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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 10

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%0 Candian Statesgmn, Bowmnanville, Apr. 26, 1967f ticultural Meeting ors Practical Advice oM District Nurseryman prTe o ys fctigardening ed with coiored slides. iswing, but we must be careful wlt prctial advice: Discussing the happiness to:because of the cold nights stili ernphasized by Harry be derived from gardening, encountered during this month. _VàBelle ln hbu address at the f Mr. Van Belle was most con- Some of the muiches can be 1= of the Bowmanville vincing. "There is an oid taken away from the straw- tural Society Wednes- Gaelic saying that goes some- berrnes, and the roses which êB' vening, April l2th in what like thîs: 'If you want are in a protected spot can be the Publie Library Audi- ýto be happy for an haur get uncovered. 1f2UM.> The President, Mrs.1 intoxicated. If you want ta "Now is the time when our ' 5lthr, presided;bhpptredagtnr- lawns need feeding with a ~Tbe lucky wlnners of the1 ried. If you want ta be happy high nitrogen fertilizer such EorPrizes, whicb were gard.. for eight days kili your pig. as 10-6-4, or a 20-5-5, etc.," trgsupplies generously don- But if you want ta be happy fMr. Van Belle said. He also ~iby Mr. Van Belle, were: forever, become a gardener!'," mentianed the leaching of U. L Mitchell, Mrs. the guest speaker quoted. ifertilizer and pointed out that LIO*sGeddes, Mrs. AI! Brown, "We may nat agree with al when too cold ta work there KW.Wayne Purdy and Mrs. this statement. but we can will be noa bacterial action. '. S. Staples. agree with the gardening part Mr. Van Belle gave advice -,An Antroducing the guest of it. Most of the pleasures regarding lawn rolling, rak- oekr, Mrs. Lawrence Mason, Of life are af a transitory ing, and grass seed. He dis- 'innediate past president, nature ta be enjoyed only for cussed preparatian for sad, the 0 that Mr. Van Belle is o a time. planting o! evergreens, spring .h*iBoard of Directors of the "Our friends move away, or j feeding, soils. pruning, groups, IN caio Nursery Tradesmen their habits change, so we are rockeries, sun and shade, AuAocmation. She told the flot close ta them anymore. cuttings, hetzi understock, andt làDttlng that he was born in Our children graw up and get grafting.i %O1Iancl and since comning ta married and move away, aur The beauty of trees andt Ç70nada has attained prom- dog runs away or dies, but their value were also men- bence as a landscape garden- aur interest in gardening may tioned by Mr. Van Belle. He et, and bas become one of the continue from youth ta age, told of new varieties like theE t~authorities In this field. increasing as aur other co- sunburst locust, moraine locust1 "'The Van Belle Gardens, tacts lessen. shademaster, imperial locust, »eated on Highway No. 2, "Gardening is a luxury iniSwedish mauntain ash, Kwan- &ts - Pli extensive business youth, a companian ta middle zan cherries purple plum, E zig lovely settings for life, and a necessity in age.I cistina, weeping camperdownt ehomes, bospitals and It is like eating peanuts, 'theielm, Hawthorn Paul scarleta ~Çr institutions. It also is more you get, the mare youland Toba, flowening almondC Miponisible for the attractive want'. j tree, the fragrant snowball t nt no th largsLmite u i This e timeok of ar t r, a qsto and othrs r n t s f t hc la r g e s L i m i"T s t ha w e i o o f w ear t , D ua n g a ue s t i o a d nkof Montreal, and Bres- starting aur wark in thelanswer period many o! theo ýhs Ladies' Wear", Mrs. garden. On the sauth side o! ardent gardeners in the audi- Ea~n stated. the house the crocuses are ence had the benefit of re- r ý1Mr. Van Belle's graphie ac- blaoming, the tulips are doing1ceiving detailed informationS rit f nw pant an evr- hei bet t kep u, te 1fnom Mr. Van Bell in bis re- r ~nt o! nw panits andOener heitu r bes ae e u p ies oterqeis E eens, many andite ro ra: chestnbut rs.e s eli g piesita ltei eres. ke tIon o snubs was illustrat- "The garden fever is in full Mr. Van Belle for bis splendid address and valuable advice. t She alsa expressed the argan- j( izatian's appreciation ta Mn.U ~ l A * N Van Belle for his generous r gfl * Idonation of ail the door prizes. 'Q<U M L iI She announced that the S' speaker at the next meeting of tr -w (J~L1the Bawmanville Harticultural ar Sceytbeh]anWdnesday evening, May lth, in M~ de e d b ethe Public Library Audi- O Fairbrother, Newcastle, whose B toi will b "Flawens for nce. Exhibition and Flower Ar- rangement. It was decided ta J hold a plant sale pniar ta theI - ~~ next meeting,.i -n IW wamww 4v TILLERS ed MN Shopping for a tiller? You can't do better hthen with an Ariens JET-line rotary tiller. The inest engineered on the market today, cese machines are. quality-built for long, clependable service. 3, 4 and 5 h.p. models- two with tine reverse. So easy to use, make Sgardening a êiM pleasure ail season long. n Ses Your Local Dealer W. H. BROWN FARM EQUIPMENT RI1NG ST. W. BOWMANVILLE SFERGUSON'S BA. SERVICE STATION exi. 1 HAMPTON;i GRAHAM'S GARAGE ~R. iBOWMANVILLE McGREGOR HARDWARE LTD. .;-5 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLEI 13 Elgin Street East, Oshawa, Ontaria, April 22nd, 1967 Dean John: I jùst finisbcd reading a great book. It's entitied "The Dactons Maya", pub- lished by Pocket Books In- c 0ropra tced, Rockefeler Centre, New York. The entire book is bistory of world famaus Mayo famiiy known anound- the warld through thein famaus Maya Clinic. Persanaily, I passibly ne- ceived fan more pleasune than most eadens would. Long ago I was intensely interested in subject taught me at Oid Mount Carswell Scbool, S.S. No. 8, Darling- ton, just about a bal! mile West o! Cauntice High Scbool on Concession No. 3 on ex- act situation occupied by Bu!! Courtice's house today. This subject iW those long- gone days was Physialagy and Hygiene. Bath T. Frank Wright and laten James Mitchell Ro- berts who taught at Old Mount Carswcll, ccrtainly taught me weil. At entrance examination at High School on Centre Street in Oshawa, I was iucky cnough ta score vcry bigb marks. Therefore, John, this book should hold great interest in most people wba value beaith. New York Herald Tribuine EATON'S Special Values in FAIRM EQUIPMENT Save 185.95 on Twin-Flow Seeder/Fertiliz.r.Spreader wlth traller * olds 10 bushels *a ea miball-bearlngs *Dlstrlbutes 8 to 800 lb. per acre EReg. 444.95 SPECIAL2 jWà8X-667Z EAC 2 9.0 Save 158.00 on DISC HARROW *As above wItls 20 plain bIades Xes. 317.95 BPECIAL 1 99 WX-6798 KACIE 1 99 Save 155.00 on 18"9-Blade DISC HARROW *7' dish;, 18" blade *Fits standard 3-point hitch *10 cut-out, 10 plain blades Reg. 324.95 SPECIAL 'W53X-6707 EACHI 169.93~ Save 90.00 on Swedish Ail Electrlc SEPARATOR WALKING TRACTOR ATTACHMENTS Save 32.00 on ISC HARROW -=t d".wn * 8rve~'29»9sc '5 Bave 6000 eon ROTARY TILLER W 8"width Steel tUnes *AdJuatable 0 te 7" deptb Elaeg. '9 5 SPEOKAL T YW&SX.4117 "C 799 THE T, EATON Ca. LIMITED, =233 SbppudAve., w.t, says of Ibis bock, #"A1 vxvid and exciting as fiction can affer". I hope rnany o! your IR ers will buy and enjoy marvelously interesting1 as miuch as I did. Best regards ta you, y and staff. "'Longboat", Ralph R. To( Ode To Ise 011 Rai School House on Conressi The Old Red School Ht Wbene I used ta go, And lcanned some thini They thougbt I oughl know! But I forgot lots o! it nc Altbough My mem< rcally good, For I neyer.have forgotl Pretty girls a! the neighbounhood. -"Longbo Celebrate Anniversary ln Hionolulu During a necent visil Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Ga Symons o! Bowmanvillei hononed at a dinner giver the other mcmbens o! graup. Tbey wene part of three wcek Canadian Fani Tour ta Soutbern Califoi Hawaii and Arizona, spai ed by the A. H. Cneig] Travel Agency o! Thon Places o! intenest w were vsted includcd Ci Orchardis,i !arms o! var types, sugar cane plantati and the Dole Pineapple On anc of!, the farms tbey the most up ta date mill system in the womîd, wl rows are milked an a coni or beit. In Las Angeles visits m moade ta Disneyland Unive Studios, as well as going1 nany famous movie s, hames. In Arizona a full day to the Grand Canyon was oyed, plus a visit ta University o! Arizona Expi mental Fanms. Along witb Mn. and 1% Symons, those making rip from the Bawman', mcea includcd: Mn. and h Stuart Morton o! Maple Gre tins. M. Walter and Dora of Oshawa and Mm. and 3ý Alfred H. Allun, Ken and J Bownîanville. >otato Club .earns Reason For Soil Sampi The 14-memben Durhý *H Potato Club beld its fi nceting this year, Apnil 13 ithe Marsh Hall, four mi vest o! Millbnook, with nembers present. The advantages o! taking oii sample were pointed c id by averhcad praject embers wene shown how mmrrectiy fill out a soil tg eport. It was decided the secoi eeting would be beld M bh. At this meeting ea ember will receive a fr ig o! fentilizen along witb ag o! Sebago seed potato tcost. MI ai wf soi an col ner me 8th me bal bal at 14 4H Dairy Cal' Cub Meeting The !inst regulan meetir [o! our West, Durham Daii Cai! Club was held at ti office o! the Dcpartment Agriculture, Bawmanville, Monday, Apnil l7tb. There is a Senior and Jui ior Club. The afficens fan t! Seniar club are: Pres. Bria Knox, Vice Pres. Sharon La. mer, Sec't. Elizabeth Kellog, Press Reporter Murray Ye ]owlees. There are nine set ion cal! club members. M Wm. Tambiyn Is Club LeadE fan Seniors and Mn. F. Jo: for the Juniors. Mn. Tamblyn gave eac member information in th !onm o! pamphlets. HIe di5 cussed the special praject fc the club-keeping recordsc the !eeding program for yoi. cal!. A brie! writtcn test wa given ta sec if we remember cd facts learned last yean. The club decided ta hav the next meeting an May 12t] at the office. Meeting adjourned by th president. ENFIELD The U.C.W. met in th( cbunch basement last weeik The devotional period wa! canducted by Mns. Donali Prescott and Mns. Wiifric Bowman. Mns. Ron Oke gavE an intenesting talk an the cari' days and settiens o! Durham County. Mns. Tom Beekin gave a mading entitled "Cana- da" Mns. Russell McLaughlii stayed a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Gnîffin and !amiiy ater spending the winten in Flonida. Mns. T. Taylor bas neturned home fnom British Columbia ýwhene she visited during the winten wlth the Titcombe !amiiy. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- mnin bad dinner Sunday even- Ing with Mn. and MIrs. Harold Beamisb, OshaWa. Mn. and Mrs. Roy liartinan, Enterprise, vislted at Mr. Alien Tayior's. Misa Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford; Mr. and Mrn. Carl Sargent, Scott and Turnmy, Ida, vlsitad at the Pase home. Sympathy is extauded to Mr. Rarold Hepburn in his, Rd los Prie Bowmian entcrtainpd ha boys o! his Sunday School àmn on Wbibday, .1017 (NII lunchby several of the ladies. H a t angeslui, wreseveda elthusUnit tend- I#*O ig., v a e IItJ winner for the ladies and Mr. Report thok men. Mrs. Marvin Lunn and Measles vaccine il ow ln- bockMr. Francis Cowan won the cluded lu the sbot which gives Zor Improve Accounting and low yrizes donated :y poeon ainst diphtheria M anagementof Town Fund Ste..Drerlinmade dur- mâ vial by the Ontanioý, [ue At the meeting of Town Hie spoke of the distribution Byrone said incoluin i ed by Mrs. Bert Black-,Fa" will ha available hogte Counicil on Monday, April of the tax dollar for the pro- Cauncillor Ken Nicks said Cowan, a cannister set donat- clinics beld by the Northum. 15 l17th, in reporting the 1967 vision o! municipal services, that the Finance Chairmnan!'d by Rolph Hardware: Franci's berland-Durham Healtb Unit. t Budget o! $ 1,600,500, Council- and pointed out that the cost and the Clerk - Controlleri Cowan, a raisin pie danated It has flot yet been lioensed ion Glenhoinie Hughes, Chair- for each depantment is the should be commended for the; by Walt's Danuts; Minnie Tay- for distribution ta practising o! man of the Finance Commit- cost that must be borne by presentation of their work.,Ilon, a tea pot danated by physicians. ory's tee, stated that the prasenta- taxation with ail other re- His Worship, Mayonr van Roljih's Hardware; Charles !ion is explained logically and venues already deducted. Hobbs, agneed, and cangratu- ý Armstrong, chocolates donated The mneasles vaccine in ýtn in detail. "The tax dollar distribution iated Councîllor Hughes and' y I.G.A.; Reid Harness, a Quint is a killed vaccine, and aid "The system o! accounting is as follows: Administration Mn. Byron. cherry pie donated by Walt's is ta be given only to infants for and management of funds Services five cents, Protection Donuts; Mildred Bnitton, Avon wbo have nat had any im- oat". o! the Town has been made ta Lives and Pnopenty eight cream sachet donated by Mns. munization., There will be a appneciably more efficient, cents, Public Works four * , Rnnie West. reinforcîng dose uslng a liveà This bas simplified the record- cents, Sanitation and Wasta Rai se $ 3.15 Mr. S. Mathen was re- attenuated measles vaccine,. ing of every transaction, large Removal <garbage) four cents, minded that chacalate cake This method of immunization an small, reducing the proba- Social Welfare two cents, Re- i houldn't be part of bis diet. gives a maximum amount of bility o! enror ta a minimum. creation and Community Sen- For Ice rF u He immrediately staod an a protection and a minimum Should an error occur due to vices two cents, Debt Charges chnonana-A euch th cake amount o! reaction. This new human fnailty, it is soon ap- nina cents, Miscellaneous four OnoAehre party that with Gord. Simpson being the praduct is to ha Included in~ parent and easy ta discover. cents, which gives a total for raised $33.15 was he]d recentiy1 highest bidden,- paying $4.00 the angoing inimunization "This systemn renders the General Government of 38 in the Odd Fellows Hall,ijfor the cake. Rather than programme or the Health neparting o! ac c u mula t ed cents, plus Total Education Orono, in aid o! the Orono take the chocolates back ta Unit. Funther information tta transactions, such as the 49 cents, and 13 cents f on , .iical Ice Fund. Evenyone Chuck Armstrong Mn. Mather may be abtained by contact- rntamount of the budget allocat- Caunty Purposes," Councillor enjayed themselves while card was instructed ta auction them ing a member, o! the Health were ed for protection ta persans Hughes said. games were in pogress and too. Thnks, Chuck. Unit staff. ýn by and property, at anydate dur- Clerk-Controllen Robert- L. thein ing the year obtainable un Byron reponted that adminis- I the minutes. This applies equally tratively the y e ar 1966 ,mers to the reparting o! revenue. bnought soam e significant mia, "Teautgo and incarne o! changes "although there was nsor- nioney necess:ry ta supply a need ta absorb mucb o! the ,htn te srvies hatitis the busi- histony a! events initiated il pess o! the Town ta provide, prian to Januany st, 1966. B I is now sa welI managed that There was a lange backlog af 'hich the amount o! temporary bar- work ta be cleared up," he t itrus rowing for curnent purposes, poînted out. ONTARIO rious bas been neduced in 1967 by By-laws- > ions, $260,000. "Forty-nine (49) by-laws had aYur Finance Comrhittee were passed by Counicil dur- kains pleased with the steps tak- ing the year. This compares Uto 2 5Oq2 i en n hepreviaus yean ta with 33 in 1965 and 30 in VdY l o! finances, the benefits partant"by-Iaws dealt with o! which action will become amendments ta the Town O!-C p t lG a t v ia l were more apparent during 1967. ficial Plan, Restricted Anea rsal The Committee wi]l continue By-law and Traf!ic By-law, sarst ta review procedures and sub- The garbage by-law was re- t n a i a m re tan mirecommendations ta ene vispej as was those by-laws t t r o F r n r fit the conduct o! municipal dealing with interest charges trip business in the Town af Bow- on tax arrears and the grant- en- manville,"1 Councillr Hughes ing af a discount on prepay-Th Gve met fQtai hs nradit Cptl the stated. ment o! taxes.Th oenoto nai sinrsdisCptl cri- - Many bourg have gone In- Grants program bY $19,000,000 effective APril 1, 1967j, UT'TTrPnmnta the prapen indexing Cantad~ vins. YLVERTOUJ filing a! the Town's by-Iaws. and continuing through 1979. Farmers cari apply for the the The indexing is by function, following Gaitl ts: ille (Intended for Iast week) alpbabetically and ilumerical- ove; co]rn accompanied the Bert ing number of by-Iaws are FrtXAs )thy MeMullens ta Trenton, Mich., mîssing and a lot af seanching F n irtocst f:Gana o ntnst .aalb Irs. U.S.A., ta attend a !amily in early minutes and records You can got Up ta $1,000 b tinder ARDA those Capital im, wedding there this weekend. will have ta be carnied on inonnetidfth s f: (GnscniueobavlbI Mr. Ken Wilson spent this onder ta fi these gaps. Erection or renovation of farm nF tpar cent of thecoaî of weckend with his family, the Minuts- buildings - paving barn yards e- nlargomnent Up t1*500. Jack Wiisans. Ken has just "It is most important that-Iiudanrstagtarcetf bcotf completed bis third year at a record be kept a!o the de- - Ic8raur trg ansrcn f h oto Guelph University and will cisions o! Council and in this - aradingponcding an be emplayed by the Depant- regard there is naw a hinder storage buildings - ment o! Agriculture and Food which contains siged original granhouses -silos - .grain notoo~t~ I (Information Dept.) during copies o! ahl the minutes o! storage and milk houses, or uatrIorunmi. the summen vacation, putting meetings o! Council. combination of those. ui efeui. Ietogether film strips on variaus "Eacb resolution is numben- tapies o intrest. Sbuld be d for quick eference and<1 quite an intenesting job pro- although the full potential of Second lan viding lots o! scope for imag- numbering nesalutions is not Fifty par cent of the cost of a ji ination and persanal initiative. being realized at present, it is drilled, borêd or dtg Wol,or for Alm ast one quarter o! aur expected that the time will the development cf a spocil îeh,!Cetennial year is already came when it wiIl be neces- source cf water, up to $500 a11hobee but little but plans bave sary ta index resolutions. undor the ARDA program. benlaid ta date ta corm- "Copies o! the minutes are memorate the auspiciaus oc- sent ta the auditor a!ter each 9ai casion. Here in this tawn- meeting sa that the auditon o.Jh oat utsbip one a! the first birthday may ha made-awane on a-con-A.tM or, celebrations was observed an tinuing basis, the authority Prime Minister adFo ta Saturday, Apnil 22 in Janet- for certain acts and payments, Lest ville. and sa that he might be aware o! changes ta by-laws and )nd GEORGE MEEK agreements. ay PRODUCTIONS LIMITED "Thene wene 627 resolutions, ch (Canada's Blggcst maved by Council in 1966,1 reeý One-Nîght Promoter) which Is anc and thnee quar- a presents tens~r resolutions for cach dayRO W ODRD S M Af es THE a!th ora. In addition,th Board o! Warks Conimittee rEUTE LIlAi made 103 resalutions and the CENTENNIIAL Finance Committce 63 and O SEA T with decisions o! the remain- ing v~aduscommttees busy AGRICO SERVICE CENTRE IN year. ~. Office- S O U N D i"A procedure for handiing ýng mail was intnoduced. Brie!ly, open the icmngmi;the j of date that it is received is on M AY 1 3th stamped therean andlanv n. 12 Noon 'fil separateîy, in addition ta the 12 MID ITE Inormal machine receipt. hi 12 INT HO RS * rerPide a pprun d and the Silhouettes there throughout -tbe - base- SERVICEnSor rsred I ep otiie ment o! the Town Hall. Be- SRIE program. Hie knows the arneoi and *ROY KENNER fore these eanly records arc ra30,o and the Assoclates dcstnoyed by rot and mildew, a Soit Analysis ho stocks the fertiltzer that's rlght fot n H E they mnust be catalogucd for PlnAnyisAio ghalysanreurfrtl nE T IE S sh k elv e n ca fn d ae of nala t nbulk A ri o r bh a A ow s s r ed or tiren ILp rld In TE RPPfor long retentian. e igh Analysis to save you time and money and Inlaru n *TH TRPP"Fromn time to time many Fertilizer Ammania appflicators are avattable att yd1u * THE SYMBOL mattens wiii be bnought to a l o g Counicil seeking approval for BUkoBa Start this spring with a soit anatysis un ' dhge *THE UGLY recammendations ta funthen ukSraig rpyed.Yu a oI9lhth .pIArc imprave the administrative Bl pedn rpyod.Yucnd twthtehlsArc DUC KLINGS efficiency o! the municipality. Equlpment Rentai Serivice Centre. M.C. Far example, onc o! such mat- a hyruAmni tens would ha an "cequipment *AhdosAmna Cai him to-day. Duif Koman room". The situation pw s and Applicators Duff Romen that wbcn the Councill nCha Cs of CIUM Radio bars are in use, we cannoti DRESS:Casual use the duplicating machine. I DRES: Caual Another example us thatl Advance Tickets - $2.00 cithar the assesson is inter- *At Thse Door - $3.00 ruptad when speaking withi h s s t e CI dnc TICKET AGENCIES: visitons in bis office or thei WHITBY photo copier cannot be used. 1 AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED / L ze SCorner Store "It is not intended that this' ODNaOAGVLE-PR OEHFtz * lVhltby Arena report cover ail o! the workj LNDO * RAGtVLLE* ORTHOP 1 a Shorty'. Citer Store o! the previaus year or con- Ei OSHAWA stitute a proposai for funther Ian n *Marty's Recoord " Centre works. It la hoped that it will Di Dbghoîme serve ta show that changes~ E V C BOWXAVILLEproccas will ha a continuing * ryewas Sseke ib.p ona. As always, weaiare guid- ROY WOODWARD, MANAGESRY ed by your insuwtions" Mr,- *1r Capa.dty' 8 to 900-lb. per hour * Stainl.mm steel bowl and dise *Modal LBSB Reg. 279.95 SPECIAL 8 9 W53X-8662 EACIR U ~ND fiUMmTIHS Oi4.~ ~. b. os

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