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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 16

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~Z~7 ~ -- -. 1> * ~ ' ~ Tbe mada Stateman, owmanvm*p, May 1e, 1lu? at Millbrook Lions Iust Modernize Rules of aérlamen tary Pr oce dure ays Honey, Durham M.P. i MMLLROK - "Tbere is apportnty to discuss pelicyl etwih teprîua o aondf or reiarm of the and leglalation with the Prime policy may have undergane n 1*c f Parllamentary proced- Minlter and Cabinet Members Caucus discussions," Mr. Hofiey .1* in Canadia and we sh.ould In Caucus prior to decisians stated. I b hldebound by old anti- being taken. "The responsibility The Durham M.P. referred tedà rules which were good and oppartunity for the Pri- to the increaslngly camplex 50 years ago but whc vate Memers has been drama- nature of our socicty. 20 years =down under the stress tically enlarged since Mr. Pear- ago Parliament met for three qL- modern legisiative opera- son iermcd the Governmcnt in or four months eaeh spring and IDmI", Durham M.P. Russell C. 1963", the Chairman ýof the adjourned 1or the etoth Nbney told the Lions Club of National Liberal Caucus stat- yer hzssin est ai the MMbrok ad Dstrit ined.over 16 *manths, the longeut in maig at the Club's regular ,Private Members are in. Canada's histary. There will lq"ighere last week. farmed and responsible people be a recs af only one week »ntil recent years Members and they are no longer con- and Parlianient will start the td- Parliament were expected tent to be mercly voting ncw session on May 8th. te-be present te vote as direc- machines. They are preparea Rcferring ta some af the tçd. "Party leaders did nat te fight for recognition af their improvements which could be tôsuit wlth the backbenchers opinion an the floor of the made ta bring Parllamcentary *bd pald littie attention ta Caaucus roam. The iact that pracedure inta step with pres- tbeir views,"1 Mr. Honey said. there are few occasions when cnt day society, Mr. Hancy oe-rlvatc Membert ini the Lib- Members vote against the af- said there shauld be greter géraL Party under Mr. Pcarson'a ficial position is a demanstra- utilization ai the rule whereby 14édershup have been given f ull tion ai the scrutiny and argu- the Govcrnment can appartian debating time i particular pieces ai legisiation. He said that this pracedure had work- cd well in the Armed Farces Unification debate and shauld be mare widely uscd, whcre FAB LO-US the management cammittee ai FA UtheHause ai Carmnans is un- abta reach agreement an time allocation. "There shauld be spccific Items with respect ta which NO\0W ON AT Govcrnment shauld not have ta rcsign if dcieated on a routine matter," said Mr.1 0 EU I Hney. He suggcsted that rs WILSON S F U RNilU R E ignatian o tai oenmn might be limited ta defeat an Thestore' evercrowded. We've over bought and majar debates such as theà undersold. Now everything has got -to go ... and Throne Speech, the Budget,1 faut reardesaof ric. Flloingareonl ~ pproal in principle af legis-1 fiaipt ton deuof te rme ndous sing aeins at latian and an Supply Mations.i sinal p«ion f th trmendus sving at Mr. Honey urgcd an evenà "reter use ai the Cammîtteesj 5 PCE. DINETTE SUITES ........ $ 29.95 af the House of Cammans.1 2 PE. HESERFEL SUTES 10900 Committees should have betterj 2 PC. C ESTRFIED S ITE ... 10.00 and mare specialized research BUNK BEDS, COMPLETE ........ 64.88 asisîtanIce. Cornxttees should1 SMOOTK TOP MATRESSES........ 28.00 "This wauld give local citizens1 9 x 12 CARPETS ................. 38.88 arbfreCmmtes n MODRN HESERIEL SUTE. 17.0 ruch osrta the people. it ML O RMC ROCERES UITE . 5 is a means by which real citi-i PLATORM ROCK RS ............... 3.95 zen particiioation can be creat-1 VINYL OCCASIONAL CHAIRS .... 19.95 cd," Mr. Haney said. LLOYD 1967 STROLLERS FROM .... 12.88 SPRING FILLED Manvers CRIB MATTRESSES ............... 7.99t CONTINENTAL BEDS FROM ....... 36.88 Council FLOOR COVERING Nw CLEAROLITS, Par Ft................... .29 Ai eeswer s e l Ai I F ,.with Reeve Lewis McGill uwE CA le u lIN TIIa presiding for the May meet- t W ilson".*urniUture ing o ai vr onhpN 3 auckStee, shwa Ot.Council. 1 » Chlîc StretOshaa, nt.Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. tg for this riding, called on the f - - - - - - - - - Woo'd -Prodots LUId. Council te diseuss the manyl aspects ai the new Sub-divi- siozi Contrai order lmposed on the Township ai Manvers by the Hon. J. W. Spooner, Minister ai Municipal Aifairs, whercby new severances un- der 10 acres will have ta makce application tau th On- tario Planning Board before they can be registered, unless the parcel ai land lu part ai a rcgistcred plan. Parcels ai land under 10 acres that have a dced will flot be affectcd. Aiter much discussion, Council decidcd ta hold an "Information Meeting" in the township hall at Bethany, rabout thc first ai June (pend- ing arrangements). Represen- tatives fram thc Planning Brandi will'be invitcd ta at- tend and all Ratepayers ai Uic tawnship. The purpose ai the meeting la ta acquaint ail in- terestcd parties with the regulations that Uic township Is now under; and by an ex- change ai views and ideas, it is-hopcd that Uic information obtained from this meeting will be af assistance ta the Municipal Council in arriv- ing at a decision that will be in the bcst intcrcsts ai the township as a wholc. A delegation callcd an the Council regarding sand irom Uic sprlng zains washing ons 7ta township roads. rThe tender ai Municipal LSpraying & Oiling Co. Ltd. at .. 21,010.00 as per tender cal] 1was acceptcd. A rciund ai $5.00 is ta be granted ta Ross Smith, Pan- typool, re dog matter whcn Mr. Smith campletes paymcnt ai his 1966 tax-account. qg The Clerk, Rass Davidson was authorizcd ta attend a meeting. af Municipal Clerks and Treasurers in Peterbor- ough on May 12th. Ail parties awing taxes for Uic year 1964 arc ta be nati- lied that paymcnt will have ta be made in full on or be- fore June 2nd, 1967. other- wisc tax sale pracedure will have ta be taken. Communication r e c e i v c d and dealt with were from the Manvers Township School Board re 1967 levy in the amount ai $48,000.00; capy ai Attprovide for the licens- ing andpregulation ai Nursing Homes; C.1P.R., re road lead- ingi into Burkc's pond and kprng flooding; The Ontario Municipal Board re final vali- dation ai School debenture by-law; monthly report ai Northumberland and Durham Hcalth Unit; Dept. ai Social & Family Services re an i- vestigation ai a welfare mat- ter; Dept. ai Municipal Af- fairs re interim subsidy ai Winter Work praject; repart ai the Ganaraska Region Con- servation Authority; a com- plaint re the dumping ai gar- bage an side raads in the township. Accounts totalling $2,752.99 werc ordered paid. Next meeting ai Council wîll be held June 6th at 1 p.m. D.S.T. For the last five years more than twice as many men as women have died ai tubercu- lasis in Canada. In 1965 thef total was 697 deaths-up 27 fram the firevious vear. I Continues 4 WIDNISDAY TKURSOAY I FRIDAY SATURDAY * MAY * DEMOI I.0 ARBO SEE THE MAN IN OUR IVisit OSHAWA WGou ICOTTAGE Ci The "'RAI I24' x 30' ... WITH ATTACHIE[ DECK. Total prime for meltriel1 site, Ont Lood Dei ey Plus. Pr ovi ncial Sel« . Tex * $24O6eE Total Prime t. mupply end erect. ( Prov. end Ped. Tex lncluded> OTHER MOSELSTO SELlE PuaCES ûNCLUDE SEuVERymWiHiNi YARD. EXTRA MUAI CHARGED [STRATIONS 11 D y - RITEWID. MAY lbih 1UFAC TURERS DISPLA YS COTTAGE COURT PRODUOTS OURI Cotton IEN 99 SIA I ED 8' x 24' PATIO RUGS Delivered en Job- 2292.00 l114.60 50 1 cul 3.35.00 CT 'PROM-- 1100 MILES OF 0OUR SOVER 100 MILES. us 35t1 TELEVISI ON To Be Brown Sat.rday,ý May l3th 3:00 P.M. Ail Who Attend Our â3,,Amnmv.rsery or* gligile ta Win 1 Simply fin1 out à"tw Ticket. Ne obliglation!1 Great for Outdoor. Storage el STOR-ALL UNIT Afi wha attend our 3Sth Anniversary Sale becomne'elîgible ta winý-Na obligation TO SE DRAWN WED. MAY 1Ofh 7 P.M. " Sylvaoply MacMillen Ileedel TAPIS i(3 only> " Choice 4 11 <sIeurs; Scases ALLONT PLOOR TII.! " Corplestics SWIMMING RAFT " Prom Loder Ce. - à Only HOME IMPROVEMENT INSPIRATION BOOKS, " Lloyd Door Ce. COMBINATION D001 *DAI LY IDRAW EXPO WEEKLY P»SPORTS HOURS 0F SALE " Wednesdoy, May 1lOtI, - 8 ... ta 9 p.m. 0 Thusday, Mey 11lth 8 e.m. t. 6 p.m. 0 Pidey, May 1211, - 8S cm. t. 6 p...or Soeturday, May l3tls 8 S ... te 6 p.. ALL SALE ITEMS SUIJECT TO PRI#OR' SALE I PtIDING PTRACK 2m9 TER MocMillan SIo.del TTUNG BOARD SAVE MGNEYI ADDED VALUEI Orier Materials Nsw For GARAGES SINGLE CAR GARAGE 14'x 20' e Gable Roof - 4" overhang 0 2" x '4" Studding- 16" centres d 2" x 4" Rofters and Celoar Toes a 210 lb. Asphalt Shingies a One Economy Exterlor Dobor with Hardware 0 44' x 31" Cottage Slider Window e Ranch- waIi Exterior Finish MATIRIALS ONLY .............483.00 .recte - $698.00 (ic. Tex) I i.T x TuO CAR GARAGE 20' x 201 LsreQuatyMteripis es iisted for' SrngW sa garage d& dm MATERIÂLS ONLY .............0&808~ mnci. Tms)U E.td-886.00 (ù,<f. Tex)>- Cu se uSiOevmue et Seme Prime Raie MOTHER'S DAY DINNER RESTAURANT and DINING RQOM e ' CI i1 Iccd Shrimp Cocktail Choice of: Chicken Soup Tomate Juice Fresh Fruit Cocktail Apple Juice Assorted Appetizers Onion Soup Grapefruit Juice SELECTIONS Roast Ontario Turkey Stuffing - Cranberry Sauce Baked Honey Cured Ham Champagne Fruit Sauce Roast Prime' Horseradish Baked Patate Ribs of Beef - Chutney Fresh Vegetable A Variety of Bolls Candied Yams DESSERTS Layer Cake and Ice Cream Apple Pi. snd Ch.... Pumpkln Pie Old Fashioned Rite Pudding Chocolate Fudge Sunda. Fr.sh Fruit Black Diamond Ch.... Tea Colle. After Dinner Mints MiIk j I. OTýKR'$DAY 8 FOOT P) 5e73 FOOT FOOT Patios, Privaoy Fonces, Corporte J/M CORRULUX VW C.orrugated. Patio Green Replace NEW your ' GRDEN FIBER l GLASS GRG DOS STORAGE flOUSE PANELS wBERRV 99.5 8' wds,7' Hgh ARBAGE - MNL - -M PER 8'x 7' - 47.15 LOCKERS SIIIET LADDERS L JGARDEN SRN wieas Strong- HOSE SPRNETIM E HalfheWeght EXCLUSIVE! '/"mTransparent GreenRA C 28"ExtnsonG 1'A'VALUE NOS 1.88. A C l8 xeso PAINT Aqua Queen Osciliatinil FENCE 19095 White Exterior by2RAL&3 AI Sherwin-Willîams uuWN SPRINKLERS2RAL&3AL STÂRTM i ON PLU 3333 ~GAL. AT OêLY 4.9 -OSNAWA WOOD. PRODUCTI LTD, I I. 9' x7'- 53.911 SPECIALF r--~ IPANELUING TROUGHUNG - Hndiome for dans, roc room, Now is the time to living room or hall do homes & garages SHUT 0PT.1.28 IACH . WIIE M PLASTIC rnCOATED Town & Country CHAIN LINK FENCE 4wwidth-W mlse 101/3 GAUGE pER ROLL .................13,77 FABRIC CLIPS- EAUC . .. . .. . . 50-UT. COIU BRACINO WR Nemi Gfle. md ShoWroom GOURTIGE 728-1811I - - -- - -- -A "'THE NAME, TO BUILD ON" MLUMII Self.Storli 1 le thiok- Standard 8 24o .44ý A 9fila [on I I I I I I I I I I 'i t With a 10.00 or over *sshend carry order, whle 1aey aost. LICENSED DIMNIGROC OPMSUNDAY12ftap ed opm I SMore Days te Ail Who Attend M1ECHANICAL lE RIDES 10-11 -12-13 lui m MW"wmq-d Mm ý- ýý I d ln29 RLUMINUM

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