r ec e ived the Plummen werc the Food Con- edal U.C.W. was held Mon- anyiiee .inthl s ad been xed.Thdo - gucats. A suitable Centennial venons, Mn,. Lawrence C. Ma- day affernoan at the hoame ai R.R. 1, Hampton, bleve in Canada a man iscoext ffcehd. Tdo ga sctflng was pnovided in the son, a past president, was thc Mrs. akSalfnf aeApnîl 4, 1967 stîlli nnocent until proven cnriofcrhdt ot -hltiraugh the decorations Serving Canvenar, and Mns. plans for the Masonic Ban- Dear Sir: uly.Tarnant hsptaln for ean a- fa ed to Cnada', i00tii Glenholme Hughes was Pub- quet. Thse present were Miss A few weeks aga an article My iusband and I are bthmetreid hlsrvn birthday year, which includ- licity Canvenor. C.W twrMs .Elotwspbihdinte"triith generatian Canadiansmetrcidwhl srin .1 ed an attractive antique spin- The Treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Mrs. H. Foster and Mrs. K. Weckly"' in which my hus- ban mo s i arnetrs hoAv bis otry i the seond wane nigweldraped with ned, Cowie, the lut Vice President, Wood. band was erroncausîy accus- bew hen uc essfl arimers who In the pound at the time it - white, and blue bunting, and Mns. Duncan Smithi, and Mrs. It must be spning alright cd ai crimes ion whlch he knoe whe th eir animis werevdtoorpac fe a huge replica of Canada', J. K. Ferguson were in charge as thie bicycles arc ail out an was neyer even charged. "Th oe thid hu ed nd wrnverd ar len aoiter Coat af Arms which dominat- af donations. Presidlng at the the street. Sa motonists drive Statesman" also pnintcd a were healthy and corniortablethan had bco eenor tified Jt's smart to take inventory cd the walIs. registrat ion table werc Mn,. carefully an Kendal streets letter and sorne comments on W. l tatwtaeme withîn the ncxt three cfyor nuJ.c eJ. BroThweneni iim ws m Mrs. Ms. A. G. Scott, as some of the wec ones are the saine article. In repîy fa byi aur neighbours anmd ac- daslecudhv ohidg caily in. acined otsperîTeCtîcnnialed ou ii andchare ai. urson. 1Those not fo steady. a letter I wrate ta thé. writer quaintances here whcre wc y ecudhaegtu o * dcal ...Short sudoMary aipetii. lStarriWeekut in nawslive, as my husband is prcsi back for less than lh. wauld What you h ansd what decorafions ai Uic spaciaus were Mm. Percy Greenîieîd, ai Barrie are visiting the Fos- have the enclosed ncpîy and dntadIrnsctry ihavhdtapytti.ou. you may need. Weil! bc glad test raam. A large Centenniai Mns. W. A. Courtney and Mns. fer familles here. Alsa visit- would appreciate if if you aur local Rabbif Club and we I believe that the' letters ta review your present pro Crstadorme fthe West Wall- W. A. Edger. ing Mn. and Mrs. Hatcher Fa,- would publish it in order that represent the. club in the SPCA stand for Society fan grami. It wilI cost you nothing, offiiai flowns, ei hfful67 Tii. four Honorary Lif. fer were Mn. and Mrs. Bob people who read the. first art- Provincial Councul of Rabbit Prevention ai Cruelty ta Ani- and we xnay be able ta improve and eye-cafchlng, were seen Members ai the Hospital Aux- Carruthers anmd family, and icle will be sure ta look for lclbs Iarnlupresident of urmas fici wold havoe Your protection, and save you In profusion in twa enormnous iliary, Mn,. L. T. McLaughlin, Mn. and Mn,. Fonk and sons. thie refraction. leader in aur local Women's thought iiad they walked into nioney, tocol plants an the stage, whiîch was Mn,. 'J. O'Neill, Mrs. Wesley Mi',. Lamne Martincîl, Mr.,. Tiianking yau, I amn, Instîtute, a member ai aur aur neighbours sheep pasture Ca! n tda fr eti1 msa cnhanced wifh many Cwe im n.E.C o al beBoos adMisKtieYhr ineeycrci's women's graup, a or our rabbitry on four or five CmI u tda fr etil 1 gracciul ierns. Canada', Coat pnesidcd aven the fea cups: Clrk pnt lst Tuesday Beatnice M. Huggins, Sunday Sciomol teaciier and I diffenent day, in Apnil and ai Arme an the. south- waîî Tiey wore beautifuIly detail-1 W2t M Mary Luxon. House Mn,. E. C. Huggins. have hciped ta lead girls' 4-H saw the havoc caused by two beneath Uic portrait af Queeîn ed costumes, Mn,. McLaugh- cieaningstime is anound again. Homnemaking Clubs. I amn stray doge. Wc saw the dogs Ellabei l, asImpessvelininblu brcae ad lac UMss.Bannie Geacii was the R.R. 1, Hampton, sure fiiat if any ai these groups and tiiey werc the samie dags and the Coats ai Anms ai al lace, Mn,. O'Neilliun black uef a iane Barnet Wed- Feb. 21, 1967. fiiought thaf we wene doing eacii tirne but tiiey wene so STU ART EIl the Canadian Provinces were chiffon with uched mire1 nesday night. Mr. Walter Stewart, anytiing that was even cunning no nc was able ta JAME ta . sen o tie-waîs i t~ cae, Ms. awke ii biak George Mercen and Tii. Star Weckly, shady we would flot even be get them cornered in odrt large raam. Red, white, and velvet, and Mrs. Hoar In deep viste i Ohaa TrotonOt.tiem, let alan. even shoot them. They de- blue bunting was draped efnase satin sud black lace. Tii. Tuesday with Mn. and Mn,. Dean Sir:-hald offices in them. stroyed one thousand dollars fetvjemm i a loue General Convenor, Mn,. Ru- Cy Elsey. It seems tiiere is always We have a lange family, wonfh ai sheep and twa hund- ta caver'the radiafors. deii, wore a lovely pink haop- Tom Fosten visited a whie fwa sides ta any stary. I samne of whomn are mairried, mcd and eighty dollars wanf h GENERAL INSURANCE 'me red, white and blue' skirted gown. Jactek wt M.mmdM,.fiugtpehp you migiit some living un atuier areas of a abt swl smn coln senewasneiemaed Th'e Tea Tables convenons Jc Fn.b. af ieasf intenested un hear- the. country wiiere they hoid poultny un a yard sevenal miles 2j R4ing St. E. Bowmmnville clrsumptuously teapo in ere misa wearing muthienf ic me W. I. meeting was heid ing a part oi the. other aide ai nesponsible jobs mimd sore liv- away. These dogs belonged the smptuuslaffersond Wednesday, March 29th, at the. stary "The Dognappers ing af home mand attending ta no one mimd were sa wild office biiec evn alwIc a ncsue.Ms a ckn' the home ai Mn,. Martin Man- are mter yaun Pet", appeaming schools. Most ai them aeta tiywn wneta 12-61.623-54931 exquisitely annanged centre- becoming gawn was bakdr ihMs ee oru nteWel tro er-hdt aealto nut Ovs ti uhdg sti _________________piece -afwhit e gladioli and chiffon mimd black lace withidi n. Th eeng C a r n th ckySa.iFbu a atk o iisiswle.I ssc oa u pam-pom crysanfii cm u Me~, gliftering jct bugle beads. presdue-in cTi.rmeting was ahy it r smaesince the. article came ouf and that do thousands of dollars Mrs. Lange' was fifted cofîe sieueincagea n.Ti isfe rri a et seems to bad that fhey damage evemy yean as weli as satin, mand shc wone a pictur- !ow but as their road was shauld have ta, wiien the cause suffering ta the dames- aî impssable fhey were unabie Enim ulocor are not as stated in the tic farmn animais afi s rv esque black velvef picture ha to be resent. We iec heId-.i]uctss irctr 623-5589 timmed with niafching as- electian ai officers and will article. ince every yeam. ~~BOWMNVILLE fnich feathers. ahp.t aven Lwemd tccou ancy ~m e tha i na1i s e e d asuch _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ The h atesses a f the> front dres , in Ap i. T ii. same a- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b doon were Mn,. S. G. McMun- ficens were put in ior the should Check the facts befome universities mimd laboratories- RAY J. DILLING printing matemial that unjust- ta teach scieimtists fa alleviate tewio oeaqinY coming year. Tii. motta was Chatered Accountant iyacssamn id(u-teufengibth anid THLIRS, FRI., SAT. APRIL 13 14 15 fetchiug full skirted Quaker "Use Opportunity, ut le theC 93 Chumch Street directly) hurt, ii famiiy. animals, than ta b. mllawed chek wth afhin pae ailcai wm asweed y lac.s es ma ksandcntae wmnderinr ofnth antrny, costume in black adwieGteway ta Success." Tii. 623-3861 lotesd rmk aet wnraou hecnry bonnet, mimd Mm,. A. L. Hooey, naming a tree aimd telling WM. J. H. COGGINS S m oky *hosecinnaman tafieta floor whaf use is made.oaiti. Mr Chartred AccountanifOR FN who rs was warn aven a Couroux nead an accoait by 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvilie K YGR FANC WilOE Y MOISI Trfflset'IiYmeti hOopg irfMra. E. 5mali, - Pnedent f Phione 623-361.2 In Color Starring rF.51 Parkcer used in 1867. fume F.W..O, in which she VVHli C. H[ALL aloHautesses at the. tea raom spoke ai the Cent enniai mand BENm cnt rance weme Mns. George misa the, almns ai the W. 1. iie Chatred Accauntant CMIXRS arStephenson mimd Mn,. R. C. misa remd the. troubles af 'Tii. 36% King St. E., Oshawa ~ T Simpson, bath ai Wewcastlc..man who had ail diseases at Telephone 725-6539 bh at Te ne *e Bi eaf Mrs. Simpson's sweeping ba- once.' Tickets for the Cen- BURROWS, SELBY & CO. tiste gawn wms embeilished tennial Banquet at Miaple Chartered Accauntanta with eyelef embroldery, and Grave were sold but aur mu- 323 King Street West Tn ks SUNTO AT - NEWEE -APRL 6 -22 Mrs. Stephenson's loveiy long sicians wene unabie ta go. Oshawa, Ontario SUN T ST.- NEWEK A RI 1 -22 pleated frock wms misa white. »Centennial spoons are on sale 725-6451 - 728-7554 ~ Tii. Serving Convenon, Mm,. irom Mrs. H. Faster. W. plan W.lia.A D.Seb.,C... M On. Comploe Show Starting at 7:30 nightly Mason , looked charming un a ta quilftih. Penny Sale quilt G. Edmond Bumaws, C.A. iascinating mauvc gosgnain Apnil 13 mimd 14 (if neccssary) U.*,ýe-,:,.-w.ksilk gown enhanced with fine s0 please keep those dates piemting mimd a graceiully open, misa April 7 mimd 12 for C h o r ct ~ rpdbust le. Hcn modish the TB aimd Diabefes survLLRSAeyG purpi. velvet bonmnet was un the. Sunday SciioqI room. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. DOLA:;eVNG adorned wifii violets. Assist- Please note that there lu no Ofc:Chîopractor ÇTF ROPCAL 14AD $.: ~ ~ ~ I I EE' Dickinson, Newcastle, wio camne. Miss Stewart won the 1 li icr fHre t ware an aid fashioned cas- Tea (fy) contest. Mrs. Cou-Phe 3-59IACOCA fume ai azure blue satin mimd maux mimd Mrs. Manders srved Ofc Hours: Bappintrht~ PECE \ whiite lace, Mm,. Rosaweii R. a very tasty lunch. HAHE M ACallan, Mms. Stuart Crago, Mr. mimd Mm.. Martin Foster D e n t ai YORK CHOICE CUT Mn,. . Land, Mn,. . H. Gub- werc with Richard Fasters TinBAN - ~son, Mm,. D. S. Ferguson, Mm,. Part, Hope. DR. W. M. RUDEbLL.Dr. S. N. * i SA TU RDA Y M A TIN EE A À P RIL 22) "S M OKY" ij Ailan B yv se, M , R - M . mm'rMJi n ls 5 K n S. E a m n i there May 20, 1909. A mesi-rance dent ai Oshiawa for aix yemr, n s. ___________mil__il__§tu a t h was a florist by trade mimd DONALD. OPertedYarmuthNurseries DNL .MGZo for 25 years. Lite, Auto, Home M. Porter was a mnember Iimuranee A h An frft awa, and WmS a former mcm- Phone 623-562 Z 111K RER ~~~~~~~ber of Hebran sud Zion Dmp-DIYIU AAIKOSHK $GenhshRIS.a rue He~~~~~~~~~ts Churciies, Yarmouth, N.S.Ln uvyn-PgSITASJJYfOS S(Hewas a memben ai the Yar-..BO ~ CDIR & so ~Mru.h ands. ondg. Bth MRRILL D.MIVBROWN $E Mn s d Mr. Porter we e P.ENG., O.L.S.4 'droofymmeaa the Oatr tr- 121 Qucen St. - Bawmanvlle ROSavEOR N E dem ai hesemnStnBow-Bus. sud Res. Telephaime 120%Aai $1Iu ias ýurVlved by ils wlic, _623-7251__rd>______ WU etI'M$ PLMBNG »HE TIGthe former jenmie Launa Fa e s à 152 MIG ST. ]EAST an w uhtr,]. Leslie Smith <Doris) ai ga efuî tawa sud Mm. Linwaod El. SADIE RAMILTON - OICONO Authorlz.d Consumen Gas Dealer dridge (Nin&) oi Bawman CRIS 9884115M ville; mand two sons, »'red 01 FiritMontgage Funds AO13RTDCII Gau Forced Air and Hot Water Heatlng Systema Whitby mand Bossof Oshiawa. Residiences ' Fanms Comlet Fumbng ~~aDalon~dAISa survn 7are a sîster, Business Properties COMPetePlubin lualltio mdRepirs Un.Harny Edide(Nellie) ai Halifax; a brother, Ray, oai omet rE I CAL6 3,6 1Thc inemnrial -service was 13 et IL- w»vleDON MILLIGAN, PROPRIETOR us held at 2 .p.m. Apsil 1Oth, at Office 1ours: By appointmumt W. resve the right to limit quantities. FREE ESTIMATE! saa te.N .Swack- Mon. - e.-Thurs. - fr1. Foodectie and 12nus, 14, 5 onl hauiuen, pastor aifU'rst Bap- 9 a.i. ta à p.m. efcieA rl1,1,1,1 uy tht Churcli, conducted te Tiiursday eveningo seVIce Crescation f OUOW.d. Wd, mand Bat. - 0 1 StarVing end molesting other We Intend ta pubM aITO animais? traction and an apology ln oui If you wlsh vorification af Issue dated April 29 1987. any atatements 1 have made Our Issues Ba rpr dweeks in this letter 1 would be: in advance and tus is thO happy ta provide ItL Haping very first issue ln whlch we that this will set you straight can publish tis. on a few af the statements Thank you for drawlng tt made in your article, I arn error ta aur attention. Yours truly, or icel? Beatrice M. Huggins, y rnrly Mn. E. C. Huggins. RyGrni Star WeekIly Magazine R/c Mgzn d~ Editorial Offices 80 King Street West CtCs oa - Taranto GlCah1oly &rs BatrceMarch 28, 1967 For OId Appliaucos Mrs BatrceM. Huggins, [apon, Ont. through >earrs.Hugis:STATE SMA N We were in error in aur I C L AS IPFIIZD 8 .ference ta Mr. Huggins in Phone 623303 ur recent Star Weekly article.,______________ When you sa\vez the Go-Ahead way you get Life Insurance tool Choose a five year savings goal. It could be as littie as $600, or as much os $5,000. (Your convenient monthly deposit can range from $10 to $83.33.) Whatever savings goal you set for yourself, that's the amount of Life lnsurance protection you have, for five years, from fthe minute you make your first deposit. This is in addition to ail deposits mode, plus the bonus your savings have earned. Whethcr you're saving for your children's education, for the down poyment on a ncw home, for a retirement nest egg ... or even if you don't have a special objective in mind, ask your Toronto-Dominion Manager about the Go-Ahead way of saving . .. Toronto-Dominbon's Assured $avings Plan. No medical is required. Great Go-Ahead idea From j(TORONTO - 13MINION The Bank where people make the difference.. R. G.LA W T N, M nage Bowmanville, Ont. Temperance St.