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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 10

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-g ......................................................................................... * ~*~' *. r"rfl-~ '.,rn w~-ê~. ~-, ftr imtbUe ek.eal Accounts fèr $1,802.08 forito do the aprayinga I.okjune otenx gl 'Ioc "aneaeIR4nwmveI"10 "ýatotal 'March ex>,nd1ture oi as requfred. Ree'Inap etgdteortth à taxdeprtent. If you haven't w in coe T x ro m lsum a rial to te t537.Rndforr te-th a b becI tLa lmAo already Rkld your returu," lhe denthn.kd oepem U t iheRee try toa . o m tr r avoid these Canada etc. were ta cloue on ArlRe Hat(,> onskanwl àor! prsent ad wth & e ReeM aft ... pr fthe totentatively accept the Ten- ing the forthammm r de' LASI chr.eTheantes ee luthePlan: cauncil have been awajt- 1der*prices for gravel as offer- Banquet. Certain ln ee TTSA ( o stin g I:arrners /V oney nt NE WTON VILLE adapproired subject ta ane iiig this ince first ai JanuaryIn0 tosaTenderxtnsh i o Dn. ragdadtemeiga- lm 3- deletion on motion of Coun- 187 or four full montha. 13y- jCuclaproved the Roads "Almost one in three farm- CPP section ut ail and forget- and earned mare than $800 nt Mr&. S. Lancaster, Mr&. C. subject, Nestieton Street LIghts n0 he.aîsof< uaberavin t e wF4 Ttea M fihng a 1964 Income tax tlng ta deduct Canada Pension self-employed Incomie In 1986. 1 Brown and Mrs. M. Jane. was introduced and Couneil stalation af strèet Iights tionasoeathaal-g eturn ta dae bas an erar in Plan aymens befre arivctio n o app e o thed piceE J 5 II- rte CanadatPefnso an eprtin," at t etbe ae fg Sorry, but it', 3ust anc af those attended the Part Hope U.C.W. lnformed that installation hav- Caesarea onte a is fO nd pprveTaqoenshl e Attet thietaatPion Plrectart,"at taarme ncarn il' tethinfi! Farmers have ta kicksogabord held In Cronk îng begun, that Ontario Hydro ofar1o0Hydro capital, was and uld Mr. H. E. Garland, Dis- Bath errons are coathlnth same as office warkers Hall an Wednesday evening. would 1ke a written approval three readinga: Firat and Sec- was $1.00. Pricea eilbicdy__________ Deflevle Disrict ffice i thethem iasirpae*1 and doctors. And where else Miss Dorothy Elliott has ai Installation on basis of: Ond an motion of Councjlleva was iofScusse and Counil by BelevilleDitraictiolte-taxatIn afuny -bo can yau get such a cheap forn taken a position for the suin- municipal capital. A Résolution Swaln and Wright; 3rd motdinon ananpov d h api l-5e A Deaten fNtinaiRe-txtinf yboe finsurance against an fin- mer nt Hope Haven, Porrt by John Hamilton and Ernest mto y aitnand Get- pbrve5.theppriceai 0cSVEfWoraymre eu-TaainIanitr N. tees atntalovrhe l gHope. tins and a motion by Gettins distlb.tior $5.5 per ba o view recently. farmers are aware that they The second error, as pointed Master Kenny Gilmer under- and Swain that By-Law No. truintaares pem mqalt Re explained fùrther that have to pay into the Canada out elarler, ta iorgetting ta went a tonsillectomy at Me- KENDÂL 1144 be signed, sealed and A complaint iromn the Roads A CI~~' ' these errons fell illet two main Pension Plan if theyar be- enter the amaunt ai Canada mailHsia, rdymr-fumbered as a By-Law of the Superintendent that Back- G N-DI ESL 'JL categarles- fot fiuing in the tween 18 and 70 years of age Pension Plan contributions lng. A Mayday was celebrated Corporation. The accamnpany.. stock children continue ta pîlayj thesetio clle DDUT a .d Ms.JimAdmaby the pupils af Kendal Pub- lng Agreement was mis.) ap- in the dump and withon- pagvetoi the eeraltwse nt theandweekenm d aith.e School and their parents praved, slgned and sealed witèi sive garbage, brought an arder:' FARM TANKhN U P VIAL tahe srstioim Field ai Rex-oon the echool grounds. ThMee the carporate seal, and work motion of Councillars Wrightj iorm. AsnCPP contributions oflR at aoremn scome otrib tiodlé,a tending their bowling new ilaga had been received Io ta commence shartly. A Re- and Swain that aNoiee tre inarne' dnae ta e, itclubbnuetnaaura and were dedlcated by Rev. R. vised copY ai By-Law No. 114( displayed at the Dump locationî A ICOLC hi cntibtin o ftueevening. C. White with the Boy Scouts (orwn yLw a ara:'hlrn-N ly hicontribution - aorure -ig M.adMr.Mlil ai and Cubs assisting. There sgned; the anly changes in ung in the Dump. Mer. amngth ustsa tewreuMMyelvanllehS sisnfrom frer By-Law was The Annual Warble FP' H T Y 6 83 4 out is taxable incarne. Every lAustin - Robinson wedding at pupils, divided into graupsriblon a ik i oma-Contrai arrangements were, littie bit helpa! Sio Cucfauda ti soon had themn wound up and iwth the amnended 1Niuni- againcml T@ nsi of ~Mr. Garland went on ta say. ternoon. undid them several times. cipal Act. Counciliors Swain and Gettinsî Tow shi ofDa lin tc>i 'There have also been many mis$ Margret Flummericit Then the aduits tried il out as Mr. Stuar-t Darreil, presenjthat Percy Van Camp be asked' ___ iu a l a r ith m e tic o f th e C a n a d a o o o t , w s a w e e d t m . P l o i g t i h r g r i g t o n i Fu st In t ir en o enio Pa scton1 guest ai Mr. and Mrs. Sid tm. Floig ti h oadn h new order Re: IL Fis n ta m n freaily not &Il that hard, you Miss Minnie Randaîl and cookies, hot dags, cup cakes, Subdivision ContraI. This pro- f 1 m Farmer and Fishermen's Guide home from Memoriai Hospital a"*. The P. T. A. and Mr. M. land less than ten acres, unlcss! uw tha xlîsi i. Oa rl McCay and Miss Campbell are part ai a Registered Plan aiof;I ~ ai thumb ta go by is ta -deduetdgthwelterpr a.h ta be cangratulated on having Subdivision, withotheMi- *sX E Soo60 rom your net self-cm- wcMr. adMs aryWd successfuî a day. The ister's apvlo Tthe M in-er ployed farming carnings and wit r and Mrs. C. M. Joncs childrcn will remember it as in this case is the Minister of'iO thenliply amuyau%. hiswcre gucsts at the, Cowan - one af the highlights ai their Municipal Affairs, J. W. Spon-E R R, ta CPP.vAndte asrm ember, o Glaver, wcdding in North- sehool days. There werc 'a er. a(lTlLii D u e u n e ls t l t a P nd pamoremamb ,mirlstr United Church, Sat.. few sprinkles f ai ambut the e po rofti e Co mincisie NUe~' ~ ~ I D u J n I t ýyuca' py oe h u y fefundan.ecp dwporkept off until it Th report ainl the Ctte F UUYED U i 967 - . j~tian atthe Oshawa Golf Club. ws ve. ntctd a invetgeth __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ~Lwere W dnsday e e gvs- hld in the church kitchen Registred Plan 92 at St. l A 1 N U f tors with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Thursday evening. The roll Christophcr's, ta make two WVit a Penaty f lyo er ont chagedon ll npad i: Meber oftheU.CW. ooka man ai the Bible and tell- threc lots contain only 20.2,50! Pe at:f 1 e o t c a g d a i n ad R aliso the hghest eturns for, charge af the service Sunday ng something abut him. Rev. sq. ft. and according ta Twp. ------------- .... fmstistîmn txe.YoUr wool b patronlslnt or morning, for the annual Spring R. C. White gave us a talk an Restrictive Area By-Law, a. awn Organization. Anniversary, with Mrs. Truc-thThLodsrartes-biinlt must have 15,0001I SH11' COLLECT TO: man Henderson, Mrs. Meivillp ing what the différent words sq. it. Also the frontage ai 150' Our egîsered Samis, Mrs. Fred Henderson meant and saying wo should by a depth ai 1351 with theSCRS NOTE: 3 Discount an 2nd instalment if paid Wrhuse No. 1, and Mrs. Harry Wadc usher- mean it whcn we are sayung one present cottage iacatedj Weson Otalo ing and taking up the calice- it. It is called an exampie almost in thc centre ai thel on or before Ju n e lst, 1967. O t i a k n w n u e h p c a p a e , T e f a s a d t e r n m - t a h o a l l t b p i WsoOtro tian. Rcv. R. C. White intro- prayer or a discipie's prayer. cambined parce] would mean I ~vIhot care fom Miss Wiina Thamafa Toron- plates were on view with the unless the present cottageF ATTNTIN: ilcurenttaes stb. W * Je H A LE ta, former Misînaryt India, flags ta be put up the next were moved. Council couîd nlt ATTETION Allcurent axesm us beand now Associate YSecretary cvening. A new flower bcd apprave the division at this1 ai the Board af Homne Mis- had been dug along the time. The question ai museuni paid at The Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville 11 R. R. 1i ORONO sions, whosc inspiring address church. The wedding, June site at Nesticton had still flotý orOhaabrnhe.or by writing ta hcld the intercst ai al pres- 10, was discussed,- also. a ba- been brought ta the attentioný or Osawa rances.cnt. "Make a Joyiui Noise zaar at Oshawa, June 15 on ai the Cartwright Community CANADIAN Unta the Lord" was the an- the mail. Mrs. J. Stapleton Recreational Board. Mr. Walt- CO-OPERATIVE them aiicred by the choir, was the lunch hastess. er Pope ai Audit firm Pope &1 W. G. DALLAS, WOOL GROWERS whilc the quartette, com- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie, Couroux, Goebellc presented the 1966 1 LIITEDprised ai four former chair Marie and Lynn spcn t the Audit ai the Corporation for Tresurr.members, Messrs. L au ri e weekend at Cache Bay with Council's information. Cauncîl Toronto 7, Ontario Phil Gilmer, pravidcd two en- Mn:. Dobsan visitcd taifw l copies for their awn en- IGH Q LCarAeu atSaltn ilLnJmadhi aet n rte. .mmesimdaeysie A UA TYP NT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M iss__ _ _ _ _ _ r ."'ligh t nm en t. D iscussion ai con- Child" and "My Anchr Stewart. cepaé,16 ugtbon-It Haids". Rcv. White expresscd e ed alby wopa taiJther pastpancment in,176 appecitia tathechor, nd a ost o y-e t-bIlshing the miii rate for adpeitt the mas , nanycd atotaukaspprn . ta Miss Thomswhornman cd with Orono taxation. en hdtepriviiege af meeting, oeaptluksprtr at the aiseo the service. rnna Saturday night. Mr. The approx. 18 miii raise! adMrs. Martin Foster and for Education scemed exces-IL LE N N R OR AT X -IA .a ndwcase were dinnen nian, Mr. and Mn:. Hatcher sive and Council, by motion A A L B E I N E MfNwatl eedn ndFPosteran Tom and Miss o E. R. Swiscoddb gucats, Sunday, with Mandndai Swaet in, ecnded bymetHG Mn:. Reid Wood and boys. Ch yrreli Caatham were there. Gw tteTnship aded ofmetSEMI -GIOSS - HGH G O S-ETR R I.. - Cee M .a d M s il e h e setion tady, e se c if ALL the Lan wce M. ad rs.Bil cdthesevic, Snda, wreCredits had been accounted - DSRBTDB mALane, and daughters, ai Part Mr. and Mrs. A lward Little, for. Motion 'by Hamilton and IT BTE Trou h ave un iviaye 12 Hope.. and Mrs. Arec Little and SwainththeRveabeB RNHY yMiss Wilna Thomas ai two girls, Miss Lenora Henry, comnuite a anc ta maieB AD YS Tornto as a n aver-r. ndgh Warsaw; Mr. Juanita Dow . said.arrangements and ta have PAINT & W L P P E E A g u c a , Sa t ur . r a e, w th .a e n r Tonto O iwr e . 1 A u d ito r P o p e in a tte n d a n c .S T R to g tOn Sunday Miss Thomas, ta- a number af folks from Ooa s il ntd o amnts wroîîows: King StW. omnil gether with Mr. and Mrs. C. present. o roatd for $4139a n Gn - asntpoolllOnari M. Joncs, had dinner with Mr. Mn. Ed. Wiliams, husbandRodfr.$15339adGn and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster and ai Etheida Seanle, passed X oeha away very suddeny at is Sunday dinner guests at Mr. home in London. The funeral George Stapieton's includcd was Satunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Carveth, Gucats with Mrs. Alva Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swarbrick, Sunday, wcre Mn. Stapleton and Maurice, Can- and Mrs. Fred Cronmiiier air ton; Mn. and Mrs. Laurie Taronto. Mn:. W. Jackson ý7 Mr. and Mns. Jim Gilmer seclher hast week. "Rtroactive adfmlPrt Hope, were- MZW. re ta Irs UF. Iimr.l Mr.HaryWade atne bridge, Thursday, visiting Mn. teOdFelaws' Church Par- and Mrs. Arthur Grant. iIIIi~ ii'~ st"ing, and was the speaker at teams enjyd their bowling.j Onno Sndyman.Th taKeda.bwln the Cenotaph. banquet in Bowmanville Mon- Anumnber ai High Shol day evening. students ict here for Expo Miss Kathy Turansky went early Sunday morning, by bus. ta Expo Tuesday and Wedncs- M n. n d M r « n - D n V n i a i l s e k w t h ne zayer. snoula be "'Advance with W -y The former Mary Jane Ngr- God'. i ison ou Ac.ço nts tis w e~ re eiverie, thec deceased was a daugh- Rev. R. C. White dedicated ' James Narnie. Born Sept 29,Cndiniag and the Christ- 17,at Trenton, she resided in inflag in memoryof ShEVol- CL aay in ct id ve a ful Retroactive Interest from M ay] ititfom12laa4. h dwy Ms.eaLtl combination of advantages umthdb United Church, Trenton and ai Thompsan and Mn.. E. Winn. ohrIsciie.l~ cnmci ae thec Loyal Truc Blue Orange On the other plaque were Mii- . effective and depondabie. Lodge, Oshawa.b ton Robinson, Wes Tebble,I It controla inseot pesis withamimu The deccased> was pre-de- Herb Mercer and Bert RoI- nber of applications. In tatfrmayhr ceased by bath lier husbands. land. Miss C. W. Stewart had t ilinet. SVNat Rer iftrot husband, George A. weicomed those present. Mn. kI.net..S I stesopr Gibson, died un 1942, while her Roy Foster introduced Mn. Wj e it cornes to safety, SE VNral second usband Willim Sill, Russll lioëy, Mr Alex ar- When orad. o ne died in 1963. .nuthers and Mr-. Holmes, the atraSEIIpayn.I 1j2. iR issuviei byInpetor wo ac ha aapiaftiro SEVINsrayninnoma 1 Mns.SUuges, svmebn w spe to swh adi Thbad i applirct atio rifckwt. ecnaia seon usadWlla Si, u bse ff oneM n lonta-tksyu ie oucnetrafeso Lummîs ai Rochester, NYfibse ioesh rn byrcta sratorrit her e IS n o ft Go-Aheod poople banlc on ~~~Mm-s. Reta Simmons ai Toronto of the pulpit were from Mn.cotmainethr-SVNbeksdw anmd Mrs. Ployd. Mutton (Vera> Ayiward from thue fam.lly i rquicl ndes inth o leaepritn ai Bowmanville and a son, Wil- mem ry ai their mother, Mn.iue nth ot TO O T MD M I Nliam Gibson, oi Taranto. Neva Little. Some aif thei SE VIN Carbaryl Insecticideisegsrd 'ii. isic iw *~Aima survlving are a sister~, ladies were in costumes ai for the control of over 160 d bWtiàw w o emaeMs ierto erWaterCap- ianed for but the* panadeJ on 90 dilferent crops. keflio4; a bohr atrNr lne o was rained out. s.ysple rie af' Rociedte, N.Y.; 19 Nowever, we dld ec anc. hanse Se our Ioca( agriculturai cheia 'f g n m n~~~~~~~~~~ d c h ld re n ; 4 3 , g r e t-g ra n d - a n d b u g g y d r iv i g a r o u n d b e - n.s o S I a b r l I s c i i e chfdrn andi fau gret-great- fore the nain came down. SomeI * . . ai the folks w ent inta the '~ ~b ~ . r i s e v i c e a s h l d S n d a y S h o o l r o o m f o a i Aet 9 * , o m tr o n e r a i c o o k i e s a n d t e a o r c a li c e a n d iM ~ I , o 8 1 ~ f M . r w u g 3.rter- ta have a ocwaiVisa it wtj f f.otm bwrW U nited M uch C OY fo W w k in efinI UNI O CAnsI OCANADA LIMM Of: Chi cpa eJa J u*6. , W .. toC y f r i o k l ti i tI ~ auoma*p u ,~es. auaou a 1' 1 i

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