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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1967, p. 3

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Imihael ctir of Kontreal. hmii o- CanadlniEwmnlf. 2 Therceto dinner was M arre n St a Is U ied Clihfces and in the hospital. Te - tluAr. 16 held at =dlad Hall, where rid i t a l ntd C uc The board was aiso inform- the bride'% motiier recelved cd by Mr. Walters that more meetngof theJonCnerMad.Tepitn fum4 in a pastel Pink sheati of details arc being obtained enc ommlittec e lh e tesl o sn .db~ 0nylon lace over taffeta wih rom other hospitals concera- lin the Board Roo tMi-Ms as el W e U n sthree-quarter sic eves and ing staff newsletters publish- orlal Hospitalon odyT HOPtI ln CYnatchlng accessorles and shecdqatly ftseetesMyltanonan atrrpoedhateOX.. V V e c lc lin g s w ore a corsage of p nk carna. eh ae be n r ov ted wt h mers M y tg cf i i a t r C m i s a r e h t t e d m n tions and roses, The grooms w ie o sd rto ll h ate WI a h l h f en l c d o i.~ y i . m other assiste& i receving have beon f o em orhos-m eesdng ofy ee Inq a 6 h i r e at e t j al * an d chose an enSm îs aibeige whi atl, cnie d dr tin w maem t 7: 0 .m t c dd ng of an th r rah * Pebb ed cepewith match'm .Hgh o e s r e o r ya nd Adminstra tof r adivM .adinO ta bat and beige accessorles and GonsCmiteCar odnrfre otc ~ Swibtknob. wore a corsage of yellow G~ ~mrodUcmetn ia Actin exrae byfoic ui anoe eaddta ié sweetheart tose. - vtons and eeCrio trs t areentFnneConretnetadnAiela» Leaving on a honeymoon reo! Bo 7 and theo in !mte etn ocragmn ROUIU -WÈIGHT cd wîth blue beads and sed for Cedar Grove, Lodge, t h optl aebe om-gral accouentin itid i.i1.e de teto p a s. H er h at and shoes p e e , a d i a o n u e a d W r .t i l c e s d v l m f The marriage of Miss Bey- wrvh siesae fbu.tired in an original suit dress pletedand as asspelr oey in . ese c ele y u a W i h, d u ie u groom 's fmotier assisted of soft pink, w ith petai lha a.s a ..:.uT e av ilabiityc f aecy o nd " he hospital a ag- w rk ii t e - ay D a i- Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, te receve and worc an Off- kid gloves and mgtching ac- ore o ae o i o-Sha C m ec ... ea litos ae aa Bowmanvilîe, and Mr. Richard white tbree-piece suit with cessories. Her corsage of Pink oreo ae o h o.Secanda.ry co ptlwas also discussed y eartinent to, provd no-u osdmby James Kouhi, son of Mrs. match ing bat and black ac- rosebuds, aisoe in identical tm.hu hes. epin e deoutportunityfor wrinsxtDrnuMrd desIn. Birgi Koui ofVermilion cessories. Bath Wore corsages coloring, completed her cri *.,,.eprvdeth ositlfo B ay , O n t., an d th e late M r. of w h ite 'm u is an d red roses.th t t e at m a n ar do . p ie c f r s u e ts w o il of a i nt ta U c o p ta - Walter Kouhi, was solemniz- The four-tier wedding cake The bride was guest o!f :~wt ae ra i ot fM.Hle ttdta ir cd in St. Paul's United Church, was decorated by Mrs. E. honour at several pate n . h upl r m telk Se Pg rjone ti c nin e- rc w brnc n 2 Bowmanvile, on Friday cven- 1 Hockaday, aunt a! the bride. showers. Mrs. Diane Veitch ex.: a aîl for any teason. en-l inenbasin stfonand48inree50 aJ- k g , M a r c h 3 1 , 1 9 6 7 , c o u l e 7f g a v e a m i s c e l l a n e o u s s i o w e r M1 h r a e e t e h s p t l o a d t a a c O'clock in a candleligh~~~~ t ser-1 As the c u l e on theira pe m n t si wo l h av m nh 1 o'clock hna candldghtrmoonthe at lber home on Scugog St.,...... i e r m th p.t p s f r utn bridelained tiat toafeudqnor-efuil time basis iMuMaryb. He fommeci during Uicandnth4: Re.Hrl unroUi- i two-piece suit witb mink col- tors nd re hs Murra Wa nees mit aea lime frorn d asand in addition sevea aa wiateplande by r. R.Heysicri e ntd bcors kage c eopersanal ubower for the bridedeeMnrtaparrto asibe. ofprojects bad been udrae wa lydb r .Hy oisadcraeo elwat Mrs. Storks haine in New- tic Equipmeiit and Furnisi- ba th enee siv ET dens. ýroses. Tbcy are residing at ig ailte ttdta ~ tt a ab Given in marriage by hen 4 Bernard St., Bowmanville csi.i l a etn e fatien, the bride wene a fleor- The bride, wba attende bebrdean gooiaen pairs oete lage r-- length gown cf white deluster- Bowmanville Central Publid bath graduates of Bowia cd peau de soie trim m cd w ith and H g c o ls epHigig S eo l. P rier to ' .. c7,ect on itb ca it e mu ps r c e i i a n n . a y S î w ail...................> ".ment for 196,nieîns French re-embnoidencd Calais cd as a stenognapher by the beninarriage thc bride bas..... sparkle lace, styld witb a Town o! Bowmanville. T ic ee employed in personnel ~ - a e arv d t ae a o n-R t r s t II u yM s e i M K e a ua - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ in g t ae 8M ,090.28. H e said th at M r. a l s e t ah e p a t t a es î n yuH a y a bell skiai and long lily-point- groom is a constable with tice s a cosultant and interview- MHsiaadrisrtr H l r als, tc H ue e pn ee rs ne ii m n er ora Mntea fi,.Th den bas advsed tiat thc order Departinent Mngr a iwr re abrmrig cd sîceves. A graceful train Bowmanvillc Police Depat- erforom wlontelfrn i icreplacementX r ietun edfucll periso tal My fell froni tic waist, and tic ment and attended Dryden go m wl otne bs ls ~. bride orc a singl stra d o! igi S hool.year in Business Administra-.e sfe, b d b ci pa e, a d o o d y p i oi e fc tf ! S m s n S as cultured pears, a gift froin Several parties hanr Iton at Moiawk Callege, Ram- ad revios *. tic groom. Her shoulder- bride prier tealber mariaelo.Mm. and Mrs. Rickardchn wlladeirdi tottrehuseahaysor lengti veil, witi scalloped Mrs. Sid Bond, BowmanvilleWIIesd iMatalJu.frm acb3honrs.O FrayeengMs edges,*was caugt to a ead- and Mrs. Frank Harris; Tar- ---- Jl.fo Mrh3t piece o! tiny petals, sced ente, *eme bostesses fan a naittee Chainman, rcporte e cygood and lel b upiepmywe lh pears and crystals, and sic liner show r; and M rs. M er- SA L E M t c w it n ds se l n f r d t. [ ~ c p ce i t si e m n it. A pe s n v n caried a cascade bouquet O! vin Englisi, Oshawa, gave a tiat it had been decided that viously pleased ta ebakttensilfindgveie red rses, white 'muis and kitchen s ower. M rs. H. Salem i U.C.W . iel Pi i i s ia e k p w r il c n et k n n x p n stpaoi.Moes, Bowmanville, held a April meeting at the church s osil, n ta siHome Win conne( Miss Linda Fice o! Toronto miscellaneaus showcr attend- witi. Mrs. Ken Shackleton and î: den bas been askcd te draft general eutside cleanp ocue eoal ca was maid o! ion on and tic cd by membens o! tic Yeilow- hem group in charge. T ic won-- ~ -~-- ~ ~ ~ ut be w m ig f r a w itr m od n tl i o r i n bridesinaidu wee Miss Pat lees amily. Anothen iiscel- sip service opened witî ln ! tc n w ofc o i n S tr a fe n o, Ms avn o Bo m n ul an an ous sower was held by ymn. Bible reading was given Dr. Slemon, President cf Dietitiari and Diet Su e vs r Bet ic , J et lc, a ite M s. M ervin Englisi of Os- M iss Pat M avin, Bow mnan- by M rs. L. W els. M rs. Ken :he M dcl Sa , st cd t t He ie r pot d t t. s D. o! ic ri -le , e tra ie âw a, cousin o! the bride. An- ville, and M iss Linda F'ice, Shackleton re d t c m dt -t c ew l c to o! ic B - C s wil er e a a vi tng f r b . P e cit t t s pa t oircousin o! tic bride, Toronto. tien. "«Fairest Lord Jesus" was cvery Romi 4vn eb Ptooitsatn littIe M iss M ichelle Y cllow- sung folaowed by prayer a bg h l a al c nc m e. M y i itoa y D p r- n i i ou s dil u u c lées o ! O ttaw a, w as flow er by- -He ep rt d iat ti.M d a yme t hl e in s lgm a e r a y f r c c ud d a p e an a!c. gir. T ey w cnc in identical RICKARD MORRISON M s. W sh -Stf is ur er tu y g floom-lengtb gowns cf rmcde-Mns. Ken Kilmen gave aHerptd h heM iclmnIsbngaE lu t r d p e u d o e - t A t S i mico e S t. U n ite d C h u c i irim o o u s e a dlin g . M rs. A . f b i i t o e e e m k n n p r x m t l 6 0 0 L a a l o g v n a p r y te mcd pl e au e oie a h Capel, Oshawa, cri M onday, tep en, in he m usual intcest- r c m e d to c ot f e upn n is b e y h m sse-nl wM s eo wle ngî s1e vcsad M arc i 27, tic R verend Joh n ng ma rner, gave a chapter où u ca e e if m e i u n r e.C lii M K e n u a r ne cklines, and wore K. Mofatws the officiating tic Study bock on Canada. bord atarraemet o t4ama ieaddncsses cf peanli umn ot"haenty The___________________________________ anid crystals. Tic senior at- clerryman in aa double-ring Minutes wcre nead and ap- "rdco aemty T ic20 Lund ry ocfud 7-fectin ho es byle tendants canicd bcuqutmony uniting Lana Lee preved and a financial report' Mr. and Mrs. Richard James Kouhi, who are shuwn in the above photo, been ccmpleted. Staff cx- be n ht rusaquetsf orem1is,on daughter cf Mn. and given. were married an St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Fraday evening, amainations wall sean be stant- flower girl canried a basket1hMrs. ilam Mrisno t was dccidcd te buy an March 31, 1967, at 7 o'clock. The bride is the former Mass Beverley Aura Wright, edhrsi. mPeieto i Mr. Norman Matyczuk of Brenn RiRekard, son of Mr. tic churci.j daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Frank Wright of Bowmanville, and the bridegroom is Womcn's Hospital Auxiliay, Fart William, cousin e! tic and Mnrs. . B. Rlckard cf A committee was appeinted1 the son of Mrs. Bîrgit Kouhi of Vermilion Bay, Ont., and the late Mr. Walter told tic board tia thti aux- groom, was best man, and tic Newcastle, Ont. te obtain Sowem containers forl Kouhi.Ph tbyA erS di iliany nebrshdurat paliers were Mr. Boy Ccc and Standards cf white camna- tic chunci. Pmeeting taStuio arbr ae foric M.Mri nlsbtoftions and munis and tal can- We were mminded f tice* r- I ' L mously decided at tic last Ms a.Mev n E g s, bah o delabra orm d a lvey set- meeting for U.C.W . members ditibution an e fo h Tic reception was ield in ting. Tic bride was given in at Tinity Chunci, Bowman- U ie itndelg t Sevc itresutauonofts esec Ui Sndy coc Adien aamiage by hen father. Tra- villetsTusday a!ternori Place mats ta local and dis- luan. Tic bride's mether re- ditional wcdding music waswhnRv Norman will be c cved wea ing a ble crp e played by M . Reginald Geen, gu st speaker. No C mbusible Tue urs i i o i echunci erganist. L nh Fiere a d aNe drmus tible dilss d deswt oieembreider- Tic bid's wedding gown social tinie enjoyed. Pateldrgtls wand ias notcd Shrst wasdcsgncd in white satin Mrs. Gecrge Pinle ada egh and itiatnte Amnnce New and dctaild with appliques Sharon, Toronto, werc week- thad berecked b y il UneSak cf Alencon lace roses with cnd guests o! Mr. and Mms. W. siifts withncevial e <fleaing Sbstane: adogan4 th~ edCaMr. and Mrs. Roy Twist, bus: Mr. Holden ald tat a Shik Pls dce h ruddnekiequestionnaire had been filled Dpn nU S hans P l e sclic , th a n d e d nM issneC r do - O -u t fo r th e O n tario H o sp italR e l y x p r s i t la n y f o y u a .f ~~~ ~straigit formaI skirt The lyn Batty, Brooklin, Mrs. H. .Serv. w ices Comisnd tat te sga-r al ne p rol m t s .s el FoIey, inaobstible type tls WnmrrWu MW eprà magM -me. undaysupper guests o! Mm..4 .hcnime htsc telrmni with slight train was desigri nd Mn.E ws.........................................iles do- mot exist lni atient, r-.asa A éondrmrh nsnkitcth am a d idlong s beld nd tiMumal Et.iTwipst.i fo aa uniuue .ipqauatan.noewith fuil ýkirt and .tiny sati ccipetd u sudesforfis .or-- th i i-aa with th teability berner- bew clingat tic waist. Hcr term at Queri's University.....- ieidpBmn l mtce eD CuneRSB OD ONRC NC a=ui ê iyI dspent tic w e k nd at is om e, by a detection ystcmr s . s a b e z , p r c t y f n s e h rs su aacomfomt in minutes an siculde-lcngti bouffant veil He let cri Tucsday maornig. ... T f w a s a n n o u n c e d f a t a W D E D Y A ' 3 d - L O S C N R speeds up liealing cf the injured, e! tulle. Sic carried a tri- te nietor te W allam as . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m eeting of thc District Cou - lnflamed tissue. angular cascade bouquet o! wherc be wmîî bie scmvng on - -~e i !Hsia maN.7wi Icase alter case, while gentl pink swceticart roses, white a mission field for tic summer beild H osawra No. W- .j --. < reeig P;Irdcinstepianotis and leatien feri. mentis. e~: edy fenoMy1 6hrinkag teck place. Matreo! ofcrieur Miss Lud- On Suriday evening about 35 Badmmbswccugdt Mont important cf ail-reut milla Konyk Wano asceees embens o! tic Folcy family Bo~i -a mend.t wde.ided te wwe eno thorougli that titis Imrv-fmsted pink peau de scie gatiered in tic Sunday Scicol --' - - ment was miaintained over a period gown fashioned witi match- roin at Salemn chunci te icnor ~~ of many Montha. ing waist lcngtb jacket witi Mr. John Twist, tic second - Pink beading, fhrce-quartcr great-graridsen e! tic late Mr. -- Thi wa aeomlihedwili scevs.Sic wore a tiny and Mrs. Walter Folcy, tae ne* liéalin sbatanoe (Bic-Dyne) ieaddrcss and canied a cas- enter tic ministny. whicli cuicyla ha n cade bouquet cf pirik and Rev. Ted Cclwell as naw - o e n si u ae r w l !n w ie c ain. serving on a m ission field I tiBue.Tic best man was Mm. Don- Brazil. Now Bic-Dyne la offéed in Oint- aid Rickard o! Bowmanville, John was pncscntcd witha ment and Oufpesitory formncle cousin cf tic groom. Tiese purse cf maney te purciase a Preartin . akforitataI dugusicning were Mr. Walter volume o! bocks. stores. Satisfaction cr your miney Rickamd, Bowmanville, cousin A social time was enjoyed "fn fti bnidegroin, and Mn. by al presrit.- SPRING COATS SPECIAL 1 AND PULLOVERS AND SUITS CA RDIGANS GOODSELETIONALL SIZES - COLORS 1lO%to2O%Off 1lOVe OFF SPECIAL TER tYLENE SKIRTS REG. $9.95 EACH 2for$69 WOOL SKIRTS BLOUSES, lOo/oOFF W. Carry SLIMS UP TO SIZE 48 WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE 0F JUNIOR SIZES KAYE'S LARGE SIZE 14% -34 4 KING ST. E. LARGE SIZE JUNIR SanEs .20. BOWMANVILLE A candlelight service in iSmcoe St. United Church Chapel, Oshawa, on Mon- day, March 27, united in marriage Mr. and Mrs. George Rickard, who are shown in the above photo. Formerly Miss Lana Morrison, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morrison, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard, Newcastle. Photo by Astor Studio Hospital Bd. Meeting Government Grant s Co ver Two Thirds of Renovations A cc ou n ts amounting tojMedicalinAdvisory Committee Ihad reviewed the financial 25,398.96 -were passed for concerning Dr. Isadore M.'operations of the hospital for payment at the meeting of Cass, Pathologist, and Dr, the first three months of this te Board of Directors of Stanley Gertz, Dentîst, be ac- year. Deviatioris from the' Memorial Hospital held in cepted, and that they be ap-ý budget were investigated and te Board Roomn last Wednes- pointed by the board to the found to be acceptable, and Jay evening. Board Chairman Consultin ,g Staff of the hos- tche financial position was :eith Jackson presided. pital. This was- seconded b2 cnsidered to be generally Othrs resnt t te met~Mr.'Jose, and the motion was satisfactory, he declared. ng were Dr. H. C. Anfossi, ciid Mr. Walters, Chairman of j Î.A. Barron, Darlington Mr. Cowan, the Financelthe Public Relations Commit rownship, Tom Cowan, James Commîttee Chairman, an-jtee, reportcd that Centena %.Bell, Glenholme Hughes, nounced that a letter from pins had been distributedt larry Jose, Newcastle, Hugli the Ontario Hospital Servicesiail hospital staff. Each board CFleming, Q.C., Dr. Keith Commnission indicated thatj member received a Centen- r. Siemon, Mrs. S. G. Mc- grants fromn the provincial niai pin at the meeting. durter, Wiliam Kilpatrick, and federal governiments will' .rs. Lloyd Ayre, James H. cover two thirds of the totall.Hle stated that the introduc-j' kutt, Mrs. Harold Gibson, cost of the matrni w n of a $2 minimum charge Iark Tonshp, Rx Wl- enovtios. e sid igfor non-emergency cases us- qandHopia Ami n-chvusatiounHeting t a TonhiRemale nt the Emergency Depart-' ersandHositalAdmiii- ceque amuntng to 2,-ý mntbad been well recelved. rater Bernard Holden. 862.66 are expected this year. Herp1e htntcsle Dr. Siernon moved that the Mr. Cowan also reported' been published in the local eommendations of the Crs-1 that a Finance Committee j press. and that copies of the èUis Committe. and the me.ting hekld iler that dlay announc.ment had beu made ire, de PRIOELESS I PLEASE ATTEND VOLUNTEER B 'LOOD DOIIOR CLINI( . Wednesdcy, May 3rd Lions Centré., Bowimonville 1:30 p.m. t. 4:30 pm and do0 , Pm to 9sêp.s. FOR TRANSPORTATION CALI 623MI10DAY0Ff1CUI

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