-Mag tg& $odnRussell GaebÉ twOnton, pleaded not guJIty sludriving February liti wa rprsete .by 9.C <tanstable J. D). Coe, O0] f*undfram Expo for th FVtold the court that i 5~~5tgted a one-car acciden Ufillway 2 eaat of Newton ta.about -Il1p.m. Né fourq ge guide pons broken of 4da car ti the msuth ditoh l eet from thé shoulder *c ideep- anow. -He esti ntd damage to the eua- -,0or $600, ta the posts $39 to a farmer's fence $30 o SGaebel explaied'thi haît been vliting in Poi àp nd run over a bottie ir Sdriveway. He checked the ~eand found- it was flot fii 4started out for home. HE 4the court he felt that thii 1stfront tire had blown aç rounded a curve and thiE caused hinm ta cross 'the y~and plunimet down intc l ,agistrate R. B. Baxter ac- Ë!ýLhisexplanation and the charge. !'.fraffic tickets: (Constable . >ý. Coe, OPP> Harold Roy Cocney, speeding Fe1bruary 9t1 Jpn MoIhway 2, $10 and costs; »ôu<lasFloyd Statton spced- Og Xighway 401, $10 and William Byrans, R.R. 2, idC1mP;belleroft, aged 51, plead- bd guflty of impaired driving 4êpril 22nd. ïConstable J. Schultz' evi- gÉnc wastht a complaint .hac bénrecelved of an erratie' driver i the village cf New- î«tle about 4:30 -p.m. He and Cntable D. Stuart patrollcd .& area and an hour later ~<ctd the car parked an the $ioeth ide ai the Fourth Con- aUon cf Clarkce facifg west. M.Byrans, the driver, was lIÜMped over the wheel asleep >2! another mian was asleep $ithe passenger',s seat. Conviction brought a fine of *SJazid costs, or seven days WautomoLtio suspension of CET CABB TODAI ~01M0WAPPLIANCES STATESMAN Phons 623-3303 ____________________________a_________________________ - - - * 1%il l u us rsIl u Liu ifl rollI 5 ist11rate's Co urt, HeId in Bowmanville licenue for three months. wet and the chouidera acft and SPaul Jackson, Kendal, agcd muddy. A car was m incheSouth 31, pleaded glt of illegal ditch with damage to the front. ýh ppoaesuion. HBrwasthe pas- Elgin Grccnham said hie was C. senger nanxed In the Previous westbound ibils truck and case and claimed the four bot-stpd at the slderoad with >tesa cf aie faund under hlmbs efu signal fiashlng and h, ad the flfth i the back seat. walting for eastbound traffic to îe The fine was $50 and costs, pass. He saw headlighta cf a nt or seven days, and the liquor westbound car i hig rear view n- was eonflscated. mirrar, then a yeilow flash sud id Glen White, aged 19, Town. then the car in thc south dltch. if line Road, Oshawa, pleaded Mr~. Andrews explaiied that h, guilty cf causing a, disturbanoe lhe had worked until 5' p.m. ,r, Apil 19th ald- assaulting Carol then picked up, his three sans........ î; MeMjllan. at the aren-a and started for 1k at Constable M. Joynt's cvi. home. He said hie saw ne left 0 dence was that the acAed signal sud was about te pass Or accmane b i dP t he truck but pulled back tae ~. entredthestore known as the right, went off onto the at "The Hause that Jack Buit", shoulder, ever-correctcedd rt about 8 p.m, hi an apparently shot across the road and into Ln lntoxicated condition. There the ditch. M 1 e were two female customers Conviction brought a fine of....... Lt sud two female clerks, anc of $50 and seven dollars cos, or ~~ le whom, Carol McMillan, aged seven days. There was no Sus- a1was t akihn g nadro h eso flcne. Durham West District Womens Institute. hEdd a Director for Subdivision 7, Mrs. Roy Westl 5 eehn.Michael John Gardiner, Centennial Dinner party at Maple Grove church hall ton, Central Ontario Area Secretary-Treasi 5B Their story was that White Myrtie, convicted some months 1,tWdedy hs tteha al nldd .Dvs oia s iePeietDr S demanded attention and when ago, appeared for sentence He latWdedy-hs tteha al nldd .Dvs oia s iePeietDr Le he did net get it began swear- was given suspended sentenîce frorm lef t ta right - Mrs. Wm. Milligan, Newtonville, Other honored guests flot in the picture, ing and using uncomplimen- for- ope year with bond set at Federation Representative, Mrs. P. Van Camp, Black- Sowden, Newcastle, lst Secretary in 1900 an > tary four-letter words. Miss $500 and ordercd not ta leave stock,2dVcPesenMsM.WeaSerty-Eesn. esetDirctLfe ebr ýMcMillan sud the second clerk, bis place cf emplcyment withTresurerceDuramet, Mrs. J. WHemanse,Wceton, CumrtsofTetedsmirDistories and Mrs. Roma McKinnon, rcqucsted out flrst consulting the court. Pasrr fDuhmCet nai rfWI', Mrs. M.Hrasn etn uale rav Tenedmer HofriCe nild i . White ta leave. Instead he E. C. Wildinan, Who bas rsident ofth CetaOnai r oW.' Ms MplGovm brofhe etnilDn y grabbed Miss McMillan by the been appaited A s s i s t a n t I. Munday, Bawmanville, President cf-Durham West mittee. h blouse and "drave ber with his Crown Attorney i the Ceunty District, Mrs. L. W. Hughes, Port Hope, F.W.I.O. Board ;clased flst" strlklng her an Uic cf Simncoe, had two mare cases -left check. She feU te the floar. dismissed durig Uic after- court, plcads guilty, pays bis titSceay d The customers helped bier ta noon - James Levi Stevenson fine and gaca his eray . fricm whra r her feet and called the Police. and Peggy Terry, bath charg- His atiuecme clse a .faours. w r "The court is net the judge cd with failing ta yield the contempt cf court." Dfaveurs. f éim v' cf morals, " observcd Magis- right of way.MaitteB trrmidd rsL.Hgs trate Baxter, "and faur-letter James EdwardaCowlingiRde. Copoing.that he wasLliabgheta JaesEdarUCwlngerR.ated Board mem words are becomig more and 5, pleaded guilty cf illegal >O5 a $00inta e r s i anlthsi ew ad.S r8 ssinf iurArl2s.A pioo oh have a great heriti speech. Their use does not charge cf obtaining lquar Ion, or bath.yin impress nme. It idicates a lack while underage was withdrawn "I am going te remand yeu o ' n s I ti u epatnth Cti cf vocabulary and a warped by the Crown. eut of custody ta appear Aug- bration. The world mind. You are only 19 and not Evidence was that the police ust 29th," he cantinued, "and Centennlal Dinner President af the District, re- ta Ontario for lca, 1 supposed to drink." received a camplaint about 10 if there is any cemplaint or The Wcst Durham District qucested the ladies te rise and Canada's Centenni r White was given suspended p.m. cf four youths in an M*- violation between now and of the Women's Institute held sing the Institute Grace, foi closcd with a praye< sentence for two years with toxicated condition wal hig yau go ta jail." etcna dne ade-lawed by 0 Canada and God lier remarks. e then aCntnil ine nde-Save theQen fe hc bond se t a t $500, and ardered along Kig Street with beer in BMain Adamis, Church Street, tertainmcnt at Maple Grove a. eQen fe bc te keeptoast wascprndposet teethecMrs. Hermansen, ta eep'th pece nd e c thir osesson.On hcchigchagedDecmbe ith witb Hall on Wedncsday evening, Qucen. After ail had donc fteCeta r good behavior, stay out af the thcy observed Cowling near xmPaired driving and illegal April 19. At approximately jutcet the dinrCted essd tr atAea H ouse that Jack Built and the High Scbool attempting ta Possession, appeared January 6:30 o'clock, afteice regtstrationthePresidnsodced twlukwsthoro ghej neiherintrfre itb norlok h a hiow.. itb ndwasconictd.Thi abut138 members cf the draws, the winners being Mrs. remarks wcre se i molest Carol McMillan during Cowling admitted conviction week he was fined $50 and varieus branches in the dis-Em rsnadMsSadnwtthsyrad Roy AdrewsiR February 1965 for obtainhig seven dollars costs, or seven trict sat down to a sumptucus cdad rs Swdn:wit her wit an ch.edJnuriqurw stldyo tefrtcagadtrkydne evdb h tchatge time. r 22nd wt in~g i a fine cf $50 sud $11 $25 and costs, or five days, OIL Maple Grave ladies. The tables ered the Maple Grave ladies Smeaked "whoeru careless drlvlng, pleaded neot costs, September 1965 illegal the second. weetseulhdcrtde orterkn osiaiyad askfid their guilt. Deenseceunel ws E.possssio, on yca's sspen- PCV cases and Family and the Centennialthm wthleymal She teck us back R. Lovekin. c~d sentence, and June 1966 il- Juvenile Court completed the faveurs at eacb plate and the W hnral noe eoretc u CP, osale ClaWrcStpein- ea ossinadcnui a' erns head table centred witb a sing-song led by Mrs. Cryder- te the time cf the 'U OPPgtold Hisocrhienhit ing underage, fines tetalling On Monday Magistrate R. lovely Centennial cake, as man with Mrs. Laird at the pire Loyalists frai vnstigtda -a r accident E $40 and costs. B. Batten, with Ken Stubhig- well as individual pieces at piano. mot of us dlaim oui o Hgh y2atte ighth "This man seenis te take ton acting for the Crcwn, held eacb plate. The cake was The ladies-bad the- pleasure Then went on teq Concession cf Darlington.Hthser lightly,'" commentcd traffic court, in which a long made and decorated by Mrs. cf having the- head table guests Our industrial we said that when he arrived atj Crown Attorney G. F. Bonny. list, cf trafflc tickets were Bradley cf Maple Grave. introduced and also Mrs. Wise- bow Canada leadÉa 5:30 Pn. the pavement was caste. «He cones before the handled. Mrs. Munday, Bowmanville, iman of Bowmanville, aur Dis- varicus idustries. àke, Brami4 ýurer, Mra. ham West. Mrs. T. G. md Mrs. M. -and Atea H. *Bradeéy, inner Coin-, telling ,' receivcd' leu.r a, ur.-Fect nber àpoke ;e sald, we tage as the nial great ,ena - ele- !dereip'in nial. S%3hg rr fittig ta i, CbaiI!ran Ba, tlliai ad- Dydd àslber in .lceping 1iii1ýer*pers- andj lumer, il -lisýening. ,e.do, Can- i 1x;itage., ta' the de-q conýry and UtiPd Eni- à oi which 1 Lie ancestry. 1 enumerate raa and e i thèse 1 Dosm by JPotebor@u* M - Xo. la oit f tb ar Uq n& h&oil mmleweatbtçr oS mo. Cuay -the. rue y -. .i*,r« ,or. t~bEu12, Wdld ,the prescrit day.- Thjose ôruh, nd'Ur ad MI tp~part were Mesdames Charles ýBubiinHaiuton, à nttBryant, Burrows, % M-t SatuldaY with' Mt, anâ lep, Chant, Sniale and Yea. iMrs. Rye Gibsen. ý'Newvtoavlfe branch had as Mr.; and Mrs. Norman Dvla, ÂLW$I contribution recit'étions thn, et ' un ey ev 1n geen by Mm. Sawden whlch wit hi actM.l r*vorY capably given and Mrs. Rye Gibson. u<* aWrcated. AIalways m XL E e gathering was very de. ITT * j c d w it h t h e v o c a l s olo s N I I , , u x t~eed by Mm. Malcolm af Mr. sud Mm. Ivap Sharp estîcton in her usual pîcas- and girls were Sunday., visi- gmanner. Misa Stewart ai tara at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Re dal belds ber audience Ashton's Haydcn. ý.-with rýenditions of readings 50 Mrs. Herbert Stainton and caPably given.'The last nuni- Mis. Leenard Stainton attend. :.eon Uic pragram was a skit ed a trousseau tea on Satur. put an by SaUina Institute. This day afternôcn at thc home of tpok us back ta olden times. Mrs. Wallace Wilson, Bar- _r.Bkr was the reader sud mony Road, in honor of 'ber Mr::Cydra at the piano daugbter Janice. played for a group singing Mrs. O. C. Ashton is visit. ld songs, Pearl Leach depict- ing with her brothers at Ot- ixan aId man looking ever tawa. bhis eld photos. Miss Karen Leybournei Tor,- This cencluded a vcry en- onto, spent the weeketid wath ,tcrtaining and enligbtening Miss Janice Wright. evening, everyene enjoying the Mr. Cccil Milis, M4aple saciability and pleasure cf Grave, was a reent visitor this well planned event and at Mr. and Ms. R. Virtue'. aIl joined in singing the Mrs. A. Sharp, Mrs. L. Sharp Institute Ode, sud Mrs. R. Sharp were last -Pearl Leach, Thusda3r visiters witb Mma Public Relations Officer D. B. Kay, Toront. for the District. . Miss, Donna* Lamb apent Saturday with Miss KCelly Hickey, Bownianville. LONG SAUT Mr. and Mrs. Wllfrcd Bow- man and Eric, Enfleld, were Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Alexand- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. cer, Bawmanville, visitcd their and Mrs. M. Staiton. brother Mr.eoRbert Sim, Sun- Mr. and. Mrs. A. Sharp were day afternoon. Friday evening dInner guests Mis. Lloyd Harmer and Of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bycrs, Bcth were ..Saturday supper Bowmanvillc. .guests cf the Smlths. Mr. and Mis. Pred Wright, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk Bawmariville, were Sunday were Saturday cvening guests callers at Mr. N. E. Wrigbt's. ai Mr. and Mrs. A. Miîson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pcthick Mr. and' Mrs. John Vaneyk and Bill, Scarborough, at S. ad famuly visited their par- R. Pethick's and tgether ents, Mr. sud Mrs. W. Vaneyk, called an Mrs. Wm. Chester Sunday evnig and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red- Mr,. and Mrs. Gro Baker knapp, Oshawa. and Garry spent the weekend Very pleased ta report Dais with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pea- Griffi is rccovering nicely ock, Hermon. from bis operatien at Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin h2% ad Bruce, Tyrone, spent Sat- ccmpany witb Mr. and Mrs. rday evening witb the W. Griffin and Heather visit- Kovacs family. cd Master Dale Griffin at Eight members ef Long Oshawa Hospital and were; Sault Club 50 and Mrs. Arvilla.1 Suliday evening dIniler u~te Barrett and Ms. Greta Cam- lof Mr. and Mrs. RX. gbia. ron, spent a lvely day at baugh, Oshawa. MAKE YOUR CENTENNIAL,, PR OJECT A REAL STT-I4ESTMENT» w. FRANK 21 KING STREET WEST -u WITH REAL ESTATE 1867 HU1967 LTD.. BOWMANVI LLE WALTER FRANK We weren'f in business in Our sales force has a combined total of overv 1OO.years j» - if f i 1 196 7 rsta-te baies experience. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623 m3393- OSH AWA PHONE 728 7518 Ifyou require a Home, Farm, Cottage, Vacant Land, Industrial Land or a Business cali one of our courte ous, experienced sales staff who are at your service at anytime. __BOWMANVILLE & AREA SALES CONSULTANTS #,So ERNIE WILSON JOB BA19NOSKI l'monw+0~ FICE, 9 W$LTON ST. ROT auL&IL ARL NILSON DORIEN GIMSI.TT HERS COOPER IMý >*0UVMO WSTN MEISERLLOYD ATCI4I»N Çk rn AYRTPEN F'I lDUhURIUMNCU. CL Ai E . UL O >' PlONE ZOO KEUGER 728-7 90(1 923-9174 GORDON SONGARD PORT PE-RRYý ..AND MAL WITH 4N H XPOIUNCUD, PROGRESSiVE F#RMI. FAT Ytc~ W4077 " ~Y FOSTE BRUCE BAGSHAýW, 32A.2847 GEORGE BEAýiON, 9852987 186711 1967 aewmemmp, Apr. 28, l9ff 17" Insfitutes -H-ôld-ý--Cianfen Wal ninnar P>rfu 1867 but in