Ibum emadam @Uttmaun. owmufflle, Apr. X. 120 *r é1%1 md ru.Wiliam Engagement Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Auction Sales Real Ett o aeRa Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate o Sl 0 ad n. Ïlam r.and Mru. Arthur Rowan WAE o ale and délivered, CENTENNIAL dress for sale WEL unhappy te announce announce the engagement of Cail Ciff Pethick 263-2131 or rent. Phone 623-2890.1W. ORONO, Main Sretfu- ______________Phone _263-8808..F R A NK0..1L. H o o ey bedroom 2-storey ho s , ar oftersoMihe theirsnMcalter daughter Helen Eliza- ONYot.Poe2380.PANT potatoes, Sebago, $l.75 LIVESTOCK SALES Real Estate Limited~ ELETT N gfl rc 1,0,$150LlIE 1 a Memorial Hospital, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. BakerStWe, omnlemrg 1 tvinle. 17-1 * Aroostook, New Brunswick' WATER for sale and delivered, 17-2 Orono, - Every Thur&., 7:30 p.m. 62-33IomNvîURA-36LlEryN9857.1622-33 1The wedding to take place 24 hour service. CaUl 623-5756. TOgo rco iesz Selllng Horses, Cattie, Swlnel EXCLUSIVE AGENT for 623-1264 NA OMNIL -M.and Mii. Frank May 20th, 1967, in Yelverton JOHNSON motor, 10 h.p., likel -13 x 385. Oshawa 723-1308. 1-alves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid 13 EAres bars,6oo (nee Jeanette Lobb) United Church at 4 p.m. 17-1 new, $200. Phone 623-3090. I1- oSlsMngr.5-f J. COCHONSKI Bowmanvllle ýhouse, insulated; , frae elEtt or yto announce the 17-1110 USED propane gas brood-I ONTR CTO Liberty St. S.,-6 room brick îgood market gardelndonfar'Fm-Lnda ra > M tthe Royal Columbia Oshawa, wish to announce the dition. Cali 786-2261, New- 983-5882. 17-1* Pethick'c, Auction Shed, En- 3-Bedroom Bungalows Prlced finîshed in knotty pine, beauti- $5,~000. ContactJonSht-br.Hehus.2tre iltai, New Westminster, engagement of their eldest ton.ville. 17-l* BOY'S bicycle, 3-speed, lights, 2 ies, 2 elecnic te, rlfo 1,0 n-po o ul adcp Sod April 18, 197. 17-1 daughter, Constance Elizabeth, 2 rde,2eeti tvsd ls emn otHp 8 - Mr. and Mrs. son of!Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cobblers. Phone 786-2202,62-82174 ends of dishes, vacuum dlean- Road, West of Orono. rs. 181 Eglinton AvNuEatBekok SP___________________________ TheNe ton ill. 1-3 WASHER, $15; 30" stove, $3; e15-4hin bahins2, feeLbeer.S . Room for 1Tornto 12 e James), Pointe Claire, wedding wilI take place Satur- STIJDEBAKER Service, new fig., $25; boy's bike,$7 chesterfield and many other WTork VVanted aluminum siding, lot 66, x _____________ *h of their son on pari. in St. Gertrude's Roman Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf SIET-L u humer in iClîff Pethick, auctioneer. BCHEafrned load- te schools and shopping. Ask- Gu LBAC hseih5bdro.To yA rl2,16,acatoi hrh saa 28" BOY'S bicycle or trade fïor Quebec heater, 3 glass jugs, 17-1 e 78work .s abe pis.ng$50 . Trs.1 Shore General Hospital, 17-1 saîrszecletcn 5 Phone 623-3987. 1~*Po7622. 13-tf Horsey St.-4 bedroom brick. Ratrla o.$500-Trs CIirQu. 71 malr ieexelet o- 5 Auction sale of cattle, hogWLbaystcid 3 years Ncl decorated. Garage. Rat Claire, Que 17-1 C ars for S ale rC BBLER~ potaoes, grownduty range, ideal for cottage ri ure en t , x p ra oerty o f a te 9 7-97. 23 46 10 crs ea Oim e 6ON-Mark is pleased t ti Ïon. C oaîl 63-580. 7-1WESIGOS 4 mlmns mxdgan oeo g roe, y home. Asking $13,500 with low pay- 637 funtrecpoet fNwate9747. 17-1 ment. Totpn n orsras al~ence the safe arrivaI o! '63 BUICK, like new. Phonelfrorn certified seed last year. or apartment. Phone 623-3156. Rudy Kadovich, Lot 17, Con. BOOÏRKKEEýPERrequires full Carlisle Avenue-3 bedroom $1,000 MonVr cncpo blÉ' baby brother (Norman 623-7694 after 5 p.rn. 17-i IPhone Orono 983-9117. 17 2 1__ 7-116, Manvers Twp., or 3 ½j miles tirne or regular part-time brick, garage, new bath and Concession St.-Bnc u an 2,0.P ag en Priday, April 2lst, 1967, at deluxe, whitewalls, radio, [seed drili, suitable for smallisize 14, reasonable; large 35 and 7A, then south ¾1 of aMNR ~e condition. Asking $11,500. ace. Asking only $590 Memorial Hospital, BOwman- extra snow tires, AI condition.i tractor, Phone 623-2892. baby crib, Newcastle 987-4630.1rmile on Line 7, or 3 mils MNR lae, ploughing, $3,000 down. "fle. Proud parents are Phone Port Hope 885-5401!r 17-1* ___ 17-1i 'westo ehnasuhat cultivating, chain sawing, cus- $3.500 Dow*arcoeramwihxe- Norman and Faye. Special afiet 5. _17_ ____ _____ __ 1-- - ie 7, Saturday pi 9 o am wr.9745,OooQ e-iS.5P t e r . l y t a f . 7 - 1 5 8 S T UED rE.4 D o r , o u w a t , ata nMdl nma rd-f el-s it-s u t a7ef o c o t a e ; S l eT e d F a m o l , nr i c k 2 S t t e y r i k o u s . 4 b d - e x c l l n t r e umeo n i n e s-l lr ne nt r a m 1 , 2 0 f o n a g _____saf.171198ar,36KngS._. Bowman-, potatoes; baled hy Phonel reserve. e Jackson, Ted CLEMEINT Poultry, Customi rooms, garage, main street,i ment. Yearly re 540 nSmo .ad' ieo _______ 3 King St.Eton-Wfgon-,6liceay.e17-1Spenceley, auctioneers. 17-1 1Picking, ready for freezer. close to evervthing. Priced t kig ny $500 onhpra.Wl obei BTW IM ,;--Bo and KPasN . X StationVSWa o, l iec le . 3tf i Ph ne New asle 98743 3,______t lo d_____en . C f'P k ) Boare ne d Ka en o l 2 6, v , A t mai ,jA U M N r d!wn o s FO U R w ood case rent w nd- St. Paul's Couples' Club 38-tl 130 A cres, ail w orkable,1Close te H o s iav lu w t in 5 e r . _____te______________ -'Phne ewcstle987435.. cîlwit lowdow parnet. 95and -Excllet trms o~~unce t he birth o! their Power Brakes and Radio. doors, awnings, raîhings, car- : wit trm n creswbwra wî spring-fed pond. 7 room' 4 Bedroorn brickbnaoe'ieLaeOtroFotg Tracr Edard 6 ls. ½ Tis6wgonrun likia hamThprts nagton. Lone lli, aproxa3'x 5, vey rpsortAU TIOnSAE REIABE lok boue, lI onveienestwo n lt 18AfEt deplAskng 12 Aresin Nwcatletow ogSw on Tuesday, April 25th, You've got te drive it to ap- 1 Prince St. 17-1 able. Phone 623-7510. 17-1 c f Household Furniture and 1afetralchorn frnces99.ban.O iha 1.Cn ol 1,.Lwdw0a- iis he odsra Central. Phonespialprcia623-2994.n od itact us o em.ment. 'lro rc oe an at emoialHosita, pecite t. orn intod y UYNG-or-selli-ng --fumnitur-e GOOD cobcorn, irrigated dur- Appliances1s 1-favn ot, odlctin'Nrh n 5 m0' 0 s0'.er!i Todd. 17-A rthe fr nil p orî elfa arai rappliances, calElmer, îng season, $45 a ton onenhey-Sat------,-295-3IRaviGe antDecoratocgtinny $or9h0. T4 d 1 - .u i p ie I ----------$ 5 00 Hampton. business 263-2294 -1farm. Phone 983-5279, HenryYetur-old brick9 bungalowan Depossi bilities,90 . $1 10,000.ric Mm. and Mrs. EwaR MARKET resîdence 263-2695. 6-t! Eikens, R.R. 2, -Orono. 17-3 1 P.M. - ApurihHll Interior and exterior. Caîl Haydon with attached garaei ae ecsl ART'S CAR Canrner o!ECalrciHall shawa 723-1253. after 41I drive, finished rec. ronwt o h rfsinlo x Ï"wiaehappy te announice 194-196 Church Street 1'CDRstrip Peterborough 35H.P. MOOR, 1964 Mr-Cre fCuoh-Sl t.0clock. 16_______- Building lunder VLA. l oya.Akn 2, thwiL birth of their daugbter BOWMANVILLE boat and 25 horse JohnsonPury; 14' boat with controls, St. paul's tl.C.W. wili hold ai------ Y ackoeberice ing. asuonBwmavile hoe n 221Oare. ou -tinElizabeth, on Monday, Cash - Trade - Ternmsirmotor, perfect condition. Ivanlwindshîeld, plus tarp and BAKE SALE at same time 1-Foundations - Septic tanks 10ArsIatvwoeý4Bdor rc 1brch 20, 1967,. at Memroial Mountjoy, Blackstock. 116-21traîler, $695 or best offer. 38j 171 'dug and backfilled. van 1Aceptlwod,4Bdrrnbikugawageerom.Frfr- ____________________ lflf ad-Bwranile__14 outoy1lcktck96z77good location for 'new home, only 5 years old.Hoyod ontr RsiaBwavleGrn-GOOD quality goo uy fonan $8,900. Trms. Niely landcaped .-tounds -pmeae Mr. and Mrs. W. H p'Lane brome hay, 35e bale; 1950 ALLIS - CHALMERS D2721 Auction sale of potato ma'i -fA god buyt si,5oo. kitchen. large lot sigysres FOx brick and B 16-tf 'Thislp excepti1-onal $18,90. wer MW~ Mrs. Sophie Bowille, E __ __________ Chev. with 1954 mnotor, good diesel tractor. 5 years old,rchinery including 2-mow plant l rii- n tn-wr, apo Thee ..MATURE woman, part tirne, tires. Phone 986-4774. 16-2iready for work. Call Frank er; furnitume which includes frpaeclOxodB ick - .idn ocnrl 6'xAtrHusPe AlerorFak 171ifihadcistr.Ms UATION, blowrng meth--ý-. Stenger, Enniskillen, 263-2328. 9-pce. dining room suite, 20'1ielcs aiOfr rc-Bidn ocnrl 7 M, ne ogne,9749 eti mauaecniin ber o Fan. 1 u1i k, danan nd willingttoeoMu wt h rLAINowol. Wok- wselyesadSon aos.13rs,70 ny 70dw . ________ ____1-I$370 -Tems 17-1 jCold Spot freezer, fridg, Easy Phors ne tono e9 3-5 06 o r ns. 3' A1,. Ca n>' - 263-2)2 -_ ___ WÀÉARJh n e-leamo. Calbefore il a.mn., man.,hip guaranteed. Fr ee'POWER Lawn-MowewSrvie, r (alrnost neW), me uny9 lea ad5626. 17-tf I hrok wol Wok10 Acree parc93-506orlsA. 3 mil26-261s n*h (nee Reyenga) are happy 1623-7051. 17-1 estimates, Harry L. Wade, ýtune-up and repaîrs to ail dishes, antiques, books, etc., ' _1__---_ Ernie Bradley 623-3560 I.fVt lravvi NrhoBwavieoni- toannounce the arrivai o!fRiKdie ~ f hn etnil 8-26 nks lds sapnd the property o! Mm. Alvin INEIRExterior painting, George JABAy U Loni'8,197, Ann mrilon rbuldig uimy elr 8 hn 2-27 r6327 o Olan, Lot 16, Con. 3, Manvems, decorating, rernodelling. Doug- 17-1 IerySt N rie !or 6,0 Aptil 18 1967, a Memonia I localbuildingaupps, daler. 38t Phý on 623-276 or 62-240 or2 miles east of Pontypool, wilî las Simpson & Sons, PhoneF cnc1 1*11>tàl, Bowmanville. Special Must be neat in appearance USED wahr prs oos s.-E.. owaville. 1 7-1e be sold Saturday, May 6th, Orono 983-5104 or Bowmaî Oîfl .Phonerot tmar623K-!l ihs tM k te Dr.A . S lve ter an16-4 avNorthfeu 'o!icen eweatnviTorled:rSixy 130 îced.S.fromm ' $ll,62 -734 .w1t4hoh n .,5W i0 t h ..,71c s P h o n e 6 2 3 3 3 8 8 . 1 7 -1 n a t i o n a î y a d v e r- S E F E . . D S T .m a hNi l _ _ E L E T T T .o r n thoe y ra rno s o n iteritDrf. yvse n n aecaferslcne ety hnadColyCHESTRFEDS educed to No reserve. B. L. Preston, A RS 1 RAkSTeEBwmnLllwt snooexrawsh toeBos Fh- HOME typing work available tised line o! funiture. Paddy's en Loose pillow back, clenk; R. J. Payne, auctioneer. A.BRS 14Faktreownvl ihsuom x fly in Bowmanville and anea. Full Market, Hamnpton, 263-2241. sitd oecoc !31- time - prt time.Details,34-t or 4-seaters, $129.95. Sealy ____ Plumbing& etnPhe62390ro lgeaae M a rn a ge___ _____ ____ _____ & HCo.n, hoset23-3 50 ro m, lage g rageSnlesll Wih 10 acres and b rn o arnage Wie TnaiC. otlSa atesSlsv 1 o$0 n "D", Hamilton, Ont. P EWR IT ERS, $49, no 'Murphy Co., King St. W,, Auction sale, property o! 35 Nelson St.Bomnil 112 ACRE FARM, wlth 7 for V.L.A. Akn nc ol utVLA 1, 1». 'and Mns. Murray Cain17* money down, $2 wkly. Add- 623-3781. 17-1* n Ms. C. Allin, 102 Elgin St. E., ___________ __1tf roomed home, barn. Stream. $15,500.fulpie mnlnounce the forthcomiing mar- 17--- -1_* eS, Cashiers, File Cab., new, i Oshawa, Saturday, April 29 - Asking only $3,000 down. Caîl: In quiet area, ien el 5ArsNa rn naïge tdf their eldest 'daughter FEMALErequired for general used, entals, service, trades. AT TE NT I ON at 1 p.m.:- Corner china cup- ERrIi E PERFECT Don Mountjoy 623-3614. , kept 3 bedroorn fiaehm odbik7ro oe Leftore Kathryn, to Lomance Office wonk and filing for Bill Hamnilton, Raglan (North FRUIT GROWERS board, Kelvinator efrgerator, IPLUMBING & HEATING PORT PERRY, 76 acres on large lot. Vemyes oBn.$45i H*oward Traves, son o! the company located in Orono. o! Oshawa). 12-tf NEW INSECTICIDE McClary electric stove, Beatty Poo6334 with 2 brick homes. Barn. heat. and low tax. Askn nc rn lae m.an Ms.~Eia !<i.Must have pleasant telephone IMIDAN 50 - WIP wshn machine, M ei o d y Pond. Asking $28,OO. Terms. $11,500. Ternis. Bikrnhbnao iu e '~Traves o! Bnacebý-idge. maniner. Phone 983-9171, Mr. FIRTH BROS. * SAFE to Use Until Harvest bedsdresno sl ir be, 78 Ono.,Bow59manviT onll 9CRE-HT2G4H A Y rick homeon artreedlto,4pc.bteeti -Thse narriage to take place] Mller.> 17-1 47 King E. Phone 623-5081 * CONTROLS Apple Maggott, beectdreshedge lippr be, 7 nan- t.Bomnvle1-tfC FGHARM ît xelet bricelloen pruiyfrtehain. Atce aae May 27th.- 1967, at 3 'clock, CARETAKER for 'Hampton BRING TOUR BEEF Codling Moth, Curculo, Leaf etri e glassed,îng4- 1ingsAR. Largexcellent bril-ck lentman.Askin prieWelancpd.2Aeswt St., John's 'Anglican Church, Junior Public School, five OtOiTOUqoer pisec uenet gas sove hll , SI iNnhom. LNrew siodeanddrive $11,500.Gieuanoe. tamncdd.Pedat Eomnii.17-1 rooms. Apply immediately to We Specialize Ian . SUPPRESSES European Red tables and chairs, 30-gaI ol ~' shed. Painted barn. Large Oneonl 21oth Secretary - Treasumer M. J,..u PNG..n mlhothooomt- y~oo en _______________Hob; nikiln PoeCUSTOM C TIG m'te U PN CUTTING * 5! ~~ water tank, extension ladder, streani. Caîl: George Van- ville : 4 bedroomihuewt onavleAe Death 263841bb 'etwekilen 9. Pand *ert. utau.,aWiiItools. silverware, drapes, hand WHITEWASHING- STABLES Dyk 623-7437.lagkihe-nnromnd5oo fmebglo 'AMB '63-Den01Darlene- '4 .m.an WRAPPING AND Avallable ONLY from >'our paintings, many other articles ~ fTTT' tA!Ewt rc i n. BER T S, bo PM.17- rgnievngoni neniecs ~udo At' Sick Chldren's Hospital, UI 17-1NC .LN EAER to nmeou t mnton BRTT.PINSI CACESacrebickooe. land. -Ailce Totonto on' Wedlnesday,, Apnil ATTENTION- Why not you? QUiseFROEN HIPES DESRtnmmost nni Two barns, srnall stream. Of- Garage. Large lot.Picdape.btolfrceFnsh Eaf ted5c prl.As te ETCDS em ah ye ig u-Phone Newtonvllle 786-2552 fers considered. $13,500. Terms. e erainmoi ol 19,' 1967 Dena Camnpbell o! 52 Ernastay income. Be our ______________ FUNGICIDES, HERBICIDES tioneer, 725-3039, Oshawa. Caîl Collect 41-tf 10ARS ihCrs-Nwate utV Jaeknan Rond, Bowmanville, Rawleigh representative in1 GERALD. W. BROWN 100woCREd.oom i ..A.st-5NewcastTernis. age fine months,' beloved Bowmanville. Full or part TV TOWTERS Browvlew Farma - Newcastle 17-1 FAN BRN nias trees from Y years down. frame bungalowwihsnpefoofes danghter of M. pAnd Mis Wal..ftime. Write Rawleigh, Dept. $50 up 987-4474 FA K RN Asking $9,500. Call: George rooni, set in a nicequeloaNecte lasCampbell. Rested it the ID-140-MM, 4005 Richelieu St., OH 'A___ 17-tf ForncILln VanDyk 623-7437. tion on a well landscpdlt xetoaî ie7ro N hecutt and Smith Funeral St. Henry, Montreal. 17-1ISAW ___ENTenhn DAVIDAPARTMYENT, 3 moins, fieat- 'EPTIC TANKSTN OEo 15Asigpce$,o * e he u 0:30so'c ce atudy FMLsEP T SPL T RBE ed. 623-5578. 17-tf ISALAINacre farm. Large barn. On paved road,15arseta.ny$l,0-Tris ho'o î,nema0 'l svce as J.). I E HLStreami. Terrific view. Ask- vacant land with crek s-Oe o fes Mtorning. Intenment Bow- Tq.~~ aunto>n Rd. E, Oshawa Garden Tractor ROMfor r ,ba d ig$3if. em. aî igpicde-0.Pntpo iiat.vi1le Cernetery. 17-1 W Jus EDt1and8 Equipment sie.CîNecsl9842 Hmp n26 27 George VanDyk 623-1437. Hampton Area: 10arlo.5Ctge-4 unhd PitarRoa ad ___e__and_ 2-tf14lARETAR. mthPul pic $,723wth-2131wit 2aces1! an. Godin MILFORD SuddPat Tnieand uilTim Day or night - Bil Leask, prop. Tractor, plow, cultivator, dise- NEWCASTLE - Three bcd-14ACEFR.WtFulpie$,0v MD.IF RD * Sudenly by arrow, seeder, air compres- room apartmnent. Telephone V A N - R 0 good buildings. Modemn 7 down. vsmn. Akn 1,o drenig, at Bowmanviîîe. on \VAITRESSES - GENERAL FREEZERS uer, crop sprayer, siekle-bar 623-7694 after 5 p.m. 1-iP ntr roomed home. Good barn. Es tNwate-LreTrs u r a , Ap i 2 d, 1 6 ,M t be o r 21 ye r o f g 1967 M odels mi ow er, reel-type law n mower, FIV Excellent soil. Stream . Priced treed building lot. P ic d o Bo m n iî - KI g t. E belovd son o! Robent and Phone 623-3373 24 eu. ft. CHEST FREEZER rsflOW plow, hauling cart admlses !Nwatlc,$8 ad Decorators 30eAES FLN.L-______1- in odmbikbnao. M h regular rice $289.00 ridint sulky. in excellent montsh. PhofNewc987-45435.n -_ 130 2CRS-OFLND._Le_____ , lizabeth Milford, 67 -West fegrla price$289.0 condition. About $1,200 worth mo.--- Phone_987-454à.__ 17____ 27 Elgin St. - Bowmanvllle cated near Orono. AskingGodltAsig$1,0 ~'Beach, Bowmanville, dean orponmn SALE $239.00 ofrTHmnt REE-rOom heated apart-ç 500 on brother of Robent, Christine, 'The 15 ci. ft. Upnlght Kitchen Mlc ment, Qucen and Ontario; up- Phorne 623-3075 $'3,500.-lnotnw, R Jackviî ibn> SN akTodd and Steven. Serv- $7.0 AL 29.0 eeytigfo39-tfais, 6. hn 632v7 EWeASTkEpt, 5moo ed D7ôm r Iowas held in' 'the Morris Flying Dutchrnan Rg.829.0 AL 82900Evryhig or$30.stir: 65 Pon 63-14d__RICA' o lt Fral Chapel, Bowmanville, B.ii.iLL Pone 94z-1,-uu.C, HEATED aprtmentbrncBobungalow, Hollywood onayat2 'coc. ntr. MoorIn -092 HETE aarinntin -kitchen. Wall te Wall floor Lt., Real $,00don ment Bowman.ville Cemetemy. 17-11i FRIGID LOCKER ]PICKERING VILLAGE manville, centrally located, OIL BURNERS - FURNACES covering. Clean as api.-autnR.-3Ml.sha SHED hmsGre YTM17-1 imnmediate possession. Phone CLEANED Large lot, low taxes. $4,500.00 Bowmanvll6ronbugow1,0sq SHEL, hoasGane - FLYING DUTCHMAN SSE Newtonville 786-2461. 14-tf PLUMBNG REPAIRS down. f.bikbre tahdgr Suddenly at bis home, 82 Hope MOTOR INN NEEDS PHONE 623-5578 1-f Used Equipment HÏEATED apartrnent, 4 roomns PHONE HAMPTON OSHAWA. 6 Roomed home, 623-2503,g.'il-noe adsoe St. N.. Pont Hopç, on Tuesday, 14t and bath, corner o! King and oL arge lo, low tes. thoonuc .Trs 1 25 1967, Thomas tGarnet WO NCO Kilnternational No. 7 Fertilîzer Division. Apply Sarn's Res-26211Lrelt otas.OyChr S fad ubado ldy ý.Fllo at ie ewokI R VL TRL ERS!jLai Distributor, 10 ft. 1 aunant, 14 Division St., Bow-î Mail Address: $1,000 down. Cal- Harry 4 Bedroorn 1 1,/-storyhm rn re erfeVe Meld, husand ohelady A.uie o atTm, ewr nInternational 75 bus. Tracter manville. 16-2* P.O. Box 543 - Bowmanvîlle Coutts 725-2649.onlreot IE Granoh ad thelatf Annie WE SPECIALIZE IN ___ __ anca ahe ! ue Buffeteria *SLSI Manure Spreader ~~ OSHAWA. 5rond l ping. $14,900. ln.Wl re o.mmd (Mrs. Carroll Nichols), step- veACKERMANLil1ItL most new, bikbnao aepseso.Oiy$,5 fether o! Charles and Niorman Short Orders - Knowledige onr * SERVICE International 15-run Combina- bedroom apartrnent with dîn *7bripen ornogalos ~fieiut, rthro!Id Mr.Sandwiches and Hamburgers * PARTS & ACCESSORIES thon Seed Drill with ing noomn, refrigerator and~EC V TN with garage. Oil hcated with an,00t * WIG pwrlftsoe Aalbe a s.4-pce. bath. Kitchen, dinette. ratOLdesrdomew / c rn -Smlrh rv AWNINGS pScott),ft stove. Avaîlable MayShitt .LOADING - TRENCHING Close to schools, etc. Caîl: Bath. Mdni MSt Jae erbruhIEvnn)f * WIRING John Deere 2-row Trail Phone 623-7617. 15-tf' Sand, Gravel, Top Soul and Hary Coutts, 725-2649. j aOnt.; grand!ather o! Good vvages Corn Planter APARTMENT, four Omrs, Fui Delivered W1TY 7moe Hampton 10 1,$290 ona, Joan, Marilyn and Un frmSad eusSuAIe A14 nie (Mfrms.adJames SuFee),' rgox7 f LareTraiattractive. 7.b 1'e l ~o r a d N c a s a d D v dA p > 'I T A L R P R a s Hmis 2 - t o t c ; h m i e crn j d f n e . N a e a o a l R t sA l o e1cn e i n c s 2a - w i h 3 b r o m , 4 p e b a , 3 - d r o ir c kv n e unm e in lier 92nd year, be- area. Phone collect Ouhana .&.LJ.'L.17 a A LJL1ajn]1 Itma ' built. Scenic location, low 97 AcresSteî 1-ro bic hme' wite o! thse late Charles 725-9431. Reward. 17-1 OWER T. COWAN UNDERGROUND PARKING CEMENT WORK txs sig8300 al Near Little rti ~ey Virtue, dean motiier of -___________ George VanDyk 623-7437. Bîan odo o 4 3' he ah _ea<Mn SineyStehPn) Wnte toRen F11Ou THhErai-teRYo EQ65METTLENAONTESFRNT6W ENNTSNEWandREPIESOfon OWAN ILL, HI GH furbedoon hoe.fon-nroistwotinplae-.Exta Umà MsSinySehn)WMe oRn ilu thGanedYung _ Homes and Farn Buildings STRE.Lre8 omda-eniences. $26,500.TenslagroisFrttiefe- Wivm Charles itve -- STEER DEEF Now. Enjoy 134 King St. E., Bowmanvllle O~pen uaily Free Entinsates moat ncw home. Wall te wall 17Ars ~ Oiy$150 bus' beloved grnldson and the THREE-bedroom bouse. Bow- Bc! ut lta best ail summer. Phone 623-5689 From i p.m. - 9 p.m. Phn18645 lo14viig.Maetr .PrtPnyAres. ooCaE6-39 r2881 laje Pr. ReId M. Virtue, sinter manville district. Telephone Phne9Ca471 l: Gorig Vany 63-43. ds. ar erpained arr.Lte o*Mns. Ethe!lkByao! Burke- 723-0608. 7-2* SIDES - - 57e lb. Livestock orSale or b>' Appoiniment BLACKSTOCK COil fuenace and 4-pc2374bath in FatLarg. - . i t*N nai n ioec INDS - - 67o lb. For_______________and__128387 ChrlsCa ) oet ie ope FRNS- ii R~~iknmnr.Cî 576-2280 or 725-9750 ergeainW@ List Photo M.L.S. the wcll kept 4 bedroomhm.ii ohne*1305 ChresCoprie Rtre oWl RONS -d n49? Ili. awa 728-550ýne. 17-1 sufrgrtinad Exclusive Asking $37,000 - Teris.~*sre~ 2-77~ Require 20or te suit your Fait Frosk'n 1E : omnomare wîht - W.iRNKadAlfter fours Pîcame Cal: Oshawa No. '576-108 BdKue 2-98 aut our Paymeai Plan. Palonuno foal, western brokeRed E tat Lm e Apwlic.mce Ser famuthe *M-c,ÂaeI..1Estate isiniieu. AJyo.L-L.623-3814CuBobah 723-784 J.Bk31edroom Home Orono 983-5882. 17-10 21 King St. W., Bowmanvihle Commercialand Donsesie Donld Monio - 623-31459oHarolnt e2-68cEnkWisn 3595 * *e a;v t b10 5 e 1 u» b lue. 0#1 EeatiIag B W A V L E P R B E P l e e o d17-1 efrigeiston - 11 1 Ce h lls DM elob le 69 52 441 9 H r l c I a ai . o J h i o 2 4 8 -p«mwo4FRGID LQCKER Bull, dbout 2 years.' Herb -u.in Phone BERT SYER oiDvdo ehn'3r hfr fead.6331 etr s~ri 0 i Sopi" Btektoc.ar.1w Picmoiio gDays 6 23-5774 iWeuley Andersen -349-2669ffWiIt Hwke. Orono 9357 oadPte S Y S 'r E MB A Y ge dlng, addle nd wor guar- N lhts 23-3177 I G eorge V n y 623 -7437 D oroth V ivian - 26 - 1 8D e k i 15 8 58 , lebe» 4x>m hmeu ~~23578broke tive-year-old PROFESSIONAL wr ur me eVny 2-89Gmt cr 11.1 PhOn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Polomiao, western broke. Cali unteed. ArthurColonL de jlaslorU *72268 Gneiad*1373 Ggssa.e 1 7 1 m7-1 C 031108,71 1 0" lib1 W.6 loue 17-11 mmmwý