Arena Filled to Capacity For Skating Club Carnival (Cmtbgud tram IM l week> frocks, hip uashed, and wear- bara Vanstone, CherylWIl- T'he Dklimo number foliow- Ingseadbands nlght across liams, JoAnne Marsden, Deb- a&, and this pleatnag election thir I'oreheads) ikated a de- ble Miler, Janette Bryson, e~U o!do n ine Young mandtmg and difficult routine Janet Large, and Jane Cat- ,ý7a ru.Te; y woiibecoming in coipIete wilson. The four tran. TheirlIgitgreen coe-, > te parkas trhMzed wlth were .Andrea Ewert, Pat Ru- turnes mbhhd wlth se- To.lié s Zkimos' vers Mary. defl, E hawn Leddy, and Diane quins and orange feathers elesFampton, Cherry Van- COwleb. were stnllclngiy becoming. sic.., Jane Patterson, Shelley Thçi beautiful Apple Blos- "Show Business" proved ta KU,)aren Jazkowskt,Ka soin alle waî a fiesta on ice be a favourite act. The 20) thy Spfeer, Debbie Pankin, as 10 *kateni iin plnk net and girls were eye catching In Pat- Beéatty, and Caroline whitei satin costumes with blue with gold sequins, and atee. pnk handed iweetheart neck- some had tlu feathered eha- l'he Montain Climbèeu also Fin es took part: Barbara Mc- kos. They were Evangeline receIvsd much applause for Farlantd, Sheila Crombie, Lin- Merkley, Barbara McFarland, their woII îkated presenla- da Rqad, Lynda Burgess, Can. Dianne Harrison, S he ila tion, They wone smart blue dace .Myles, Jane Noble, Peg- Crombie, JoAnne Marsden, parkas, tomne with white trins, gy Kinecht, Pat Nowlan, Su- Lynda Burgess, Barbara Van- and thse rest wti a dark blue ian 1)avey, and Jeanie Bell. stone, Cheryl Williams, Ja- ,nette Bryson, Candace Myles, trim. Tbey were Pauline Sta- The "Return of the Caw" Diane Cowle, Andrea Ewert, Platon, Dawn Wilerspoon, was * wonderful act and hl- J'eanie Bell, Jane Cattran, Christine Coombes, Ebonda ariouely funny. The lufe 5ize Peggy Knecht, Linda Reid, EUIott, Jennifer Hoag, Bar- blackr and white caw cavort- Jane Noble, Janet Large, bara Barreil, Dale Stoneburg, ed, s<id, and twirled on the Debbie Miller and Susan Sherry Locke, Carol Carlson, !ce. 1 !idàden within the niake- Davey. Vickte Terry, Mary Davey, up of Ibtis extnaordinary an- The entertaining climax o! Janet Locke. and Lynda Bry- mal, Pat Rudeil and Shawn the "Show Business" number son. Leddgri previded the skating was the outstanding solo akat- The Skaterai matching poeg.9. ed by Shawn Leddy, who was red ekirts and sweaters, who Motry Jane Oke and VicIer loveîy in ligît blue enianced whirled through themr nuni- Irvin a then skated the coin- with mid blue sequins. Hcr ber With distinction, were petitE n act with which they Imaginative performance was Sharon Michelson, Christine won the Junior Pairs Chamn- distiguished by signifîcant Burns, Heather LeBlanc, Di- piendhp o! Canada, and in jumps, spinale, spins, aîî ac- ana Phayer. Doreen Coulter, dam g. sa visibly demonstraled complished with verve. Michelle Leddy, Sandra No- the -wandrous ability, know- The Grand Finale was spec- ble, Wendy Harvey, Joan ledge, absolute synchroniza- tacular and exciting with thet Tlnk, and Penny Marton. tien, and the star qualities stars and ail the other partil 1 The cactivating Interna- Ihat won them succes his pants in the entîre carnîval tional Dais inciuded lwo year,, and undoubtedly will taking part and being award- Swiss, two Irish, two Dutch, sweE'i) them on ta greaten ed deafening appiause. The and two Spanieh, and went heigI~ts in senior and world club'sposinaMr.B- thrug teir weli arnanged cern cilions. nie Boundy and Paul TalIon, &ct pleasingly. These dolîs Aiterwards, the Recrealion were aiea acciaimed when were Kathryn Ferguson, Bar- Diresëtor for Bowmanville, T. lhey sk ted onto the ice dur- bara Mcurk, Karen Con- A. Vanning, inhroduced Hie ing lie grand finale. nell, Debbie Deweli, Marilyn Worship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, AI the end o! lie Carnival Tlnk, Pamela Brown, Patti who on behal! o! Town Coun- on Sahurday evening Mr. Brock and Vicki Cewle. cil and lie citizens o! Bow- Fanning cailed an Shawn The Penguins, Barry Liv- manxiille cangratulated Miss Leddy and Pat RudelI ta pre- Ingstone, Kenny Livingstone, Oke and Mn. Irving on their sent gifle from the Bowman- Thomas Conneil, Randy Ail- outsflanding victary thie year, ville Figure Skating Club ta dread, Alan Connell, Reid and ýwished them furlier suc- the stars, Mary Jane Oke, Meachin, Joey Nowlan, and cees ln the future. He then Victor Irving, Jay Humphry, Danny Brock, scared a hit. presEi nted them with Bulova and Keti Lawrence. On be- They saiied around the ice Cents nnial wrisî watciee, as hall e! the club, Sharon Mi. wlth zest, and were rewarded a giil't froni lie town in ne- chelson presenled a beautiful wlth plenty o! applause. ognigtian of tic honore they bouquet e! !lowers la Mrs. Jay Humphry in hie solos iad iichieved in 1967. Bruce Boundy, and lie presentation demonstrated thie drive that HYIai~d, Toronta, who is thie o! the club's gifI la Mr. TaI- took hlm tethie position o! coacli oftIhe Young cham- Ion was made bY Candace runner-up in lie Men'e Sin- pl*onn4$ was aiea an lie ice Myles. gle Canadian Championship durinào, the presentation. Bowmanville's Recrealion this year by hie agile manoeu- «'TN e Fisher Girls", Andrea Director Mn. Fanning con- v'res, daring jumps, and fast Ewert, Pat Rudeil,' Shawn gratulaîed the Skating Club's twillng. Leddj, and Diane Cowle, executive on lhe manvelous AIl the perfarmere in lie flashe d enta the ice and succese of thin 1967 Carnival.F final haîf look part in lie lhroupji a dasiingly complex Ne Ihanked hie assistant, G. colonful finale of thie part af numier. They looked fascin- A. Kenneît, and membere a! the prograni. aling in scqutned emerald the Recreatlon Department'. After lie intermission, In greert suite sashed in flashing part-time staff for ail the heip "The Roaring 20's" four daz- gald. liey had given him n theî zling flappers in the amusing- "Leg9 Girls" wae an enchant- decoraling o! lie Arena. Mn.î ]y attractive apparel o! Ihat ing Egeleclion skated daingiy Fanning aiea voiced hie ap-*1 lift (fr1 n g e d abbrevated by Fzpangeline Merkley, Bar- precation o! allite wrk ac- w Skating Group Perforrns Intricate Routine Express Appreciation to Ouest Stars 1 e Canadian aaturnan, EowranvMfe, Apr. 28, Il0? Bowma nvi i Heads New1 A Centennial Scholarship roect ln the educationa'l teld was outllned on page five of lait week's edition,, with a native of Bowmnanville' a Its -chairnman. It Is called the Centennial Scholarship Foundation, a non- profit .4overnment chartered corporation whose atm is ta provide the opportunity for a, greater nuniber of young Can-i adians ta obtain the advant. ages o! a university education. It provides a plan ta alleviate the heavy burden o! financing the students' university casts. The Foundatîon's chairman is Charle M. Cawlcer, A.F.C.,t formerly o! Bowmanville, and eldest san ef Mns. and the late T. Wesley Cawken. Hene is how the plan works ta provide funds for your child's second, third and fourth year af univensity through scholarships. What you do * 1. Agree tof open a savings account i your own name with Interna-d tional Trust Company, whos act as Depository for theo Foundation. This savings ac-p ceunI in always in your ewn name and yau may withdraw it or borrow againel the prin- cipal at any lime. 2. Save a small amount reg- ular]y (depending on the age o! the child at tie lime of enrollment) trom now until the ciild is ready for uni- Foundation versity. These saving'a' available for tirst year *dt-1 versity. If the savingu .xceed tir t year's costs, the Wiance Is Sstili yours to do v#MW as you wish.9 3. Agree to donate thq lni. terest earned tram yotir sav- ings accoijnt to the Centen- niai Scholarship Trust- Furid which is held under a Dfed of Trust wjth IntermatlbnaI Trust Company. From this tund the ýcii scholarships for second, third and fçurth years are provided covering room and bad tuton, registration, laboea- tory and library fees as long as your child passes an& ie accepted by the unve "Ity from one year ta the next. Nominations for scholarsliips under the Centennial Plaftire limited ta children presntly urider eight years af age. The younger the child, the asier -t is ta participate In the Plan. The earning power of! cd deposit sehedule is exactly the same, so each child, regardiess of age, receives identical op. portunity. FuIIy Persq'nalizecl Cheques with a Toironto-Dominion Personal (4hequing Account ýMR. JOHN DOE P<RSOINA 76AY TEE.YOROW.ON.ACCOUNT 000099 083 Pay ta the order off _ _______ -Dollars 100 THE TORONTO-DOMINION B)~lqK TORONTO DOMINION CENTÇR BRAUIICH 55 KING ST. W IN SAY STr. T ROTO# ONT. 1:ila LU) 286.1L I i: G Ii, 2-41I J211ý,u Plus theuse other benefits lu Fulty Personcllz.d Depoit SIýps, e F,.* Chque walI.t - your Choice Of lwo colours *A Statement overy 30 dcris Insq sad of 60 doys e Your concell.d choques roturn.d *A tomg. box for cancll.d cheqj sm a Low servic, charges e Fait and effiiet service It doosn't cost yau $2.50 ta get fully -personal- ized choques when yeu have a Porsonal Ch.quirQ Account at Toronto-Doninta Only at Torcalo-Dominion do Yeu get PCA d"tiiues with your nom and address printed on th..l without charge, ond personaliz.d dep"st Slip» os Weil. Yoeu aise got a froe chequo-wallot ini yq;un ioce of cows, brown or black. kt's evon mmr for you with a Personal Oi.qu4n Account et Toreto.Dornggq n.- Now, we gis'. you an up-le-date statemmot of youri acount overy 30 day,,instead of 40,0deys, legether wilh your canc.lled choques. *This sim-. plifles your budgeting and givos you a better picture sooner cf what you spent where. With aur convenhent Twin Account Plan yoiu use your Fermoai Chequing Account for paying bis and aur new 4Y/2% Premium Savings Accounit for building your savings. This new savings accounit pays a whopping 50% more interest (paid twice yearty and calculated on the mini- muni quarterly balance). We've glut a lW of other Go-Ahead idous Ihat work for you et Toronto-Domnion ... Asic about lhem when you cere in le open a Per- sonail Oîequing Account ut Toronto-Domia>,,m TORCINTO -DOMINION The Bmktikwire people moke the. differn. On Saturday, Pat Rudeli of Bowmanville Skating Club had the honor of presenting the guest stars at the carnival with gifts in appreciation of their efforts. At,«'Qft is Keith Lawrence and, right, Jay Humphry. 7 ËPhoto bY- Lloyd MeRobbie BLACKSTO'CK (Inlended for last week) with the T.B. and Diabcticl were presented and lucky Nineteen members o! lie Clinic. draws made for chickens and O.N.O. Club met at the home Roll caîl was te be a mys-ai laurkey. o! Joan Graham, Thursday tery, which proved ta be-Fat Financial report was pre- nigit, Apnil 131h. Fletcher took a picture of sented and new officers clect- Decided ta caler ta lhe each girl an her Polaroid ci.- Compiete report ta be High Sciool "At Home" as camera, te be put in lie O.N. -'iished aI a laler date. aeked. O. ecnap book. ----ran s.SnlyM - The club will be canvase- A deliciaus lunch ârý comn. an M re SlnieyMaei- lng the township -for lie Can- social lime brougit anoh c Fomrccniyareturendgom cen Society belwcen now and j lat vnngt coe ime in Toronto, visited bis lie end of Ibis monti. Shonthorn Banquet i siiter Mrs. H. Taylor, Tues- Some plans were made for The annual banquet of tic day, and Mn. and Mrs. Neil tie Family Dance. This dance Durham County Sionthorn Malcolm and family, Monday je for any families who cane Club was well attended Wed- nigit. ta attend - not juel O.N.O. nesday cvcning, Apnil 121h. Mrs. Aima Fowien spenh a member families. Il was hcld in the Recreation couple o! daye last week with Elaine Bailey expressed Centre, Blackstock and lie Mrs. Moilon, Port Penny. liank e al l who had helped lie Blackstock U.C.W. served Previously, Mrs. Mollon had a delicîous roast bec! dinner. been a couple of days with lie compisied by lhe club's The Club President, Mn. Harold, Marlyns and Sunday Chairman, Mrs. W. M. Rudeli, William Siater, was master of guests of lhe Martyns werc lie Vice-Chairman, Mrs. H. ceremonies. Head table guelts Mn. Ted Glover and two G. Cowle, Secrctany, Mrs. inciuded Mrs. Slaten, PasI fniends, Oshawa. Friende George Cawker, Treasurer, President, Mn. David Bcath from ttus anea mugit be inter- Mrs. E. L. Ewert, Mrs. T. J. and Mrs. Beati; Vice-Presi- eshed ta know Ted is now McGuirk, Mns. Keith Fergu- dent, Mn. Garnet Rickard and teaciing in the R. S. Mc- son, Mrs. C. R. Harrison, Mrs. Mire. Rickard; Mn. and Mrs. Laughiin Schooi. Jack Leddy and Mrs. C. S. Rusel Osborne; Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mirs. Jack Swaln, Oke, whici had contributed seo Robent Pankin o! Victoria Oshawa, spent Sunday with much te the splendid Carnival, County Siortiorn Club, Mn. Messrs. Harold and Jim and- and tic parents who iad heip- and Mire. William Smith o! Miss Helen Swain. cd n tic dressing-rooms.- Guclph, Mn.. Smith represent- Mn. andi Mrs. Richard Van Mr. Fanning also lhanked ing the Ontario Shorthonn Camp and family visited lier Miss Oke, Mr. Irving, Mn. Club and Mire. Smith le Presi- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Humphrey and young Keiti dent o! tic Ontaria Short- Morrow, Hilton, Sunday. Lawrence for thein fine per- bain Lassies: Shorthorn Las- Mies Doreen Van Camp, formances, and the club's Pro- sies, Misses Elmiirst and Flett Toronto, spent tic weekcnd fessionais, Mrs. Boundy and were also present. aI home. Mr. TalIon. He also mention- Tic guest speaker wvas Mn. Sympatiy ie extended te Mn. cd appreciatively assistance Tom Burgess o! Ontario Agri- and Mns. John Hamilton and given by C. S. Oke, Bruce cultural Coliege, Guelph. He family on the deati of bier Hylaind, the dean of Can- gave a review o! the Short- father, Mr. Harry Hall in Co- adian figure skating instruc- bain breed and tic beef in- bourg. tors. and James Iving, Union- dustry, and a prediclion o! Misses Betty McArthur and villiè. wiat the future could hoid Gloria Frances, Toronto, and After the Carnival on Fni- for lie bec! producer, outlin- Mirs. Joan Mott, Whitby, day evening the Bowmanviîle ing corne of lie pracedures were Sunday supper guesîs o! Figure Skating Club enter- liaI wiii be nccescary la pro- Mr. and Mrs. John Venning. taincd ail those in tie cash and duce cconomicaiiy enougi ta Mr. and Mre. Waiiace Mar- lie officiaIs in the Bowman- mccl campehition from atier low neturnnd home from ville Higi School Girls' Gym- meahe. Flonida, Sunday. nasium. Tic Bowmanvilie Entertainmenh was providcd Mr. Paul Rahm, Brockvilie; iLadies' Auxiliary ho lie Rayai by Mn. McCarmick on tie Mn. and Mns. Cameron Porter 'Canadian Legion catcred for vioiin and lwo young peaple and Sean, Orono; Mn. and Mrs. lie delicious lunch, tram Orono on lie Inumpet Stan Raim were Sunday sup- and drums. per guests of Mrs. Cecii Hill. St. John's A.C.W. met in Mn.'and Mrs. Robert Fond 4 H Barley Club th.e Parisi Hall, Apnil 131h and Roberta, WiIlowdale, vieil- wîth tie President Mrs. J. K. ed Mrs. R. Ford, Sunday. The first meeting o! Dur- Lawrence presiding and Mire. Mn. and Mrs. Danny Col- ham 4-H Bariey Club was heidj W. W. Van Camp acting as acicco and family, Oshawa, on Friday, April i4th in con-isecrelary. spent Sunday witi hier mti- ý nction witi tic South Dur- Mrs. Harry MeLaugilin haci en, Mrs. L. Tiampeon. iarn 4-H Corn Club aI Ceres- charge o! tic devotional Mn. and Mns. Vincent Arch- dale Fertilizer Plant, New- periad. A card from Mns. Mc-1 er, Bowmanvillc, visihed Mn. castle. Tic meeting was Arthur was nead. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Sun- epened by tic President Eliza- Plans wene made for tie day. beth Kellogg and lie minutes Dcanery meeting here and a About 30 young people and o! the arganization meeting eammîttce was appoînted ta lic Cauncilions spent a heip- werc read. arrange tie Mother's Day sup- fuI and intenesting evening ah Our hast, Jim Rickard, out- pen. . Hi-C, Sunday. iined same basic bariey and M etnclased wili prayen. ,Mrs. Donald Dagenais and cern planling praclice andl =aura evening, Apnil 15 baby Debbie, o! Vancouver tien turned tic meeting aven tic Biackslock Curling Club Island, arc visitîng Mn. and la Mn. Dairympie who gave a ield ils annual banquet. There Mns. Arthur Dean and Glen. lecture on soul testing, ils im- wcre 94 people wie cal down Mr. and Mirs. LeslIe Beaceck, portance, and iaw tie requine- ho tic tables and cnjoycd a Prnae Albert, were Sunday mente are arrived ah. Follaw- lasty turkey dinner well senv- dinner gucats af Mr. and Mn.. ing a lunch of don uts and sot cd by thie Blackstock Wa- !Lloyd Beacock and boys. drinks. Sharon Larmer thank- men's Instiluhe. lMn. and Mrs. Bert Knott ed Mn. Rickard for lie lunch Entertainient was proviîd- and Tony, Canlingfand, spent and fan lie use of lic build- cd by Miss Linda MountjoyI Sunday with Mn. and Mns. ing, and lie meeting was ad- and Penny Grandel whic a Glenn Larmer and boys. Lourned.-Neil Allen, Pres greatly enjayed by al Recent guesîs af Mr. and zoorter. Prime for thse year'surààug 34r& Bob Bryans ansd tailh Trent University's new Chmplain College at Peterborougi «typific Ontadlo's.progres in educatioul Iseems ike ony yestrdy this was a, one-room s'chool Today, it's anc of nearly 7,000 Ontario schools-and an excellent example of Ontario's dynamic growth. The learning explosion je helping Ontario achieve prosperity as rapid developments in science and technology niake industry more and mare competitive. Thce kilis and train- ing our schools provide help produce marc products andi better producte. The remarkable thing is that Ontario is just getting started-the beet is yct ta came. In the Iast five years alone, hundreds of thousande af new jobs have been createci and aur unemployment figure ie just 2.50/, You can help Ontario's educational sys- tem to grow even greater by helping ta keep Canada prosperous. One way: when shopping for price and quality, SHO? When shopping for price and quality, Shop Canadian ONTÂRIO'S GROWTH RECOR» Ontario echools have nearly 70;D00dedicated teachers bs iighot âinsuet a better than ovçr education. 7This ycar the. Ontaro Student Awards Programt wiIl total. S13,750,000. Ontarjo's higb sciiopisso ss nt that a student can take 4technie4tévo'tional or academic course amd.till qualify forunil- versity entrance ONTARIOU. t3QOvERNMÀENT TRADE CRUSADE: Get your new gui! èti'ciiiii watîii'lqiatsp Le A. PARKER PL&MSNS 152 KING ST. EAST Authonized Consumers Gas Dealer Gaz Foroed Air and Hot Water Heating Systenu Compl1et. Plusubhag Installation and Repairs FOR FAST £~IBESERVICE ÀAU1 62465 FREE ESTIhJ¶TES 1 -1 new m HEATING