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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1967, p. 14

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?.Canadian State.mam, Eowmauvlfe, May a, 1Nj ~.>tsLadies, Aux. I for Proiects " mamb meeting of *u h uue wg~hed t ht mtin aspassed 'to Mnr. O. O-dônâte a uum. of- money to the St. E. B3wnmvlle iàr.ryBoa!d, to Uns. Osborne in the ab- add more books to tht Scout- = o f her husband klndly rng" scton of the library. hUpcted the ladies thrh The April meeting wau held -full-m Ml flr. Osborne's at the home of lira. A. Thits- b«eUtifuuy -finished drift- s«, Simpson Ave. Our presi- -WOOd W.ýfomid _ many, many dent reported receiving a re- CI ocks- added ta bis col- gistration f om for any or al of antique "1tickers". meinbers to attend a conven-. 4Odge ofh great know- tien cf teCne ai Ladie "ede.of erhobby, Mrs. Os- Auxiliary o the Ontario Pro- boiMe. dlsplayed lier beauti- vincial Advisory Cbm., to be àIll ar ged cards of "old" held at the Royal York, Tor- = il rzs. onto, June 7th. -Durlng a brief business per- Plans were made for cater- Mn, lir.Retnieuller report- lng te the Lions Club on ethat tht District Commis- Monday, May 8th. This wil sionr Bruce Macdonald, was take tht place of our regular Pleasd ta accept our help May meeting. with a- future Scout project, The June meeting wlll be namëly a Field Day. We were an annual picnic at the homne alèo >; aked to _serve «lunch forof Mrs. Calvin Crago, R. 4 a LederTraimg choo toBowmanville. Any interested ~t hid ii Bopianîueimothers are welcome. ENNISKILLEN 'Thet "Épring ahead" te Day- sud plans were continued for liglt saving time and a few tht S. S. Anniversary services mnld cases of measses seem y2s to have been a deterrent in onMa st tue attendance at tht Sunday Canadian Sunday w]1be znorning service. Rev. Dougli- presented by the Enniskillen *i'ty's sermon was centred choir in cetebration of Can- 4pound tht Festival of tht ada's lOth birthday. This se jows 1900 years. ago when cial service wiil be ini hon- certain Greeks came ta wor- our of Canadian authors of slffip at tht feast of the Pass- hymns. Date and time of ser- over and to see Jesus as re- vice wil be announced ia lâtéd by John. These wise future issue cf this weekly Greeka of great culture and newspaper. drama did not set the living but only the crucifled Jesus.on- Wednesday, April 19th, We,, too, wish te set Jesus but 1967, Euniskiilen held their' areê prone te wait. Tht choir's Hi-C meeting undtr the lead- anthem under Mrs. Chambers, ership of lira. P. Stenger. direction was "Break Thou Lockt McNair led I the tht 'Bread of Life," whjch in- worshîp from Psalx 100. ehided a solo by Mir. Ron Doreen Trewin will have tht Ashton. A basket cf flowers worship for tht ntxt meeting. was plaeed at tht sitar by In tht business period it was Xr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson dtcided that tht Hi-C wMl be In mnemory of lMr. Roy Ste- leaving Oshawa station at =t s Next Sunday's service, 12:45 a.m. on June 2Mt, for 7ith, wiII include tht ser- Expo. At tht next meeting vice of Baptism. tach member is te have pre- - At tht Sunday School se- pared a list cf what they wish ,fon special music practice to e hnwe are thefre. cussion on "Happinessy We learutd that happiness takes courage and it is a continuai, 1act cf faith. It is the enjoy- ment in what you do and the ipleasure you receive from 'helping ethers. Security de- pends9 on happiness and tht Idegree a person can be happy depends on the idividual. Chatrles Ashton closed tht meeýting with a prayer. Tht xt meeting wl e May loth. Members wiil please bring i money for chocelates and any unsold chocolate bars. lirs. J. Slemon, Miss Kath- ryn Slemon, lira. O. C. Ash- ton, Miss Lois Ashton, Mr. S.I Bartok in cmaywt r CEU LtE and lira. J. W. Bownmnof, Efed attended tht Young-, r Green ,'Wmddng lu t.-brr garet United Church, Kings- Yru home is you r ca stie. It ton, on Saturday, April 2Mt, D rbàlyrepresents the where Miss Dapline Green, unvstent ,~second daughter cf Dr. and1 bigest neet yqu'I r .R B. Green was the fver mnake. And you'ti be bride of Mr. Allan Young of mIarttoprotectthatinvest. Bath, Ont. Ment with a'State Fa rm Soryto report aur corres- Hfomeowners PoIicy. This pondent is ill, hence the rea- ow-cost pack(age of protec- son for a liited pece f fon provdes broader cover- âge for vour home and be.. I I I I I Itngngand foryouin case et lawsUits . .. at Iess cost than 1~WAM Many simî-lar policies. Cali me jISmN. r the details! 5.1.i - SCUGOG ST. SOWMANVILE - 8-621 FOR GREATER FROM YOUR FERTILIZER DO USE .'.....I I On Sunday evening, Blackstock United Church was packed for Taylor, Karen Campbell and Bonnie Malcolm, Lieut. Mrs. Gordon a 'special ceremony ta mark the presentation of Gold Corda te, three Paisley and Lieut. Mrs. James Marlow; back rew, Mr. and Mrs. ICartwright Girl Guides. This photo was taken at the special recep- Arnold Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell and Mr. and lira. Itien following the service and includes the three Guides, their Lawrence Malcolm, ail of Nestîcton. Tht Guides are members of parents and Guide officers. They are, front row, left to right, District lat Cartwright Guide Company. Coznmissiener ir. Harld Kyte, Capt. ir. Ivan Thompson, Dianne j Choose Queen of Cartwrjght High School at Cerftennial "At Home" I lackstock Comznunity Centre was beautifully decorated. on jFriday evening for the Centenniial "At Hème" of Cartwright High School when tht most colorful featuré cf the night was the selection cf the Queen of Cartwright High and her two Princesses. They are, from lef t to right, Princesa Carol Wotten, 15-year-old, Grade 10 student and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotten, R.R. 2, Nestie- ton; tht Queen, Linda Gray,'17, Grade 12 student, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray, R.R. 2, Janetville; Miss Nancy Frew, last yea, Queen, who is placing the crown on Miss Gray; Princess Miss Ju Swain, 17, Grade 13 student and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ErnE Swain, R.R. 1, Burketon. Their escorts were Douglas Fallis wi Miss Wotten, Ronald Martyn with Miss Gray, Ray Bradburn wi Miss Frew and Brian Mountjoy with Miss Swain. Th ree GoId Cord Guides Honored at Special Ceremony in Blackstock news. We ail wish her a Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Preston, speedy recovery.1 Courtice, were visitora cf Mr. and lirs. Frank McGill Mrs. E. Page. Sponsor and Miss Clara Page, Toronto, lMr. George Irwin, was a Miss Elie Oke, Bowmanville; Sunday visiter cf lMr. and f lirs. Oscar îrwin, Carleton i f Place., On CIui A Il The U.C.W. met at tht (,iLU E home cf Mrs. S. Lamb on Tht Bowrnanvlt Kinsmn April 19th at 2 p.m., with 23 Club's l7th Birthday wvas ce] ladies sud nine children pre- brated at tht dinner meetnr sent. lirs. L. Stainton openedhedtttFlngDchx *tht meeting with a poem, eda h ligDthn A "ABC in Faith", and thanked Motor Hetel on a recent evei L L A R ] Mrs. Lamb for opening her ing. Life Member Irvine (Jaki home for the meeting. Brown, Past District-Governc ÂE R0B3RAN D Why are more farmers coming to Ceresdl.? Because we have the FERTILIZER your CROP needs. CORN, GRAINJ, TOBACCO,, POMMTOS, ORCIIARDS, HAY end PASTUREA, Etc. Ail the reaular analysis plus many others such as: 6-24-24 19-19-19 10-203 12-2.245-IS40 10.40- 5 20 0.20 In 1966 in Durham Couaty we mixed fetilizer for tht top five fieldsi Corn CoDlpetitlon, the top &-ld in Field Crop Competition; the top fieldsain 4-B Barey Competition. We cm offefertier nba ebl Bulk delvery and sprudlug usevice Crop and soil conultstlon We.d and lnsect chemicals Atrazine. md 1era 091 ANHYDROIJS AMMONIA NITROGIN New sudussdoeabulmt 6r qpIbba il ~ 4-.. *4, 4. B~. 4 MS LIV. 44' Mrs. F. Steuger gave the devotional. She opeued tht devotional with hymu i1 and chose as lier theme "What is Man?" She read Psalm 8. Hymn 17 was suug sud Mrs. Stenger closed with prayer. Mrs. R. Sharp was in charge Of the program and read a poem, "Farmers' Saturday Night." A very worthwhule skit was presented by lirs. O. C. Ashton, Mrs. K. McGill and lira. C. Avery. We were then divided inte three groupsansd given seven minutes ta discuss what could be d0ne about tht questions given us. lirs. Ashton then asked each group te report, and as a resuit a babyatter wVlU be available te choir members on practlct night, we will try ta help at the Ontario Hospital, Orillia, and we wlll increase our giving te the hungry through uNI- CEF. Mnr. Sharp thanked the ladies who helped. %IlI cail was qhawered with Hynnby Caùlaia author. limbuu t ofth ltreut look .4 a uin$ thespecial speaker, in is a( Arena Repairs b's 171h Bîrthday ien dres p o f the club's ipresidents of the club, were at le-lachive'mentse and successful the dinner meeting. ig projects during the 17 years1 Project Committee Chair- in since its inception. man Don Masterson, seconded en- President Ralph Whyýte cpro- y George Mutton, moved: ce posed tht toast to the] lu. I"tat. the Kinsmen Club of >r, onorary mnembers Stan Dunn Bowmanville underwrite the ~NG SV~ W. d- and Ken Nicks, both past um of approximately $25,O00 BOWMANVILLE Yo @m50% more interest le eever ezpenm fneardii 8ider woek by Che mW the Arena project wih i1 plt' on thecodta I clude tems 1., 4., anM3d 5. nd rfw e allowed two Emun %requiments', (on thtoectjmembersto be on the Aross » i>sn~ted by thtena Board at ailtm.' aditems 1 through motion was carried MILK I I ars udi iest rith ,ith for TAS T E and. QUALITY of Ontario Familles 1UVI.4 PRE.FER' JERSEY AJ2%L Produced, processed, and sold in the Bowmanville area. GLEN RAE DAIRY w Bankof Montreal Canada's Flrst Bank Ask abouat a 4'14% rue SrVing Account et your nu-Tut branch in a -'Tirue Savings Account M SOId under thîs trademark Il 1- ALL-ERS< COSTS NO MORE. ý- 1 1 ACTUAL KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLIC but nu Ar% À You

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