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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1967, p. 7

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day vwstorswnth ". and Mrs, are al o T àn fr0 0 Y as (?~ I Mr. and Mn. OcrAdamCriei fr'veU Ter Social ~~and Mns. SidBarbfro 'J-'ersona/ . *on r. Cwlgo S c anMns. Eva BullarBrucn Phone 623-3 3esa afternoon. -3303 nMn. and Mn,. Earl Thomp- son were luncheon guesta o * ~~~Mn. ThompsononWdesa Dont forget to 'phono ini Mina Betty PickardmoMnan he ilveedaMm th* fumes of your Mother', Brian Watts, Rexdale. Thompson', friend, Mrs. C. Dey isitors. Dial 3-3303. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gib- youg bt >Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Carter son have returned from Heui- Mn.adtMn. Morris PoUlard Ofi Toronto wene Sunday din- fax, N.S., where hie graduated and- farnily, spent the weekend fier guests of Mr. and Mra. N.ini Civil Engineering from the with Mr. and Mmi. Imie Lyons Tkatch, Church Street. Nova Scotia Technical College. Proton Station. ,Mis. P. E. Greenfield, Lib. lHe has accepted a position Mn. J. Patts and Tom, visit- erty Place, spent last weekend with Consumers' Gai, Toronto. ed relatives at Colingwond on with hen daughter and son-in- where they will reside. :the weekend. Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. And. Axnong the students at raMr. and MnS. Alfred Gar- erson and family, Port Credit. Queen's University, Kingston,1d, Barry and Lori Ann, and >Mr. and Mns. E. Rietmuller, who have completed the yarsMr. and Mrs. C. Garrard, were liens, Irene, Nancy and Perry study and are now home, are LG Blackpe gsts ofk. s î Mrs. C. H. Kater, Conces- Miss Jill Ames, Miss Christy L.GI rn lcsok s1cr. St., were sightseeing gt Tighe. Richard Lander, Mfiss Mr.i and Mrs. Rosi Ashton NiaaraFals o th weken. HlenVanton, Mss ir ndfamily and Mrs. Lloyd Niagra alis theweeend.Heln Vnstoe, iss Ashton, visited Miss Emma Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James, ginla Siemon and Gerald Har- Wer& andMs.Aknad Centre St., were weekencinas Toronto, on Sunday. guests of their son and daugh- The Ontania' Archaeolagical Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read 'N ter-in-law, Mr. and Mns. Non- Society held a dig last week- and Lynne were Sunday sp rhnan James and Ronnie, Lon- ei at the Beetan site, Bond', per guests of Mr. and Mrs. don, Ont. Head, Ont., a pne-contact Ira- Claytan Read, Robbie and Mr. and Mns. Alax McNeilý qualan site. Arnong the par- Steven, the occasion, 'Robbie's Ottawa, visited his isister andc ticipating members were Mr. th birthday. broter-n-lw, r. nd rs.and Mrs. Wayne Purdy, town, Mrs. A. Thampson Was aven- brater-n-lw, n. nd '~sand Mr. W. S. Danaldson of night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin, and attend- Ohw.E hmsn omnila ed the funeral of thair auntOhw.E hmsnBo avil n Mrs. Albert Crago.' This Sunday, May 14, is Thursday and 'visited Mn. and - D. ad Ms. ruc WhteMother's Day, so do remam- Mrs. G. Piper. Dr.inds Mr s. Bruhe Wien ber mother with a special git Mrs. Arthur Read and Lynne with their cousins, Mr. and Of appreciation. Local shaps1 attended Expo 67 on April 28th Mrn. Ross Stevens, and othen are well stocked with attract- and29th. relatives. Dr. and Mrs. White iva merchandise for just such Donald J. hrpaBw were ennoute ta Expo.anocsnadfortahv manville, ad R. D. Thomp- a wide range af lovaly plants son, Hampton, visited Mrs. A. Recent visitons with Mn. and and cut flowens. Thompson. Mn,. R. Greangrass anià farnily, Mrs. Arthur Read, attendad Concession St., were Mr. and Signs ai Spring missing sa the graduation exencises for Mrs. Fred Greengrass and Mn. fan this yean are girls playing Gordon Dudley atRyro andMn. oh Rbsn nd"Jacks'ý and the boys engaged Poîytech ad , ailha oo aildin a iascinating game oai on ecnical Institute in Ton------ Davdal ofCokoill. Mable".Cae t tin ofono nF Ood , wan. The announcexnent that in future, trucks wiIl a pile of them in the above picture. He also wore out Mvn. and fMnl,. arncoi, hveIt is ew yaalr now sinc'ville, called n ler mother, carry the mail to and from Bowmanville brought an a new '59 Fargo truck, a new '59 Chev and doubts if Mavn ad amiyHamltn, e hvenotce chlden as- Mn,.' Thompson. on Sun- end to a working relationship with the Post Office the '65 GMC truck he is now using will last out his werereMn. Mavîn', rote andering the art oi thasa gamnes. day Mrs. Thompson returned Department, that Gordon Moorcraft had carriedan fu-erc tatdeirnghem l on RROut Afbe rt M avin C ohrchand M 've heare b t o f-da o e f u -y a w eekender n t e m al on R ra sistar-in-law, Mn. andM Madbe t are t o d ate home with Mrs. Osmond and far 30 years. Hie started transporting the mail in~ 1936, 4. The trains he had to catch came in at varying tiines, Albrt avn, hurh tret.in thinking they are stili spent Mae mek en gwa working for Alan G. Williams, following a cnîppling as early as 2:22 a.m. and 4:22 ar.. He caught themn all Mn. Ted Bate ai Calling- papulan with the Young fny. held in the church ona d accident in a local factory, and has been doing the without fail, although quite frequently he had to drive Scanborough, were guests ao n.M.Efes, n ndnsa vening. run ever since. During that time, he estimates he has to Newcastle, Port Hope, Cobourg, Brighton, Oshawa Mn. and Mns. Murray Bate Mn. and Mn,. Don Leask, Club 21's community cold carried ver three million bags of mail, including quite and even once to Toronto. and while at home attendad Brampton, necently. attended a plate supper which included Bawmanville H i1g h School performance ai "'Hello Dolly" tunkey, salads and pies, was i- Prom. at the O'Keefe Centre, Toran- well attended on Saturdayat n Minad h Prom ayary nd arch an there-clares that this general fln- j to. Mns. Leask neturned to eveining at the school with n s T e su e ' ainder after the tax rate has ancial reserve is ta rmainti We would appraciate It very Brampton with them and an- about 90 present. The tablesTo S T e s r r endtrie nApnil. threnu ndiasod much if parents would infani -jydacul i avstWr el ae ihfo n "A decision will ha made as financial position 8 that uis of thein daughten's or s0on s thena , and also spant a few in kaeping w ith the sp in q a t e b s ou s f a t o . h r ijb l s o ro misat hay plamnvst taend days with'Mn. and Mrs. Robent season wene decorated with ~ iI Notice can be sent out wîth for the municipality ta bro amifteplnt ae:Laask i n Markham befona ne- bouquets af daffodils and pus- U L~~L themaln of the assmn o urn purposes. position out ai town fant ha tunning home. On Wadnesday sy'willows. Thanks ta evany-1 6p rfoQ ute notice in September. Thene is "In 1965 councilse upth summer manths. o atwe r, es a n hohle u nay ogitra btenti sced fýte pet th Miss Caralyn Stacey has a luncheon guest ai Mn,. Chas. way ta make this a success.Ou notice and the months during known as the 'aId post office' camlaad hethid eanoiAdcck Coaug.Sunday School at 1:45 O'clck l* which a discount will ha for such a purpase. The audi- the honors classics course at and church service at 3 p.m. lS lload. trs ugDststouthene Quaan's University, Kingston, The 42nd Annual Convoca- on Sunday. Mother', Day ser- Resarve for Working Fundu serve ha incneased aven the end ls naw at home with hier tion and Graduation Service vice. The Treasure' Report for standing which has a direct Reganding the Reserve for next several years and in sup- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Mansl ai Covenant Collage wes hald _________ the period Januany ist ta influence on the interest rates Wonking Funds, Mn. Byron's pont cited amaunts on nequisi- SaeOrchandviaw Blvd. on Monday, May 8th, at April 30th deait with Tax Col- ai its debenture issues and can. report stated that the Depant- tians from school boards and a e ,Tim othy E a t o n M eao ial lE N a n th a en f a es,îng banks hon tes cur r ge bans.o u iip l A f i s d -th .o n y t t lin 1 25 87 Mns. M. Richards, Jane St., Church, Toronto. A former E NISKILLEN anectohepae nt e oW inaxes ffe ts rt canasymn.fMncpl far e-tacut oaln 1258 end Mn,. W. Therteli, Hilltop member ai Bowmanville Pub- Funds, and the attachad fin- "In order ta encourage the Dr., attended a raunion ai the lic Schools Tcaching Staff, Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs ancial statement showed the payment ai taxes the munici- graduation class, 1962, ai the Miss Marilyn Vrooman, was were guests ai Mn. and Mns. axpended portions ai the 1967 pality: (a) Allows for payment Toronto General H o spi t al oni ai the graduate, and ne- Emmet Oke, Whitby. budget allocations for various in four installmants, <b) Al- School ai Nursing hald last ceivad four ewards. Mrs. Mather's Day was observad municipal depantments and lows a discount for prepay- Saturday et the Ponts ai Call, Claude Ives, Mn,. M a ry a week in . edvance by the services. ment, (c) Lavias a penalty Toronto. Jamiason, Mn,. Bruce Colwell mambens ai Mns. E. C. Ash-1 Tax Collection charge on late peymant in the Mn. and Mns. EenI Goodman, and Mrs. Howard Pickard, ail ton's family in ordar ta have yeari hc yaede Taronto, andI Mn. and Mr$: ai Bowmanville, attended the Mn. and Mn,. S. May in at- Taxes provide the lengest (y a rgswihtey atn axe Pred Goodman, Petenbbraujgh, graduation service, tendance as they wane enroute single source ai revenue for a (d) Chsanes tyani e visited recantly. wlth Mrs. L. iromn thein winter homne in municipality. If a substantial te res after thrat f ic J. Goodman, wha lm a patient Flonida ta thain summer home portion af the cunrent tax 8tercentleie ettherat o In Oshaa Hosptal, ad almaHÂYDON in Sundridge. Foty-iour rea- lavy is not collected, the n PiT herpt fredtth Mr.shaand Hsp italGaodmansot#es and. afeéw -special friands- Us a detrimantaL affect on t -prC eo nfr edra h Mn. and Mne,.alos om fnaC.n o Goadm xpnd- or drastie ineasures ,- Wellington Street. M n ,r. Gardon Dud.gath.enad etthaspaW.iaus homtes.Ineniofcuent xpcled- mittad unden the Assessment M n . n d i M . a n M r . W B e l e y u r c . I a f f c i e n t a c o î e c A c t a n d t h e D e p a t m an t a i Weekand guaste with Mn. bey, Bulingtan, wera Sunday 829 Park Lana, Oshawa. The tion means e caît incurned ta municipal Affeins Act such as end Mn,. Howard Pickend, dinnen guests af iera parents, avent was a doubla icatune as bonrow money ta meet the dce- if taxes thet are e lien on land town, included Miss Baverly Mn. and Mn,. Arthur Raad and thnee birthdays earby in May ficiancy. are unpaid fan 14 deys aiten O'Bnyne and Miss Margaret Lynne. were celebrated ton fan Mn. "Tex errean, hava an affect damand, the treasunen may Plckerd, ýSt. Joseph's Schaol Mr. and Mns. W. Bennett, Larny Ashton, Mn. Bruce Beg- on a municipality's financiaIlelvy tham with costs by dis- of Nursing, Peterborough, and Bowmanvil, were Friday ley, Master Barry Bragg. Two evening visitons ai Mn. and ai Mrs. Ashtan', grandsans dinner with Mn. and Mns. L. trass ai goods and chattels be- longing ta an if possession ai Mn,. ChenUie Ganrard. and 'their familles were un- Ashton, Haydon.th persan taxed. It almo ouf- Mn,. Marnison and Mns. Aik- ablea-ta attend. Mn. and Mns. R. Virtua and lie ha an he r ces effective undil R EHOBOTH enhead, Toranto, waeenecent Sunday monning was the iamily wene with Mn. and Mrs* indthow nd wan lend vastsg visitons ai Mr. and Mn,. Lloyd baginning ai Christian Famiby H. McGill an Sunday. isn the nicip axrelitupocn- Christian R.form.d Asht~of~na n nn. Waek. Miss Doughenty chose Mn. end Mn,. Ivan Parrott, tficae.na e nen cn IH U R papuMrbodoerryad M.a le ero h Oshawe, wene Sunday vstos Mn. Byron's report steted IH GU R AQUA Fnecken, Tononto, Mn. R. Orm- stary of the home in =ehn at A. L. Weern's. that if in the future any in- Seutot treet azarusthe aae ndBwanil, MMn. DenM, o n its due date the nemaifiîng O ORANT' NET Mtretnitnter: wee a rtun-the aider saten r. he Wllowd l, M . and Mrs.F. stalmnt s ai t axes ft pid u u DProfessional ___genetian today from tan ta Pethick and Bill, Scarboraughitîlmendaoareuectit- ye.A adeBr,3 ear, lm juif as tansa as in wene visit/)rs et S. R. Pefhick's.mdaeyadaesbett ST.. BJO HN'Sh CTLezerus' day. The choir', sel- Mn. and Mns. Frank mal- penalties acconding ta the pro-3ozSpa B.A.. BM., M.Th. action wes "Maka Me a Bless- colin, Oshawa, wane Sunday visions ai the By-Law. This R I P A ing", with Miss Shenyl Ashton visitons et Mn. and Mn,. A. is printed on the tex bill. Sugg. Iist 89C 25% MORE 1 Worship Services HU CH in a solo part. The congrega.. Shanp's. 9 Su 9 I.of!axe 10 ami. tion was augmanted by the Mn. and Mn,. Allen Wnay, Discussions. took place in L 1an.WHITSUNDAY attandence ai grandpanants and family, Bowmanviile, Mn. 1966 concernîng means ta an.-6 Isu.39o 7:30 p.m. 97 . e nd athan relatives ta witnas and Mns. Donald Lamb an d courage thae erly payment aic i9a. ilar. 7pM- the bantism ai thrae tiny gzirls iefmily, Beiliaboro, wene Sun- taxes. ta provida funds ta an- 6 it13 9t M utsMr - rp i-an KaeOhwwere tinuous pnevîsîng SUPER STAINLESS iS ug Mn,. M. Ingram, Babcaygeon. Snday cellers et R. Griffln's. addrasses. .SUPER STEL LESS SUNDAY SCROOL Mn. and Mrs. Gea. rwin Mns. S. Rodman, Oshawa, The report steted that lagîs- I L T ES ELBA S and ~~~~~wre Sundey evening caîlers Mr. andI Mrs. S. H. May, Sund- beition not anly alows but ne- 1' ît19 ý9:30 a.m - Junior Interme iate and enior ofMisses Louise and M r nmi dga, Mn. and Mns. C. B Dal- quines certain decisions ai any 1 - Sugglst 1 981 5 9:30 .m. unior Int r m edi te S niorM eIntosh, W hitby. M n o i ton, M iss Janet D alton, O sh- m unicipal c uncil ta ha ad- ' 11:00 .m. - Beginners Mn. and Mns. L. Stainton, awa. wene visitons during the vertised in a newspapar. Ha 1:0am- rmran ndratnattended the christening ai wackend with Mn. and Mna. 0. said thet in the lest 12 montha f Deanna Lynn Stainton, daugh- mattens ai; the Annuel Fin.-Er O E.No. Stainton t the Enniskillen ai g arbge collection, Officiailu ~~~United Church Sunday 3nonn- Pa n o n mnmns TOOTH PASTE for 1.0489 S0 ENFIELD Ch1UKR I1 ing ad hddnn:r wîth Mn. YURroad clad rooe Mn andI Mrs. Angus King,, ta mention just a few.$4000I A H O LiteBian ýeeSturday "Penhaps soame a mtters OIQ E B TO L evanlng callers et C. Avery's. should ha advertised and some Wrii illiversaru Maiwekn gucaVrue ot o , .sedntP out y ir aetmaln.be de-Sug is .6 . 9 ei ('I. Mns R. Virtue. L 1 termined. ent nr al er weMaster Mark McGiUl, Cen- W A *K ' "Diicounting taxes lu a ?eie' i l S r ie nington, la spending this week, charge ta the municipality PE RPIN with the R. Virtue',. i and its anîy support is ta ef-PRS ITON- Master Mark and Kim Mc-e.& ~V courage the prepeyment ai GiUi, Cannington, spent lest' taxes ta pravide operating SUNDAY# MAY l4th week with thein gandparentsl capital. I the munlclpality is Mn. and Mrs. H. !McGib? . ta 'ncur the 'cosf ai direct "A L E Xf nt 2:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright had PO ER mailng, then there la no justi- Sunday dinnen with Mr. and ýfication for paylng a discount. L EA Mns.1N. E. Wright. "The mailing cauld and Mm. F. Tomsa ccompanled ~ Im.~ should serve as notice of in- Gua.m Speaker: JTOM4 BRADSRW, n .Tew md Mn. L. terim tax billff and InuteadD Rorlcuturilu md ~lii ~ iemnHaydon, who viaited of a four inutallenta, thene and iwîo uimalityrelatives in Cartwright recent- 623-330 could besxisalmnafr5 IG S.W ý7 ii1r. P. Orùmitnad Sunday the ia twofaLling in Pebru- IThe Canadian-StatesMan, Bowmanvile, May 10, l967 et the.end of 1965. to be sufficlent the rurém *«At the presant tUrne the should total twioe that émoumt reserve with the addition ai although ifssusq shajlh b.* a thxe 1967 allocation amounta ta direct relation ta tAheankomt $65,000. Before If can ha said ai taxes. Sunday, May l4th 0 BLOOMING POTTED ~ PLANTS ROSES LONG STEMS from $5.00 doz. IN ANT MIXED BOUQUETS - POTTED PLANTS FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS CACTUS GARDENS - TROPICAL PLANTS TULIPS An Ideal Gift - FANCY DISHES with tropical plants, a gift thef lests for years Corne ini and bromse around, ycu are under no obligation te huy! Carnation CARNATIONS -Two Phones To 62 3.2586 55 KING ST. W. Serve You- 623-7141 BOWMANVILLE Satu rday,, Maà:y 13 M otber's Day -Sunday,, May l4th ).A. has a wide veriety of gif t items for lither . . . and Grandmother toc! We'l b. glad >help you niake your selection. Desert Flower 1-1 FT SET No. 1753: VALUE 2 oz.' Hand: & Body Lotioni for 2.00 2 oz. Toilet Water. 2 oz. Liquid Bubble Bath 1.',79 OC .,c i VE~ PHILIRS Debutant. Electric Shaver g. 1st 12.95115 TIMEX "Catavina"- st Watch itsyl.. 295,to1,6,95 '0 à I. D. A. R.EMEDIES - PHONE 2-59 POLAROID SUNGLASSES ENT" Sugg. Iist 1.98 1.69 IAL Sugg. Iist 5.98 3 RAYETTE ROYALE PORTABLE HAIR DRYER r Hydrangea Remém-ber go. 1

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