The Orono News J Mr&. James E Richards, Editor Celebrates First Birthday Mr. and Mn., Archie Wat- 1 Mr, Rpbert HancOcl< return-1 and daughter Fac, Mr. and D. Betty Ann and Larry of cd home lest week frein the Mr.. Bob Lewis, Mr. and Mrs . aterdown were weekend Memoriel, Hospital, Bowman-j Ross Lewis were guests of guefttacf Mr. and Mrls. Alexiville. Mr. Phil Vowels ofMrs. Harvey Morgan, Main Watson who were married 48, Cobb Hill has been assi.stingl Street, on Saturday evening,I '-.'l yearmi lest Sunday and gave a! et Orono. Public Schaol dur-1 April l5th. 'diînner party on Saturday ev-'ing thc iliness of Mr. Hà.ncock.ý Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. J. Fagen; ening. The guestt were Mr.1 Mrs. Mary Selena (Sproule) and daughter Karen of Mark- and Mrs. Gea. Cole of Port Virtue, age 91, widow of the hemn visited Mr. and Mrs. F'i Hope, Miss Audrey Billings1leate Mr. Charles Wesley Vir-10O Cooper on Sundey. and Mr. Wm. McNaul of Osh-'!tue, sister of Mrs. Charlesi Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton . r awa, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bil-j Cooper (Florence) of Oron& were emong the guests of Mr.I lings, Mrs. Harry Bailey, Mrs.1 and Mn.. Walter Bryen !and Mrs. Walter Woolley of, Neil F. Porter, Miss Lynnl <Ethel) of Burketon, passedý Bowmenville who were cele- Bailey and Mr. Carl Kimmett,ý away on Thursday, April 20.~ breting their 4th Weddingl Mr. and Mm.. Gordon Power'! Funerel was on Monday mcn-j Anniversary. .,*. &Il of Orono. ing with a Requiem servie Mrs. Ken Bail of Kirby i Mr. and Mrs. Leverne Souch et St. John's Anglican Church j Mrs. Win. Cochrane, Mrs. j ntnnie of Bnwmanville visited Mr. <(Norwayy. Interment in ead-; Herry Mercer with Mrs. Leni W fthua Sind Mrs. Phil V9we ad Jîing cemetery. Pears visited Mra. Jim Bell nw« Canadi children, Cobb Hill, on Sun-ý Mr. and Mrs. Norman.S.ho ws certng epatcMn da eein.McNalIy of Coîborne, who birthday at the Memorial Ho.- Par ofu Mn a Mr.endMm. Jhn orestn!have returned home fram al pital, Bowmanville, on Wed-1O Mr Lad rs Jvnior sited vacation in Mexlièo. nesdey, April Igth. Congretu-i. 40 7 tentl. ekedinMn i itd relatives in Orono onlations. tr a. a d M s t ri g Mi y of lst w eek and her O rono's senior citizen, M rs I. . . . . . . . ... dontt huld hm' à M.adMsStrigM. re Mr. Gordon Winter,ý Letitia (Hemil) Walsh, ageý COMtat. Soci the ther spent the weekend with 1wlio was a patient in the Me-; 98, of Church Street Northi~ ~ Canahda wili bu offle Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mther marial Hoptl , avll rn, widow of the lete Mr.~ '- ~WkIg an fmlya Wlbrore adsince lias been moved ta Hoard Walsh, passed ewa'j J,-~~ 'o Mrs. Milton Bimch is bol!- Oshawa Hospital. (No visitons: after e brief illness et The S. daying in sunny Florida. allowed.) Lodge Nursing Home, New-, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred San. Mr. and Mms. Walter Cairns! cestie, on Fridey, April 21st. dersan of Columbus visited; of Schomberg returned homne Funeral was on Monday a!-'IM their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. on Sundey after attendîng the;ý ternoon from Orono United Wm. Robinson, on Seturday. funeral of hiem fether lest' Churcli. Interment in Oronoý Mrs. Arthur Mertens aof Tuesday, end spent last wee' Cemetemy. à T'âAILeB C Cobb ilI s a atiet inthe'with hier mother, Mrs. R. H. Congratulations tae 0 MemoielHosptel Bowan-Hollingswarth and family. i Mather on winning the trophy g vile. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hooley, for the most sprostrnenlikeiTPYA DSA T R N R D Mr. and Mrs. John Drapeck, lyr h uio e' Mm.. Ethan Jones spentJ0iif and Edward of OshawaiHockey League, given et thei -2> If uesday with lier sister, Mrs l were Sundey dînner guests of! banquet in Bowmenville onl Tehnsm iteflo nteaoei Cecil Jones, Paul and Julie. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ritchie 1Seturday evening, and te h adon ita elwi h bv photoa s Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm El-land son Fraser. "Dane Rogerson who won lie, Mark Ernest Morgan who will celebrate bis first birth-V ford and son af Port Perryl Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glanville j Oke Tmaphy for the most day on Saturday, April 29th. He is the son of Nancy TUKE visited father Mr. Tom Tehb,j of Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs.j valued player. Bath played adCatnMraPrwyCecnadgad a ~ IA Mill Street, on Sunday, April Matt Harrison o! Bowmen1 an the Roy Nichaisgtema nd My r. enand r and-UrE E~ .f lflth. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rit-j Mrs. W. Harald Hephurn of! son of Mrs. N. Lunn, Town, adM.adMs .W A L E FO PRESSWOOD'S BRAND Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid and' chie, Charles and Wendy, Mr., Enniskillen, the former Miss'Mra of Toronto. Photo byLodMRbi 'H R SA KSIN D-D FTE family have soid their ferm end Mrs. John Ritchie, Mr.: Ruhy Melndoaf Bowmen- and have purchesed the DaveyandMr. Drew McKa'y of ille, Passed awey et the Oh- A K I Fou buseonCenre tret shaaMm. and Mrs. Terry awa Hostpital on T.uesday, LCS O aund haute ontearGntr S tt ofWa Mr.and April îBth. Friends and neigh- I Coe Mr. end Mrs. Donald Lycett Mms. Gea. Glanville o! New- hors'will remember hem say- 1 Mm. Leith Byera wes hos- e musical service conducted oe dH have moved into the Mverceri cestle, Mr. and Mms. Rabt ing with Mrs. Fred Brime-, tess for the Dorce. Unit Wed- by Rev.T. H. n .Rt Apertment until their newGlevleMrHer Leicob___________nsda ey non Leader Mrs. chie at Cannngon Maple Leaf Brind bouse on Cobb Hillisl comn-C. Hill opened wîth a poem Glad ta repart Mr. Osmond' a pleted. o n "Friendship" and prayer. Wright home from hospital. , -11b- Ms Adln Saa jK D R O N johymng48,the bsnesq wof Mr. Earl Dorreli retumned' kg (Beacack) Bannon, widow o! !-mn48 tebsieswa oemu -FoiaFiay I N ES5 the late Mr. William Bamion, At the UC.W meeting et, Deer, all in period costumes. dealt with. The chapter omef lrdFîa.Pg of Clarke Township., matherý Kedmon Church on Wednes-1 In the living maam Mms. Hamry Study Book, "How the Church Recent callers with Mr. and'- Meple Leaf Brand Rindiess Breakfast cf Marion (Mrs. J. Dwyer> of: day evening Mrs. Allen Wermy. 1 Rose wes spinning fleece into cerne to the West" wes deait Mm.. W. J. Pearce and Mm.. G~__ - ~WU Oshawa, passed ewey et the! Enniskillen, demonstrated, yarn on a hundred-year-oîd with by Mms. Hill. Mrs. Gar- Crawford were Mrs. R. Tet-I A 1-1b.c April 18th. Fnmlwsi made from artificiel flowems.ý weme equipment for camdingl tionaily fine cammentery and Don Lane and Termyan r«6 Osha.wa on Thursday. Itr Twenty different. arrange-iand winding woal, skeins of led a discussion on "Thej Lou Peerce, Oshawa, Mm. ment in the femily plot, Orono ments were shown, using S,; homespun wooi that hed been I Bible". Attendance, five mem-I1 Gearge Carnochani and Miss týý Fresh a Cemetery.! crescent and triangle forms dyed with vegetable dyes, andi bers and three visitors. MaryLou raworwEPor Mr, and Mrs. Carias Tanib- working with styrafoem base. garments knitted from the Mr.Gen ame a hsMry Lu CafrPr E FLL s lyn &ere. dinner guests of Mr 1 A vemy success!ul eveningwol tess for the Esther Unit on jMm. and Mm.. Stan Rahm 12ma ad Mp *nd m.. rme eij of k;o round and square dancing Tegilo!te5h Guide;i Wednesday vnn;we ' were Sunday su.pper guests o! ville o n Sundey, April lth. wa held in the Communityl Company with their captain,! members and one visiter a M and M sh.rcWatndu Iw.,. evein, ndr hesponsor- sented e feshion show o! cOs-Taylor opened with a poeiný Sundey guests of Mm.. C. A 6 9 bt Kiejs p n o ship a! the Kedron U.C.W. turnes from. 1:8e7 ta 1997, with 1end conducted the business' ilwr RvjadMs .H KinetesSpon o M & . comitele of he rs.R. S Éihopas commen- period. Mms. Bruce aountjov Ferguson, Don Milîs, Mr. and (L iPesbytery attended a meet- tetor. Mrs. Charles Thomas, and Mms. Harold Martyn gaveé Mms. Gardon Kirk, Pontypaol, '-~uIuuing in Kedron United Churcli provided piano accompani- h 5si»oKEtir. h1adM. o egsn en Sundey eftemnoon ta hearmetfrt vnospid. film stip "By the King, A, Mm. and Mrs. Merlin Shantz, Ày« Fîrsf Vice-President Virginie Dm. Howard Norman speak on In the dining* room, hastes- proclamation" was shown andi Bowmanvjlle, weme Sunday-A Brown preslded et the dinner"u Money in Japan". . I su n hPionedessr -a discussion on samne followed..ý guests o! the Harold Martyns. metn fteBwavlé r 'ad OumSaney es nho hreaebread endljBusiness et bath meetingsi Mr d MrsViet Ar- Save Kinette Club held et the Fly- ý have- returned fmom a vac- 1 tee biscuits, with black cum-j consisted niainly o! prepara-1 cher,. Bowmanville, and Mr.. In uthanmeo otlrnt preserves 'arid red cur-! tien for Church Famiiy Night.ndMsTeyanSml' Facelle Moderne - 4 Colours - 2 Rail Pkgs. SAVE 24oe ln D teim n ot r (t ) n' tion trip ta W ashington, D.C. m n eaynd»ustn o~ lu kw Ms uppTenn s n r e s o Wednêsday evening. Immediae rately M r.-,rluStainton lias me-1 with whiPpe ptcmeamupM urned aDiplay o!exhibits rom aiS1Mrs. C. Venning, Linda andSU fr c nlstdPresîdt~ Bea n - umnedafter lridspendg as, eirlooamdishies, tee services provinces o! Canada and cen- Wayne. B T R O I weu e ninh ret the piann e n it in g Firida ughe sland butter spreaders w re tennial progra m on Tuesd e,l r.- - oftT ro tKAM - 2oz. Tin A E Taefr e charg.o!1he mog- bee-vistinghEa10me Tamfo th eenig.Mms..Rass Lee a! Kedron and us0.May 2nd. Plans for Warden's' Mm.. Vehe affwekt, Torono Secretary Eleenor Murdoch! Mrs. Tom Sobil o! Zion., lId Canadien fumnishings; banquet, May l8th. Thank- terMman Ms.Ati -LU' read a letter !rom Pesident iilElot LryH ýwere displayed in several yuntsadrglrbs-brothe week wsi n erCHEO N M EAT 49c Barbre Mstes thnkn th l EDo ,l Wery entertin-f ad1M.. Fenk ne s nd..u opinara rooma Mr.adm Fakns.Beacock. clu fr testautîfl helanrs d Rochd es eter ySots n' Hancock loaned an extensive' IMm. and Mm.. Bruce Clark! Robin Hood Cellebration -6 Vareele sent tar he dung hem iiess. an exchanesitBySta shawncollection o! fumnitume, dishes,l At service In the United. and Mm. Walter Clark, Dur-I 18-oz. Pkg.1 sentto ier uri g lir iines.!a ex hang viit t Os aZ AVE 100 TheKintte dcidd t'tis eeknd.Th bos wrelampa and hooked rugs. Mrs.j Chumch Sundey mnaning, Rev. bamn, were weekend guesta, Eýs The Kietes ecde ta ts eeknd Te byswee:Rose loened a collection of Romneril spoke on Prejudice. and Mm. and Mm.. Bey. Dealyi j Cï A K MCI agaîn sponsor Salim Khaen, theý entertained by a bowling: rvesaCAKEhnwm ds-li unM IXESlte uio n TaiTmot39ee'u- riub's adopted chld in Bom-lpaty, swîmming at the Boys'iesaderhnaeds- nSna colteJno adTai ootwr u- bey, India. This wes moved byý Club, a visit ta the Automai et. John Ogle and Clair Skuce girls and boys classes pre- day guestao! the Ken Duns-,~ Grape - Orange - Pineapple - Pineapple-Grapefruit imeiee Pet Prsdnt iv usu ndlnc t h1played cylindricel records a sented an interesting skit onmoors. i be 8oz isSV 6 PresidentIIAbem-48ou Tn SAVEsemadluc 16he raahn f h wr fth ifretp Conneil and seconded by Kin-' Genosha Hotel.agampoefm the turn tewr !tedfeetpr Mrs. Oliver Barton, Rich- I ette Bea Moll! te cntuy. O! special in 1 sons of which they have been adsLnig StJeeh ete eaMolo.Centennial Tea ; terest weme tocntr-id yn. IsRandDspentSthefwreken An invitation was received, h CnenilTeoptio dlsan n tuy ox wih etSudymmnn h ith Mis. W.theW. Va n m DRINKS o 9 from the Agincourt Kinette rh etnilTasosr-dls n ui o it ihMs .W a ap Mount Royal Cholce - 19-oz. Tins Club ta attend its Inter-Club ed by Unit 1 of the Kedron1twent y-fîve records. .:Mesonic Lodge o! Por t Perry; dMbe cline metng later this: U.C.W eat the home of Mm.' Prîzes for the hest costumes lare ta attend service here at, Mrs. J. A. Johnston i. visit-'ut month. AIl the Kinettescn and r. iRoss Lee on Setur-l worn by guests were awamded 10 o'clock. Then next Sudyiglersn r.n eco-i ýlC t reen orV ax Beans 5f orl.00 tributed ta a collection ta bel ay e emrnoon wes a gala oc eGro es n'eeigaGl odCr-KIth Jhs and girls, A donated ta the Canadien Men-! casion. Mm.. Glen Smith. The judges m rony wili be held et 7:30 p.m.,i Belleville tai Heaith Association. The guests, many of them' weme Mm.. H. D. Cleverdoniwhen Karen Campbiell, Bon- e Kinette Audrey Sleep and.wearing dresses a! the lestiend Mr.. A. S. Evans, mem - nie Malcolm and Dianne Tev-ý Mr. Bob Smith, Toronto,; SEE OSHAWA TIMES Immediete Pat President Con-! century, were welcomned et bers o! the Township Centen-! loi wiil be awerded this hiWhspent Saturdey, and Mrs. M.' nell were in charge o! the the front door by Mm.. WiI- niai Committee., honour., P. Philp, Scerborough. spent' Specel raw Hon rar Km1 he Sk ce, presden o! hie The e!ternoon netted $187,' J1In St. John'. Churcli, R ev Sundey with Mr. end Mr:,. v P AE nette Larmer, a pest president,j U.C.W., Mrs. Jessie Her-. end an immeesurable quentityý Rose took lis text !rom St. 'ha. mihaR Eivr wvas the lucky winner. 'greaves, and -Mm.. Kenneth Of community spirit. 'Mark 1, verse 2, and spoke: DeaneryFOE UM on "Our Part in Prepering ThTelfhFnOulR EA RLT W E ~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mc- erv Women's Auxiliary en ~, th a"'er l on-' ' EAT RE FO R R EA R V A L UlE Kee, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson iPlace in St. John'. Churdli muRAand Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs.; Bleckstock, Thursdeyý, Aprili 2± F WR Y O U R iGardon Strong attended Ihe.2Oh 1967.' There was an ex-l funeral a! an aunt, Mrs. E. cellent attendence. with r- jCuilley (ne i.E rc)lpesnaie mmpphp~ R i or Penny Seturdey even-' Ilberhnds Bulk delivery and spreading service Aivg. îucandAil Merchandise« Chap-, Fa klunch waenjoyeci by ah llalesEfec«v1Ut Crop nd sil cosulttionWeed nd isect hemials Mr. ad Mr. Jac Cha-ý Fliowing th s teguest iVle fetv ni Atrazine and Korn Oil man and Linda, Pont Perry,. speaker, Bey. W W ies. W R-'RE etitertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed. berry B.A., B.D., M.Th., Rec- Hennis, Mr. eand Mn.. Wm.-, tom o! St. George the Martyr, jY ANHYDROUS AMMONIA NITROGEN Mahaffy and boys, and Mr.1 Tomonto, gave a fascinatnOp n hus and Mrs. Grant Ecigerton On: descriptino tn~~O e h r New and modern equipment for applying Satumdey evenîng. sty n Afni s ato an.h Sunayguetsof r.and'educetional womk pemty. The 'i H IGHER YIELDS - INCREASED) PROFITS Mr. m.MBiiffy were Mr.1colored slides helpeci ta ilus-ý IN ONTARIO reetcleswr Mrs. R. o!fer away Africa. dn, MeLaughin on hem retumn, Mm,. S. Osborne, Oshawai C S O BL N IS T E RE Dfrom Floride, alo M r n. 'x rse h raiu eo li W CERESDA LE FER TrILIZER*S LTD. GordoEsa~k athy he nth e tiude f mli v Mrn. Mrs. Lloyd Bea-! 1968 will b.e t Christ Church,i - Kingfl St. a d Si p A en CALL NEWCASTLE ROWMANVILLE cock and boys were Sunday!Oshawa. mp n U87.4711 623-7150 guests of Mr. and Mm.. Boyd: Meeting closed with O Can- AA&-A1 ________________________________________________________ hannenhour, Ashburn, eandi ada. Rey. W. W. Riesbwuy la~ the evening they attendedi gave th. benediction.e The CmOn dias taru to esafomnle.A. 81k 1:! [~.. 0 of E.IO elthis wu.k wfll bien,0-f te agait @volnte of env ym... big mneugh te ancompas Mon Iand hs WetM Und H le f Vialorà fron aound the worid wlfl . arlvln te n einp.. *l...gc« te kmw CanSdarm And - 0OndngnStffl eilenil. ,m n d a p. rm a *t w tdth a O tta r . gm o sat t e c b a gt la P r u d t e h i IDhINTS tO IXPO tht 9 M ybil~homwgo. il Seoppowtnhy Ita. Exp. no tlreirfabu!ouaI!.aspe,,,~ cao onfilojur diras, talla. ta. typical tarai ail- rnttaLcPO. DoumiNon RAS . UNIQUE CHILDHEu'a FAIN Em ph W hohn, t .faaotdn ai het DW u'g noqu Childrueg tmm. cfflnra tost a lin th opuWuing. MUnti,. Phwd .mm, thé fOm im rs ne hmao bornai..Ciudr \uPPort Your Commnity USE 0F THE MEAT READY TO SERVE SMOKED Copaco Brand Pure Poc 5-10 LB. Meaty Pork Side 1.1b. Cut As You Like Themn HALIBUT STEAKS HOME NEEDS Men's flair Dressing r- 3-o.. Tube SAVE isà BRYLCREEM 71cý Listerine Antlieptlc - 14-o2. Size 3AVIC 24o MOUTH WASH 95c: WhitLe, Assorted Pastel Shades - Box of 3601m BAVX 12*. Facelle Moderne - 4 Colours SAVE 24M Facial Tissues for55c: On Bramnnds- Rihmil -10-ou. Jar SAVE 100' INSTANT COFFEE $1.194 Grand Prix - COMPARE 12 10-ou. Tins cage cf 24 ' .RCaned Beverages 9of 1.85 RiChmEllR-Pk. f 2' StChmlOrNîE -ROL S RCHIFFcOrNge-C6AK.iE Braeside Grade A SAVE Oc SMALL EGGS 3doz.1.OO )CE FEATURES SAVE te: 27c: SAVE 10o NANAS RAPE'S FRIOAY NIGHT FEATURE 6 P.M. 'TILL 9 P.M. ONLY Domino Instant Jlar 6c a Guaranteed To Give 1000%0Sa.tisfactlon Ml Closlng, Saturday, 'April 29,.'87, ln Bowmanviile, TH-E RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.' sand Fri. Nights 'fil 9 p.m.' lue (KigIiwoy - - ' il , , ' i , 'w 1.5 4 4$ 'c CONFIDENCEI âuk uMU Ih ;- , - -, ý - ý -77-7-71MM -- - - ý- =1,ý P"- 7%e Canadian Sutesman, Bowrnanffle,,Apr. 26, le" . Save 4 ý m i