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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 1

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Plansfor Rowmanville's Future GA I I MBy A ThLs morniln, Presidenit Walter Frank of W. Frank Real Estate anno-unced that his firm. had completed the sale.ôf five acres of land on; the 'Short--f arm to National'Granite of ,St.,John's, Quebec. This fîrm impo;is much of its material and w!»ýi loc-ate just iorth of the CNR tracks and west of- the-East Beach Road. They will construct offides -firBt and then complete a cutting and finishing plant for atotal of 10,000 announced they had sold land to a boat- ni rm i i frr'$i i ~1i.m I. ~~.W.AW..L~ALAAL~ jJALUAL. ~îrn*~rn sqluare feet. Eventually, when they are. fuly operative, an estimated 50 employees will be required. The sale was handled by ]Rod Kruger. Mr. Frank was high in his praise cf the co-operation received from Bowmanvilie'S Industrial Commnission and the Clerk.Çon. troller. Last week, the same- real estate firm 10,197 54Pe CDv IUR13 l Re-elect McMechanl, President Taxes Lower Here, Says Mayor Acdn Round-Up Co m reGeraldBentas ow At Cham er of ommerceDuineras Jerry SiniMs, age 21j1, R.R. iiiiu~r2, Oshawa, is ,a patient in Arsit WlfreaM e resr. DirectrseectedIBell. Two other persons, Mrs. js receiving treatment for an~ was re,-eected by acclama- for' the coming year, alsoctby Fred Kramp and Tom Rehder, head lacerations and abra- tion ta the leading office in acclamation were Don Milli- who were nominated as direc- sions received in an accident the Bowmanville Chamber of gan, Arthur Hooper, C. A. Mc- tors, declined to stand. athe corner of Queen and Commerce for 1967-68 at the Donald, George Stephen, Kari President McMechan presid- Kintg Streets at 12:45 a.m. on ennuai meeting of the organiz- Bickell, Don MacGregor, James ed at the Centennial Dînner. Sundy ation held last Wednesday ev- A. Bell, J. T. Taylor, and Har- Others at the head table were Theyinjured man was on rhnng after the C. of Cs~ Cen- aid McGee. His Worship Mayor Ivan the bck of a car driven by tenniai Dinner, neld at the W.B. Syer, the Past Presi- Hobbs, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Mc- Frederick John Armstrong, ]Mying Dutchman'Motor Hotel. dent; was chairman of the Mechan, Len Lucas, Principal R.R. 1, Whitby, according to «Robert Lawton was elected Nominatîng Committee. Oth- of Bowmanville High School, the testîmony 'Of a witness. Vice-President, and Mrs. R. er members of this committee Mrs. Lucas, and four students It has not been determined Frank was elected Secretary- were Glenn Lander and Mr. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) <TURN To PAGE TWO> Bowmanvilie Girl Guide Receives Ail Round Cod -6rPages BOWilVILLu ONTA&M Chamber Honors Businesses for Making Improvements to Premises m lu <j Framed Certificates of Meit vwere presented for property i m- C orp oration, Mrs. Ted Douglas, new owner of Bobette Salon of provements or expansion to local business establishments at the Beauty; Miss Patricia O'Brien of Niki's Beauty Salon, MaurIc. annual Chamber of Commerce dinner at The Flying Dutchman last Preston of Preston Transport, Tom Rehder of Bowmanviile Foundry, Wednesday. Those present to receive their awards were, from left to Mrs. Thomas Merryglad of The Castie Hotel, Donald MacGregor of right, George Webster of Rickaby's Limited, Robert Dykstra of Peter Kowal Real Estate and Rex Walters of Ontario Rural Hydro. Dykstra's Food Market, Douglas Sellars of the R. M. Hollingshead ur. uoralon I4SfltoÎ Elected a Director 0f National Councif > , ~ ~DrGordont As un Uoi.. B parterant-wt- Wer- versty fGelstC atîstacgw ingt n College. From 1935- prafessor, has, been elected di- s ~rector for 1967-69 on the. Na: 51, h e served as assistant, lec- Stional Councîl of the Agricul- - tural Institute of Canada. The agrîcultural institute is an association of more than 3,700 men and women, pro- ii~y fessional agriculturîsts serving...... During the Mother and Daugliter banquet of the it, with her môther, Mrs. C. G.. Andersonwa hr lft vBrn an a ocuar ons.Bw tât Girl Guide Company last- Thursday at Memorial Others in the photo are, at lef t, District Commissioner manville, Dr. Ashton gradu- Park Clubhouse, Guide Fat Anderson was the recipient Mrs. J. E. Stout and, right, Guide Captain Mrs. W. ated from the Kemptville of the Ai Round Cord. She is shown here receving J. Vooys. Agricultural School in 1931. He then attended the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ask Darlington to Change Main Injured from where he received a B S.A inanimai husbandry Train 1935. In 1939, hie received Osha c Fre P ote tio Falling Tehis M. Sc. in animai nutrition from Macdonald College (Mc- O sha a F re P ote tionRoyEldridge, age 32, Gi University). Dr. Ashton Tooley's Mill Road, R.R. 3, was awarded a Ph. D. in ani- flowmanville, was inJured at mal industry and experimental two o'clock on Tuesday statistics from North Carolina W ould Lower ms uran ce 8fteno yafa lng trs So0c Calgturer55.Dr. G.C.Aho oria Hopitl bytheBow sice 156,firt a assciae trerand assistant professor __ m..anville Area Ambulance. professor then as professor af of animal husbandry at Mac-t ___ .1 treatment in the statistis, Ontario Agricultur- donald College, McGili Uni- S a W e s E n d e titi n e rs mergency Department for ai College. Recently, it was versity. Fromi 1951-56, hie wast A petition signed by 450 effect, buildings, homes or bus!- fre oToot.frt temtemtc n TUNT AETWO) people asking for better firelnesses, must be within five protection in West Darlington miles of the responding fire C u tc u d s a d B o ris P a t C n e n a *as received by Darlington hall to be consîdered ini a pro- C u tc ie n r w is Pa t C ne na Trownship Council at the meet- tected area," he said. ing in the Township Hall,* "There is a new Oshawa lire 1jampton, on Thursday after- hall near the Durham County naon. Reeve H. C. Muir pre- Line which could provide fire aïded. The petition was pre- protection coverage for West aented by Donald A. Heard, Darlington within the distance Chairman of the West Dar- limnits set by ire insurance ington Fire Protection Com- regulations. '. Inittee. "For example the rating for Mr. Heard told council that a brick veneer dwelling in a.......... the 450 signatures on the peti-~ protected area would be $5,60- tion was by persons who rep-ýper $1.000. If such a building resented 1,800 people through ' were beyond the five mile their families and associates. limit to the responding lire ]Fe asked Darlirigton Council hall the rating would be $10.50 ta negatiate with Oshawa City per qs1,000,"' Mr. Heard ex- VCoundll for the provision ai plained. coverage by the Oshawa Pire Two other members, Fred ..- Depaàmuent. Chown, Taunton, and Lionel W e the Bowmanville Pire1 Hart, R.R. 1, Hampton, of the IDepartment does excellent West Darlington Pire Protec- wark, West Darlington is too tion Committee appeared be- far away." Mr. Heard pointed fore the council in the delega- .out. "Due to the new fire in- tion with Chairman Heard. 4urance regulations now inl <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Two Men Attack "Good Samaritan' Dowvmvile P r o v à noti aatance, anti wu puIIed police are Invoutgatlng m out 0otheiicar I>y a semi asault; anti attempteti rob- porion who suddenly appear- atter a «igoot Samari. oti. ~ rporotit. hdot Mr. Cochirano sau theii 1 e raynl1htMmiIngTbown thon sot up .e "aPh Cochrane-,P-1, oetidw«t te the otiier uide *IL 2R. 8,urketon. toi. Police 01 bu Mcr. Cochrane wua bc wus rving "osa nth* then msultoti andi orderoti ttiConciWonloE f Clarke te rive bIemoneoy bte thetwo 'EOVWulIp, eut et Hlgiiway Men. S& wioa ho saw a persoII 1$ing ~tu 4the i bun he Police Werm ifermoti thatI wesombi. Uestoppoite give Mr. Cochranna hrew ibb 1,f:ord tototui' car andtimai- ovzERLOAID WJTH ?<EWS Ute i omre et Borry but a ahortage of The. O?? tetacument saiti1 eaomade It impossible te, totiay no arroota have hoeu Iàdesoveral Impotant news OdeM W I.tinvestigaton con- ig anîdcotspndence. titou.. by ConabeIa~~ L.. ~h~~lU ppou~~Ozt eek Jaes.-imes On Saturday, May 6th, the lat Courtice Company and the 2nd Courtice Brownie Pack planted a Royal Red Maple Tree at Courtice United Church for their Centennial Poect. The ceremany opened with the Guides forming a horseshoe and the Brownies forming .a Brownie ing on the front lawn of the Church. Brown Owl 'Wallace welcomeci those attending and- explained how the- Brownieis and' Guides worked ta earn maney-to buy the tkee that is ta, be planted. The Brownîes then repeated their PromlaÏý, the. Guides repeated their Promise. Vicky Reynokds led ini prayer. Mr&. Ben Hanewick, Lieut. ofIslt Courtice Co., read a poem reu Owl Mrs. Ruth Wallace and Capt. mmia.V, tree. Cadet Gail Walter read a pçM ettW fallowad by a prayer foàr Browa^,eàsd Q Theceemn çlosed wlth the o1 c was thoseatf.en edbthe Gud« ith 'beeei"of~ Ct poumedtea. Tii. Guides nwmmvust« made themielves for,1wvst IVadfy pectacular vents Pla n eangHompl>etionw, For entennal ors Shw The Bowmanville CentE mitee is very~ busy these da prepaning for the Parade ai Horse Show ta be held Pans darue tatve SardaJue taiv. now on the parade, whI will, travel through town the Schwarz Farm (behi the Canning Factory), site the horse show. The parade will start 10:00 a.m. and the Hlorse Sho at 12:00 noon. In the evening a Counti and Western Concert ar Square Dancing will be hel on the Dominion Store pari ing lot, starting at 8:30 p.nm Tom Seymour af Rad Station CHUC, Cobourg, w! be the Master of Ceremonie .and J.* C. Coyle Sr. wili beu hand to conduct the squa dancing. There will be a top pr: for Western and English ar rider in the parade, aiso fc the best horse drawn vehiclg The various horse classesi the horse show will be: WeE tern Pleasure Horse Clas CTURN TO PAGE TWO> Tree ays indr on ghtf ich to Ind of O&ts and1 ÇPoeces NEW PLANT - Harry Snowden, head of Snowden Rubber Company, Oshawa, is in -the process of constructing a new 22,000 sq. ft. plant ini that city. He is well-known here as a'Lformer Goodç. ai;i j. 1* TI ýw NEW MACHINE- Today, Glen Rae Dairy l installing a paper pre-forming machine wQirtll ry $ 17,500 from the DeLaval Company of Peterbor. nd ough. Sems like an awful lot of nioney because k-all this machine does is take the, flat paper ~. cartons your milk cornes ini and open them UP so lia they can be put through the filling machines. ili But, Glen Rae has a reputation for being modern un in every way and they, apparently, feel the pre- ýre forerwil improve te operation. t. t t i.t t ide SERVICE - A new service for custamers has or been incorporated by local pharmacists for after- e. hours and Sunday emergency prescription cus- in tomers. Each pharmacist has a supply of carda ýs for distribution to customers, advising which Ipharmacist is on duty ta take cane of their needs. Better pick up a card now for use when required. BROWNIES - Cliffcrest Cleaners window ia fill- ed with some of the articles that will be on sale, at the Bowmanviîîe Brownie Mothers Bazaar a ud ITea this Saturday at St. Andrew's Churcli. Prizes. have been donated by local merchants. t t i j.t t t MARCH - The Ontaio Farmers Uni]4 Fdera- Stion of Agriculturean Durham Mllk Cmlttee e. got tagether last night to organize a Caunty Farmers Rally at Orono Town Hall, Wednesday, Ma 17th, at 8:30 p.m. Purpose of the Rally, la to support and promate the big farmer participation March to Ottawa an May 24th. t t. t. tj. DAies-hatB1d FnnngRecrostion, Dlrectç>r, advies hat he hildensdraina classes Sp6n- Isored by the Recreation Department will be pre. senting two plays next Tuesday at 8 p..#' Ïte Town Hall. They are being directed by Mn. Bernard Kitney. The youngsters who are between' 8 and 15 will qive their impressions of the "Cna dian Brothers' and "Ladies. Day in Ottawa, 1867." t t t f. *jt STEPS - The main entrance toBownvzJj. Town Hall la undegoing its own Cetennigim ject, with the installation Of uew 4è iet te rep>ace the. eacked and batndOMS have served l6ng îsud weIi. Thosmpsk wlao },<vetaken Up squatters nlghtslatJ wilU now have a new target to. uhwit at.. inif to L ,A 1 À VOLUME 113 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. .WEDNESDAV mav in inemi li

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