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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 11

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.................................................-..---. q$carcity of Bail Coaches Por Girls and BoYs Teams .$wcastîe - Recreation wastod lime and effort If more Aena Management Boar 4 9*1Iitte says, "No Coaches, people are't willig ta give upon off1ciai notifiction thei ZN>alI"! some et their lime ta the lie Recreetion Commitîe i At a recent meeting et the coac ing aide efthis activiy. n e longer inv lved la ti caille Recreation Cern- Soeofe the cemmnitîce meni- aperahion. tse, aul members were bens have boon busily phoning Tbeaw mm1ng rga sent Including Ceuncillon pensons whem they thougbl e wimming rga iroca Nésbitt, whe la replac- mighl belp, but as yet, theo carn nd fer disusin iat'h I* cmetig nd afdscusieal ti Councflior Alf Gray as co response bas been anything cathe applications recolvoc theo Councll's reprosenlatives but ovonwbelmiag. Thi us -Ms ae Wslyo %ittMs. Tom Messenger who mer there should be a whoe aMis aea ehire ay tcf Os kindly coasenled te assume camplement oetleama spanning aa anMis hiredaas insru aco Osecretarlal dulies oet ithle ages of six tb 16 years mMisChrls LnEwtwr ibo a cemmllee when Mns. S. Bre- of ago fer both boys and girls. n.cbgi sssan ts. we t w i rfton nesigas in lhe very noir Il wculd b. a terrible shaondcie agai as ssistnts.Il wa fûhure. if the 60 on sa boys and girlsdeddb hod-wimn Sevenel items et interest who have anayrgsee registration on June 15h am %*ere discussed with lie roc- and the cnes that are still ho datson be .suretekcpicsi erty beld &"Regisînation" fer sign up have te b. disappoint- de ateset m $d.00wm orngtcl jel boing fanernast an the cd because thome are ne coach- foc was elah $.00 for liii ebnds. Thec cermittee la os ta look aten the îoams. Th1 im aitincbild n the0 or aci chrge ncported Iioy were is wiat wili happen if more adhoa hi ahesm thon disappainled in the es- peeple don'l stop forward and fml.Todla e c nie,' espoci.ally as tan as lie effer thein services. Mn. Gem Tdols la wero cancorned. Thore- don Garnad Jr. ah 987-4315 on Il was repemled luat Scugog me l was decldcd le send Mn. Earl Foston ah 987-4553 Cicaners of Oshawa had once tices ta the acheel la order will bo delighted te accopt your again vory kindly cleaned au give aay bey and girl wbo affen of help. thiebockey sweaters. The Roc. cf misaed thic registration, a Il was doclded the Ieasuren reatian Commihîce is very cond chance. siouid hum aoven the fundi grateful for tbefr thougitful. H1oweven, Ibis will aIl beblotging o the aena ta ho nos.. Ï.- -- Uarke Students Brought Home Iarly from Two m Day Visit toExpo For, Refusing to Obey1 Curfew Ru'le by Newcastle Edilor happoned? Why tic change la 4Newcastle.-Telophane cails plans? No explanation was l~vercaied ie ewcablegiven, ne anc could tind eut. enerahdte-ecsl Same whe had missed lie *citor la regard le the bus annauncemont la thein dream- iiP made ta Expo by sbudcaîs ing about whal lhey weuld sec Of Clarke Higi School, lettons Ihal day at Expo bada'I even 4avo fellowed and a tew par- realized they bad Iurned en~ts have came ight le lhe aneund until laben, soeing Xdilor's home. The trip was signs whicb clearly shawed «!ganized la lake lwo bus they Word leaving Mantreal. igads et students tram the It is underaleed Ihat seme higi schoel aI seven arn. Sun- studenîs living in Nowlonville qay and arrive at Expe ah four asked tla bave lhe bus thene. Ï,in, Plans Ibis far iad tel- thbers tram Newcastle asked *wed thiough. Onders le the le be lot off ah the feur cern- 9tudents slnessed liaI eacb ers. They wcro ignened and 4udent was te be in bis on hon tldthiey weuld gel tofthte room aI cuntew lime. Fellew- bus ah lhe schoel. 1h was five ! lbg breakfast the next mern- 'clock Monday afttrnoan Pirag tbe bus was te lake lhem when liey gel ta lie schoel. ho Expo and ah aine p.m. Ibal Tic scheel bus iad long since rflghtthiey wauld nelura berne depanted and tbe studenîs 4gain. Heweven, fallowing were left le walk, bitci-hike breakfast and ence everyone or gel borne any ther way was aboard tbe bus, the beach- lbey bosh knew iow. e? la change eftIhe lour, an- Walking inte Ihein homes, iounced the bus wauld net four heurs calier than when bead te Expe but weuld in- bhey wene even expected te Étead noturn le lie Higi Scbeol beave Expo, parents started lhje1 qrounds. "WH--Y?" was askedd affiè cuestionink, "Why, *what1 b vryene abard. W at's happened?' And e an could1 Special Centennial Services Newcastle United (hurch Sunday, Maoy l4th 2:30 p.m. - Guest speaker: THE VERY REV. J. R. MUTCHMOR M.A., B.D., D.D., LL.D. Former Moderator of the United Church of Canada Music under direction ef: Mrs. Stanley Payne, A.t.C.M. Evening Service ah 7:30 p.m. Special service for ail ages aranged by our youth Gueit Speaker MR. PAUL AGNEW, Toronto Music under direction ef:- Mr. Frederick Graham, A.R.C.T. A social houn will b e led following each service. A special Invitation Io extonded te li former member. and frienda te share tii important event wlth us. 1give any reasonable answer. SQrn ofet heolden beys had been smoking aboard lie bus, but the driver ef thal sarne bus was aise smoking and in the cher bus students and chaporones srmnok ed. Thbalt doesn't sem nte be a big enaugh infraction te turn lwe buses back home. Sa whal did bappon? - Telephone calîs were macle lichesciool oanly Tues- day morning, but no co could gel any answer. Twa bus loads would b. appmaxim- ately 80 people and 80 limes $25 weuld be $2,000. Certain- ly Ihat kind et moey needs answoning. Who wants te spend $2,000 on a 17-heur bus drive? Withse many up la arrns and ne one knowing for sure wbat il was ail about, we hobephoned the high school and talked le the principal, Mn. E. G. Witherspoon. Ho agneed that gossip making meuntains eut et molehilîs could be bad for tie studenîs. and bas issueeD the following slaternent: Dean Edîlan: I have bec» askcd ta make a satement concerning the shudenîs cf Clarke Higb Schoni whe wore brought back early from the "Expo Trip". Tie chapenones gave the studenîs a noasonable lime te be in Iheir roorns at the Can- adiana Village. Aflen nepeat- ed warniags, a lange numben continued le disobey tic nul-1 ng.ý The students w e n e1 rogit back as a disciplinany1 neasure.1 I wish te assume lie per- enIs hhat ne question cf taon- îlily was even suggested, but bhat Ibis was a dliactplinary neasure because of the flagrant breaklng et the cur- feW mules.r Pincipal. GET CASH TODAI FOIR OL» APPLIANCES tbrougfb CLABSSRqu» STATENMAN a b ai ir fi M ei 'I Phon ft38803r FOR GREATER VALUE FROM YOUR FERTILIZER DOLLAR USE AERO® BRAND Why are more farmers coming to Ceresdal.? Because we have the FERTILIZER your CROP needs. CORN, GRAIN, TOBACCOt POTA TO-ES# ORCHARDS, HAY and PASTURE, Etc, Ali the regular anatysis plus many others such as.- 6.24-24 19-19-19 10-20-30 12-24-24 5-1540 1040. 5 20. 0.20 In 1966 in Durham County we mlxod fertiliser for the top fiv~e arq fields in Corn Compotition, the topeld inlField Crop Competition; the n top fields in 4-H Barley Conipettin.tM hai W. cau offer fertilizer in bags or buik the BuIk delivery and upreading service loa Crop and soil consultation Weed anmd Insect chomicals ma Atrazihi and Koru 011 G A ANHYDROUS AMMONIA NITROGEN wu WC New and modern *qutpment for mpplyng]P HIGHER YIELDS- INCREASID PROFITS w IN ONTARIO the Ci CUSTOM BLEND IS NEý TREND and the CERESDALE FERTILIZERS LTD. ie CALL NEWCATLE DWu«NUnSm M74711 623-7150 lei qewcastle A and B Troops lunted around for clothes and M neacbing the Hall were rigbt and aIent and anxious 0gel going. Witb everyane atbered, thc Scout Leaders, Vin Collier and Roy Hopkins ,fA Troop and Bob Shearer id Ron Lowry cf B Tmoop, d mnest important f al, r. Pal Blakor, secretary cf he Group Commites, who id ail Ibme par and smorn f oe food ln lhe truck kindiy mced by Gord Garrod Jr. Ile beys, Kim Storks, Gary feýr, Geondie Walton and Frg and George Grey, all cf STraop, David Shearen, Tim Ïallen, Peter Weylandt, BIUly ÏOO, Darrell Barrett, Peter iOy, Mark and Norman Till- )n cf B Troop, wene soc» eaded aorth cf Enn ikillen Pere they met wlth other Suts and Sea Scouts tram e ]Bowrnanvllle a=e for a ampoe. Aflen signing in id being givon a camp site, le boys raised thein tenta. .véd inaheir gpar and *aned Up thc camp site area. hOY Joined ln witb fellow muls making new friends, inning new gamnea and com- ting their skiUlsapinst the j'ers. T"o Ss item d, - driver was smoking, ne stu- The Canadien Btatesman Bowmnle,' May 10, lef? Social and Personal Newcastle:- Mrs. Rose Os- borne reported on the pais- ing of Mns. Vera O'Nel, wbo rd dicd on Thursday, May 4th, ,at Grace Hospital, Toronto. is Mrn. O'Neil was once a resi- li dent of Newcastle, as were her parents, the late Dr. and Mr.. R. T. Rutherford, and 'M will b. known by niany here. lis While she has made Toronto her home for -a great many ýyears, she had returned ta hthe village fram Urne ta time Or renewing acquaintances. .d Mrs. Bruce Tillson and a as Stewart vlsited in Hamilton é and Burllngton tram Tuesday t until Thursday lastw tk Mr. and Mns. Orval Stinson t: si and family cf Chesley visited 1: le on Saturday with Mr. and c !h Mrs. Alibert Pearce and fam- n tilY. Havrng spent a month In p )r Chesley, Mrs. H. R. Pearce ne- a turned ta the village with 1I thern. v :eMn. and. Mn. Albert Pearce, t4 Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Mr. and P Mrs. Stanley Powell and Mn. h and Mrs. Stanley Allin visited wlth Mn. and Mn.. W. J. Hoc- ei kmn, Oakville, an Sunday on C the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. t( Hockin's twenty-fifth wedding jr anniversary. Other gueste in- w cluded Mr. and Mrs. K. lc Pearce cf Orangeville, Mr. and Mns. A. Visser, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Orval Stin. IIJ son, Chesley. a Mrs. Jean Welsh, Peterbor- Wi ough, visited ber niece and i family on Sunday aftennoon. ni Having previously made Que- hi .bec her home, it was the tirst -~ time Mn.. Welsh had seen her niece, Mrs. Bruce Tilison, lIn 19 years. A famewell dinner party was held in henour cf Glen Rowe. youngest son cf Mn.1 1and Mrs. Allin Rowe, at the 1home of bis parents. Glen, twho bas left the village, first for Toronto and thon 0on to Cornwallis, bas joined the 1Canadian Navy. Besides his mother and father, othen members cf the family atý. tonding tbe dinner wene bis grandrnothen, Mrs. Vera Rowe, Mn. and Mrs. Brian Rowe and iDarrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rowe. During Uhc recent Cancer Blitz hold throughout New- castie, $354.00 was realized. This was down $46 tram, thc Blitz held last year when tbey collected an evon $400. The canvassors did an excellent job cf cevering the village, but some bornes wcrc missed bocause people weroeiether wenking or out visiting. Il you wereoanc of these who were missed, your donation will still bo received and cor- tainly appreciated. Send your donation te Mnr. M. Williams, R.R. 2 Newcastle, and you will be given a receipt, along with the knowledge that you are belping fight thus dread disease. The canvassers in Newcastle were as tollows, Rita Chard, Vicky Gray, Jean Wagar, Na r da Haogkamp, Marilyn Kent, Charlotte Ric- kard, Hildýa Cail, Reta Flin- toff, Marion Sheilds, Poggy Prune r, Evelyn Meadows, rnes Wright, Doreen Lake, Neli Yates, Audrey Dancey, Audrey Walton, Marilyn Wal- ton,. Lorraine Messlile ng er, M.an Fotr, Delores White, Marjorie Paterson, Jackie De Jon.g, Judy Hope, Jean Bur- rows and Be4trice Falk. lut Newcâstle Cub Packs are planning a busy May and rune, This Saturday at nine a.m. tbey will mccl at the Communîty Bail Park, on a "Cea Up Campaign"'. Boys ire asked tota k along fan eetters &Î &J#4e 8citor CL""K TRIP TO EXPO that we wcrcn't allowed te Dear Edior: go ut after 11:30 pin. Wih the exception cf a e kids wroceally, I went te Expo everyone was out baving a a lot wibme thr students tram f fun, but net dolag anytbîag Clarke High School. -The trip wrong. The next day afler was supposed o lst two day. we had breakfast wc wene but only lasted onc. We spent supposed to nelurn ta Exrpo, six heurs at Expo the first day but bcaded for home iashead. thon retumcd to aur motel Then we received a lecture thc roorn wih- an understanding next day about miabehavlng, but no anc was. The shory camp site cooked the meals, was sînechbd. I don'h blae Lakîng luras and proving who the kida Ihat were eut having wère the botter chefs, tua, because othen people in Geîting washed is nover a the schooi cen flot away wih fun tbing among boys, but it it. What I can't sec is wby was even worse on Sunday they brought us home on the mrnmnng, as the tempomature flimsy excuse that you didn't droppedd àuring the night and stay in younr roms. We pails of water beld ice crys- could've been wonse like seme ails in them. Even that was ot the ether achoals that went soon overcome as cortainly ne dowa. one arnong a buncb of beys A Student. wanted the othen !ellow to____ know he's afraid ot a littho frozen bath water. Inspec- Dean Editor: tions were kopt regularly Having reached 1967, Cana- araund the camp site, and da'. 1001h birthday, tho theme during meal time. Cempeti- evenywhere i. "SEE EXPO". 'on among each Troep was Clarke Higb School, too, bas held in compasa reading, knet had the Expo feven, and on tying, and sevomal other skills Sunday momnhng aur sen lile wood chopping, and et baarded one et the lwa buses, course, ail round good sports- planning te go te Expo ton mansbîp. Newcastle was quite lwe days and co nighl, cx- proud in baving the top pecting te relura home at five ward given te one et its an se 'oarly Tuesday mrnoning. nroops. Tho beys, enjoying a Il was frightening bo have hlm very busy weekend, retumned walk in at tive p.m. Menday Lthe village soon atten thnee evening. Had the bus broken .m., timed but very glad thoy dawn, had there been an acci- ad aîtended. dent, whatever reason would Reeve and Mms. Eanl Waiten have bim bore this oarly? Ho njeyed a three day visit in didn't know why ho was home Dttawa lst week. Mn. Wal- se early. Serethiag happeaed mn ospecially enjeyed cailing and evomyen on bath buses n t the office ho use te was made te pay fon mistakes 'rk t and cattng with el- made by others. Who wee >w empoyees. the others and what lied they donc? No one knew. Older It's nmcc ta soc Perey Haro beys, aven 18, smoked on board ip and around once again, ane cf the buses and wene fter havlng a very rou-gb pnemptly tld te butt thcm. veelc and being dectered and Apart tram that, ne one else rdded down. Ho'. stili not know why the buses returned n the best of bealîb but borne. One bus was an entire nuch imrnpoved te what ho tog scene but tbis was ainigbt. Orillia is been. la Uic other, althaugh the What isa Mother?0 To ber family, sho'. apeciiL. She's understanding, a banquiet chef, a short order caek,, a founitain of lave, a chauffevr, lvarmth oaci socurity. Sbe's clous socks, starcheci dresses, o mendeir of hurts. She's scrubb.d eors, ta tender nurse, a mad, a quose. She deserves a day cf honour and tribu.. She doierves the. love cf thoe sha loves. Yes, sho's vory, very speciai, This Sunday, youlIl tel your uothor hew much you cure. Wald ike te ton aon mothersi, "'w. Car., taoc" 4 qnnn4b. CUT INTO 9 TO1 CHOPS SHOPSYS (WITH FREE 1-OZ PKG PASTRAMI) CORNED BEEF 4 J I Proue itee1I~ ràMexkma, Sa.Rosit, N. 1 Grad. (ANTALOUPE EXTR LAMGE SUZE 27s eoch MONI PRICID HIGHMR AT A&P Californie, Fr..h Orme ,LaPg Plrm H.ad,,Mmsa24 LETTfUCE Nm 1Gred esac23g Otitalo Growu Ne. 1 Grade net -Boust Klugsis ,CUCUMBERS 2 for 29c It ls my business ta know why serlous, go why the yty My son was cheated by one Ho*w n in 1 u moluJu.t7 man' s uthorlty. They sMy,- Ju^* those who have <àjfl theflext plannmd hpo ?d ? school, that it wasn't ail that One ofmany ~ oUe There la ne point in my lelephoning the schoi, Ibe Uinos are al Ued up, wideubt- edly by other parents 11k. my- self wanting answens ta «BLINX EXPO". To my way of thinking il cash hoe stu- dents slightly aven a dollar an hour te drive toanmd frorn. Exypo and biink thr-ough it wiethiey wene thome. Seven- leen heurs on Uic bus, six, maybe soven heurs at Expo. Thah's twenty-three heurs and tho trip cast twenty-five dol- lars. As I understaad It, one man alone made Uic bus hurm around and corne back. I dare hope ho secs sorne of these lettons hhat I understand wili be wnitten ta your paper and corne up with a dama good answen. Whah was se terrible thal it can't be teld? A shrug et Uic sheulders isn't good enougb for me. Money is tee hard to corne by these days and $25 couid have been put te botter use. I intcnd te lelephone ene etf the high school board rylembers tram Newcastle and learn et thein next meeting. Se.meene should bc made responsible for this. G UARANTEED TRUST CERTI FI CATES *earn 6% inheresl, payable haif- ~authorized investment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. 35 Duni'op St., 372 Bay St., Tomonto 73 Mlsslssaga E., Barrie FRESH CHIC KEN CUEATS DRUMSTICKS- or THIGHS IMMM lb 59 e 2-01 MOL j [FineQBAlt GSoe AP Fancy Q"Ifty TOMATO JUICE A&P PEACHES CH~OI UAwU. I 3 Sc5 CAKE MIXES M8VARIS) 2I'C. kos69e ewm 1 Rau ela. Nem- aMW h CANNED SPORK O.tf49< jane Par*a"e.Pé.4a-BY LIMON PlIE Rxt 8éCM SIZi 4 I il il Choies Qualit A&P PEAS AU. PRICES S4OWi INlm 141S AD QUARANTRRO THROUCM IATURDAY, #MAY lm5, lMB. VIEIl WIn us1 i' ..-. r I lb Choose "Super-igt QaiyMcs QUARTERS 1 le - ý - ý J -U«MMMMRMBI lu a 1 ý, il m \1.4 73 Minium& B., Orilus 6 % LEGSWHM

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