*.,,,,~'.: v ~rt-D---r------. --...-*.~-..----------.------- -...-...--.. M ru A EIEft flZ.&- ,- V> «qr Il"__-y- W W W W W, r 7r MCAL= your E*!efgh dealer. PUWIAT PARK wJ» lal aimrcoX Joub ci %(NIE§ V.b kti' fftewit .men. Msiie. rxt km-h r- I ade àât:hbie= i 1 wom b»teMSkmm t n mklm do eai froei 4Pi1 2t" taLavailée, Tent and Tudblr re*onsilep&ry 0c~otE~ C of Dery a& IMo1kar my ofa dm, ear budubaMW ogir iI'I« riad î& na * r. ha' an* àm meJ*. am 8. 18-1 1-7,Part là, S W "SRtxaW' in987-4e75. atu ar. ua4 bthoe,'fiu", wb. " Sa Wu 1 à arlaet Vai Mdams Gi u o u9 IWWJly e'acre Mr. JA. F. EEcztW u IWt raoly f ilitie what r v Ie ro etdaat Ooo e .Tar. d~lW i sme maull war Pu" BW0y VMu t Sh.- Me m i' Md - ar A»Party,'I aLIa ~&pm ol asofcfo a aru~ rgaoayt~joIh dlh V uIkn mor Yeu corne aur and m chesjshed -memory cgVa*= M frle oucuea mma o~i 4~d atm 1 f CLB&1RY PLbi>-bsoShuighUi'aOtIrmden cmin res et $MVeroh a dwar mt-l Mawnd t Ohis14 pe o uxspv ccm 63.71? Ciiîp.-w.l-i* granotor. Bdeu" K1itar Har âat su~ent gtiof whl. tinVUhuràI l mitL sa e ___ téý M oe.w *viw of itîa poye rit0217a I.,, wbe pmeu! aw StShe abusami Gods bmaathl . Evaane ]IL G"a mi* A,& rye M ewseim nty tebe r1l l.80*9 l:1 18 .. C. »Mrbo UQC. uM b kb web ,om- peole BGWMLNVLL...OVJ .Auto al f3 -l niovme n- », em n shaors n 1181. -,a . c .M.rLm yieE&Jum .211h inta ifen ns t ai ofthecamp's b.droom ajartrno ib i-e.S 7sep Iii uet a dentperfecMd'ke* t h jan sta friand, Eorre party, Tone Ha .of< Tü"dy, Îý mylétrs ner o wotber, iKa d ar 'ed t LliftW . mm m , & Ohàfw "IL neluabor and relatives foricuM 7 Pi! i aght. Adnîla and Thuraday - 9:00 - ln am orgea* nwn~r o bn, b1 2 wd of May, t1964.* lu Perfbct pece, they butB. aia o iiw~ vit ca rdis, fwb aa kiso meiith Mid pnL pr5Ule.M Laete mbaas Laesov phone 2nd a May,1984.us an, 11. lottuaveher ~~n otblda~w i Tb ld,,-n*,dWhereGod wfll linla the yow aesvntnedrn a saDn yo omnt ae, th al rend tUe Thea.1y mshae~brken dai, Thon gantly bad. e r, t i hespt*and aise spedial Ra, Saturduy, May 6, Cla Speelals! Permanets $398 5000 UcieS "i dCI e v. APAIRTBENT,3bgtanloelot1 C. AMWo it anly mains 1k. As.one, oew t ev ze .thanhitu, Dr. Sy'Iwesfranid Nesku at Bnd&Everyoa . ~andl uP; dresses 2/$â.00. Towne oral smaflQr lakmes He .One broadioomealros i 4pc.W;ty i suha yenterdsy; _ wiclfo.cosn181BauYSao nd Den i__ y éae4htSlbth eh sor ptnd a n thre lor t se we love, wu never Pu anid Georg, Cyrus and Columbus18-1. 184 Boity Saln and25M «D1-r es a blesOY free d for ma ah etlgt n atr haow lOqwu, 72c5-9MuMd6v, 1d-1 ual taRb and e temis a xnoeth. TelephoeNwatet ocokTd3cam, vor al yys bever bad been We wlsh ta sîncerel# thank anS a na etnilsate sanal beach, etaadiahing,9-4<2 &3Secly utoar~ emilal wayrLoa remembeual tesu re ___1_the awmanvifle Polrm e Tes te b. heXl o n Weuhiesday, cOpenonw, Thmdte VaIIey with hait andl boata avazable, Pas"7-46er2. Mr Carsan . eef, treeured 'ceMwy 1e, et 2:30 p.m. 17-1 Ptkrk Eait on, Liberty Street dean flush toilets, wtrndTREbdomhu.aa -Sadl arilsealb 18D - nidAM lalways in aur moory. SPROUJI-In Iovuag memary one whoaggite us a saairi.. W. L Penny Sale, KEmdul Noria. Picnics, roasts, camp- eleetrical connections for trait- garage, central,Bannvl.Thunesneiuctma Pnally.184 _Deepjy j<>egjanid sadly af aur doe« brother Normant day evetiin& W. aremnat Orange Hall, Saturday .ven- xng, hasyrides. Phonoe23-3171 ers. Availabike immedte.Wiewl.si Ypuicatoi ti misetMaude and chaiire. Who passe aw*y 1May 10th, mehm& gMay 13.S awe u tfor large fhnil in icso. 18a4;ftiaeshvai delie 7%eoCndlnhueodefet o _ m« e u.r-in aving e- 8418 Margaret andl Ken Nitiks, and. m-Y 'eY items kle 1 wil! flot be responsible for Of this, but few en boast of Statesman, P. O o 9,ett iM.liaohW~ »DtWbgth Bo rhw e r Mo th pansa sra-i bauiu 4 vr A msin ucany debts incurreal in my extras a: A resident Bow nxanvile. 31sn. 14 L g S. E~ R w ______ igmeoy f meaieChiJidren Oti, 1v1842 name by my wif. ona arehysacian. a complete auto-marlonStdaebp euE away May 2, 1964. KNremr Tied with ail aur lve 1wish a ta Ea revlativwnesMt TIsa~ ~DnaNe, matic 'l-un- .11Mo an Like fàlling leaves the. years Our parent%,, Itmmug S.C ing, Memories te. cherish fbreyer, and frienals and- ca-workers rfors azavil rwnal T.. Rama 3 , .haepr of ..'n etre C s soe 2" ali pus 5 , April= 2 ean ,hales 0f the one we dearly loved. carci4, flowers, vst ndoh rsBm ndTs.n- ,l. h ae"yh-pr3.Ifuxnn nlr Butmomriefaiyau will H11.l& M*BY 11h, 1054, adIerrrcme& b waSVSISturdy, ay 13, 1967, 2 till William Tl a Nwasle ar omtiunifor everyone, nu emer ies 0 brohervePivae AmF.* erenbytOe er itswhil in Oshawa aId 4:30pm. at St.Andew'î a1mn r 3Wu5Oyoung nd al&, 11h mrgeaochsuielr ___r__e_ movieer, s andA.P. Satr, thl ndrloene.Bowmiilehtl la eur heurts yourethere tau April 12=h,1917», George 10 ndBwanil ospitals. SPer i huctI.Draws danateal by 18-3 dancnd a tnwu oten2" hdpaTncyn hT, au'c ayU , thanks tare s anid staff ai local merchants. Corne anid dancing instheerware, day. Loe ad rmebrdW.If ig ctbrZtSEVENS.-. laving memaory botha hospitals and attendintsgrtyurBo.Js.1- recreationi hall anid picturesque -. vcuncenr a Lvery nd e rn1ered r. ofK oCtbe aur dear motiier, Mr&. Haw- doctors. S.tb... au ronis 1-3SS>AA.Aa& nAature traila thÎaugh the -ReiebcedbyBernice, When we step beyond IiN~s ard Stevens (Muriel) Who Ven Fwer 8- ~~woads. The canvenient store D igv pn~Bat ah~gnmbb Albewtgrdu lld bn lla gateway passed away April 28th, 1961. eaFolr 181MO S M E -G Alberdtc emris i hr am oirnnyfreal ad eatve m EIS»YAlla s.,t. is weil-stocked with groceries ]anmwrda. iad n Jh. 1-î* As aur loved afles now have »Every dey l in omMal way I Vwoulld like tu thank m ER" tro éac Ràitxfi n usae ripe ta-tow. hetotapl as$,4.5tosanlterrile. Linda anal Jomhn. an fiedsan rlaivsfor sourdb h mi W e , Mget aa ! way, the beautiful flawers, cards b to anoru nlsnnis -tila tng eh toapl Cs iwlaelms edrdo 88OWNIn Ioing mmary suhagee aln tThough absent, she seenis very and giffi receiveal during my JIJU«et commerceC.lrenwh Of Thiiic is a ingter canvi ut as anecarecksaon BflB-nloigmeoy ushn UBLE AiLO ensbaebthraugh federai nl poica lhtr ehca utm cé Allan Brawn who iaassed Wt oe etn . near, stay in Memorial Hospital. AEAWA 8-tf fifth birthday uring 967, bat living fadilitvie gantand6cl4 hacta cî a _ awsy May 2nd, 1966. W sh a neem ett fiendanid StiURnmissed, stililaveci, stili special- thanks ta nurses en _____________ _______ ______y dri You. lat us anc year today, ne ones very dear. medical flaor, Bey. J. Frarnp- Trinity 'Unitedl Churcli wo- who are children Of Public even Sauna steam baths, anal the town will hamny$88.Acio ae saea ti Tbis month cames with sad In n a nda whcre ail in -Ever rernembereal by Luella ton and Dr. Hubhard. men are holding their annuel Seboal Supporters and who hoct shawers.Far "trailer The report ailfae~ e uah H ~Bwaa regret, blesmed; (Mis. C. R. Walton) and Margaret Firth. 18-1 Forsythia Tee andl sale el live within the tawn lirits, traveller" there 15 110w a free ministrator R.J.Wshubvilaprxmty mls It brings a day we will nover When wc step beondl liie's Gordon. 18-1* home baking in the Church are eligible for- Kindergarteu trailer sewage disposal dump. mittod ta Town on7 nEs i ihi aaeo forg wihau gateway Sincere thanks ta al My Hall, Friday, May 5, 2-:30-4:30 Classes opeinhg i September. laalePr s~ aesMnayvnm stultht2HhwStrd, Yau fel1 aslecp wtotWeI1 meet the ones we TRIGG-In loving memnory of friends and noighbours for ail P-m. Camee nd bring your Al sch parents wha WL11,trOm Belleville on the Lower soven applicationsfrwlaoa 0ar. Aet tla goodbye, lavua the. hast, a dear husband, Robert Clar- the cards and flowers sont ta frienals fur a pleasant ater- ta have their chilciren aten Faraday Raanid is. anly Il wore received adacpe hoesie clr erg ]But aur memaories et you wilI -Alay remembered by thi ence Trigg, wha passoal away me during my stay at Me- noan. 17-2 these classes are requireal ta miles frorri Bancroft. (It isaluring April. eaornetFetÉ -Sadly mie. by sister iamily. 18-1w May 7th, 1965. morial Hospital andl spe<1al Bowmanviile Ratary Club fil out a regitration fom fur now listeal on ail now roadwofe epetsd-prabeTvnlcstl4 -mg ssdSoi tly the. leaves of memory thanks ta Dr. MeKenzie analpasadge nlbte ie ahciaaa auai ta tihe maps) . You can have a FRE The b. ctat i raer,.wor. Gladys andl brother-in-law fan, nursesanid staff on the third plans aDiggeland ibetwmanPire scchol, and wnit ro i rcue-o nkeacmig:ý thclait monhtcuel2 a sigebd u a" Rnynidfanil.8-1LOa d , Olie-mand ory îa Gcnly-,,gathr andfloorool Grounds on Mon- age ai the chilal, during thereservation ywriting ta headsa ailswt 0acr ie ricmti ______ adea moter ad gandmth- treasure them al;- Shirley Bickell. 8l day, May 22nd, entertainment week af May 8 ta 12. UABÏM@ SCOT endants, 16 sinopesng eumt.Ba& ui HADATE-I oigerwhe assed away Mayr 9, Mmories ai hima are with us: 8 p.n. anal frewrk 9 P.M.A FARA»AY P<i , , cgt desertealo eaao aieta atruta HAEDC~aSTLe - Inoving 1959' yet, 1My sincere thanki ta rela- TcesSceca vi Abi. ortiffeait (bfrtk erfl- l'm18-1 Rcases with 21 dpna±~ 3allr ae an mn arya dearghd lonely years since that Though years go by, we neyer tives, friends and neighbars fTn ilkeslo cal Rotaila 18-3 e P p~asa*etS.) sb.waug _____________Patients inha*righms iieetrcducmlt i. HaelMrgert, hopssd sal day, fre.for cards, flawers, gifts adfo l oa aiaal l18.3cthe M's due te a 1 entIS A mather wha gave us When anc w. loveal was --Ever rerneberedanid sadly visits during My stay in hos- L=9g Sault Club 50 Penny requieEofai al bther.FS RE<>Smec zns bls,180 3mada Thea es. M ay 4,o1948. li away; nisseal by bis wife Bernioco. pitaî and my convalescence atSal niwAiexmeanTeataMak plns ow a adrire m PhoneThe xSniuemn d190 g. mnetu WhTherhat ye r s ecetaf t her home, i~~ t was Ris home, anal many thanks ta Dr. TYrane Hall, Wednesday alter- so thnt it will b. availabie the 623_2682 8- ee ietWlae$,2M3. in ens cs. Mre WO cr s a l a-, ur s cr e tswiul,W ORDEN--In loving m emory Ugray, also thanks ta the iiOO, M ay l(Q froffi 2 ta 4. day yau register. ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ 1Apri aricle to num rau toWmon Our arraw. au strf e. Withi ourhe iii. hlivcth af a dar aunt, Ethel T. Word- nurses and staff cn 5th Ploor Tickets ta ha drawn starting tificates for ci1 renBihxo -TWO-bedroom heatolspor-.Nurslng Homnes$l781,sp-Kg acoer. VnS. taught un ta love, swiL en who passeal away May 5, a t Oshawa General Hospital. at 330 p.m. Tickets are avail- Ontario May haabaie m ment. Phone 623-3573 3 j-~ett, Aid $8,Les saa Aal mtug inus avpra, -Ever rememnbereal by hec 1966. 1 Osmond Wright. 18-1' able fr-om membors anal will the Registrar-General of On- ROOM or roomers, female n-d. edicincs $47. GD eu othr n eaen, amiîy. 19-1 Every day in somne sanail way b, available day of saile. 18-1 tario, 70 Lombard St., Toron- poferred. Téeplione 623-288. Buildinig InspeetrR eh YoGaD fbe s se t-dy.__ __ Memories ai ynu caine Our We wouid like ta express ta, coît $200). atter 5. xgtan'ls repart ir Ap l hhi WS unelfshway; aur sincero thanks ta everyone M hlinwa eciterNWCSL '3Bd ahoe edthat12bidn u-CautsMme t 7ur oathers you livoal, PITTMAN-III loving menay hog absent, you are ever who helpeal in any way dur- M NSTERBINGO Cide h ec hi ECSL -r mt Not for what you received. af Angus J_. Pittmn wh near, ing the los ai a beloveal hus- bithday durinl197, apartment. Pone 23-704 F ,Tsta oin tauh, oa oo bnahme i ws den. îve, iwy ~ anl peia huns 7:t.O _Phone___ U__ 4694__caut of constructio But what you coulal give. pase&. away May S, 1966. Still missed, lvd lasbanal analfather, Colin Me.nzel Tusdrgilt h ae nown'ntnvern aa TWerom. bungalow 600.wer isud ung i li J4sta slen tea, IS W --adlymised y Beylta r. cKenie nd ev.who wish, ta enter Glade 1 Newcastle. References requir- month. bet a u tt ear fH B t isOrwlll, .lveGoroand L ms da by ery,1 Lt a Dr. Mcenz a l eyC.W.RED RA M classes in September, are also ed. Newcastle 9874775. 18Thr ro2 bu dngts h LU I LI W# 1 A 'b eaut sfel emor y ai a t l u . e t e l ve G r o i y d .18 1 o grla L sk r . . .E A W Aequireal ta registor as out- ( N-* B DRlMa "ar me T,. e e n wn derg 2n5 t s Dc othy emeer o dean. hismruitsasll; oaEthel Brown and 8 AW indabove. cE-tErall aatal;imnit,. ctiad-ridog l p sans Evenett anal Ronald As in 1h. hour ho Passed W aIea-n lsisen mmoauMaytom____18__________________ lillealatpecomcarie -oviendy rmemeeiy ileor a ean tofaWODEN.-IIsisend amruMrnTapin.1t.*6-fRegistrationforans should b. possession. Phone 623-7337. Tere wore le Couver id fmiles. 8-1 away. hk~h Ethel Worden, who passeei 1 wish ta express m.y deep-. Newtonville Unitedl Church abtained friim, and returnai' h 1 iirsagt dLKI We. oflen ait and hn o l away May 5, 1988. est, heartfelt thanki ta ail tie Wome's Anniversary Service, te, the schoal which tic chilal 18tf and. 22XingYii12 Oeroov Whn we are ail alone,. Wanderful momnories woven i friends who remenahereal me SundaY, May 7 ta 10 a.m. will attend - irato Announcexmen ormcmory l i, henly frienif gr>îd, with numerous carals, letter, Speaker: Miss Wîlna Thomas, ta, be completed y May 12. A ref cOn lCR itsOw2 This ha a pcture we tenderly visits anal flawersdirirg ryToronlto, former Missionary ~in Ple aisuthis- notice along i -Raeandholal.li Se1e-1taany parent who requiros, Rae d iaily. 18~lDeep in aur hearts a xnemory ta the nurses anal helpers who. tary ai Overseas Miss'io inamo. is kept, were sa kinal. May the gaad Board. Maie quartette wili ~ EMU-In îoving memory To love, ta.cherish, ta nover Lard bless you ail. assist the choir witi special A. M. THOMPSON, SEYMOU forget. Mildred Mourtjoy. 18-1* music. 18-1 Supervising Principal. ofa a dear father andi motion,-EereebrahyssrCnenilTnaaAniu______________ -Sarmuel ames,, oho. paseal Ee enmee h itrCnena TsadAtqe1- away Septenibw T5j lu%, and- Ide, Erneet, ail nkec" and- Sincere thanka ta f riends, nisplay sponsorcal hy <eantn -Elizabethý Janeb. who pasdnpe, 18-1 neiglabours anal relatives for 'u.C.w. at Canton Hall, Wed- . AmmgC Events away Xay 5the 19 visita, carda, flowers anal gits nesday, May 17. Aiternoon Sooan we hàR aie and inank. RIMAR ietam during mY taY tea, '2:30 - 4:30; coffoo anal DETROIT » L.yu a, uiu I>KtR as fffs, M MMs special thanits ta nurses onu Dickinson,,fiecyars, aid, wili VCTOByA WEEKNND SNo one minSes theumaiore the Medical and Surgir-al play th eene orgun during May 19 . 22 And us Dgnfe endE Distinctive Floors anal ta Drs. Sproul nid the even in. AdultisO5c,RoeanTosaralgirtt.ut-ont.re r ,,., wen.aidtms lmt it ake Rundle. childJnen 12 anid under, 25c. -- Thts hnw an hm la desigus fer sny nocd Narman Brooklng. 18-1 18-2phn Mon8Of627 We wish to express aur niaab biiier mmiisavf Centreei SW EhlaiAie11 4 Olà. Evmb5 ness anal flawers receiveal in MONSTER BINGO TRAVEL AGENCY ~ - ~ LI a ieyu bpfg<uo~e i the berevement of ur son N epoMrt il~ oPg Use-2527(i pecn nfa -ca get D KS A' a t Wa±daa rnlo.Special thanki s ~ ~ l1- ' KR AIUS .feu IS .LI Mary ai 'a deur fathor anal EES, (hives, boxes, swanlns). ta Rr rmtn ehv . 4 ..____________ mother, Samuel James, who Phono Bowmanville 623M-5218 bekai Loalge. RDB R pmasduway Septemben 18, or Newcastle 987-4631. 18-1 Mary anal Jim Varo, REDBA N QWE TOURSfIETlPB 1920,. and rEli7abeth JaneR, Wh.fIM lsi(5 * ~ Hilda anal John Humphrey. 8i H A W A rssed away My5 99 56 ahrwstpD"6-tf JSPA22-E lIES 6 5Lice tay mi U <itpIlSIFarmStocek Sincaire thanks ta friend& Plan ta ated orCteJUL22 -a UG.b semsa0rag toeW#e UIREW 1U11 1WFAI 22 bebr Elm.*eand__relatives____for_ sIngeRal tttela neues.eLog isane iighbouards, nidrelad ives niai Dance eut1h. Legion Hall, Places oa. Interoiti Yellowstone, Row â e m ! E tateMr. Andl thse we lave tihe h. L n isac istcadfowr na it on June 3rd, rom 8:30 - 12. Park, Salt Lake City, Neva"a a al a k r Bau eblaao ti~4 Are just the nes Goal cals Zeub os@M.('» chuffe te io) reciveal during My stay in Music by the Royal Anbassa- San Francisco, Seatte, Van-C n iihu Waward Wght bau been ap- away Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 63-C-67 hospital. Special thanlas. ta alors. Bar anal lunch. $5 a couver, Banff, Victoria, B.C.«0 Iielâted ta the sales staff. Hle Analtoc*thm oe ter Mr. P. Ronacril for his viuitscope redsthL" reut..ft entlerfer Iaetian orai 'C[rLL L.Lied Fa andalnid nursing staff of Part al fro nt e7. Tretspton- EAST COAST? vow'LO etS US GE 5 ISem t erG dsy teea.ph o e ull Prt 263-27Hooper's Jewellery anal Places of intereit: Quebec SabiCi if8 enat ea ol a elpoe olt23271ns5. ~LeonaSadler. 18-1 Abernethys Pint Supplies. City, Expo, Gupe, Perce, t'FehFei <a1d 1Have faiti and trust, I promi ForfurT' _inormaton PhnelPince dwC' 623-7481 Youllt a-& --- so e ~Margwuîru arn __FrfurterifomtinPhn PtoeEwadIsland.lV ew- elotIo e YL, aut«»atio, White Sale. 19U1 FODGALAXIE 4-DR. A.@BpAetRmSl«-Bow- NO kEVUgh G<- - -3c 1963CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. I vv~n &aaii premt tcîu-al- .e ui .o C tb7st 3n mut b. IOumte b. V6 W& " S' i4f VM à 1, 8ensala, Ifry 18, (. .,WrR - li.. - -ICJft.~_ apzmeecat«ei3 14 IF6t - 4' Lis. K 'P B~J li. IUmeS lith* Sck.I1 AJIdâ-Oi*011MCOLMIE1 TIRAVEBL iw rMuR Vn.19 Fm uiumdur1uarwalArts .dCAOiNi»'bw"14 Uid ~.< ~ T9"dBiCK r4mR."AmrDTOOWCIUrmEITAN»» bo* iLt n tht gjrls> w Many, Maa ooe 3 * mm I. K- ý$195 au et BSe. «O!git Cenhil 62MM5 Sor 62MMj".SWe vPrt*'S.~ W 41 17-ubîe 1 MtL Jlllm --- él n"1-31 u~os.~»P A N.C IN G DowKnSL E. at Tc SATUBRDAY, MAY 6 9 P. ?M us8 ftnas Sa . - WItbw J> AKtu"aMd MI na» Me aum SHOP' AND SAVEÀ DYKSTRA'S F005 SASICET 27 KflIG 5T~IE'~ W.~ EOWNA?4VU4LZ PIIONI 623-3541 x